. : - . " heen one A Cowboys Down Horse-thicres, fa es | SEVERELY. . SHAKEN. | "Reon AND Winer ' + . ; j eaiaiinaaemcimaiteimaa arian y ; : ' - ; Spek sonar canserea- =i eens _Hebena Mant ae Shoe While - je % ; Reward. Joke ( , a ~ | Cheapabite wit: chose a the ned -~ Sia | , TH wu ry ATLANTIC. STATES | * } a tAaS a sabe arige vein XD ANGTMER nicPund | Fame ot anton sore tog ewer was hy -- wd P AETES Star Whest--- Wo. Rehitl, Pyke Kt. garden party uu Pritay even | oh, teegaine bedore it be to'late ta Wolowiay ore his aged" partner!" --° VISITED BY AN LARTRQUAKE. - ~= 4} eatened in the timber ate amram ate bist tiokles Ore --Oreme D'Or. j ¥ Jenion ® Gest Piaanager Agent | ieee person 7 - at adel oy hele bee, ot oe } néar Musdesheil lant we Te was Anti-feait Act-Joho 5 eg Rawtsien The immense loads of "are ah. ollhatel "vielt, lant wivare vwew hin cuore with lamp black. years, Pot 0) years they foaghe. et "SHOCKS NG SEVERAL a hae abr a ey eet Fay oc ss theaenn oat (omneil Meeting A. M- } Lael fal evn -arrts ing daily at pale week. Histo friends ere plesned tu | eotied endl aubatawce, defect it abnantee ener opal eS LASTS. Tn Packs --_ staat Fah the at: {which tithe. several wmall partire < eunvil-Menting--Joho Pan a: ; Fully, ThiW is the firxt monsact at the hint! awed je death they wot Wag ble, | Lvaties u Army, Ral dven rast Sitter | pane aie went, sone by 4 Racgeate Land Lites wen hewry. liver? Pad Piece irae see seute inf, Agent boy Ot yarn ol ne tm» Turonts, | erheod, whe hy A cimase won weed Fe ae bean arr le ur Z * ag oes = ga a rey 5 some sie] 1 Saati rg They hang deities, toot horne-thump * ey stemthy. ; : et Far Soke Seaage Tees aN. pas conter- of ottraithin usery #7 ening cm see epee 508 ite peaceful cherscter. My: si oma N pa) « parting tribute te}. * iy Terria OFFE 4 erway megh t Alaa UIE ie wines Beer & Diress Somme LA i Mr, F. A. Came ated faearily are waking « Saree ma Tg [Ay Fespeetant meet "tar tots tenting with -tr-+ Wy of he depgebed friend -- wxtir Sn THINKING Sepp otyniios lyre ii: Peek dete nnn | twee coemtsHatent asad East Sewday mi night ac Settee CaberingyCaladeninn. Besbate-s bie ot Lakes. Muses ee Spenser, emsapicrs + ee i gees t wer chem xy ig tos mer | -- pers t sities eniestatecpess ined tee bvemiths a baremtoa, ated hawtng a gehnt j bosrilers' effects, by Jaa Proctor, auctioneer, | yuknown, bast it io hoped he any er epee | - New Tart, Aug. 18 Wialimathese sttoe' ten' vhibe ' wren i he NEW LINES ! § bat the Wontar Hotel, ou Tharetay west aly bore vaght te justioe and pausiehed with the | ESORIRED EY a OSRAT AUTHORITY | Perna thld ofty zy Ba wor onic we a NM. txetaNh, AND AME WENT F onan Perens of tee Donnie | 2:20 c'elek. etme articles of | utmost rigor uf the lew, mri eaten dng ts rg Mn allege ya dBow J" ' " antag wearing J j trees - re i Vuasnee » Tats. Perdew shah i NOBBY SUITINGS |) week vat m gre toe. Sheer, sects Set PERS "Rr 0 in | ; pan oy -_ ® 1 Wines Ligaer * the Finst (salt a ' « LOGAN, Aithin"s Sean ice. of | bmpremton stuck te adh it the pede ean . sania 3 ist \gaaty, ing 6 silver atu! Bo sayethe Dunnviiie} On tne Thomas d The annned fall fair will car tive es | sad ine " be at ssucileut artiqle giving alt | tA their tonnes were chest ts lai Ther som tone | verecet a ietae , bee Dawede! Far sume Nobby Ties. See Ent. Bettas optinglone trae wd | Stratton! are fol thitean, Jetin esi cnt of epton at information Othe eabject 6 salir te enon. bod Sherry Wi wn. wi thee ca | ane Pad, rye -- Tange is a ge Many a strange tnetiesie serio tot Lencan from thie authority wi cm Scale the follow sm ) " 4 a ' ue, Port ine, Bran. wOBBY HATS. He Tee ic bone or coe io do | 3 ePhersen dad Ales. Robertson, for Hatuex ae erage one happened a few dae ing : Malignant chelers hat two stages "e ~ avd ever wan a ty es. Clarets, Champagnes, Glas. ~ bboy sand wee Betim wet thee Korat Hed t Sha, i | five miles east af Barubisten ino Lil, prlveeme oe & this tervitery bet somach here Pans Ale, Scotch Wales. trish Dress and Colored Shirts !) Sp: seis» +. t flores Canons Mec temey flee tne | young damghters end «certain yoamg gol Whiskey, Guinness' Stout, amd Fas pS Siw scnderkalreontte' fi un 9 revhd conn tlnae > Hatel hae eonall Tobuoud gs - + wonderful pemlle Tine "asling Mewre. Bes Boag and WoGvy. The new taking th them a h 'what Jamaica Ref, u : Wart Fradicat.. a) wots tom, ee on Corn al aqely is Gat "| proprieturs ar3 okperimont hrerteel rss: ened taking -- young awaits ctor. names ; . . ' aol) eryone 2 ill spare me etfort part te adress cm ae teale know & "on bes ec s BALROG AS, | weethe aml ecure case ened comfort "ails 23} . deheed nokins wettest he a ol i , mia aye cents NOK Beret; PT Margot wtrest = sahara Thre will by ames | 5 tect Catal 'Hg. = pec en te aahew were pereely ms maging "he oabeee pins the wt hin petoame Well Pisravercd, wh agent for the Dominion tf + ' e wi be ame 2 vane ii ree ree cf having tert hie Saeripern os inet © 7 cupmenee } Nasenecinns alain Be i sasinl re {ines of the opponents of the Moutt Act, in Use | riding ua stm watitely ipereeptiohe aa the water aid me | for the base jury af aw ERS Vera UNDERWEAR. Thor whew Gave paithecd » Mareerd | yy at om Tuemlay, Augast Wh. at | cowple « a , y ois ease wna chm Tete, Runde of walle ad The allegetits we thet omens Foastam Pen, pronomwce them « bonanzs, | : * a mhet oe Sere tracked The shock & oa meet percep y -- Ale ig. Kaver, alc y : i bad feck pom, for the paryme of sewing , of smuthor coustalite J von " . Gilly ols bo the diwarwe by itith cmd tamed | Soturvtey night, Lieut. ' 3 . Ki Wadiuin Sax! = an pag ee pe | what stope will ter takes: 11 -opqume the atrt'-| eepterel-the 9 unig owll : inl A Sn tn. So ane treste wrt Tied wad Fourth sveanen Met ( tes costed : { ne and ed So. Last care ver, asd re a = - - + beet thew leo large turmaut. ee adett. onme Bp aol ordered # oang jlacwel st fern FY Hip tera ae ed lool RY r out twlivutuality af writing Agent ae? 1S hee tacrtage ane tas Wfion Gee The (ie rs ' {ARES KENNEDS. 5 ye 7 far Stratte N Renee rth Presi Metemler the grained pes tic MLK, KID, & LISLE THREAD GLOVES, | for teattont, N. A. Tews . {tr thee mew city path, umler the anepreen vf the 3: sg nel towk tan at tata Cae, Cnitarts stat Watortin Mie --- Dien. -Mr Joka harms al the (& 1 it Sian and 1 4 a the Ce gr 4 tow abt = The 1, inst lets i J works, diel on Werlwenday Jast. Decent | yA ok taeminaieis Gat ee at | | the as u'elenk train ia the anal ted stestzonh, uy 2, tnt beens t . id eon ¢ ol ' ee rind, aad' eae aes tet 64 Borate niet vicaity ah thee : " * PON ARLE rare: wu | temp "y os know es fet mys as bat when ah res Fi be attenapet ial -------- Fao genney sates tar tarnet vt tay Pte te warngieon foot greet day 6 atusement ou eee Peed, aleo & large ecomowurne The Lent's on poceligg: 6 rr . PLANNMARD. S ' wre the ot a ket amether of tr ' . ie thew tretap ef Nore e <rtttat Come 4 Tuturnuen 4 ae 4. be a Teo "sie Sh inet re TL. i Pn mn the death of Mr v me Met song | "h fa - asl. tee' hat anything oa of Ost at, aint te xpatite yo Ms the nee Stewart, of Wateeldale, ia 6 veh ig baat Us "re ate etjwcte! toe be present. Phe, lather cf Dr Me ullongh. of St Marys, | ha part. of ees f few watt rm that. Lhd eth regboen} Y inake the ( nas ued on Us presen ne capable of idtecting pert ) true chalers "i th moet aN 1 ry gramme will comsiet of addlrexses, recite. | who expired an aeerey -- at the + . eo hie nem ta re Wrashuai tant, The 1a * he' 4 } te an a wing ging suring "the evening Ter | OS yrare The deceased gen --wnleree = w bere tne degust was shuttes ts we sie, eleching wp | nine deel coht | ge? btotad een wl from Stu # yp Ail are cordially | Ritely. aterm ry "musrermaly Neanseshasag te H , Wishees prin, | the utente anh sharniog ti 42 Tan | Me suc costly ptaenpe sel from Parkdale = f ken, a 1. The. progracame of sports will | Eechats } thruughowt the tesnehip. For seyeral cipal varbetten a6 the disuse. The chightar-| Sounth tie tere ut te natty in the Tetegragts sew AB the rmcrcainy adventere bre vet went | i. te on erences st ; | he ox % cove with much watery purging | YS orerodned ant cumaniiicetion interriptet in tne ofa fost be carwber of» hot howd =" Rxcciox. The he mecupted a seat at the Coane Leadspedhsmesersaptaiediy is Ty P a Ne g pt people of | wit run a" cxetireh ' Deg Bed ¥ sail the townshipy ie the capmosty of € vumnating, and pare into the secaud -and sea cae nat (op aacetakne thee eam od ther ate puke A hashing fer; atctht bd A Ahn A NTI = "SCO rt ACT, ia_givis tS. F aad Deputy Meee nigh sleclinimg | thin! varieties in varying times. Vhen be wickedest clus of peo a, - eis Wit. af 5 eam ' Y ead ; LA Name 4a?) dhe, he ted th retire fi tite | PENing commences twenty four hours, or Poirers seg wath ire * ; ins lin ex}lanatacn bel sgn 5 ot a. pes wth ait, te wite © rr AKE NOTICE Ty are On TT Phowugrephy bel better avail | oi at so N = Falls, Train loaves =| ife. In religions views Mr. McCullough | two or thine pe ok before the violent «ymp- | 2 t0bd, le ee ee Pat pu Vaden eaartt. gu Tete K vat) the Army for: wai HLLICU DIY "AR wn the Hist uit... the themecives of this eneny, by by wey "4 | Strath - on 4 teas an adherent to the Presbyterian denoum. | tt, eich as vomiting, purging or cramps. | asuutes amt quitet down, At Trenton the wasnt w | cock trie Pelarges, Ea. Trams - MRS ae = 26th Da ae Au, st, pad iegichen iw tre lM Lille o 'aul hi i -- ar | ination, a metuier of the Bex. Mr | sich persons aro said to have " promonitory borate Wh while at uote weather's pois twas holt | ----* KESSEL. to Wet Zo ow ret met, tl . oe apply wi Mt I. dlistrhwe," But there is always xane degree | rtrd ty Prdhed egpir rly rere Poonam p 2 see tic om on re iT Lisaarilteom e church on te Mitchell road. In re is always z P| An "Tmpudent Bear. of MW. Kasse, st a Acagiates Bre Ppa was eerie na, Fs prove & very loam wertae g om Yom MAY Titec the warn warm suppater | Of haw Bt kita! aut "fallere of eiroutation, Benge Sm Pee ates error Deesepcnoeae | ogy, pitta at Snort oe fee vite af Hes Scheme Saal ee - a valuable teacher. H hal the \aiservatire party Mr MeCulloagh | event the slightest cases, Cramps ary | ing te pain, ioete at « hutele wabing a) 'ha Prvlay las while Jason Drarin. of the A Bra Oe em par tote Nave Mr. Hise M. Byers, uf al Oe of the greatest laloraasing inventions | was trelaned, | Seton present til] the Uisemsns. Crampe | terete) rash tor the pen 'oe either (ape War ser | fifth concesstm ext Larter, wae work.) PDN, a4 jt. Oe THE OWE WALL, STRA TFOHD, Down. ehh of Purth's ashy aaa} art Ae ty Margent's Laomd-Lifting Me--foaut wae ue ret ape are aeliom prearnt till the dlecharg pre put om 1 Sette Cy tented ony enaena) westion 1 ing dn the fie is. 'he a atten strom of his ltele wiEsN rm the wits , . riser } aren ' s porspae « » that his crops this |S Kvery fa should have une, ae Ht) shan . Useir trae cholersic character, coplous | gg) Nt te eek wan pala tne shpity | AS iter wae attracted by same cattle * fs * : . seats mes weal tater fves | oun lift the toad with rack to any height | interred in the sepa Hunt. | At Port Jermie: teu steaks in quirk euvemna and | ning thentgh the fields "Tn weccrtninty, the j ae = a Mittal, om , i fe toad hrm Miche i 4, Lawtiny alawat versed - +o port J "-- say be hae hervevted dariag 37 years | Seni thes sering throw or for bande the | NV rtm to | ting ales alt = oe eee tat ie tnan | mH: Mr Darn, was vet a Little mur " To Opposing the Scott Act, he has ing. Weare « hear | Tork of pitching, either A ct Sea: Ma the | vventty of £10 Unie fing slack. tait a | fH fied that # wae prostace! by « hage bla. x Rear a the Oth pat Meme thin, aad ee desirous of « « mn tw [eee whic abode "obama om -- -- =, may add pe eet aad i shaukl wsite for particulars to Wr, Newry, | bust toy yvonne autlccag tam " i tae sek wes tll tiny tn mg. the pt rt theoegh ho 'be TK terk hte dry ater et ree ree + County of Perth. vr Better chips Mive not bean gathered in eT ee eee ter wae an f pragelioen | w ttn soning gree cine ani ln | Tsking He postin f . ae WIN PAYS j years, a * at comnty « mnie! | eveagmeatete chimney of a home BJ Hanes We oy, | Oo way beneficial, . le ad % a Lt ol tiborve slataor ariel fi " oad £ ca gammaara-- The soma a al Pat) Mares cme Me the mt eit ot in| Sete are aera | RA ee oa A PIC-N IC! ! i of our town by garene a hy Tod he cat th deb f° Star™ | bey pack ww tents ie Akers mie <a Atenteva. Lateoo, least, annuyance, hut 'st oiice conmmences i na. ed the ¢ = t ties | ° FP as ence ightly on the market sqnare, aut ee which pickle ry i tanhels to the ache, | frew oe sect = "i rane s ceeey, saat New ft water report seoue r Prunn, his woighs 1 his = numerous wales be ix di vent 0 poaunals to the buabel oficial | ts oan Branch te "eitnyaahe Ny trighned oxi carers Avon and Romeo 'Lodges bt 4 grows in the tuwn | ar se op, Oran hy pedis abe lay At ev ' ye ie ber calagben, ts the Nor | Sa ol Manley," Hikes all toon severed for es yeu The wore fore thin variety are oman in epee ee: shee Gay ht ts ona rm Jame, hho « mech amt his remedy te 2 | seeding surpimes..Avdsbress Mr. Wim. iebili, } /* thane agen in which after nel lear > , were rarating raphlly |The New Cit ; Park, fiat oped ot despair, Neatorth, tor particulars. . tain te eee * ees a pig mi tons er pry toy ns ish ion be eaticaene te ict, a a Pi F oat te | y whe = relief and cure, come, and list "Warr Want. The Stratford Millance teant | jed room in which twa bie b sr "aaa ave sity | i ie ape , iy - ree eee cc. feoam the bonne | "*Y that nothing short of Sync hebrseeane el VTC 7 rk Dy. ated tay I rt tremely. No curv, | defeated the Maple Leafs of Luhowel le mapdisiel Sedma oy e aleepive: | fell "y tntense es gill ly! syney wana, | exetais lng the teat day Rad awe" Vittews Seat age pO eh "Mond a inst, = Rolida' thak bows on taut Fritay, toy a. econo of 28 rt me bog-allh le roa lg oy ver the flee nal ha t onee, as fo atentias Sic' ee there at might, sand thor af the bear charge | it ye y. to. This os the Leafs scoond defeat by the | he yrs Sy aed f vee ac, | eel th At Isp Lah, a Violent shoe Se re v ie Dore tae Bosy Dex..-Thir summer . nage J abe screamed and alartnet he howe. Thin | qusate 6 ST PULLS | STRATFORD CHEESE WARKET, rm ré deems to have beeu an gyad for the honey | Station! boys this season, the other match |LGccthim to make a hasty pas for everything ag Sas. jadging trom tne Ter bvag paved in Stratfon!. The Alliance | seair, and through a window in ber stories we sor porar ale roe pred thems wariety is yeodnes: aay in fresh away. Une citigen tok out and cosunetoed punitius, th which a anartal « "th comes on from the ay Ty oa tel the Parkhill CHippere on Sets | iy which he had entered, -- * Mr. 2 OM CMY ot Mernatorl, bangers Bolas, in the ° Hub." thy a. scure of 2100.5.) (Sapitte baat. Andante raed & severe Tehork was felt cal frour30 colonies uf be as much aa 30) | The Alliance would Tike fo arrange a game t , vvertabe hime er eee » Fangtatt "rhe Tauived to tive axdd [exe reoge peau tamer meted et pace T thea week of « dt honey, henides har | Sith the Toroutes im stratford } tye we thack chithes, Ne suesiniot | stare, ty as fottews Man, 2 TT cerita and rushed cat at diate The xtranter oe bea Lome, 1000-40 1 60 he of conde, ~ Tew SV eerees Fain for 3 2h tn emt come aa mi attariy io ame ae madly went = "Wuring the season" Me has" takew" upwarda }-hebl wetewal tx-Londom in? ner cons: >} pomethe ter ee he fetlow-to ete "WTR WE, IFA : san aireeay ae ig ey Ae: Ter as wets 4, week sg Arg og. eager iar atnl_ ai mae t muck to be ste pore, aa he rie! nity a deserves Alter tur pat jent hasbeen troubled fara | tuikinge W srk: Glass and cewkety ware were colonies oly Laat lees, Can any the Dith. his fair is considered Canal Rape wt year ty imaonea Lat 1 diarrbrn --dh iol ' Sake sony | a ep ii ars" | Ena ati ma ! "PERTH CALEDONIAN SUCIET An old trick was sanetaluty played on | Siways drawing © large 'mune of of "reo | PALMERSTON. x. j more » suman while he ip yet in perfect | csateomne hi abet npn, aia an OLY te i country | 48 old man ons train Woodstock ome os This | pynn,-- Om Teeday 2th vit, the S. s maith ated Hove w-retired to ext atl has sudan, August {.~ tMerienas ede : cs i af * shartly. after 4 peer ale oven vont re _ sruecdly till th le of th ght, ur es i * ----_-- .. 2 eee fe tng a a aa nan tao it pe atest i te ated 'rand Mato te their annual plomic at Motrutiek! in the Sat Caos ape Toye tre 'Marseilles immediately. Almost mem. | Combuctor that he had lent a passenger $150 | faatures and novelties are being intictucad | feaatiful he rail as uniting, tom Allantio City. Wennhetiat, Aree ering ~ ber of the staff can be spared for the mis. | 1 Pay a freight bill, receiving @ draft for | 1 take the affair more attractive | The wenikie wa, wt _ a at te irra gether with @ most "er une docharge from | 42 Fearon. 3. 7.. darts were felt ab 1L4R 145 | ta ot 10h | sion. -Spertater, $1,000 ax security, but had mot seen him Pore Woses asp Ligtwes --We call a ge gate prendant | the bowels Mure persone were setmnd Irom be et coor ae fn Sw eine | late SS TIT tegen Salem HULA. tn Rewh Kinet, oy tte Semi inet tie sam che tein ie Temtetech. The con: | tention to Mr. James Kennedy's rat tel Tins te anys ae home well, please! | teetve 4 tree o'clock sista oe ne erie. fal femeig qin " "s oe whe: i ; ae fue west, sem} . Hii Toit af Mr Neder Mikael, at r IRST ANNE ia GAMES veel the beg Be reste Serer a A acest ot of a 2 meg } eux Bat. A game of fort Nall was Theme prviuse lfecharges are Mecca 'ib At Bridgeport. Coma, the whark wae severe, hating tars - ve Pree ie. Oh * -- suis ire Teor ae Waaacdy tara way Tae Tevet ati ge ' 4m Tronias last. letwiney ths Mace re preie diverts Ute ee oo ewe wdc There was cunsderaide excitement JMS sOUN BROWN FA i R G ROU N DS A portion of the prem affect to treat the ee the mosey, evilentiy, | keeping noth first « Vet ant Pahwerston ctabs om te Froumls Of | descritable am! snldiuing sense of exheus: aah, Mrmttond, Servetery dloctsbem of tha Privy Coanedl | er eee 'sa Sopnies Be | the former. which revutel after playing une "s ° Pret ett} meee |) Canches cape . STRATFORD Boundary question aa of it a wot sho . . ap hs ; hour in a draw, bei le having ottaimest shores, unectiingt hi, Lie Ate rrangr ra ay Kyo-See alles ngert weet tis . : h any Wascarn.0u Momiay 'nothing mince a goal muddle an Semin > Cprtons epertacte ogainst 2.06), sa revond of Maud S., ane 4 ielegea orig, pick Onin might ge | necks incurs J Ay Mcaray. the errbarked inte the whalesnle becteres, His!" Pin, Gn Natantay evening Last some uf 1 Ate Teh tad ty | Palle grat hin oem reo 2132 at | TAM Ante ment -' Friday Aug. 29,784. | : : eritury . ~ bes ad Lert | wtees, | » porters, ete, are iim | our citizens were startin! with the cry af Tr ins Philadelphia, Amg. 16 | Few Anim i Ped bol 2 ' ; parently not the case. 'Vals Compr --beet---remnee°+ ning . ae Farious parte ot Masectuavetts ahvow te | ; var be kedane tS Fomore: gl and | White at Danville, fe te obstructions [TS Re a ny ate ate nT RIE Hit ow Karestigntion TT Spars en riicpete wevten peety reneratyremag erat | rofemor Norte ru ott tae commence | Givers, tee et it of Thatems Enea eek $1,000 in Money, Medals, and i to we indesd in mest ol <a eed » waa only about | America j oil temp had explelel tua dwelling i erent Sees waee map of that part = the east com | \ I ne at am hen ariee | 12 years old, was picking berries with hia | Pare aml free-troay adulteration as whew | pear of Jennings Hiroe'. dlry gounts store Bn red eens a the sprtion, snowed | iat ehich Ne visite! Inet sanner, "dteatat | \ ] Prizes ! ; bitch, tustead sheolute verdict, the | brother and sister about th: files east of | they left the makefs' vaults. " den ieee. ad Marre Honan Vatow ncklen's Arnica Salve 1 Judges simply make a report to the Queen, wat threw ms , damage says te Groh meted & (remulons movement of the | beyoml Cape tes, Apew irom Lieutenant | Thr -- mann {3 f Dennville, on the 30th ult. and " 35 ee See oo ters can find the we rifle gallery « , tallowed bey theewar } to he acted upon or got, as may be thought pees op for want «f stcgnty ates pe : | Korve Pas tun The rifle gal " ng 1 thenboere T= fatal Graah's journey. Th eget babe on which | Mews, 1 + 7 nt Ath The bowsslacy' question teens of | Elocks oa the tale The engine af the cx' | bat Whee wi they m, Fou eu jort bet they | fupng from the reds te ing tation sil waning thn great haf ew: | Pht rt SEM | the cape i sltaater be hae named King | I cts " Sar tae eG a Lalor 4 oe sh jt, ated. can -- 7 oe ure, Ube § Hoe satient complains of bring jay ghee the on eee iota te betel ine ponent yp terenr pio ered | Jip wate jer bua, Put wate by ee acoount--wae, that the usual practice . bs pidihea ' Test hathes, SMe & a i ELA eRe E MeN ven + } 4g ' = would be followed, 'aot te threw oft, at Drones 'shoe hi tretber shee i any of you have 8 Leal fallin s | DOWNIE. ee t ls = (nenghe would Give o a = fades = "a = t Lor A H ght a yw of teartet» y "t Cenenee, Shs sorms td - 'rer jadgment, but to make. a. ta aesarmeat ? " 4 fe | Thee comprwest treet wt Uw ee te Anwmastoere wffe to the seeshy / seem buan avayer ata Lonts Army necting ja | oy Via nash hicigienid 9k oan the esany attract seats Hee We de He shone ' gt tp tT nate nae psi oral j Cues re ee -- aoe ae iret ought pet to r= 'a Tact, baie Re eR oe Mt. Far at. eam. wn a4 peor | sorte hawt = Whew 4 vate dint | 7 ™ - ery ae gas Rein Be fees aking for 8 Fa yank in quantities as ice, to. | Many thnvlay schon ls were in semton a tne te, and fomion of hi his mistceds. said that he had laid | crisis hal really cous th be cat A ola, VERY CO MRAPH ATTATAY PAGER PROW not consider it to be their duty to say an: I ; # Welt tered that i 2a "te grantet Meret ty | twelt on swomeh, wyuptom js a ~tn emia tmtahees iereat d@ieuity th | tr sic righte te kitt her | 2 t ery Roratrerien } MAL POINTS shout any boamiary except the of » | Wh Seuthere Helle yo Pos | Me. Mines, se :Acighinianemoe entation ie toe tucley ane allay ing the terror af the ctikdren amd yp Cosanet 'the' tall' selected th eae say th he strong ttn the p vin a state Fhart, at Pl am. ate the parece 46 | a ate by . ete . = rs = ie x fo feriol, "Lact tas pay Nea, . ary the two provinces of Ontarte conta, (either om olnewlay or Saturday), | 2 pots ~ DAO RINTION OF THE PATIENT. OT irae bene tata apgrencs the | bead hige horidiptd meee cnaacnies of cine | BOY mites! the a okt iat Ample Hotel Accommodation for and Manitobe ; whatever was beyond that Stake x tote tw theusiamees conrad oat 80 x fod thal opt ith erntat sev tha aint Heh the joe p atic her, inte pan fit Whe Tt you tak TI Het into the report which their ityon don't get your 8@'vemts sertht moot | eraginat rom The estreme coldness of the first stage ix soeeds ove tery Viteat cod a ciao camel sowenkeie nn mn Une strength th the ai eek Fie, Htile Waa, getey ave tae | housands at Usual Rates, woukd make te Her Majesty." hoo ad rdeceremsa) deerndl | nH 7 . hant or pur eerie Th Sater, £9. soa sraretied ramon 5 - own confession, evidently having very little | -- dood sy amar A cy much Anti Soutt the sight bee fuare F-wes by 4 ariel feat i pomeaemp neti nonin depeeal ator In 'ane eed A ernie Won rape rr ree : ' The A Bema kale te Record. | GRAND CONCERT ui id TWWE til, You can hare a al at ee foe | $ Way sp the | Ooty parenting, Whistingem amd Codie be W THR SabvaTies ARMY peat reeatlable core +t Revtuh on cree! fs All this the case, how aleund were the distant tha ities | Cectety. ditching. » aver A great | tinged Une a ht treme | Schenectady, ag 8. Great excite. | oie alee Wi or a for cents mere) | Meru d be eo om teit. y . be oh Serofel eee wet attempts and his friends to settle | wind tease at thes tate Me 13 matte ne Lt rar, Ere : parts often Inc nue, , Thideditae ane 10 For the first tiue sions | DIRE Was caised last night by the arrest of |X marge 0 pengteatowy tomy ply jot | | Tie Best Vinsieliiae- te the Mrortnes; it by & force of constables, ho worled their ~ If you are_nive quiet, Mr. | orem: a. ee after the wizuare, not merely bse banda ihe', perceptible shock of eotth- | four young men in a distartance between ew red hy ot yor tens in a tele Daun, Kagineer, will show you the | Sacks donation. and the teciulather apwarcetty ex, | f00 alratton Army" sind "the" erent tine t=" -- PE StOON WHEE ciyr mar etre graphic cipher ! Shien Gerke, Ee nt day's tet {oun marth gmat te ait ent rong Ta | thousend tive hundrat men followed the leas ot * ret aie 2 Bert: eric pr FLA rie i ¢ ---- Mt thee (ilinner ini, for 80 cent rendered stil] | thlenee = ™ c second, wed ing | Prisoners to the police station, threatening | Me™! Usatets Jenkins tx conve f PF 3 -- J Siamkound the a and groans r stromgeet were shaken, | to there the officers labo the crate 4b, Pm repliel the esti male lady : | 4, Sanuk wail 7 a: ia A Malton te Votr for the Repeat of Se 3 rare afta | Reb Ma ieee toString ny yon ss Foe wae Seeott Act. THOSE GOLDEN SLIPPERS! ly ayy Po, ts bettors ; ih m t the Bngers, the tows, the ara chovke stopped, sea it: sume jnatannes were There wer we ms tare of a rietall night. The fs over sweh a fall ax that at bis time of | 'SE AGE TA Dad ine -- id bwaneun, vane suth, Hotes bebter, ait; | eral the hee. spats il wanted wohod rheng ve Spon the Gow of their di Nerv: | police wok} Preeantions, = f . Outewa, Aug. 1.--The of the THE CAME GY WM. WENEY, RSQ, UP acats ora nee nt ee ee |e te uatle ob te ation | cme poeple Were tm such an patent that | oo * : ss it's Seoeoen -- Aik N of | jnxuten. | COUNCIL MEETING Routt Act have sneceeded in eflorte to 'Abs WES POR TWO "WHER 4 b ped uatart wit': tormits Ueangind Ube of the weshd een ot erman Nottage, London, snggests | Fro * hove ths for the wi the At oat nar beng rly oer ere to, t ioe or + ddr the trash poh singe larly ee eae Petemie were excited, Every | that armel barglars should be tlogyed, | Xo Decale temps of that De Flow te the voters of Halton county. £3 fee Vie nteondante te rab hare! de crupente Canning beustitemsty ints the server itinking ped z lpg g's gage ing ee wean | { Si boars Com da: bea pene ry ides "| T™ pets Ska rig' eric Nenator MeKindany tise been for sone days of the-lega-are eopealally lishle to A terrible explosion had taken place, 'A tore wemnemrtes | eee New maaan i te take te the kane npladnt= lee the WARTBURG : perer ftp, Micitbien, of aie, on At mi cant on Monday pn ge last, As the disease proceeds the | errete Erecyoture nen, santa' mt othe eee at Ae gore t nd dee -- Whe sane heewusy -- 3 Provineial Licensed Victuallers there mumerous eat the labia ' Kregated upun the skbewalks amd street corners " or ty wien eed intlaee ae oe raynoy itn -- rag poe neg ey "sd y Tee See Steals renin amd tom withent pretling hineslt "euk | = Monday, the 25th inst., eocure Act at the in the case of William Henry, bution of the fajectest whilo the aquewus'} wenn Man: Lottie «lh ia reread te Tae esi t Sha, four pues ot Wixi the election, will take place about Peace, ¢ with larceny of a pair of leaves the corurn flat and depreneect, | toed to recmter Gets hones. Tu a abmet Une after 'weapons. ia bs we to the police, the of . The statement ali " = Sine BFA my ple nach cued Bie ed heed. | 22 Srerrences prope Qarked. trum ail ports of the | WOO Aft Hot alloweel to carry vedere hi School Rates, circulated by the thet the vails as to the chorge ant by whim it was pertlan « re erie. CE Ea Coeetnat sAveet, sand there gathered stout the public look to or protection of iy ton, » Jud iat | Ot for the Hanmetinn of ether genera? bnsneee : Sheriff of Halton the laid, we give the aa ve of averting » and poked, ne after sorein cook he et Oe otis bo ne ' operty, when I heat it I cant keepslowa my eiativns Tr nem pevttien to be with on file in feme InpommeaTtiox a Ly jon | Maps bending petretenns in Amalie yon The comlor can withstand variations of | isa Srbeey thie: Ratanid Tanree $6 situated : office te whully Ne suck eibs bath ¢| toned: Se ee eld, 0 peer Ly Won line eal bedigee sere and were only from eshure by | temperature beyond hunwan endurance, hed , ery toners Sie gag w bas bons mosis again the shertil, The agrek ot rd: wines yA cheney eat changus have peda as Nmenginhimmerd mw fect ae hatches ite young above muow line Woman's Weakneas, JOHN PARAGON, a : ye y bP: «an, -- ws tke in = fow minutes, La b: alr _ if rests quite cumfortabie Gn iy sehen re! Se ae: , movie € here F Sestt fay be} ground jy aa the apace at_which it Tition, the Vomiting is Gonstant, the par + sein Aeter overtmwwt- many wt the wharven ee a se Eewraptis roses hye ie ¢ aad filet bemodiatety weet in pees wo a Srotiee of am oa Ping most ineswanty and the pulee, athen cers! Peer che Rented seoestep,: te while weatern slope ot the | fine Ram ae eee ty tm enc bn a after it hie been adopted! if The boy ie doing nively, amd it ia hapet he often natural, somewhat rapid, yet in some 'Seater codes | Ana . aay CRUE, Lat Peru, Bitivia, y --SAR 3 out will 'the Act from footed | will not hose the use of the injured member. cease le:ant Sobre Heit, even after the first ". therwnchty somked mish ant dormed Fo ite Mam Johneing desired te a telcar his Paco GENTS _ as our of the attack, even inthe large super ' nan cone cay ware gis eed ' Reterrranent mcoongit clans = -- mt t Ker. Wienpieodie ter, "5 Load-Lifting Machine. atew miraculous! ; for when tnt in hag 'yee tm with the Abd sack trenh yor beats myo" wife every lah PATENTED N test 2 hiwale or or other apimale eights tel aa vail W Z Has ay ry alo te Sie instantly wae psd one Tag Geen in Rig re ob ust what bas been Wanted for a Cenlary. a i The onl organ which seume to preweree Itx nwo ethos Sas 3 mad the t, often ter the dest smmeceet i : z £) i ee re | Hy | : cnt ey ee CAsBIDAEDS ROM re, eee a whom busines power of thinking, and of ex ine Beis ins set send "peeaes fe aah ambien nay aes not right= You munt<aittiat." TLL SAVE Yot! Pree owe To THI Wied "0 nant 'seing, live business mas, he added new théughts distinotly, sometimes full of 7 oe the chock all weeds are sure te perfect their seed Fi you way so, 1 font ker no mah, Try sey donk tarde --prein ae hoe, be clas 'Ei The lidates the & Sila ba Suis detainee te while at other times he seems indifferent to Seen 'ie if given half a chance. da not, haw ip re "greg on L-iguen emo tee.) Meee the WHOLE LOAD, » Gh tier tack he ford, Bt, * Mitchel! amd Listowel High | thereon, sud noone bayerever: the fate which tow often inevital inevitably swaite 6 ried seen! ever, true, andl especially of vurietion which | Might PT gab her sb haa' bey she's Fagen rat DESIRED HEIGHT i , St, Mary' = ae High | rs we him. Reflex exeitebillity to, stiatilabee Noor ecbe te niek propagate 3d -- the rot. A large rar tose: bo bade will bon gow wan S memeent, thas waring a! the bewey wink of pitch i Sehoola, rere vesend { stow weve makiog 0 beteh market, Sethe A not ae , thistle pot. ina rigs bor a Bo = papper rego ep god og i Piel tern "homie attord-- Mr. F. 1, ec ur A A. "i et Idington, 7 i Jan Sharman, eed serepey, G0, Mons oe tueering "te ot hep pecereameneed eg ig acer OF aR) : arate! ei mene mn Ch "ca 'nin h see Wesdescht wupent LC, . men tence. Tisksenh covsterhonshann' et Suseher one on te con jumetiv Me Cured - jo NeneeeaL Pet ant. appear respecting = candidates whe pre- We wich Si Meckanghlin BR Mie ue ae of Bonar see Sate saceentiinn Coen Sant neat Doe reve. The : if wat bten aed 'at Hagens fia tia te tae veinesy toni | WIR. Sargent, Berkeley P. 2. ; otae some of whem will obtain | the * bulls sad bears" of the Queen City of the " 'uaeaing the Locities eet reyes "ot next ae -- teins, FR be aby wm eqeertthee Ror all ItMamention aad esa * necomd-clasa, but thelr names are not inched. |.When be makes his round sillion, we mes folowing gromiis's - mien of 1 Meter tm dee, ie om eit sues 4, KOWRY: Kitsune. Gea: : od in the Hist, which contains theas | be glial te have him come to Strattord tabs nial tates with thene "~~ canta wee La Fo a yard fg ofl samme Patient Pecwwr, 1 want you to preseribe aSETeUtsapaspenaog, =o whe iniad dar ccasaabeas , the etamin. | Pat it in cirenlation. 2 Turbo: minet know what wilt {{f Seen teen enter ae te 4. Reown, | ing, euch the pur; the disorly toll for ine. Yowtow taftur her pulse) | F wih the esmeytiem of Hbhert aad main Foe pad of re a w re Tebd OU went ese. The arena. isonlgr ally pepe mene There marten, Be having completed The stated thet men | he the effect of his confession of guilt, Th 'chon ome a © on the | eveboped and band he tral, Femara wishing tyr peievinend 'Tim mehips rechten : present liat is mew in order that | in Femterengh are going | the pri did- nat know, but-an bi jerk bo chat tape oa yet bstrint Ter: you peptl ia ret Pationt--Now aren't yon | dum shh Ged rulenean at ee ; cmmtrdates may at ware fer admbenien | mowmei ho the det ts) te the Ger" the hours of 7 and Me women 7 A wah Dereteot > Pema y cave | 8") Se wee chek as CNDOUT ETEK te the Normal if te_sttemd. | obtain te 90 ar Boa gy ey EN ty Lian Sel ob any ~Liowien.| Baca Goatees a the cold} Weary Align. . pa tne mek Ibori B: MM. etme, a "C 3a. Meche, ees sage tr incase @ rapid Weel eo 'os a my nit eared a + ae ' aa are of febrile | 'Te Wows * ery © oe vlute shone wisn Bed Portem AY, Mecalem, | pane? eter et wegen Se ee ee ee Cee -- B35. . a ; besrisins nt 4 ok i Siry Boge, Bs 7 Bobs AW | Tarece o daqeest oats comet Baad | othe Waa i Sate eer re 53,4. dimcoawt bo innocent aod stad. amd oom, A; zw RB, 3.8. ear other Ait crepes gives ly os » = fmt 2 as eg A 'Ar | saooeee bang" x on ae RW la ant Fed ee he ee beret ee Soarererh ' ' note, ond he Mintalh--M. Davia AG. C. Ballon, | Saw the purty: whe wate seater WF ee tre roar tar Yared a * FA F FF i! better carry Alexander, | should ao con wot T will take Shdied these ann base feaed signe eff etiyes A --As we ttated our Hotel was for- = HH) 'the th Sian. = -- ~ 2 pecans OP tei i ort by ; Sera wen arrester, dent's arrest, and thie was ay a eee MeCuy," wii waiak ene | te eeceeity of ree is é : tours mee At in sel = a. Key. and & ee aaah lot © "t | apeat Ral aed "walt fr In the ~GRAVING DOCK. : + henitehiong, Miemmre. Beem ied 'when tha ketthe" begtie Wo f i Joba Mer Soloman Allen, df had on "ie -retara Frere ti op BRITIS "COLUM. ack font " MP; socaped, Hehan | cataide of tha kettle, then dawn to thestore, ad tae , ned Gt ned dng) grr ne ou aewunt of as | attack of infamestory rhecmation, wee sat up] which be hes heen suffering ter, he wes attend an ond aie | eT a fry a tt opacercan taste om the greatest cralit on theay a - it, After the deliencion the toasts were duly | tem oA