THE STRATFORD TIMES, pontienet Remtatehee, Newinlues treet, Mtratterd, : __ Every Wednesday Morning. Sereecerrtins: Parca )-61.00, St venens ¢ aamiam, {f not oe ag ' i } i if ' | 7 | few days ceca: | in eharee | elty and fond There wae | fer many -- © " ae STR 'js the fo shommoniagaph-aee tbtomie STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNES + 9 ---------- | sare pedis =n Tate tgare rogue aug with | --_ _ ™ , , DAY, AUG. 20, 1884, . Tee gen et Sp Hotels, ae. | TEAS! TEAS! | 5 PAAAL ~KIRICULTURAL cians man 'iin ae em Al HO | t B urdock r LT te bay the sae ma wal, bal oe wena al a i = ; rs | the haesetold don't Laos THE ART OF ADVERTISING. ~~] thai cortomers would = JOB PRINTING, | gamers a a a Je = Sea ign Mg at 'cca Soman Sais s hep Mdina dy - j Mire ress ty Commer t oxt.| SOME CHOICE. TF AS, | i ne and Garden Wort for August yle snd See sive: sad table ware, ons Si Every g<unensien of --_ imitate bh withoat hate. ' fest BTW RQ: Book atteatir 4} amie « | would incite a rebel- | from those which bounds, the profit: of adverticts : free ccnnibas rane to trains. | - D | lhom im the stomach and palate of | s precede it, but it forgets | lke thove ' &. + «=--- T. HAGA TY, Proprieter, Stratford. 'Is Prepared to Sell | | B LOO | Limpedl [Idina "Thurs dlond at the tale o th | comm ee Gee ae quinch oy duneahttons om qnenl, wat iby the hacking of bs ry and feeling eet heap. . ; =o | poor, (comfortable 1 go gen: _ nati Commercial, veut and mothing nee wives AVON RESTAURANT. |i. suavensstone, os ee [mend Uae armed eat meno | ewer be ot ctl "red = ---- ; e SUNSCKINER If PREPARED TO | ix ARIO ST. | | Make reptirs | Soh eraien tasks, Trere must be ssqvieite { will luck their acquired = Begeereyten Sword SCANING NRAR THE ALTAR. Financial and Legal, scat uP is the bet style and at shart Aveo | ITTE RS | Carry « note boot ' | dalicrey te, the preparation of even the | able to use hie nataral apt Fish. by an one of whlch bo eunhd ones __ ow ee cies of the seapon. if reteed ihe Choice Coflee. . | Watch the markets | {itale too close coatigeity bo the cooking | red init 'tea wesative, Sie then Soeum| Sele Bs Be nike tinea nak ted Mitiog tp bis aiea thet mates ------ a ENCE & SON, f~4 Sener moo yt he without te | Mamcre the beck Gelds ! | vessel, will rain a d ca! Se ant * wa to | iy fair for mack . were in DARAAVTRRS, ATTORREYS-av-baw, | sirenine ct « fw rhe patie ofa oe P. WAT 8 | Pasor the ased-corn bide. | reacily aa st will a di eae oman | Seen ens tate wow paths, | Teor rvcaguiae Sie Ge tae it tet ee ee sig chee bo maesiahiy te Ms som fee 6 ars tare in Coaseary, Cewrevenene of bats gat ele aot boats " . DYSPEPSIA, --" K a Gerad and the hecsentic who denm's keew 10.0 | of Perinciy the dofeete than the benefits | stesmer carried away tear ieee 1008 | No ene was to gy a pe, Ontarte iitelowy Block, Gurad- pot oom 1 the | frrat fe . y, erp up the firw of milk. points does iscalculable ¢ 9 «ways, age.| No one was tt i Pht wate, | Soe CER ee | a. HEPBURN, wworce Ot Mave repre m epare hore SrF the saremsat ecyht | SO el SM See gga | meme ey ated em Tw we a miro gases tration', Feb, 3, Lia, isiy 3 RTEOU ¥ "i E R rr 4 THE HEART. Sapirice work poys wa the beet, y. the plewure of | bupled pounds each, Uniees one bert Pd Hs t YSIPELAS, Ach : bs . ber gocst, and, in fedit g cow uses sid combinvtlons ona witness the costly Jewels With which they had H. SEWE a _-s nemrectrnaL meas rLaneor | S47 RNFUm, il OF Above olf things avcid foul ered her y Sie oe ten, aii, perro for and materials, D ae, whale, no' fithing is more ex. | been orsamested were gone, He then re- LL, WORTH'S HOTEL,| Ps We irate Tet eer | HeaRrauRy mene | ecline-ckenhl aot bones deaths a ae, Tee i a bret tate the wilderness of the unknows 506 | suman be pace of this tocmuidabie Gouin ila altinte te Sind dhe Gitel, bat after ' hae a mrt "= ' cert 5 followed + thal 0 ~ SOLICITOR, _OONVETANCER. &o; STRATFORD, | Seen ek yen OF THE Sxim, rs a it 'orgertenity coral douree a ort in goed cating, aad ! tfying returns ty ie woes tlle and mor } danger in the game whieh gives an added | of the poe wide ae "Wan mate ete 3 ae Ptratrard. * 2 ovary disenes profit by a ren te 4 : b would throws into stronger relief the shill than ever, for he not Mo%E% 20, L050 a tow eaten of tater, | "Tia toe ab searemaere| R coe Sven ks Fi Fosst clear cots tr testi: pustiec™ Sx! any more te prepare 6 do la' worth of | that cow whe has too obvious jor, smction jf the Saherman whe batticn with each ual. cflnder, "bat Se enahtipoasenersien moderate chargen, wegatlz toned Scary (enmmetation | Whitewash will « P i 400s | te antions to bring before form encore: against an adversary who is | Where he could have come tn or pone OFFICE Gn te U, t will dleanse and improperly, and when the food vod | + eaquened ay Surattart, Jenn i = ERIE STREET. concen. Workin 'ieee boot . KILBURN, T. MILBURN & €0,, Premieres, ro, --_ make holiday small pork. Kreg ppdhased ar clean," an! ths pact ew men aor qaishese, and samt com strength. Tee method ae pon tcnnr iy ITT, the alarm " ental : First eines stabling fot ARCUVrECT LAGER! -- >, | Du not kt your insuraace expire, | from the be. -- " is driven | Yet simple, direct advertisi purpose. | brief, a4 follows : Oa the ead of the bow. | the cbancel rail tr nad the Ewart WILLIAM WORTH. | | = ° : LAGER!) te » sadly kxaenk loons ra see, woman in the bas: of atteely "vetnt eee ot comene epitt of the vessel stande a strong, heary | 'me to him that heme ala be mse eaten MoPherson, | trettond, Ovt time et | Office--Over Mowat's Bank. | GEORGE BECK | Sew white tarp cere rAsn | many 2 man whe eve treanhe op roghs, has | are vossmretiyy ort i nasy | ol Pea ta Oe termed c cond ones, ote] Be bet Rel Se Diora Y ALU ORS ACCOUNTANTS. INSUH- The Windsor | Pe EE SET ARKRT SQUARE. STRATFORD, 1 hoew be cra weheteet terme tee the atemey the end of the bow or curre drawn toward | the fre of tate . + Fien, & " ¢ - { the » Was! Wash the bor how to Pema Oreeks Ce ead RROUE S| aces sine rons ancorevee +1 Marble &: Grant Lec aC nai ee fgets Gra | te a nna 6 Soe |. eT tae a. eerie ae sted arble & Granite Works. CAGER AL 8 CELEBRATED | eens . at te to curse their « em ter had . ae eapented 8 commas wing bear', ori he noticed that the opetiie of at = 368 Lanceey, most BLBcaurey | --E OaDepy & auanman, 1 . E AND PORTER /""- nrdnig: a -matiesot-smalt & ROCKY ROUNTALN STORM, ---; {tities impreevtions Se ocean atl patches ta beet eee Tieht, amd at the eomne tise his own eyes fell . J. MACTRECOR, aoe ee meee at eres | ff sian Mortis and Gres gsetiae In Wood er Bottien R Ul the ground befvre and not alter A Peculiar Ez edly lp a! Don thie lait oy PAE tise ewes Oe welch lay ee itent Sols U west of heats i er ranite Monume - seodir g: j vengeaoce the persons who bad t 1 t "ges 5 tke was Accountant, Valuater, HeneralAgent | 3) °2%ouc esuad Wy a Th Bn ee ix This Celebrated Lager obtained the Oniy | Goed teed and good soil goed be | 7 unconscious o! impend carotas ioferkd thems" The eaten af ter sy het oe eerie Oe be ee Orwierel & te # saris Steno ieee aad | ford. sept a, Re.) Teserigtions ext tn ff | Medal awarded at the Toronto Hxhibition ef { ginning. -- | smaurw Sor party of Crloage pleasure were given, and Shey wore, thas | techward ject under bis area," A lechost Cestgel' woh goieeel ip beg ook" Tae Speck amaamenes Bly Bh | Caller Lately Cocepicd by JOHN CODD, | gintees ny TH etmmered ore hal recently. I comsieted of Sve eqereurten che wits empinyed eyed when foods ows wlth a tes Sie dalled: when «| cold talon the tan's forehead convind en | ptt parte Suwere "| Help out the dried ria» Ms. and Mee, Keast Hall, Mire Sadie | 220l4. snd the prectics hay not wholly died 0D Se Se eS etek Beets | ermenieny seameae ek ee ire! i uM, P ny jen G ' iJ Pesurrecticn ears vaste | ford, May 11, 18a | fodder. p pastares with green pas by Mac 3.8 Stems, Mr , por. | whe tirew bie tren Rg ail hie seen snd snore, ee ee eee ALU | | Thinming the ro} crops mans more t bayer, aod little Goodwin posters pain'ed in red and | cessf oe re ma. eacrietan, still cor rey Mtenttord, June 7 1 ATOR, &. SHAKESPRARE ne one | Ra, seeeeny with. genient pe ! Ei mate by a' trained Goherma s | with his pistol, gathered ep the Jowets MEW YORK COUNT --. --« ' | Cees, ot and itore all the ti destination Fa ipa . fate ua Poltian | aie Sats ms 'shea deve iate the fteh, in | % ith alprit to th priest' oe AT Sepymable Haten of Jterent, on Farm Satara maw OYSTERS SALES ATTENDED i W GON } no longer im wee. mm pla mc uta * Glew Kyrie," called "the M of Ca. Atifias Pe cemeg ape Ph g ot | where be was turned over ta the police. ah, A - nad BY EXPRESS, | in Counties of Perth or Oxford. | 7 | gle tere oer ol, mach while | cofayed tavongh th &. ies sake on ee ean ees ee | Bee oe darts forward, and tee charch, and when the thif's pant Tn left at Tit Tike Office, promptly | aa s 7 the Gesatiful val hirer must el as he requires it | ST morning were taken into Square, Oabingt Restaurant, Market Square, atapied im, , Dela temmperary postare sholte aa far as ' Glen 7 ~ apply | by one mao, while the captain hastens to | cotody. At Gret pm Be ene -- Stratford, Aug. Zird, 1882, |REDUCED PRICES. Pte of the fete 7 why 4 'he charming pro- cet hie vemsei away in scother direction aa | of the ' = apne ene a ie JOHN GRAY, me | le : ee. perty of Gon, Palmer, y. th coped a bed conspireey, after a little one of By -- a Weed ok ; pan | rapadly as possible, this is in | them confessed and MONEY TO LEND - Proprietor. D. McBETH i lint tack ore they to seed curse the pred riper --, sey parpests th ie for» wnieh d lends cashentmest 12 tee He said they Lead to aaenk a At the Lowest stant -- Eee ent, RATING AETTERT . distant hilltops for several ¢ 2 | Pezpeate shroughout Barepe, but the Duel, | tiem cepecially those whe know the | form of a funeral ceremony and then Mates of Baterest. WU! ering, xvacenoce res Menittat for manufacturing, i» new ore | | Tos geacral pargo.e animal is superior everal digs without | $0.0.) publish qeociee eecepanzy a rection, Wrength ef the ewirl with whica the their friead out ty the oemetery,and after lot =. L. MENNIG, HENDERSON HOUSE. acisuaamers and the pabtic that be sir | OELEBRATED WAGONS | Toss Sha beast a scheasion wes wit At "Glee Ryrie" masta, lor jecraniiom wns then to. ribar al ented is ig Aiiche plredte ae Maen sais, Sexy it and leave ancer, Vaiuator, Commiaion Agont, . NEWTON STATION. ' . - manda, : the yield el low " abropuy, " yoae wore the earliest "i attached to a emali 7 beers A pomible, They f the Peane, ote. ote, A at Picture Frami ore a te en AT SER CM jer r ered. up the side of what to our C ties thas honored, * empty cask, which is | Will be severeiy fasta timmeshipa 'Tekee Cokortesin pe UNDERSIGNED HAS PLEAS raming @ Specialty< iinie ey : : our Chicago resid: na |, aad they were described | thtoen overboard to amare the ter eithe in y = : 'te profitable investment | *** 42s st road being ina meaner closel th whoch tore hort so or Spee Phage p> nnd the pettis _pXictin rings dows, hair and keys in stock, LowerPrices than Ever Before | *%** '** permanent improvement, thelvsag ost of tae billetd Away to te ad sete" ther are resembling ogee nar ate with the pain, bat = Sebriacvilie. Ont. : on and Hares Ky, | (ia vi bought or takes in exchange fer - And wii! warrant theas the a owing clean the laod and brings ba oem where he mysterious beauty of the muny readers to be «x sadees of clad inerease Zstende toartoe =n CAEP agement . Aprit 13, 18H, oi) Glebe oo te 8 Howse, ont RIO 8 : Lightess & oianab eal 18 lato Bue condition for sprig Sytve arto the "Garden of the Gels" loom we adv. ri amant | 0# pomible, Now the Sub se rapidly | | Ssarcely shove the middle height, of MOWAT . -- every vabtie. - 4 Re ST., near Albion Hotel. | Made in fabio Negheted fence rows are like a leaden | ope tS ole majesty, acloed «f whirl -- vptee isan Awsterd 4 paper, in the Pecan ye ga Sag allah, el eonsti- W. MOWAT & SON, | taxttunn Phe best whees in. | _t#retford. Aprit 1a 1st 9 ts -- weight pve the cosh of claan Seid ealture, | Oct ue suopioee of whatt os, | ee /itipeten | Com the beck end rege, He shine sleeg | dark Randelph Onatonill has amocth BANKERS, ace W. BUCHANAN. ? ALEXANDER BROWN, IMPROVED SPOKE SOCKET unutereal somses s ae ee at} red the minds of Bjonendet aw. tho Soran of on enbiaieion of ox i = ee eee Se mer pe rpey wip mm Tae bet te ama, (StaMibed + = - presse on Station, 4, may uc THs . = erep mp owe saw an et of delight at tiger, and am Indian stag. It ie i bat res the eyes large, the nose and the 4 TOK KEE NTIAS OF ' P. | the cxireme loveliness cf be told that ron greatly insrease hws pipin, for | bones " chook git SFA ea Rankins Rees, ? ALes? a ontera sieve valuater | A neat device for strengthening buugy-worels, | q,/> "iS%> Soel, viatilated stable frre. from backed by the gardens 'he pred view: | the poor. Prpicory to 'he given to | be i bed ay = sharp point of teoc remeron Sigh Hs Nai mane ited bantee Allow 8 prodigies nd een's Arms Hotel al commimions rnt to in eee Wire, Be spekes are attashen the fies, is a sa'table "olging for the tired work | S24 sith many and a laugh, the or, ne BD Batiee, steel whish i all the tearing be fee. beet a - witn the | ONTARI oO ae ietueien bers, Bayly upthe asaah, when jest of th | the Stet ant second insuse of hie journ'l ia | Eat all po my ey ee a Mende! monaecke of = Zowave ef 0 ST., STRATFORD. Peeth oad Oxford. taesoet erekes |. feso Wheet - . The powsils ses od o-fare are-measered | en kth 7 the Seow of 1b8 Rom. ite third sumber. Im 1652 the Mercuri pac AE en pollon Aut 0 pia. _ Ones, yr aaate i = ore a ty the qaaptity and quality of & . . fit: "wind strack them ik | Pettiewe it alluded to oo" P.O. will recat or Stratford B y eg y ani quality of braine whicd | ih. arinp K them, Wit . eoew,s0d.ol $16 rope_ia reached and the woble os "the : "ie Brown eit ar Wort betel rtrd a8 amd Democrats) 'ase uc cts weemcms econ {ttmtres tesurses baie wl Tas | Riordan od by al | Uoyaey of wy'nre em waier os] nagned sonsumediy~ Aad cure eowwpapet wrders for 5 . 5 a Fi re which pene her b AT THE LOWEST RATES Hfo-get todo © little carefel werk for abe | be the harricane; but wee ladies in the ian spproved, Cosma drink, ealled by | axe? 80 toe enth, ond, tore hit upon s happier title, * The Han- Fejatln st gor eden wa | ALEXANDER BROWN i | coming county fair. string he arwksh atacand the China Teds, by other nations Tap, alien | ah relda, be ix drawn, to the » the | tam of Debate."~ From four e'closk ia the ald. ar Marviage ileeunes tevued. Avonten, Sept, 1 1am ene GEO. MINCHIN mi et made frrm fresbly fallen | tery oh ventana 8 the wind. ine wold at the Saltaseve Had Cophes- | streggi contiouss, are, tn thn susiann, pizness. sll domg eooation ume, -- SsTRATFORX Shakespeare, May 7, 18h. aly uw tmonet pares J at once frem the webiele jest te Pad We need aot ry sank & pt - pedecieal ie can, wan above <<. Money! Money! Money! * a. - pyrets crop is ve ble, bo dapelmaege Aa pan advert ang etoas, Sor intess goooe movant, uy var kammeut-tr eabee te bee wi dincmately caren th mecttasne im! ten ° ht @ more the growth them: A Dexter aad hands -- Brick & Tile Works. ING ANIMALS POR MURDER | Serer tes sstatsotsncal eaprrotreceers of elk tir eee in the vale blow its, | E> ccomrtinene Sere tat 'eavertiees| wah ewan tee oaty ty Sousthinget | sors: tamann ath take a" Prean wak | NOTHIN tot of Cheap, Money on erteen f + bl aded-by tne | MAT® (Pnstantty sought. alone reat, or aad with AN placed tx ay 'banks for tevestmans os . -- err es prcable mined farming.--dmericandges-| (ory Othe gale, sm ser an thowe sto "have flo ted 1 ands ales, __Shen_Me cenaaies sro seas, a Laat = ee OSEPE COOPER, Propricter, snuaty, 1457, 8 sow was lea i Catching rightened | ee" failed 4o exercise oo board, W hoisted | moustache. lands on abled to the s0 se convicted of sder nein a cimal in to 'oe to the boat that crosses his MANUFACTURES THK mer chamts OF | somef an (Resiert ri anor gerard Dieooll od the beney ace nce ee nt 8 | stupi ergs @ not been path dering the death as ae anireqaeat hour of vistery, or tlle Lord dad Savigny, and rent nced to be i Ste y to Sows Wister Wheat. | sbie y. Gem hii one many years 7 Is is met | 6 joo yam terrible bat years his senior, at- eh Bh gece . ' hanged. Het | 11 winter wheat 1s tobe hand Seat bie Ping him with one | ™ el siming to | driving his sword through hes tempte, fails, to wither him with an as- Re 4 Aer wr ietate = wint sown alter carly own--an excitable, nervous wiralea, wore aot sh on the chrerts vy planks. | samption of Us. Rarnin, May %, 1000. "4 Ss dictment as accompli es; bat '*n default --F the rs rete - a recone a z fivale & chip doabted!y superiority 3 = . | SY positive proof ; . the a rT Y Peter Te "1 oy -- sai ore DOMINION HOTED |) 4 (ute os te eee mangling the 'thy ware restored | STeERde stick in the plow, wr ging or cee le Goodwin Thayer, oged 7 years, a | '7 824 stupid ected Ria SLA TOMOOLT ES EEE. Pu ree wed ery So __ Stratford. Dec, 12 188% pa NT. to thsie cues, om eundetion Ubet be shonld pape een A rain. weeds oo held down te the ground | @ P pe 1s menos ee ee ee Mledical pion ~~ seer ina kelp' tas Ovdere wolic:tret boar apr ed apteeer amr pd ther pee? -- be hkaly ary, rani a 5 with E mares, while Mim sharma pantie - Ia 1870 there came to Teunton Mas, tian eae . a oan. vu MOBUNBON Ame. Tun, 1862, in mother' < 2 u great presesce of mind as | man who described Frank | 208002, vay squim = Ci ieown to the Greni pg snl Sevenobie = = 17 | gmonth later, won se Priday aftr the tenes plow, or in azywise work the land, it ill Be male esonetaien pap aes owe in the Lindon Times until Cunenis Bedwas ce ee tenaiel oene apne eaten an Nae or me a De SmMaxrrEe Religag begs and the wareieg '"e| JERVIS & HA of the Purification of the Virgin," the suck- not only destroy the weeds and check the Gracie Ha'l rode seemed to tke it all as | aod ters made a charge tor them | here. He bad great intellectual ability, but and blesom, the barber and for bad Fre? 3 Se | eT ears ata, am nat be hes NEE, | ting: were ht ithe seek: | rapid evaporation of water, bat should we | mattt of coures, sad bal obcroly ta | wife. Sx as pin-money to his | ill-lortans seemed to fellow him, and when | fer the polongy fot tg ad EE Jarvis Mook, ores Johe Dutton's Store, | Shere Ma, 7 can be foundaay or (SCCCESAORN TO WM, RONERTH,) nad ea their owner, Jehan Bully, deckned | Se7S_ © Chewet. the rain will, penetrate peach pot of all, browsing aewdaat subtleties weeklies ard | be died recently the people were not | Lord = FA Powth Party. au Tipe Sen ete a past, Mi Ls se ED wu N RVER WHIT Manufe of to be answerable for their food cundect, pert snd oe : yoy beep on aye appae a. ta ay 0 Shag roleasd 02 pal | ome ee Toe m shich always jeer the catside rary : a. brands of cigars on band. fest care demecl, Katherine - and to lose storm i ly did our weeklies and quarterlics imitate | ed, through the eee and, if carv- ea ee iene cde s| WHITE & RED BRICK sane itr ioe oy eons lina Seok es | hat Pegs ee wee ts | OY rs vo tom Savigny. ex minutes, d on . | trusted say heveatter become FFICM AT 108 RESIDENOK, OF THE * oun, 188 wy. | op RI Trem. : ce te Owner nf te funding tay * be aa 7] Sl lead eects ae | ene os sre, tat pri ey lagen es ony 5 Ba neg Mad free mgt poe pe Fp eeenetemercnemees mci ae -_ 4 SIL > with aed 2 four years out 7 Publishers as were gathered ELECTRICITY AMBRICAN HOUSS | sssihen Castnes rome tic hha seodemed on te itn Apri, a0 by sicany Weng wir Seat epee | Fae nding mig. thewgh eridety Pate here ern alow to fare | , Bem mes tm youneah chil of the ae opi ae eceecteeaiy: 2 ome CYL mast sad beet ever made in | the Abbey owphat, cear Chartres, tc bas as moint enough to | 7" or ted hing | gurd to the mediam and mia dirigie: re | George Kiberteon, Eq of Edinburgh, | oquent with the eloquence: of Mr. . \eaned . W. pOnEnT * imate adver- of the Glad- now mapniend as one of tbe mon ATHUR KING 148 PLEASURE 1¥ ac ty aor yl Ne nga monn oe ga Tr an child ssmed Ollon toed fre pran {aes ast to gurminato vigeretery | soosze tight, firma Brak ahammar af halt | eat the cosen SE A Ae eaiety | nepheureh thr tebe Gua @r Geogr tomes Sane Sr et BAe Ho tan intend, 0 crrerinrnin ssee| A ERR sarees AER a ae ae | aa | tana eam pete | Morand oe Saar iseksbemsoantment iti stent |G°0 eM, mue su ia a: | ch opin tn premenn oe properiy qualided persons, p rb ag dem Te rene oe ee 2° monthe or ther ts." o three a great = rs, the remaning bate | interested / atural y | by. tatended for the ministry, he cummuseenparckuneny rie public kn the best porker was "hang. of water pir acre, A ail vin, ly cavorted io ite contents, bat the tered eumaiiasigesd aut suave Sas Deter 8. Dr. Mot j quite new. wert rave co. PERTH MUTUAL FL. co. jostice." -- d mdexecated by | wore at greater depth. ' Pate eg ~ | The tum ond hail fall cae ee ent and careless must be phd ar a in the Testeenn La officer | , be never rises to lofty % othersill Siem "itean Rrairnoe 72 : sd a = aie Pa poe nan _ auto slight action, and sotion ia this coanection fe near-| After serving two Dengtms ta 1008. feclamation, he soldom sinks below sate hours, The fees -- appear stently rising . if. one be Kees row wre fo am sos Niccure There: sae | eerantssunp 1960, wr act ov rantiamant. friscies) prita, other quadrapeds were pa pete pamp it op oat of the vel See eres, by this tiene 9 wary dn ¥ sn Sole aohy tates oe Keay -- hed oe Cane la where be pnb eg or sam em J mpmeods Mpayceroee Oy Medgar phelps mrad THE CABINET Government Deposit, Py Tas Joaiiery of the Clotwieien ahioy ei |amaust water . hill to "Glen Erie," os eurpteizs Gon the slething Merchant quted in Howell's | manied cunts te-am ations be was speeeben po = cleverly eoustrested. He ia scarce- coming Within range of ite powers, M SQUARE - - StRATIO Amount at Bisk. . $ 2.000 00 | Beaupre, in1499, sent a ball to the galives enormgcs base soil ev and rolreshmen's wore a a anes Joarsey," where be saye:--| which bie al'ovaece was taken ~fro Set | ord. AE for = drag sare, Market Shrest, Buretionte Oxk Fx AccomagpD TiO' roit ah over - - $3,000,000 | for having "killed with farioety lat of 14 jar he ig hl Ey is any to fertae tialing babes Se eae bat it wes afterwards ratursed to as Sis, | ien-tnney hewaen es dele' onus cesta Roem brarncin a the raving Meats at ait hours. | tn, ey or 15 years of age," and in 4380 the . * weter from and wends | mage of bin selling oat and 'to | Strong Ls stabling. sures Farm Pro ot Dy dons reil te mothing Uncrewned mn @ goat. I av'll soll America, to be subordinate Bye, Ear and Throat. | serait uteesedtieen--"! ee Vey renpeety ieced te dnt, fr ho + Oe age. |o8 aad apn whic ering -- ie sgt ha wendolin cope nod bel mate his | be Borer our cup athe 8 nr ss Be rece sion tcuite his -- OWN Proprietir. xcTO! trate 7 'inter wheat section chara & th was BTooking * : ohiet DR. RYERSON (mt ene, | Setaleierin ase nt {SGA GT Syn hy | oped mes oes ey ae Rena ened ens | epee tered oe one |e ee at eet eee i « trow, , Viee-Pree., Stratford, or me ying #0 eq The wal » Tt ip maty to! ficod "4 ve aacri- pay, that you drifted baek to Hw Though not ive, r George Hock. Hag. caneatel oak trou the Sout eck te 3 ei many ves, and im some instances ad to sail when be don't oent jo wan brilliant, his sallies LaanLncan, ROVAL EXCHANGE ROTEL. (SSE EnSEES ecatmeem [SUR MTEN UTS. nearer! | aspen, leapt | pera tang nhs ei | econ ¢ taza | eet bythe Libel party 40 'Tosnton, ag | i eating, We daving knows bomnde (ER ON THE EYE, EAR AND | MellSday's @04 Sennd, - Market George ty de, Kay. Deputy Reeve, North Kast. | Uve sndclfeative ingredient of witch acccriicg to the season. As we go Siuth fought tangrbie foes for re- when the terribly expsnsire class of | *ircites, and be says: een hprechay soa ee acrom the floor zt iat: | " le ere almost tra drummers that be bad Trinity Medien! Collage. Toroata hope nt. When hatched by a serpent or beat ie cown latter in the autuma, and. is | « fe sure to have direct | 'revelling or the use of costly | means of Haury James. Q. C (ann lend utterty emashed, pulverized, tothe SMbrece Rye en inarm Tire eeigs Ao Tost DUP IN THE James Srowe, Hee, Fi. the sux, it broeghs forth a ceckatrice, wh to harvest cartier in the shmmer, +fivot vpom & mporary sMfairs, beer Bisel gees bey wast be rumim-|tomone Sir Henry Jamen Giads'ow's te hee That wae o mistake. adh 'Cllaeal as Seven = oe Lh A ex dame roth '. would bs roof of a howe, and, with here the Hessian Gy is troublen me, we i aN hich also | SF the vusersu esis afew | Attorney Generai), getting sto Parliament, hhapied to coo ee tld sivaling Howpital, Moorfields, aed | rooms for commercial travellers. Wan Mowsl, eg, Banh deotroy sil the inmates. Nate £7" | hy aye ite egge im the y esutumn. The | who co not fire) to go where duty calls | % D&7i™, sad misses many more of the same | stantialiy ach now Y Ho enue tapi shutting down the lid. " reel panera et Taylor & Bates' Celebrated Lager and ("0 : Hoe, Bewve Po ta od in fable va | ate bete® | satema, aed late sowing is one of thie eee -- the danger may be sort, On the contrary to this mp at 1860, wo CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. Deanaha snd in Beatlan | Barge ieee Sey sod 7 he och Sees Lapa | ati Speyer eeaten se wih Hee, sed al ier w'vbile for JC. Aya, sdo-ely aferwerd | _ 'The Courtship of ' RAM. os - ent Paseee: a paper bulore is Vint ls to injury the Mi 'wa taba : ved instead of lost. | ig Napelees 111. for 160 Horses. "83 CT ett Wi Davideon and Alex | Selmore t> prove that the mitt | to avoid late The Mi fin It requires a brave by.r: to enter into s -- up by thoomeds jog of the Lake Saperoe sxt There are s:me + @ YOMEN D Frame. . prove that the egga attributed to | 4h9j rn lek lay | confl ot in which bi the agent would never ano totes about N° ow DDS, 30HN PAYER, Proprictor. A adoualte cocks owe their peculiar form to ad ot | tent ene it ie in mandreds wil fall, te op- | woeld newr Lok at er ali or who | Railroad ae the mr pressive +! the pri | Napoleon IIL. in the wenies of C sine 1.0." ma sé Stratford, Aug. 1, 15. 1y | out the county, Stee int Sant oom Momere the ten. blessom, and an sarly crop of wheat is far | m- phat how much | taste! . ; York Ties, end hanliy diftea to's plages" restatiy by " _ gt the monnsy. | , over 'Asietole, alse, bere their feih ne aa, apace cay - mre courage and y aren te usted a6 neent af , ih is am tnwee- | deactivate, Hie walked fom there to to" 'who appears to been che Sake ite 4h Picabeit: secation daveg the witete aft tclaskes, |. Fortunately aather the Hessian fy sor 40 nto the hears where denlly piston | {hes many ate of tne sale' cnr, amnoe city, becuase it-bore the ome name se the | Viet. the Reperor ia CUAS PACKERT 7 gs euffered mist in this reepeet, and were the Midge haa dese much damage of late Re ncn th omini ee ee day, weok.| form than to diredt attention eee plow fo Ragland wherese $i we ue . foram... Ose enye that . Secretary. . a to be posaliarty oftzs ctive 10 devile eS es towards pois Syed best | consolations of valet i t = este. In Amet-rdam to dey, ertee oeaste- wantusmugn cats toaet oie bsdhes who angen f= Mademoissile ae ; a Siesta: yk a - ir Particalatly hat to di one S meter sowing. sick bed on A tobe nt aed jes oS Sec Lad it lat SARE "If it was m diegnoe thet I 'ied & te dated Fee bememe the Eo me Jee tod on O eet. Si went oxi ef the tend b legion Rage crcignealh adbent prot 04 Bpsmcgi ys yet have the fact eee, aed 'weering © | good and virtuous lady when beve yo, A. E. AHRENS, L.D.S opened aod. Store: i | Suooess the Best Test of were permitied, at ns sufficiently mviet and aioe. ite z gq bronght So. mind thet. the | Sree my neaas etenda of death ia say Co a ete hi Mi ad iwinsd . i tre Worth ! | fcr wwto tne a Sheer Rere where rou sores ie jort as velarratle to eng | mally. There may bes social prestige in ise thea 1 am doubly aad her rs Deer Buco shea int anos raptor Re Semen ce ta pe | rae ee aa a pa be wer ill il we : went, ne ceed when Vitalined Atr used for the beagh 'we | Taere is anid to be something inspiring in . but atthe mal isq sicker amd | loving girl as she te--is another dingrecs, the By ety apc ; : . preted. | battle, something that makes eeathe | ae the card-bearer, so tne obituary | once mare head canght => an- Painless. Extraction of Teeth cath, bad 4s a pol soent guonghite Oot patton teh ee aan ten ook notice la printeas de the bok of Sve bec. Mr, vaivey bea iestrection: to| bead sad ears. Eieae: Bie ore? fe sine om thane treats ptrs| teeing ents, ena deem | cot ne mam toate | open tr fe may | en eat rat 2 = my re bury all the weeds, sta! 4, \ 4 } ' malu. | fa that my ¥ ( pinta, end kerp tho series: | cowed ac teesomed of Ea be peg eg ible nar ifenr tend feng ter Ramee pate known to il- | bie desire to have ee wt @, A. RIOHARDSON, LD.S. Py ve | noe gitscnad a Puan ean | eae eg ae | ee at ae ee eee ant | patna ree ant ee arn She flrs, We Anew' tan | Shen hee ont Abe fle bat pevzuasics | "nt te w toaplie tat | Seed throng he manors Beow oe Hobart | te making Pes arken: Royal College of Dental Sar th bs the Brilecad ciporieece thal | Sete ea zitte St She ante. Jo hastle org hae cen" al wher the pat cosly IT Accarding Vtplvaneste" a {Rowe will deprod on our }-cope coe aout ex: he eg ae fe ese 0. m2 ne {ature Keprom was mach pasvowted pais. Ld started in the j or A =~ b~ by the ramble of « hearse tastier halt bs tac are. Simple ont itnlais dette 2 1 | Negelese beter o be made Seca vobe sighs" st the bereaved ond sud ia 6 Bombe we Bron lb -O4 fowed | Man nevor attains his ideal, He ooension The wae so. oo the we Block, Market Square, - enone --the have fled; the sick and ing -- follow: | nearest it the day be leaves school ; all | would not grant him ® rendesvose--sehed Beratford, April L0ch, 1880. Metheds of Preserving Eqrs. Gay ey we gm rosa char | *GOVERNESS. WANTED--A- perfect red no Navagg red een pore poobasaginy Ay dr pag? od Ase esses posite: chow ln, Demioghon | Si cose tov tba. Walect' team dieses » ws goreaee for ny tre adres, oy ite framers ig mah son Paeyay, By ew bow Fa CIGARS 3 aches pata Sonat rat See Ween new Sea | ses te mens | apr rca wee at a See eee a -- le bus toach fone Pree re te ee, toe show, | wardens of the earth become either wlider- | « partect lady 'whe bas act children, show. | {rem his eagerbeods) Ihave, io my owe nine e'cleck ia the evening, ail the Scoeerpene Sun mr iing Mma |e, hen hain | eee Se ren | Sean one | eee,' es | ee SP ts hj ag : prone Oe pemetiryrg a Hew treed Blow both colt and hast (thet in. fers | oe fever, small pex or 7 OV KENESS, Bort>e flevting ee 'Also, dealers in all kinds of HE PILLS preecnp a tipi d apd apr tocowettaniger psd Sinate ® ball, asd for ten minetes,) on umn keene' soak banan A , distance pole, I can coe the majority of 'g _ pretty sure of getting solid with | Md then tasted by the Thees thet | Bature hes not proved wanting in ; more striking exemplification of how | them eovoting under the wire, and I feo! A Bide for Tite, ny Bmoking aad Chewing KURY THe. BLouD, ee bien tot a Mane, Phe cid serge. t wa yall guined the first prise bees Harem tnd tren Save apes pm not te do it ie teeny heen "iaplaged. | that I am shatoat. One, I'enn ses, is yet | A man named who arrived Sly TAL mere ee Mar net en ee Pipes, and Smokers' Sundries ( Py sons Netra fect powertor sop ak as ecanines padmade has Sean ol ig an Rr depdaees pon an or tyne vp who only | secbesnem ic i eenianeet Sones meek | ta meaty aig ans & bie. vety (Melk Oa Soe frm Montane this week, this story Topping P.O = _ ms loner ci til ioe pono a sani pieneaty spuaihly ty creperntion, hes goed cxnsieant | Sirens anon ia 8 qui Caner yteath the habis of prescating themesivas oo nck. Ee res of pheved.gntonten bs She'rars Macind be peed raphe TE SAR | asses LES ag |e ma ne, oe gees ce Pee oe rea sas eee oreo > [sree See ere ree es eee " sey ae ey at Finer, Serbs end aon Ste aad euch risks for others of hill ae ayser i maa mas. 2 as preset ip o atese, lesen eet eaNT aa, x Ae " ac! : eas never be odeeiive aan sot really have to stand ap to losk over he' giving eat af Wools rations. County of Perth. FALITY. npick'y Zig fe the potent force, of | wars told we, and on Sunday hi mimster ia | Puree o! spermecsts, Soll nel sis sed te ea eT a Soa "4a 8 tet - soourva, he wee GEPPES Dy: Bre Spd F rey count ee pt rg don bel oa tee of epermacetl. Sake on tie pk my ry ery Sow Prandulent. advertising : -- oa "Tram be dove goat Karsh ait +4 peels ' sl sha ection, akin tguates. Her wonld twee te do 0 wean, enum sl oon te os obke that those tes ton te snjsain a tbr Ft oi br} pocgin fi , oy ah i ak be cs = ae cage , doer wel tame. | Fea. Wrap each ong in Gos tise paper, saved. -- Presbytirian Banner, regard for truth is nt 1 like « scbe: "4 Soe ik" Morante say" Soci weakens sed the West aot deweward; ccrew a dae comader ation bps eg tes on wing" ny ome Ky matteo) Soman rey ey He tet erence of mamorality in it, but all the | Ot Pew tightly af the top, leaving an inch : acteristicn, All man are fond of what ie | fob, with Mg emi Guopling too & ororesig ao Seger Sag sees ae, coe an "Bn | tne Smt ts Mt |S Poct ie Nalco |r he el se ae yn |, Sea a hts Sees . te pd Al De ' . Te r od kins oe 7 ------ ee ~ bed beer : ot him s : Sy elicited. | No warmest emp} AR RAYEDEOY, On Cet, Sass Uomen wens dene Teh etc we, ward, in dry, white Bepat an The | eee eee soon se you get there!" | tana mind, it ie tras, ie meee in gad vol Sod rok wore wait 3 : : De GT. R. TICKET OFFICE tte proerpee are so treneiated, 'Again, it | Lenton Agricaltaral Gustie sdde: The pon er tage deengn, Sood TE fat amen pl « gear Pies | gosh yoo g Lord pando gal whom ing ten on i de = Geil oe La ky walle Se any "ovseih » maltitade o Protanly" had tae content bean pte ers ee waenen Gat Gane nih Farce th opie Gl uscdeusamoa oe ES 7 inobamtiet bay tok I would | bel ey aon them " = MILLS) Express Oflce, 24 Market St Rg ag ef Rg gr Ba og ee es pS Steg mee 3 ORR, - i charity us ipsohag tere a-> pee dfeeny ited oaks slashed 8 aa coren, exrthe, aavek Sepevet motives | would. Uke ot. satan * STRATFORO. 11 @ generccs, peat jut, mon salt, Jun ane Van ~ de am te ote wsterested in the scenery. Bat the rr weteber of tastes emt it m SumcAINKR 1 PaRPAnmD 'ro | Tate t Ait Feist ts the Wenern Stain poe yap gre wipe fr pede} fon St ee wi | ay Be ctetaie n n OPORA------- What She Was Sorry Fer. paper, vas shall wee te pore and leas ee| pease abe wos cocsion of the seasons, and bis also pro-| weal li -- General House Furnishings,-- v7.7 , bad efi oki wt pol nd a one, oor pen eee | tah, ae ie onerend ' a me me he agricaltariet, am seve. About Eating Sage! down te the platiors. tot a bees could 2 pee I felt paie of arms arcned my neck, aed samber of them know the feet, and Whee I my" Lae had make them . =y mean pair of soft Lips raimed hisses on & my face the most direst, i, | re cr Pega prey ey mane or ener. Gobbden the fhemte t richness and bestinem. fet non, a ha ncaa eter Lor eee | pay eatry Bouse | th lootheome which goo to the aat----" "T think," ah B.) mente of pa sein |S Pisce nod euken' Gad! the, putes | ly, "at you, and your "TEind the wend ia iat imemedinnn vicinity. ee her. joe wep 'There are a grest many | go We ema car if you want te talk 'though out to bean old gallows. | asly 'ats pnaty of money wo tmones of toe ral ended ia 8 -- ipsieo: | erences fa Jin eae mats Beh | Sethe an dodesiy ght be pps | pa { ' ie Uae set