Stratford Times, 20 Aug 1884, p. 2

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sey NEGRI OTN AI HTS aoe = ane a alta AES SCS. 3 sot we ar ese i : a2 ; F : a ~ , - " J at | a _ aiemeeeml --" - =e ; wii "yst ee = 7 = er 7 -- peerecss vious ee ERR aa eee : 5 New Advertisements This Week. | Logal Intelligence | THOSE GOLDEN SLIPPERS, | DESTRUCTIVE FIRF. to the fet that he tied xu key tthe lock | a eer agg PR ee a 7 g ; oe ; Herth : c % . ess a (aie ae : ~ cama | 4 yo ovgning ; . ne € by J. Bf, Reynett Ayn a - ( ee $.----- 7 =" rere ok oe =. a a eeakaih agase ated | ek Wemes OF THe STRATRORD wogtlmrocx | colle at the proper time "Markvbcom sitter. sun B Chalmers wx ont attenting kis | rodks, clean your game Game will be pleati- Red Pall wheat per bach. 9 SY OO WHOLESALE WINE and LIQUOR ~* Nactlos Saka. ri ee : ' FAS MOTE WRITTEN BF 4! te ™ waseractrates oo ToTALLy comer | Bydaw 374, ing PARPRO io the horses, fe reprot ith ful this + * Wri Fett. ta ¢<s"* 6 i A a Tas Cieemii-. Ream : ¢ ie fe sdvertining large arriai Kom, amey $14,000, rarkanen, 87000. | Mechanics Inatituis war vartie « 1 im which he wpe fesiding (in Wellesley} and | The pun has peturned frum ibe holiday { gesing wheatc-* " #9 a0" 0 , t ----" Metohaat Taller fea ee nee BE ye. When a JP. wee passing 4 show shep is | Commetl aeljouemest s | mule his valuable silver watdh amt chain, | trip and is imexteating th©) paris ...: a ae ' ee mast ec oe Be. : | Forty two mew names have bees ecrofiet 9 | Abwmt 8 qaarter te 2 o'ck iawn | eo pai <n.) The thie! hes sat herw captured ti Steal a2 ij Keaton to Contenctate Wi. Hamiee -) i Tun: Trams lint pince Saly ist EE dias wary | SEENON Laat hen the thermometer xtimel | : j We ate very much planeed te we our okt) Fall « beat oye t eee os 0088 Vokoue' Plex TU be banged, sbhd be, there & Oar ns the minetion Iie the shale, a rail of «moke | OPPFELLOWSHIP. frivet Mz, enry. ' (ert er ae Kettensber is Mie ots ' aes err jet 'ene_seen. shag frees a we heaaleo + _---- ~ agale «ith tis staan theeeher-- ite te det grain tab Daa Sie (eo ae {| Momilay mest, st the new Park ; aaa there's anytidag Were 1 can | in the Wool Steck Factory of Sau: . | avi MARTIN ce yee RENIN Beets aT | ad gant work is he did in former el | this year » aap ii te the Ladies corsets, with " | Faller-® Co, on the banks of the Avon. In #. THowas whieh cannot be serpaaset by } Asal F ' | wine Sections, only o at Chasquidh eid | Sent time tham It takes ter write these limes ai a _] poneste. ws Spe cline jth ot is iat, pat tb. 2 a or - plea en, | Man bee thank, T hawe Bit it, + YO cola of Sire emetewte, od-etrtice shevpe Seber d Laakge"b Snr Wegaht tr Imth eeparktol aiet engine i | weterat soaily~t ei ; MS ceseereecege DID" 0 MeriNT Ets eaiclier J. R. WILLIAMSON, : reerare of mivettioing has cowed bose eau empligers were the quickest it fe hard te [of hwtependent Oddieiws Was tn senaion | connplete, ant his machinery is alegatving! yoar, We think "Messrs F. amd C. Dew Deesend: hogs per 100 iB! dar oO co"? T Radiat ' beerrscigyeeny ee Oe "ath -- B have lnote long ated short piled up at my |xay. for the race was about equal the hands | last wewk at St Thoma» | the tary lest of antinfaction. The eepatatrr | steli, with their new ' Dwcker," take the | yjtue per Bocce. ccc. O 2h Abby SAMAR eA oe ot ae ee :* ce ee es sc cae . not having time to secure their hataut combat --- SER EARS TE --<--- wae inde tir Wattant, ty Massnk: Them ® Tory teavevdone-some goed threshing: Ee, jer Dos. TRiv a, PREAN DS a SENG RT ty oo earn a te I Walah. iy he thtest i 7 The Fire wlarm sounded ia Sve minutes Thee cumditions af Ase order te the eneam Doherty, asl the ine te Laondng, (Oat. jp seamen, Ue the 1ith heat, they thres! Tarkeys each .. 1 | oary Camada, havit "cl Vie - Amd some that are fastenm! by mean of § bstrer the titet cy of Bee wae given, vod the | ment bradch is giak Near new caburd. Vay Messrs tien. W ite i Ca Me Wett Thar Mr. 5. Smith, bot Bt A 34, a, Klee, = soirtuas Wines & Liguars tf tha Finest Qea'ity, { palit ant ie Canada, ag i a ' ' | x itrar of the County of Norfolk since 181+ lace; | enaine -- tf a river, rary the ' mean "ere pee sal four om { faufer tw onbowhtetly auinz we pire Ketter | phar ag + Pai ete . ? te fT Ducks per pair..... Pt Rens fied at Sumoon, Therelay, ot the age of + i -" Hearene rmaiing teil, amd ome cart to the oor | degree camps be fudlewing sestiotion] in- | satingection with hie machine than ans vther | amt for Mi. Krmet Vogt, be ~ om. WB Oh okene St. 1 1 fed et inane as Nia + Blakenad.alb heme Vow jot. my Hemvern: | ert ie and Ontario afrect, where | formation fer the year erliag July Int. DRM, | which travele thie district. aa be has gut the | Kilice, 20D bushele of wheat itt 2 boars and} Yiides per 100 td _{sberry Wine, Port Wine, Bran- _ ane ety wane soues by Be _ quent he, | wectios 'was made with the waterworks | was given by the Grant Sorte | enachinn thet. ane.cde tive stgmb-cambategeiletediiaitale ; ae Eke = = ee . schon! gaa Ne A Bepworth's, fe Kes, « --_--__--_--. + rn Water | Nuwher of masmbers a Timen, consisting of himself, William Culliton | the beet threshor ta Ellice, aud are willing Hay pet tom... aie . Gentlemen's Mercer! park -- ol A best valley ail a Py iad P| were bromght to bear on the fire king, but | | rrert = = sn | faneiaers, aul Genend (etthanion: ; tay prove se camping with, ahs pore: | AIF yer ded acl sca 3 eas: 200 poeta ne age earn fags -- entiemen 3s . chady. Rachoa Raat, Ty Market Elegant, = hisperet the natare withia they were pow to save gnything- as fer | See er c" eee <2 Piwer thredher be i that as it iWuod pa cont hand...... aa" 4 . ° ' 'Noel "ae thay ft can't be a sin, | an the wnat Taiihiling wax coheeruet. Wey | feomind ba | SEBRINGVILLE. - ¢ Pmay, they ore getting plenty to de, aml gy} Wool Pe ee eg ggg | damaica Rum, Hee Prof, Hotehkin's springless true a!) S°™ Seer Ny ea munlatiian ann ones h val to prevent the fire sp 3) rye mitt of M. Gx Broa, whiers Piag good mtitinetion erery where i ee: Sagi , He dee fe mg pe mor e y ¥ M1 Bloc vole, who" tespeet of oe an Seem {had teen shitt dowafar a week or so under: i. ahead wpe aioe LISTOWEL, MARKETS. { : " alsa . le de hes canmut be wm ite) You, onl wil iw safe, whee pe | wae tore than ret » { a Sie s 7 ¥ ya e + rat yl or] 1 ie ' j { } going repairs wilt be rutining again ies few Young Pall Wheat, per bushel. 6) 60 tof . place. Liu aml see ins at the Muyai Hotel, 1p cuit te dine. - By mt Seon - e's Wheels. | sqeing Wheat ...... Om 16) ty PALL IMPURTATIONS | eps. ded ment 4th. é | j tire was kept down pretty w "4 cmsilerabie grain bee already édie ig sydd aa. sreeeees, ee Mornuns Ut your chtideen are treatin! | per the day had joann! uver the Justice's | T=: gent Seiler house throshed fi thie neighhorhoo! amt the yield ke ey! ye = poy Tan | | Batley ne... ee. ' with Wort, « delay a terttle ? | the mins i 'ad if ec ae Bn t Sowa | sae «Camp Ground Alevaned f ? at W oem as ibis i ! grimy hier ay, Arar ' The ffivers of o-- rae mito ¢ ~ "Saslaien aan are y and Clayt Laat night at 9 pom. when ete < ---§N ENGLISH; SCOTCH AND FRENCH | cafe sure amd agreesble to take A Some slippers were messed, we at beast, | fare, bet the Giote rejoice, another inebmetry | Ceased Batrtarch aVircer, Toronto. [ase consepiiiice Sling ea happy av-the | the steamer pan dewn a small boat ors ee > - aia aaa forth, agent for Camats | oon onic {ia rutiilessty crushed owt Pub the blame] cirsad High Pricet John Welsh, Strat | prevvertual big suailems 4 . euntatnilg Mr Lenthes onl ie ae =i IAMES KENNEDY, ~¥s st? , TROWSERI } | on 9 ay " teperte « aoe ter hoor 2. . 8 Byrnes te ent hiv a ley ureder the Justice's | font The new te machine of Mepers, | Evan's Mills, 5. 1 _, Jvepes : i rays 3 ; peer ; 'a Dn be bray * Lean aut Quite ; = pair lay on , on lutiblings, machinery amt Cirant Senior Wanten PF. iddell, Lan. | Buckley & Voleker was tested at Mra joett- | the accklent pappnn They ear jor beg? sccasdace Cer, Ontario and Webrtlon St. i 'Medium and Fine Camadiam | i2"intarm them that he Will be at tne Wi! | ra | sual lncentionsted 39 sloont $54,908, om WHER 4 {ter ow Faewing Her inst, amt-worked to | row: mint we Pajpt Vivian shen thet ated wes, per bush PSerattont: ang . ee ~ i sor Hotel, ow Meturday, Ang 30, for « ls sai be un » saith 7 -- ore oe hag : Grand Senile apd Treaarer M.D. Daw | the entire satisfaction of all present. The | steamer bore dere a rake oe Aypiee per bn v ' ta ve, ¥ aod Thre | Jest look in Tue Times of engivth momth, 2, H © entered our sympathy too the figs im | og fp cseuis } garater is called the J.4. 0. Agitator and} laty war rowheg, ant © wef Tia. ry -- > ae " be TW DEH Ds, &. seltation, tp ye, Varsmel TAME mt ines, he acutene in Fall will te [Ube Beary Tae thes have matali The) rand dunine Wanton J. Siwelaie, Pe the hucweyower te kien as Worallury's | presetice nf mind to change the couree of the Hides pur wi STAR HBAT, E Ap '* Qutario-W. Merchant" writes, nob grun | tory Ses te te infamy alowcmt, Lat | erstig latest genuine doubled piniunet The fewd- | abil [tis not certain ons th ou once Doak .. TYEE er RTA, ooh 8 06, FER ACHE ° a - | tog > * Why bs that the mtwet tee the statinn & x4 ri oun Aa, nOtwithstamling the naperey Graal Ropreentative Dr P. Rae. | ing features of this complete threshing appe teak plese. uab hy a r angiey wet Heet " 2 usin ade toe beanie' eee ed 4 wut P partie, an-! . ] 'deprwentun, was impruving every day * | Oshawa - \ratue ana light slramglet, one waate of phen! ~ * Jue sinall or perenne ayes tes ' < i-tee diuat ota Ontario atzmet aliomrunl ter thse Lap oo me 10us, TS8T --+ rere net freart whether it ts The THAR Of Py stitation wars anembel at to! | capaetty foe a large aaeunt of work and | haat passed under Hothesy's wheel ae i Ww. RERILE, Seafoetk v Z MITCHELLS PALL PLATE OF PASE: cloade 1° We rhew't knew, ash Coeimeiliey as vinysille, We | Messra, Puller 4 Co. to re-build, bat we have | give the Teak "e. hiccgerves 1: pe in fa. | ite = 7 ys thoronghty "om shea Khe vas ne doula killel lefore being drowW Coe er ye r venetn, awit ta en c Uy Dunaghine, | ee _ trending the nara? vt Mr ving to believe | tare tes meet wheel rine it pleased im | separate auch rablish as chess, wibl cata, s ee oD gta 8) My | Calfehiine per Me. ow anni® j WX le Eabortnng fire F f thas Be Omg FANE { xtead of beng comjo-e | to meet at the & Tr ini factured hy the ugley swan around iw om ae »ps . ) su + 4 5 Ws nN tun. ~ ca hbennage tae: Sane Vaaslant ne THE AUTHORITIES FOUND: | The-Brumen worker! well amd to yovel a } then mh nth poop, wo rat iri "me } Rak, amare an Manutacsueing Ca. of tn oon Sty put wet from aoe tyne eae mine, " - to + mt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. E --_ 'of the fire hal the to _ | Tantage OF core, e were the usual 7m ivr 4 abe J puechased throngh thetr agent, Mr; {account wxys that the couple "Intentié ¥ Wood saat : $75 ro | a - 5 awriae ecw thersote of hic tA 2% MARYS LAW ATUDENTEXMIAITD M11 asrant of gramblers wtamdting-sround with | Tie seein of the Gram! Lai wsigemeed am | Sues Worciane This gentleman has aleo| kept clow to Phe steamer in onter to grt sia aici nial | Fee A RAVY ERAPE HPRRE, 0 pale af tent : ee oF { & A 1 thy Wogktiege Maren, loath i en teal ber bs r fowt, an ned i wound. It Laat tons their hamle in their pockets, smggesting | Weajnemiay, The report of the (irand Sec | sold Twine Binders to the following well | the benefit of the swells | Still another MITCHELL MARKETS AS ophtg Maren tet wuparned by BE baal ' bd 3 se "4 he fane't ne * will confine hiss te the homse for samme days - - how the fine abel Aout, wune TOR | retary was an fobs | knows farrcers: Mestre vob Kilne, mye t ¢ Pall Wheat, pe-tushel. § fto# & THOM, NTUNEY, Seddon = " ™ Basratesan Baxgcet.--The Lord's Anus | Tt Béiter 9f Tae Orn syvan Troms ey Mat ae to interfere with the mem. |v sstee of Leniges Rhguets, | Schwefteer, aml Ntoskopf Spring Wheat L0G" 205 | seretiond, Ang. 2 tet " . throb » hatlelin) ik Dcan. Hite! motieest. with dine bates Ve wonkl adview the hiet to ender the | penitent. tee: Dh) Apel e173 4 Plies. HW at hich have worked ce. Oat nal om" 0% et clan "the Grn 'ai te-night ( inat..) | ert the stateroent mache bry Mr. Asini im tire } 1100 ty Tac. in bree bere Spo a | ithe byt a ae edna etre Pr Legtsent Peas " game goo | Township of North Eastnope. Hs a " be said he ie nek ere, oe y dem onp Unetr aets Senied eter 1d pes P| siaty five acres & the ig t eeer reer. eee ee L as H "tn be a tee oil te | bee Se ee ot time: ta | set thelr corcases ont of reac ees «| Uirwak of hitch of any kind. Verily, harvest y caghonedaay vghligtenc | raw pet iehebeh tbr to . an 7 , ' 4 Boor x ' ' Siena } . "ve 8 wisheek, and this being | exer bo allo, him te hank op seet™ eed Se ranean egeRneS: Hee Se {ns tat shonin eens ayy monet pre poy strech ly the paddle Me Owtmeal, do, ou. .45® 5 ow. pt ae Vartty t i, ' ike terre 4 a - Os it cwhee, ee eee a ee Tet iat pin int (STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL | ~~ | ee Camgley warms bly burt that te ie mit | Potaows por tng 0 %~ 9 : : aan emeeit towriteberadas; { « ted to tiv oad x . gvneral ~& of kgae ball will take | ep aa for Mr. Adair, an he is a Regular Meeting. Sie oe maa ELLICE. sl ig ee It becavinn ave nnten9e oar ew | 1 citeneetet et please wa the Civle Hodiday, Anguet | young lawyer, and Letween the Marriage a Total roewetpae Wao Cas Bast Mr. John Muri] Origin ef the Wership on the (| Mutu crreetersssee OOO" OFC | a te vraetnn, Chat pent, Sie pr pogmnnes ne, the Rents. Act ane Lal 9 The council met 69 Mimlay dealing beat. eee sou, of fot No. 4, in the 2d concersion of White Elephant. astak Anh 100 Ib. o s ss s '. Avoca Baatsaiyaty ahi Sn + he Aliiaace « presint exce v or -- im baaaet eof the barat of we VS for 10 am, warp. | Cooupled for 7 teat seer a al er ee in The Me Me, Nan | aes anita oper e, this ae. rsa ia aie eh Acad * Not many years ago," says Mr. Ewin tee er dom. ..., ous Ot +} . aed oer: AT Se Acteniasten nee pei Fatet, 29, theory, cn Reg. rade , - | wutel sant onneeey $01 19 Luabele to the acre Arnold, in the preface to bis sublime poem. | Clover Seed mtu | COUNCIL MEETING. .. will run from the nlficn every tend) Meter saw bet . Weewe af) ey weett ner xe ot Tuk arrin of | Twe sulondinste balges were instituted He, Wom Threshing machines are | "* Light « ' "Hittle on nothing was } ides per 100 Th, . me' £00 | sriuetes. This will be a very ing pte few leyal works I in tay librsry. ; none § luring the year. two kelges hase becwiee | pusising im all comers al this township, | known in Kungpe of this great faith of Asis cheepekine each . P 1 or rp <a Da 4k, AiR LAI lh ae 4 Jang Bat te proceed with . ~~ diofenet and tre new ft b Phegrer qveryune trying to de the work ; bat } (Baddhien) which had nevertheless existed Hay per ton ... 2. BOO TUT during the pet fous bos py 4 hetare: Cok: Dewteon; Ti . Petitions Willhenaon & Co. others agh: | have Leen iaetituted aml a third applied for | sr. 7 ae Litt takes the lead in threshing. uring twenty-four centaries, ane at stay Wood percand....... 200" 400 | WARTBURG the highet. af the seasa: . be Mte r ecsayi taeda wegen eal a el for the cleausing x Up of cortal 00h mens He threshet on the farm of Wa. Haumbach, | surpasses in the namber of its followers and | a | ; : The following ia the temperature registerest for stealing a pair of baby's shoes. ba . " A Patal Fall. 100 bashels of fall wheat in one hour. Thia | the area of its prevalence any uther forw of | ST. MARYS MARKETS. } Monday, the 25th inst., shade at the Stratford Observatory : | 4 Jn [S78 heforeu Etainilton magistrate, a ; " was me work, bnt correct time and | creed. Four hundred and seventy-millieas | P41) Wheat, per bushel. .90 90 to $0 $0 dat Sins poagncen-al teottnoe = ANN asauctbee aay et Ue coin bet nealing 2 ont, waimance it is etatet im) we iite, Ang. 1K Om Aatanday night | measurement, This is the largest work done | of oar race live and clio in the tenelaof Gan | Spring Wheat ......<... Om" 0 : " Pe : ' a s terrible accident sccurred at the Salvation | is this neighherhood, the wheat was uf founder of Ba . More thea a} favtey ... itesteen Oe bm ! nd Scheel Rates, " tnt in Toronte, a draaken man took Army tartacks, which ar sittated iu the | socalled Democrat variety and the etraw | third of mankind owe their moraland relig-) Gate... .... 0. i | and Abas cometal lapesterwe _ , i, ; i af third story of the Metropolitan hoe A | measured from five to aix fort ong. Mr. | lows ideas to the foursler of Budktha: fecreet» Naihcuceaccacnaauce 5 Sheu iP . a pair of shoes hanging fh. front of a 1 9 thoe store, Sent ts Coutral Priaun for § ict he fad inapente! the te | sowag woman hamet Mary Elualeth (tenn, | Haumbach's yield! is over 50 busbele of the | of flowers are daily lait wpm Wie, inlees | Potation nt Adie oi maied lett ume ted | ot, whe resides in Amohiacharg, being | same variety per acre, aml he expects no | shrines, atl countions milage « ips slaaly ppl te 1 wen od has a 'Salvation Watering | 1, "au a G seman stole » palrof | Mele slitferent from any ther clowte | OT Cdecteal by the heat, walked wif an | lean than 1,600 bashels of fail wheat. Thie | utter the formals, * . refuge ia Sut | Beet ' as peamitte driver Ds ence Gs Unstat Pion. Se rh ag | opm dor at the rear of the hall, which was | year he is the boss farmer of this dewnabip | dha."" Une of the of Buddhism i® | Mutton per 1 a 80 | JOUN PEARSON, wil Growing the bins, | v5. "\nee @ Landen women © wader Poet Peer an ny ag, nah geal es formerly used for bringing wo baggage from | and he is always sure to select the best | t tiem, wos oe areiie- age sang Drossed Hoge, per 100 1 Tew es elichone cotld accept Mr. . re be "4 above mentioned, thus relates the tra on Butter ..... a .o Biliew, 4 tgth, pee . the intivence of liquar, stole a new pair | 4 the heiat aml whieh « into a pasrage | thresher. . toes ee. A segpene thy pewt. eee. move {aster ties ar against the petition presental ine oa and the ' 7 "Bagster Mie debe, Whaling, ol, dt seh. eee thd. oot Fo nal: a 4 sours f sd. shows, foam. nae ER RNIA..<AMR XE} pepe sane BE Tar AT lar danger, {lat fons Be pring te'have eget Iarn to | Baddhs, more than six centuries before the i ag . i fhe : ; ANTI-SCOTT_ ACT. He should remember that alt he ie}, ; dt, sone | lanabters: Ler ec uid orattention to hia cry. 'She{ story his crops tn this summer." Tt fa aboat | Christian era, down to the present time, the bo ; , TACT, " . In 1982, Justice Gortmer, of Detroit, M by M . let t P . es ing the Ferd the Stratfon! Cowncil Pagar ddr to- Neate Prison Sor | spy aves OF RL none, ay referral to they | Maitre a height of .alsat. forty ov 40 « 60, aml 4 monte ont timber | inhabitants of Ueddhistic coustrios, » bave fap ane seottey wii ne s mamhall janet citing pay rect watering stealing 3 bouts. s gee ad a rack ter dewnst, inetant- death bedug- the best? ter tefound- tn cany-herm inthe freverence: rete } ' =e 6 Untete romant terwer, friend _ 7, * lau ig half witted man stole Health Senctetieg prin, ferme ToT easel, neighborhool The reising of this tailding pov ot ie the white siephent a len 26 Day of Au ust éart, looked really like it, w 'of Bieta from fcanlan'n shoe | "nae nblore _ oe took place em Natur ; sides were | symbol of their Navieur, aml at one os th g clothing rid 6 pol Petition of C. Conley ashing to have er and Suicide. cheers ands the wee, a. the framing was | acconlance with their belief in transmigra i b] . Hie -- ' -- poan ~scetiay trod ba eight Sathe ant mare « well dee thet there was ho tremble if thon, the abobe of their Holy ii ds OTT 6 nenrilncy pended -yerise. Ser ibelran So Gye Liaw, "ad pare new -- FR UCCL ARE SHOT T THE CUS PREACWER, } polling Hf together, and it was a hart matter is to be wow at that the task of secur- : ' he slile tu pay the di on Teel. 4 1 ; at * Chatusendgation From Yred. Barak ' to determine which side was victoriogs. | img an anisod, venerated aa ts this sacred | tmuleale ot tie Pree Oem ve commtansls i . hile guvnevineeaty reset Bn pars aah c r 14.Kex. Henry M. Coll | The f ca, Menara Fiemncy- Conti amd | white elephant ee oe frome all -- mr aometed that} THE TOW HALL. STRATFORD, . patter his arrest | ing tor pebate ot $12.00- waasit aacle . aot j renee Presby-) ata RONG, Veserving af muck ctedit'| lavelves fast ef SS rears which this wowing ot 1 pm fut thw pacpeme ss taking bene a td ™ ao pcre Pas wae acl > Church, in this city, who on Tuesday | for the Tanner in which' their work was | sconce in the Great Forepangh Show, should arin = wee Bnet be Pe mrichae thew { --- iad ovpe 00 Yo Schon' is eines anal To a ac eet te Fie, | morning killesl him wife ant then attempted | execute, the varions pirsee going tagether | daily call forth thousands upon thomsunds | SNNT Ot Cottical of its great superonty ove? | To O onl The magnet -- to take bis own life, ia 43 years of age. He | like clockwork, not « hiteh eocurring in the | of spectators te behold this wonderfal ereat. | yy Pp. one anes. : jaan Raglishman bs histh...otnd $60 | sda thadeng---ben-tte ao wt fey tar the jprentent* r sieht colt by ur Mperial Agesite nly Mrreughort the ts yak San... | yebeatiner ye a PRR SEs FETE Canada a number uf sear aye, entering | young folks ssembled at Mr. Wihalings | sabogeal poanlaitonts the..New.,. Work) knee, | Duman santero: Ac Menmoeth, male: sent = County.of Perth.. . deemetitend, at om Welk 4 gram demand f ently stulied fur the Kyte: . joymenta of dancing, ete., all leaving well Tn Ven ™ A Memarka Esca) | JOU PAYNE will that our aah vary nate gor fod -, rasta pa " Initial tothechareh. a i with the hospitality ef * Jack and | More tham Fifty Vears at the Canes | sir. sary a, titer, of nae. Rernpe. es ap ares _-- in _--_ expenditure is estizea: Later be tasgned i foal it Hicted hut sin years with Asthens went fromehitte, dar | ~ enero ete - Yours very truly, at 90.563. ate vk Bend = : . iter hte begfticn Leo oe ee tac | A PIC NIC ! an 3 ve 4 ---- a = 4 Owte A Twa Yuax Aciw Law Stet. | pooste that the same be levied and paid to | hal emigrated, aml whe MORNINGTON, % the provared 2 Roaile of Dr. Kinga New thacovery, | - . St Marya, Ang. 16, 1886 Te Tresmarer meahly on demand ae may be | Victim, sh wis then « Mie Kis I a pe Shey eet et ee a oe iy ate = IW na nm rf eats 4 r v * on . = hub " of goud-follow i ; quired . of parcatage, . wana Ng, ever Mow to Henk Hw ns foe snootie. tee Teal Baier | Avon and Romeo Lodge Wah," OT everything that is civilised -- ee Mr. O'D sald it wus only right the years of - 'the fReeve, Deputy and Memrs. this certain cure of all Throat and Long Wiens at | '0 ges - foreguing pancetta NXEOU BLY AWAITING THE : now there the achool moneys er. entered meeting reat 2M Masmyth & THE Ding Mary : Lange Slee, | HLL be hemase om ons oie went be Hf he or wm ey are Solid Facts. |The New City Park SENTENCE. ' as uilewee - other = The beet bined putifien and systom mguinior ever | . = within the reach of maflesing aumamnity, _ i i E iueeEx-wnett A WORD SAK. ae ee were general of his deafness, which lmpaleyl ' Fler trie Inacthvits of the. Laver, Hina } lantay. 25th inst. C3 rip H estes Q " 4 a . wh " - i BO tas UN ES Fgliday. - = the srpentivers, - A and being "net of ment ' , om the ee and -- iy are Se Ti eae aT a ley lew i ask for money aud verte ~The own. 1 HE EXCELLENT HAND of the OT. ht wilt he te attemdane itil t pe in mes sey prob are eure b i at quirkly, every a L dome hia | of the G was certainly very improper. (Hear, bear), ti gee eotire ag pes Bear gas 7 | Sinan coud star spuréa wilh ba jwerhied aie hay crop share, and no either, In helping | auch in Me. Mangregey enid. be tol ant revaived'¢ OU ANY cottte a trite by dM. Newmgptin hie } Mewnlns -- neve i the ; | Sopy- * - 7 . Colliown. "He tend Hosuow avs Pu fo dirwns Nowe pong ah agave Bese = chiklren, the ehiext th te ave nuit pity deyeraty . Daften thought the count omght t a 2 wherw the gers ¥ went, v, Reman r. Batler said the public school aumlit Li id but they mein ta have | and Exhibition of Trained Dan Wild Beasts : cncesnaneseaane welt aoe es thane ola Mtrattomd, Avge bt twee Hy TP i iu "i! irl PERTH CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Thirh they sam retecitate. all ob ' Sod Seow wnt ak tore ete 4 ' oe et What account, sought after foot " 3 m ae | : Seam | rand National Gathering. 1 ween . i ist | $8 ia f 1 in comection with his culeeal Hippo drome, asl Honan eharied moos ny three ring, eed tmaxeam, Mer has Granizved [rota hin great collection uf ue Ca 4 4 a = 4 ts E * £ 4 F 'i i He will of money. oven, we clip was « votorions fact that BO had heen paid, | animal trained wikl | fui byitiens, -- an loaded Beacon, ougit to be illegally and without an order from the | after the mealel of tt « =H) A Purasaxt Seapenae--t mer 2 t reaop ® | board to ita mem es pape » npr tie bie feta seevcdem | wittr- ter tiraigh AWN? ' . --r See ee LENNIE Sel ee weit Cemriameae wal el ee Che wt the root KA. Tins), regs member objected to the cost af printing | Mr epaagh extolers twenty fe por. | 7 year wife amet fn 2" "No ; that's the te ve Pot tows voperoce's C Houway.- f ng elepl t hipy wok | oss it, We hard « quarrel thie carrots ne boon -- hy The Lae person, ir. Butler--In order to get at the facts, | in avkdition te sariwne cthies.trmimed will le ing absot thoemmennce tedaw pre Twins FAIR GROUNDS, groath . in the Town af Woodstock. | "ty, said he would print the document grates. hearts. Sotne ides of the ustare af the ae ter make er sul." STRATFORD hat the Th formed earty in the | "Fey Mr. Serimgeour--I move that Mr. Batler | spectacles in the * gers " tay oft | eet : = ERSRE HRRNITTESS) om : eal oan my print 5,000 copies free. formed from' the + Pompey A hy M as 10, | of the town are polosehot or gna armen ami hence Mc, Batley.Although Mr. Sorimgeonr i* | tireat, on bis pral persion. --- v2 PRTER Friday, Aug. 29, 84, acres. has good work, and. mew tutler ulanoet amember of the school board, [ will net | hosides a rhinocerus and other strange beasts MARR-1o Senttord.oo tke 14th test, the wie of Mr a5 'aches, OF | the sad viguroas mankgement of well erret | he ctitdone in cmity and will second | from Ethiopia, S00 lions, 410 tigers, amd a PR Rervat cman Pe we gate «i | $1,000 in Money, Medals, and keown ia ina position mak ten a. Mr. Peter Mogan, of Hanah, Makots, of « sm, ' ne y tader the: We. ke Ae the Uf we pet at the toeoum of 'the men. ry ro) tS Lat cee ea sa teehee ot Special Prizes ! ' Seseass and biepele elabe have all } manner in. which the high school | during five days Cemr. ; : or Within afew hundred feet or about f ; v , secon Death. gol os ee beard last year p> yramee sh public monies, a | tion of the civil sam, sviies. ee pew 4 af the earth, This merce' iia te te hu i Bc orl debt ® ed wapported the -- it i Ae. | men - days * 2 jantril * = ewmarket, . Amwnrs Ste experted Felting: | é val dite Vatoreal tn " 1 Mir Ren" Thoth OTT the eealopard was ures at lest bac pills toe 'distribetion | which Tiel ar. Seva Se Merthaaan. Gortaey ol % 'tiusert. sport than ever before. The first horve back a half times around the ylobe, Father ARMETRONC-- toe Ssteverel, aby: (na 0Ce: lanl, Sah poe Eel dv emite Ws iied) Teens: prone i Sates Sate rs Cee ae ree at MO ae ye) SRR veer 3 " it would forn « belt two techies. aont ens he wikben, tor mney pinto a y , ; = ath inet died te pe eco Morel kee Ratios, epee ley Pa men. i: oamimetele bs the i and orev coven tailes long in solid read pipccoy ~ ies, Pere sii cits on ae Sore is Weed. Yirow re -- igh School it A tie 4, ae M : i . ines i ane con. | 2OBISAOS a on the mh the tin Won CY CHEAP RAILWAY FARES PROM Z ote Tove th sueihartie 'ak the pa in Porepangh Se audit coablont wateniie eiieebes toreae line, and 6 weald sttend 106 wlies. | cuts In Mitchell, an the 10h lnvt., Me, tien Cate, EE POLETS 1 le Reboo! Board s = f Quinn expects to spend tem years ote : 4 x Seat caret ieee oameediner ter ihe marl oot easeass wink WW ccd bere ant Punouess bth create aerator tH crt a Soci ceca | ANple Hotel Accommodation for six swonthe of 884 in order that the council | Pritay, Sept: 5 forth Prides oven. cee ee ; chen , -- " Thousands at Usual Rates. IF nen pero a stone af a passenger ee aati oe of The Schoo! Boy's Werk. hee weet. J scoek She fe War en the Mermeans. GRAND CONCERT IN THE TOWN HALL, ' --_-- -- ; Gane te _ reese Had the stem an little ewifter | MA*KRO MEN TRY TO EXTERMINATE 4 CoLonY vive . 1 Se rep edelegrerrdn Pa Dhar it gomld have stench a oh lay the fan, AN TEN NEAMKE SIX ELDERS KILLED, ; : in' ths Prweiner Pa Giclee yell, my mm, | onprer ' stintiguret her Tor Tie Caa Pe ~ aie , Cour THT ductor McKnight says that every night the | Nashville, Tenn., Aug, 14.--Full details Jota R ban oh the penionre et whetiewegs| MR MOON WLL GIVE kae.PtrE eer ov j platforms at Seaforth aint Clinton stations | Of 8 terrible tragedy on Cane Creek, Lewis tareats eile eter Sov ets RELECTIONR, sais. PE feta ted Pen oe | ge ei tae | ee a tae | = ee 7" nen = ow ou may au PS SSRN PS esto at The ies sen Wi tele | keaial * No, sir. greater has pot been done before | travelled 5 bbceniersiciacadl are ae mn tole part # "oe : Serie bee, Scene | ern oe oe mee ceo breton - aed wetting his > Set De be ; re © | MOGOON -- tn Fort fon the Lt inet, Kdkanbote Saree aa of en of, The constables form: | "4 : ; 4 = mia] cme teed ee twee meni |, SARGENT'S 'ane <i inet Fe GRATES Re ' the thee Latter Day has been growing | Taenst dogeheer of Mr. wr. wet t | Load-Liftiig Machine. i ewe 'benkke oat tis frill i Maindlay me oO Bp ge nd RR a rr ie hd rr werd 37 yearn, 4 morthe and 25 days. | hae been man name! Conder -- Just what has heen Wanted fora Centary, their meeting». NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. =f YY Rae rut Prom oNe-tetente tate Seca EE Le eben ANY DE! HEIGHT * Ly Wnemant, - " des ak ooe mr che Cn ee 4M ¥ i t 5 a iy if ie et pbeh Can howe at lenet Wantirna in adhe hh farniees aay ik Ja the one ib pi : Valuable hevention yet patented : by haat, 1 nied conte ar 10 aye. Pod, meetthates | Wim. Sargent, Berkeley P. 0., Patvotee rm A rhe say Myer From thr 9 me, WM. NOWRY, FALMERNTOR, Ont, hax second ae ' te the They were let tor alien Fer pean an eee an ioe es deg. V4. -- Joba Butler, Fred and ; i . Pie stindeag 6s gangs ' sictien ean . 2 analict domain ook thie ye . ' 5 P ete Falmeaen, SM RGR. two mach x ' * Hitame 5 aber coe somtee RO ag bing = de ab ut Has a 10 daye. . : P | 9 Thon utes. sane sod BIPLOMA 08 Feira Phone Mutton, asosalting | 4 Bae . 4 coal Kxtilataom of G Ales tort rede Sind Coed el enced oats ' ; of Goaenncqn cme it ~ if i |Noticeto Contractors. ii it af | fit i] LONDON, CANADA, iii i i ff Loieiuned sib Gig. bf eS a ade pie i debaanier a metre.

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