"s a +, Ba 2 ¢ - - - 3 Saas * = ------ . _ = ---- <= AGRE RR, Ber PROS gue a n : Pearson - - 5 i ee wese--peaueas--t : NeW Thk Wek = DEPARTMENTAL EXAWING ae Tile dana eT i Pate z tea Beh We 'Davita : : ; nk ese ; j San ner aE wT TS e 4 ag are the mamer nef theme frous ' BEE % wim, i SS ytealahinl ------ Piscean doan FE arkmede fee tims = = meen ant wy tir ir xara rory feile aco a dameact ced | wats Wines v. 3 Dee aie nc - Fare aye + = : T = Be SEA rainy Den te Tears prey sl aiedied bed - ant she wan) Markdale Cirey Crunty, Ont, Sug. 23. : J R WILLIAMSON. Phe Aft | nee amcrrg oe ee 1 Ct _fiete Au-M 2M. irae et me he wisn a sen ze a A on SSeibarwue i tf A NS et pases Sabep icra Ailes Craig boys beat the Allianes, me > is rights at any owt "It is wtate t thas teat me . 1 Pm i } tin this -- trom Lion': Head; Cemnty ' JUA 17] Yaratiord ow Meola at bane ball Soom, | fermen Naish Cran, J] -- wos hit. on ¥e Fraley Be ince 2 ders in Lowke weunty | Loe Hailey Boyer re a ra fips ae ~ re inet. having "| ' - : $ A t bere (aus of wee water was anion Titerally the earl 3 oes gees Mfexchant Tailor | 2, tao Mapes ot morning oF eke wear ge ins | i an eo ae Pipe og ; Had ae rand: gt lnal Neleon, Nettie Hamusill, ataball, desiratte that t| taacher sm? q Motel, 06 Siretne tobe, Clara M. Macklin, Predert ad sue Ty A i} - at Wwat il, ES hier of D. D, Canrphetl Pn Hot ', . : temote CSetnicat Apt ~rtte eae he placer F be pai G , 's M ' A litthe agian ol a Githert Kobertem, Toho Me Kichard | so tiee jen, rior 2 declated woe | i ay entlemen's Mercer ! | te. o tine the mintortuia «few | M. Huntin, William (4. Walk o Cterat feat A | Welle g ph ia teenie hor teg by ame from « Thind Clem --Kate Johnesn, i reap Le eaution < . a aT Pe eelidie Bie Ms, it mon a P 1 ; ¥ je how Mf imal ced Fea eae Lf pubes freer chew tg foe Virty- tw Meng | of the latter 3 el af f ; sigan, of Leeson, Arplerwon, Nellie H le of boot. with herb hood feoa bralant | a « bites were to tno gi argu tiie Ww PALL IMPURTATIONS work te tals ag thea Ween were ot Treteews) Béasie L. Rart_Jexnnetia N AF ap at th i ea ent fons bre Table ia cae of th aes teteetit esa aril waeicnied Brewed le, | , IN ENGLIAH, SOOTOR AND FRENCH ta notice that he has fally recs orl asta. h (venir, | Richard Riehteh, sae triebing ot Trinh grameeee! |* etc. These rule br Ine sie chowely oie | a SUTTINGS AND TROWSERINGS. tnlhenabeanecherhdaide + sepa il your | gi near hear iad for saris | Suneman Sas reat IAG: commciomenens she eet ae tar Se ean & to, aud be hae ¢rminegd ten Medi fi adian | = 20"! ek X Ris 42 cies vt hhery He tememamter: Mary Fram. | Cs inted "seo rt ve chat rei i wrth ' sata, In te i pucacal eae edium and Fine Canadian | Phere Laingram, Minnie M mgt Sot Aten' whee | tere Re Foc th = rey ian oareay 5 . all school reqwigites ef the best ine ree ti Th a wen fox et % \y j him, 8 ; Geni Trunk nnn ptanetir 4 oss ta ve = a wT Me er * tela cheap Stieber t Ber row orm un > | her repeat, th seats don «lh tere penne TOW HEIDS, 8. |e only, © a, Aunirew | ' " Re the umn of 8300 « els | Sith its haw piece mm i pr " | a tenia fieed at her, the tall yringdl | i annem, | ; ' . seat Npockal Veing smanle by | rte » 1 Sinett reyetred for heating the teil ling with | whe --_---- eareity } The Cornwa anda and inte beg face. Shea font be neem or seky | Pabaet W. Carroll vn. sw pptinnene; artiele | Gasneaniek' Soc Senenes thes repetog, An Insane Man's Cruae. | - deakget or thre vd METCHELL'S FALL PLATE OF FASH- tneals abet refreshments ae Visitors = aaa see : ht nd th re ay | torwanites w the Town Con nd ke | & gony Comvwall om posttaeter of Dubin, w canght ter tien are with kd , nile have prmerct ang that the | deipmate im the Calete games « e | Tecndpts am dag a fone the Firat tal ot SIN KA HS EVE 8 ORLA TY MEge® | te ow trval fe me, is the left haeat and dragged her wat and tinned te 10NS-T0 HAND. Pretty next = wm, 7 pare einen I 8 eee pe internets ae conan year in detail | A New Verk cart 1 Who nna Fasted | eee 've 7 oer mf tih. game Sra ee pecyrae 'te Be ook after ue more shota, ow stew io the tread " J R. WLAN, Sex Prd, Wotchkin's springless truss aol} [ marked thes * re infor si LET TY HATO A Bak TRA Rar HON | 60 Bays ; ee 2- A rt [war isin Tis is - fe owe oe et " e nee .* nt gares _ aan fats} oe s ~ supporter advettionment in another olume. | were pot pupils of the "trator Hh M 5 i | nena, ES * wa " i by the | of Churteant. Vows by meas of 6 or monet" Ne ve i me t ' nbarstt § | Hele hernia he 'anne + ie te Shoat) | . a , \ Mr "ra noe tn th dere ge corel gira | by che o Yeosrt # A on ae wee Crvteri coum to be to agree i proce we. ot Martel: on ag set ee eration, a ™, tes, ery e names af those fran other ley eet, Asari Kept. aed sed 40h, el peck ite co E ie rear os -- soo ~~ tenet the vulture for discovering car | Wey sieetor om = 1 Teer a: Stee Ida Portecn: P wITeHELs ; : -- T hamlacaie | Hide Mire quite These tints have telwenkmewe | Show lies es eonilition, havin' | * = bed mm, Portewss, lett leet calls ot the Lavernandate cr . . Ld iene a: prvi . and bet rj Tange quantity of hoor Stratford Tine, Renita, vooraistped | PR GE a : is | und ts a aap Sgt baa! of te summer, visiting her brothers. A te) Le sshmnally takes @ | and wens to the deme asni Riga ait : «alr and oomrer -- mn. we There " nothing, 'vie he shot her, tired owe alot at hiraselé : " . haut dees pot awal [ty Hite wee onthe na het him geetly bo were repellant be px soaps we hin na the ball a apart at hie rick er Sis AS EUNESDAY. ee wets tabsion ie wt feo ea hive ler, thang th thas | res oe OF miele wel gh phage very = | stroppee forthe Roce insen He merch ra ' 5 ee her em «ould boa as an Sree bist OF. 2 LIEUTENANT. GOVERNOR, We hate pleawere io anwouncing Nhat His J. <theverley Helinwon, Lieutesmant- overout of Outage, hae Kindly commented roe corny eaaree Erhias pets } cpen bh Citivens of Steatford aml vicinity, tere eat cx meter anc extend a Canulian ae Highland welcone to oor Penne sociuty At te Berens pavertedl "that Right vst A Mesto -- trometer sd Osnada, 'ag cre | the position of Miniater ¢ thivhways and Carty te Mog Alex, Mas hon, gentleman will weet. " Polition make strange atl fellows" is an oft waying, ad HE this dé mage who first wrote the bot la teve © bide ge om On Yeaterday at 4 orclonk seca m, Heary. wr att ry "tt + wloge wrete it wali { orgie ores Aegan vee salleate Shan ys x a with a bbe La me chees, purchase of savages were T ee Neal Lew $6 the contiery neterith Vateg thm on Char ar at 'Taian Misery, sapplice, &e.. "i . . ined their b be seein ohibitio: dow net prohibit ia Hew , North Went Territary: ond Font a at: Sistas - ie ra np es the a ned ta eae ine nsowrtir te woods all ie found tb orth wweon in diene Law ke © * de on on . en has ben 9 pevioul shee in Tux Tre ment of gee La -- Riggs rage: ec rosa a eal boty of the one whe sing et keh Dering' fae P ebibe the pr enw stherw ise, set erg ty enter inte Parti: | memnir of the Mobic' Schesd" Heart" for awl une af them le ina a 7 Seren sets been hare weiter gallows ie ie wet ge anne st Mr. Adair yestertay droppert the apptice:. Steet LJ that ate SSW ppaitonne Lager, 15975 iguls rita! Now for a new trial. ast therefore, "the te i ite i te malcom miei ~The rine Voter: 095 gala. of whiskey. TM ores sent ee the, pe igre $i] ed 00 be carried oat. The magistante ow | cement ina Ai soe byes reste: a very merciful am? Wiulaat view of th Sst sien, the High ai. PETE | poston Ang.-ze ninther badrio eves _ The difference Ietwremn Maine hile. (diigo eet w large amort- | and sentenced prisoner to 10 days in the | i + aul' met blow thelr of C. Farnell, beld a coufetwnce bere with wwe of (3 , amd be wns immediately placed | os aimp umber of Catholic Hishope sand lenders af the traffic te carried ander one artans, Cock's feathers, | in confinement A netiber of-the tesching . Ure rink semoerning means ty Which =i i he ter myapet dik est san Ham, Tartan fbb, ora mecha mnemberof the Teard (Mt, Mofan)aaid thathe [Oe Coming political contest in this country "* Avon Wann Gar anare Semcon --The fo! CRUELTY Te a Aes thought Mg:Stoney was ae tanch entitled to | O88 be tarnes i. Vay ava re rua reland » itis $0 bs Aaa atures... SV bem eV. . - thet Mr. waa conse. At 14 umlerstou arnell x Te whe Gane ae a bottle of whiskey | : | A ERR PREY eer Teer thrumgh the Wocte a Michael - Chartea- tind Aurvraniax oF 4 cor's "ep. oF im wad | ffer be rabmitiert to the Hepenn = iagh the ector, where ix the need Tor ee wene Chae - Chouey, re Tes the towuship of weikle two | ¥8* 4 distinetion tite rene Ta = two Detnocratic 7 gone. Gos, Contain. Jobn Blair, Daniel | y ay Joka and gece, that Mr. Saspregee hast I innapernte 5 a plank ok in ta pater its tac " Sata ety ea ae urhey, Claas, -- Albert Martin. F. »y ul the Hoard, tn riustae, * ing goede of Lrish matu ae TH SCOTT ACT. Moore, inp, atk Carroll, God ren re = mre the ame arg rent f voted to hie | of duty, specifying sach gaudy as canst be fey Le Fevre, jeMahon, John Nolan, | Gciond ota Heaney deve}. earth. anufactarest of than in Eretarid. ant At fii Was desta oie ormtemge won phe Eom sare, That Whe TRAWG ad ERIC GUT took campote anwar Mex Coscmarvnaren. -- Mr. iit appears "Gab oh tho tanks day John jet then "Th pe late th D ae . iy Martin's tauke amar the Hue fence | 1%. having sl Mr the sum -- with American preatuction shall reve * the oon aad got info dosuph Atnctim's oat fehl The | fifty dollars for cen @ which om onganiass syponrt "rt ried, Ameety . he td latter's bad heat of Kan waa hot mutter; doby the finar TE ho Mrs. Parnell 6 US New Yor chewy the mu #f names attacked from = Adewat a today to take preliminary steps tuwants the ; a fit of he i an axe rescil venl | that Mr. Ntamey be magnerted to ASY BOVE theo iffereat tien + the hi negro at iain, 1 ization of Lrish inte ng the BS aiiel seal i for |" oF before the day of the went regular | Conference it wine wtated t ne erly the carte 4 oe meetii Sallivan refused re-election to the presidency arrest perty, oh a , . : of thes Jesh waa that he proposed to on lefore the A dewaltory conversation enauedl--ome " " Police Maggitrate (Liane, on Tuemiay. He | tember thought Mr. Hebe saad hel atid daskghh ts pmpreaies tis ietah Reser | eter tee! wied the amount; another said *j eo ha dal not ore how they coal hoop ta the Te ew, #1-~ Min, Bateitindd ok . Boston, ~ rm --_ A NORTE. WENT TH TRIP. te oe law in suc matters; that tery. she pg ge mafervace | Ber imental Mineral) "vist THE FEN GF 8 she oF her mom eaate make a proposi Prope hevanereaane stador ten te he Republican amd Democratic par ak ier ---- 4 regenting ae Trish vote was witheet Ate after a run arrivi sharma, where ee ermal y we eabarked on the uptemtid vp wr wn pas eanty om provemer is mani 7 smo eflicient crew, a shiek Capt. Robins is the master, --- & more success ihe tilowing are total wumber of | Tiitoes wa next " waitor cannot be found ot in each Municipality in ths County, ela large stock of pop bag goods on | Courtecas 'andl kind to tis all, yet firm and re token fram the tiete filed in the Sheriff' hand at the lowest prices, and we would ad: salute in his disciplinn, which makes him a ones ' " P be +h i favortte rr sore * . | 0 arrived at a i te ol Meswtratiry Na, 69 Vorns, [ef pene Trask go Catabontas (ames. | Goderich, where we tarriel for a short time z for pamengers ani then proceecest weet, call jacanline aod Seow 1) o> Joey ing © onl we wtrwite of * M ty miles berg hanks on ' Ng they count up to the figures given, Vn the potition there arw several whert thé abo i 4G ------ ! i & it ei ap Cicifith set : roe tie eth 'nis | fa ol, mt nystion, w7 tach wr ine heed Non Ratti, We kis se ~ Fes erry Pere the min i of | : team hay be np fig -- mone? Paw 'wate! rT Garks C. Lawes mt servis {fear that rt wt te precew tre and jeweller, af s beep awarded = ; . dectinel to pat} yitwation. The wth - | the contract of Jinn = 2.00 strikin L -- b. ted , Vating of optics that the grant! weatinn, and tit be cant wesieg: | 1 clock tm the Stratiord Most Office amt Cus . wre wend ben itlegal, Oa the following day. Mr with vivitors The gird cangat Live ware toms beikding. The work wil t 1 s 7 md MAKY* a Mirg A ahgat bons arter oe L than a few days tanger at the mast. Noone | With at once. Z niernin a SA, L. Powter, A. saad ft the motion c re doubts that hi i the unpre | Dr. Shaver af Stratfont, has fant retafite| | Thomeon, Hotties, K. | gave Mr. Ntmey e cheque for the amount. | celentea perint stabed, Metonnell, % 0 O'Neil . Pord, J, Unupe, | which he aerepted. -- At the first meeting of | -----~ <0 from an extemdedt holiday trip fn the North r eatamt was inch pleased with the coantrn Think Utan....M_C birale var' ore op ert j A 'Phare with Indinies The tw the <a': = al. Matiregur, | loing voad, Mr eae mminate in = first vee pole eae premise vere, an] AM. Donald, J Tisiet MH Gliders M. | regard Ur this matter wan tt correctly en | uisvane aTracn WS wrLAKt the crups are simply immense, and id le KE . nelair, 3. Wren, | tered, and turret ' Viby Mr. Jameson, | AS A WHITE sce hhMet SLY HURT \' faabteen od 'thin dalidaen snenee tant kK. Aut C Hemderson, KE. Sp M. Hae, | Qpat if be attended by striking ont the wonl G LPt D. Van Zandt, F. | Carnet," which was acconiingly done. Winnipeg, Mar om. On the b aks | company of Mennemites num jowan, J. McK a b Wo AL | Chap. 30, Seo. 19, of the Statutes of 1941 | of va Tel Rives, t erga wept the North wet Tony Mamplicies, A. M. 34 -- gf. That ter | Momilay evening, i | 4 4. Becunad Chae Mirigitt, Why Bu. ded » the river to abot » | anit, ton ete lor the leadership ig Py liprost, As M. 1. eaten i Herring" s party of Indians wit : F id j Inan, -- (hue of the white five, | ilar healed mene 66 yoare-wt T. McDougall, A: 1s. Pabkeroti whew wi Umlian evaded wpe ie aad y Antiel. BB 4. Nicklin, AJ ieshat, h. the yan A terribls Tow rr Rapes Senter Goong " ate ee : wf which the gun went ots ead tte eoatents were a M c aml a majerity other Trasteres may lags tn the Indian h Pos é., bt i Norfolk, eset td tht Week, Ia bin THE ERRING JUSTICE OF THE | orolare the wate aor ty. The gene? tae | oe WEROT ™ agitation, it t PEACE, a Trustee for servives can he recevered er st punt the san tatinon tel Me their teh - for only @1,000, Here #as a low in value, Coeds ny & uit at ay ratepayer." | free time of the latter ove " by tom, of $1,500 in one WH Ts AWARDED TES HAYS EN (Ant. Mr. Stomey said that he hae done a ue Hert h ¥ deal of ow kot great y an knew! uttber the saint to thee iui. portatina of {rink goods, ong Theres hy Bee S Peeverieet tr Me, wand. that the rer = the Heere of Cire font Mr Potton will Weduertay the 27 at? sitet, on prog mal wpperite ket t 1, tor ie pee shaking tote repairs : cont onc, - Darried. Rw dg we we tahis it {it z2 ie Ea saersss tree m_the bane cat Tiedt, Moral een Bochnennd, eeromted treat ty Me. Leet teat ene attend te tie cet Crart io dew dite taion ammededt 3 i bi wonkd be broagit up fur consileration: « the wext meeting. j = ae) ae Cirews In Four 5 Rings. BLANSHARD, tarné of the late Peter Burns, 4th pero fr pure rings, und is in. ts hant, were cama hy ey lhtaing shumy dy th ve of all arenic exvellence, during storm on Samlay a! atte With f athe entipe great ou I were barned tothe ground. The entire | pany of riders. anna amt A argo are crop wheat, hay and all the other-}-alt mew to the of the United Str grain which had heen barrestel!, were dew | as are all their novel ant fees ick meta. sey, Lead with waguine, imopleiments There has ales teen ale? tthe Great Fore wt machine paugh shew, fur the first time, & magnificent aati ELMA. Homan, Paratan anet Kg tists Hippostrome. , . The time, talents, energies atl expenence of Klara tant ot ee See cere ety | of a large forve of igi salaried Ages! bere ai mueeting tread and | hare been mcetp 1 t Europe art Awe oot skittint chariot ke Deo rides a usale, ry + twagniteds * Bisel ory he Gr at sh fu se sent tae "e wound serctee the A» wile Mise te de sth in nen begere dl | seid repiloenl. 4m: am rages father frome lie eae 5 Winder ne agenesiily hal te am) viel part probed. tur the pohes bi ) gave oe | Interviewed ly & reporter in iid a ote tou, he feed wpepreremtls fer wife -- sn -- <7 grows up o«tes Paveveng 's Horse Racing Show. ame oe gb beet ain Je! tented evhibbtion of the Mr. Atta Poocpeagh, etll md, nor Keiits and appre ity im the hipgasie feature alone will retuler ee sian in tensely ve to al hore racing = "There irate he tn the hippeirome, paren ue wot a wet do acter rei Te pew to the" Wenile in ye Ars! famous show wiwtne Whit ie . edi! rupe. ste werk ate mre benching with thet) : A who wil protabdy tha iy of 'ara jah Gates ef « a ter, tea wt Gay L Liv tek Nh Tide, fe hae that the, Mar kee ated «ream tirent Show, Beso is 3; lu Schiees aoe oa Forepangh's oa Priley, ad Saat i ile tite the granel a jUetre like moving monn tain chedient te the commands of thelr elper y rear their punderote boliey Tere! al pnchimg t tome of the lefty camvas," oe soretion amd wend the mind of The spretator., apd faredgly f the finights*s Tex that ante man is given dawning over ery Heung th inn rag pean the earth. has 1 ty the * yah in ony vet " hisid et , theese to make a single hel: mul mernent Senn, has there ev hihite!) twenty performing elephants Iisip lined atl trasmel to naeente Mtb a serton of traly asioe ons intlng acts ax We great bent af vy -- direct pee The Sian Srasen: This akunk teal amtauy ove living in revel sie are toads amare of their s mare and s Aacoatnets by their peculiar to pecroeyit a couple af miles aaa. For the lant few years in thts the anima " erounqlary and U Mehly . tler 20 years © ery poet of REt5 emeite » bettie sth a ares tet Nerr tne teaahy here, han hi Shert ~~ Enylind baa of potters 1 Je ats pat de himeel? in an exwarplary imanse pes! argest Kare he wor is * sds i |ea wt cnepihe ores > NEW ADVERTISEMENTS rei w bebe te wep Mlle pedestal and surrounded by 9 namber / ht the Mailer of the 'Guardianship of ' 1 fh wal ee ginte nv har seers: | infant Widew and inlat Child of tea reaiuel fre anit t be fees are china. | Issa ee oe fot nih See ee wats ives ATION wilt te the SURIUNL A" | MOET, of ot te Con CNTY of PRRTH, bete on =e Awake } the deste to ¢ fees. 8 thee eo Dragciats. Magers. 4. mgt Saerrth « On are aleayy ppss their end Gyare te yaltn Ud Sociary thie beat every arycie in nett Vine, They hawe seruret the selgnratel tre. Sings New:teers "ety te memes th 'stan, COURT OTE, The bl own of Stratfors | 4 mney p< ig! per deocende Alte jon al TDerrnty Days Patenatoo, Cogn roll 'the fivat yaaa fou heres t Oi aha ot acanaes of Wines. fai father af SORTA SANE UIT" art cemenlsed ot henge of eo aoe k BARTS rs * The fertility ot Conedian earls ts | ao ether ue ver ." Writes the Moston). (ieurtir, | contion ot Se a TE ie ta nae om thet ystome | Saldctane anki " ib ot Pah vac 'aapTen, these that they tear and mwaltiply Te Ke Saich abs ae 5 origi wh Vil, there isa Canmiian family, mares! . marek, tt tth, that cota © generation: " iL t \s Hor Sues. feat great grabdimather, Wace Hen yy SMI & u is ninety +f ye of th se t yreat-griedtatiter,, Mme. ¢ fm, te MODI Tet the gjomtecther, sine. Val 'wr DEL § SCHOOL. jer ney three tether Max, char, te Chirty ; and 0 danght ee NEXT Mets af the COONTY MOE the batt reve sears a. rf SUNG wR begin te st TRATEORD ". Se amin. jntnenin, rennet Seer ae | Tuesday, Septanber Oth, 18% Tes ccc | 4, he'se: te tay og neces Pron bee tienenn ? toe eatrticbatee mecel Me 14 years anel fren ut nape. te arte ace reyuentenl te state their age Dacre ¥ of the tel thromgh . the Sit skull waa fractmred and his Tran becwts lnwmiel Len ice Druiffiaed of thig patat, eet Whsiee, lor 7" t trHite - grant? en owed a lnbenbaly y ter obd ant young, to all chases, ---- are been presented te the gmablic el here Bank TRE FREMDAST DIMAPPEARS <P ros oLrk Te? A MONSTROUS CONSPIRACY To Puts HEIR. i {i =wa fa ja = oe H E x i gata To the legn of these fom |e he has a The task, . be ---- tee coolly wal rd leet : . twtt tacky of as tkany fowls ae they" Just Before his Marringe. can, and gu away aml pay mo attention te Sng er PAE FROM THE HOUSE OF MTS py baer mF, En 4 skank on ner 'ond . y Pages zw his of the rou ant rather ovarte your cumpagy New 2 hile passing te sjmaintance ; aml prugh North Fuitk street, Wiliasebary. solic" Samael Gu doine to'ahe wes speesty af ate i < honey Pieion, ot Oe ; ton the offensive, in the way of me ifth wolice, heard a crash, anc ti a he will atte hou enw tho billy of num tying' on the fe, (0 onimal. he will sever parent | ot cy News. om Gi, eh cee tapping below the tore ol thet woalt soumer tackle » ear than a sku, | ter 8 ny Poker dimers not Soearetie, vi Lu Neb ies rRoam house oven! t bexdore Kormurtts, at Fany day, A slog that onee haa a re with | loner -- podle Aeng bles Fa . "pon ite Phaser aie AND, we No, Vth Ven | Ld officer reached the prow | ae never comes back tan. is -catintion, | Toreeteel Freee over eh meetuiane tee eeeedake | an meriter:. RLAND, AXD TmHk w tre! ca ares, te A apt nary és was aoe "-- for all time to come. Hewever, in some of any Wore -iealaibua' vo i enue. ees : wiwlew on pir Heer aun ¥ 'd . * re. . <r, 2 ' o Haigh thi woalen porch over the sd ar go at Dal cared by water Yond prop at-ai | Wines & Laquors of the Finest Qualit? ry Hg thet Gane wf the year nw 'Boren, the severity of Which confined be § ' $ . rg " ihe we hs nine § fre ion and have bred and trained skank-hant re Lee height abmwve oe me elt Accenting to prices ewrrset int » were arones|, amd Mins Tattie Pave one baad far market tot this month skunk skina are Wine, Port ine, arat i dibd Viswcing hers iL at. the site OF) mony valuable mink. rr peigeen! povaiy diex. Clarets, ¢ the boty lifted iy -- i her and | is full of these anivoala, aul they are com Basa's Ale, Scotch bacon Wes petson tor "teins Tmt ting al ats gn Bay 'Net on! 'ys Bg eee Lori ened 0 ye young Lely that shagkt dewiat ster: ~ ot. Met she cefased to be | inate tater "hy. revate indiehials Vat a Jamaica "She Kivect the paid Bp, b hese a Bal On my William, speak to |! sates age Tewtry nal aber pea acs wemnan Was ToT inte the Jeohp Chinaman A femunce them: vere te nase, whe 'y; -: bread... 4: yerr walt Tie tal? ne ie William Sleomcy, on its righ kite Law eixinux Recites bites, raat La 7 "a rg of Ne. 242. Brewlwag, thin. city. Tr .. we i mc me "a ¢ . isboeas HccrkiSMR Haste | 5 aw amar mange carat ms | sel ein | eens tie some of the meui the Commis povaas 3 sin afc Krave he hecame ilk | So Wearing Vat" Zhe Chinatnen, i the vichies alate heart, Wich a oye to | SS JA MES KENNEDY, and a& he did fot recover it ©: deren! teal by authori = pased_it, her _ " z VT Oie hie hit Gr Feats Heer baht, We was ue ¥ ak aie tid Wateilon Sis, ah hail bed rem en the third thee ety: toe 4 - aiid retired niwut tem @'clook. The bed was thay nat ip rm purty pccwse! fen ate ie ey | eee sant Pk yng rae make. ge ae ee ae eae phar Pome) ie te itches | ANTI-SCOTT ACT. fariecd ter sesluntins wien was, atterl «ut Judea bis ~ tage dgthar et alner 8 a ig te ay ere "TAB sonore net cor tice o7th Day of August woreda, ST Perbhcarve foe: atari THE. Tow HALL, STRATFORD To Scott het sous PAYSE jon Bawden, ta i a aad ee wa in tas be poulel wee slid pot learn, bet inte the water and followed by T som, who drive {hem uf street, thers ¥ ot bind tbe rai it in slavery for several the amount is prin ge off. Drief i is the roche of on tare aig ng all ped ution of the city af gi Chinatown,- Victoria 4] »FIRST ANNU. sy GAMES. FAIR G GROUNDS, i Friday, Aug. 99, '84 $1,000. in Money, 'Medals, anc 3 ¥ Special Prizes ! 'The Chemepion eet ripen pier ip tes Amerce are i es } yt lr at expected, , ev satniwersin ane re ated Bo- ates ~~ yo ME m4 eee md } fl Comet, th Thane 8 form pert op after forgeries. ad etait seg cue iF i Hits ' -- ; W, Maw, at the Peslesibe nt ea br be) A . ae, he NH NEPER CRAY Os tee tah bt