or COWARDLY. GOVERNMENT. andy Frey art vie Neee ccm, of | Movers in 11 8 = Coo ee othe pent of era ait lk TAT | m Medium and. Fine Canadian TWHEDS, our. Sate Tins THE CHARGE OF SMUGGLING. Just call ant we my Window Shales. amd elegant N. A, | STRATFORD we compe: | ohesit, "aad Tews counciy.| TME Norte remtm smow. | Woda Resks, 19 Hhess rec det Se FROM THE FOOT or "<THE : PLES ode ot hele apectel ang Segater Meee * }ewatry serene eins AX OL} sTKATRORDITE. | tats May vem shoe mee bl rire ting tf Ren LNOOR FON TENG THE Toes Ane " Preseet a Nieto the Mayet | ie the Brow ca & Gaating, We i reed drat ry ° bill, te evenitg wee | ihe several fama Pe neath | getting er egoneet 5 mented Che Sdlowing Mouday evening ! far' as se | se somelery ae) of the Sure wole om ee 6 hee AND ee --Mr. J. Nasmyth at Re eee ed ; j wont: ex pteesiem ' thee re ive wigger in the terme tw threw tebe decade, aml ry heen peice but a¢ long as we are] fer wielel : yosee, ween tie at our tpl we shall maintain the saya At the ee hy and w ertnrths img Mothersill' im tat yen baie Mr, Marshall, phe & Callen, suseais seaee of sinanee, bat aa it would be © profession re- . of icin bare decid. The Soot ' + agitation has knocked head. PCY Bd mente pe & get } Laban thy, City Incorporation Bill report tan ving taachines was better cae ct al & "ila, 1 Vente | ed Tortng bau a ree mfr meeting & i om ar were ma poethusps yer Lines jt «| o a cj . 4 E d sririiz fe & § : 7 reitet $8 cad aes oe seee® EF Pe & E pa a2t : s : 2 r gs ' Fepirip g Pt i | ane ta iat eto terest t smn olirisenn 40 insert a clatine in the wi H by el Laptan, the On the 7 geo of Mr. and Dawe voting against bat had i exe Committoe ipo ety etter In the | Board, declining to give of ee ear the of tbe Teard for Red pba < cremision o _The vy Sjeticoenty tien asker! for, as the pai are entitled to hy fullest informal wang virgin the ba of the pubic hoviies that handle war tars fo, the te roe were srusgtt alead t the Phas tar Tanta? ms Are oad vartetins es that =one mnie ny showe i A Queca's are Judge on Pre Prasat. We regret to learn that our dames Rabb, of. tha } ot ke. took } Firkin utter, 3. Salkeld, R. Porter, W patres. Cot iat and tad fort and 2 ene La Mr. Butler Goan fs it was better to leave that cines they worth? soe freere- oat > mee we jorme Siem Ask any of an a 'i eae eminent -- th baie * Wheat ds the bare aw ther © . Aund thes i u | aye 4 | thee, hatiggecions. bulromenene, sanlata A. te * ague, &s ad they we Ateame vied ced 1 jam ant possehey op by | en draco ft rhomanetiom ts Mansoasn Nature te ete At ~ | tase Be in Way whey yu el, a potrmalist and a Leek nankes beng ote ) tously burt Bikhope & to confide te the Trish toners to be subanittet eruty etuc post ana ye nually beet Teele at Hew Hees ate vais te the if nape Kinga Cover ty, ancl of the Dw mie Sasle authorities he ee lneeaeth A Warningto Germans and -- Frenchmen. ie oars The Seott (ct in P ET WENTIGN & } three yeaee enger at ote repeeabedd naw "A Sklital Seretead poratIEN ican Ambasmedor at Vienna, tanta, Ms. | Baan Mae lately forwarded bo ee fi a af we atin. aisle t woul the yreaely Lt it ey i ver muasy Beat the bas whe The opymrte by way that ile "failure has been se signal that it bees, ABT VS sriowe tte nat of shanjee fan wer run hatin et at pacuoumg fae oe he A dew w Hare hewn euired by Nop tasters. yoo of | fonaned tte erery meth: we ie a AM nallivan. Irak publicut. af Roman € ately ae te vations "sn the dn Zales bese willing. we ee t "Vt ot have been difficulties: again in tate Ith antl thy dal yeration ba fmol ty Yro- mr Rite --<t en Ray tecrg wonerful inthe reeevel of C perticn 3 + | The eves are saben, Vinged with pak per t me } date feet become cobd and sticky cold perypiration, The rufferers eel titel at me and goes toot seem sem to give vest gloomy. 1. his mind filled with "a 5 table paber-ee yoention | Sinechadinge, When rivting suddenty.feom « rep | rex tabemt Lacon there is a dizziness, ® audi ermeatinn, w hietliny aod he obliged to | ores Th tn © | comdition, eomeotaines aweetish we we taste. ue heart, 1 Of ana th the > patient fears may =< aa rh die. | Towards the last the patient is unable retain any fod whatever, = the Se 8 ticn wld by at coeealins 6 may ne vend. + cae thee ast the war! | tore, A. d. Whi mel 17, bythe pri onden Syrup sary ee a '* wrase, aod dri N Sir, lt gives me great pleasnre bo in! you of the benefit T have recetved trom Nei- gel'a Syrup. | have been Uroubled tor years < bat.aliet as few doses of the Syrap, cmd reliet, tae alter faving tro~~4 bottles of ry 1 ital quite cured 1 em, Sin, youre "weuls. Mr A J) White Willams Brent September ab, 1%. Lear Sit, I find the sale of Sergel's Syrup tradily inereasing. Att ve tried he very highly of ite metic rial virtues ; deverites it asa * Godsend to dyepe Lee people 1 always reoemaneerl fy F with con nee. rang to the meat « ware ate ever cota tha x agefyl be lewn pegrene "i ceanty "Rika fase The fai aay : @ trad! oanicen 2 Ferengi all y + others eult more terestonng, berry: pomsie tis fair a ehpaweed fetene: ants were _ frightened inte got 'itenlan. west a tanh Deak fer try make an Co --_ ie ok a Lapeer iiawat calirhate "Te Se tate Loliteanad Lucky I worse off in Ne that panler h and followed them to the nt houses ot New York She Medora l that Tat the Ivtah are the Ueitial (iovernenent 1» pronureging --_ iy ee te o gels moet hr note those » Live at heme cae jality oe ' ong the erentawee vol thse iy . "ioe wal ak _tbeaisel ses why if to that te cee Church people they he ht to sil rag, tng ont aly: : 7 alone "te fon, . " (Laughter). reputation ef the Windsor as the first-class Mr. Larkworthy wanted to at Sireliaey- Ald." Betler bnew bbs ong ge advertises | ( to} A A. mht ne tne Aged ram, B "ierias M0 a PEN WHV ES a TKER pel « aroha fps the air, purvaer trem rary rule amd placed i whereallare on qual terms, position are to be bark for the earnin, ue i Ire tastes Tine O° *Beten 'alt tha jpn comet + omg a wero 7 sie wv RELIG en . "esITEWEST, -- AMER irifton, Pa., , et. 2 usc, amd iv his lang ata barge m: ragmnents and miting hi STRATFORD Pouce corrt. BEFORE 244 oLOASE, BM), POLICE Maite TRATE. ' RE WOULD HAVE MORE THA © hy af ve | for the late crops. indly ta all old frieasts. Hope to ser them same slay Lace work, Cotton coledies, jie BH. Hatnilten, T.C. Th Maril- i " i : is in i ¢ - E i | | | I ! i eke Bs i i FE | the crewd that swab ill them. fi pe ore wev erely Still yelling and waving bis hand, t iz ' ran tically upthe street. EF he had murdered someone, cad was bran ef fest tha her te the earth abd ere to choke Ler to leath, 'vat being pulle still waving bis Foo! halon overylaxly to ig Xatting cut tha They pure tend 5 Zibbons, whem he chethes, trons from Lage nya a physician, whe prone x - prviably brought an by rollelows wacl icitempent, A THN es, BRUTALLY STARRED TO woes wy eS To FACILITATE EM Ar +f i ise it i ue: fle i a i) . [ shed Haak FE iii f Le aint ou} ome le Teele Abt ian A ae lg tere, mime tare j wt curkims ioe ees nersarut 'yer ite lawed bis sgrrd te we ene * whe srkATFOUD MANKETS Corre Red Pall wt ee UB il hite Pal Teese ach ache per pai ceo MITCHELL MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel Spring Wheat 7 Oats Deas Barby 5. c.c5seve. cesses Flour, fer bal. ST, MARYS MARKETS, Fall Wheat, Spr Batter .. LISTOWEL MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per b basbel, ee' 2 to wi 78 wo Spring Whe: leur per © tates wating bbw pecrity Anew: = ror bangs (ash te wrt " *| WE DNESDAY, OCT, rstit, Nest Thurslay the Reott Act will Le rub store af Simcoe lay Tare te | BAKER ! pile wre bast at The expenents of "eek work. tel tea vote past, bad tea al bat pratt ----e - Peveternerc oe Tides ver 100 %, | each. es 7f o -eecccs hy M Dressed Hoes ri lou b.. "= = tree es Ha oe She Ie owt. Suteess £ 8 3 tf ee ry Respect. ¥ Paice ch Wal tances vornanalt ~-- b Company 0 of Artists, ae ye Germany haw decided 4 protectorate over Pequena, West fas dtr THE Ree Weer . ~ Pasthlalis » ate Signed Vincent A. Wills, Chemist, ioantie it, Merthyr Vydvil. Mr AJ. Whit Setgel o 04 erating val is are the beat family «| | eames pomp ever been discovered. They dt an =. "Tcare them in a healthy condition. The y Cure comla yeti Vr eet om, Sept. Dat, My Dear Sut, -- Your Syrup and aitsave til ry popelar ry with my customer', MANy saying they ate te Dect famtty tordierpes pomsable. bottles of Syrup and other Sewgel '. { and war lafe of bes wate ve he added, ae ol 7 ing fitterr ~ imiian eezy to a fiend bo te is ant il, 1 have much rape ve at ~ The ss aa hed op wor sya in feet, ome cy when af ginning & Seagrel's and the uuinction ~~ a erent fas! -- iggTaesh | W. Bowler, To Ad. W ite, Ka outed infaliil ble remedies, I gv ve it at beast o far ia In two of three ye 1 tet + and new at pro nip of twelve 'vn ihaving continncd taking it) | om t Tom diflerent being aie ether. a is = of pa tar sare pues shat ih y come nand @ blessing * and f ate ere pagans te | doubt the ethane "t arg statement. can truly say, hore hat Seigel's aw * hes ame a o been tod a blessing " to me. 'The eocommended te vaerts from Uhie iicenteg com: amy ond [| theit tevtimony is quite in -_ j Pomay + Bagi Mie" Weck "pe" al DGS am, dear Ki cage A.J. White, Faq. Baptist Hensinghans, ile seg Oct. 16, the Mr. A. J. Whit Dear Sir, for .™ ection of the Dominion 'ernment uarantining pra & from the ted States, the warm ap- | R= of the Seaghe af af the Northwest. The ort Me a gn Gazette --_ ig it ao | matter of self-preservatio contagions | linensen, such as Texes ear, peere preum- _| nia, amd foot-and-mouth cineame are are spread | ing with alarming rapidity im the grazing i tates. The he from a country arated merel CT ots forthe UA "Ht would be « ver simple matter for these to Fg He theo scaparcer heen allowed to continue, wookd bes much more serkma matter than he Naas ab theo sshoened oir antages of the tert fay inlignnety repo and ponowred to am -- vg Moe allinwes, "TOWN HALL. on WIGHT onLy THE WORLICA TAVQHRITE COMEIMANS, _FARRON ! --SUvTORTER Fa t here theiv ORIGINAL 'comeDY DRAMA, IN FOUR ACTS, 'a! THE EMIGRANTS BUBBLING OVER WITH FUN, - New tongs sat Sew Marie. : Seats om MAMYTH a0oo8 wie aaa LES Se