r =m, thirt pettnet tre me tie afiens Nee ee ~ 7 ; "RUSSIAS GREAT CORY Perr. court Wednagday Morning. ACommerciat Mari ea the Binek sea acd lie SS Home cee TOE we "SupecraaT a TM per ener. HF ra = C orn ee aa _ SCS a ee) teen sa a haverticiag Bai os te huave bo trace, ji ao = et ed grote gore! * Riva ot the Ie be ; ira ations Thowefon.3 oo per tine. by the aoshined Meta of Franc } : : 1) . a pbincacmentts: | t laad im ISSA might abs sce ret pert be é bi ia Cieguiee, as temding to . s nt ss (at ad 7's renning tor 3, €, Pand_| ye A bas ata tiny, He Really unilutmi np ee on om ae OF 'PHERTH GazerrTm pepoetindye re | Rete of mewn wilt Yee | y _ pads 8 ma ted aot ae - Ams aaa 8 a wi he, tle OL IX. STRATFORD, ONT., W EUNMEDAY, § NOV. 12, 1884, eee Soancda ps ane wi 7 etree | NU. 462, wane will euch qumsmmwnications be * ootuaune af Tum Tisna, fe alt TEAS! ! Fg u a ee = vor, the teal , shee . ds aban Br Fay ya id Batels, 'ae EAS! 4 NAMELESS ROMANCE | | Mire " ore aunen todivaive of ms " preg AGRICULTURAL. ds z Extreerdlaary French 'Murder Case, . QKRBGNED MAS Jet tue b age ned COMMERCI T hs te . Reale nd { gn Ieinare boar to pen} sow and ke The bly crorpis S 'ay 5 rn | Paris is at preseat stined to ite ecetle m.. PRINTING. - apend it is the 'Tor Wantef wunlight' 'Boe | Breeders and thelr Characteriation vy ibe nade os fe efor anette ott Kinda Artes Al owe, | SOME CHOICE TEAS, yaity ads 1 dwell. Purheps seme of | fail stooge en} ais fay ieerd fuocien j wor of Pol, the potsewes of Mua Tet Trae eal thendnen " sal wah toa cain ates™ ar $00 moy thins th. ferment, 4 facies ten of ter ie rs) ay oe ve : = . sat boats aah 0 8 charge of having made a w ver ta B01 see 3 : on serch iy of giaantic i. sorvant, « rs fe thie te } on "Tr. TAGANTY, iIs Prepsred to "Sell Cheap. wee, I might eek ysl sigh ek te ty thas: vtricn, based py anggete: Seeae Mare Boebwier, He in changed wilh YY hetzen, | as tnt et neranhnontonsrel sow? wrerEn Ts her aftetd the eonay ol tim | Sin mg ot bre cain, Che ac na men peer Fr perdes little, be poboned his first wife, M Kaoku sie ee of emt hestiom Mandgne i diay Hf ' DR. SHAVER RSTORE, ON ARLOST edvtert . or in the ns of | "4 be, Fre ate Selied poultry ey, ahtane the @! the investi departenent, ix | | Zi at renee | ie PREP, as Frasca: Luigh Dark tote 2 Sette ane baa Viaencd cet tacts ety? simest tergorton + tor one or-wther of the | Sal d of Moatreci in Lllowing ep snancial aad Begat i hast vtyle aad -atehert gentle petting my lonelinces, a |} Whe Engin choreh buts lis te) ene oat he impress oa our | 2Y whieh my brig the marder m2 meet | = ns ray eit the Choice? Coffee. emda pyre generics. ly a mo: | fore id pace room for hosts | : Ape fe ¢ but the peed ce boms tw > coused, . Two LAWKES ment > bag douds, | 00d stand, uo, lenging! y bale | grestest improve moms for general ose tine re wine J ty the mua » cts Sena WHERE 6 nN * a eee ee P. A } Bas tw Youeg : G? THA ; abd exen | Posting weedul'y ie SS if eazes of Uae; ine now by crommng Jn by ad te Ps oe ae PeSstienee me SAW; | 'ad vonsage af to howe ia W TSON. | if T wets, it weeme tome that no rlace ip | charac were upne, Ia thie gard, too, ade | Suatice Wish our email, ting bend evapin whisk bare the imprint af SbLeo! y ere a wot enough fooreri f harert Newariow T ot Hawose ood Ree SI | atten Jonunry Bet, ills the world eculd «ver be so Tear as sual waik penog the old trees, ant dich | paaee® that will 'hatch | toed knie A lay, iiiaet Enite tax disc ntent isdoe A pene, axe, Govt ant ae |- y lanes gee menaueT hove to SOK | bee m With the sow ri¢s oF spting «| Siti yen se Laie table birds, au | ony dud i Pa '- fuaire- misery enough, snd tar on meds: bes nr awresce Otters i 'os: Lam ld eos city sometimes | bur ¥ to--whtner 5) dere eariy moe page= wire ra ese BEM the | stead al Rieeawcry Quads Lote esau gion a Mtdy | Dy westeorter, WM. od Fores | A. an td RN --- ape gr fp low, Searing ¢ i ond Senet . Piste pg nf ene stanky eiroets Rass with a tale tenes | of haw al Mesias fit ty tg, the tine of ry Bh 7 ah ie . ~~ rake LAASO greet even acme re Pa " sh . ig P eodace d H atil ste day a snadon ee 'WoRTH § HOTEL, Ae mentite tacecctee Sirwrra offen wirn The wh fas mp | Wr ots Hrs fay pines ~ ms ased | Saoat Ral pnued te ee eget | an dope wl nod ea ona jogs tn tae ak vu . TOR, CUNYEYASOBH, &. | "| Eat aac SF oy toda Bat om kept young ure it reer lideloss baad, bx ; | Witt fowin of thm broed as new and} Pemaine wate: plisad i the closet, as Ph| | aftetthe old fashion. Tee Pinm wif ihe MOSKY fro teen, nom rarvate matey chy i | And every bo, | stare QT woo her ue ie Sie Worn eHtieg Ss Face Wark wiih «cts f bere are ny mach wmportance | bad been cbeerrad ta. { tarne jog tet,.-weace the. sane 25008 Ot tore *Re otberwiae at very Ay lore Sh | Peerseny Cree, or | maid was wooed by ewnin, ad che is | ereerose a prteven. A palv givam cf ypring | bas been actached to sigs; this ont | Sere om three muccessive ta Jaly tan. . cf twistonheen, fordg apomtive grine drved Aucw tor the Lontyn x Geral Lavette, die pean imc Bowaas on | ara be pens ber vor I pe 6 nin, peice | fot orp! Cogs sate tod Un) Aslatin leat Production of | This it somewhas brevout Sy the feat that seeders, whic ok Sti, Apseare be 2 kena rR Ki LBU R N,) T MILBURN & 0, rr | aaet withered ge they a: twine ber oer hake a cf place, aad dimmidas, et; cumey irda ie 0: aged at tbe when the cess; ois were wt te day (fice, saad * | thie, sill ver | rT ORONTOs } as sree med my ck. a br fr | te 7 I have tm paving on | ak Fomenat Bipclt tha ditties (1 "wat wenand ame pairs 'a Buetierd, seg, i J 'oe her inex>aastible store | Wn © bal al tr 3 oa a. epee: ides - WREMITECT: WM. LANGLEY, ~~ j+# Bey ee ane care | USE ican TaEeeLreht i fet may poring eat E. SYDN EY SMITH, i Pe as a ' , | PRACUCAL BULLDER. 18 rrepanen | vies eerie ei abtingtown sad wd | her optrs ratter was 1 Ot peetbes pr! tad chek Gied Bafforeae. oo & dhop Red the ARMICTER, a+. er be The Winds nee eran: a4 | Office Over Mowat's Bank. {Piast weriog lated. ad all work | them be « atm ee irk cele se | ae. bite tba aiver gree bom mee ee + : dessa { eoeete ne RN pared nr Bn Fuerteemen.*"*. | The, Windsor. Hotel, [-- Sammon | Wala rma fet He seslrd Fa | Wow nay Crea ber Goan evay hand | et tnen in tb oid gure, fairest Sighted "nk to | Sow ws han Coie oe Mes 1 ° ts ' Tre Sone = HARDING. =} 9 a M bi & 2 any | groaspa 7. 2Maenity H sc eraig: | and Plaster over every teukgeol ber besaty, | toe eloude grow faint, {mesh om son, Bibs Wisete This ix pa ban ber rewitlis ure about te BY iT ie 1 7 4 | OMSEH OF ALBERT itt. ASD Manner sq'nm, i ardie Granite Works. i or i "Thave oe on deg, as she of hears, | tabs ns come aig hg W surety tbat thermo | mala fowl te be very mech a iat bor | setoseed by etder of the Procurrur of the at By ri nesthy ad Var} ATFORD, } t HODGINS. . oF eumeenes | | ie thie wow Ke. "Vlng . | GAPANY & SIAR ints | and traffic, and and screw ;" ----aaee. ae & comely, clean. | ior ton «Beck, Kerio st. fa we 1, ST. Most RUMGANTLE | woe mas r qa oy 'VETERINARY SURGEON: | Tae rae yen Not hy oly anal] ar Suenvaticne te | raking. clorely-teathered, amall aid fit. A a ill nr Fa dei = m1. __| Sed lpjemmemeni o'r Rape in dry | spat : {etter comes op tween the | Rasevur ae tng cairint cx with | Susann ey ates sot Married ohn het ia i J j e be in » celina t d bal SMITH & GEARING: Pit segs She Miodew o-heated bp einem 4. : [tan : face We joa i yout eteins ntl ot Uae re Orlane ae and are quite peaceable bids, bul Bamniormcns. wot lend ie foob ae) alt nonenerae oe SEIN AIA BITS ¢ se | tre ey. ube dngpatt at oe} { ihe f lenis, af ad | 5S etld Keep thes down to » isir wee, or a, 8. SFRAT FORD Homie on wach fat. Lange, aerate | op, for women's bearts to bi | upee thas of the Amphiaraas, at ia | LY may Os wert breed pare A and arth The CG | cceeeengescteameeree ee enor ve at Wisos's Cr I | the nd court beneath P q *P*12 | lowe tbe fine laying eharacterwstics of the 4: GRAYAON srr OmARIX | | fs th Una Gee tbe uty sam Fr Ww. e-lve prem moation Hota | Eade a sa they tent hic litle Attics, the dig ings, which have bees poltg | M mba: a3 great fomace with aaa + eae Fi a tho cholsest breads . COW. vethist t sp Po 7 po abe ed ie a <a ae Pat, BLY< | fowia of thas beoed, jong - y monvery or rtmeroey Pee yay ; though their Ma . 1k } AETEMAX. repay -------- are ie ta way down to the very centre of the Gith | 0! eca'pture o oat is large, té McPherson, Stratford, June «AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, &e, | Fax Gani ' LAGER! t} eve ean ualic pes, ted «rose wil bed and ava na boges rev. ral year m oer on = arte iz, ate ote tote marr auie oleh SOIR |e wed we Te ----------- om in some wading te of the peas el hr sues hate tea re- Vv ALA a pelts ace 20 Nranra inst) he | NEW YORK COUNT oY Sate GEORGE BECK ie kindly jee table paw In alli te ppetrheded cine! tone ane eae ee wah and of te Me | KECEKIVED DALY, BY EXPRESS, In Counties of Perth or cy Lageres ET Pou ARR, erRATPORD nas | Then thiek how iin Aret vine the Se a coed d by the other q saiitiea enamer ated above, ire, Cre we " = ate ore ar mt oe Mermmnson. | Cabinet Narkst Heft at Tue Trem Ofice, promptly SLEEMAN'S CELEBRAT ep _| tem to retare an insult, how etearfuliy she | pyc the other band taken | totem oi the New York Pesmeat nat lord, April ®, beet, 'ai. Restaurant, 1 Square, | affrust, és « very ex ve and a vn | sig omengy! --$--$--$ JOHN Brentford, Ane rd, ta bent me | LAGER, VALE AK D PORTER | j ovaren, 7) is but a the Comoetanelh ee dell, she 8 aes i be ¥ int 4H at, was one beteven the Dor cil =F MACGREGOR, F aeced D. McBETH i lex thas those who baild op mames of brick Iy exam'sing the Actopols, Two years lal, Sad Linge The f.prings were j Strataiel aioe a Cc | Wood er Rottles. jwe we out be well repad if natere | wan 'tos of B tneent citadei, A ag bear bektke nee apg ee: so one traps ; 2 - Bevt, - ow is round wok, a beh the PariLen sa, was f7) : ue INFORM aay NUMBROUS |. This Celebrated Obtained the Onlg iid cold as theur own. walle Bat. oo |. cleared by criur of the E M. Eve the Disk <fpring of the two iréah extensisa whereof} sual Lave caure peer AETESTION ate RN my a! HENDERSON HOUSE: semper sete eet ork q --- awarded or toe eco Exhibition se E aceon tevenge ut this, ing -- eh pig © Ja Bee chores ol aa. | peep riady cee pi e- } the mo! r=. sins eww hee a ast of ana sroee pay ? wer ancestra: bived.-- | great { so eam being opanecd wp se stteda gee | "Picture Framing Specialy? Cellar Litely ane. LA JOHN CODD, | Conte er the tbe hum of oly yom a aed feleliee of arte ee a | donep. Mane, to Barat New Yorker, >» 4 the ait arotnd wes infected cMfonaere | ME tirections oe pr - Mie "ng PLEAS sure | hati Stretieré, we coms on 4reen, i mx ve | Wt wae scourdingly determ ned deorovgt cantina odor, la ao adjwent sewer oom peman | Pot ot: T.flle, a He tread to Bee « cP inleating to tlcaged the betel af ew: ie | Wieltos repeice, if and keys in stock. sate tama cmt elcome ; 4, too, sprouting forth ix | to +x, lore the satire mte of the Aor pot hair hae Istely xeon bat te cn | privole w st t 4 burstiont, Jane ahh, wee ener | | Sa "the surttond thord ana Ste ay |. Old a violins bought of taken in exchange for | beasts, or > deaped ws with leaves and flowsrs | Prretaery baca begun by the nee Eyl A Geod_Fotate. Boots ante bere flinched a rccoaih ~ % that | t ca bre sal k = Cu ng 4 ronan aap | pepulariy Menderme i: q | necting to us im j *, hk n en ah ae of , 4 ns 'MONEY YO LED. | Mare Be, wail cater ie fa mar iw 'The bent j zante +123 ngar Albion. Ry fa SHAKESPEARE loo af ae Moat aay leet ba eo rage | cede rae ortlea of the atsareiny ri te, 'ae ooaet Fors ate Gon ype way. Pel will probably be brovgnt fece to period he it $2 aut q i Scoser athin ms Rucation = . . ; be yelled . ere the Don p iio Mee $ toa Town praperts. Ammieee. "Pom mand ol best lane be | C oo { pot Ram 'ing then diac od Sigering the helt tave beer cemat ued 2 frei otc re bee Thee unt ee nw 'wot tong sinew the al wae a a a 0. LAWRENCE, '4. Wo MUN, 4, ALEXANDER BROW | | have I learned 00 0 clarity aod forgivences, | Temorcd. Opponent of M. Siamats es rable amount of mslstert, hb pot | leged prisoner was killed by an electcm bab a -_ ae Block, | Newtow Station, Dec. 4, UCTION KAT Poi THE COUNTIES OF | | pp her ane Sy Vache nt res Epson a eral ot gi foe of the | omen, h to onulles im fall oven | tery made by ss ine ver | wiblghter of the Darel Paso -set Sct Marte Square, j : Ati ERS, oO ap appraiser, a | hes the scene are no Hoos 5 strange. Every heer spd sategul ry te i ' lee = ite wiemrsts primsdre, Rab the picces to | désponnent condi: not annals tojont ma WESTERN HOTEL. | ett vumeniansons Parrand te hints 1 ot a 3 REDUCED. PRICES. ; = om L anil he mad Trea uy I eter Fe mae Sin x oor an VBA the Ngo Sats ae taken ot much fa food daring th the rat two | Dithe, ana ' MONEY "1S ~ LEND PAE Oe FRONT AND ¢ AND GROROGE #T4, | Pale ete ie gry pote A wl anar my . -- > Eecaione, wed the wea to Hebe bien Seapaste ee hes aaa wat i wile . thet po heer alter they are apaemnt, piso with hum 4 wae eat inal te Me hen ame, Poth pa 2 S1GNKU. pSa yang: REITER | rey an la brinning te ie wigutics the of Bh At tne Lowest mn aaa the proprissor, has ce edad re rig y nldteoed to Xv erc voutos or Stzniford | ae faci Meee fs zene tne go their ways, I hare gee tad precast tap tit ai ap erie all oats Uy of cbaieh ae ee ee Siam | oe was about eectg 2 eels =. a, equal train lan nee han ia tows, 1 aes. Frown wil eat Sere koe, Seintinal CELEBRATED w | ors 2 > lives, " palate MF re pode dines nn oe waren, | cmmmquentiy betwer the | e@cement te thts plrsos. miou Tele } 1 Foret 26 Coa Comminion Agent "ARTHUR MACDONALD, an tpundist oes beeen © erders for | agp AGONS _ | cepre, antl Lenegery a a iptrusted to Dhrpteld, « Gowe eee water "i. corte poorer it -e wnat jaare stato AS | Sarnia, May 28, 190, iy | i BROW Tt PH we ae _| mays mothers teen" 'Esa with mes odd ly hacwe fot bis cones | went may aloo b+ judged by: the ~~~ | EBeet of and Ink in Or Stew rege . $2 Aventon, "See? awer Pricas has Bucs Rof. ~ Zhe old ; 26. + ema Wwe parts, Peper on Eyesight, Rese rangaciod in Kagiiah enn el One . OPO | ewe cee verewers weit '* peosegee - panlons } --e ij ons poece to and DOMINION hem the haa for thoaght, I | sewnse Vrevawar @ SEMIOTY, -- | ald the other up. that fact colere of paper cud tak, cays'e writer 'April 24, tes. ~~ ON HOTEL | : wat hve, recalled in fasey the noble me no ome plage od mil 49 as | weed artale paint aed apleammrbode in the Scientific Menthip, are far mire re ¥omes r /. ecial & it hee | Seva! ve aa «rose. Orrocirs GT, HL Brainy, Rraarrons Brick & RTike| Wor is. I es ruly, gallant ways tel tana. 'eod | 488 yecdea abick j and scientific tun tpt een van Wg: (ra cppene sion . bgt, onan | Css ik SS od would « to eal) ettention to his inaments + and eel stand in the chamb bs ite Varn ua copyolutions are | 60 thort of j but even they are 2 te imeuth wea. %, ow oe girt with stese and ts of vartOUs TecUities OF the mind | emali type. Edo spun coos ane | frask JOSEPH COOPER, Proprietor, MPROVED SPOKE-. -SOCKET, haneens, 1 ena ae the wala sees de mation of their thecry spai cates of the mischiet would utili re- MANUPACTURRS Tie MEET "creme Or | A neat device tor sireagt walla, aed. beer through the mist. of Ee ef meme | eine erbin, the r08] s0et of tho-cnll being the ie devicw for sirengthes'ng buggy- wheels, | years the volce of rome 'warrior part w Taby laslare of in- heat 7 versally black white - paper . Red nad While Machine-Mad- ve, eee xe "attecbed to the | Jue hie trigwr is the Al maar a telligence, and may art withe ut | . 'aye the writer in question, are rusn 1 ee TSO oN i ra come on, bread i 1 beard frvan the rustic poor dips, pore ed stirs ad | ts fr Sick lg the peg ot a ite a call. WIUITK Dusen | De people about the whole house 'which saeea " mat tox Preuiamty cc | tury in Southern farm aa striking 7 Beows | 1aea. cre hd UGrais | kyaee hollow ameng the trewv. ¢ abc as 'gh ™ mabagement, aod ® white abed biach " eats as = mC. Duaix BES 5 es U el [ree ee the. -- tn the rowstry was accusd of baie aa ; ry wo © iL a awcen, be adopted alent ps mn ce sac vena - : 2 era kee eet ast _ -- ma THE 'LE t€ tf APN, | wmtot kre sirect Maton. Orisrs sete eS MepeeTetas their notanse ee cmching | ee, fulske Doth for caadacT and ter men. ieee am 5 clea ne | wa ms Exes ce sarees be ie, nee a acidacude ee ee , , K moner, bought ORTARIR STARS, ATRATSORD, Pin. cremmmankersmasincbame -~_ GEO. MINGHIN. the fireside, Aod this it was that I heard | "4, "prewsnee hail Deh Be rrerions stg") sawn to wheat with the drill, Afterwards | of the imprestives of the type reach the ro | Rng of Komtnjas ed vena roquicet the | MB L MINDEN %|JERVIS & HANEE,| ------ bed aftchtouedered dts did ot sentcn.» | 19,0000 trilenen, Hi deviamd bie built | tna vondou trip whee the sont of te | wen: dieai sion cf ant crgan" bo | All that I hare aed Soparing thew a he A ; secret, #0 silent was it, 20 forbidding im ax | te" (he Skht wus pericetly tair throughout, | Bid is realy for harmow amd drt. If the | white suttace of the p-prr is reflected, but | vecuas of Oslema might ae juaily be ion ey! fae Sante, 'sas wade gen Eee 'eo (s0CCEMORS TO WM. ROBERTS, ) SCIENTIFIC Gosstr, ah Weald Slook wah nd that the immetian"im the pond was a8 wil ye bard or baked, the har Pag leldane are dat retorted by € Bpon us, for just at site' with the chojeem Ales. Lenore and | FI RICKMAKERS, Manufacturers of aa ane nea Pt wr ee ration a ot Lrwocnee Deastiand oh lnmbas took Ce muse Loan Pa a ectmt only by a - a nmi ts - Very lately, fellow =p recent re- ward, could not » to a augte | i etna Tess Ss, t88t, at WHITE & RED -- ry iy py ip ton pa looked so grim, that I veed ones it, we, <i matanes. jDia the jFazeer attempt | or aemal. leg, for the purpose of making a Goad te my hands for investmentem sie sm ann hae detected the existence cf bacteria © west have witnessed decode of biced, teaue the decease the t : SraIWw TITS. or neers re 'teen long tareir- nis oe wey s-seb dehestiow 4 ed 'eould. way. Tre} F For ages mbcat and all uma baa been } 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. AMERICAN. HOUSE OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES | calsticn sieod cmeng thick fellege, oo thick, shat | beneh Waders cenet the bent omens | Ma Smley of valivetions ook thts Bacnstonnd = " a + Bee thets Celebrated sod Reichs. tien hand: tele: biished. den-ben a recov t 8 T Btrasfora, *~ | somest ond beat ever Suattord. en ben Vert Fa eee iy Coal baad tobe val PLATT Mave is rece > Peeveile Far meng however, drali- 'Apply at once to Having ia we nobEenTs | Lacroix Py or two rested on its ened walle, We | tice of iL" oT wable bat told us| THs? bas bece ca the better WILLIAM GORDON, Att TH macy the puaplgof Mrailord and | Ze YAPGS, Ley request & eh - of the pat is Mueritios, on ben night le sar 12.13, | wering end timorous, as if scored at their that you dived bi cut the bed "| managed farme U and aad Saat A qe ge ye ape hey tagags Sogtowed om thatr predenssser. ime soon es re treely od be: | bravery in oleae Sane anee 6nd carried 14 to the Seornts ' * ay pet 4 pete speaeie fcr tag Lab herel aad & prepared to $ persinte ote S Janda. bave wot the al pes rite, & inches apart, now , ae 1 dere | dato the pobiig im the beat atyin. The hotel's co. PERTH MUTUAL F. |. CO. xi @ owcaly pt us, of Australian blee-gum ecto, thre ns nothing croned oo we) tools | oe pon age onl x on somal the dial. " ae ah Roars. 1 -- ; almcet where {rusts de nyt occas, , but, bung the weeds that grew among it. The women | oo. 14 could remumber Ca nuee $3 gat 1) es Bey chowe tial tbe. teo.0l. the. _ i "Me a an SOTANLIsWRD ING, HY ACT OF FaARLIAwEAT. | by ots ted to an fm the cottage net far off was glad enough evestbe Thee on an dente | én i ad distributes the 1 we il nats e Fans oo att "THE CABINET, ~ mach a, 1 will p.t destroy malaria or keep waive ae Kay ot te rusty iron gate the witness. wae speak aay iret ; | wish gests, we las "dl inh " DR See we 4 qronp, | Government Depoalt, - - § 2.00000 - adry aes brounds, and anes and he could have had no chject in doing | my growth of the crop is 7 AB REMOVED 11S OFFICE TO TUR tux | MARKET SQUARE Amount at Risk, over « $3,000, 000 Fs nore ta ee otherwise, The . he re- | wore" per my more saslight aod Je IRET-OLARE anenneeiays THOM ror ' A chestnut at the foot of Mcunt Ktos is Siwaye felt morbid ender! ceived cn 1 the fatal remult of hia | "*8* Roe to the the the ari ie figtes Gite se vy Bo jas eareting pope. Moale ot aii boars, ---- below largest aud prrch vece in | MHe old trees ; and the too, was thick | brother's bad hie | yield ly lity, | ford, TE | (hod malving. She Har fe muaniiod with te} InSures Farm & Town Property | Esrope. Ls w hollow, and large ; thas it war like walking over de mney wed Rontapaea op inees tow = the one Aosst DR. °D M. " FRASER, te GRAY, Proprictor. BOARD orp DIRRCTORS theengh in. 'Toe seainarvele basa « Lea Ia old a taid the villagers, a | hhe a wan Tog toh pean at taal cnthion is mace the sarong ae a bet , Be a et cee Ou AT JTt® RESIDENCE, ON wr | Stratfent, July Boe, 1 _ dela Fens merealind, 'eres of 212 fort. Tats grizaty giant | lady in a white mentle uecd to walk among | senece Trevelier f iv ts found to be a great bus in time e tw) DREADFUL MURDER IX RUSSIA, OTenis rout Jaime Yow Fe 3 E,Sice Pree, Stratford, to measure 92 feet im height, the nad lok with yearn ng glases to- ~ z | mest om the ejd of rat Rapeere fint: green school Please the -- | ROYAL E EXCHANGE HO HOTEL. Feeikiads hye ex bres Reeve, Downie, It ie mid that railroad -eem- bond dows cf the old hoges, There Carving Ivory and Bone. { emt, every om therefore children: oe would, sadly | Six People Crueily vrata The Mur ELECTRICITY 2 Thewren rts Bac. baud a tseetond. avies are about % eopt en clovirie pate | | have w for ber, but che never came ; the handles which | « mar the high ert engravings for which 's nu' derere Seve i i ah aeons | Sh certs ekhmnntee | ies at lars den itt | eta diy ya aay --- Sit seijeenionas saat an aaa we Yedaguiend ns the saest | int tkiepe tue gece closed, Whee & Man woe ar. Pet sun ht after, are shaped wpen a series of Rasilage Without a Sile : 4 frighita * pomiabtes i fe ro Sinenes 08 SS raiment | ot Dares. Bas. Vieaver i ert. train oppreesbes it <1 e tbe cizcuit, re | shine irightened Fer sway; parkops, from tape vn vengiey' frum . ¥ a ee a eS ral | os < pale | noha pa ney tds bank of Seoverty quslihes Pe j Comune ieee lee cated, @ ates fy open | borg living in shades, her eyes bed | eighth to thre inches in ter, ting without & sllio--thad ia, stacking | *4ly «ripple d+ beens | the 'olga, and im the government of mara i i ay Toe inet oman as it opens tre | GO"D too week to bear the Haght ; perbeps aiidiane's toaee between o Ble ands saw | #T cn ste@ in ther pen air-- been f vee: viotine are six sob . De" 'Mothersill Petey ea Ere NN |S " cu1eust, and tne ore Tne oop 3 Sper bald share npon their cutting smfroe. Ivory mate ton by M. Conmoule-Houles in item «rohant's w 'reatiimikol at tae my ue . mre alone ed in iy; 4 dis u I rat; Yving wned It extemalvaly for several ysarn, bt and in Bottles -- Scott, Miford, and A. | me oppemine ringn ae veuny m with the davheese Sov her frend sod the | the only. difesmnen': ta the -hasaiag | # shed by Eehding sock of 30 carloads oi ayer ae tated has no' Se J prepared | 28° tabling for 150 Horses. Hand JO denith, Berristers. seer tabla ela it the ion y of ongar winds righting comfert to her smung the | of the two beirg that ae haa to be boiled wed other grasem. No acontly acting @pea = fail kuowt- pected JOMN PAYSX, Proprietor. ac) "agents: 'Wm Devideun and Alex in Dnmath wae Wibeited. w the me batever teeson waa, I never | a lorg while te free it from animal ter aoe woerber the stacking @ of the bouse and perscamel of the Lami- a Within range ot tts powers: Biratfonl, Aug. 1, 18 ay A responaihie staif of wrente threngh- | ett: tor ane ly in yet ber ince to fee in thet hollew. | before it goes to the carver, while srory is vecered taeat weathr. Aa to the "Tha third you onngest cliid, which waval- © Oities over Wr Corcemsn ¢ ore. curser of se icindupigtiaiicient = gat the comnts: Ofiies ; lst hoor, over Mowat's | «ur daries of the hingéom. Sia years ago You jh ake wae eo far Agra 1 chan aed pare frum th» sack. comm 'the protucts; 60 cat: zs eas given by a Fe ms Bat Market Mirreeta, Mtratfor Bask, Stratford. e Dasee made 2.600 ande of bent older vi * ia Til Whea itis desirad + to prose any object tle were fed imerfferatly on endlage trom porben tas venisgol ihe der te Th CENTRAL HOTEL 20MM HYDE. MD, President. ret ot tour youve tate the ib ladeen' | in bone or ivory, on umbreLia the from the oni were turned . Eye, Ear and roat. 4 u » ag! crouched 'epee uh for . | mate the Rela for exerowse clone. M, Cory CHAS PAUKERT, WwW. MOWAT. te Prue, Se posiealen ger upee ong rte | STRATFORD. Recretary worer | ot 1882 saermced that of -- by fully pe. | ver takes @ pires of the lal ot enitable oules inane spew the wecresity of DR. RYERSON, Jee Wilson, THA | Stretford. May 16, pst ist one -- ano coe poem fe upon one of the wheels | '* Lab pecte bra beri ore betes howe, oa Street. whe | eubed wtacke. rer wor ° | airectly te Beacon Store, | = as the Tab: Yorn, a power bs a eee SO Sree WT ae bis aber the mb b LECP.LR.t | Ray oopeal and furnished wet the fei "pamenge ams el 2.363 ume and wal oven to] ret Sous tan shape: | os clas fuuh ur'Gne enrvinnde * waren ECTCRER ON TRE EYE. STAR: a AXD | choicest and of being Re Seon, peeeneurping one 8 bere ber | lines of tovr days previcarly, aod the result was & rt Tray Metal Cal capped tthe webbteoee " 57 S imch Kiupp gene Coote rs hw te tbo} aun Pap lies baa bre be pore tg vars 4 "Fo | Attentiey ped eng Aware sere en te wanes 'siesala, tnd antoonl ia mothe ae bow prernoe i pang es tine Hew Viegas The latter appears vo have made ~ -ceiirea tate Howpteat, 4 | spowetilly Ast _-- st tn ri ened ot 15 baste = ay be aac saljeeting ik (o the rama treatm oe Peas ic te mater tae © ve = Some e. eee grt 1. . ms : orgs yf< tke slow rave clearly reveakd the tad ayes | Sead 3 bat ~-- to thes ame bp may fame a, * neaniomieme proved W Be esarly remed> calm, bet he ty Light. = Kinotionna the ee - CHURCH STREET, TORONTO at Te witt ond-the singiete » TOR She aky. And il thecurtonscme | are i = geet pov : ay ! ee tanks which withstcod salphurie | brd house be would | seen. mordercil pimnianewmty, Im the case of "Dr. J JIM. Dunsmore, one ks thee ie heve a comer i oad fressa bilibook or chopper ap 8 bOee > PUNO © & me ke them comfc:' um the wenger - Ta OPFIOE, in Myers' Block Market Sq. ayy RILLIARD PARLOR, recent nite ondertaken to | hotly we they barves to confine the yh Wat the mAn servant, w: hoak i sen gmeanl eee " 'REPTVENCE, & DALY TERRACE yers' New Block, Market 8y., eae d cotton ere ans oF ae wornd si the i balls | *tables, acd ormigel them to shiver cut the | i, one end the cook. wh tae chink ia the w kiveham, SFRATFORD - ~ ONT. -- Ined vemeis sere mM On Fe meme by | have seen eyes cag am ete She will tewreres ant fing Bees voak, ecg oath i hee rate ot : inhoman, ™y | and an Aug ih best STARKS & COUNTER, z a Ewe the cold ctor gcr erp te --dirk, ebe mach. | shorteighted, should be dromed te live on Pe pega ay = j.- } Sowden be na pet Bath autiors behind rd-tar with | TO J, Cyaan x.D.. LBs, anne ay sas wad Te. es by | * Bat secs ates, The dingy 0 taco Yor eanevagt WV Eey Wovrech whieh . RDS. of Bagtaed, . haseshione 5 haa from | eral billiard balla, aod the otly tect he seed iettineal ould romied hem o | proverb -- a, ) SPC E-LOtka WT, Penccnon's Stroma, : Fame tn -- a ty dew sr tt On the | 2™ M2 crdinacy "a chinel. Hie eye |-"A mereticl man be men Af sha porerenetan + o> ate * * oe berkeng "Sloaner Sr draarroun, Ont. C5 ce W-G RS wo ale ee caretal ap- yay =" one eee aa =n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. stlpiuds canes & bine ee asda beng gemeraily weed for optical wetruments oO ore Ales dais nnd Chita wtih, be sae hes Ut ers * We nitrate ada: Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, oD. tome to the | ed. de J the brass te booed by oround them the woltettod. LIVES A5B BOWEL, Abiey : come ' a sapien rae c al Bae Oue theery be Teens ME FSG 4 ot pataratinm Mle i tacos Bie i of ; TP ae snd. G Bor be eles is parpedrege nm wapeond ager vere pase 7 Of Le) 'erth. . 'are wnrtyalled : (acne in : Ath used tu? the ; 2 ae: Extraction of Teeth | : when dewtred, Parra 09 83 THE STRATFORD TIMES, | Pern to A-E. AHRENS, LDS. eet ye idington's New Block, Erte 6. TR TICKET OFFICE. Raa Sete Expres Of, 24 Market Bt |3 f ~_ mes only Evetesssr Metsows : 633 OXFORD ST, LONDON, j $Ei ii A Fs H echo awa beraatvatiies: _ To ie Bee Fs When & Chiles Bi a tes aoe he more apt-tn be $ betert shee ana be Uinsbey is io Fated ipa i i who bas nctiosd whe felow : Stass [youeg on | f Hal : i i