Stratford Times, 10 Dec 1884, p. 1

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Terics ror wow r \ ' . ; 1s one ro MOruens, . bd we lost > il 4 | ea zen tare¥s ~aplosaag remember : ba to do'; for those remaining, every' bays an your boys and girle study poe are Wl try at : ' why, how the oodpt ee wud 4 Pe, y fers oe aPeaster say, 84 fat eR RR eo i al tier tre co -- i AND 3 COUNTY OF PERTH GaZErrn. | VOL Xe 8T chey } or -- = ™ : RATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, VEC. 10, 1884 NU. 466 , rs a w i ms wil uence will pre perer- FOR THE FARMER «| The Witeh's Ring. GENERAL GoRDO N. C= wer, the j ; vont be canpaied tm the i ia -- wie Se _ somata TEAS TEAS | S --908- PRINTING ___| "[SOMMERCIAL_WOTEL, 2 TMD 0uiamene tg Fst Big Protas need ARKET BQUARK. STRA Lum Londes. Raglens,-- ke . Spates tess targtet von epee | fos Sees tere et Commer free SOME CHOICE TEAS, = Reeding "Store @attie." sane in tho oreo ct | agpetion to | free omaitras 'and siteative hostiers, One Sar nr pre Parr | tune. In village is Adhng: Senaas from to wre meoderare. oe i this town, | oibus runs te end from all 4 waren ms great epecialiy of agriculture the course of eut the Arab mov A eg ] T. WAGARTY. traine. Is Pre beeeding and feeding of isthe thocid dimmed Se sienes fe | What bin Meewmsty Fmbitaned . | ment in two by Bloe Nile. 1 . Re aides ier aS OTE ae | BAREY, Propsiater, Sentient. pared to Sell Cheap. at aieedatietenes| rng pte ideo inne War Omen may. sete cas th tae yy | bate inion of hee wh. iake The Manager, eT OF leaened that there mus: bo, for | BA Raita pa epee words | Among the batch of | the ia to restore the at ehihale, and Ds ees aie DRBE. heya} HD ALL. a ters to and Government pocstige F . AY HLS STORE, ON ARIOST | profit, no stand still in the life of the | vone 1800, sex adhe. nice, BO dni nity vane in the vablione frckapes'y = - order bo get our gar | aaetat Sat ote their special tastes ard -- ~-- antmal, Where there is ally enconsed for Git tah War Office. blink | en ome tend wf. aye ' food eaten ts lost. - A! do groeth, ihe 1 fequired twiteheral, | following of Y are ihe | Srmment im position is © ponent Choice Coftee, gunn ts capes Het Ei ebay of hie roan Pinel alum en ee ee | --(Signed) C. G. Goxnen. : ' | found ' inaily I } -- RE OR oe port the ani it mast Red | tn Sih wean. Uho ict wellei mew we t ee P.' WATS meta RELIEVE = stationary, without any tn ha : TH R BARING AND) A Water Pipe Shock rater, "--~ { are DAOPS ous class of en bey ery numer: j ard hanged, yootsactng "te , condemned, ewe ™, July | & singular « - =k wow." j 'eT rom, Fi "store" cattle rage ty ne shay soll last, The itttle mone: found in b fo the! Your pe igbe =~ 20, 1884. | to haws sccurrense, which is slated | . EPRUAR : davnoice in o standatill acemigh 108-610 -B8déun, | Sensien was 7 found in her pos- | reesived. May, 1484. N + cecently taker -pleoe st Tihacs, condition used Lins ¥., Mustrates the lg nenerecren aL vee canpreias pede lens meen braryeag eo atx ass and to thisday An buy that gravestone; Ntle now oo expressions, | apa: the 'untrerend tn the dangers attendant | sakes, enjoy lit +e re eT ate ear a Peassor Seattpons," cone the food fanart tera to go w her erive might. the er to Sanaar in a fx aplon g wr, fees ) Urietty. Asa lady lntrotovtien ot eee nw alee. | clouds. yess cme sigh Ma deed Ted cnneneend wore ai + , becatee through | same day of es eo i jariowe o have | water ring on } = ed Ghosh, " | EIS spesttiadinn in Scie ca | fren OF THE food enongh they have not given Rangel aed ange *Sieshen which she was slightly w a oe Son a tor pinto, sites de aver the "sink | tegen op mo, mean oo, Ublest You a te ae Smee ies ae hte eccoatte be & tis ete eens! tod may "Barbara, I bebove Jo | np pean epi feng Led aye wang hee sight hand, x ts | Mare 6 ged todein for changing © Gren KONEYS 6 from | to need ex: as pot | ing out a hand sane time % these | uf the wh trem linirg | . wo i. e SypN we Be J. R. KILBURN, | ¥: Musume co. Peeoot re Sar | sear cus crue ciao re SA i ea SYDNEY -SMITH } | Pe TSR ONTOS Venues ite capsel 5 ras . ies ca shonden sell on | nhs had been strick MWB en 4 aul partnpetion * a E : =~ ARC _-- | food becomes i ty for! This talisman ployee their sivil om: puples on with paral og FRARAWTER. ae, 97 ae ph iggs Se Off Renrrecr. | WM. LANGLEY} | mg Rapes y -- Sad 1s | 20 fongan be retad sores pigeon J ppncgrnied Seer siding af = elie Gs| cement hand. tate teeter Fe | Remember that itn toy 4 ° * ny grass, ¢ mm nade ai A a ate "JOUN Ei wo e=-Over Mowat's Bank. |Featsss comics, Raper ot fet then sort eile into iy sone |e tea etine fone aire oF ee cree re ad that the inaide of the | Bowmisine to them ; respect Ur, iss . ae y t H ue 2 'i i HN E HARDING, Ggarestesd. 'hadrem Pos ia, Rtracford ee ryt amare wonld eds | eo fund mpsell alecat sncunectou! on Aa ole thirteen Sh sad p= polled yarn ie "Seyi nit den ss ecco "3 ax] Marble & Granite Work promptly, + icwently 'wed at tenmoma ity, | often ahown, tt takes t As we hare } ite wt hrogh the old burul | will not send eet, Ae tor Mabdi, ro Bal Eo some -pouree: A: few | the roses be your teen we ts -- 8 THE Anau, core Works, | aad ey B the oo Sf ive, af se | glanetng at the e » grave Careleaaly engl here: Not one. ter, in Praesens the lady's daugh- | Be henet wish es Ait, I furnished and ee eahoeeicie ee ae | GAUSHY & SILAMMAN, Li WobDG!l "4 ---- ve, withoat | t find ' that oan out was cunpriond 2} 0 wee ou gave me got | f Povo water from the nest with them in small things as §MITH & GEARING. a wat of Fargntn,~ Fg house min Goaarta O78 mygeleriarers ok Fes pring cori 'VETERINA NS. third te add ---- ge ee the 200th anni. want £200,000 ates te a We | wo way the' though not | ues great. If you cannot tell coc, RAR A new. wee aod furniture are am emcees Freee By emtag! Ter opener RY SURGEON. | growth. It costs from #10 Vigorous | The world was wild of whose pe Trteen stale. The ex- | convi i | hey wish to know wo rather J) ger hat @o. Sey aeerts bo eetehare to pe sae ame} a I a 8 steer through th iow alesse ore} when ! stole Mand welrd hat night toons ovste £MO0 eobininay br Mott on wept shes the lowe inthe | deowive th iS < pas a ctaaste tat Teihugtie! mia ford, Bay. Ua 19 1. Hiret ramar | mer has ten ahorighe ete the far- | Climburg th = m the village, | g6t opem to Kamala, tem. If route | Tele - manager of the ~ wom by Se | 8 enol poe a ae ee --_ Se 8) oe eee avn 1 BP cf Gist eile hed be fed Bt ie woos wail T'made'sy Sr chee wih joumal--ihat yi be wil tthe trcabh a Ls | wasted inh 4 ° ye, "3 stocked with the cheloest wan ators. -- mar ---- -- | Mer o Seundsenr.t8 more feed, th a, Be « i ord. ut to go. You % of t trouble. The secret | cen women set years an cae = anges woth on Weines's Centia. would have Bl . the growth | vulage eb oe that f then rely on t saseaa cunidonee tat eau. | anyek on ee Ewart & & McPhe ° % SHIPMAN, eri oat pramapt On| eae aes see wae | |S ay re. Me resdiaig tha 'aslched peasible way of ih the thane Hotel by 8 "Gaod"| chamh, Ox earth Unless «i t reons ee eas}, -- Tt AUCTIONEER, revcrd.tepe BI | want of fi then, shows a grea , ern mroicher Schilng 1 aieiit; baae accel woke the a = nin s | Hora Saioa Lis + | Seam to id, but _ line ref had slop it, for the whole w . crcesed with had | women in a si ' you echo wee bev CTIONEERS, "= VALUATOR tc. 'LAGER! 43 | Journal, ve- "Stock sound. I used to form 7 =. The peo; a -- o> hateful w | The * ed with the electric light wire, | Haase: ay EU AZURE ACCOU) TY sxms | MEW YORK COUNT is LAGER! | er SS Soa ae ee | Passengers are oe ae Lite UNT OYSTERS | ALS +| | toed, in that awf expeditions, owing to the boi fic roof on the . the | before tne tran RECEIVED D ' Avra =D Fruit Garden in. | ence, chilled awiul, | wold arian s ther which . which dwelling hodse, | The Set ae Nek | lp AILY, BY EXPRESS, In Cs H GEORGE. | in Decembe | ed with fear, if anpthing in turn was first woman who 0.008% 4) x ; 'ounties of P. } E BECK Tr. | might wtih with a} at . sol connected by gets tote t b, erth Gather ebty effort I re re on tenter books o waier y a tm RAE 9 tang, De MCPMRRBON, | Oa hingt at 7 'eau te akeneetd or Oxford. "Mas SOUANE, STRATFORD, HAS | store wi a seinen abe ben res, and | the qravenad japede ut my mane EC make any Piss pct' reg § U1 loading ~ pagel gas yd water vie a a the door and stay C. * Restaurant, jarket Square } attended p Cees, orm promptly SLEEMAN? | make kindling wood are ted, and + was only for an {nwtant-- io it, bat 1s i impossible, * machine of the elects name abe wonld st hi A MACC J Stretford, Aug. Sri, 1 S CELEBRATED | of the reat, Busface | 't "* Jerked bat that, for | good "a tor all the | in rie light compan ecm Sepemnglaorg Aocsuntan, a --) out CD. McBETH LAGER, ALE AND POR EEA cote Sealey tctee Srey tn on Sor ers Sua Reem neeeseeeraee eet er - , Ben Agent) -- Mentions, Sept. . LMR i" . Mc BETH 1 ORTER | were perth sp fall Piven Leary | Was how very email tt sed velvety peony received 50 tay of ooo to the water pipe. pain npr satchel on their arms -- a est oe PRCIAL A 29 . - | in Weed or Hots mound of earth ng. Heed a | "1G wall at a bow - dthe }shoy tn the 5 completion weded « » tery fh the Som jainetion om GIVEN TO THE ~ HENDERS TOULD INFOK a scnerene | Tele Onvtes F Hotties |e caakdee i colt at the hase uf the trunk, | ™oomlit road, athe: caddy cut on the /Simte our de vl halts reajectively. | drawing ect the circuit by acest the coe the rouia. When alc commen HO end thy we the q toward tow mn the £6 ry ' one with th soraments of USE. troductng new ety) the a ah thas he is 2 | etodhl gurerden ae re alan the Only | and aleo hel heary blows, | #veh of those fi The rea 1884, eo 6b of © moat geil gets in tbe jeomunts eS a, sie of bree iat atthe Toronto Exhibition ef | tm mild aly eyo mice. Gat cions | 82 electric oe" tone we ae with | killed, 60 ut 60 wou had only thirty | foom nexs, sed though che has sited mart Corcoras's Store, Market t wmnesungunes Picture Framin "| Cellar Latel Os . | inet ther, always taking vigorous | FONE forced t Tradvally the con- | little." T ab wounded, whieh i very | ouwageously about the une why went in Btratford, Jan iF UE UNDERSTONED Wa PLRacne ' ' & Speciaty y arg by JOHN CODD, season's shoots, Pack with | held wooed iteelf up m me that I | should think we have 7 AMONG OLR E first, ehe stays quite " ME "het sates | Ree dt Siete Sul wm nye anda | ue min as mEXCWANGEN Set nes au a SEY ee | popalart Stretford aren Did etn nen ay Uh, te beda,-lb- uet ey ey 2 Gashing atone, { CARTRIDGES, | they did the fi poly seielgras she At ri oh TO LEND } one ts wit eater the Htendermin Horn, oe Ones sah? or taken ineschange for - SHAKE P = sheet be covered with ae gwen +S i * the ule sme son poll | Ld peemmsernry te people and pe aha old, " pony inquires how not to pried caning will by a one bi poised ana tows Of Interest, on Farm gesummnoteticn, and every public, The best 'ARIO ST., near Albion Ho R | & senves. Prane in mild epella, cx e-} mined the rox, { excellent he test way is to tl aro" chad oy Sang are con @. w. TAWRRN | form and clear eee pate | Seetiecs. Sere te tae oa psec ya Eraperinea, ot, Uf uses oo) Tt twas curiowaly carved and masaiy eye proclamaiisn literaung ihe -- eid Ar nme 85 and they will try and fa masala aa * cn tt | ta are to be ear be setting wae composed e. me in arme, but ha on} iete ; igo <to p se they can Oddtellows A. W. B W | decide lanted next spring, | SPall onl , e of several | se f pr poses we deferred di understood that President : "= howei beturs makina a: Neva wien bos nian Ts \ » ALEXANDER BROWN, ¢ 8 | pun tot bargin ey are ho large broad a tee pn boron uta olecaiond rings iy omieg I hare ent ie Talay Barcharnd tent Cleve, Lara -- te two Whv 'et aes : R THE COU? ~At~ y. ruit, op | bara." je, "B bring ae out yp wil ; : }WESTERN HOTEL. Stare meet Oxtord, ay Saori oe REDUCED Poteet rutin Fortune mild ' ENO, She Ob me pevat i loam ediaer __ Same of the Florida hotels are gol amare carbo foht a n * ue Logies ya + 2 Cr AND GRORGE #TA, j Paschaning of telling set ernsiseens D PRICES. ik s a to | Oech buy non ee fill of Hocker. Fp on | "dean et one dispen oe the pepricir, bay ees Newiy y rehaw it by Seip ee a T 2 Uutadameenann way ventilation, com one with tee a '2 socumbiane:| dela ate Bueme wnif on | A lady, joking about her panel a Loanuetation thuae Bort ie eee, P Gr will roosts prom to Aventon or Stratford taeiities for manndactr aVTK: nerve | a the fruit cellar : | Do. you believe in j } tat we ai oy bad taste to say He, {thee AF, ten, Me nose, said Good Mtabiing. 7 hotel in town, | alt. Brows will beat Worn' + the abore now pre pen tonid y mainisioiie 6 Well, f the fi ove at Girat sight? | BO. MM. 4, amed this give Stewart » th Gara Wothie ene with shaping it '| : ARTHUR MACDONALE j Sosy Saterday tlt tw. rine hotel, St Stratford. "CELEBRATE _ perature--just above freezin | Womemm' rt appearance of Waite You ee meat: aib-evets.+} ; Sarnia |S a rata oer tor a hn aaa lanure sheu'd be dre ie. | crores, sites Bed bee oh ibe tenho IT es Stern pureat: hate td | iplare boy.. Tao May 28, 1553, | ALES CNDER iif aT vex while the ground is Piel padirigr oh } ae totes her hand se bag spt me | ® ~ of havin ites: ae bate el my sont' * "Yea, paps report erigte oles: Lejeune 7 esne een j rindert unr wig rn. " * y for | od ber brothe: weleotn. | thin L thoes * tal pe § Zoo t n DOMINION HOTEL) Avonton, Sept Ee 7 Lower Prices than Ever Before Esa opr Ges and | saved aot sever" Seae bed fh tings I we et = "it i in anwer to --ae eacher, or 'he sy aged faa i pieappunetenmnnngenetstipeeipeindivest==aUaniganpeipeiettentesteemsten past animals, Rabbits ecp oat | river ibe ee * a_ta true pleas might, hme ati i oe -- And wt) w Pa ? wire, te Ba demand fo: . MOWAT & SON, Ortosrre G. 7. R Starwx, Sraacrom: Brick & & manasa serve thm ee from "young te hE | foie tn the grareyat Dold the painful pice a heen haces hag | or abo ba you hold my hore for me eae lig maneggen tcp + . " y | tar 'hock pansed t: joarnal ia oy ana. I kia minutes 7 éxmetl wis Od oan be ca ¢ YURLIE 10) Ti | le W ork Mage tm jest Durable tranks blood. Settrs e ; hrough me, and pious. 1 only hope git ten iy: i se Uiaik Gane ---- > BANKERS, ans Gaia tote area 9 West Lg aa inn | € or S. And would -- Ey oe gised to 0 | me me like waa" spectral nig' Mt ene he oe cone te. 700, von send it, 'eed ) butd'd hold 'tim for povhcgrnad 7 a | each other. They, de as poe ro General Rani Fort usere near - ngs f Pa << " -- ay enti peyain st bes tn anes of above Fony -- trom tp a oe extaaait wrepetiter, IMNDOVCD CNOKE COOKET, theald Se gut offend --e | eahine os thowwgh pooh. ae ate wes ne works with a with fh | Well," said George, "I « witpastesr et es the Coed one toa | sane eal = faa MES THR BEAT Clases or | Aner eS , , | ghosta. young a lady if u "ahe-bekaved | and done Ksre deterred ali attacke | "ue Se alt gon ey must go," and and wn tha Eke Seas ta tor Ber, cont. interest 08 | OE STRED. a seRVED Wi ites eva Bed aed Whi device for strengthening buey-w heels swine Farmung. | ghosta. in Ml muah axesaticn. Gince' the nig! . with the Emuna | * *ftload of * | brands of cigars constantly on hai beat te Mackive-Wad- telions, makina thea atlaches to the Ww - = --coberneang Lapeald,." said she. la arch, 1884, date of your Cat ing. "If unto appertain- Peiterapreehrics| 23 Ft Oe SSS | mera ihre nie, byes tan pe iit ypc | cxmE FOR MAN PasstON wheel. mere Ma ny far. lated the and eh: to pees eh | 7 and ruffle, 3 is, a peneiameaccaiate lity. i > wit Ss. r the buildings cows the main festures | lt wae Storie aneny? = on dn Fy beryl Eomele, ought } and berate. rh: THE aaron MO MICE, CRAIN TLERETC | uggies and Democrat nos te thats ferteacentorge with refer | ty of gir's, pasty A so ago when «par a cae ive im a present of £500 | a dedlichigs "ovis recently hooked aeuethde Phpnictee Peapnens 3 T EuKeAPIN. YARD--Monteith Ave § re ee ee oe an | ed Cannplated bon te from school, were |* decoration with m. We have made | Prnds of be -- to contain ten} A physician of ONTARIO orn "prado Aue ta 'nr jaitord. Deine ncaa | AT THE LOWEST RATES, eat. Wa oko ts pruamote the mame | of the girls had Neetetger-F pre 3. Ove | gilt, silver, ae silver | Lf anybody --_ ae 5 noe bees, | sch dal at Lyons prof - «gee ORD. ratford, hesi horse b di have farms om ne >, ' 7 reas i eases, co 5 | A P saan! gg Rae fo : = wo | GEO. MIN country where we le sections ot | her semua pi and some mosonen a abort heen oat Freres with » in | i canta Oer arm is iad waneepe tame us plete tb Me asore 6 thas, bo pee, Peraed Ye JERVIS & HANKE, | Shakespeare, May 7. 18k. ore. ina 5 a | Aare ad s talinman, | sis" seouived s ene; children and woman have! "Your ~ envy, hatred, = Giensea, euch A ee supplied Me aces al ses rutile The" bar Ie re, is (etectuoKs To wx anaes bon abe. Enedanal lanieieg a qonehe et erat braved me to rye by ergy shiny 4 fx Atm. pepelar wee SoU Lad Priel aalcg ps Se pethlna int octets obstinacy, avitice, « ' oo in my of Corse Mover has been Jone 2 184i TEMP PLAY AY CON- eile. for soccest. in the great | od Adk place? Alittle town call. | to th We have t ' that information." "Fi; wheeeyes a3. bem walis + pe investment on ane WHIT Ti ota of the Waeat, hogs are ' aera leata. > amount of £26,000, geal lore "nF "From santo ring * x et nen ne tee ore ~ = E & RED | BRICK, | E eae an aes ' superior te injurtous =, eocunerlian Saou met ta | sd Peeled uteri terrible th I mgr. oman 1 gg rompers you will labtr ye that T" "Bees wapon tall gence," be grees ve LU "~ - j eqn 4 | om } j or to be wa. « AMERICAN HOUSE OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES far nd be; whan, flo oe ay cll penne gery | st yrciersen me Lege | EAOCD pense io Beane What may father's hod-car: | Sifecsed. by hin spect treatment, = Bee their Coisben! SS | Geetnens. , , en- | ough . tenen- | 1 hy ~-- It was 20 kn r money 1 do } ty treatment, which ura w RING, HA aoe aca igi scomest und beet ev reruaig te Myer ne Prone a ian the tion ta if fed with rag a my sce nothing, bet some one ehand in dead Ot coute, we oy fet ase pd by the be Aina of alien ignorance is told bod clases to be which seeoenden pitino be hen perenne yares, Inep renuest = toetiumatton ef the pat money Uill they bave come near! their | dose not fill the sntire plare for | Sts A apsld acsenpents ben ecahhanl fear | bere. Fae unas an paren are fal P| Lnedes Cs er gaaing bt am spr vinless kushand,wheill-teesteabuss Samer ne hey peremens | muito. Pew A tbe pet of it, and others do the ly to the | was Hels simply 8 whieh he | through the lonely could only fy | beast; 1 se ho are fall of 4 eas Gabettelon, galsteh se Monat od De of tixteen eons wae cured ee FE rr rete si | cn el" eps" a |i el copa et a | Ruan s fs etper tea | ee a sus| pica bean whe eee Sas hay Renee toting | C0. PERTH MUTUAL F aa ace eres Sher con chy oft laa rere | ots gers ielgh svete en oe hap them Soe a RS Rete Sie hi reagan nnn = . . 7 oh. GU) tosuppone, eler ever, aa he seema | fertilizer, bat in eb. pe} ring which was Lo a vali expect Tf Will end E em in the Seid, }| BAm Decauee be invented a enuce," heat him b tape eelighted DHE CABIN ET, KSTAREISTRD LAG, Wy ACT OF PARLIAMENT. . The a to their posi- dic omeiiee aien is tas pap tte doth f | Barbers. "For iF mo bee poor Aunt an Valee Lcicastoas : a Pa en mine operalie site --_ - | to tear from them th lo is malicioualy the farmer can sffurd to lant that | bamesake,' ahe A TEMRINLE FAMINE. was recently badh : A Celtic friend | POuponie," et aa.'cherie," 'a seer 2 qroun | Goverzment Deposit. - - $ 2.000:00 cnnact enjoy kimenit... which he | !and so rich but that it pe casas in} You see, the ring = rar 44 8 | an seuldent and Kredi about the head in | PeFience of this ates few caja' ¢3- ee mit iar ch Woe rat yon Amount at Risk. over- - NoUBiig~ soe ~ sae productivs. Hogs should be come more for my finger, and s little large 'od the a os land. py yesterday remonatrated ing freely ; but he wae regime the terrible Bar- DR. DM. Sond eating. yoke. | Mess stil wears. | $3,000,000 | direction of as mark Tone Gen ihe a ot pee venene OF Oey poate & tao- | Og pailed off ad at Kora cn Hoge bad arrived | dressed, sr. amped wounds | U husbands, By oil tenderest FRASER, oars and © be | Insu -- relie ¥ - Would we all shold ti rery farm. Wo | "By me," I in ative telathe ded woubt blood to-dentee-ttibes him he | thet mendicaments terbativa of Townieraad DENCE, ON THE | Strattera, sous GRAY, Proprietor = gitar Property Peay wos + to the measare of - horse and sheep fa the sane as dairy | Ting from my a" taking the loet aa ype 27h Teaskee dan bas | tended to. Hig rey woe they were set ae was correctéd Of ar 4 bntard Jets a, 2. ett qe tei DOARD OF DIRECTORS; perdi. ibe det eeteal teow = Te tadtaa ale salts wen Hogs should | | that ~ ang for Barbera (I forgot gg | when Hicks' defeat was aap = Ror pg sald be, "I geomeg da ne autlcersts = er = lode Hyde, Keg, MD, Prewider much of i er t "4 Re ven, i Cairo, | death t or, het L ECT R | Cl | ROYAL E EXt wee Neel a Pe agg me be alleviated the worst «vil of poverty might thelr poncon ge with e rotation in | told my at nary, an, & - We bave sent dow: myself, and tm lt my life," kd to of calen are being vabjected tos _o-- + dado | Being neve E HOTEL ie hove, Sos: eens. ereiters, | Money new MRD | crops, Im this way, in ane ee me ed to reture the Se want tp 2,000 people. m ove GO suldione and | ay dary at ha re carbonica, gave his consent to Seoegnined ae ex nity Reeve. . 7 band \ ang pole (wag Nand » Ts ator Ts datos 1 ey rr: jaare. Senn roe mee * tage, attend ate Ror « its eet made 8, man happy yet. herp a La over, ode bargain, She took Lot, a ee one a ow it. igh wife to a + Dae Ae do, of my | cine, 5 ie saaee' ade 7 proveriy « Doreemn satictoasiy mast modern sivle, The THE beaag tea 'orth Kast. | *° Prodwce happiness; a nAtETe | solid . There fa room here for | se can put mech to e to and ite ti Lab es. | 2 brown, Pp piveas; missionary P lor +e if th pat some tomy. * * . tow preparation, Dr. M comadaretion. Tra faba ts sotes. | Ries MeLores mee inte has the more be wants; tnetesdy of fe colid missionary work, both in invercing | coe if the Europeans like to qo to nc eye: | semplinied, abe Ay Che ls ane tt | Satens whe yas hakvers te 18 youoe In othersill : Henry phen on he "a a vacuum it makes one; if gel ple. Pigs and } "T bad Dog's Devotion, not leave these pcb but 1 will | but since our to give publie lee- hs roy enabled to masts | taving need it extensively f = ering. Hy | berab hein want it doubl ° P I only got my harv. gone thro after all he given en marrage these have further study. spate epreias ice Narg cS ane cee --- trvbles that! Litter Swine Lig [ete tight I awcke to Bod my" oom | sleog ugh, "aa for route, There | Tom sada te tha be ih EE Ce geataran meta swe 6 prreneee. <David Beatt, Bumtford, and A | hers ies very ne FY 2) d There ts but little emg | meaning peg agen I Lape ita egg bank of Nile to lar ares cman ** Lhav which a Bg bs pred e ha from the Offiee ever Mr Oorcoran's to Hae 20° mith, Barristers. grace and beaut teeary Study, it is, like qnttle, and shesp given too toon, | cress and wall all haste to} wield us, not Berber fall and that is i e only owe fault h sacks { potane sad Myrket Aucets. Nel ag ae wm teviteon-asd Alex | "oe end an ceuiy, that) which iik- Biter; bX hese wales om toe seael | 900. and po te oat meant. op sale parce tts @ picnic. The -- my wile. ited toes ; mux vomies for j raion ag tye, Bar and. Throat. | git the tc tice tit Boot over Mowat' at tbe fiat sight, and tn Keer ane} ee ere ted: the | Away 2 gmt | Abee, Hermve en ite, ae phur fordrunkennenssalicea for vbetinscy, . Stratford at's tance & fami) : aire jogether, th ; je ap to Re for 4 tae er Nghe ee fr eee ae Saige ee -- Seen meen eee ee DR. RYERSON, |¢ LAS FF AORERE. w. MOWAT, the aananples of better ourselves by source of nearly all the - seilag ota hasty fight. My hure pacar yal It tessed by God, we sal fs Mow 'a Westerns Masi j 'ow whom tiie thea i i mela ee others, if th monary . dias : + if not Found a Relative eer en fast LAGER O48 B, he | Stratford, May i6, oma liteiy | Of. te the soclety woth eine ening late winter and a atiol Seats is the ig ee me vad Kies slong with Whe Ny sas iba he > " You will ae "7 | ailments, Sat pay pro apeinted ' rage : of the hog is of pledded my w ere ia Wood). K will here to go inte the forward their we. B Te | ~ | caeeaia a naiure, and +) as pomile toward the Tce | Sud Generals gogarda to him | MPs. believe -) PPY partners, wh scant and Acree to "| Success the Best 'tut "of Worth | A Trick of the Mindos Fakira | Sve Grinerepen aotoane ct He | Pheer artes and whet | Desere Secpbenian sok Geter. | Slay te soondsam etek | be an of asecieums of bewerapaitg od Laie <hinical As Philadelphi . Jones, a member of becomes overheated of heat | to cut of not I dia not take time rabs have no interpr 5 for} amok ia tempted to mmipathy, may i Gee of the eilied whew ins 'the: Phaltar oe eanaabee Dak tah a Tae your f terpreter. You have euch a headache," a0 bad and | eb asa 1 er did before. eeling in to aban aay ned . of ie fged they cane « eteid te Bal we lst the detance abr bie to iy but wre a whe woman timidly, and the at-tun cari tavebs he aid againat = eae ; areine ine on val 7 bh bank ey : - meat a h aes law, their mothers -in- vane dnp ie shen at | the magi dames ware with e river 2 | Arabs Tits popebtion, and 'this the | mocgOan'® help ity ma'am. | Rates of the | Dr. J. M. Du aid aharetbeat "ond beat anya and my dg weik bldot ae and with a sen Terber, Ail is fort Sorsing No all | clase tickete to tide f rtine Arner Peculiar Resalt of PPT nsmore, alace Di * ! ee wot lead to oor T -- elude by cee ele I will con- | "™* the uneve in the forward coach," | Tho Daluth an Accident. -- to Myers" Block Market ' . - Yall e the litter se fom Shalt | ne ne moand I Cay sar thet Tea not lee! Hae . wri, as he | ing statement Tribune maket the fulkiw- vt el gael a pas . @ DALY TERRACE. ae BILLIARD PARLOR, Tebe eye wer and were lekieig: the dh ped oum,; that 1 w V0 | man 7 rules !" blurted out « big 'weeky Neer St Pta ot ° ag to - ONT. Myers' New Block. Market Sq, ae peel w poeltahie, ihe ele' era be.ore-.| the. steer: hes Thetonraam, OP | sill] sanemine to escape j and that 1am | ypc, eee here heron 7 --_ mith: Keen Selah 3 mon omens oom poated. s four © river, having bore clear, God wi means tized ; here am You jared by being struck int} mae + ar : were pen of poles in any convorien' dames. } had no @riven by the ,,God will give us an imaue, net | over ; jet me tern this by 2 stick te Ta in the heed bed _, M.D. LDS, STARKS & a : : af ishme sad pl i 2 situation, | krew was the resal ao you can liedown. Put seat | broke tag trom & saw. The stick Dh. b. DS hot | ward off " hot what to a 1 opening your this it your head | skull jost ever the | Ale * ot Ratan = * tight! the rain. 1} y acd wanted to reed Suakim to "5 ere's my vvercost ; @ leit ese Man ufseturers of the : Sse tpved or Sowost Sa the satdd nay os heene wae, bat Fh where my | at Bes money - ee and he had her nicely omked | wound be teak ab vee Petes Pamcws's Sune | cvinceccto ny Sp amae Graeme | mnt sor ate ae erat | bose ee ly ma "roar Sehet AO. sont an ich ond'e bat vp, wsfensg TroKD, O : ee U «| the. fires | ie" 110. th hte tel Oxide Cs Cae =y=] » PILLS % tit the wstea, haces wall, to hold dawned on me that I had here ground at of | 'Take mine; | cover a Ae Vacsire ote > = ND OINTMENT. ay ot coup li ve lca eng Bap soni bbauees eocRtey reid 5 love to emoke. Always #1 Y was very doubtful, b Oct. th la. nora to mnngeey. '. rane apo ia Ths . How Glass Eve ever, easy to build uaiLg. leis, how: bob we aac + wan a Saty Bs amoker " And he tide im the tart new ih, bab he la AND . os Eyes another » | down tha river," fniten ' log + 1884. Read Dinner »" dnd be went forward. | {h ty of the case lies in * ee eee. | 'mest Wear @ut. io, ont theve tho compen Fem s0s ia crate ol I racked the Bukercbama ieee aera May, 1601, ou | apd the hig man came, bust diniog-eor bud "that it oppec ewtdnely. beaded yeh Alea, deniers im oft kinds ot | caienel Vreqeeutly fork over the war: | 1f ni ing eure of . WBS T staying at Tccttied to Minted on ew din-} not +o cree rm Smoking and Ohewing Tobaccs } THE PILLS patural eppearance than any oth going as deep as posible, scatter W aething to eat. The rout to drink Kbericom, Pave Gacenp ed. eridenty ner. be object heal ; for Tracked the by Pipes. and Smokers Sundries Nee vaceststtN. wD: tapart i tard rh alert the bod ver it and tors in the hoge ; Tarbes bet hs nif, oY Fis ueune, ley Totes of Misono ke ee r King it improper jo rit. Semen aie seta vou cause Khartoum Adama, G08 SYSTEM tate to the | serted, they will boqnce of a9 | let hove dias sp node : = AIYER AND panies Of course much : 39 promoting LIGANTION end sesemtation, sawed tre bihoor 2g pry be orga people would ~ Nand Vigour. rr Hench pt ay i oe ee with mn eh mn greatest. troubl . | BERN SpAcy pad Sins rae e voor eal. thaie Wie bak You sea, Prox Noone would leave more > in theie alfloncy in alt ani they ate unrivalled | @ little over, Life being abut « year o- = ris eit ateetrurtiews. wktn iewiaen pim- 'The als sikalion, longer time. Boisics tee thes aay other tameliy | Suets Bowerer Seve Sar Sab toon te % pew was pasmengers he oa Soe ee kiting effest, Mina St. J a daily, qveatin oer pore oe en -- The corkens "are. ret, tht Coton = " specimens, where cleyant developed were not at fret 20 Sek edzined be ths goann dames; bes how -abe Aes thas me a rad ce asian . : i E ae | if i fen itso thar te beendeary. tte calee a Semel ee are "A t he: my |G. T. RTICKET OFFIC: | Sa | aw vainable in ali THROAT AND CHEAT BrcasEn, . oan ' : nore Byes es, 24 Marie ra igeeye ee see ™ ep isang | kiss bee withent ws mech is Foon, progeen | Bing the'eserectating tertares au Bring the Si a & shoddes, ana sit Pate WE the Wenters stain, soe SHURA tn eee nee = hres ome on the tiber 7 tia = | emer eae aE SEaES = Hoaonae byl nding. meow tows. , throughs oR AE ise ve GY eerie. na 'MONTREAL, PORTLAND.

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