ss NUGGET | sad shall ga beck te owok for the 'mess," jas | - ~s = r aE i A 2 ' " learn be ere | . | Doyle aot an Ieation, whe wore Swe vet | ¥ . r . - -- = ncaa si san seen ott earn te end aad write, £56 | THE WEEK'S NEWS areca, irks sed Tain gery gta A CHRISTM 1s CHAT. HFREAND THERE HOUSENOLD. es A CARAT: - i fi of weaplng, amd was only pavitied -- ¢ inating lajered. are i ; * | Qeota; and many ether contrivance fob MAS STORY Teague aka dea a ee machetes were all atound tha abeeful fre in |: 2000) Lid wil-elng is pablis sext eum nny van mongering ose 4 ga ph tetera lle ~ . rtatsed berth in the sleeping war ig Alonso die! in debt. Hike elle ~Piaie sod Canin wd Net tirt for the the fees thas le Sesaty-von gosh Hew. pduaags~ | potet of epeed and perfection of work a ga a wd Aveo Terme Debeoent hoven Dede a b ., Teadets ee ee ees kee {end b 1 og the deme it story tel Pulding | Bar oppenranee wil 80 fora charitable * prising te all some edie CLE Mise Haw tert ane lng wen aed | Bison wt nase artng : x a ". + Wenwtrd camel wh. Le called far short eer that Eari Datferin will vialt | scat, he had pat dows hee kultting, We | PO** ™ PR yore pe i + eal yes Pad oe MEET, a ets -- ae baer ------ k wer, howere Baresat to "] lew oruemally sat betors neg j ame sa happy oa & = ot 'the 8) A Mowtrent how 'moebact = read an tv epeing knew What that meant I[t was siways tbe | Sig: or or Compaen. «he hae been 1 Wate os ny be "3 ae od paleuted " ae wie " pet ut ¢ seven thoweand a Tae Pri anno Wales will open tae Mersey a ae } tect ¢ & leg ret, be elout praphecend sugar aie . ¢ from: Caleng> firm. anpel next m0 ine ove: weditating. the pc tt te anid, ta tall pia "be ri tine J. Paiibrick, whe, for maa --~ Sit Jobs Weshem bes --_ appotated |g, mat ebal Wb abo she sald, bait 'oval powers paeenion asl i tw cart peck, hes ected a2 eneveet at Terenic 4 | a Baer 08 I ower « om of } th wma aod Oblo Radroad station . 'adea'. te was 70 yearsel age. wit talyeney aay. « 'tell wes md "ered together. wnidenenl rcs be afer the plan af aring Nor 2 Treated aud « cio' *. . at Cast " oo buen tee Lary bytes reported te be ind a4 ae ee + yaionag x Her ih |, bors -- at + os ah rom, L adie, with » fine sth prevtoos Aw rarthgvake in Aige is hae partly de ehiols ae ar - teacher pusianed 9 7 The vther wight, Mr. Wilam H. phine ing thirty two 6 uti bey "ty mekiee him hold ret pepper } chile returelng trom » tundra! at I'etesbor = om 'i jurkog vont peli apg an Be: pee _ cacsed whit teen) added 8) Limcaaren wn lrom bie baggy and billed. Eapercr Wiliam has decided to celebrate Married @ aden PF Tilly, « Toronto berteoder, shet eye tke Fromaioe roel of bls acomaios ope vig for work a Ma se Seu Damani deal lately, He bad been drinaing om the Jed Lae 2 i Ul heshatars § = is eed neavily of late and became very desposd x _ Koch. 'Uddte detectiv w | other eT ee et ¥ye a ki be employed tal a | d dead is tharos Lo 'aber 'ay | ame plang f Aalebem, wt oe must a by ' { ; ws Man Christ Je Paper hb . tk ot Oe ME 4 tag vperstines we the sew Indastri | = thes a cn pete Wise M wn carried gitte can an ee nag fame Tp ee pope s see ora bs ow 3 " * -- Mares tom > ot | at sober H Ser. Seve ot Mimico hare bees oot site itr village of nee vo hax beer | stew then én iia same apon these pling ve | 804 whiting, ie ru . one " and | bhe i, Maks fee be! ogre Ne wa Gach wwe ie towel eyed bs land alide, . sree he tad daring smiamer ieee Cine ow ing raps ly pushed for \ meary va y Belivy tae ---- y the La ahngetd ied one Eas Christmas Lay | a, atene-maien 9 tt mag be gilded ot brome hie, hele i v Inyee. at crambe, wil peer hed withdrown all work such aa bind nk ama Govbly = a , ! r _ eewart, the} A Heiaboh ferce consisting of 1.000 en, t¥,-1n the plecmures fitngeyemeens | A statue recently discovered we dys vresiet a rr pes vd pos my Base "ser enact sna Mad Earns other tate: mation bs aay Sih el Virtthien seals re | ge 'i Mare informe! the they had come te a stand still oat gate recovered fom hin Tee a I Coss * ap ones a eae ' " os hose about the Eagliah carly, the Tiber prox wate be . one te ie by ater of milk, and boiled aed skimmed | premiocs, and they eet oy bed ail Woat a Oa, Hate aa Co Fae ok Sym Laorpenn: lsaghs M " pier a atill | tes ae rom his recest attack Nol soles the Soudan. peeling the greet Yule. od the} six leet high, oe ine ° i ' thelr empl <7 wm The bio wd sifer,-- "Not thin year. The pew stiop eri pew i the wre Fe and could gone farther |! smalipos, The German Government bas refused per CME! candies, the boars end 'pore In oven, te , mek uds Unite ae [e8) | dy minulen, cover at ot, 'aking. a3 ~f com! we tet fe pron peo ae Pract aot. | tore $e Paine Lave Saye Neer gists nines windows, op the street, hae out eked acne bed bem tele | Captais Kecles, tts Clara White," | ™iseton the onbie bo Gomeny, ap a platter to the sovad of music, acd the of lent preservation excel broam. Add mote hot water aed mi%, bras te depeadsat ph yeicten, nerd hate hud | Seaieny Mic. ea" ida TAS "t. je auily ; bat, thank the Lord,| 'We should be t Nee to dig them out, | 'sli ato the lsky at Kingston, the other | | pled for by ve ier was American Telegra,b mistletoe hang ta the cas 1 haily Vou know, #o women in Fi rence, K aaa little bvaiter tn tt f needed ie ope weekly visite to the fac Mee tment eet ewe Tom Tooker and Idon't need mush," and sakd the cond greets ----. "} Might, add when rescued wee pearly ex | ™paay + yoo, all about the plum poryidge and the | le lately ander the tm nresslen ths e ' . mate octar tees senead the RS . Mise Hasford patted a big black and white se thoagh » we avid 4 fpr ge _-- very mah | + --To Britich Government te ovatemiplatiog | no" pls, Hat do you kugw that the four | improve thelr cums pistion. It ands' gaa rane alle ey =A ragga Neve oon ployten or thelr fatntliee are eeffering BE LaANDes eat dosing on oneend of the counter, "ite | ow the road pend ger Cpristenas | ity 3 Moore, who was born in Ireland in | ** dione system for placing the | toon doje before Cn e were called | tt waa dnly hy pre wip taatinet al . 'ton vee ee meh thorvaghly , pat hree | {rom the digease Ser ane = . torte' lenescea, though, livin' ail sione et . jt esthiod bn what io Bic bap me othe neers dayet These dage were eu te | lives wer od ' d that tbe tein Vette wie twee qzsrts of} csutions, ct sz hea tomes t th M {| peckativ about Cheletmas. Sometin-s || pe ch | ob £* ame a chorus of disap. | In, dled tn the now Onewe le | csi @ cable evmmuatoation with | be peculiarly beantifuy like our L writen enter, and chiree tenopeanfala of anit Ball | aware. & te Sey ase P & Miion. eft dreadfa! thee, aud.down in tematic. 5 oelated velew. y, aged 106 hospital in that clty recent | O° ------ mer, and -- -- an com Ovobardists in central Iliimols are learial eat an hour, Make # crust by rub! 1 ps Big pot suffered te busloees | Sere ee Meet maret makotevend hocthere "Ne wonder, poot i teteiea Bt 'To 5 ee Caristnas Eve, bi | he yar, Itt hive the | the late King Alfonse mm gee | call te biogasber, ft the ctnlng witter should prove ss dia i s pound cf tard kate two srs ot} | 7 ate, perder Segre See of tars gra : yong | n m Yow pope me Mr, Uready. 6 jelly race id Thacher " new chief has bees ted to we | ue oe y from time | enat t on bales nant a trues to Goer and sppic Warn i nm thet vicia toa ake two tescuptal ecur « pili sake by together with the pre | " en) corer three young regen; yuo'd sui ae down to soe. | Kingetoe fire brigade, and it le ox cae ae to eee him den qeiet aad proven | and th ! ; om the ocean, | y as the last, when, it ia anid, over 10 per sad | teaspoon!ul h hee! | gv euer . ae g Mestre mechan A pemagy 3 poy Oy thee, rad rie te 2 0 peering | up inte bis, nnWell Neg i 'we msjority of tee firemen wilt starting « revolution wares viene predwein, em = lulling | cent were killed te bs vd tell owt half thio | Sead weliy, wi m Tal confidence tn eee Take ord has fam whee a Wher resignations, * ts Pera Camber of Commerce has re. | S#stbar, wntte ts - lovely | The basket given by Waning A four quart peddigg duh will anewer (>| learn thet it , Sree ponte sean prema' © of mente = he len't that the Sante (1 The fishery laspector, | soi : young were bring hatet' | uf i sedans te om» | bane in ; betes shold, ' the iatention of two rr three jor th vocklags 6 arate be bought eh eoliecets ie! ihe Rincwaroy dide's tone t tr, a | prosecuting « number rie Repay het bed is oes Tones of | od re this power came from the birds Hencahiee cee ed David Evtes of New! Jbove the rhn of the d a an pint ss re ot 'the princtpsi boot shoe manu ™ . avel | « y Gchermen aire ons eegain sous #8 not have been 1 ' ire, aa a despatch , be et be th -aapaner aera suns Santeras Oe "het 4 mln know where to find | Sustng 65 olson ving caught white Geb ines etl fae | Perhaps the Car " pai nhl bere t eee than whe Ben dire arte of Fyn on pay ' "i sroen Fane: to the Cotesia! and Tediae Kahitecion ws se ehut with a elem "The a pe ed me | ioe weneon. ne recent (> " hed their io in some p ur . who le sow 56 ol te wome| be held tn London pe "ad te te Age ald, ard oxght to be cried Nugget, in alarm ; "he will never Contracts have beam awarded by th | proved the wesises at ceatioorenmen _-- a like shalcyoo. They are semeog tthe tidews scl, . The plaster group at ihe top of oy ave| batter, al sp. = tape od 2 cate ~_ e ne, deat Knows} bat Chrtet ee"-- | Marine Depariment for senstrazticn of long the Balté parva Ragilab ecoge, and were ret printed in 1521, 4° Triomphe ia Paris ts abou een soa terest bodes tien af x boat ie about to be takes smong the meat, i s great im it my natere, pod y 'meetsbe willin' rd | fovtioand. Nasi uo lessee ne the: Nove | Theaeabe: cot aus vt -- sae Je han ie emer cea | | | ex oie quae Dy Lp oe Te een cen: tetw tho an wu im the dish ; stir Conateliows Birthday Beek "give the salty Treland would fod e iz | adge a tilect that a | some Gour inte the 4 : is a besutéfal Erin wt bor ells wei | ate ber a Treas emer vs | See non se nes | er Our chee oem | a sree ty eovasegtrs oe a hak ave i Sa pbc apa CP cash I seek 30 ber, when Sw vile | Sree Geaed ivenh, collwey So eommcct os | meet? une ee ees Ce ne oe wemen" | Rattand papers tall the etocy of of plrchicg It closely with | Palet form, wlth no protinsions te tte trary or, | s larme t rie thet would be atarn, bn the. sbd ved farm eget oe hor | Kiderado with the Cestrei Ontario road. | Advices from Allahabad report matters | eae the Germans le Saiat ot Nicholas, whe : im that neighborecod, a wilower and wel 'te k the top crust for tae 'sain 6s wate "|= ht be the means a sovirg @ life ava Ts § H A M £ RI a her, why aln't yous beby 2" to whlon pussy | N ell, thst's strange; bat, never mind, The total number of soumigrante thes in Nepaal quiet. The rebels bad andertak who | do, whe bot ago wrote sal & woman estowly for ose bour aod ball, aod | called De KV Pierce's treati-e on diseas Sk@ CULLEGR, sROADE, . Only ree pemidiet 1 me _ merry as she can, even | sived i 'erento for thefeleven a er Government *r 7; oom on never este, deser:b Serre bo of women, for wr Finest corms tn A> oF imeem abet he! Tim geing ont new me ls re geet the end, | sted te be rowognisad Todtne Goveres si to a cmd children eopectally | ing 27 chon hd ert ad arnt 1 eh sor wrese = peculiar trou » Foy Rete pocbeng aoe cose nd ps aed | ing Wed uit ave IGN as compared | i Y oo-boye Claus ts contraction of | be did ba ria Fart escrlption" la e-pecta'ly aot haow shah they 'eaecend by the "Tinkletinklg ! ras espiorns sadang be FU anes cnaw: hs ried ia Tb meat ' mot bear from her te the contrar, 7 ' e , strated tave ety hor pins tampedamrad (rons te Menta Claus by." And | a for the correspooding period of | Prince Hiemarck, la the Reichstage wld | Sin ts Melle Ags Mivbolea wtihin vou wvebs he ewald call ith « me | Soe ie Tien thee tab Wbecal quantiey | Teen ee rete ppd lly bode negro epee sig. ton ends Raguet er, #4) mounted asian cf ahaggy hair, | little iat fellow tremped off, leaving his | Pdi mesbaasal | that while Csthollc miniouartes ge-eral y | chawen sa . cooen Bop need to be | Wster aed marry her, No lta pe pancth graye hay agp Seba Pore pei trtatathy Prop all cexpenclia il oo waiter ww sirmaiae CURA, Recretary. neds abril vooe piped, "Plauen, Mise Han + fomen bat abr veae nl a the Seventh Tea toa be Gennes calguinn bey (bleh le wii la he Kogiish calendar, Carried cat his threat at the eppeicted | dewganata Prepare the by wee " Dipenawy Medio! As' Christmas Cards tera, threecent loal, | arms | tion for i 1s weal dl dor excluded, | erring os December G,) and | Beat the yoiks of three eags, VY. was wants to Kovw Hf you will Wash het & {fa of pia, intr, sa bay, ied tee dies | Nompenge arith he . wt) Germany 7 * se ot ange to preach, Uge of user S ha wus allowed | The Mechintoah of Mackintosh bas clear SH, sisttapesetel od salar and leat tea mon generally refuses to BY MAIL few dagehuge." The Little country store | emn.® Geoorating the parlor | battailon. " "et agama nent * Spaniet at tin Saliabary Cathedral. In all oa tage in Inverness '"& 'ablespoontals of Sour; mix | vote the poarery Lichen when fo wants to ncetine® Feces yecpene. "BURTADAT CaRie eeeiey, nee ey contenta, atul kept pa iene ewes and Joba Rasterbes's death canteace vee a Caroline areline be iss anit Spais be re an oid peor you will find » curious bl- nding . beet bere . oo ep "aad hundreds of Genta: may re gates aor ib std to make the | | avoid « crooked vee. sae » alin. Doak . SURTHDAT cakDe ete cake we " a } orcks ve fot, s | "Hey ! i thas yon, Prare ghor {allen wea transformed rams, gael i ument for life, « Retr | So theas pew wore. malian Sa 'tant senevet sald that a acineeein'a age « ved ' apa in the aiatricke pay ng Sxeaas ue Mere "7 [a Feces Fe Pe aren rf rege Ale af = CARD et _ a as . t lime, | vi | 7 4 ' a le o . rina aa Set vt as dae eae aus ee ental day, |sn inna he tar have even | poms The Cot aoe ieee | spt dnc teens sosigh | "ns ara eo pt Ta i tgs" Unit Pk Seg Pe o: om: is 7 bad! May he's ben up i had rm yee elland. | eeeemrks Che wore ti Pate on, hair Wee | cater en alch hawk ormer te ck meliairy.| (io ted state te dome ta fear tased in the Yeaspoonatals of ng powder, Beat to |.' Plenty of room at the top," ora oan mised, Cosh to = igh -- ee hen ay oi me bien | ote Pr "7 ee 1s-yeniree tT | for & long *lat to » Regtand, have bese sum tate, um wi th power to ch rm, s atee is found ta foer counties, of Kether s teblespecatal of sugar, two tsble | desler aa be oj an apple --ee ree miat ery que waar ae y ty ber i 7 pry eet cronte, hither Quus-erquatly 2 os pripel wed and 0 gractous , which Pitteburgh i thr business pantie spoonsfdl of o omery butter, and he elke | found Weal fall. " a MATTHEWS 8 BROS. S&C Co - TORONTO. yee won't hey much of » ( SSrlotaane| jerman and Italian vationaltty, | uprising. Copenhagen and other cithes are | + When Lease child | mand te visit, the | Saetly one-thire of the prio ie concert | o! two egye; add te the flour ar, buat A ABANT ry yor hauan, to morrew! naturalization re ant took | under the sternest d A goer erg ech | shen beantital tittle town of Hethiebem, 72 ett eres --Teerm_are 100 enka makers, whites of tue Bayee ber) them branagibar . a Inventor's Advice. t Shwine an 5.2 os, Conte fom werent word te edge McDoa- | papers are suppressed, editors ore impcieun- | Penneyivania, which yeu probanly know 4+2,000 ovema, aad $1; 3 000,000 invested. Si, * Ute G¥er & DAI plik of paattedt creany, + Geant S eveneon hen adv taing hed th prt: year :"-ard a big onb |, aad ovin ein et everyobers was a Moravian setilement. Dun't you re . thousand men are ex ployed. mix, = Gil the hos battered mafia iis pein "Wr get on wou waters oy sree: +Bta on # poo! Roked the chil & tterance. 'ot teatant citizens of | member Longteliow's poem called * A Hym commerctal aad bebe lo a bot ov " ws I reve done-- peryovere. pperton * Cotton | ony TIS cxitters T* matte BA Miew Has Suse ba, hehe had hang peeled | Kingston was held recently, at which reso: | , of ~* tan Nunes He coital id oo lara The treia oo wh ioh he Hominy M P sad desd worked tues og arreeted Lenguh, sad * hope that $) birds ernie be. y speskas io that of led a " o " : Uitisn Pe © t Wise ~essine = Ger ther * re 5 Nick Sep eet ev eneee e might wile po tetgert rest a ime rach peiiey BRITISH (counts, and ogo a = rool reg oar pes, Byrd peed, shen he cold teiny to soot, ef fine Droste, Ms a (eased ets she labei os fy sere oo os bow twie Gt) in with were carried unanimous! the Moravian, as | saw them, had "| The conse. e window to learn to It half s-pint of tour, poral in of | the sae of De, Pierce's "(olden med Y cA RMANENT : Mr Gerendy "Lid: cuaneas ory A large [ iad a Recah tater Sage, See See Bree: thiage They were » simple, Tresct = the engine Ft > 1 cod ignited I | gai, © hengung tanicapeantal ot behing pow. | COTE Cal 'Weemaad rae i | 'LOAN. & SAVINGS co. _ ver " 'ee tien of saved d 'sof the Bestler. . » and o col rafter ignite der. tieas roll found > ' Wonk x's ema sate ont hee thaaks, Sh a ." Bad he exited the action to oki tnleoging te tue Matvasbon" Are rank. i Stier hain cman iil eo | vt thd aa, and very we stickers were scorched, bat leteeately sopareania, add to arden pe Liver ccaupaalatn gti elyew bead, renee: ° diy at the someed face thet neddet good b : "Thaw eae he Temperance hall, Teronte, lacs | has spent the past ai ears in banen | is. The mee mroh services were | © pal serious injury. etter, same ar, and a» ee = Bg ehtonke diseasaand man abe aid, 7 Pe and di aasenn the tend PAE a ocak ous an eredlan fares oe and a | werk Many of the soldiers reiated their | Columbia, returped « f a end -weman-werw ti: } section of the Milby Way hee been areas --uh. 11 Sheee ingredi x i Ita healing y are ye; Sutin - 0 acon "It's mighty eur sof orb ger : ia mt ns onder farm- house to-day," **P* prior to thei version. F vow of Na ie . wer 0p and gare le ee ruth pre ela lig haaioa se never to retarn. Paid ap Cuptval a con aee arranged ta thie world F vallieg ced "Dies | 82 red Howell, and they rattled in after, The capials and cr rag hy ss ing thas oral at 5,000% 'a tha haters {ois bat, wall:basiansd ay A mi itary Caicedo | al 1,100,008 "tlantord 1 "Not that f want t qnestion th condecter, who . Highland Maid, sho were believed to have {a fambae bi be gh} Mejor K Aesth rings, ine yal k oven | Prance te sb f ret _lrestes._ -- wayuet Previheus y but thercts Mra mite | ie 'Satector woes Yankee, and | been lost when the v wes fourd capi: | y, and wee with prod gore ervey ; an perticer ukes whale and presents o _-- with foar youngsters, and not so niuch asa | Uttle animals oat of a Tp some fuuny |.od off Cleveland, are reported to be safe e discovered the Pass in site Seirke wt oe o ered in the alr. ry appearance when rane! Company's Bulldings, Torente 66 ve 7 ' te pat ba diinls. ntewklngs 5 | oat snd.a. pasta, ten hte aeere! ty having landed from ber at Kondeas. ae { teers tie seme. Sieos then he atpeapeal| it of mh A Ocge von Dat Terento. ant here am with « \o! _ e, while ming aget, 1c at iets » ta t of knick et ke | to or seme at, me Parnoweeth Gade kar ? a arpel nation, ls Som po Hareb | te < Sey herigrer fy: the ie Ocenia | no ens es " ¢-Dem eaten yolke oe "aa | morphine and hindred "habit a" valent | The y hes now on opeo her trunk, aod sine soto betattind who aftertwo hours' deliberathen : Lend very succanstal The niece Dany. eye pears shate bed. re-2- pared . "6 ' with the loo st » styl eget ke { agar ' monet a -- meoey wien Wie ee "Al that she waa padi row at they conld pemibly agres coe ie ich be b bof the C aie | lattate Pitree oman n ' ground mix ge | | see tL Sheghadiasabes witbows the knoe iNedb&oa Lee bad "cat buy iy er, is x v verdict. ere couscquently atic : dian avs bed aod sbowt 150 miles « t a vouryn co patie ---- thy tf me denuend. i spel Ap; iy wo _ Mee, Aiken, wibe-of W. K. -Alcom; oWreak , oaty the family-- eee Sees tamer fee ee NEEREET Waseem, - sessing. frelon AROS bettie ahs pete lett one ee Se ach sock tried ts sande tie other fo the 6 ree sol te cars lal of . Massaging Dicstme a dowd of tne, | 108 the curtains after lighting the lam . our reporter. pec uty cf ite Chriatmas' Puls," as cured. nanepsaen M. v "Travan, se ase, " and the covupacts of Whe 86206 Sleeper on | 'he other night, dropped bisa tar the thoer. war aes In summer the days sre bot, | think they called the lov = bow ors of ever se rrefal and aren ay he Ppreeeperer sant, Tur: C0 A U | O N. sec | Secateurs egy Ser vm eva me | a Awe a a gee it rel bere 2 Oat at ihe vee The rpc Buck « 4 aaet rs waa citi, ta from cectete 7 msathe ond lo very ostd. ¥ ute erestier Sod well bid with green. ¢ to their children during pagilnaiy, Cusiot wae Via.-- Four lemana, three eggs the stavepips a we printed, "At Obrintias, vee! he teatecrene Bent bed, i w* a setere' thas oe ee me ot bog | leet later than the beginnieg by April or | Oranehes four pillars : ice my ror ae ead jgrant strike, | ica oad ager poten, Seen fos age PR cearg Hoey ce fo we eee! peep) a 7 a oF THE " ~ . x county ve lem 4 n rained. . Swooupe o Ber, 4 4 7] fj those pe her's av 1° eld Dies Hanford Clase cle aad 'seca A Christmas [| "bated te allow of the quarentive =f ber. On theowtole the ste be = were tained with ivy cnt hel y or 'ant Be vive aeet haming pigeons in country | salt. Grate the saline palin the tind - from Cold oarrenesa, Sane acre ring ; eed. It | resounded from behind ai] | Talaed om many of the Infected farms. Two particviar | Withia this inclosure, and beneath Hies! practice hae lately bee described | the lemons, cut «t! the whit and are invaluable te orature aad © ly well adapted to stock rateing, and is in | its lealy canopy, w an English doctor, He tarte te part, remove | F and vocalinta, caperte sre lnepecting the lafected districts | fact more suited to this, tha the North | glittering mnopy. wae the Christmas tree, | ily ronace with » basket ore tee raison aera fc iggy i Cn ea aT EO Mencmoue -- -_ West, 'The phyeleal testures of the ovustry, Sodas Lene ote held af tase, thaeegh [Chen arias, the Sause af Pattee ¢ whe | elle the © p ecovatis. tan Teves - WATBON, Manatactaren, IS MARKED - . jer pposition | however, permit herd: o * . tah | gee wad Renal ae | ln the Quebso L ginlas be barbed paieed with adv of je being | whic made of glas» age Lei finte attention, he would start with two ponds, Tals il pool aking a gevaffo.tien In a Now Lon | ture, finding that he antage, 13 land te 0 | real © pigeoe with the required peuoarte four ples. 8 fee aos « baad ae ironed roe with the sowset hie stants com pletaiy pesben SP by 1 creeks, | played in fountals vets or vombled Ke am land the aaistant in the doctor's surgery me er i 8 dea (Come hurch ned a : sgitation or 4 moan! o average sncw-{all le | casuals ever ink monkt farted the medidions i 2 0 : " cl to the knee Belgie National party, has resigned hie | the bigger taps di-t-tes ie about als | hyd CS aa ae ee lang before the cker's certval taba k The Boot and Shoo Trade of Montreal Peeps, tell my ae cou oe = on | es ~ general impression regerd. | Child, and the shepherds w i | cause le lately cited in which pige " , a Srv e to rien he | _ 'The Department of Agricaltare will com fag tos beueidity of the akmaepbare owing Socks, Waxen sagele (made ~op scans oe morsiag merepepet tothe Pieters, ye Ling ees one saatber raed plage gg ts nos de unt hadi ibid IN BRONZE neve . exonsaly owners. « bi os one ® | the the Colontal and Indien Kabibition towsrds rarely raina be any extent npn remy, ait peal vanoid -- 5 ) bang hovering over | ratent a shase quarian' wolght to the | great national industries ; and it is ebabie | menthe, . -- that he wis never recover | pting im the figures, Vial 4 of an ounce tha! the fail ase Ov wee parlor ee ae nas tanto a arrmnree Mie eumenita Se ee eres thes oe |e " sated meee Fopetation have Though K OTHER GENE INé namesake, low , " reps: abroad ou, the toll . ta. caetenrps tease pe i cot bngsing her foot roel cay actin |e aia than the forming, bet toe al ata goa at iy eas, sod oeoe--a farorte bever | tacttis Seseaniann' isn" hon bars Toes Tadnweien --__ oe SRLS tee | O UR FREE ettle that ham: and spiuttered abe wae an expreenpacksge, until wy a 'orth-Wret, At Golden "Ie the M. lt ha 3 here: bare caged reatl ali grow equal qualities Te "| : ; Hollywell | Francie Kraft, about 75, while walk. | © handred jones UB Righ teeri | largely taben charge of the private busines | the province of greats p pnenino ta Lod sora ry x wan teeta las chee tacks ites oa | : ity, one miles north of my settle. |.vals they always had instruments in | Sisto of her bh i Quebec) owing partly-to the} 5° of ad, ast | teamed ees ots cong 1b } . More sad Seavtie, wee wher Lid track near | ment, gordon le rab y a te be | aehaad and hae managed them | Sheejnoss of labor aud ite f ferent, the : good byes bad then to be sald, and she was | Stevensville, was overtakes by a tras garden produce ed y ccoees, | Sidition to the organ, and many choristers | "'t! "ks! succecas * : lacelivies for tan » the one producing secing iol whic at stot , and | fully, The climate, ts mad 7 © , 'm tter,' the | sing the raw leather. Ost of 60 deteriorates if -= Chrletenat comes but onew a year, SV inned ovr to the tender care of an expreme | 'D aa with je eweet harmony, Bat, ebiidren, | | V'ePrestient used to say, "than 1 | Sar tenaing swale tanneries 8 row bu the e maa, with a covered wagon and pair of | ly hart He wae pertous | Ootarlo, shows « much shorter winter and a | really wast stop tulking, for 'Coristmas fy | B2T* do-e myself." The veaid conld | ia leather, about two thirds | °! the "* Myrtle Navy" tet hs pred ea, the prancl ¢ horses. TSar" t focad by a mibor rs considerably lene now fail, so fascinating that I migh Mr Hendricks d realdevoe where | Ore in the provinoe of Quebec | Mos' cholce sections of the Stata, » hi | a was secured, "Is the land much broken up f" | aighs might keep oa ail dricks died, im Inciana;olie, te | one hes 2 anneries, and out some . ch, Mirwugh | } only before 1 stop et me worth $10,000t am | st tio cones combinatl a cf local influence. " Yeo it ke, and it beg yoo all she hed worth of leather made Ft x re "ee i ly adapd for wt | esmeeesis ebes von Bang 20 year eet a gh gen | Mentoenl dens aapeally tm Canada, | TO ie hoes bi Wtrvaleese cocmendicg a oguc & considerable 000,000. Th 25 b Achen | * Maher ~ han Noe eal | som A'together it le estimated that he , {*ctorine im the leaths t prick ° bes suchion Mie | Will leave $100,000, the balk of which rep. | five factories Poe heb nailer ogy he ry cold tans' a for 9 man with a/ For 1886 i Is Now Ready . ond Une Sapam, exmmemploe, ond 4 nie ey ee dl = = earnly ings of bi prvsmical ce sche te, and the ttl ands ply scaean ke ie bend to be la He's pve bte| ' er aod four Little a . ; edover 5, nee | worgeute. Nicholas, with remdeer « tected. olb.the brighteem ao Batte | At the last meeting of St George's Sock |") TA gall to-do bara' han jan bes epee hO0ty toeckdie sheer to-wheun- werk ' en "+1 foal as tf 1 was wak around the Ch they guther- | sty, of Toreate, it was proposed that asta: | n describing the physical features in bis ted and arrested in Eo -- st their homes. These \- 1 - in' it for ove | | roe of Ms ea? be in district Mr. PEOP gand. He rented a boot and shoe establishments prod wa nin mlb Pe cg egg cor | ie tap liyhta, aad i made thet her Ms)sety be erected commamo | from the foot of the td a LE. besteerrmer' ating se Avan, , and was a reg | 000 paire every day or 5.500000 ea, eaves, Ringbene, spavin, | labors ted om | woutbe round phe oe custion * | at kntery: abou! erery -- ttendant st church, hiv son and daugh. | ¥*4F | about six i whiek witectiy saved by Chae ber oh j and there wae glow Hattead Westh-d shes --enferen. My cetig Toe seggeien we CaemIY oP ap | Bacio tom the Lae te tee memehan | Ret When the pone conrched tt Birmingbam, awn ee Saad ee tn --_ heart oa ayers ani *e searched his house they | 4 corresponden! uw to bed. that Inte the! arte ives eweet cider, a» using See far varying from two to five miles, As isrige Mise Lowi de aclear $100, | 288d Smerormous quant'y of sliver bey | supis taita' cod oustovn to at hoe komt BIG OFFER fe ere differeat style: of & 5, Seman ~ oak pear ged : which she had Eight members of the Me'ropolitas | ae the cal' 7 aboes every shied yont, and | 00 by no worked mine of stories for clectro-plated govds, s set of valaable dis | and shoes were turned out pe lll ro Ocean Weehicg Mestre," pe rhe ee > of Gadde saltatte ray, vine covered church, aiteoagh 'ow bad jen | ree of the servants | Ld joining the | young people. mood studs, fashion, visited Fab wprow eta eee Soe nom rsh ng By NN ee ee Tee ot ore pane Poser eon Mine sophie Mental, he famous plasiet ded eer aes Fee she' bern | tbe oly The sett lahweat io 'oan --| Eitas Serrsce cipea_we qreced her lausly aorniag board. his pane inane of some fate | certain oreek. On btalning rake be | ot $3 oun $00, het © ne | of newly married bee ee a pelle besa jr hire bere ad. AT iw Ca Cpt =I --- ening, © al of id 1 all the land o 000, 000, left to be va ~ to aa J. t . Prepared expectalty tue Boot Te overland express from the Pacite jew "Paley. read -- be on ensigns made, contained | stream, as no ove bat ui end arin hove mirer. re ie Lagdyned an Co give an sisoat tne. eihciny pr pemeca te : F nog - Coaet, A 4 " wen } purpose : some zy over \rkte, rocwy-erpanse of flat rey with The mpposin the avepeenquaary. witer ithe wut tor Coe re | 9 SA hea gn Ret entey_ Seren verenited be beaadlnr 7A nak foes le = | cd dias tele Ute Grtiee eee no dbus par epuntry; | comes aed whrrisy h 4 s Li yetery is hase greeter thea 300 | din' B tbe Geones senner of thal? people who to | has been in continsous ex up A sport ate deoayate it "Ee rity telgaed ov Sam Hiakely, employed in Inglis & Kiley's focben Cons quently no epet couta prmatiedey. itpaas ln am iy. | Cane oan marriege presenta, There | istence sincel S24, It wee founded by the ta one rien station, standing almeat sions In | oo: 4 co apt bee eg eachdontalty sivnah be Sousa lee the Colter wie wishes & Sie: Sir Garwet Wolseley ia a military ie es --_-- ee ete Aanander Boll, shove brother Jeabes | d & great pr i pal 1 working raising of stock 'amall scale | @ving | the shoe senigre crowd be deere wo miibene pinta pea ee snoapt Mine fie: | # ireater saw. Hie injuries rand | writh the culties on ef aboet forty gr rig pag oly taeda hear ores ree Pasha, who bs been the Turki | Isle, dechon ond Themes: sonaat ate main Gee erp eae tenes mephbing to tweak tho munvteny of their] "l, G cocueh ter perioss than of fires |, reeulting in | mixed farming. The Columbia es vet shell ta the teenaies be} _Mlaier Ambsasador at s rarkih | coatiaued tn the steps of their father, -- See SEER <5 stately etveeten yarn long permed. and begga i that ments thelr |. a we pete hia dests. He ieaves wile and trict ie not at 3 well settled: in lb id oa | samen hares -- ISS1, le about te i tote owlng | om hie yer 6 t It ie not 'fea that peevt-dys ond snen'dammal chites wi sil cost han ° ovel enomg' keep them there. A . * children. quence of the dificalty of scosss, whic t & age, a * | brothers, having embarked on their encqventully +h hie fellows ~ jets, hen srqvp ot miners i» avtire, with brove- |. cs moe Say Oe Counterfeit five dollar bills of the Back , "tl exleted. lena sap a i jeeple went ge ts rch they must do | Bstve of Crete, beionging = family ta! hands beatnese again, bet cach sens Ste aolon's wach ndaratio, be Benya cand ra faces and Gnkeaapt eye "ehuseuredt o tremencons 52 ok of Bettiah North A merica have bees clroula. | V'scitlc Kaliway being now opened, and to thea that island, by race © Greed 7 | these twoseparate fi , wat | Sen. Fur torus Bo tall ota Cellars or Variety of Gold & silver Jewelry alput » litsle gist of somecightor nine years. | Thare o Fees Sores te open It tot: breed the Pruvh of the fact the: a beat will be run next . 7 eee ' eedlnep Cw represen. | 1845, amd the result Ja, the firm of J. & T. Bell M MecCORMICK, Frinctpal olliegs oF aad: '° clpd ic a costume strange te the petted med Yael Totes 'nod aj irom the junction of the + pe » Fitch, who has for been * to this day as one of the : tsiNnee CoA lings of fashion, but warm aod 'nue Rasa sumber of banks and: pers have been'| Hiver with the Columbia ancy anes | charge of ol the leper csaskoana ta the Yan sramtiry, Ae bee discharged ih | at shoe ental roeots tn Canada engaged BS pom ia tne Cy wat| OUR OWN MAKE . fhe ether. A at fe ou ot i Goastorielt rominion | -- stream, 'thom will be eg a ponder jo al | functions tm ---- matlafactory | the finer claes uf The factory and gus ear'antertodiee. Bor pieces cose' and Manufactured in Our ae men 'oronte, Jame lth, 1575, ares st . The HaeOne 10 ander who comprise seven 'or partiowiags addres, J" reed fy nd rely Tale penees eine tile, dened Feseato, Jone Sch, 1558, om = -- = cally of the farm se ert tary o° mi him Hie lon mane Ue re ay, | ahmeat te fee own 'fgg, the estab. | 4. LAMPREY. Boal katate Agrat Geely 7 Estabtionment. Sayer ee ee ta fap Es AMEAICAR, * ; timber, Jodha. poorprne Rev. W.J Heiland, of (kfeld, Pa, has | guages, by 9 etn flere se nnd tae baoemee wm ood the Geter to serie 0 Paln ER 7 Salt f Pinown ot the ile mal 'es | pak. ; causing great lose south of | white the | 8 collective | translethum of Dante into mod: l with machines for cattle taken FIRNT.CLABS COTTRELL Se ne arek seedy to give eat t mater fae » va ace dewy WHh teags, an uhe clings a sane} , lees ee aad ates wb F*'eclod Alien Wau ttle Kook, Arkanens, hee tee other --_ wit gethered from all | He has also a vales | trate the y of bin « slice gg st | soles of boots. p Porn Nip hg oi -- t mee were wy ® Teweller ' be ay be neck ened Uae suse, und hahde ip' hor fit, mag bot beg tncles; but the man | _ Within the past few daye twe cases of grand ake te the -- > solamae do. 8 = | St esch stroke of the machine, and tee vt a ory vit a es the otmers. the little bear was | "™ellpes red in country. The tubning, be eald saine gorgecua and dellonte | l'ssis, « Christian. the sole into ieuachost wlth eee in 4 stem ad "Vou will jook »fter clinging There Segrenin pablic debt , wend | ctostares, aieecasigmmptiastiiie the f There sine bet arked with eve _ bar sale," enya Meutuas wie beats ra Manet -- know, and Tata of the Cited States 'ong te month of te af some 200 Cabens "nad 68 an Beek of july ia 35 yoare old. j ~ Drowned Whales, ° eth d formaking tt of on Ku" . D ' L r . r st " : iat dgades teak in his ;votoe, to the oon | says, tics live otk ote, eee Pop | $4,457,000. , white mee om at it in the Colambls | expression, ey Ser asad anil sober | The bey whe pamped water on « frog "te thickness j and agaia smother machine Ate Sily : a generoes {ee iste bis as barn ies prper se ton poe Gt cheat Bone ary quarantine tnpecion om th |i hem on Valley. t. Armstrong exptresed | it 1s one of ed coe sal wich lights | frown was seuahed ot for bie pale ; pl esnipbange haa the esle ne that © his. et verware. res ave o dey the sbous it.) d y rn . marked sweetness and c+ aracter $| oie aieannand eat td Me pel "And give ber the very of every | reading ah tee inter, Mise Hanford was ne tok pee be Giescattanes | Lo meemnnie Wee whe we d | His macners cre courteous. He takes great | cor fen anes steoy forgel sha Goh Gh epysecnas echeas nee te < Timon, sl thw La ot Doug a rm ibe ngs letter from ber long-lost brother | gation. with mixed farming, resis | nteres in. the edacatlon of his ealy aon, font fo Bw b a } y., bn which he begged her to Captain Alva Bradley, the largest shi ne better district could | boy of 10 years, vam, a o pao hin ow coctherlees perl, orang care for bis | onrect on the Northera chain of anes, ind |e . 'ol course, CATALOGUE FRBB: 2c lack of the Stomp will go with Ser, | STRND. Pies vermed over | at Cleveland, Uhic, recently, aged 71. : gqleniel Wijrom te the oxn-to-law of Pree wae fling sire bie eet satinary of say Bod px leerwtoce |ataneractarer, tam aceat Ta . a ire another ; the i ie, Sak Seeing Sth. sie e.on Benge was resraine of Vice-President Hendricks Put Them Underground. mo isto uae" ie oan he beret oon | weald be jai sh Me ete pala: fn 845 bn 2 a eee o 'netoth Beaters sotr, ane jengine blows signa! for de pot 'wortd, darted Satapspolia, immense con- . 3 P's b Ea. [Ee eo Clam Ltnew why I wasted o te make coarse of people caer Thery, 200 pions tnt win Settee ait: on a a eee ae [more | able thane Sonthe clap i ent oa Ertan eae plat - - Aygted vmae tree," she thought, aathegrace | Mr. E. J. Leveson Lytton, a seooad cousin than thie ¢ untry for want of " marrted { pte a NT., TORO the group of men shout, "Give tbe thtle 'un - i furs dance around tbe ever of Loca Lytton, dropged daed of ad cousin | 'als graph condeite, In Brazil the alt lines Tal macager of M Sos mate nolan ing op thecanh theme tnsten a, . a é urrah ! eikzet of Geld | ST oladmang delight, *"it is ever | ease the other morning in New York. rapld ae that ~ | dew = 7 - often secomplish this, by ho: i 4 iy | ple (Ore Camps" and, tend clense souhen the oe a UK esbease be separtel 0 Be wader og er far aha iy a Be x eod Mrs Chadwick st St Laat at "ot vi ak with ll etry or byte ey og es 8 great cur -~ an) Tam sare," while the quartette of ges from Oil City, Pa, te | seadown, that conses wires iy low Ps thet the ofr Teen? Gta . Pa, wires and tnealators to |W" °! 1812, fete many respects them, | stance eum sat by in sarprised alience. for heatseg sed illamieating per- Sneak Ee'couteastion: Al nature 4 lengned moet 'aneationn M aoa eee ee ooiv' tn Sox soe ta hie merary by re And then 'the gesiat litte child trew ' thom, The juxurioas vigettulon | Chadwick 'a now is ber 90th tadlion, Moe | ral | griving tm tbe same cave a Bible ns presant | potan siti ineh-aeen-teoooned ahem sails Congress not bo pase 08 a dooms en ee ea tion i, Conn, nad a ght la pet's shane, ba foc the ninal te ear the int thah many Sf the ether sane OF MON I R canses b empry- webs. It was filed ber | or treaty samitting Ee serenely Be ~e Penegrine tis Nal deere iret inns sos have been with the firm for 2 EAL. and ore, & Shem "Cy Haees dust | Ssh into Americas marketa tree of duty. | sats up their fgg «pe fee M nary cmon ee the white child of Pilgrim stock | can 30 20d 35 7 J gird ret Weasiis - Hegre ga -- 'the other £ rm N den ee Lesardl vad "Two of the toes of my buried erle are ago. A whale the tat | ssartanes thee = the comnten of | 50 bean greatly Posse of the epidemic fn Montreal bare. for ered i ber Christ y racase, ¥., to de peste have chopp nhs \ great deal . . * na cant after all, ond eald i Wield more = action of the © k od off with ah ceek cher ht See an? Be eer The = benlarty. bel ape rae en oe Sher Gonement ie taumcoe oe mabe for alisbe had lost by the new ment bel, beild ery, the public generally $ that hee that oor m wore, white rion of pate glee 'stndow in| . 4 clergymen latora, apes , , shenge os taken place ta thi s Die are entirely outside and far temoved from what ----t own lithe shop, through her iy denganend Mita Paying nee Sirone" | ormons swarme fel Al wana ee that the ¢xtraordivary precag: udente ia known a demd. other declaring that often: wreck or = prota done taken by us rende q It wae a perfect evening to ail, except | Vbristianity and were vous than any Saxon Smee d by me- ele eam nets ts ote goidaj Shih Seep. eloglayes Tom Tasker. he seeskiecel bie noe ont | Daring the post ffvne, yeore weaves fe web | -- or wee |} oo receaaied wed. re-racinated emilee "den " ag eapper, bees + = ws de otnbe Went grades thorouy, - es cempaseics ca him and thirty-eeven millien scree anal Fm Fare nega seauier Among jhe ofruse flor, : 2 penne te ts Seni See ee nation of the homes of oar operatives gave him balf s doughnat. tweety thilllon sores ts whest, sed thirteen Cn hererwbe eg Lares and | im Preewarto, joa the ora of te ¢ aad shat eer hag gram 2 the - "Nugget sald, she was "so she had | million acres in oaks, [ sit, Slitiont dally i their season, despite oii 4 jove lewwers from different : ent s -- ios tn tear fs Bae oC ~1o . nal precaaticns many moving in the highest ane the Baking the Mise Hanford bent pooh aghed emren oneal Be ab Meatees, Ma | soe 6 ae batten for inmtancn, We have also complied egy agents a feather pil- ~~ Ne eg ro ae ome Turning Points ia Life. acd locks cf hair. Mort of these nace ago. az yess MEALTE, and titer lee : erp fecircie t of the ONTARIO BOARI cuipuphess! es See had | was biiled by the fiercest of the bulls. 2 Sie Ge making os the unmaking «/ ties Bove bn -- & ort _ haa inapecter, we neal tee by Doster thety elves Little Nugget trem Geld Ore cn. ee hesiie Batinnk ts Setieme wee Miding the best of of Her Tatts trlenda, oe ie buttoe 1300 (Signet), = the Mountain Indiace Your Seti mey be decided ia a day;| Mies West, the es brought | parati oom AMES. HOLDEN & CO., pean Se far have there are of were voles Shan oi ter,+ rh Britioh Minlster's dangh- had been | trim the of aod | JAMES LiniO€ & & 00: SHARPE & ¥cKiNN« ters Work. > } ren See men, | 7%. speaks with keen 'pleasure of her visit harpota stil | and does its opesaticn, jaMEs bo JAMES "ag Retaliation his be New Kogland, where she meat that beth work xact map HA MctREAD © & 00, : 1 raped There Is nothing : of Ber. = JAMES ¥ KR Mc twe 'jn heal | the sum-rer--fret ot New and later the first the * akty. MiTiaat My oa, SKEADY & ¢ ares nowadays asthe chance eiement ; and, She has been at the head of th« b te" upesr, and | ° GBO. T. SLATER " Gor RARE. CASBILA apng ' with opes | men 'sa improve | ' ja co important so having some sense | | done quick Im when ebe was on! foment : to aly De; purpose is eee was only 1§ and jast cut of acon: it Ws reqatred vest. Ithas been a grest care for so young >i peter many otherwise ho sire More Lig ht is oe " ee of 1 ad ee solder q 4 SAFRDVIAMP Captain. lame. i a nae been 'the Cal. fn ome toneree Pas an re we : Ti} * ERS aes 3 : Soiree tetris Jaspers At Merritt's Carnara, New York, while s hepa hole * saber of wovhenee save Saoiied the the ors Crown si amupid - ' geerd wide| Have Syed : rhe Sanght when bes « ee ood an boneredie Fer ceil siete te brew of the uve saventerst the =) =e ef | amd the Getting gus dallets 'Botton ever " rolls 7 be ==. Sebn eee ton moe om era Seta ts everyone Lanves Wesriad semen ye pti age ry tear oe of the be Bey Terme Soe Ch a ade vurmed | struct against becket which | * your best . J white * - iM yout highest caaviethonn fight and | beilion Beate ag Splat iy aped ePotanene (aes BS. > . Saget bee soared hase hang " erred, _ abs 7) Adelaide Bt. West, Torente, 'Manvar o lech demi lei Scene ieee earn aden ahaa cceea Se RRCRS HE po aa Poet dl id Stato ir E | : i -