Stratford Times, 30 Dec 1885, p. 1

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Fann, Aus renal Item A large prepeftion of "he seat asenesst et hoop ; hid dl mnie Bs onl, oo AND COUNTY OF PERTH GaZwEerrTn x gra precnse . = m - . 5 : STRATRPORD. CONT. WHSDS ESDAY. DE | ' i {sry, " Voi. Ab. ess & ~ NOL Oth. snd sathritty entals that teleny te oo re se onpatned o s 'i it phar that the ies de ar beet th Cait . MOUNTAIN ROMANCE vie le down ipeking at the dancing, | VARIOUS TOPICS. torts dove aot sahauat te eal A beet if IN ii aya da als og. [have been wal tag for you raiser reports raising om rn greaed frvam ro ais Some Lartdemis of Life tm the Borkies. Li | arm went in quietly ; thaukful that The fruit trees im Dan pasta Barbara are be p prs » vty Hares eeuht Tot bed the traces of [AE Tag Op Sad Rogik "we ah pleated Gi -- slaatinn & the seme ground oace 'eon ameotic 2 "" helt «1 iheoet fertdlie A - TELLING HER FORTUNE. = "adopted trator an im her bade | pAiftni nie 19 Baringo VL, epee? "T, GS toned dd et palin' bs 4 we a bea! iM *"y oo ree reliway, , - re 1 Aw ' rom, while the dreming room meahlng the Sclp ci'tour-snlee sewenty-tee ts. Thewmmet bead ell ~ a ' 7 Perr for y which Clara passed bore marks of Umea. rt Caeee Ieee ; By the Author w " Paore Nor Pauvan," Ere tral!'s desire to.see the dancing. Lady "It te abeolately Lmyussibie, d detd Ww 'orth , _ . * =--s Kilian s ri was thrown carelessly | Rosebery in a resent Ldirese ta Soutland bes td on the bots, her laces were scattered 'thatin the future war oowld ever take = . a CHAPTER X esvey, and cander the muther's face wae a sabia, and her dressing-case and iad % Valted < Sinaniial aud Legai, tes ota b sick AID AAD MERAY eTOnT ter orate a? Crsst e bag + could dep'er "ts 1 open; bat Clare, troolver the moet letters a a a ecaecpr greener | 5 ral WA he as te Clare asiced oe eye tock to thoes details, patd day ia W W esta a & Bet ite rms a. ef THO . PYRE Gti: . are a-i¢ "Spy hh heave anks thacdn eke bam going bet loo beomtade fe tte rapt, mored st = biel t nd them, She passed on tate the or ge * sy 'we ie abinat- yO there mesh to ae P ane -- ae chaps 'y Fie a © straey, gis dally 'mask fry anne 2 =tne ani cern Barsister Sete ren Heovgld nut, be hoew even then ide rad fogs ettiog in an arm Per | oumbers : st , ae ven PPR eda tL, RL THAT wart or * arthere was no chances of bapp ws Ser z The poysiolans of 5 pig Flatda, have ' pay posse vee wT VICT< sR 1A HOTEL, CHOLERA INFANTUM himta Me doanastio salable" Ite "My darling the aid. turning her | slgned an agreemgot mot ti visit any pa | ~le0cows ming sorta daity Ptrattert Zany 3 arieed,. | rar iep sage : face toward Clara a she entered, and | thent whe will col p= hats hitle. oa -¢he-2te neal ia toma the DOWA}¢ STIFEKY, STRATFORD, pee. aalie he qameiiom, ealtieg ; tat whe-T a a hep ) f, wll hase tole i te barwye: , Whisk se ----+ fe 2 2S + é 3 SE ae TE 7, the ensum, She took. hie 2etDK vB oy Gizet ef ench month... These falling will mrt - ~ ees rs ~ Pe "4 snes aura OSBuHL OpLADy. PHOCKLE TOR, ' n ber ar P dit merainet Tho girl hom to her side, and kneelog | be attended uatll the bill Te settled -- - ap wil ng Covey adecting © grephew eating " ; Naat ; her Isom, and be bart inte tears them, lown, pat her head catesaingly on the| Ittabelievad that in ten years Yankton, _ Pa ' Sodiongs ae EMOD STON ror had bitnd lady's eberter 1D. T., will wees inians tows, In front el 4 Loedon paperielaima that Tags i we * Wa. tawesnes ' af ny veered '"Daaront mother!" che sald fondly, | a. « woere the river ran twenty feet | Utter way of wevcring s heary cop 6 bab ty us i wrantine "! ee. acd E. SY DON Y SMITH one ety. | beyyed bam t bbe tae ta hee, awl he " : E ' died tne each mt himege street co MIL Vi Ri PIN HODSE, KIRK a KIRK, Mt he Lived che chowt boar tom ". tte tL & # LAYS T = 3 ss antes a Shas PyAwnnersr . 87. MARY", ON ie CHa ks UKs von mapa robe the werd He eonit a a suing la F oat mom, Clarke f° - -- ase rae Cot r Bus, Mary eee a o-~4 Steins iene rt ond e ara, her of hia #retchedness ver" * i a the dancing © _ aa ab-of § A A . ' . ty45 g. ¢ St, Se Vroprietor, ats ' rts t 1 th . * i : 4 - nual JOU BL HAGE SATUS aly rn s rer 'Se aieine "perp 4 at ty wae Lester abe showid sok Na, but Iam ory tired. Why are wr! palin adage te =" 8 roum "oailien, er pours nes a BARE, Merten, it roti Os 6 Mik Lu a . Rirattord, Jan. 28h. IA ' wid, As eld he would come bee) 12% bub te bad, dears apr ; 2 bus yp This dam't Pa x. + C-~ 'Mahi . remart net 4 os rte Crate ae T eageri was cut along Beatties, | -- ! on wine the shia, pirvbeg t * 2 thee of yeas rn ty It, bat it Naunrs Mere 1 Te ml geen i re Mitkas FON" many A. AE a satee tunge of mow: Acts mee) CH {fo uve twill come back hat | dey aod waht real cshoe * m the nay be weil te make a note of It tor future 8 & hAkH ( ' n oo Jy sxparatert ramges, | thcrag at | ve a may i eur: letecwm MVBH & ue Ait Nu é) 2 Maitesetgn, kaw. dits-dues, Met INT TL Sb dk EL Pose ewer eometiny ur ft trae ay 2 bele of the ball lane yfiytrtoadicy aaa ? FIA TUT vt Fin eo Le" NN' 1N ° * ' AN a ling, aud putsiny op her hand | Clara 1 avar ies ta station @ cheek, but the gir ' "EATING ¥ , back 1 { qmekiy and het doit in beth mand ye sinut Clare ssid, , «mle aoe] atl R. KILBt IR N | sheatd that ovat eturspedl -uerson, ag onder uml Unn,'2 »fush otela | enw hin aston ter the dumb age Alls +6 tone, oe nasns ueys inomest | away seoeng tena s a fone Lor iherpeuae ATOCUIU a r. it wppee. 1 teatd ty here 2 And he je dead 7" faltered Clam . ro, pabveher of seus Dag ak bei oi = Very -- . wary A ihe . . Auta . 7 that Tt' aa are. 'j "Ho we ' 'HE Pltve l eillcome ack w at important of modera Frenon Prof a. in bbe paper on Hex i x - fet wen ee mae ian +f RET Bh toa witee ihe ¢ . c he you, uneube + Karke eaid, haakily. the, personally conducted bie bomalasy, saya the tvamcn why gaperted L ce , Bu, Ga Pil riy seventy or atime mor - 5/s ern @ CLs HO TEL Pre RSENS RNIN a wher Bn Ms J a nee, Grant Evison has never ro aria i niger anti} withio a te wooden is in the bu aldermen Hea & a) Market Square, STRATFORD» orned, | $e ve ferer parasites or pr kW AK v & Mob ileitson, MM rhle Thetu wase lung, long tfleo i ' atte, mother, darling, bat ch ! eo ite sy 1 year.--atths ie hat Deoume ° Have fewer parasites or j ot porary a Would. SHORK, Piitaik Don al Nara s 'tea oe 'hile be her ah eg ind li eis bere mech longer I shall | >t dustag She latter pa: . ~ L = ' ww LEY ms ae eop on re rhoulder t me| The residents slong & lumber oe: os a es vs o8 Fae Largest Stating Konntsnedntion tu the t dear, aidthen J will, the agactidemgets lie sailise ae oe PT wt srw WATT wie J os 'ie i ipovel @ ay of wir 7 . ' os a a . a i. le uf a beer A sire b ' , dear, 1 Lady Eu begat ons ralt = the head wt ihe Aes pte ve ant distarbed +r ania ww is Hinte b 5 a o vege eH ine tae as tae bent Reasla intiy vxpiated iam deoett. ated dieot sedi: | the mouplight, and ha etro " a pe * want eat theese geal] om for it, take out what talons $0 0 then, . Fe him. Wines, Ligne 7 ence, . 'ae | r the vali of the bai "J . a good- night, jand then send the raft with ite precious The {atone Lovitiard farm in New Jerwsy nh Oa! poor fellow --poor felluw I | 4 , ae Am I pepe rod es the way ontaine O00 acres Tf = fox aT Leta. | wanes : aua® object af pablic corny, near Now |Z era: 42 Ea a 13 tm 'og oan j mene EXCHANGE HOTEL. i Mr Burke raid an wnaut liked on the Australian sheep ts tea her bai ad allowed ber Pale siphle, Stic, ry a man whe neve . Market squacr he deserved is inte, ta { maid . a sooees Der or batr pray place ool frem hb cheep, pls 'al 7 9 vITTEI siete bis votoe avften . he taru J ty 7 hoa white eee hie ewine. Fe acy f ! er und! at » wenn nine" be way ics ently ly he tar: wl to Clara, and poke | gio dimmissed wer, telling her she | Peyair it to ome oF inter wth pato 7 ie eit nen norte peaamanea snc Giaat Em TO ey nual se oe Le ped no tore strenitaccs thet niyhr own halr and bear } F ' MALU a. = must go mack w the bal room Aathe jt Labi - rat , than bam, sD | noe" be aald Doral hace hep " : maid waa leaviag the room ahe are his nalls cut Tayior & Bais Colebrated Lager azd | aS ee © an uncenselonable tine ; bu' "=" Wha' ane it, Banter F po peerion i New York, P «108 OD Dr: aught and in hag oh | wel any chill, do you T ** Nearly half peat twelve, cuins eivenle a al Onto KR tallroad howe duties eas ato SP Miatiing for 130 trae "Oz ap atk een fis hone 'ba i "Sathes alls [ Uoghttweeneariy | Peyaire thos. to. obseree sigtals have re bo" oe ie Wve: i wow JL ESE Eran to} heray, mod ber werd: hare giver the added, tying 1" tse" bese examined (sP coior yer Ihe Wi. f r 1 foed, Avg. 2, lite ey re A pAPR bebe | spunk lightly, "1 have beets d: dong be honor | iy _ meee one, Miss | ure = La ay the ald eldest (0a# on the treat . ee ee war talent ase racontesr, and ed | stone . and @ eras Mat of the Money | Money! Money! GENTRA L HOTEL Wiens oan rot capa wgca would tal ules banca yarns | Seeyebol 1 be a very aay pe ay tal ey adic at olng tn mtr ty Poa T ioe He spoke with a ouddee = ro, which | ite e "Fame fe deaeing now," she added a ys 7 i ' pa a teal of the wor nah + Fr ' STRAT La showed that although h: he | she sa ad siiety Ment: te wet shed apea to of Cheap Money has heen Nibehd a) and te ked, | fulzued calmmess 1 ' : \ certs eg | &taenent ove WED Lande: {at-tavenrenten "on ng ae ear Tore en ' ed Thed sot - ania r em ha ins me be t chase prieved yor," be auld, gently, | seemed by tn smeess Wy aed by ¥ Stree oy founda howse with a dead maa in it, bat eka a -polpapeiaeese Y taking ter hunt tn hte bed © OF her windows, and . td 1, Leadon, where | jie great study o , y « Iere@ht of taken tnexebaner far | bid ma where ne "Oa! no pi > nol >? seve i F : ne 2 "PER CE iT, INTEREST. . . F ' eee 1 coe one oe ihe went tae -- cthebgesiaees the 1 val aho--how cule she eens thie please =o One | jooking ow: into the sill, moonllt nigh: They formerly « cas ae wtetlrescecshdly b daqunars jeep} @RTARIO ST Aton ta hm peri tOhwly -geatiewas pSiaen eal, -pitialig,. "shen be lowed; sna vary baby ibe all! conten a mete Ty | ree oe apt bal) reat teens Lm 3 x WILLIAM eomnens Jan sa aes wivsae imate | - : a) Sees ease aod bide hie sham- (0 the ve vdert™ a iceet despise 1d <a pay Rhy pis Par A ma Aan an tae ee o DOS, tom and ot 2 fone 0 Tecosses uf the iiaesy Mountalie, and ** A: lesat she had = ngtorepreach Yoo uo hy Le 7 > Bet, the teare ronning gwifuly ber | Queen Heorietts Maria. 'Al three possess tanto | CLELAND & K ANE, for 'the th bird o ot» century be apt i ed aicmo | btm with," Mr. B@ke i vse, ao turg Ive the d 17 | decried re, nud oe sheets ma ~~ cht ght CY trans op octs great artintio morit . Pines Lie was the tiermit of | giing with hie acita tom, * Ho had "Woul OF Dia IFES ove Pe In hie recent werk on anthre in easy to mal , " JAMES WILs wer + oi , | gilng 4 you reall ve been glad if he pold apes, y alutain, Srrettord, Des, 12, 1008. = Ktratfont, June ! 24 ta one Preess GE N RAL BL QCKSMITHS. o aah Bow Kapge on her his all, and he woald have it had lived' he pore yi her louking down trvoctrery --bie fash with betrayal. Then, | | Dr Hartmann of Berlin adeita that 'the | stock will use judgment and ore, 1 "Medical : wroged mien, who here been | with all bis might ax thet abo elvald earursely into the flashed, tearetained | (79% Gm: Ellison her thoughts natural- | mort fanatival advucatee ef the farmer's chiodreu are generally modate . ' ee eee a gine te Untied sinededcn rogg-d povainiy Brkt, Sold | ek oothing, withough he kuew that she face Piacrned to.Tichard Burke, sod har beert | dress, are beceming mare end mors | healthe yet thay gut little doctor's care | OR. D M FR Ag -. a97en " ys . A ng | cablne to ehelier them white they reat acd had had no love fue him--that she was "Gilad | Unepeakabt beat sucky at the rect Ileotfo Jon of the | that Man cannut bo the iswue of | side what their mother gires them. Hr» ween! 'a? UD" ReSIpEsce qctun il ilf (: iva Vai! HORSESHE: BING: A SPECIALTY. Foe their courage. They arek re | unworth tullish diem, aad vain. He - aay Y, wWautterably | rendernees whieh had ome Into bie volse | any se ares form of ject re aera tle and ends i remerlirs are sinwple, yet they esooed : ' t feade n which de bath ree east SMBS kad lef? hor at Meiboorne in comfort, "To lose Charnock cad your bet hipr |S three cimee whoa he ape a | oer et tae wa ie te rr coastige limtinn Le chien en an cuties - BILLIARD PARLO: { Partiontar «1? gat e3 a paid We talertecinvend t thetr pear 4th all th hed | ah patra --of those one ur e#o sentences which a mas sod apes, is sti " ead cotetset abten' te given ty toe otiktre a4. = rR 1 Th xD a R, Teuder- Footed Ho: 7 7 ey do not reaso It re tate! 72" the money he in the world, he pureved, with che same tnten: i ' --a task msigned = paleuntolegy. condition, If farmers world .cctes the td ar anc <9 ayer' New Block, Market Se.. Stratfe: was cinften thes poe Te non bean pr " ts eaare poste sutfictent for her to live spoo in luxury "Tt would have been hlaby coat ight," meee Soak ta ee te thrill of | A New Uaven "for fan," ' sbimals oa hla same pripcipie there » us , tebe | } ' deliy! thuse o@-epoken worda-- | Y recentty, . DR. RYERSON, ' NT ARKS & COUNTE R. Benetrard; "Whur: SR, tO conte | Dering very minizg axstionens; w i<s ho was pe thas sede ures Se ear ory, "= alr Do a 'aa had that long, lingering 'ides, x Gare eopad inserted an edvertiasmont tos beal paper be a There 'sre too may } i ' hon eng: | $ oe ¥ A Western far anewer bere to this t that « LLG mn me "Counts y of Pe erth of wen rush int the bighiemds in armies, | sheep-siation ag Meamdic, be heard "But tf not T° he queried. jest aud shyest of meee ehe laid pre nee himself Sea handesn ng middie cara 'Dhedr oven eae ofc them os THK ae ro Manatucttrere of the bast brands <f y . | here aresome men in ihe harrying colume casually frome now hand that ehe waa "1 would hare gives Grant back hie cheek down where Mel itps had jaged woman, with a eng teen" acorunt = treatinent, but eaten ' Monabses veh aaa, Forte LIC NOTICK 3 a seg pen faded icf goog bur gone with his informant' sformer master own and went Into » dream of which the hero | The he ranger came on Inet week to see the itedny and shelter are badly everice ye aad Bese | ip: fa tade .* Kew Sidney! Forgive me," he troke off. "You are generome; and yot, Clr, 1 wae tall and grave and stately, with earn "Hie te cow alti the young may | These with the victims of expose uz C » | 'CARE iret sud third eee earnestly--'* forgive me if | eponk Shue to know few who pater dispense with thelr bets eyea and a aplenald chpatact | whe a suit fer t fraud and low of time and 'ough treatment, and these weakenm! Hy i )! ten to tee Waa. you {" bet inhip 8 well na yourself," rd, and from ~hich she waa awakened | breeding, make ap grand army nf invatir ' WHOLESALE AXD RETAL. | Mayet weak woosk trom es i The news almost killed him," con "You are flat spring ma me." by hearing stepa and voloes on the states "ree 'London Standard says that the pop. "A* yearly tocresses Back Paoshaw vier Ths Troan aatet arith bw vat ht tloned Mr, Borke in a moment, while "No, Indee. 4," "Clara, and passages, Good-nighta were ex-| alations of Paris le decided jacdly decreadcy, pele riot belore it had a bres CHURCH 'STREET, TORONTO. Also, deaicre in ail binds of day ga a de at during seme Clare s tears fell fast = ** 1 brought him there are two pili he - wish t ask you. and after a fow minates & quiet a aptuma there were eeasty 118,000 | out Hie example fe worthy off leaitation | _ . Loos. ° to Coach's door, and for months he who Will yoo forgive mo i oue-esems indis- dae gall gered. vter the howse---the capital | the stock bucknems,. It ia well ter eure Alvan > Dr.J- M- Dunsmore, | Bae and Che @ Tobac = hat gtorted ta Btw etrength Wie reduced | creat't cabroken stiliness of repose. A than four youre ape, and 85 iy atmtnntion | Toe by ecretal erectacn and this 'can o:ty t "Bi k ¥ . 8 Pipes aad "ok atin te the moat pi --¥e weakness; ho goald What felt i" op alauzes sine thn slo tirack two, | dears bravi'y on = at omnibus ce iene by carefal treatment. 0 ar f Patronag: eect itty ees 2 bet more alia, he fom 'd scurcel speak, "We will ' 'ara rose slowly and fulshed thiet abrentove are, me tm See He a, je Prep i % ares ks i as Be jour aaah ciithen loam trap afew ime | he lay helpless and ¥ ed dar" fuss cha age chee om, 7 ar fcgj but While she plalted up her hair ao n Paldoet ad tbe pare w working ¥ ; ney N 1 terpttont dent 1a tie, SE ver andel.ot my gest, Here I sill stay. ing all that 'time the coagh bat kindly morher, Her loss of sight--talt incur. | Uef cheet* arom bot ot the remembrane «f tride hate _ Morribie Recttas. STRATFORD ONT aa v SN-HOT PSL, | Prony igihien din, eods be" | They de ust men about the wiatinn nursed him with @ able I' ee subject = er dream, for our Iltthe sore ol a i Willams Stey sale be cal Biratiord Arg. Oh ined Bmos T H E A ON E wat Shomely together hey tencernessof which I cannot tpeak." "1 believe not--I he " oh fulpe was ho means | confession of the manner In which be mai 'REDUCED PRICES. | eae placcigenc: ag geo -- * Waele then you knew him {" Clara ¢¥ered, carnratly. Pee al te @ 8D- | the tender pasaion, nor given to senti- mere as malt hor "whic ma en | ied affiasnced, Bertha Dackwits, i J. E. CALUN ONTARIOST WEST STRATFORD s mect at long latervels, Uae ip bas on, look ing sp at him for a moment, ater = iliness. The London ocalls's ory era rtd Ever cher Tenlienen tec ase te ie 2 le Zi bo longo recently, for whic oh aries he was: «Be ' ry ik | NDERAIGNKD, HAVING WETTER | iy ° -- their courage, aud ieave Ithungh the tware ti oct wyee # ve hope if ahe ever can makeup her = m untouch any in the last century waa!) sume aap RARKIN, & ROBE FRTSOW, ~ PROPRIETORS. zs . cit Low a pee to prospect for bets 8 fud to andergo an operation, bat ah neat of the aderation offered to her frequently ; parte a very fourishiny Ind. t | KIN! Ai Sur i ON, tere -- pa sabove { moe 'any somata, Thess becuse at- eitacede ' tate, a while her' besist creo dett - ed bat now abe felt that beort was here} whan ths @uthis 6u & barrel bated ie L ti 1h Par He 2 Be eas. As eo Ly iguore and CELEBRATED. WAGONS | | They sre Lela re Cees ol bed. 'knew him tbe he anewerod bot ---- oa eae "ie but when she la | nee pt nt Ph "fred her serey --_ ute ale ---- Se as on URES! | ane weusid. 'They pats suger, | bope--I believe--ahe will ro- | wuld rem, ' . . sas oe e i. y poetically await the = gutts obi he . cover her e ' vuld pot have spoken th: Clara | the latter became the popular tipple. | » 1 ' Ta Cleun: Opetere He oreo aad 9! i meto the m: yeaight again. } | PP tw Treats tb aie te catteated Animals) opens ee as | 'LoworPrices than Ever Before ing of death. able, Ititok ; bt did pot come to him "Heaven grant it!" he sald oamestiy, covered her face with hands asaho| A railway le bufiding from the Southern | idewalk. Then they walked back to th artis a We hom Lebie iHET En RA PLN, | 'xaGi anit wicevanat tae The es re something unpleamunt about a de that for he paneed throagh many years * Mi t oiding = Aegon to bie reese anawer to his qgeation and ; lacitic's maln line to the celebrated Cinns. | Yat. jie took oat b rast, which wast oliasetee' Bt Laie te ES ~ | Lighteas | Runsing tad Mont Durabie | svand = ina se Prd 'ior eeniter Sor " i - th rey ma, Mer. Barks 1" He has ben pe ce aa m Al er al [is oennt mii Stevan "teh yoy Peskoep eg Lore tes as. ts ONTO HO STREET STRATFORD | Made In Canada. i tingly severe, _proferriog to epresd my | (7; nee t bitadiedas m iin when he died" yee gel onl after = pause, ly rst anette -- Per, ake id, eott- | Great difhon'ties have > aleuye See Bay | wy rane. rer » naw sehen 3 pe WM. sTE ELE, ous Gray) Meernierm, i ould oi} abtantion ou bs | eas ner yer ~aat the Ay om the thick oar he vcsemaloaa ns cher ques -- Se -gpaiee POUT | oom thas be iil wil make hie rlenoed in getting sheep ord aod stwhie coms, i piryt ag it fer,. Peiry he wir batended to tar Se ae ee ct ame IMPROVED SPOKE-SOCKET, ii Balt nnge bemee hae. you ka as ou Ua ne" Hp use Bir ety een | SEP Tas po farm a teeny fox Shane |G sho mall, sd the tent oct sity tar Veterinary Sur Bev MEER mes a = Era picts ieee Pants ie kane te ten Tita ped ty sek wr |e hans ny ke mae nsec ee b} + sisth "where the eps kes are sitached to te mt e= uneeuny, hier ae nething thar, <°oUy. "Avgry with you oh! no," endl Clare, | ba half-hour alter two, then three, but | running a gg Arizona ware used thers, | thie T she naked, drawing the sass serie 5} (Urdu be Ontarsee ¢ 7 Pa *CAGER! felines, waking them wear three | will cause homer koese gucker than te * There iano need to ask more, my with = simgcy which showed that she | oat 'ay rakefa! and sleepless ot her The besiness of pats: the huge si j her throat, jasthe fan, Thats owy ena ; Veteremery L AGE R! : 'teks pre + an abandoned viliage at dusk, | child," a sald. "PT have told you all, a 00, baie Lege sleeploas | spon fences and barag which assault es to do,' I sald, not messing wre ble et a " ae . a Sad houses, stores, aalooma, all emp an. han all, you need know ; and wae are eure 9 you will not t" | mit Be Fie grew ee Bending and rest- | eye io all of the country is ithe aod I teok the razor away from 1 {* GEORGE vee Bu ies and Democrats i 2 yan sey betes gn ce t, with, it may che tine ot which Iepesk ease time cf a tate ----- trytag one by one every meana of | hands ef a few coutractcrs tn Now York itt want to let me have is, rtp Tinad 4 t{ Ab ; Bt % A MankKed sgt AK, We! "AR KET ROU VTE stuarronn, HA [ot sree ere where many MD miecry to myroif Lot 'inferior to his, and | Mhen T willrisk ft, Are you engag- tegen tery of which she had heard | sed © One rw ia N.Y, city spends wore "et ot a Fei ecis : wr the enie of iy can teweer aark i r efor is bute me te go beck tc ts," 6d to be married / at times. She counted steadily frum $10 to $20,000 « year inthis way, a seabed AUGHT HOLD oF HE SLREM ANS CELEBRATED : LATER | (Rigo wet Gar ally uctatiy. The cloedeepened to she mt cheek, | 88,0, Nandred: wh repeated ber mele | Ping om on nd ne beil"tr we ets 0 pb ga ceo et RKAIDY fat weaves of " Forgiveme, Idid notknow. May | "Tam not," aho'asid, » puestion-table ¢ al some water; | ® (tare foot for the work, ert hov-thirens sr amierr ata ete #j me " wo tee rmarye atte tert se ' LAGER, ALE AND PORTER apcescmncad re. MINGHIN. | What's in a Name? wok apn cone more apestion r ie "And if @ friend of pers friend ey ire) so gaa dla aa half-lsagh- elem Woe better. Maiky bs fos ss Weheer? tak te uy 3 ¢ ie nod oF tattion. _ | There is a great deal that is semiy hd toquired, alter a moment's heaitaiun, 2°% happiness isas dear to meas my | ing, pole the o-teed Be Fy c VEWEN uo» names, Names afe sometines " Then we will pot epenh of lle 2 egain." on ame tf you are still free, if you eld, af oaturn ia the passages," me ae frightene!, amd, ae} bt wa Bo oF : - ne omainet the Onty |! Snocess the Hest Test of Worth | sate, a widegs tony boone cn " ain, mye nib ' bls Fo wooed and won, may } tell {0} will xo Se en ot ee A nett Shsunedivas ia sleton og | ei om har, ahe dey ped ine as . : : ames tothe aad caine " Hie wife ; id you ever pee eri" 4 } . distarb no n't a ey taniy 0 copied by JOHN CODD Ass oor might excite oer puty if wecon-) * You, occen her The deep, riah tones were very grave, | ; one." -- faglead thet « Reman (atholic total be i her te hor fact Fs ; ns 5 Gseaphed x 5 what the name might meen. Butto| + She was tfal T' and tender, and eweet. Clara's head She opened her door nolselesly and | House Ay secretly lodged at Hateld and sa she didn' * f on ts Ger, ie " r HAteretend (0 *. a. = a qaare, ao ee ay Caer cages ors rw | She drooped a little, and the amall hands flat- | "le out. The were very Te seme tags te aa gee oscar i im | aw iy vf ' ib inien te aherae Hretined, Ma: ie any pane ae one bs anid tered fn hie claw | silent ; the turned di Bj before I could believe Biles als the to mucgery ey Be nay woman | hay org set, een ee an : q lo lo jor sary a0 be dlacerned a net = " "< JAMES BLOOMER, cettlsiy meant: ee ee ee Ta replied, gale - OW eee ae him Rand Phncaoes: , in| eeeee fe Clara wal fact that a reneh, ake mie te | = re wo A Fo ; tens. 3. FORMERLY OF TAROT Tre 0 ven olee which rose scarcely above a whis. P the Cathedral te Sine ¥NeUSTEY it abit nom a Mar MERLE OF ns sph hiv Or WATER OF napa toay teen chorene penned ant ow her ae , and asndden, pi iene | then she went who le peli set te = pha I wi } ] ag cratfort fa-bienable Matedrsaing and Shaving tim. A happy fiteess ie sean im the anton Thisk that ts almost taspostble Solight faa! need Gecke's | whieh lad into i been for seme weeks the gueet of us bord | | Walked Aly amet tr the Parlier fa Dr. Cate to» Mis Mew, and of a Mr. Clara said, in a low voles, = '"* Poor, dark, grey eye. _-- opened a of in which | Sslisbury, who not only Pajnicss «xt action of a OPPOSITE NEW Pu. STRATFORD. . A lamous -lrtah ball-+ ~mother-!" He axid-nothing, bat towed' his bead | the bed room nad dreeaing: | (empress Tpisable Matera decumeete st | --) when dees em 4 Call pra pocttulis Bolied #9 that of the orater who, im delivering = *betier to her ~ before her, | room, coomplad \y Ellison, the family, bot offered tim: the | } adatoena. Mares Ist Re ee eel Slaee ape 1g, closed by aay- | sone," , turning to her fore wat ft ached pt rng jee bachelors' wing being of thely anstons 4 worl, WM, LANGLEY, 00. PERTH 'MUTUAL Fil. i. "60. a ietauniatee mi putting his band preated his lips in one k ong, lingering, re | tape Cia At the foot of the uct 2 esting of the Preach Society of | ot! trisnda, Idee ° i i man, j 'a (topped, and stood i of exam 9. lite marrel. a hd art PP hie ae gentlemen; he was the | Oe He was her wen the eid, treae- ororett Hag bet stood pete still and with wide-open, dilated pay at some. of 6 child who had dled--so stated the | tbe wed ile we wore at the gate, : AenanLieneD IMG, 9 ACT OF PARLIAMENT, ot wry rade ome ot the Karl | tous! 'Yoo do mot"know how she Moticnices before him an : iy ad | Pins on semchaty te the plctare-gailery. | xiso caused a Tuptare of the Secs ord = on aod tive a aon "re te ¥. -- Sl pte tit atc | her hands ; snd ¢ api her every shade of color | the latter. :_senliveaed be oe | eams olen 7 webhireues Salis wan = ine iy and wt reason orien } "om Buildings, Merehandisn Mang | "Tia Lam he said, tremulously. | *hite cauzy draperies, she fed away from "tad our the 8 thee her breath The father of the ehlta . soot Th lothe 05 i pee sasoerl oo WATER STR ee ee] PILES "AND OINTMENT Tea arcane epee | An Le bark Bleek | Mh heaped and ght o's | ore pcm arse eS pate | eee ing, red nda |b mad Lrgreges they wil re eae of the punster be did ; avd {n all he did afterward he |.fawn. | Pressed to her breast, sa !f she were | placed ander arrest, The Courk oat that T-murdered- aan ees } Thia tatrerns! medtiiisa is « Moueboid Ke ands de | Was pe hese ore dal t undo -- } roan ag ae rapit heart throbs | sitiefied with the medics) qvideane, a { omens Tha othe: iber tege ts ai 'a the | Remes Prampety 4a y Aajurtea and Paid, Qiisite erery bere graded to his wervice. Toe same of Theodore | in a re the misery he had cacsed. CHAPTER X1 | For fally five minutes the stood there, | tmmoned Profesor Bronsrdel, who riated | , t prime that he bs on Hook, « lamous wit of last generation, | Hee abe gver told you of thatdaat part ¥ m : | mottontems, by esa, stupefied; then abe | that the raplare of a healihy heart can | rs heme "i -4 pp to Saw Lumber A) OF LEKECTORS tre eres | was made the subject of w very clever pus. | {ay T minutes Ri Barke | tarned and fed, with flees, never take place after straggulathon. The | "Dear papa--I waat a If qe" The :3 as f , A gentleman was asked. whether he knew | " No | stood ettll Cc had [elt hi, fee to her cen Profesor examined the asd |] * replied :-"Dear Charile-- tet walt 5 2 fas t Vies- PEPIPY FH Ki GoD - 8 bee i "Weer ton am ogg 2, jo with the Intensity of bls emo- | (v0 a8 commavan, found sleerstions and an ameuriam tn oa ete Time 7 + Sea wuekas | Rirr vies Sat Stun < lo 2 | Um yen," was the enrwer, Zieok and Bye | ? " fon, bis © iS the eoftes: | ) wall. The father was at once on, Ritted, was & case of breach of prom The i Kw FERT Ps yet somthing '7 Bt net ¥ | (1) ave old cronies." "Aahaces -- -- Bag lov ight. ° j ins t barenaaes etc pea eer eay « word im tle | belo any ober mul witha orgs tad Ey. Depety Heeve, North Kaet sce = tv pews, is Ua tsaped of two geatiamen, ane named | \AOds S88 busi we ines boring a "My Untle darling," ho sald, tenderly | 4 Lesson tn Morality. . pou beball, "¥en, *h. Riawed AYAGHEST PRICE t Alb FOR BAW 'tamer. rows, aq. F ) M. Vuliasten. fy peat : cormer . was | ber; he feared ~~ tata ead not for | an "proages ny aweet "te wba 'asta wees Brepea, or Fidos, ft , Lax Jaton Hasista, Ron, stupt rene s aad c herss ig a difference between sp. os Mepeait bat for ber. wont og 2th that acch. apptned' ty! tar aa? & CUTE Ne sie alle ob de steams A Lethe rivesoriorecenge 4 1 KLE say ee} st ie: roe wt Hg =i spate " - = : i te hor dearly, Gare | Trove or te! Darel offer hat posh a | ow's yo han by a aa _ Str | Sey WhO are more to be biamed,° those | 1 do cor. foun It, but Thad te de Ht." ij So reams LL ee toe ee ; = ie "sabe wa ory rol td en |p | Gh Rowdies nis pstgns poetry, | wie PEs cages? Uy ert me nN Md ha } i. Kewart and Peareca ! ; . . = vs cr eexiant--'*That was the only way 1 « PURNITURE, 6) = eee saenaaae es at em | han hms aw se at lt a Seon ae ae | Tu Sasa air os pots | winte cite saad Ec = } > emerat: -- ooo fet ould wevet be i t Ls of 2" d --_ ; c . ar Frame PER SpECEN blew a: boils better than say ether fninJs wan oatind os witness in a jndicial court, 'he pcnena Maa, say x se | codemse - n ead brighteni 7 Gaamigent on ee and aise te temarh « another | Us = -- en 1AM RASS dettenates io the ped | out the counts, Ulllow : bet four, over Mowat's lon the counsel enbd te ture drew near, he slaswet in dew eet » ateet o - "Wall, 1 jeat did, dadd: a t Saber ¢ ost holy, |, Mr. G: W, Child i = i © dee thet his Bank, jord. , THE OINTMENT a him * was eopatr | with an «ft, and torned toward the | tong er balf 7, an' I creeped er | sshed him the camee: | the Dake of Beeking ren) att at et UY ene prnase -- MED | Me. G » Ose night, a fair summer night like tb indows to re-enter th | oe ey ball mild' ta de shade ch de fence! + this three deys," ~ ai LARGE IF AREROOMS | CHAS PACKERT, a 3 jadge mow the pes, and Ser tn ea an | ecbeele te. the.gveandi: eed tp. & ta Bho thercweo ah cena As malane home, cop de sen am poful het ter fn: vat Pee sae, Berd ue dons j Just received the i are Meant wit! { Seoretary. MAA A WORLD WIDE EEFETATION. eilecte of the shet, <t to improve wpen the | drawing room windows. His mother was | ites he ar rapidly jast in time to see | "Hab !-Ge duction Go my oration, and get if ie oy hi and. Cheap Forniture 1° mtentPonds Ma fk Lee uisty was ~ joke, raved added, there aodalone, Prom where ba etood disappearing under the | nigga. I anne, ae ee began." : y Good ae Mir, You are discharged." he could see the besatifal room, which y Me. Burke leaned over ths | yer ole elfen Sead Hale Fs Shoekr aS Seer e G. T. R. TICKE ET OFFICE, jee wine wea w familiar to Bim, sed which had | balustrade and locked keenly ar-und, | bene' pm bs Se j ; weer +0 beautiful and oo 'Wear | ' bat there was no sign of any o be ate a GaWine. Fi 1 ANING ANE ae TURNING | gee * a h "Wt ag an indeigent besbend," ! ag then, aud his methur's beautiful, ead "Une of it vb shies : ' > YY } dae raver any 4 * ¥ie, aa Gew i « , ' se PR = aL GEE OTT al ee Ripe 88 Office, 44 Market St! i ees cmulyae t ee fee sue Sm x rded iw apne ae eg ree wlieasy sete tad 1 be an wewrepepare pretest teed \ Bah, Dos Hin Fin dP sia 'STRATFORD aresm, coc, cent egaio celebrayed this wren aC i ee | . . T* They no lotywr esas to ach acher. | ae Labets 'er Fo Baste: Sonis' The custom xaunauaiss iaunscrpasunt, It meses jonger a, Big abers ' Ln at S008 eek 08 nek Soft setter tor nase, ~-} Tinkets-to-all Boiate te tne A setaen-titatom Set SECRET terete apenas of Ga poke wal he to roach = oe ove 'onus ay eee =. ARGO. MANITOBA- Bo j.abe pepe seman : ~ t : ree BCe the, DOMINION... aetna on Se ety ae | : ; mace fr Lag fa the | ~ JW. SHIPMAN ~ seb foran eur ee en ae ber per ai jap - ¢ pon Rams yi a oe > {te wile Fela seh Toa] Sis ie fu poEay STHAMBHIP TICKETS | 3 SS | onthe Potsamt Maren, . If the pois 2 tenet BT Or ord etreet. they are come, ee shad therefore bowk te the Lab Cali ant papa = aul infonastien, free = Sh The Frat Masha of oy sot Matisecy are D. L CAVEN, eat Thomas BOLLUWaT." |.7 Exprom (fice. tee. | Overs Bereet London. pe | gay gen Lk Lhe meee ame eS ISS RES OTRN Ee torte et eres eters oe eee ae ee cae oem ema

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