| Meuses rétned bimeelf a* the gaming tobdles ---- a : VARIOUS TOPICS ot 4 o'cigen that afternoon, when peendge! MEALTS. & Canadian Pen Pictare. @pium and Whisky HOUSENOLD. wn | SHOW i | eavonité a ny Wa 3 ne qaree te -- npg e «a shots from the aod ete) AvED gen a * porate wither o Twool the larger di Miiettia i? tear-----1* a Ate ara poe na #2 A lady writes, saying, "Visase say some Peet pary icc ot Oatarto, hsv Ligcberaguarineghen: wing bicky, wor is there -- Figg sea 4 "| EMER ts - wonent hardy be edyrisstanes ¥ ted te clans deve, ois would dest strongest fortities vane, and | a ce) pet' | thing" Wseae eevee WES resaaar eon dS teauatted eee erento, ) There le sothing ts which the dreartness sie waitin removes in fect it eamnet ; king 0 ther Gow of W Mead. dee beste pe oaiae io Sokerecss. ca fora divorce filed that moraing by ber | sad whst pevaller sjprtome beleeg 8 oh anes PeDePTEaw W e EMT Ny of EN ETERS Wem OOR ue stages, | NO Bi sree |B tes the iamense emeuat of enagg st ot t edban } vies of the arotsT It seem ' rhe ss a pat Bak wht RTT toe =] Marth-wat le 9 Hare's court oh op | rks Bs ble | beorrabnnd Poi oe ae Bandive are becoming troublesome ta Mex. | seure. Sor tan egeceks Mecaioaprenat Te tetevdacs them we Pak vote Tradee (Valens Cusalmausly © witt be vial sa Tedathe comet of sae." bow J. T. Preston, who reppin El Paso) --from a' word a SHER AM Ot Lime Satcapeae Pees ie Onnada leet #1, jm. 725 and 69 Hees bs rat Maneton ancien i vete ribet prec lataly by Prof, Baroer | om Fab. 15. te an rilargmest, georrally a! ee tote et Neen fae AONE moertne woaitios tthe my fey ae for sey yee : Fall: be = Mr Howse, format tin ot | mae oe petst, Se et ee ci ot) sh fey BY : the. 'soon =, c emple : el] Bi -~ tour in any artery most common 7 preety: Ras a whe dled tly tn Salt Lake City sage ails, word pare af deg be | these where tile blood pressure ls strongest. | &! ! : Treatment f REE A mani ueoeenieen ete 20 ii Seton Be! 6S tne of bis aged 36 yours, wae pia of thy Ores eth tengo came op. Watehi ng } Hence the large " Shahar akin Police Station Irish prvpasale presented to be eens coed dug Hadts'e wie * iney abot Howner dead and wound: | terfal arch inte which the heart hurls all the that f Canad Lest ay yee as named Laveate fell in we toe Cabinet, meee 'adobe st dadoomgg ht ae ee ig Coder B P Preeton. The latter closed with the | bleed fer the former to distribute--ie Shaws mii eed ' called iad mal rater nine, cree . pera coy sc genorapt mba enti ngs 8 ec me restoring the ret Pr "Partie '4, 'Nobre are oid, , ned th pi vos, knocked one ¢own rain ei mio ' aarti be affected, thet, too, mest thromgh the heed' ontas oh MouTaye TebadOOMLY "TAT sat uy sunded the ether, to Py rely. at ' "a pe a - we death. i ine te a depatation of csempleyed ot ge ap in type, and ae the = | Womnded the ot afore As ex May The di te 41 hat been travelling slong a roagh SS xs Seaton ts sttrodbac out sewteny will + » pasty, © rt mn aod forest path for hears, passing 1 inter preperrd At the veg Samar greg workingmen, Mr Joseph Chamberiais vel ult ork was well dons, too. lor of Memphle, with reveral infacumation of the coats of the ar Same ad t "a ie the pamber of ooavicta decreas' et Hare wtih | wee recently attacked by basdite tm the | tery, rerulting tn hen of sem ee ne omgainn a shed inh the dean tabsarer, upon the omit be aarti terete: et, have bed thet graven |» So the ---- ih. The moscular omat, | its elastic: | sapsto geola sa vo i if apes 'There wae an Increase of 16% bn the wam tet i ' . se and tombetc tod The graves! cared | ity, bulges out under the bdcod pressare, padi : i large . ca -- a ber of convicts im the Kingston ['entten Proseos' hed onl cad sealed ever, "bo protect " | Inve a Eeee not be autttal I hay ¥ nat year. doctors in Germany, whe = sleet | a theme from the weather, and She 'stones wi mend Momcymoon, | ta tlbis the chest ig ie [Saiey = good ag over wt ae oe te have witcbed ar thelr diplomss 'ia mer alli Sener ig except the date of death, rat andl Seco oney | sarily interfering with th "er tt may re | : . m4 Fire htienthn +-lnese hare great. shpat abd te be 5400. of theee tn P : as hor te untela te mouotals, ta diffs tions trom = rich Lar "om the Fraser Fiver, [0 et The real honeymoon is sot always » de- | malite letg Perle ti ee ea oa "either sh, with sloping forest rising %& ht weaT wapest tv hore | A bwatiet be sree tr Loader vee | Dak swacch Bes Jolt mesred Be ta, sires taremey be the fire in sean ena cad rates : the ob reton" Or A Ah five repreesntatives in the (ommone and | ** raed le way, . more gr an 7 a w* tnt Renate Tans tn at eT =. that on al nighs eed sre S beyond the stage at which it 4 Rp coma tp repeednos. Away deve is, The Cause of air vice ye owe Lopate: and ferbection form twenty fv8 | pi, tin web 'wif: vise te. marked syustems. ottom ef the valley ran s nar fala, magifesting itexlf athon is, or te the | st yey { swamp, like an ome ab " sions , walt chet pat cont. of the oonvict pops! a Ring Prince ey the Priece Teper. | | thus press en Leart , a : PB be "ping, seaptio raya Ty riage i Peewee sa cocker Roller slat 08, Tern ti cl tiermsay, whe ia Colenel of the Guard ae thas 1,870 | period rapture j evare them ; on thr. trochen (windpipe), sé falls get edar, tamarac by t bnleot the deliocle tae onthe renee An Amarioen Satualter, who te balteved Huoare, bas ordered every olfiper of thet « ts Nerth Amatioan | Tha new pur ber ve wot the ary nent interfere -- respiration} on: larysgen! 1m--~yet gorgeous asa contrast te bright. result te @ Med 'eee Siar Vovions of New Yorke mets recone withdraw, from the (sion Clab 500 live is ,the rivere aad [Mace with other which makes the nerves, and caue spaums of the glottis, er | © : selene ot 'the billet des Par away, fifteen 4 te Montreal geting i permitted ia the cleb bch ee belteg i te P of close soovpantomanip : perbape they lene ot vetoe ; moat catenin the mertlcanit, ths, Vieloo- ¥ dared vale Jobe Daly, th near the mont penny i as ell tu -the wre net thal sympathy + eech 'e| tric nerve and oounaron freq - cid org ti jown this valley, and mat the pele bine hee Homa, Toronte, brews eohre in mistake 4 qwatere-of Was. AUinntie + Gall of | texte whilek te almost the worphagus (gullet), sad obstres tore af the lake, w 4 of e tor cates and te seported dying. cae g -PORRIGN IN RCHOEK. tT atias aover Sppreseblog thershore or the | am stmp's love. gh afraid of pean pace reer paver it ner with the sky and clowde om the « stant hort ismaily wh Patag nothte tor anbere te the vndaing rate amilten aseball : cook + ae or8 noe ns 'the 20 : rs " pe S (CER Wicoe AXLES. hare cae y ole ted madbee al The Crarewiteh withes to marry the gevse i ry day 'ts in each other's char. | Simm, om Its erosion, and m0 98 peo ni ste wenets vee -™ c for brent vt one 2 patra _ gat be purposely bind and = Com 'ors phate 1 ra i Moni "d son of the iste Admiral Farrgaut t+) cory, delightfal or endelightfal, as it may chord, szd prednce paralysis; or on 4 | cate tes, ight, : ot Whe Ceheunatedt . the New York »tate dacghter ot the 'vince of Montenegr i a a fone omar Capt. Jacee D. Juhbaton i wick by 'ons ~! P may give rise to var break in the forest away + a0 | iow dahes, or with well-boiled hominy, to reseraes W k -~ oat Port aad Crenrite deen net look; -thead norees areqnated in Landon pow 88 | 41 S45, the swe Ct earl he union ; aad the more mind and feeling there ies ne is gina, and oven to sapinn < th sy pc a sereites erent of Yio ever ree ri, be masts et ie: a. Pi coal laa mont favor 7 . yome ) rat Agel, ~ mere 7 might wa al, je ' oe pudd . : eslamn to the North: West. x2 fotorata bi Tennessee was ret ts Mo te may 9S ia worthy the 'te bot the fst; sloppy concocden of something ths hy igood eae sumet ag tor others, | 22 PS # i 4 ' a eee es r « Asia Teitleb cophialicte are taking @ lively te einen Hvory of Masons mgr tigen Lg bile Hay a eword was in Moblie, = avd superticlal 'get on" bet | be onsy Se detest the aneuriem. Bat tho - sods maler,..bict | -- [farsoe Mann aa a | priaclil aedioure Seavey ts sve ter sat tn the ofthe Thun ® cb nih while srt a and ite owners ta fact fe that wach of these plema the smoke that ec gracefully curled she (Bot jokingly) calle pa ms Fiat & mute e on. der Boy abd Ruy Klver distr tate ee seactioally forbbddes him tohast! tra. tr ha Wasa bs Sands eet Se ee Reocauee @ dldlere: "Oaly sant ied an pote sinus, hat « cotbage mae saat Indeed, the huosekeeper she fives ina) gi, . are Ante and Machine Serew Works A bayer in N phlde tom The ne dquartere f the Salvation t found ae getan and be * " 4 as io t ' ry ia Bet eo oe Sage'e Ca as honest farmer which, a being itie eate aed ae of Kate Rly: | sy Soyo ple ta Torente bos Rast the pair have some to « fall scquaint the diagnosis, by A coal What ts buneile mela hook the ft hewe.* a Ramet wilt are it. "Ite p'eceent & | = ut, war found te contain 15ihe. of old trom, | OR) © Thi Oc ctment ef Education wo | *froa cat ands depth et 100 | ance they have learned each other Sf many an varied examisations Hy, was not an historical scene I cased spon; sich nig A beller «x . oa lieve', Fiear- * ?, | oto % | The teria will seat 2/00 persons, and | from am BC up te the most diffizalt chapter; Seme of the indirect causes of ancarism "we » ible deeds of veler hed been roberded z jog Milla at Wyoring, Ont. resulted ia the pigpdoens geen aron fe are all th i é of are rhecmatem, x ot, kideey |e | there, no couqnering army had ever marched 3 5 sat death ef David Service, the englo | cots for three years. | led, i eran ere aby dail i ra rae bee neg hair cae pet li "ceshaneens cmpedins Oy to vaproua Bir witrade~"traceded. net 24 done, or that le heen, ¥ } ' ' a. " ¥ ie iti |__ Am Intelligent negro, calling hieself lel toe ar" subscriptions, collections, on by sre in egret pan of | the circulation, as in toldiers, whose tigh' 4 ake aitniesiee) © Ne Oe ae site felt e bn a harden, a =P » cevenettbosny te ome - evets render it thoes as ppev alent : carr rs | esichewab, Alberta, sad pea ag 'ddan by he Searles jerdoraan: arr « praesyg C a pak glory i, aad shat perple eat, nod mrtet eatttnod the fel ee res aS ogy Dot tes be five tnt vent ee £10.02 8 ts te '= sajeziog it, whe hare sent c - i ears beh s agp ee cae og othaggs oe wit up the opposite side of the moun ook "y se ar hae no Pp nese in ' serve who ouly stand dha watt Ee age peor | "8 ae 3 at 3 ye . . dic id ed feet Pave mae we, The euro of $700 collected In Halitax. N. |i Ta hae Ba od tata. i wee £7 6 net | childres te the orthodox Per hoe sty mad lity. Co cong the | = taln, casting tes Premature gloom the deep ffi ny ek -, Z nti pay roeiig Sok Late st, in abd of the Trion Rarinewncoig fu od « leen of ber Tree (Tene of £2,646, pe ' eee 8 verte plesearr of five wasty dante 2 astern eons depthe be In the changes Wiich the searvae i. Fy | te i Dende & Engiteh Flee vas bees forwarded te Wale of | ctermeny ee wehaea Beane j in the previous veat Tee amber o ; "theme ives for © serene | Hon which characterizes age. In the great passed dows late the valley by ster: caly means that something osste more, oF satnesh Cure Po peers Serer peice di 7 Du dita. Leerpeienteee.! Beskden sB@ | the staft required to oo the basiness of | deux; to be left to aves bor: dea! ite f are th, and ai o bail boar 4d wan arrived | 1g generally more, and gives ber a freeh | (ocuss enter another day Mar i ' phon be : Si heeds of bie ¢flictal rem'ence he tecelves only ° ot is over 44,000 of whom |sad heppy moment; te cence death resn rom sage the sieanton 2 i had ober rem the * st te treba. jong standing hare been csired by « ettah B That man aly we ratty otucated whe kaows A mas a lle hae abe t $15,000 « year, Mr Giadvtewe'smelary | cone are women, whe are empleyed as dearer snd nearer than they ever were be | tele, is mas& fl f openke source - nae Gere py En ony Py 43 oe ne Aer se Min ted ties' maka of Alias | On ees cae reeges, erm MATS | ctarha, Siogreghlain ttendante 08 W/OD OSS bs tos bamepnces of te ething attest thet ta the fereat ef probably four of five oc ng beng rr ey | ig perm lirng a 4 ake * fcligwe tn Soe be > oder cary meen - ao 7 arg one > living sy ~ Heged. bigamlet bed a In the city of Mexico funeral cara, tn lieu | Yea Ps Bethel, Salli Y shen -- ps ake a . ar bed ee WE afd bert . it i Papper ta Koes 'axemination belore the Welland': ate drawn to the ; \* techersh on & rent Sunday A Corrupt Government. he neous Wh a aks on than saoeeam, | 198 pera th oa eile of taings, te y etal Cousk Drops will give . sac20. oe mem yi 'enersl 5 . i ; 'alice Magiserate, and bas been committed pores, Jagr cnc what = "ws ane nob gen hay the > government can do as much for tts Prequently 'the chil an. oye re "asl 1 snlormed me shat | etead «1 their bright and chee fat rr imo nnd Enotant Relief ¢ ailering or trial. the 7 po persed | id y eubjecia as they can for themselves, either from the whndewwerd 2i4 0, sone on Ww Willte ; Cont food, woi!,and.di. | ¢ Golda dco Threat, ate B RAN j FORD It jo wtated tiv tromediate release ; ote mom eiabicam, i | with rifles, and they attscked the Phoned PT bes orevil. No laws can create vir. | site in » room, bs causrd, not by a current of padi ~ wae a ity, heny Se eae was carey geste well, bathe most important {acter ia sad = so erat se Th * arbi ' Tountmaker ani the Helfkreed priaceert spacial ent Sel me roe car Sey * | would net ran, pe fought gamely, wap tee and perity, or render 4 setting frem the win to ewe eta ake expected bim home | the peoersl alth apd pee nese of the | yo let paaeer aww ar A N - : ' ont ¥- thirteen shots : 4 'a ' on but i 7 i onats Hinoey 3 Panteentiary has brew de "FS oo ek jaet skilled atl Pee ae rab of sie bedi fie, ba by the coldoens { the window it OO culy useho: a 'o whl reonel S SON, Manctactarers, OLD WATER RICE STARCH ckied on. | shew tn van oy Ie ania infant. three ond! g tour baby bears, few | arleen under the vilest governments, to Io alberccters with the 7 ae Li | Tarvnte. An clgveter = capectty'of 500,000 | half years old, f which | hears eld. dno were eared for and|the best constitutions cannot but have| y's ane heat" ed, "Surely they do not leare two such Life la a quarry, oat al WhTdh --wo-ere"te Pr tn 6 be bat | yo a Nepps, draws the best from b alone here all day "i Si " red TI "dabei gape $10,000, 7 dail | weighs "fpnde ae 6 3 feat 0 $ Seabee is | are growing lik: 'a trhninal dinaee ta | ie Dest reilates from the vei te the = wey beucherpare aleae, bate aia, a great | gonles being simply the capactty for tahing | ™ ld anf cael sad complete s charas NEVER ae oe especial © betgtt. © le possessed Joha scab og Plorlagr haste: e., over yeta free and i , alr, . > . ioe as Gandia bet Land promises to be a giant Les sis grand ved, ence Democratic candi. | one of the greatest bleesings sotniry can or, a i Seep 10 natal d sob seemed to choke her utterance, 'ma srt sa Senin heen nex: vets iltiaiein enn lang Linde j Karly the other morning a G. T.R locome ec een od a teber la of rather lem'! eg ee 'i perse LrA with = well nega qroperty at pate ." cell 2 pose ene day te trem Caterr®. Bronchitis. ote ay rst eka 5 ment aboal two arco south of Fergus "Oest if te fo jell se be ws nt acd ty) <b countries are with a oe = ant beat. She waa = the woods, ant --dted. ' $ ~« De Cameo Cui pleameat 97 = ral ars ie divercee In the DiTks He! baw tranfserred 4 to 4 fiiclaliem which hangs like » For instance, the alr in a room ms lound-bur tae A aprtog when the mow weat | pepelat y* i 4 vewerty. Aa pour a pecnapnnge. Tee y injured. | ones, ie a very soa v oman, sais her ale | sen, who. wante ATTY the o'd | moti] stone sire the neck of the nation. | qelte bet, and yet « . a ey sede aia shat bill, ander | re a prob yo country She wor! It wakes the mind very free when we gis yan t to the down exprem ox | ter, the widow Ashton Dike, | mas te permit and says be le t which [will illustrate | sir tight, will make (tel! unp tly Welty ts te inte = 'Gp wiehing, acd erty think of bearing soli i. Tues ta e near Thernhi)!, Wai. | Sir Charles's Saar Bir Charles « firet | the age when met should * 'i on avoid day, just na on board ship the pre . hens crant expended, and the, wagon ties SP Ll . % ime rthern Peliway near * psu gah eat bot derorae ease: E past the ag ; ea Pr | tee Prevailing state of Linge Rauavis sity af v3 Scions brat. wen told the whole sed story when the - eet ce or Iediflerence of laid spon as and-dulog what te given us jaltow ae ihe agent, wae killed Co * . 3, q : largely ores 2 Pi + / others swore weave ox lat sertously tejured. | man, sa ish lady, . ea re, the Pact that aired of temperata are aie Lniahe leon Berl arall the the renabes Po slebrere § he yisiiare to ge Etiot. esbagion, Hy» Ww Departimental | 8 only sen by her, now 12 y ts Vox atoed ta Ada bbe see at toes A sereen lnterpase: between the windew | 100 come and foreed them to dest; hew nsderstand her daty, ant mak t of ial ond | an Ling Royal Mail Sieamahipe, Rieck at Ottawa the other night, It Is feared | The rods ot Malooerae, pation the dry oney inh het: ivea | wae © & row of O°" | and apy one exposed to Ite maliga a Phere tbe bad found the remaine in the 9 cpportunltiea "om sihenting Siieian tums Pailtael 4 sk niink cemented Marise I is . » pray fer rain. He i py she ni ag ai Reman | °°? thet popwiiter: Loe vemack coald | wii] often afford reliel, and one reason wh "iat tt --e woman had ended her -- york Madigan every te Lieeepenl, 002 Ss Caney . and the Patent Oilice have bees ho made the 5 G : hod -- oe lieriegs, ts waa tt story scetsnry to land malls ae loonianss cod Pa i that tae pele sear depend: | 900 given by Mixe Mary Ow ain inal: | eae cose, Lav cy, a Or | OS SSH Iyetnoct" Ao from hahtimare, wa Matias nod On Je Bes és ae vagal en | od om otreain mater: ; reba pesyer | weil of ¥. Iectealy shat off behind the sincie-aevom did death come quickly the of Buo wan Saceac ama ~ Split them In twe meee M | Fae invamere ae a o Hom iene efgr boys = shir they bate? sei cg tee that Ia | when leche' ~ meet which will be | d bidldivager ahead. ashe we yo wtrelty alone wt aires the cisamnat Fes lnevawics psn bei t ra the Gata fea | ' eer ei that he all dows Ue stairs | MAE CC Uatry the dry season cagnlarty | jn in April of the fret tn | awfal moment of » wed, auc. | sily severe, the advent of gaat urualiy | oe = iiss pee 888 ee ms , | Spee eae ssa every year, It wae, wear og "thet duty | May, ta alors 000 ht joceded by astonlehment when the ¥ signal fer the Suing wp cf inner windows te --_ & peat 1 steed on the | moand of hat apple pedi . ¢ ha faensiens hd gr Sed hbase as oe « intormation : 2. Thompece of OF Se eges fer B it 2 hares storing wat we wr | neceamary aie ine celia will be | safely th rows of inal Seb beagle gp mg -- hee ae oh verge of that same omee salle, "tnd the wad fects hot, fla! A dise, arrsage the coaegee upon pon It | PF | Piet oss Bailts: AS SSee t. 3s in | subser? 250, 000 speat disagreeable feate: ' salen : telat the tall of oon : mighty: Lan va Damen t remalo errager Req Sqpenthogyhe oboe! aoeet of heat, owing to lig be. eoaductlve - scwlepl he fe th eel mode of peo s iy ates : Pine calt-war dented with peg h wate tig nipes ta aired ie fd wl be wd foe he Mn ofticers who -- ordered to lay ist ena ba wreaght se eee hee be _ shock nome 'er wpe a8 tadew! uses, : _ yao youngeter be fed selaaser pa cloth: that thelr neglect rablpe. 77a stolen Cela walk --s * chilies | everywhere. cpr Ion a ae vee Mantreal { awd f the lab covere ofl tn cont' plaster, An exhibition le new being held In C { Me pe Mw. Willlam ©, Remeey, of St Larraged rom them, and filled them up lh ET oo hee pelo aiune eae me & pretty stream, me- | smoke fills the may saber es has recetred grea' " 'The Grand Orange Lodge of Kvstern On- | pages of the articles of use ani ornament | | He only prs through meadows which once had | by simply patting | the ssasages in a haklag | from the g At, t watueso tr ioringoeers Per | beauty clock other ne: The : and she was yalck - ig i tried reenewamp. Just me nestied | pan and cooking we et erate la be hile | shent 5 oa ™ . P And all old a! divagroest iy da' bhot t ' be held in Hrockville, on of that | ould try to bring cootinaally. myeaepe pees ing of Haverme Bae set So sel ge, he of warming rooms by meace of hot alr only, sie 'ed of mprheer p bes ah 7" hee 194 a, e os Bae in oe we a be Cale Yair Days eiceilng al all . a | the fourth Tuesday in Febraary, 1587 e an 0 000. , J bas the result has never + and for | ioe cp the vale, reminding me that i wee tes in a hot oven thal pac, thoogh in the m : unewsally #4000, 000--s paltry num fet » king and be io » warm the wall | ep! ie Oe reason--that, in order to the 7 e The Canadian Pacific Railway Company effect a recenelll 7) greater por-| te she r r the ole m be f ones, sat tat I most dream ne leo, tice Guippis Caxes --Wash a bet! | -- Di ae between § promised with Contractor Mellae by | mat be Pore from her oan words of af -- if net = holes brates Ae someting lett -- peat nt a a he tenacre plated riee ; drain, end add. pint phon, fivm Lucias. | sqrecing to anh peop eed oo aod telling her to be we i be athome | over to mak pot bell, beathing. In the pr . ee - ef warm milk and = scant tesepoonfal «f A. FP, 270. | fer timber ext wat fore cates the alr should net warm -be walls, bet the | Frightened. -- in t hey apie Rand ae aad | on Ef $3, 500, " 600 Acre Farm -- $2,000 196 here me - = sli bao-des - FO acting ploy "te yo A latter wey Te! The fend Fen, ee comet of ms oe "Sit mte the fare hall = pl pet onhtc Bos : be Rens rsdn Epson er) ~ "me | raysef heat pees the alr withost Chins, ie divided and west, by « e th oe mixtare LanD -- rT] 'ering the Norah Weta heating It, and produce no affe tney ete of Sour, add the whites, and, VY AEseo eae a haven aed others is te Ww" RENNIE TORONTO one oy pronation Oy 7 Sa = the re room. Theee, being thes uy warmed, | extern portion is tahabited By. 4am in ir Mea tite mer Sacgih 4g griddle a re Pe ad wins hina eae Foam wide | 1, Trent Tas 3 h S the < ber of volunteers ths cartontt, toetr tent by contest er with the ; Janeives a agricalte vir sae while A ct dees , sock a TS ae | ef a ae New Orleans Wood Gar Oy par Sateen seGEyetr oh chout themged Ue way, W of savages, who have the "em vie | t rHAso ane wbeiniet | Mie el, Yr 4 ebdjects in the roem are raised to « sufficient | tag canal Unit table, mse brea ring rs mag the | BD bestivane. a teats le the cbfent, larreet, cheap ane. ea ve ~ | otherwise os will be heavy 'aad best on - anas-- hes Bistieese Biem Mosmeal pe aie eee peo yearend irkr | ed States exp ar vhieadt tes ta ty we make it | Gnd hc Delp on the serteot pomthte, petioe Wi { + p t W d C < wfew misewegt of Bharbet Lake Janctles. We tee, then, that our faverite open Grew | the is Begotrns Bg ores Went | light will be wasted | Precidens. C. i Seer) - Temes. inters Fatent woo art, > 'The tender and tour cars left the track, and | have mach te recommend them, whatever | Shore on the wast was | Socrrua.--Wash a of ries, pat | asek KTV, stave Vi COREA, atavi two cara were tadly wrecked. 4 } may be seid about their wastefuloess ; and | crowded with people, --men, women and} i+ tn pepe ete and aaa Hr t of bolied a ane wees ropine | Sugeles, Carriages, Sieighs, &c the es ie the pereen health and they | chiliren,--the males of almost every age | iy ead email 1 | cesandeders, somaiaing. sean: bag, ond vues © scdiee ") mech than clear whioh, though | being armed, as they exist in a state of ay oy od beak funttty fwancdeceuced hy Fares. 41 -- ' eri Fe Usk en she cons ely ers wl we with thet b Sin in tagger et sine Kaito Wore, Gali, O6t, ; send tor priee | ~g.o4 tly Cialepee A om despat- ™) on ether 'bey Me ' are te nelg beaten | &t right, a little ten ad ghrt peal args © Smee ao and are apt to de se at ge the east const. awe party, t Some of ber piles <a ts =a wagsr | STAR AUGUR J. WINTER*, Manager, Sicathroy. to a the ba . te excess, -- Pail Gazette, | in ae bing the wielt, en; besten together, to the rice, Hare ready a | Galt, rae gk 1 reper hes atie: wos a aces - 1 ow onever we evineed A > idlepostitc nto ey wg nase ot the beaten went rE ORING dew oron! wan " aes aides of the ' thos, her, bart of helping the ohiid along | CATTLE oN IME ; PLAINS. the bi wesky wits ay abana, sua boot the eltvince thoreaghiy |" peor BTM per tear: heed ov herve 4 em ber jymney 2 Leadon Poliee Magie | ta Winter | canght hold eee Se ace then [tee battered dint, bake teal et golden | roses anne box wag ina powe eine wate, trate rr: her for six day. w Many of The lean te sta P ad color, and sei ent it leaves the | Camsiogos a '4 paths, made signs to us me aan eal geen t tam paras red of rede the highly hat cur throats would be certainly cut a ' '. ais piers + Mami lion, Canada, 2 night oie ae fae ee se onegind serge itt and wo rnin, 1 bad en he Ser | glee po sind fos, peo happy erent, iengethes the lady's late Bi Charis Dike had just beecm: : seen wages jot bear | fark eon thel apn and pho wes | Sich then ua See.f oe ive her guardian aeing their consent, | [4 bd t te preve that media: od Spanien naj sere commenced an action the latter | Gown: oad Tinta edhe payed ont lesty Sox Weyomiog go pte We did not stead what to make of this up and rab throagh a theve, add the (3000 spent la parchas.av rr A Li eae t ve pa tha ¥ is le "e ompanies | * first, ae ertunan, one of our part pote' Add too ounces Oh ag wedding prevents as the future Secretiry, the post! '4 te "toot thelr is koep up Sheds etek | * himeel! in batter, two "salispeontals of esit and halls s0mN mr ennieres by Woolings, is derby di Roweborry. He woeia | Clark: Wwar vo vou «ies, urrok om and credit, but it the ten knows | seareh tw pe, te} ined ws sbortly before . eal fal of rT pepper (black la cera ey nee *. By. Call street, Toronte, Bad o | dechiless b filled i bat § the Crawford oa. WANT TH o -_ . - ; sone of them have the smoant of | dark, opeped oor eyes. jinn Lt pee af the to) + Senneal / i Terenta, from esphyxiation, soandal, 'and th the bidasiee: # rae rity. ft thas i ci abit, salt. tad aa Nicaea rela lla cattle they clate, asd weme day there wilt | ta a or together, and if too try edd &, Obstenen. The: room, acd as an falled to ox makee a prites! fe.are imporfble | be a fearful awakening to the facta. Theee | the low land and ascended « nefghboring | little warm weilk ; reil the come down to breakfast the o morning, , to Limemgh 1s te chen tf = -- =: RENE misrep deing inj we val he had is pons | oe ot ball, dip them In beaten « be tet Fn 'ean them lor and ever bew! have | these whe b ib ben they cae | fracwment of rock, and was admbhing roll ip erembe an in i het fat. eben Leng cure ' state, | hone committed by sepring and sscosnful peasibly do good. ae hich o tel when Borren-kaccs- 7, ed | aaa yy ia be mg trom the Kaglint etateamen At cue time Sir Wil. | The country ie cat what It was » few | ear euddeniy esught a hen betied toa turn, is a very acceptable | Bey peas af y ag! t remedies wery at onoe applied, Molesworth, afterwards Ssoretury of | years ogo, when cattle could tind feed on | hmal makthe tloaly thaw? iat and dleo. 09 i DRI hay ESS, tn tr met mee torn one sf them, (reer "Priask, bo ina) # fer the © 4 T 4 je, even if the snow was «few | *™ ie boats fires 7' j - PS eas a bate fer Coloules, acd Mr. Temple} every the bashes fet quirkly, and saw | email families, as a oell é sr intasnae pre nr Sean conditions, , MP. fer Westutndeter, had a lnehos deep. mactnans Tad Bisa LOA | barty pape ba 'ao dif pared from that not aed 8 Ube fires re os a ey ae AMBEKICAN, | house on the corner of Uelgrave square in until there are mere cattie fs . i F | : m : the ory that | alty tn nizing sa bad men, whe John W ' ' aot ok whisk crghes of mot le still the stock popers keep ap ory j yi shoud sorupts prectt they paar " ing te th inv eat tn wore large rings in their ears. 9:5, |feund ook 8 1 Coarigs eas asta The life of a cow in the west lx one j Here whi & agave innocent spate Rei Sesed over Us Seventy five Mormon ocouverts from the | oes coattnantion of bardahips from the time the | man 2! He mw r retire ignomtn- | i. horn States have left Casttancogs, The Fisheries Squabble. gram starts in the spring wotil the nex | Loaaly, pi bog boldly Whe _walocked 'a con Tans See Tle | The intest the tage from Wasi aneot spring. Abentatx months inthe year the | danger. Fortunately, aa a man of 1 hours Are made ont: Gre 'a (Boston) yacht pow | the Gaheriar the effet that cowbey keeps them constantly on the move, nerve, ond © er, armed with »| w bait to bl d pares of yeang open + my a ir Queen Clty Oil Works sn bre mesve dng balding, whieh ts expe ; | Ec Zpeentagrte besiness men | and the sterms are eget uae the shet-gan, bowle taloe" ad revolver. | tare wanes inade of melted Wather Puritan, hes bees named the Msyfower ppealed before the eee roe me. pote, Bead urieg the long an i, Choosing, t , the intter alternative | and doar, with wmall added to ht, ix eet rey, |e ae ae ao SO Saeirsiict Sate ee eeratede aah oatnatome et GOLD MEDALS to form a vast Welsh coleny for a be Be wipes the finan' the Ri os ul by the od | ow capare de net need cooking, 6 ll aaa mtmien for we SEU ies f & jotnt com be hegr eons bran pet oes ry A ho hed been to Parle) bet abe thould be added te the sauce before Mend toe sample barrel, if United St G meldeving the | | Grav Ih fi They | ase erclemp of bushes that will | sad adv pthe nearest, # toll, fine | serving SAMUEL RCGERS & cc., 30 Fr ts oy T Fi | arged, ane reasen for rey thelr | shield them fer atime, 1t ie a common Joe hing fellow, adhe fixed hia geze curious | Tn respons Sn on to an feguiry for best method 'on t. cronite. t of compensating Ch himamen for lose oa tm the drifts, and | ly cpon bi j of moking G & correspondent out of the Anti Chinese rleting en | Gels thes the sales ea be poche -- i Y ro meade the iboats looteg toresaln which | & Seager eeu yar tween By sat 'of them never Pordays ots | Hortaan says that he whistled with € la, an one | Stead Progi esa Old 'and Reliable | ceenid id be preserved ; that while Cane | time thay ere compelied to go without food | considerable success portions of a popal- sucessfully for yeare--T = ¢ Lat mummer J. W yg eiy tress | alae tneho- had mot been of great ot woter. The snow sovare ap. what little | ar clr as he thus went, aa 3 werv, Into = and oe all ope pared adh eowgeaey at Atinatie City The lady recent: | Wo' Sle le eaten De Sie ct wees che caed tiatiy. ovevlex 28 Jone soa pag teBhonerse: dell ote oe Site tn good Graham Gar wil a res yeas = 1886 ly died and left Dorsey $90,000. a of fat = ea it ap aro ech = longing to be safely on iw formed ; add a pinelt of salt an pour tate | : 1 ei heated I The NEW YORK LIFE ome At Horser, IL, an old man of cighty, ins | catvas of Me HL of tbe Forgas A fairy The sto. k pepere that mow answers | *"!? ph omy mee fit of wmccntrettable mardeved his | (, " . er, which is ineer He soon jotned thls princely looking | ere oh ot even. pth mt pe of the Lananer! prackener aso same : | Com What will be pese . i Gash A 1 i wile, » woman of seventy eight, by hecking | i reot, for gees uehily seen Sean tevres | j savege, and asthe others drew near, he ee ee ies well Thosry and baking | sgete, $67,000 008 ber bead, haed, neck, and shoulders in « 1 . lowing an: pe . snlatel bet burried survey of ual y, alee theroughly the mixtere Essense Lite Companion tm the handsae. i Ld [ : t ii | Fi F - - ° i I | [ H 1] : fk i . £ i t i i et FF r ; d | eee SPRinar RESSES, 4 j that Wenk, and a\lerge prec do nok | teen eetbed Mek Bomar nee chop on iis legs to do thetr duty. Fi ! if Ft Fondiodesre oped -- ry inte their personal appwaranen, exchanged « elore posing me pen quantity | Ann' Income, 16,121,173 world. sue of ' ef TAK OL ONE MATS twee gre vent ohjrote te be moored by Lite Ineuraece ail beet ane' Txt Pouteetion to bustier wat fasutty tetereetr tm case of ometais ty ample pevviston agulent peeerty' ts of age, fad, A preditable sm ares The Best Form of Policy for oospenr vies Insurers is the-- RES See Mad King Ludwig. of them never get throvgh ® ifs ran for» mile or more before | Pe Whi waetuewe despoes thn! d King vara on one of his hitly INV orems Pah mentees eer ae bn chor -- ecatloslty gel re 'cursive ty the rag * <4 of hie 38 | ESTMENT POLICY ' the fromen surtece, shea | wrtons chatesa of Linderhel, w: beets nese Sasa ETE emettoaens count of what he ta the Viewns NT = Ww ToOoRKX ie oe a cee > | aan ome or bath become -- ' i | pomp aml fe ope Oi pi Onn or THOTGHT poncho sp mg siradler Lo, ardor | Te teemeares \oereaeed Postmen, here te fight; the wolf and mountain then "Get tat fe am, gave ail you can, give | mov : fons of snow or ob | eae _GREAT STRIDES 'iN 1885. pre Lew Sea se og ea eer a a ha _ know the right in 4 aad anes wuss om Bea emeeeeront promi fendi over . vg pymreed BOO A oP Peg olen ALT con at we do eer | HFT sma, Seyreasheo Soon ive 0 |S garg : ro pent ee Sate ving AE aur BS re ara ToTaL FiouRES DEC 31, 1885. Foe ference a ; LM. I Ths feat pheno eg reed fon may ue he ae teoed, pb dr - eee srr faba beep mtccrel from charge aod the embroidered blae velvet charity cadheak. igs SPICE Box. i Let there be mere deference ef | err | | angen toe ots iit wm ae sa sooutarn pened } a " ron westhe Kgyptina of clfen a | t Shearer ueicrrs wantin ee he thanght | seelsl probions wilt be THR Riabes i eerie ? 3 pug W. EB. WESAED, MB, Siaes great deal of hie mas } - A qoctl word fe 'sm easy obligation : Nou} | bas hardly Sass te son ga J tha | _Sutarte Branch Omer: Matt Buttdine. 5 a ; 1s te various bow a stzeet Sar [oe SY TP tit pov ce UN ay Sense Acad oo winter sot Canapscatsstinasiesy soc usar tater sb steel ACES BANE LACIE RY goes when you ore russing for it than bi | La eee : " " L rid % i cet agen age . very thing it om imex- "i --------_---- Fi Hi AP's: PATENT" gees Abt im the midet of | m tm iifp--whet "Sal rae DRY EARTH GLOSETS Are The Best in The _ World, Py z i | *PPr settrozing what they eset portal = it Piret Prive Medale melted into Om Ta on Ce heared READE ets te 'Creme dew 4 coceierion + an be ete: ae ph aed wed vert Red with RPE CT TES A or Pe 8 or Oh DattD . wen, gf ey omen 32 Adelaide St. West, Torente, Pactery Mvategun, Miah. Begicen Veetonpe Msraheater, Ca Mentce to payor, snore emer eeeaine somerset iin