TRE 81 SME 2 RATFORD TIMES, AND COUNTY oF f / ; i 1 A 4 PERTH Ga Z2EIrrTEn 5 STRATFORD. ONT... WEDNESD. \Y, MAROH 24 1886, * a _ = a Corres pendence. j -- ---- Crier ' ran ef towed 'will be , _ --_ eepontence will he. 4te | \ OL, XI ; " nerving wiltsin t . a ft . VO alee 3 wot Fue Yiwen Im ait icici 5 ae 3 mon of the : = the Mai tor, . o oi JOB PRINTING. : f one + wits ta 3 'Suen superiet te "a T. MAGARTY. Prepricior, Stratiord, * TY "at % * 4 i cai Pa ' , . in atte | wo rth's Hotel, enn CIB KE having eure 2 fin nan cal a sd ia a . eo aTy supplied with ee | The beet! cee Seat a at the ber. ' 3 eo tae Bbllcitor. Etc. vet Cinas tabling for hore 5 z : rr y CK, oTRAT| Strattor?, Apel achat 'oe ronse utile Gas 2 'VICTORIA HOTEL. DOW S18 NTRERT, STRATFORD. ae oF | 7USEPH OGRADY PROPRIETOR, Kiutariee | 7 ion of dheense arin: hae ret) ern Am b f Ra -CL A i 4 ACCOM MO PATON FOr | en One We, Law mance, 4 BAMBIATAK, 2 1. MARYS, ONT. Bt Mary*r, Heys. te aM JOHN r HARDING; peta Tor, hai Da iagton's Mees, a t. 18 SE 4 SMitH & GHARIN DARK Ie Tere. wo LENNON hry } aeot at the Mar ge STABLIXG MITH, 2. m dow tts SMITH ¥. W GEARING, "Wiss te Stratford, Fob, i MILVERTON: 'HOUSE, 8 $s uv oe roar | orton, Sor Mth ie, _ "HOU SE ST MARYS GRAVEL ROAD, HaLFway | fuer wien STRATFURD AND ST. MARYS, aie Oy re. wer iE Byer LENYON, _PROPR ETOR.? wart '2 Mc Pherson, ION ivseg + Mr, COROOHANS core, Lag we x WU Btpattord P 0 EW ae & Mh WAEREON, _Btratfort, (re uM pee Ts LENE A' eacnatle Ketee of Inrereet, ate eperty, A ee OE. Ww, Lae RENOR, - Market ; 'erator 6 Per Vent, Money, |* A LARGE awnLSt % Lan at -- . BEA FER st . TY eE Becured ©) Wer 2 Sree eye ey THOS MILLER Meestor hone J. M, 'MAGOREGOR ACCOUNTANT remy ai . ane sale SEAL AGENT, MOARY OFT Fa P "IDNIGTON * PALMER, ty BARRISTERS, ent é - LATED. _ MONEY TO LEND. Atrer + WwW. MOW AT & SON; . BAN + KERS, : ts Hone! Honey Money 6 PER CENT, INTEREST. ply cheonce to WILLIAM GORDON Heal Estate Broker, Strath Btratfor!. Dec, 1% 1882 =u Medical. ™ pR.O M FRA ASER FICE "AT HIS RESIDENCR, ox at | OS ' Eye, E Sar and Throat. " DR. RYERSON, an ary.« Peis 1 ' CHURCH 'STREET, TORONTO. . wox ROBERTSON, MB, , LBC. P. and S.E. Physician, Surg. Orrice YER ME ROO RAND ST OME % SIRATOVERD, OFF KEMAN'S 'CELEBRATED 'Dr. J. M. Dunsmore, 'LAGER, ALE AND PORTER j re" Bleck Mar % 8q. | in Weed or Buttis r whe tY TERRAC This Celebrated obtained the Oniy STRATFORI ONT | Steal awarded at the Tornste Rahibition ¢ | SI Btrettomt. 4 ' Smet | Collar Lately Oe capled by 3 JOHN Copp, ! | syn J. E. CALLIN, 9 see say JAMES" BLOOMER | | VETERINS'Y SURGEON, "ss erect" Pasblenable Naivdcoming and Shaving | Treats Sieeenn of caaen Animals | OPPOSITE NEW PF wu, STR ATRORD, | A eee ulty tolietted eFC Aus | thing enn os . ( are Stratton! onane "_ 60. PERTH MUTUAL F i. "co.. 'WM. STEELE, comme y S SeTARLeeereD IMO, WY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, eterinary Surgeon) j facto ) al ranged rae rtron ar" {Gra ' ¢ i sareble prope: on ae ' ney ty m tom note fp arene oe "RE bee Ofer tree TOFTING 1 " " atin . and Patt. INDIAN BLOCK BOARD OF DIRECTOR: STRA D, Pr s ee 5 satan Mrattord ' PP gases seyret A Sactheateds sa nthe pe ie ur ooves Downie, Jety 34, be on. trom rae ratford. j 5 | George Hirde. te ty moor beove, North, Kast | ; | Semen Brown, Keg, PM. ' f lex Mek Koy, Hees. Hiktert, k Jamee Hamiitwa, ack : wat tee, Haaker, Strpttord ee Reeve, Puilarton, ¢ ton Mess aod Jue Deaseas 4 ai (ig ET & Gearing, Merrrrers & es fal Agente W. & r A. E AHRENS, 0.8. i? ERTISTHY : iineton's New Beek, Mar ie the rerenty maken ee ee Hasek, Stracterd. aitert Abr aaed tor the " . Pulehen fa xtraction of Teetn> ies as ee 'a bia Sain Stratton'. May 14. 1986 last ty | WM. LA NGLEY, i ° PRACHCAL BUILDER, 18 Pike ABKD G, T R. TICKET OFFICE, | Sh we & 1 humete mm Beis P ebe ck. are sare | Puy, edtkcemtly ead a we . en 'Sddrean, Hon i ioiafire Pr. 2 ; eek exetuted in pee sows. 6 se 'poe prow: Far tim « TO sian cents oe iotyhe fa wilt be aoa air] ecwouwmle make oul | } 22 Heabling for 15 res, "Sn on ™) i "= s Hpac eRe 'ete oe | 13 & Accouchsur. | "OIny HOTEL, | Market Square, STRATF on | | Kust. SHORE, "PROP: RIFTOR, Largest Stabling comm adaston. ta tre Fe City. pe, oe = Wing, Pompe eed AL EXCHANCE NOTEL. ercial ter "ii Taylor! & Bs Bates Celebrated Lager and on Ales on Draught and in Bottles O Ie JOHN PAYNE, Prope we, | Stratfort, Ang. 1, 18h 2 A cal MEE WILA0x, Prope tot Stratford on ane Mh, Lag :| Palace (ic ear Divan! asp BILEIARD PARLOR, STARKS & COUNTER, =e acturers af the best tirana « "CIGARe £ WHOLESALE AND RETANI. dealers in af} kinds of Smoking por Chewing KIRK & KIRK ust NGINKERS AND SURVEYORS, " S de Erte Free et, Mt os HE PBURN, HITECPCRAL DESIGNS, PLANSOF | tebtic ana tte, . ae R. KILBURN, ; Over ae | and (: e Martirs trees Wy i Ma Tale -- ts Bite sh at a Send CLELAND & "ean BLACKSMITHS: tate whe the Unites Marble & Granite \\ Lf Als ay a | Btls c mas W.S. COWA Siero AUCTIONEER, vALATR de, - McBETH Lbnt My M "uns CEMERAT. HOTEL hs a D. "Picture Framing a Specialty" ows, hair voght or taken Nt snl St. - lal Albion Be eat HORSESHE&ING A SPECIALTY. pf runs 09 pai i to Interfartag and pane New Block, Market Sq.. Stratford Noxt ss 'orbes Livery Stab'e, Cn Sree TE OBD, ONT ~ County y of Perth. ostiee day ror} -- cach wre! vr ting sare boura 'MM. DAVIDSON, Ca. « Ofibce, promptly a KAN . STARK, ¥.G. COUN Frit eateries scam SHAKESPEARE WACO Stretford. Sept. 4 1s THE AVON HOT SL. ONTARIO ST weer STRATFORD. RANKIN & ROBERTSON, - PROPRIETORS. The bet iewada 'meer and "CELEBRATED WAGONS Ca. Count Oysters, Haltimores ant oA ad <i) | lS Gymcars on basa tn Senses : = | LowarPrices than Ever Before | wi tHE TENRAPIN, OSTaiio STREET wi ATFORD, J Gav, Prornie md Peat | Hrante af Wines Ls joors, Ales | = s Celebrated Montreal! Ales on ous. 'LAGER! t LAGER 1] GEORGE BECK, M' aR ey hans. } ian 2 pala HA ., RXpreas ue, ES Market 8, Wat BR ¥ PSTEAM tow i eae tbe aie States. (ieee S jhet bewe to announce te the Prepared to Saw casei af the price quoted, tau ferther sot! HARD WooD 244, aot FORT vannuass ca i FRET Or 30 Gents por M below any Oe IT wha 2 pilees of meter gy Soot ~MANITOBA-- 45D TRE GREAT NORTH-wesT. MON TRRAL PORTLAND, BOSTON, ayy NEW YORK, | ei Lowest Rates and Lom (henge than wl other ine OCBAN sraamsnir rickers| (2! PERE PAIS POR" SAW RS HT Polat pe = AR Oak, Zim, Basswood aad etetegyibe, Nev. na_ - | xptees Uthos, Dt Masbet Sicvey, 'REDUCED PRICES. a t RDRRSIGNED, u at a a rer | J 'or mans sulacte re. uber nd will warrant them the Lightest Rumzing aed Most Durable Made ta in Canada. Tau _IMPROVED SPOKE- "SOOKET, | spokes area Sergey nel om 3 tha Best Test af | PILLS AND OINT * a. Hecsebold qwelannere overrwbse. AN pecs! Aye emer Leg = remaTEm, cor ¥ ? Sourf ned every apt ra ares enty at Pootemsnr hatas abit ran: | 633 OXFORD ST. 'vu SaaS foes caine Dreredensere teow * ttecked to the oon Taking rs wear three lena a¢ the com whe t. Eas and Democrats AT THE LOWEST RATES, GEO. MINCHIN, pears, May 7, 1884. --s NEWSPAPER | ADVERTISING, | What se Agent yond of the Way it Mas | THE WEDDING BELLS ; oe hated toe ours te ry weer of -- bet. tt mostly jes now | Core woe and | Hiei raeiatie ee ome | Soe paee as elt sere saree « 6 abame is deaiy win al wil, Oa ine i ene bea pre! om much worn away, | 2*aerd face she 'sileore decided her ' st "a we of al nger | See tout her hands eutb : lingers among old: | "\ Ge for hhm,"-ahe oad tees shld jie 'Da the thie | Asd then, ae abo ant down by th a at leas: people af we Ber hed on ber arm i 2 * thirty times as mae: | *o* > nis creme t adrertiein e tace, while Ted an doctor ' sages vast increas ap Pang . 4 the telt the | lifted her comes fal ond freer ose made of ; Clara waa striving Hikes mig iyi eee by. the general pab {eset the omabily cf ber inte. Tanase] Classen owtne inter bee | velleve peti mye the one pityingly, Mise ©) Saeed wal, ell reapecting ml « = 4 ~ eee hile the shadows ker on the besctifal, Ht bout met" as auch monthly, 1 right al along terongh ned | brokenly, * Ded he tell you how I betra: ayed war, witbowt attracting ai My, | Bim? Did be tell you how he loved me? bert Ban! _-- aa the pablio f with large wr edverg spetied ia the mee a! ertiaing | (for | be renal and bay ner, whew Sedertakteg taxi, 'He told been characterized bal W hg chouid I ry rs the girl sald, sim- 180. ciscalation | PU: iger our aa a point never attalned be. | "Ab, Brie: "Tame dyteg: "ft tttett-stready, few or sion by any jourmal im thie country, 7°* bnew ; bot this will be & real death," h Mr. b " « i was done tweaty live years ago, --wll yoo marry hm! You leve him, do om lor ac order for tneertion of an advertise. | 7* face, arid the sweet eyes droeped, j bard menttocost ever $00 000 And yet a peo. there waee st ulfaet expression in | unfary matters he laa very exact and care | be man. love tor its nes, | rd -- Beto t, aa I could easily de, but | mach | for it | in Suunties off Perth ¢ or + O¥ford: | en comes fst Sento hee Tue Time turned, and le personal ¢ j aad wa Festal ts veoravesit eanew ap 1 theve 3a | the fi been 1 keys in stock, js en eran, AW sical busines adr | rpectalty. " rf out m only, bat he «97 PERRY DAVIS "Wee dee the salen of saa.poet. Serie he eee ee re ee aetanenen PAIN- KILLER ieee id ior, hidinee wenltens, "ams S galee veal Maria? I she ivoked im; ly | om ke ring tte PR TAKEN ise G Bhs a fy at Deira Fos . Devi & Lawrence Co. (Limited) rees with my bavubee hand sovard the girl's brew | for | would atwact attention as a large Lait bead. i new liy made hie paper s you pn not? Lift o: up your face, and let mo look head slowly and looked fale er agre which speke eloquently of ber i. J. ie - one ¢ | eays, Ei sooner, TELLING HER FORTUNE. 'Ee Bp the Author of * Paoven on Nor Paoran," Bea A long, terrible chudder ran threagh the prbatrate form, ands spasm of | tracted her thos of anguih ie deraiive £qisated the broken het head, sad} ralsing the brows eyes for « & moment to~ his | Ses, hed the prayer mately but elo. | aly. ie stooped toward her gently, only « grave prety and compassion on his face, A slight expression of crossed the pate, haggard face. It waa character ietle ef the wemaa abe to keep brok Tier her death, abe <r judictously | sgaln 5° not no pretty os eu, hat ponerse i freely pushed good arti: | free and eect; us nod you love bim, which I [and did ch make I at leaxt a {alr euocess, | There waa s silecce care cvbalaed "teeter tdi nm wad loo! , there, fo Area bg on the pale t bered beagtl see aay il eet mention names In ag: wh «yer, and te predeier that It le easier for | | Ing woman said, girs iy: cad om bea "1g a shay 'ell pon i am dy- apenditures lortunes w » be nger in | welcome making, w« ald likely ave bean mere per- | darkness, and coldne mancnt, | "Bat he risked death for yeu," sald Clara, "When business mea come to lock on | ™ ty, | the cost ef newspaper advertising as an ia. |, " Yo%, be rie kod death; bet life has not © isin | vestment, ture te pay sa well ae any other, been the bri gh thtg to him that it has been ts seat ray tency stad ~hand pot umbieely™te be gip predt saan "My jsble » they will we i more systematically | make bia life the b pan hereto! ard it "And yet he Seu | have saved you," pe a oer aterek Clara, mere te herself than te eenpeneennans |) i Chester, words reac the ti = a » taller =e dom 8 ces | " Yes, he would have saved me; he was ing snite » | -always <jei setdo awe ware at Syd - | aay, wall-aish pcaniiens, he aocdl $0 ge wieh | any thinge--oot for my make i 18 RECOMMENDED BY pe poe ye prior Po ores of Dure, ona, J +9, Missidgearics | Soc bal tae of the bed win t 0 Wreeop stom } SUDDEN. i LDS, cil "Yeu -- led ESTION OR STOPT told CIRCE LATION, CF that agaed $0 look wpen me PAINS IN THE STOM becaase ASD EE. 0 i San} : polseieesly, and Clara, | through a mist of tear, saw dimly pleasant fnoe, f doctor's dark, clever, interested oo: Siete per # '! Be Bewsrre of Ir | ful grave face Clara's heart gare ene ewift } had ; <f % | CHAPTER XXXL | ADALAIDE CHESTER ® LavT CALL --"IN THE j GLoamixa," bl ot one oon lanee at the bowed raatlng agalust" the bed, ' | Graat Biliese scauied sha soar and "om mat et let me de yet she said, a » lant She was "ye bessttfal in her 1 kindly banda FREE ti, itis fy i Ze thoslders, and huzg down | the bands, 4 waqe-orgeend os Oia eel, palselees and over 'Tbe lentes wove oo uni an hour bad ; decter came and went In the room ; the nurse sow and molstened wure the | wall boy s oke my Chester led.' x ti i i F rr sl lite i the whele fi : ! a i it Fé fi if, i i [FE Bac eft ar [fr 4 ref ~ E E F Fr sequently sorewd of more or less: people compese a large of towne pepelation. One 8 was e colored Samuel Johnson, Une but FAMILIARLY KEOWN 4s "*wINOO Jace. half rulned " All your wrongs aguinst me are fuily lived in shanty two miled el ag he in « low * Do | wath Katontowr, in the pines. The other of we o'clock Angeline Lier ihe turned and saw Johnson, who bad -w+ heavy stick In his hand, who sald that if she made any outcry UE wor) guL She asked him what grud be bad "gin her that would kill ber. % and zoad, where he criminally * Then be repeated his threat of murder tf she told any one of what he and left her. Miss Herbert--who could hardiy | whe y walk--weot on where esa Won $0 J4hueen's house, arrested LOCKED HiM Cr TO AWAIT THIA Mesewhile Dr, Bench west te oe girl's home, and found thats large raised behind ber ear, where she Her been nearly torn troay ber ta ber silort te secape, wee a slignt, girl, she had tried to 7 j <8 PEST The K | some temas Satna hare keen avea? haelty OF MOR le' noted | the Setar Aig tla ye ad a pepe Pats wi { ing an a to st will prsetly stad Ae PY i ti ti 7 A! theb e:l_oea! the grains of the tong yoou, a tree which grows In Ch tt te eantly extracted by - tensity of 0.0902, sad a varlety ! rer n " ren Se heal happens te le sald wer | seme special pd ae Bot threat | do the | porent by the Por said, speaks ever; The compte stons | been studied of late by y Peel, Vir Vv irshow, wae reports thst 22 per cent | Lise Sa eT oe ae ae ey wm It . ite Of German Jews only one to ten ls a tree The inorunsing } lamp bad bef requires | more ebondant whe had been foF man, oomple cont, of the German vragen ag peli wail champ ovale leap mysteries with ac in benest ae3 given to 'les for great falling off as compared car's fig there are twenty fewer er the 'Lak i dioap eng raat less for Lincolmshire, and oleven for of that which Ie already | contest as the Ascot Cap re feriics ef te 'Giller the Fltasr ex staites an her . old . oe cc | areal make, the, tynce, of 8 sisete <r | Perel Chabey and onthe white marble Comporap | 900i Know what thoaghts were surging Aiea i Aare: on they ' se of woman's psin-dimmed braln, Was she | SDR'* 0° ota J 5 tree go seme thin! ef him t, al death --that ve = tn™ | riding gayly heme from the baat in bis} ¥** SL ; i. ian re so tone ov Am | Sih tetris "i fe necail| 18 M winter agaa, and a whole ear baa ' raxp Drarersis, | Wn tee sudden, onger ad whish | Eor"Last cheep in the quit teem be the ear had shone in his eyes as he bad seen her q gs the The and n =, int soft, aod adalation, admiration, MPBELL'S wealth fer which ber seal had craved, nee oatleneeeraee were not worth a titue-- ner a ban. | quieter, deeper jaleter bus not Uoedth part of Shed tres, dilaterested af jess great. Lady Billeon sad Clara are i fection the had osst se recklessly aside?|slone, but they are expecting Sir Grant Was che noting the lines graven om the| dally new. Clara hes sot seen him during ¥ ! handsome {ace she bad ksown so bright | these twelve | months which he has a >| wd lenghing | Wasshe ready, with eyes | #pent on the but fer the lest few 4 quickened by Kis ght of ges mentha their correspondence hea been {re- : -- te Sn ek eiek toal ~ Lape i > Clara's leve for her had sila seh. bina ath Ua les thes wad love af hin? Wen shal bere Eetton at dege Oe Lean "pewcaily wg pte a ther viet | thinking Neat tn she wee ping St sient resces, ot the rik of ble palseless would woman herself ee popes Fooc gierom imam BG lat ae hore | bee dere walls wenn Bralasetry st peg A ew segady samt pore Bo hes were not forfeited peas wee pat torrent vor ben Tt scom te her now ake acorn meee wel » bie deantions courage. Sin cdugs ints | pe Patera Senpirinlph grnawyertrwearg rad a2 0 traleer at one of the stables of Men- mouth Pack, whe lives next to the little jel. He was badly frightened, and on- q tbe inestar mgt Hoa tate the Li ato eh A'hery_grtion a hoe, seed the ro J the of the owt wads of the jail and lo wing the staple of Johnson's cell, was found on the Sieor near his cell door, THAT THR NEGRO MADE A DEAPEMATE KS sieTADCA, meawn hy Sa sortnts aa. bie bal 108 Se si & the Vina re oth a Cail saya and o, looking larger Berpertena-pre warvereaily reoognicad The gresty ches abd syecitin te T the abureciamed disce- = + se =. "rive, §1 per pong ind Le AGENTS, Ae Maxrazai,. Wy £ itt t B63 Siok a_i era snged te the door grating that be was cn- check 5 never thrilled conschous. rt on thowe few words of testimony bie aor Fi manages ae nagf orglag "eyoo | -e-waae = Ace od ---- - ied ooh ined Saget tn elie recalled | ioat ina cell, Mr. Herbert dreve over to them, aod all her heart's love aad devetien whe te hie A 4 ti cis cnpe teen? tts | pots lo Someta Stansing of haing teves tytn the mest vicleat manser. He. wanted the The year that hes passed hae made so | Sts" " gh gop ete ele Ss per b Pr peg tony tebe war some time be conte be Reet which make It doubly attractive. to retara heme. There several She lesions, for Lady Eilloon tu ont drte. | sens of Tape and asuempsed rape by negroes ye entry onghers < Bieter dod mwcie sa elo dese they A the rm ig a Bh £, ety BM | was pesttvely Mdemtttiod by hie visti. ta sod che hea "dike wok weets onde, cal the other cases the victime were ovlered its in the glonmlng ith bat Whenght pea nen rahaleed over FeRasen'e go pat ao al make vg Boom will r is A oe FEET bed bes <. all the manegunant--the easiest and slmpleet way Uc pects agatat te ep 7? La ev Tose inte ome thes rall * even more than BMREATS AGAINST JOMNSON'S LIT, | a arr rile The ey Pix Ha shoal be: or abot; or-bureed at | more than. correspondents the take, ae ne | feathered. The | be senisthing POSTE ye Tyreeinge ey Ypenn cence: | ] secret of his shert aad summary 7 Sn sure tale eae xolted by Sent | nee treating them. All letters frem the legiow all was comparatively qaiet till wearily mid. eae of Led pets Ged token' hee ae night. Thea caly die, but are buried eat ef sight and out 4 PISTOL SHOT WAs HEARD, ef misd forever. ate The pet himeelf Co of "m: 8" | not open a slagte one thousands o! omemeant, any Sonal by --- | hande sand eg or 'ego oie ie mae suits bei waleh {the lly die. Be ome came out, Then the lock op was | cbarges at bia deor, ner be wer read a broken Into and Johnson was taken out. / ry of thelr Sane dlnslly for eome aivtcce kad" tor | Suaky -- | "iro of the teres British 20 lor some for | wo peers orer several minutes, Thon qulet reigned. "Arse Pani fst ine te Une SoF6 | have pussed away within the last fariaight At half-past eix next morning stage --the Kari of Stradbroke, the eldest in the driver saw the body hanging from the iron ge 8 92, and Lord Brougham at #1, bars of the transem of the deors. a en ofan, Twin wo He at once told the townslolk and tne bod borses, Stren was cut down. A short rope, the sine of @ pig) a. U tbe miter a all ter it ey clothes line, had been used to sei ee MARG THE MAN WITH, make sa.good a growth as possible, As po mad 'Giaty seers "stan ara and his struggles bad embedded the received ? im the thront, He had evidently been tt ih obs toate #10, reumb ees several bourse. year. Brougham was the younger TRE FACH MAD DREN brother wf the was to badly beaten that ¢ was impossible to pher, and Chancellor--a Bacen, ene nay -- "icp pepper Pe TER 'ie oumnend manor = white ons, The right eye bad also over 90. Vi LZ me been knocked out snd lay -- Se pr 5 | Semene eee eee eee one The two cells inside were wit foie ouse I bleed. Oa the flogr of can of them lay two | ret ioruae te exonllent lor | aged 94. He le vigoross, oak claba covered with blood and hale, | te sopring. | the ot *. man in town pleaded tc r ee ee et ance oestioned aboot the mob-acd saan nant pring after the rye la two oT THE DISTRESSED FISHERMEN the names of the mon whe banged the bratal | woe -- scoundrel will probally never be knows, manures, I fied to pat a tesspooat thin | TO State: ot AMites -pinene she Meters '96 OE EARS S06 SEE A gontioman in Montreal hes just recalvet at her an old-tashioned red tad } F -- Retontows. cae beled news trom the Lower Galf concerning the fering from ber injuries and the shock to This abcadenss'ot eiath gill enatie Tee | tine Be ae eh a Brace Charing Rab Gn, wh alld limb absat two feet long and an lnch thick ia oes on pre ny wire Bhe ts o pleasant locking, girl, with brown | nicely and sow the ground beat, the |-14. Ce Orve River Pete halr and seguilar features, ted New, J < td Loy of agg Segennorig pel pene kept lat year abeat 196 beats, which + mAnaid pressed is that the 'was justifable, there are quite « aumber who be | | Sa an nt nt Soy bad cod dea het Have the law should bave taken ite ener eres ber of besta. TR & hboat five course, Decided efforts have been made te | to the soll whe RAE erleus: AAMAINS THE MESPONSIDILITY yo th nh ata a tr th hag Do oe Lt ot Johnson's desta, The Herbert family : Sar te het am tat im © god Sa head Rom citer partion Ie, Ketauioon beat balding, deh onbey' tember, ie." And the | ts eredited to the f bye agyer bose fits roti ntl mehr The negre's rent mee toungdlpeary tampered ta ly, when found, showed plainly the evi work and advances left these more Senses ofl She heal strats, Cletted bleed lass destitate which la generally in covered the lips and chin where it had ocx ssahtten af Ses. burning ior made: sf abd ed trem his month, nose and ears and hard. tho fanned the mask ween the best off. Im ened. His hands. were clenched and his | the five parishes depending the Rallef teeth tightly cleeed.- The face bere the Committee ef thie country, are about LL herea ne ltr nab "125 tamilles reostving help now, aed we ex that hie death would have indicated, There pect that ia a few weeks, Mt: the dete dese ecema to be but little doubt that he | nes sename budiauta, 46 Rave Se tor twos the nother of Mies Herbert's injaries unegu tints thoes bamieed: Aad aapmordy > AM OFFICLAL LXV ReTIGATION. the sprieg who den' ask for relief bad Joba W. Swarts, the Assistant Prosece | dah op tea suek Goals oak getabena wreath ter of the Pieas ef Meonmoath , Wowk ens prefers pre and they will to Katontows aod a Inves| They also serve who only stand and wait, | paki Ferg Bat with the tigation. Coroner White awore ins jury of and the contel pwelve-men, with Littictes White as 'the Letina aubaostbeds ovary when wo ape te foreman, Alter the jury tok viowwall she be able to mest most, if net all, the pressing of the dead negre, coroner adjourn. " " Seqosst se tun o cheek. next mereing It should be = lesen to the ethers that Re pg sod realy | tuom we farmed ate the bet oi al ie 4 Se he win Bua aks et ted ey ai fore etn, fa cabin in the weeds, where he had any oun able peures. Werd also hae LIVED POG MARY YaABE, Teculved from Ause-o Benafiln, 0s if ft i i th i qullling Hi i » few, bee :t i ed i if ; He if i He ft ts + it =8 f