ee : ° st ~ eee oecuren ' Bie ace re e Cigeas i MS ee ae Se ee mere tit te > een ant ae Reeeeein cual es. me Week| el eS mot : , a Teall mort of la" |= sahindin Mr. Wiles Mtheg wcilles ic! bec tty ated le set : : oe resis ny the sight oo! + 1 ' % ve - 4 Bniahed oh a PLbasast Ehime as EVYERTAIENEST fe There a mist ; S they have lowt moat of their fy Birveh Panetta ate: bali ba i Muck iangh- | ee e ey } ing a6 & found sins Aa crambiing tailerth.| | 08 st. PaTRICE's Gent FoR THE SED want ---------------- rth caght te the -- : tresstiog 'hte i epertceud , See teewerty. iid { NEW ADVERTISEMENTS t ou oa v4 . he came » Oe are vee! : | "Di ent ft ote emt | 78 om "| riagt Oh THE STRERT SPRUNG [Science at iiss "eae see Servant. ; pin Iman ingretivede for thet at Dir. "Yen's 5 premashoh age y a ea aves MnC. it ik "ial E i ettieth Om the | Te the Babee of Thee Mew atnune servant anted « oem. 520k tedore tot | The Sciaay & teleak| aio we MEY The frat! K Reting «lone iy freuen by Mr Hard: | P "fywor Laramie: ' arwl bin jwatly trrlertend ihe i Rad verter {crave Weinewlay ein will be Party os ret, lettes, signed + Char} | dang he. at baal egal | 5 Gath ENE AE eee : ' ee cor Filta Ficie i +1 teroagie vane Cabby mete 3 [arent cog as thon = "whee _- calpatad patel tr ato the: tenmmsclisen a). {written lack-bebled and wats very thot a -- i h his inetie' 1G SES ERAT een pommeteatelys:: Ayes Servant Wanted are 5K | vee si cod was, we wre gd te | Dr. Yemen's "Bolitade tore ete vias compia-chaamupeioge pra Epes htisiaen pony ; sdeendl ii" =) overtiow ing eves, i the ta Tenate 4 «Ot tenet f = = rece' Tees.| Dark Eyed, Masien Weitere! pee yer EG Ai = et is trathord : ; scot HORSES WAN: ay Se fe gaedl| Causes a Row. sory dione mapicten: prosfiters. ongoing IN THE: POLICE eek Ad 2 PRING AND SUMMER, | S02 bess S ri ago ------ C52 EWS aad Care pain Mas rn Th. Vera Sop sind hie seitin abuse of bin infinencs. oor jieve wen haan alt arenery being | SOME RICH DEVELOPMENTS | tec, ae beebe Aictated: samme person, if not writ Seat gage elas for waaay ae ED ace reitritems hacen HAY art KATE TERCHANT tl | em acer Barca ge - esp - Metis, for ¢ aie awi aprcaliy: robe for this perfor | IN TEE PeLiceE COURT. it VEMES TO THER -Mtrweny- ote Haid a: 'mina we morning Welsh ! | aA LOOK ¢ the gratiieation of hin love of power ane OF the leading we cau cokes i mee tees = wemation dentonk Vyrcen | Pye : at gus | his cowardly regard for # the ontety of | met. epeak tom: highly their acting' snd | The first, letter ia: trom J... Yemwn, te | ebay "Ww oumsitny mae rte Bie fn j : 7 tig oem provate ching yuality" which | singing bax." hardly ever " beeo sarpamert t Avexymots Letters of Mest Damagmg the Mine 'Nickel, endhen alnyest Sean ss The var ee Wel eae - is Miss Linton aPapils Concert pope oat in every of hie palliahes | in: Stratford smatear ciretes We notice | t ately Lizzie Welsh had left their | of tvs om Jaton OF Lawson, Kise M.. at 2h ee ae . % wine che wena aported Suitings. Fate, mel which bpm, rvagont the | wi bis addin | Character | Neue. Te i flies | Sek the ame sageToechat secs eae | pare ere et eee aor cs Tay oe sa og! ee co | ee ines Nichol! Stratford Now 10h ined" | Sentiog way te ae he a Thanliy | Met Elvand ornitrocks' of Midcheth-t paragren--: day Ev ge Qi ag $8 5 pt ga ps? | sisal te r iwi Wennds. a" . ic byeed '4 - ' 'aa - | ELEGANT TROWSERINGS. bus imatigation ;---alt these f Popa ot alleen MYSTERIOUS FINANCIAL TRANS. | Tam very much sorprined and oe sot i . | purposes erecting » portable sawmill onthe | SPECIAL BU SINENS Locate. - "ia Liahesi + wate ail roe Saicalh opens WTPISS . re think pee» ek. Aha eT, weet a peieapit | 'Sirk wig for tan ut i ont ak Spee u, ALoat Apel be w OODFLLLOWS BALL, STRETFORD HOBBY OVERCOATINGS! Se ieee came | Ax TmArTOND. see mane eee | tego Sec Meg stn ld, ima ee Ma ah =o 1 ich you serepitedt, shoabl fest ' " wares ' ' . a We wont? like te pesca pvt | atl abuse all 7 ep reve | Mine Weleh ix 4 ve of -- prog ta oreo performance Le repeated (as it is te 'be 'hoped | wR Tasik watts «IMG " pense }e0 yea who poe Previa to be + shame | nineteen or ternty sean Pla tat Sie = bow pear Sy the evening of Tuesday tie See a wen bara otk I be gens ytrintiane of ts of} ioe, Be Bn Li are ta be sppliedt eo-ahe eelighinae dt Racca res foe. eee stint scbout (ued. A-full douse iy hiahel Hotelkeepers, Shopkeepers, and all others whom it may Mise Welsh wanted « P were either fed, of arrel ever by Ce Amyot Tit be after: tee a "MERICAN AND THOUS UTS. |e Te roe | kote som See sicengin : eotiing Usest memt temas | the ch be jera| ue alien horas tm _somarlernbiynageeatt | Fs som Youre past he tutu by bissie Welsh, sister of And \ontend of me eck vot Kinds. iy fe wynarely ast | A fe ell te . N beach ail fairly, Colt Amyot treats ue to 8 series of | woakd with «little more pe, these el ee We LI ges wiel bow crasy you war c INDE RAR OF REIL MARE, | eo reetives sgeinet Hectar Taw | stage busiieas of the choras greatly im pane coger "G. T. Shops, syd eet ALITY. PRICE AND Po kevio ate} the tnoonmtstescies of hia joremat, } prosé Tit general . Witheat « ~ se <Santint. heen le M on the ohd _stemgs of | to be cmatdered too critical, we woals eer bs seetp Seng the Concern. - R n.| and the jury's soperubation to | #ug the adoption of quid nonce ol ust ty. Burt the pa! * 3 . ey ap oe gree each recuranmens! comtes blue biomes and white duck trons | vine eagle byes " wither 2 h wow in capital sentences saything ore, with blue capi ty the sailors, am Ee ee J POLA ND. SF seat ase ace the wieh som some tender * plumper and Sod Be, Paying tor "Bat ame . by SHUTE Expres ably whew it ne XORER [UT TveRs teeters the-drenad reagent ait nose cup" mere al « Ban! = style came known that a well known clei gy rar aceanaiia a | Llondebedding open others ' aib pagers The Sisters, comeine, and warts ovis ing--totuah matte xs ome j : cH aerenge done trr--bermaell and tine 'rn Bat reat taste being ir wart ee mgaled off tn Sg I bree hea ghee ayo x a -- Stratford Times r 'arnd bin cominsittion of dnd "| We ect ite sar sete Me, wr} ie. | Wl, See spske ane ssasiahh ad straight god that. she iri ber rat out "er gl my iene aactioneer | Saray PRATEORI j . "Wee + vat as honest ag Any yas ever halo t sy | Whe Gate But pare Tayi ape + STR "ORD 2 : : various iewding characters, but space pth hare cane dane Slee Leake Woke SO veal | ever will have, a 5 agar ete "| erick : * ae ! PRR mq Salen my ee oak wrt permit fn aword, amatuer <verier a load fer pon geal weil ae a that point, pie aupposd abe bas became ri feat nat K saar ten t i : a I Lemnncions P Wepnespay, Makctt24, 1556, | the speeches of Seaers. Royal, Cameroo. {Stmances do'nat aftes eiga suck 1 Ul $6 ut Ue eve sonemsban fog Migs, Weiah'e craks | F°%, 4 Bo reMBOR you 1 ne or | ae | Just receive Ta diet » " MA * | Wistiace; &e., til, my wast letter, by which peo raph gee dee maby hoon pace fens: ae peng tenges ys ma tegite -- vactling wad abasé Wer fair iaitrws roe is wee, | Hes oh a van Spay meg 3S ue té enjoy | wu, BS Va wie Market ty < , enitermases, i praise "is | + cuneer ever since the learned the wherrat os sare it at stand the test 0 the | _--_ pow at -uuls : Xt. S0TLE.. ayD mawasz2 | Sms ic indlcHontan may wat a vote will have | des Ay tive able manner im which the scousn, |." het trtemt shi. Min Maoh initpdajatine aud earth, which I. cows mu "fe arse ali deur when 3 | tutet little will ye srftarrtey Sua ats Stallions and Bulls , SPECIAL LorTORus connéstoxDEnce To | entsn Spe wi lig River Pompeo tat sesso ogy haal gig rtag ar ta Voted tet Oe Teas pitaslee mon pee x " eg ee ae Sas | MANTNERVI | ed Fass wim por bush, Oi eae : : x vs » represent |' ak lurther small appeared that Dr. 3 ete: hte the alsave a im ny do me then thas b ) r 1 Red Fass imal per bus vcs WK MANAWERS of 3 on ic THE STRATTON Tits Denies ot heolating Iertwenn. tbs: rival ia a. +), for the pare Sune sreses Ak. Is ene des i" deen red nine wants ly. ofice | smal mertong we-val a VILLE. the a ae ny babes toe donrrevey Fre a ) , ween Seer court ou Moaday the De. ewore that b io oe OH Satarday. March Gch." Sheqaptac | | Penne oe ssinnse he denon af Judged, o8 sani as write it | n t the | earremna thir aatiat wns with the mat Ker anh, sth le cet on me ot rind ty wt Therefor Vaniden. aioniing» $i tuu with the man | | MAEK ET SQUARE, STRATFORE), miter The Tien wan oh pram Containing | letter Sppeacs: * bey i Sena -- wad annecaced that Ur. Yeusa } ; yal th ' 4 | i seve mn nd 2 it heen, water soe Ory interning topes, we inthe of haat Cre eta ther "eae : itn uid artes thee presente Me Hestivet ursda the 22 A protease thee mame 3 -aanlah eet carro anda oe leader | A GENUINE CLEARING @UT IN oe night preva, the Whale cs ' mandy ty | oO rt is ck hin = rte al report, which shewped thet th nave |" uf of pel ime OMiWi; Or: Mara tS: T880. MRIAXNO * THE SHOE TRADE. was excited ee Te th ae ms Vesuaded thal « fj bt Leow received at the factory of i zy 5 ANOS re ou ner the Power = S genet Gs Ne - Pert " Se, 'he 1 = AN ENTERPRISING BURGLAR WHO TELE ASLEE! On kine AS AS TLD BY Mm WRES separate her fros he yee "o shle to | sunde a4 ' wet | mle ts <7 the heels, aivila ® Ov Ek BIA dO -- DESO" . Saturday wight aboot half - ne ts my some 5 ~ ay excep eo Nearly o of walk te t ration Bul of 18K3, the ipinen oi qa dntelligence. POLICR GREAT MAL branina want Tah otdtoek, Mr. Welsh sips he war peg rs | late take emint lenthe anit too sere foes The ¢ Sin af ¢ oe ag sop Darema ier tale have to thank Mr, Charle On. Thacelay: marning i Mprah en og asa cia a ber, then work wads while Yet yu 2 "oe x We Hi Con iene 5 pd esbnk, e's elas * » . Fe nSabeleseaanion A | to miur'rose Tom. Mr, W milton was re ager ordaageed turned away eabhe bs Ma savect, for late Kaglieh papery. matte store of Hamiton plage bihape: the shot | sail tim : Gon mad Mrs Webel ucatca hope bl tert tenting, t We ju wit tow ne ae wi ag toission, ae om Tharsay awl Pri. oul Uainlielc Mhivth il ofden: tectrines . the tira ape for | you any letters for me from my mother's aud mut thas oth Neowin mpats. Breen, bad my nah hn cd gtowe ee teeree Se Sen ise Iuelnvews aad during the discussion on Mr. Lady's nd pati: ith kad withest oullars trom 84 thelr eal calles had not legate partleuletly eas As} sia oes pipes tn Glamgow t be Veme Your Kose here and Aay sed wight mer) George Har Vi abe First motioned 4 bie present Sameel He tyaes ok the Gavernment I re n --F at ¢ i ately, the dghcloary patent y ¥¥. | replies re you" and » | Hoeven, your eutronwe into | netic "t <li 7 'is ¢ was Ue first man f | te enry Raven her a th "he cana Tee. oe nee a ener ta Aaah eR DY tet - et attention cients asa "ls Woleb, brother ef Lizaie law as mat Phew, there were an abd Geo, Marthe Drista: Wha abet: nburenk onlatak 6 2 iarkeae at; tad a CaeastOn ci ecu ee andl boxes to fi rh li daukoe: fe farther remark the ~~ vy the : neniiua stock or eet r tur struck Welsh Py M4 te. Vewaes. . asiience of many hundreds af persons care tasks, y aren we is selting cm the thers avers s ey ro He gave ony ae pred of which laa ra ket | athe a I pet are two ye me tection 1 forced pri » wi > ' we Very hil ' = en Wei ecrnee ey tieneter delegation -of nearly Ale a tat ata Md ea Cary soa, ot notion. deniers. 2 tek ol, ore bapeteRBe elsh could make a move ity. snd are € se Rinaa ie earn we me espns splat EProjeettear " p ie ie I a pel Fed OF WHE aa POR, PHN, Re, y Seer RR enough, spon wearin ruse more, b radorg see t morose the | ne lg of fe em, It will Fe sama Uy siete kaw want af-fanee. - Lstut-set ane it ull cities eountion interested in. th: Cosdition Sferaee he poms atl catel jurtna checks or aa teer, and cvidanaly working Half blinded 1 Welsh ahon blood to tow fre tr at any Man should write then a 4 _-- when George Harvey tobi me On M , aimee of ja einhes- tien---lenets e. he shouted ' marder " a theulting and al m such » Mewwday, the Hith inet. may na Treat Valley (anal--it pets fat on the ait rok a. hist oi eatice. was called in and he reeng ia aches nies Whthr trie aarent ieee: slesatoe tetine, reget iene "c romeexamitiod by Mr. Har uiloy, . seasouably inferred thet ' tN. Ap the acy somes . di oe nae } ties af the Gleke, ea SA; Land thet the a paccon mace iy Masket at, Stratford. - ather isn 4 rare = te by the coat want paler poling & = ery and aC es - Ate M dhoat 1s years, al ane ie 'Tae, r ' Pretens € af | the doorw yf . " ' Tn Canc rr tenis ef gre Gama on a ay ae | Sono cere aa Se a a raat fe betes ct ia Ottawa. The Trent Vaile snncnives as hia 24 ae pies Sate thom of or i' 7 peg PE ber. She ela: Ack Gk anteeee y men, an sohjet rt fire 6 ite "itt Q. il ye died at the of seven |. other would of course hb 2 sabes basa ore sik Led <i pple Vy he got into te the cellar, 'what be 'a ass be cay coy them, Ween aa bas Liazie W wale : ae a x ek Kher Siow | "san years i afin lela visited the House ander aay scene ical pra the day" Home Bale. » ete,» To all he ate rt ident Pease, is office and Welsh to oie Me] Ou thes : le acWitstdewsseeaclseentammenn nea The congrepation of Paras" char hase wig webbed sity disks 'Ber ea, Rae Pater Carn of Seat a Tat there thew bby this time the Hamiltows had sagen tol Sie tase wished asai Leet the & Oth November tasi, Mr. AWelek | Mr. Harting "on yes you will f vlerrnsdond sngek- fer lealeh tele. gebace cf muta JUUN PAY NE, PY WAGALT ta nagar or jeairous of embracing the, |" the 12th ins He x race tae that sing large ele His wm ounds dressed. 'The crowd expresses miei Se a DGesing snvnymous letter out of | know Mis o Welsh berlin to you | this year --The qnestion Vat RESET Secretary Te ¥. i them, rare opportunity af seeisig ana | Shor Waleh om, bes. oy ather, ail several pairs of of differ dct, an Mele freely ab the doctor's Con Jatin or ee rtd rnaem Mr. | Witmems re thing's sister per t tees te Ap Iie mired of Mise rt ; ee Pilate a tree caring our Heidi nats celebrities Bat rte ia Stn ore cae ran thanes - kines were miasing. As Ward had been 2 mere ford " r mith, T. 1, Strat. | *ie ie his ater: But what 'hae that to ita wed it -- » fball FRU youre at . promoted to the pastoral charbe mn Loss Srieg wih a wae nassed Willian Soarts, a | evening eater e mal 'the Saturday Wah this case t p woah deeb th ig te Ne who, to the ene » Haale fo ter, op Branewivk st, near entertain: City Now 10th 1845 Mr. Hasding--Do you baw aw M Li derstand that J. M, sewtt b Ta W - Cras muimber of at least Fathee Catlin car mek ore in bot ame he me DR. YEMEX'S ¥ John Welsh Blackstnith Welsh? Witness (tos aly) Yow. Nhe rented to give his ball thee - fern red Magy crowded eeiote "3 truubbe, ro a lady 7 . © court purposes. Mr Sertt te bln Armee Vextigate in that Sea proceeded to in-| | gDt Yemen ByT"he Waa Wanting tii aa Dye Sue x 1a bal eg gece ing "Certainly | Whew | for teas titeeality, : FRESCO Ve ing room unocea: | OT. . Mr. Thos, Naana, employed spon reveninl | tw posal cole look search pees Norway Shout Md o'elock Satur dociaty a SP Rar HE to te rast We poe breast -kaewrers "7 Ph eee aay Witne 1 | be got thirty ARTIST s, a ' pisces loath , : : exe 1 | pir hc eh enn aso yardman, | dem ecgasle er: Sid "tthe Pe atgis these coh opposite wr eet aie' rind you of yours Ac, you & | the yuestion was proper ane.} Tome js herpalrtios, + peste cof ion. the. dt FRES 4 aay ae oe } : A eiors hier for a Margiar. ting manta orntesie talk by cireule Witnens-~She waa'd " -- on court) for allowing the people t F co PAINTING ! ' "pepsi 2 was engaget a Tossed treet, caine up to tim, : < reports al " f ire y ' ¢ bent ' "Pte ' poe gr tour jase wing br Son so gay re also sei enon, speaking & word hit him on | the Weta rad bythe mame at Mise Lizsie | al > | abe peat 30 year oat wd hae toned 7 eine | sali rye} Si eting stot tt - ti * --_ Residraces, Cearchee- & halls 7 2 DM F ere trad by evidentl oT a Apd veded wand te be your niater, (feo freqeentit fer n visiting my office { hand ig ol war,vitlese. i ne Sante: Une wate of Me "oO NI Ww A AMBE RO. ON He RETR TAY Wi nko nerf ei eraser, wie called ta "tard did "all Ia Theee oriently ready for ship 1 5 pesiahed him severely, causing him t fmetemh ef toying bo he Priest Tatees ie tina ovate mig * ite _ Siaky'- ans. hace dapat eamedibed te -indLactoy 5 FETS he ae Ste * Were identified by the yell * murder and police." "Seve fly Prey ps aba a Bame | T have uev have waver oi, f. Hara "pei yee .seribe a lates { souae be be rn Lost the wile ot Netty sabeud. By a5 GU ee ik ie wheel th Bagers ill yet have Precgrony pas a two men's Fersious of the tom pe June ay but have beds Write tre thing 'ine | wharas ans: ae nae ie the atte VALUABLE ties FOR SALE Lamiry is thoes, inopelaive person, | Mr. Hobt. XN well ia ribs AD. Ahem mein +4 men had & somewhat similar | Ladies Iibag ighwat, terme bps renee by | Mr we; wl pay file oF des Geshe: pn ek + fall of scherglony ie ae %, ae balysrente re pwn in these bs Wards, and & party oli SF mulnight encounter with the late Dr rye ow, | repute is abe we tek th terhember of Qin aa CARTHACER. ; wuaziewunn he Pavers ee % i 2 Owl h ft aa throw aihegoarmuns son le: . ' ' peat some years ago, his reputating| in terms my" ve suspicion, the rf pete enn S> YOR om 'Tent Natunay night? m Monday evening, the With iust.,+ - aK iat-peae BALL ot Downie. rowing paper wade at the bald head ple who tare superstition wilt fi Michael Want « hard hitter mast pow T oe ike are Mise Welsh I did wot strike him tirw Pinher af ' . oe hie slepy jellow members & | ample ground for alarm eee re ormenieand for ttel duly established fe cubsideres | young Lady, she ia an exampde to all the | fed hot know the basal | die tones ot Foresters eorehied hore teams | hor t i daring the long which Friday fovea th seat ale armas with breaking into the store wi young Ladies of St mpte w all the 1 No writs im letter {| Motion el, » sogetone aabecstled have Foust iy wee = debates af last semion. He is the ide wht?" Premade der Someone | 'loneas intent. JOHN WELAM'S GRIRVANER, waa Mak weary prauford, it ism pity there | dae ami ee rn howp by My. Hard. | mhrerts om, Milllank and Wallace, | " ime Tom tabipy of a secaiea: bad. & row ln:imme af the curriders | At wil oo gaat = Faby. sed sient bane iabant ~ isi wal toes reporter intervigarmt bela | ZORE of praise, 40 'chat ip Fgh sane other Marten. aboven | dit aoe got it | i . ace, | nT ee eee wring the pared a idea He tree Fridays, Two months in, the H, a mute (a Ge . in few wots he related h. | acta iA becomes you oF wee t "Olid mot write any of the } the , Lad panera ine Fata ites caome in om Friday, anal two others go vit on | Bae the old High School. as, etreet, tomten ats is | or try be 'defates Gir oe i en Peisiuation kan oo betters m. he | eiicer ; ped in hich sti ea andl Hate were freely | at have po Pillage The ee po gory whe. ten apes eet beepers re. the blows he had re "pee Wr la or reflect upon sata TE ws hie sixpehurs a Hero, Shame ble A moet... He in simply @ vat, het: by 1 ee oe ¢ times on Fi "i the | th j trunk left at tee arnt a, | he ne aut hotter' oes" ig ; Te, Deadded. Sadie 'and best Pre ne. P< Neral on Man as Tahieh rays ant sealeealoed 'ncalig toon She fe fd ince mee a ronidaae of Buat pera be aed Lap, be ae ™ nothing xiont letter nigped ~ > ---~ rims bs ee, AG Ef, E Freechman, periectly honest, and » | Petey such wae not fe came from G wnght remitate wernt hs. Harding. W Derw eis, Mart "Sewties . artilean abe Fall ad w'homlewtic sed thee. | nore jth all one Frigg rs ges vamp ee 07 re Braemar Dad tiar ag Megha awe foors who in loved aml repecsess od bya as hee Mi ee eg ere eT Sct ee trical patriotiam. Hy im, therefu ouar < , ee, eNotes Sen bones, Hein: «married her, move (has Ust Wit 4 'a| Notio 3 man that Sir John, or any the 1%, Wie lat | week that chop & Virie annoanee. this ans ver found a large trunk, --_ about 40 years of age fie @ ine very imiu tke is said to 0 be a Srae 4 De 4 F ~C ie] ty Defers? Na. | @-to Contractors. other etateasa: bey are coe } when, sed Liecle trie } a he sho -" Jo hhie-sexmenn,: weet -ewnptoy- to -eneyy outo-f-2 kites of vauios nevwelt th tein ertake | ae ene disclosed the contents to be trines soap a Orit in politica, send an Dees | Lay Beware how yuu wet the Wo ahd wt sebersarn to pacce of political str idee baindtis work § cling woweral | ah (104) pairs of boots, S that, and 'considered cranky : bs Loris | kta, abl z | Bid sada Dad siting in bo itaaay dias strategy. txt 4 Fever stem wail pa dead shores slippers, ete., ofall sizes amd descrip. | 0" Pe inl puestions hy bi * Law ¥ wife | ComeldnCon mech madd mi caseed bate ween | JAMLMYN > HITE one the tepiber ie tact, silane pan rr se naput rp ti iver tke titers were bss --_ uf which were also indentiGed = bat zat ye Mconsiclered a pretty g y cr me Your pf Welsly anil od Me. | tarhee: MS Wire Arte pire oe mn pag aye gen giartonrpoayy aber re at fit start, dal being Breet Ss sane ot tise ua th ion aer net oe 2 10 his mother died, and tw "a ee lt and you | Weer Dill you ever call { | gt view ie ine, Shey iste ever} 8 4b Swarts, eo wethers an aeons » moe " quae il you eve: lor or take a . ; CHOC ; tc as it comple hes bom eh mol Ca a hes i Seer a be clatened Tigre shrty sol 8 ster mt oat te Canale nee gees atreke fe aoe weave actdrowuad eS HAAS ao: ' M Mey sf. they "insult ci pa si ox x. ork there is bias ol-tegaizn and dwt, Py uaderc] | Elisabeth wae about $) og pate ist wy. wd, bn aoe wees ft tow motion boca) $0 re or 12 years of age my oe faced tie et ti Sather, brother ecm or tread and every whilet rn are got tes rthet somuley: revealed that Mr, Andrew when abe came to Stratford, ber bro Ve - ai rimuad of a volunteer | [lila the farmers io the seighourkeod will Phe -m td yemoned thes tran ware-ooe two years and the "othe fo ther | Om the tith med woe ed "it ay a iektte pe i ee on uacblewente; ber many Cnfariaie, | I tue the Yepale of nt is mak what was bess dt capri Ter gras yan They alt Vive renee Seb winelieesetnetd ir, the following bet me Mored hi My 9 the witness tiad ee A social hour was rns. HS. pol ast i their agricultural im: pr a tet Boom of annus w wey their brother Juhu, until 1 or is Prevings answers ter whic . 'the senting be te ores wrong to haug the | uta, and machinery pie the cellar, ar | the bevthere diel, odin 10m when one of Gffice, addressed to 1 Mtr. Soha Woe ar U'lonee gv gud be io Diesen! with the ae meee Se ue Wain Me Waree to shea ot (Spot ha ae ted "or + Ss eee Bed ab :-Sihoe ' was the police were © stoking ou well, theyre brother died, Mr Welsh, tamed , ie ace dated a the 1 ia The letter is | "wer i keer i [ther repent the crewing aceiornpe rr x tad peiadion mC po . 4 ye it r call jo deities 7 marty Pe f they vous pbs nests psd dea {Agr On Our fli om Thareday, | this time visi aamall bots she Fieechote ed to theit F illmees and | the "17th" the geet atk tT, Ay ra ke ms Post ee cee @A MON = ont : ree 'nour pedi i wf koi . oF id Apris. « ; _ bee od + B. { % ay. * * i; ag aed fe Ue malounten nized we the lealing so ta thie in always | Charch street, © recent be house on | three "Stratford Nov 16 Coupe) U4 in| 'tue annual ten\ testing of the Met oe ( Sontag: teatwece Barr Backes on voles taf Dover fhe Rareag Dae yng oe bate "goes pa Re teges es to Mr a stl nya be by PA. el Be et a lt paren eater wee Eases ceoing wake } hetwees Mr. Hiak. and : 3 ther how 8 : be pete' mkt Tee = op . dae Sokeria Tine Uiebe wud ths i pilies. ot and pasa brs Pe gry a pear he re iate 1 aag Ps Tinta, to I = 2 Ie teadetatigethe te st i fort ie right, bs ¥ ANVEN Cheat the Partner | dey jot pier ig re "ery ug Me. Lay. | WhCh, we fret contident, will have the cect | s perder ob wil site this waa ny in it but if you | Hite x! in sy uf hes " tubtily~sewer om by, the Sndermigtaed workt the tov dite ing te won competition aroong the } A warrant mighlerhn hs , a three months. She as lived with « | Shout hee, age Rae cts: all you know | fet RE. | in order t their: peduetahing Agricultural 'tn |] =: themselves, aud rey peer pr pair woubd-be | the advertisensent i re _35 parte... iy | charging him a hare againet Swarts, aime dee a pews > Welah's, for tell you how te fe white Ses _ be adhe ectawrm! her oma La ' Hye "The os pe Pat yt imp ements t cele, in today's Tew. ving stolen ° ap oe i ae her tLaughter, re excellent, euste at tne eee pe may expect | stan the list of prizes and the mt ot ike pelt aAl soncmaarey flan knuwing We toe | Mra. Carters ak need cage ogee A preg teeny Bom ic ap ERE T9: SNNE T 5 Mr. Anas Witne Fs.< «sigue $ cigregaton Macdonald. Hacpn & Co. ae = Me. st rrpthlay 5 lmaegretiveg sol Ne oi wer ze er Soe mt guint a ate sumaner he her irsther noticed e away mat week ore ing ~18 what court did st I frost Leotes slisemrines Ae the quod things ' Ua lino idiaet 21 ? fe rty, 4 r Bergwane svt ae ver * bs a ou ni i n¢ chair an, . cy dir Senter banged one evidently gins 4 committee thee aber, nad er | af-aroaese is er lathes than woul Shenae Cn of ye Slianinbip 2 Witwean--T slide Dv. Uusinore aoa Rev. Mr Sane taken by | wittinsd + arte that his long period i ant alituen bu ° i ani whe enjoy 'the jobbers they bata Poftce nag Vicon, ow Frida i is marvel @ Stratfor! a to court, {calles uped. Me anne lot task' tie Sto opek has the peblic ti the i matidemce sh et on nA ch rome ith of November, Mr, Welsh Mr. Hat Sean pa convenient, jast as a ab grated addons. -- o : vetans: ri ied te " © ™ great foree amd warmth, and eet forth bux be pea pithons Tors " The iy was paid} talk ating aiphavee or » vat Otic begat Serough: the Htratweey patie ot st "by Sens ar i aa Aik Fox ina} trusted fl tha the leant te euaiully Ged ddlecte hen fake they or eee ee ee im And hia wife was ea GR sal Btratf Mr, Idim viet Wools held « ke Heat that the law ander which Kiel wns tried looted, pivting thee Pe at ap ote the Albion | The case Wacnen EE Pi, duty, Mise Lassie une. introduced to | ©. HOR tratford, New 19th 1885, tlelate ola tenes eet th one a ft BA "each DON AD, ages xet's ei 2 i wait rierm igi aro . D. amd | with. Me Hingion, Qe. mre tt ri de galego named. Niebol, reviding in I have received yuer letter, ne mitamey then made a-stateanent | in seerng them there: abn seat rues eaahy SAI AST faty WS. | they wafe WettuyOf ea a vs by sexing | the Crown, sed Mr, Gem é en Palstall ward, by Mr... Yemen, « weil | hough I axe reveived your Uetter, amd sl' | seringt bie Com teets sdticw. He anil he | a = = : arate that wired advances « soey frum eon * or cate ceca. = miaaslad sin city. Mr, Yemen is | *008t my Sister to any at ; 1 " wanted to talk o sana pao Prgrwagot Wry "Che array . = pre tom they desired | be popile, € Mx saat sou pie would ton wan Shyer reongnined vane woe ea 9 old « btw te the | be very glad to rains tor yw hn lawve Laugh! tated "i ra mom ie & fapeitde an . . ! ' trial, Wut aleo an <qeitshle erg ach summoned belare the | with a Fp produced is Court as his, | Nichols that Miss Wwenicies ie? the Miss | Shot Ser means'ef tiving:" 3 say wey that t negate, Secon be sree Liss Wah to his Lar Aes Sp singin we are FUNERAL DESIGNS of hin wi | tur went day for getting liquor w tte bo had lately ¢ to gre h \s woman she | ocae ere met u her |. tend wee anstiowed rt vp St Ents orénsiowi: o nd Peeyuire thems Se raaie TWh fixed at $1,500, areal eiyaboue being | large amount t og ee pag to live with when she left my house) as me rd a rd edireghag iMr, . - "ay tUT FLOWERS, dre 00, money ; Hy 2 < : ti 2 regan pry imteniately sak Foch sane "S roading tics ips accuned of rar "ailment iu this coun 7% beng ; then I shares my ines uot te Tdon't "yah Te? t lasetrent ie ser Ee RS e city, The proprietor of the Al oR herest-in the young Me} talkim ' ter) | B ¢ th t 's | Women, tu Jet. me " K te the crowd Li T mwid reli the intemled pu 4 'ate haar oad were rat pele found om tt ag Thareday | While oresche pi hail « comfortable bomen seth ng. ct Alinagh | te ftriet to ferme et te the irl that her pes had etter cope oO QU ETs, nee eae tent oh these Lair ae hich ( ef vate school Piper sometime: to a Bee - mir pe fg everything cles eet | up and | would fix ber seth. "She said abe | BASKETS ce icon pica ape Bb hare Breet td for Pr Seager gure er" ior Michal heard. that the gicl had Series we proper anawer fo ny | pct "she eat wi Se eee! pet 4 er ome man oft ascribed os Le stock, They | that knew eangg. oa aah resident in. Stratfont, no OTT ih she ved with fe TELS howd with in meres and. Feliece: Pistete, oe | ees Sapna te Siehely ened. ak | Nenu at Sas tone oo aioe us eek toto beet VoreGutn oie oltre ca | eck geaae wile abuses' bec--hit apy Yoon [ie newt MEH | plaintive sarki te thoes prt gre FO have 8 pitch sieue tke te Me whee be ok be . . lop i Acer Kapeitoee arlieh, ane maie her stay goal from Albert | st baal es 1 fe HAR'S Greenhouse, & m.,, . . ed the charge hanged for. | face, end i: oe sharp. wen | to leave it for & flow days for sale wanted | interviews, has SiedbohE the shooter' 'ours traly, -- 3 mal vated. (News tsi 4 Nhe vie | Nae wurder.of . out in fromt did not ask what _ | office, they decided to let their i bd Joux Waiew broken. f fixed her. lor wothing Reta hege shes PY, Semarrens bis trial and - mt he often gr as hat! wae ia it, he (Swartz: interesting The above letter aud ever since then hav n her guardian, He 13 , was aban this | Germans Phe wed: Fir: tive eel nan goer malate trlotaerto ! | and went to M heme, This the didt | Charles Pachert, care hort ane Mr. | I asbed ber if sh nt cay needs in Glas | ua ai t was under the went to Mra Beutter's, Draw ; care she had amy f. = . = Ganee for after sea. | smd i* continually bere a ot sie ak fal tepreesion that it wt + Om wick | hawe it to and ne of ap e. . : of be it we im last November. traced, and thereby ' she gave me the wugt, " i Nett é teen legalty haa | bain athletic | full of laste and boct-trees. He was | good thee, ee As she ee having s statis be See kale oe Fico dictated 6 tenet far her to steer We ales regret | MEVEK: zo wa : vew Buggy & Waggon Works, « justly found astontahedt and aeclas 8. OF al be the al ve eaten ; Sa . geailty, aa a ee 'when informed that it contained od that she got would tak who | er « I co ee mene of Mr and Mee. ¥ tad tes tee ati inet} a at ws ma ps age ce, pana te ate Citaxces, The nose 'nand Shien': thd toot eed iowa KeotLsRtT vac the @ the letters of "C. H.R." fron hus t & $10 | from the choir, as they w rm Powell Lida G: tevyes Patines Toure tok are Sebringuitle te geet tively fir cit} real estate ean Nae fy set it packet. It | 55 : . MYTLAXD, bat tees reeult of teh fal faa « on Moutreal Tal hens That _ Ever since | selves. When the y Were a host in thenr reer) A i _ _ Ward aed H packed by partion mamed | icy wther wae anxious to find out where wee ¥ Mr J. G. ¥ that t have beew get yey from the } proceeded with, Plaintive warbliog was Apa, vette "eM I mitlifant Houses Sa that Hynes pa WS a ce he of ft wee a He met ber on the street ine ing for letters for', HL. R."'and the Black ond's for Lizzie, in mute ened ¢ ak Mt spalitary. + yy vias - ee a pennant. ENRY YOST past theD = saked bien to take it te pron . Boer and shen be spoke to her | tice ter eabeve sapied Waa token ih thee wank ws Harding a betanoe, sing ASH AE Me es. Meas» Am CUES SAIC AL: arty" hes ee is tet, tren a ee that | ts be, or have anything to de Cn the uh Dic. Be. Me Wid wae mae ig "so chritian 4 with him. She did not a honared trank of : i complain that he with « letter from '" - Harding da jh neg ofieen, the sere ony thing pr as Mekdae De Ye had | Adair; which was worded jy alae letees + -- producing Teter | shes . > omen' nes * " A a . ie 5 name freely mentioned to his sister's cia. Ont, December 9th, 185. Ide hing at it, Ne" ster pry. | "tab," amd bet this baru + wi =f Ae Dee atid ie P ™ wavier x erat, Mr- Welsh naturally tried to get. at Metre eed Tee wnmnonse Ep veia ec| Mf the singed semen es MASTER Senter cane a ¢ and He-" © B.. able the treth of the afMfsir ¢ G.T. : 'er to my recollection 3 tchived Site nt Mr, Jobun Mhester cory rimming and Ke-'l a , to Bev dtetated it seeing | band, « harmouiows ti thee 2 rammttoe Setweter, agen 7 Fray at ao tt ted in, lew? papacy" hetenbinte of inte} Dear Sir. Stratford, i . tnt thik Teta Twill | has never hewn 'itueaned" ent veh sage Ie ome ci 1. Magy Nek io ee « Pond bss te of het | T have. some time past. armeny for! wekuan ie Lae. peg P| rie +t pee men Alpns ae T have received i ts . Pig bate write k ehh fn Livtevwnl 4 Yomen of this G6 ro shee eter Wes " Ste RE Yas mepGrepee oe Rasta, agen ; on yaareiswipeto bes Spies nian fo for damage, Oe | P rane tao ha ie ritedanad sialdalacnsaascrnaieemamresis NEW ADVER : oie wr + ADVERTISE a. - ent ot Rev byrargrelt Meg dear whet bee ofan Mies We Ls ees *e-tlice. eee heat awindier hae nie sews Baral. KTISEM ENTS 'a, At. only SAS. Heshinus 2c 4 ragtime that the ie amd hag | SO* comes for ber mupey a taaly. viv Meni and found the cust ora tepnieace jote. on. Johu et, tetrton mm Med 4. money to pour sister Lizsie for | Miss Welsh lived with one Mrs. tims, Ove evening last woe thas PO Woods and ery Namal sect, . a # rire rs. Farr. gave his mame aa Thos. b os F monger ar = " : pie ' : Pet wstce tiah's let allied nieside ng 'ten ab As Mr Youre malicions, and anion 8 9 SY ee set : s Kees. obey & pt gnome endl sen Mitel orth: West "counted Police t aris Er ' . apology in in made a pemming.. rt a a ager in . the ; Doctor to the | dit wot know he Wid net go 4 aS agg mri aie vagy ape shot, hich he's prose SSO Eis ike | se etn ih Spe dee ee satel tat yt a Tenders fer Horses. cure written to prisoner by pq | it the neigh? been purvhaswl by farmers h. Amo Apa ni . tend Mr 'Adair hides rib Fong sing are am mas nn Neabneke: » - 9 seme Hace z may we other lett, | *te rpey . araty might % Ay nen a 8. tine. i + Frome te oh - ist stored four the couvenirace of the weschalipiee: . * re refesemip 1 Mian Welsh nathing of te Uvace satan Aartebhece. dbee. tebe ao a0 action : nature ey . Bai | be owt in hig bac ant al ae wae tried of Momteith rs. re ever took place between Mis | lo order Sat Phere usight Eg dgnertrayg: ww The re a ee ae ae ee 'Sortign on anremnect | HOW? | ewan and eet nas Ce Nuke 6 Hara i Vp my ming) Pty uetil i: cold be removed be the upea ¥ embrella, f neree Phases = The agre mes by the porens mcnet was had oF any moaned COG sin: pleeaehe aod talk of rp 4 City of 'Str xt fe a bad mot tere jk | Snegemmnieh" Ahem deer ates eee Bor pmo eaul, Mery And Weed vied, F ate ort PISHE 4 one one from B. Black woe, | | tn St. being R & PIRIE. nasa P - Wh bon ne the some povnen. si DEMCEIPT ION, he outeite add reves pica laa , 'ho trial written is 6 totally ditirent hamt.-"The Sate eT eS sen Lee te. "ah Won crete ae themes bhiging mene Nene Sone rm and sant her money. | rye, free 15. be Bhewiert 3 je] work a Ses Magee et fo rors Range 18a. ore that aoe ati AMensivral ewivilers, Mr wa "pantie, HNOTNES, BOLLE, MILE annie: H "ere <n Seem Se it Bok ~ ve yaars ° ; HIM MACHINES. Cebit Sete oh be ghee acquainted with Mise Wixb. | . Bi a par ene bein Bacsipinteicte dharite petayanr - BINDERS, REAPHIX ot sf the sola) wane of sual to tem for Mike e A EATS, Oo hee tertertang De heteg torsdhered be 4 wise = tne MOWERS, PLOWS, ~ Stet Mates Sore ks erty ng tear : cis' letters and tery the HA easech dt [fe hn th Ante spre Fk i oan - teed. Bre | at Presivgter ian rhs ithe St Kexice oe) ser te WArARR, tor ten came absnus Someg oe} ere" heey" were ns ehh hs Senet Ve Sh weeepterd tee Stagg Stee iat 'hae she worked ot Mi Y im te wa, Mothe Stears ai rte wit be Ba i " Mr ii in Be Oes Fitting Aras wt tiie} "Ewe wri Rei es i sihnnd oaks set tos fens: : zee = ogg a ae --\ TN ala! rik eae THE TE wikia os Yap . meee Siemens" pense ne woah Ls 2 ial Sp Ra my 8 ciineataaed