» be | THE STRAIT y thirty ate 6 * pile eas Ts mirwttard Every Wednesda raw Pre: ~$i i Te ere oo por apne, | Need & fa aan nat pal. y Morning. ORD TIMES, | The colebratien of j be te sackent Cnet tho wets the aler. I heated eleht Gaya timited te Slee © woe se ee ef the . ~ wt | 13 be qalte clear comalen are of ee ox Eas...' om ~ | ESN oie, pode ---- nt t . te have NO>- 89. | atee uence om The a | eamne fa Aye wes 'whieh had become ° - > 5 typ ' | worship of thie wes econ : ae ~ SSDAY. MAY o -ISS6, HEALTH. deeply ee aha one + emt Rooate per iT... WEDNES F. "a to Kagland Sezeme ok I f TEORD, ONT.. Hath, tour throuzh half the tr Delile a centuries the werehip was lent sa <iha Tar wabeeyened 1 ; STRA dally. epee: hers x0 interest | to Rath, vale ence ree} Dox # vo Ix, te | thera, When Cholstioalty waa tome 0 aa matter, running for 3, @, 9uud ¢. - opened, the 'all *} | at lect s step fe the rah ee in | te, javt afew minutes, listen 2 ected with \ ee . Soe bee's eutekde such Great North ms thing ma- | Listen, reet oat many oe eharch there. ae : FOL. ¥ BOY MURDERER. FOR L0 * | Seton or ef tact, arkham's /Tisory, The | ¢ S| fashions of tight | po ~All eben VOL. XL A FUGITITE sd saa maid le wide, Phone» Oasechs was ox | ; Viale dc aa) as eon wise ee favs taoned be jeneped Joy at the rising fares of the Lad whe " Matawan Davowren,' | Childs Guide, bee | You have brem all, Volt " the dark ages" this Semmer's bear oma fey et the rising Thr Adres ptoncanlirrond By the Author of * M Poce------} ceded on gstnalyat tone irteade of home, wet forgeteen So ot was | Sanam © the dnt ages attennated wi spiah oh Sn" gpa ru tabeed. Lovn-on-bagee t eed pever time make belleve wee plates been timid Sen Hotels, de. The etuer dogo wsvel-talneds | - Wire," * Repay Hoe: wad Gane" aa en aaene | od iyeutad. Be Tom oo ged ave nya: | Rodin padi weer quest. rection of Cat Peenilhs "il Ses: ne rere = ~y } "| bey of 1S stepped « perth of Greea " ae eoelal fertab' ean ot a | notes, Bow line 1 Oa, oen's | ly, bet clothe daring past ef Easter origin. me Fog gyn pe ee a G2 HOTE { Woke ceca a BAND," Meng Villa,» la satelite thi heart of 0 | notes. y amas l cow pun ment Saul rate be cometed heck tote the | | 7 obeve rity. ouch ever, the Ey 8 ore | Partita ri mn He ashed for employ i be Meera sen } tad pl Wi ta - ot the) be Ove yeare since 1 veld pate pd in ten yours wa emangne sete _-- wad fee 'af is " pho ee errat ron, ONs: wer' - ome aaties eribera Kegian, --how long la lt since i bave euthor C. Ty ne " { cya bowers ae amy gaze hie 4a Om APT Say weal ber wll ger Try en irs a eoerem erg | Sr t ------ bart wer on of the svulies, men- a8 this ad JOB PRI NC sats of | ous nae fun TY. rreponiee, merattond low nem 4 wed wae (Alcs Seale ommcin is aces ma Dekene last theee yond pet rae wciny urd," be ster, feahten 1 desatttal hedies by iat Sethe lows rie k's therefore me .T.HAGAR 5 1 Freeman, the marderer © Sash faded from rather tame the house was.a bavinest | yeep te the bathing machine, Date deters: yout fa just ve many | Sees Paaove-, : to ce tow. ' tel, | . The boy feli that cherie | The maater of bad © bald bead | palling out yo there re error dickinl folly, There te just 7 he Y ym thie town. | rth's Ho | oa at Toosen, 7, begging taiehty-- Vel--poor Val = ys man, whe wore glasses, He (804 moticntog te get to D epdene, | seoh aveirdupele ¢{ your sody, ren | toed this day, ] A rt Manages pe heer ees bla secret on SE t catalaly nee, wate nad thick san ae . gos et | Sey te wey Pear solarged, and the | oy eas alll povesoests " oo - ir » heated chat (wi bie Be affection Gad cat resson Jana a = wee ger q ' e weed the tavetiiog pe of the " He maid be het henting, be raid | oo, aod inet: taneene bictemen ef nature's moulding will =e | and the tre n the reputation of the $8, DIZZINESS, rabit rn n ' ter the berctital cutiines lene the the -- | patrows BtLIOUoNE ¥ sity, They were rabit gut oly unanswered fied nothing. bess") The face wii Ewin ah which pabratien ad Legal. | ghee tor trvt-clnae with the chotcent of | PSIA, Ath Se pare Dot yoy tavtog emget sight nts 'a year, Bat l coald | Be Aeweaveds-- Epo. won up te the 'The Pines hag ter ages finanglal an | SET Os SORMESULIy yeppanes with st tne ber. | DY SPE FLUTTERING dit. His companion ran ts : | 'You scammed to have | of exmmer, of old age. The! .) poe Lad Sabb Saieteecaeee 3 a pian the bawt saeare bevt } AMDIGE SF OF THE HEART, bie foot tripped de | Yo in my care, va with = Soh, very | 'any prove of many oe anaes year ose Assurance Co. sy Tinie baton f d Fores GAUNDICE, pa n falilog the gab was the ; atl ringiog | pletely, and » determined to | the soproraas of se wt a & has Western Fire ua om Fir wig YSIPELAS, ACIOITY to the ground, the bedy of the | 544, yeu, my I evaget | onver aguie of car Lord'y st TeCORPOR TED» foré, April 2. rest &R THE STOMACH, ; the load entering | heart? | - my besd with you semore, 4 © barbareue monster, | and day epen this pot ii a iglae > . HOTEL. SALT RHF U charged, abilng bin. Seath | Tis whah wae there opinions Welt ther : ad, nd ebed | alwaywexteted. Chrensiogy capstan -- « EROTLL, VICTORIA ' HEART BURN, DeYNESS pat tna tare wort Ewes" there : aay, {eres his owe tse i 'tes ; but eomehow I coulda -- Feelae, | seems greatly at fault, ot the custome I ingien's Riek, /NEM ATRERT, STRATFORD, rn THE SKIN, |") Mae has been botly purwoed | i4cad wecepareatperseter ngs in general, oF om f fou) ©. "Ye balls and parties ; , Yeu followed me of the artiet, the ph rar dient the ortgta a St DOWNIE #TR rrovnueToR, | MF sary pias ioneva, stone | Cusetinn Sask He a party reached foie posed me. | nese seein i parte Sm heb Nev under | got peat tuauee bout ah Orta Pid tee malate ed eng ts "pitt sprees perl event, the event iteclf ' oP sRADT x, : Gamréqest LIVER, BL.O0o, | stver jest-ae Fi npt te detede | tact mah as pou did? W great eorl | duriog : i and ; ev of the fashion ja: the tales of | the celebration -ORTHOUS ! yosern ox i wate Pky . | Gp bereguocin enate om pee San | --« gitl with the shadew of ot | juye reat clapred elec: Msad | that factiiar ana, every swallow twitter' | pagee crveitien, What eyeal tbe tals of Eecnns . ss THOS. = rons Etc. | gamer CL AR pubes at moderate prices T. MILBURN & €6.. ina Fred, pes ere aay hindrance. A Meoking ca rom % for, oneak » Bh herp dr aeoneyp of meat peter | iss the old herel heer inka po a - lngoleseion. sod neds ate | ' aully | T Calvary furntebed tere ms Barrist t K.eTRAT | thee tra velil Liquars sed © m7 . a a - ed, end he time te let | yours--gtve unsoagh that |, sel ie ag that life was ree ther med to 4 | or oat wita oh, bridal to | Moume mil-day nese the. ait leiadmrias oo ibar ene " » : meer) $100 ya | of your heart to --what! | Evten Square, arcely bear, Ye 'oe ea Mand, yeur of | _ her babes, | when, amidst the It be fated FICK ODF ae Yay Be Mar, Gud OBA ns KIRK, wea pala - of the stories | treasures, English bey ber che culd ec: of her fata, W ner Val, and bring ber | girl vetary strangle ber pretty | oer he erled, - Ay Mtenafaed, Po. th, ste i KIRK & AURVEYORS, | she bey Sech are It eo wrenght upon | 4.) shailow-minded though, @ barthen ved the bitternesss to Mscd! Ge find her, Val, erheod, to strang' meriea, bsvalld : Tegelionl gd the " om, - 7" - : J | fied cat, he had ow healthy ae as | {th btteer me: c no parallel , Murattord, Jany. 1, ome .ON, £2 TON HOUSE, | CIVIL7ENGINERES AND : | told of bie adventures, that he was al: | atver could & myself in your 4, si pod ae : , . kindly re- | ind leave her | ed, the fret Kester BCE S08, MILVER aa Street. Stratford, of hie frlenda I've tried to pa and was We Her bair he Wilt you kindy on G. W, LAWRESC _ os ONT Idington's Block, rie 0 investicns secured | 0 pathy tatere | rows, r of her Kectory plioperd "| beg your parden. at De you | iem and hen years -of-| soene mf? years ago. ft : weyesthaw MEL VERTIS 'ateste for T KIRK | ey rae . the boy's pisce often enough pected | the days the seatescr all ever agai j aresl thing te | nearly nineters hundred the place ee cory, Onavafancare, rover 4 'NG, Hea. Proprietor, JOSEPH @, KIRK. + Ria | ward of $200 has bees © - gyre ee ee oe ung onl more orept clara bo Et nie very, very pt tt dttoh. | "2b 8 very patience have very "So thel Nea to removed from Ih te Mier wen eee denaaier or me) eetant: Tee a "pprebenston, ea ns el tne over forehead, the one would read tn a book! ow twit. | etrive fer a hry ag ie | crocticion wns in this eno Pubiie,.- 4 ' LATTAYTLA tratfordt, . , pre 5 . { = sani for Ons ror mei aa. tta Gamba sonal Large N Topers. iy, with soured fase ; then ber sper cr sed bree egnie erree Te ea ag* | hedge, blade ef . girls mast be sesailed te buey up sthoed, Hen, se TH eas ae eae coo ONS may A. HEPBURN, . | = St ee ae pe we se at yore, ond | ae callons, eagrate | Sictaring stays. There ha Parettosst NEY SMIT H,} C Tepe aes LV RR FON Ue | io Q DESIGNS. PLANSOF | Denes ond Gar conti ian her- check. Oe, the bithernens, the bad wet the merry ring oa mb beer A jo! Mold your ogy eet peter pret untverml $56 brat nse, E. SYDNE | atypia. bine am careful atteation ROMITECTURAL D1 Hei'dimes drawe | The "7 ak tified her, 5 the enet-- ia the thas | ful girl! At last I coe ' ns T. MARKY, ONT, | [ton anne tabeen a =o wares " AO " we ae take | of her fate! That guarded ail | tock ue mene. le of her duties - BAmusrnn tt | Reiiventoe. 8 N am HOUSE. * i AE ot sine ree Oe hen tity te! and from | gretekiy aia Mra. Hamphreys Pngere , Hes heme a 7 with operifentions ta ane Fighting A | ber life alike frem friend hich abe | the energy, = Bars N BE HAKDING, . pLENNON. wen ENO? | ance ns eS a ae A tre 'e Idle tongue La eoge t fata, | She bad ot the from the gray torpor aS ee the aperture of F I ick ne | ST. MaRys STPORD AND BT. 4 « | net even Alppan' daily cloa fing . te be M on | RLENWON, PROPR EPOR, KILBURN, fis Sorceeare a SS Bee a Seka Se Se sity. # * -- 7 . f one thirsty seu! her face | Ob, it was well fed and ployer', | snd I'm so : take core af me a8 | ee eatal that you crucified Lord, sorre ted scoommodation TECT breast of ene me fellow topers blurted oat thus te | ehe Hil-treated by her « a home aad rsa ary be " ; to wateh dr}: ree Nhe Sree -- ea, Meee secemmedation ARCHITECT. 1a beg Se |e Vhe told | insulted or erwerked. Why shou dear, without ge Hag ager | | *hemenives te the gundes aren ; GEARING, for t-areiere ankne oy St the Har, | 7 . | ; Rea more heartily, w compar be know this! | aad crrtainly not ov herself! the | ence, dear, on have given me | = ly by the ea 'ean tad oo = SMITH & UEA Be beat Livre, A ne 8 the publia, Terms | at's Bank. | the fsgen, than a j led nim | =" How did you " she then reek to better horse conviction | ble ; for indeed 5 maser [7 ae = ae ry Se me: fpeascansin enn fer Office -Over Mowat's ~ _ | warn to and quantit!es ontiti j yout Sarely be did not buried in her the bad fretted over = it ae it te! sarod yes she} = Waasine to Bean | zee that the haart | she by Barr ; ' 200s. Orem ; - | teen of pain ows ing } atlaet, ber fi first forcing apes * e% wpe aod take care gel . | givings humiliated siti F STRATFORD Stratford, Nev. Zh, | 'ted Where severs! of " drinking | forth lw had been ttold her, strive as le sharply, withdrawing | years s v8 SP | come atterly ae "fit whee they" wa, TEL i o. " tay | the same vessels this qarstion le | trembling Why, nebedy child | he conviction that t | repeated » little round her walet, | Por some the csuatry to gi of of sites tose ng * ON | CITY OTE, Martie © Gracie Works: I ee seerertang ne poe a Seer Wine he Seer ee ee ESR eat | eat seis | ieet, mip Se pep ord, Awa Gh if - | ° > ald | foun: it no ey lw commen. | 3) 5 énname f t meer >Pherson, | ™* te, PROPRIKTOR, apa Teaeriere fh | OSs ohn aveuien thentets a vegiior mae! (aimee . | tdon tn the detl, pe goo Oe ea einen ee iy, | weing tly founded on the idea som | tote er use herer. "Be ak Gan iwart & McF' ROBT. SHORE, PL: ANGE A SHATMEAN, Inporten hove seas mail 0 seater a | «Vou tbe fre ght 1 spent a the Kew | place natarce of her yeang pe; voley, | aoa, s oar prs Moy dad Te, eae awe « ro of Pilate to have werent AUCTIONE . tins Cin ae te the | ahd manu) mnemenits oe hb shou! ert! | "Yeu: . fo together j et particularty trod' te love bending over her, . now. | "fl ry | perm sete ed by woldiers of the pre oie eas part tabling Accommodats | Pare i rw while we mat abate L she bed j trlena ef my lide, dow » ned worthy ; t of nutriment ; alse yblch will nec: | sealed aed ty consciences SALEM nites ao an ee Tae | Largest Stabi Fre woriptions out in fe | a. doubtless the | tory, " } them, tried | fered meee. 1am & q a: toh the gull! place, Ripe re msi Stee 7. i ay 'mtrat } tankards we have | think tt was ; first, and | ]--1 have saflere ' Bat a yea are | have seme medical hich it conceals, ood feared might take 52 7. Frac) sere ane ott wit be seid sri { wed > | of " wore') Wiles ty Teh pen the GbieT". {3hom. at necrssity to them, I know -- eho be? Ba y ts | gralize the alochel 'w' jodised priewth f{ the night crept silently oteeneay spanned claw ls t oo Pes Gxedat regs | * fized to make herself a They liked ber, | of you, ; lay your dear band are withest The dark hears etic gleam of plements. Consign = his Hotel is Gitted up in first. | d replaced by hoops fx la hn °P ult was failure, y id any ol true, be merciful; lay 1) be my wifé and theortes The use the first preph "Orrick cae ape . a the Bar supplied the - -- i sz meerneay his followers : Olga nedd way ing-- ccnmated hav, os well on rd che to isnve and say that aC im Kagiand. I-- | the hang ap ee Pe Aa see . of | | ary _ the advancing day, 4 the areas WALT ML. PAERGON, | iw Ligaaee | WwW. 8. COWAN, Fates ect vas Wienees 5 vevets halt. | ieee 7 rane et ee ee nh ware he tn Mave ma son onal pen chen, Mand, | knew of beer of all the "mee | semes wea hed ee be first at the ee : --_--j { enekeneene |" There shall ; the three | +4 am gol the . | them, she koew there soe tamete | T have tov cenec! fatty deposl burried awa "the precl : =. ya, ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. i CTIONEER VALUATOR, ke. i 7 aves antl as ong dRoas and I } 'ais ne y soppens bes ed pest, | & regret warted om ber by You know now, de you! 1he--the ® nl and deceptive tien of che tenet | They cee the ambaim Rawannsbie hates ot we Mant * = Market tquare | AU : | ts felony to drink email beer. | be of Sap aay yen Oe lo bat d nstetion ledge has come a little 'tle him with | end perversion of yay eee tbe kid: | aploes ial aow a ses _ he A ™ Ait tees OW. Laid naw: eo ayn 18 FITTED UP IN THE | (ATTENDED j= ---- | to make friende eyelid sredapegeney | rei ara Te O iaean- 5 tuftamesatlon oF beth | fot pa nage eae greet stone Marner Halting nis wot ban siyie The tats is wat os: h or Oxford, | hat Whur maa Sena cola. , Morypes 0, | par re eleved yon toot" | neya, are r apres Lape " ae on oom " 317 | coiled in Conate ann ere ry tnnerucnnn in Counties of Pert | What They bat Ido whes | knew, and coald J sseren, { naen sip me returned effaaively,. | iy pe changing all the higher | ¢ ab the deer" whet const -- : +| etme iret considera: neg | Mice, promptly | " know w! * for, strong 4 < My. daiing,. be. it to bie arrests the reasen, sntmalies, semsaal, | which io lower nt, Money,} en Come Drdere left at The Tine Office, p: | | Faunte--** Do you mamma to bet! vinegar | ways, will nocd and I | Meh hand and carrying Iie | feectttar tute mero antinalts nation and bese: 6 Per Ce sie ae lebrated Lager and | Or in 36 | T haves cold? I get toute' the cod | Maud, you slmeet | to reizing her ly end and aim of mp life | teout varied ealy Lent In | find the stone has already with the - vreneey. 4" AT! Taylor & Bates Colebra | meratiocs Aug. Bnd, ise, | . » Het outs' | dled leaving you " S| =) allow afection, | + ts will be the only J pr pose md ieee and brutal. et fellowed the teterview 4 ARO st SERA svete | Aloson Draught and in Bottles | i. stor, McBETH |sea Tithe i" Se ee eee ee tae ie ain Bs hnede ies eS ae ee | wus, cactchicg "ber Mand "from "thar | S¢ARgRt Stat are soneaiamy =e Sony | oe, rae Fim maf fray Bh ne ee A Renin om Sa eh D.'Mo al "hare lp again ieweled dngre tvs ptrt sey. f02y semomstaion en haaet wim pon. Ton are | Toe A SEN onght wa oot thar a LER -- ee . -- is - NUMEROUS } on do when you haves | er small jeweled f ; He 1) Thank you, ani to the bedy | them joy, sad unq ' ; 7 DEN PORM: UIs ie that he ts ia | Bessie, what do you | forte her « wanth dead. She bad lingerel | + Than | @i- | With = raptarocs startling news Gentterd, Jennary Stratford, Aug. 4, 10 ARS Ns we Somer: aad the yabl fancy stenda, | t . | of pretty =a. ina low steady unt Elisa wae ¥ | cemmenly provoke scute | falth they receive this the ra} nienieceinaeeetranemnanaian W My lee of brackets, fancy me --"T cough," ica," aowwered Mund, O'pa, can menthe 4 | or mind will | ee Foch off te make 'and ---- . MACGREGOE aa ] trecturting mew ety ; Ef. hae --"T oe j Your bands and mine, will | only « tow Maad 7 y = od. . macoem ; CENTRAL HOTEL | ~Pictore Framing Spetanty 3 , aps - tore pes Se | vem ans friendablp or good wiarn to Bath, gpa Paap none eri wad Compered with Inebristes whe use differ. | tidings te the sorrow-strick: The SHR AGRNT. MONE ~~" STRATFORD B tine tnah bawe, Kair and keys tn ate Twenty mm In the Royal Univ | again * shoulders, ly investing the five ' ned out Acswer me at| iii of al ob ty ot | soa nigh uh cnugpien Peter the RBURANCE = ot wana mae oe STRATFO THE | _,¥Wimeteings, ange for | ret examinatio: | SThe other shragged her A sic sr abrsipe et pea lead, as What told you! 4 ao sese- | dlesigios, wt . oe ae & Laan, rae os 4 Mes WILSON, PB Sires 1 © ph ae "ght of takes in exch lor Ireland. = oe x scott i. Toanasy ne the Gina} | ber father for ber old age. ' ence whe told yout - | e ay bee yer nth yr hare | John, do mo gall The two " ache ec mg date ome - the Bescon Bout Blogs | Ott viata brag ere | * Ained lost meeting, Maud-- eat provision fer te escape from het | cace--s i beforo her crimeos Spore £7 = t. tn | story of the two incredulous, were ev Jam tn, jane, aot en te the Bescon a he | are INTARIO 8T., near Albion Hotel | | sy this te ~~) 1, I'm sorry fer fh, ve Her greataim was entirely, in the He ates Pros nervously, » | Shak bane leo very Cosmas Sen . : rnlabed ' NT: ' ' . . hair bie a . beervation lowest | though wien to "EDNIGTON & PALM ER, ar is kept "comments renee Beenie Bai tenttord, Apri tate, mu | VIS "Gao | int soyou wil. i best Cement rama orld, vo that none of her be was) picture ct start -- bp samen' | \ be comers peta sar oath Blip donncad * the wren of thd - cnavelions IRS, BTC.) = bquors and Sieown Pane te. SANE | \egg@r PERRY DA tee the setvem of feel a Hittle pat ioe s id trace her. In this ° * Ne--nebody told me, 1 \ > closely class of ruffians | thomeelven | omens Temabeertives Say BARRISTSF a jan bounads, "Deen eam rane! CLELAND & K: Hyg PAI KILLER [aes fae tinal fel a ise pie --_s trl ly ko era Larmee fey r men as moet dangncome ead (en ES weader ; STRATFORD Atiesitiom and elviiing ater 7 aah pi gts T H A N- pe pie's in hn minctes, so sitmation as companion there Erase >You yet ha I thooght--I noped-- | fa our 4 bene perk peat maly Unown AME | Sen, Alee pentbian La ™ je | which will be tealh | * or dow | better 1° the elias 4 Pater then 3 tomb. dons tneneson, «2 C., Ovnaty i epertfally aren WIS, Propricsive CENFRAL BLACKSMI United rr) gyre seeped eed nat aT arr the _ tly fora peat 1 afi white), 6 wow. liyfig to me ete ten od, oF 7 on the Plains. | tate i=petuceity tara and be a Neda , wD . » Partner « Gredu am _ | lp Coenen, hen I think taking her place, | + " You neither thought, hoped, de Ride - | Joan fotlews him, LEND. 1, June 1a, 5 The Santer Shoeing = hool. , ' Werk shopa, Lien together, w: od wed a. aed, af "he Yon dabeut the matter wiy and cautl- | . the tig Se | or ne t Pe on. Werkshey | senay Joye we Set near | Oh cece came te . ove mer our head hi the river, new. slowly new | lieved. and resurrection of ae ~ 5 a ; - r ZING A SPRCIALTY. 'lantations, Nurses in Hospitals, r rm Aveugh 'shoulder, your | * sthoe ake applied to, "} would have paver v sie the wide sand-bara, new | The birth, death ac oe Mrntfort, deny och . ° Lg - ! HORSE4HUKING A SPRCLA | Plantations, * iomed on your the cen. | Gres a u ter the ever) wou! ou Afty yeare? It was y by the rapid | = Roserend are the mest 4 a t ae heed onah: mine that of reeident 7 1 Hyed beside y: e deny t-- | Hiding al abled history W. MOWAT & SON, | P alace Cigar Divan * | _Persieniar Attention paid se saarbetnmet tect shmoet mde we fol geod panne [ore creed Whey te Boop for wey | ted STs aoacah tal oe | Sontag Servet « Si tm toed Geoe {oun thems tous conte tably : j / n- 4 " | | BANKERS, si) BILLIARD 2B « Rae STRATE ORD ONT . fee the othe con atace wir placit re orten ad nicee haces At iets the | the Country of Hell, la, inky black 7 . a, cat ore ne . se '+ * i _ use aitine rest ba as ot, for s ky | Plaine load. a Indian | ress. (Established . See RD Td ay | tano St tons tere A MATER S4ttine Cootes soma ne eee | ai, Bet | Daring ail that time ~\ hed kaown in He sapien agh wach & presi | a dened | * Withia she weeks of a ce | = : -- sean shan SPER Soe ww. " j owe bed sabditteney lar eer aren 8 apse completely | truth. Is sre bed k= ten bn good | down the past inv cilnn, pests " thas great event was the Siar y Ccanah Vesape the vt ITER we Pic ae of Perth. " ¥ COLDS, CITLLS, CON= | Tua oes flerting feelteg, an iva | on days, She ea: o her lawyer, | chancel that nim so devetediy, se un ng peste fast crn mbling 3, | Bays one, Christian ; within & ye reg nty SUDDEN "AGE OF that was ently « the ber nel even to har mes laced bin | brads static * | Gu faith of every historic Wwe filltvon di NSTARKS & COUN an, Cou A NS OR STOPPAGE die- | in lealag heres y, did she | wo the lonely ol a "dugout," | +i the SA with tannd fey wes ; Ki the arden will be 4 GESTION t breath of } ed her small property, ft Mre reasonably, »" she went on | We | of the passage flying | years of tertimonials i Pim, staan 3 : ee eee ee | ao year ie cae draco ae end a ad scores ' anufact _ a 4 : | 5 Trae saployer,, lived | : ataieg meee seen ts abe ' vielew oan tae iA | Sono sa ie pate, Seek, 5 weal | ee , ber fir had Pane © expeet Paryeodioniar s@f9-benks, | vouenenfed of s young . ten to three wolec tae wait. pleasures, I have | happ the knew } lows. ye 'an 0 | Fiver 'at the toch of from the scute aad whee same r i BB teoxienoe at his affes. 2 THROAT. &e toe 1 wanted--weli-- | for so man J ished with ber Ig: | eid myself up te you crumbling away of our beat, scaring calot and persecutor, " ms SORE aduiation-- alte me in the next oad teobeeed t satheti lato | that II will yi t 1! thew dare by the passage wits Gying, | Pharieale »: : pie cLG 2 wilt te extay, Thureiay. Fri. APVLIED EXTERNALLY, obtalned--what aw: t Inflence of | and pr ental or | gift trem her at Lt 7 | caueed be and » se Seal." $s ths Seen» je am eel D RETAL. eS Erk at cate cote darian mane See ee Giak ott doar ag effectually 82 norance drtttieg Every day she | ou gi it me by such © suppest or | §P Socks ~~ the river throug' 1s fas of th remeron super. 5 Sold. 4 Me age thows | | WITOLESALE AM yond Saturday exrentenc RERET on eummer days | which was of the every | heed . @ sesume, withoat doubt ine winged heron with waving grasses reste ee fe the - = i Co, Clerk, CTIVE amb tes 2 these cleepy besa. ht less and less haunts | How dare yc ke the truth--ebe, prairies covered tute the In- | then upon Chctatinn religion, | | one im all Kinds of hon nana ain MOWING THE Pais it they had never net learn te bac | and the oumay be westionitg, that she ape sdveatar: | lovely penicies covered, Sowers, of | strectare of ." and by H Aleo, dealers in all kind kT IN KE 2 forget ma, Mand, m | day the fa d more In: |g hypocrite, Har, | and goyly looking scree one of | vt miracle of Cartetiaadty, : Money: Money! joking and Chewing | se ARE "ARUISES, RUEUMA- ine ail trnowe FT ee | Ee el ee "aii gig ig BE so ee cecliar of ton for it~ Money has been | Sm Pipes. and Smokers' & SH SPRAINS, ART a BL apn the clean caverns of oe the conversation baer ne L beg y ar fentee--t eg Tbeshed eetenktae coe ee a te ee ee ether miracies are t lot of Cheap " : } NEURALGLA, § +LLE y-| 4 ae t ooverred | Sr i only 5 i ° is A Nora \ my tende fer investment on , eee ag WAGONS eS , TOOTHACHR, ", wil svt in . i Mra. See et malee seized sud don, a trom ber by pag Noe a Delite at the alter pabaed chan ------ the effect of eect formas! "NT. INTEREST. F.G COUN eR "RNS, FROST BITES, &c., &e. * Heaven grant 1 think | 4: Aabare feovd Cordelia, " De T took tke = woman for any i" destination, gieam eee Bat what hes been ead humanity , EN - : | --AT- BURNS, ttl " Agsin | say--A i beatae | denty om the Hamphreya, thea | war, precios post, oar and scartet folds Christ upen the world thus: * rn ' . Rept 1A Imeh ' Shet Bottle, « for thie | Hose ot hich | her biceming bias, white, " eo of ote the reenlte 6 PER pay oe OTBL, | {DUCED PRICES soci f Intentions. "a yan Bed Gate oe, T woul tile wlbavg each ae brother Percy ; a. the | man T'--vhe . cong veg arms 3 | visual cedeed'& warm pe been = 0 AEE women: | TE SON RE S.MAING naTTER| Bar Beware soars Lice scimrine, eto her eer Spectator we in| al "gute, ha acy warm pr sure wneud, fog la i ate rer NTARIO ST WEST, STRATFORD. My Silites tor maaeretering. Lanew pees sad the mighty farewell--tarewell !* ly | soak Pacem ers are on Ticket Eve, stent | eee a our ood Do I he py be ifeoffenp hn immense cide eprenen! und pease, have --_ o ft Peaei ac ili bore oe, Mand. So-- Maad, moving slow janior me af the batt grown road ie days! | ppad we can ses rir Gatkases, There = ~ PROPRIETORS. | pares to otter the «i GONS "Te Pareweil," eoboed door--" farewell -- | flower over m |" nights, 4 Oy 4 tying tates beaks ty 'weten tos ansaral | Sedat wean it has not ad. Dee. & ROBERTSON, EBRATED WA fl Or foilewed--a time in the yoary | Stowplene nights has been easily rying te the Wiid-teoking a clase free Beratfort. RANKIN aredva. | CEL be and heavily ill drivel drearily Your blind vanity aeesd perenne citeghn | eae hee 4 wibkiaM Po ond aT VERY wccH over I" alone | Hnmphreys w a fhe great with streaks | Sesaad Tt rescued naress Medical. ; @ Meanie of Wisse, taper | fore tem minutes Cigs lingered = --S wit never | Oe coed taelr | 4 the captive, a re thn ne # Kept on hand. { ices than Ever Befo For sbout until the. little te come four of the sufferers were | Jur oem tavult nitua or are watering ccs: | the slave, b presets we ft clevates "DRI RASER, mecaane*- ' Lower Prices tn the daghened room, she At last, wheo four ly sicken Never the eva, | Yer clothed forme the sick, it with » bale of DR DM F , 's tux ed ATT Mest the passed away ; then sod five mere slowly { to the edge of horses, their mrrer-like surface It shadows as ot the NCR Dyetars, 1attio ores, ey. 4 will warrant them bad quite 'dm emotion, convalescent, » f hearing She moved away eloquence, and it down in the who, ly- | the woman, the tender years Pes AF Se Bee ae. hecb'y tezn om band tm Kensone j Ae Most Durable removed all traces ad jasted ber brace ing, Maod bh with the oen- seob cheking her todigeast with her | ig stralgh ; seme haif clad lads, sored innocence of life Ite ame lieras- gueuntc.met ------ | cians Ore J a APLN, | Lightest Reastes aed od her sleek hair, 4 puree were to start The , battling of the water ; bellies, and leaning le region = at. HE TEnK -- in Canada. omeeth 4 he fore email » Pevort, stood | there reek tec ee tae akon ce hare, bese Scbing | ahitd. 1a avert i Tt changes pity trem 5 cH and Thro i | wads lot shouider, sod then step: | © as arvival 1 valued | vcunded pride 14 the nigh baaka, aod race | ing lafluence Is slovates . poverty Eye, Ear Tt. sTRaT¥orD. | ! that nestled on her back to the life she Grst two days after their were fractt bis dumb ab 'scared, | far over in thelr lines view inte s virtee. and ennobles . aaa in, ' 10 STREET ; nd grecetuily the ap, looking se in the stream, pall black hair inte « beatitads, pn | ONTARIO STREE cy A POKE-SOCKET, briskly, grec iF, and Oe aiveruees | Presently"he enme ap, that she soaresly the shere, their coarse ian 4 Guten lato s dignity ON i mer : A = i hrease celered valgarity 1 RYERS ' Jou Guay, Paorasene aim IMPROVED $ -wheel 2 fewer same ously 1 crased & litile: se beggerd, pee ogre t glance. With = cut behind, aad their trammelied | labor from DR. «ee, Liquors, | ae eevanateaning bape the of the vday at the hurriedly -- % moving with daty. light Mteenlt shall sR. Ths Bost Brands of Wiees, ee | A neat device tor strength te CHAPTER V. uable to bear being ic recegnioed at her, he said 7 I maxed limbs : with the bost ; + eee + a LARC PLR AND | Chaara, ete A where sem, making them wear thies Miss Beroher-- | Maud, being fs dat | OBt looking leay te you bet that I am ease, as they enaily sae bal tamed poutes and Ocd's eeeenal day be thine . . K EYK. KAR - te Lows ne. telloes, as lone as the cous: on aid you my, t Dear me, | aay P along the flat What can fool--that books mounted on the {| Revesied, $e. ate B once Gane RCTURKR ON at ga) Cosiege, Lorente, so Sieet, wheel. then two purled ? is the | and started for a brisk ned ® reek or fool hopeless, ballastiess from | Fung and mingle with throng peters eter aie toy : i Tyiveat reali, sot ye aad Fe Seenstard, Hes, 8 ' thre suppose this is interesting "hee milies, has been one series of blunders haa | gallop along and light blueaniforme | Ter mes shai Su cnteg presen, it ceruan te tae Yc the H LAGER! . Tats how om) tted in the last! ao e the menctony for muy life that this last blender the white sombreree strangely with | Secs, fal i 'tay owe Memtah Sey. Chvnat ant AG x 's syawl I've kn Promantor y day, the shy ©) Mtaning te ond, pardonable Indian police contrast va- | Thy cenim tovever ery. LAGER! Buggies and éMoc fifth baby's sbe A prsatoreii h dat, 7% 2, the mest en of the at thehs Selioee a i" and yet | ne Th was o ir, ting been the bigges forgive colvred rage land " = ears, hed ee many { heary gray vapou : jon to--to the te the nara GEORGE BECK, T THE LOWEST RATES, -- | Well, well, Toes wat an be cap ae too owdden Gerth tee with fie sombrt | 8? Mt yousan, tn tae same te go As we low Vexpunthes te land, ree midis ag MAT BE coset RONTO. | LKET SQUARE, STRATFORD. A : children se Beecher." - eye ine The, | goed father, who loved ar ing we asistance: in k Walton somewhere CHURCH STREET, 0 er A) "the Aarne a ORLEBRATED GEO. INOHIN, er eae sot, Mrs. ee * | leaden hus. mage Nght clove the -- think you can, reading the waa ory. | °%' ay" seals arsed drew, ot | ery, nce Pokey be corte fe nen . ZEMAN'S ; . TAR ss a rather ' faint st or mate no anewer, for silence, be | grou whioly been welng hew, neni Te ). SLEEMA TER Shakeaveare. May 7. a ured Mise Bevcher I kattted was | ene fais Aer yal a few moment's the ambulances, tte team of four strong the anthropologists, he ease waeted z ? EKTSON, M.D., R - ape <a * OT conieker the first born ; I | clouds ; ward with ¢ asthe ing. After « te the bank Alrtoan wanderiags, yphle- eM, LRP and SE ile = m Success the Best Test of Worth ! Soci | jut bles ile raga wan tort wr the tna tas ringer nue * 151 emg oot to be hard togira | 8 or iteada, wee remniveon wie Seater poe Sees . CM, L.R.C, In Wood of Hot ucces pane ravens [one wptli the doctor wn hair, and touching nar 'de et fashions, so Mand ; | with oar of the soldier. tented fe eenally represent. s Lt ai ' wine task brown '" y hospitality of the werld two ; ined the Only = would belies woo! and the sweet freah bloom, FF. Siher | Ton mas ovaa Oth your anger, ated | kindly, read that part akee of tebaocn, and Physician, Surgeon & Accoucheur,) Swiriad"as tie Forwate Rxhibition «| ooatinn front ag ete kol sed er "woul abser shgon compen ber my voy, demon met the inet fon Eaters of Former | st, sens, by act the tme af Ms. K CORCORAN 8 TORR telat < CODD, nesdics | i Aaa peep iar she went, od for yea aguinet the smart Not s word! Irish Fire to Demare land Be the unsus- Meee ee ee eration ont ape ly Oceupied by JOHN | re believe, for you | te stop. "She took nothing met ber | Joe eat ee . more. -Geed. Times. Sale Eres ek of wethers € © " | Cellar Lately al " Aad sol ols recut con which te rest; bet y yea ne of -- furious fire | Galton chose a couple we Morkat Square, | ' . Levee wee apes romantic-lesking well, 1 will the fringe D, wean -- parchaser m lad ~ J. M. Dunmore, Birattotrt. May Uh 188 SOME R | Price Se , 80s, and iain | Miedo ned the tooce "On Tou notont | oFe at about fy Mimics sgn arene Sis karl, coat laes eat cebu ssion, bot tm among aga ot | Ee eee ot mists SL -v, : i thot, Aenea enna 'take after me. eboat wheels Ao the quiet shore, ef exterter,. 'end | down tear fese , orice in Myers' Block Market 84- 72M ns eee Pate Se Pertanian Serine sed ange Alas | ray eat eyw. thy waa eter is had walned™ wire Slapped tag vender. T_Damare sped ie anaes Vv TERRACE PrAMERLS OF SOE WIND, | pemee ; were of these bad whiok rurged and | waa possessed while travel- with wasplcioss RKSIDENCK, & DAL on Te ng and Shaving | by all Medicine Dealers. tte a precurser of one = Solel was | Droge. ee nee object of elared poaMus of thie singular " ORD a bionable Hairdressi --_ tacks." atere. room shore rveeny tecbanteally. Moad Eaglaed, 'made him however, | What took ap tre SURATESS 84 s sad parlor STRATFORD, | ar qvopt inte er remained | Presen' reese made him him. I is Spe jokes,- whieh, For} precipitency! He ts of cae of vetferd. Aue S NEW FP, On Sooke alter sant Batler, thio: | anid bel bY dap let churchyard | cicse behind fast 1--I theaght 1| of, those designing them. and pleced them he ithar toe ee OFPOSIIK. Heopecttulty Solictted. Every i CAMPBELL'S tat hate bor aati ote r of her tather's church, Gide thet wend * You walked so A ou -cardagenyesagincte ts em baer pip ne ; then he teok ap Pinced them --~ | or a Ce ot, wr | - 4 niddea for his tottapesitica. " beside It, the ore the evergreen could never catch . we | instance, "bucks" of the peried ua ted ooo Commi ae J E CALLI . thing Shene oye wt an | woald acocant 1 Well, weil," leogh the aad st) "Lem sorry," hy anid bambiy Mood, | tavern, 0 group of They gereas hey , Geednem gracious, . & Stratford, M co. , ~ rogue be between wee were following ma Se tah thelr regarde front of fait | Thevam 1 "boys of the w nahn door of love | not know you J me-- } honored a gold wateh, be for hie UTUAL F.1. CO. HOLLOWAY?'S: ON si sine Homhrey, bee ll be bop eee Se ceete taped, a maf Sg perapes far te vale i in with told wate, | Bato apg ads 3 EON TH M i | bE a Ps ¢ I think yoo ogaia 4 seneea----el j have fece-- you were always | sent one of them, with the even, tt Thie thing was RS ' C0. PER _ | HOLLOWAY'S3 Miss Leecher, the ecbosl reon te morrow ~ wooed her dreamy her "eld Toe Bie your 1 Meoven bless belonging to 'on by &.° Power fades Uke the look of the 4 ETE "|; & = bim from self bey roand neble hearted " be would teil time teh, sont | dide' Hew could snp: ; "ONT. seat, ay ENT. Y inde fs quite his merry ee ie. friends were 5 qenerecs, I will sever ---- that of the © " 7. tell hafavehnad SHAKKHAPEARE, ON lan LS AND OINTM antil be ts q Mrs. Humphreys," eald fevine went past. you, dear girl! " calmly took psaseasion platela, and, with clever white man felt about terases of Domesticated Animals ¥ erchandise, Mase- | PI] A Fine tee iakideliola' Ke: " Very well, ; " Maed f A itt ote ball, ire poe § you thet | als servant te fetch poeceren his weald- tee aad wwe made fons! He fa foal if Sreste © -- pe A ay yee fl greene Age This univeoal maiticine ew 1 sea el Beshes, hen jomvesnaialiing vt teeth She awoke with « sligh reelly clear the Monte Ritie buahiy potable ne rmyoeatet to be Be us Acie cn ce cummes Adealy to = LY aTrExPs + the pree- quisite ever; x eee -y ** Egbert hs aed Mrs. Hamphreys, ile. How clear, how voles that perhaps yoo make be termenters aad watch. mathematinan wers we were OPCasis vaniare Canons Mopaxare. 08 serum eens "or caon Cyeom | able yet potent Ee Rict | Ache again, Sto talie. me bs hew hemes the > ail." seized | tntrodooed to the owner tilence, He)» fer on 4 what jeevanetiel on ! n | agreeah . 'ef phert: vilenes, | vinion bad been, the sound + thime---after quick ory be veseived in oat for as staat Ceseadaor Gy td ror piel f HE PILLS Thix vecially adapted for the relie after te fellow te ein Tat esled bet, ad ew srege toad *M --with a the @ blender! | The request wee te bis declaring ore tacky he Tae SR sKeepenry, April tat, 1885 LE, and Pad. | tion is est class of disorders was scarcely able tT, the pala even in | hands -- the watch -- b-ten, the butcher. oe - nine toot to ihe | and cure of that sincrd tate Miss to | of her own same, last heard oc her 234 | per trem! ----" , Hie did not dare } then pes the 5 esp i sabe mosh ensetty we owed the bu > WM. STEE Sante Srey -- ns: THE RY OOD, tropart twee ta 7. | ant pon a lew or re spanied | theme rol gares ps bed the courage which she had t | You mean yeu--you > } thes ating bla name and where at the pat eaker : » ; Rt pwertully. Alteted: sally aceon r bed. B came, four yours age ro the tine stating -- Goats") gusting wad the four 4 BOARD ihe naa: enor S SY STE Mand act thost pe of the nyatent, and usually ac ation prin a dentiet t Bilsa's lips tf treme bie. looking sway. at the came | the owner Siceee th a ' ur e0 . President, ond dbingdy on the © i, Weakness and Palpi 1 take htm te tecthachs when I give roy Ay bo, my dea tae were} OG wey than | $i pe wath ae dr pe ne Oa soother specs, ee Nar Jobe Hide, Gey, 34D Freitas ee Yet erat i vem AXP Rowena, by Pal me Prompt reenita wil Kgbert . a "= jw, ecunditeg xt . her hands for 5 moment, a 1s was not a! fer a betel bet ncb cunvines : ex. £ ect. ; edt return. circametances, ot Ve et y Coaae ot | Gece tro. iy. aga 9 . Bowne Pravcting DUGFSTION afl sesimilation, ant om an ieee ot en, Sunnauenefe--aonde = tage Yar sage] conan eke lig fy ate bere | nait fang Mig yee Satky "ct | Spates ander wi inks pine of et pound away Eivase men Goma Ceadeats of the © ~~ 3 Reus, ~~ builder, Stratiord. East wing the whole Nervéen Header hes Lion arte) na bres iw te- the hes bright bine r Then, | * Ne--pe, net worthy walter was apparent back id srry ma. Themes Orr, Keg, Reeve, Nerth ; Vimeur. KHAL DE renee ee et a oben 'with sagt gg! fone | fe it you, le } . fom he ate with te | alarm, teok the twaasaction ; Vesersnas da, Keg, Deputy je and GEN or} eee ee ORY vmpazies | eramp , ¥al, Val coatul the, threw | sseriticing yourself tees, whites Sones ther anhoainnk fook, ned began Pre neag og va One trom TOPPING) George Hy ~ ~~ lnvertabiy Tena Ne Mis Becket Impulse beyond her head | " Ps retorted, | 'Then, seoertaining for the repast, he | bie de He wom by re we O Hrows, Keq..P M. Saaeea seaman dentate WE cere Fe enlle, { What s sensitive strep raplent el wid. nt do wot my you aeh-bas eon a whom he was ladebted in owe covered chented out of hia twe eound wethert bar. Bw KET SQUARE, | saute! Seay Bid he baive dy rel "Poot children hove to be smo | iereel? wad idee out G 1 "B he servant te before the man who managed od BIOCK, MAREET SQUA iutam, Bow. PLAINS, dy wil pom, tha Rethor om eystem they thelr age! | on bie br desd--my good | with » tenet all consed which wae the | theoretical white ebstract Ban Ld STRATFORD oy ye wih ae oeateaeene sta Dle:paahes pis. ip snconabedlarse snares tebe -- joe whet 1 hed whee Pe pons | oie be craton eases Wil never | seid you a K padi ner da Sgctonptlesteced guise for live cheep oa cach strictly ns sats Wirvot, Barnttond, commer ot | Winn Ma f Pearson. edd beat leas tomic, exciting the me | 1 remember I never ® painfel com' | father, whos 1 On, Val, ¥ let her table at which hesst, The cove: | mathematical prinaiph a eppetes tea Bare'¥eed tortiastons PE ee a Easing merrier gps iy digat van hgdlar yeimbnebeees Jah weston a ep tae oe ne es <7 Sc aannede O eden . 'as bet ae} A well droseed sod dletingulahed re PE Nipg oth = LOD piarety Do yeu think the a heer Bor " . . --~ | Ratietsors W. & Bolger P " immediate yuna different traction -bereditary her grief nod sald well » pler portly entertalser " * L eever urd eg 3 a t patties of the strange thing sob ost stained 'sce, olemen ae vited ble volunteer that {" shessked. "I sever NS, L D. 8. through FTHE OINTMENT | carminative pre Kliur comtaipe =| What « Palmer was tailing---- flashed, tear ot - ie wildly Dianged 8, anal iat gratlemas the a OF A. £--. AHRE * Freer A reupencibie staf p Bayt nS : ErcTaries, matics which the | 1 Deeter ie that baby's | lifted{ber i7-- +54 sent, and dieappeared 46 likewise, assuring that tly ready to rt r P . oe 4 Mtoe : lst Bese, wipe & por I in Plataient Mee Beecher, "Tm sure | rather hystertoall, over now, I don firwt inte the water | [esled o hiss be wae pertec be. | * mled viet te Barnam's, Mls uarerts dire Ae fT a se titbectnown | Tendertt inet ay Se AMAEE | 36 ¥ You, oo ts ol Tm ge mR her ft IM ala Fe * Por Heaven's take it be Killed the friend whe ms + Se you year ot hie pee Meee Pirnieer ae the Bash. Stracterd. kind of SOTLK 3 | 26 te @ valuable pened 5 coos 1 bear down ta the bitehes came over me! I~ -) trem view. it, aptes satisfaction te 'ae young Siilabeb Version 1 CKERT, 1: heals every iy than any ren h is apt nmres it T've | know what but you @id eter ho had witnessed * ¥is, | atve to oy, fe | aid you f" "Oh, yes; and f Teeth CESS SH wous Sous pone:rating powers ryspepaia, whic . ' | thet wretahed thie month that for years ; What | man wi veo him wide him. Nesdiees Ley slater. P ond tractiop o! 5 pdt. seem Dao | of & gouty characté : the seeund time WH you | haved like veally you? * dida" you to: save | wide the tavitndion, adapel aaels ee ae thas Painless renee toute sum SDE. | qeive | ite marvellous | .Begpone of @ ge i Loss of | agen ber poet. tle meso. it te you, werld! Sesh | pelleeman, "t t uy joker declined Mr, Brysat Maguire. knov, we mw 1 March 3 mee ___ der Hinesd WEST DISEARTS, Fer Tinpover y leases * | cxaght on Sie Seeeart Sart son te this end of the ence Tver." "Age's you SF ent ont | rostous ethan one Me, ge ed pede py autaliy, ee ' Strattord, May . AP ANODE Asha re | = otdemey . and in al a : i jeu me at t t " pene cory ia," ie the army, of | screwed Ia - dewhes Serettord. NGLBY, Insta ix Tee mane Spe stent poe kepies | Appetite, ecive aud certain stimu | Soetog mn, Be Rum: |a Gey tes! Did yon ey Pi reo a morn" They eons bole aes He had bees preental 4 tdstor mld te looked: ge eo ' Wee. Lik! we weet LIFE uae Ue cae ed sae | where an off d, the Ellxir will be | ron---- look tired, Mrs, I Winans do pon vane Sram wheim me! | ivery " de you masa: what was trem rediing peptey ai car, fava Tyree y 4 FT ULae, } lant fe required, | _ No, ne, you place," cried child, you ever i Seip itt Whet haven't been aed ta the hope | yen ace} : sent aint of nies, rs surh ard FEDERAL Se see coareuniing Yocom | found inveluabie. : ' " Iet me ge te stamex | "My dear Wages bese doing F-+' Di, they iat wo ot hie Swetitng 'him | clablen. ms Pete sll kind of Se S. got. sik Sort "Yh Sean adage nese } fom me of a Malarial "Txpe_and 4 + gad to | One ts ma aera y, *, aor, bet freny pens So wintows J jm Ge of the Ragtich . =F SSURANGE CO. D nanee. Betis | In Fere lowing expo: | moactoaeas monoleyae trom 1) W an dota' nothin', re the wane aa of inciting some rather The banaties of a : Addien Bea ¥ or County, A . « ONTARIO, MALTA Mle pages of : variona evi ie wal . the +4e-}-come 3: Msins Seespen, where i jumpin, They' Pal the tesla Ra Qe. 'Sa Veceatig pre' | | ASSUF ont NKURA i TE wn ae we wine wd sr | Hes tv hoary she ad bom ting | 1 "oom fom at inca ates Se cat the Torte oper ST aR IpeIany ory & alweye bays or ae ee as icant a on uret.on}y at Profemor Motow | Prove = m of Cinehinus Calas and | with ber _empioges, toatlew of domes, extremely sigeuta tn boom, where 'ach mornin', bigs iaaeag rpm oOo Be ae Toews young man slledad rag prompuy x . i of Crnehor Vila, Uatating my pareait i Dew--eee the vor ps ts," 8 "nice creabare, Ah wwenrt > Soe) ' Manufact LONDON, | conihinnn pm | dniere Vile, I'wee sb Maries | ren wpep ooomaien, inte hls hapa ry rence cute bint" dead at - ee ony RD ST, >} Serpentaria the shoveled enon dammed diver: we bnfer =: stien, wees Gebby tds |: been---- how did you knew wens on ee het os cummen 0 cervhat, hendio' E coieciay sary she Padme her begs to wmnouton te the] dv tannans tte Sarit sad on IN| 33 Sate ae ye er ao, icine, | me far po maternal," whose |" Bat 5 oo a long oman 2 ae oh mre iim by Sng te bal Toes ee othe es wat ape: a ee ane is 1 goad i Family Medicines, Petes 4 bangs a) We 'Thee Comet" We : - ea bie by aar- | "I can sing +! pebe UBat be oe to Saw Lambert fare jo ne po is Sot ee whic | "Ps has end ry uty tee gels ie we pan i, pact ane sg sf ne are, aasions a eevee ak bly 1% way. e Prepat Ppl ame Bac ecttaed bar bows - "AUCTION. -- I have 99 Ag : ese st) «She thongha oye ebiidren. re tala which, inclu dee pred gos don't want rtning thew from ~ aah WOOD $476: eed COFT WOOD G1 per nerrienr rived ae OA neers airrtitae Davis & Lawrence Co. (Limited) | Read: Sat_sathing hes. om the problem aera cee mer stele poe. = Haky WoO 100 FET. svtthin : aaa die end Basen, varies SOLE AGENTS, | Cvamtuewmypr int, Kee teeta 'Tey pony viene Maples, besides s tty i ny orper satl within - 5 we ss iidvodons a aay eae Sheaolie aint * Mowrara, PQ. | se seal af Sok A book she never per PRICE PAID FOR SAW ------- > rere ete Geen ey oF at ; we came rag ra Sih, (Sears a BIGEEM ae eunes abe r. B eee ae: 2 a SI pis Vembor os hand, J08N PEARSON. Bentond, Fob. 2, 1508 ' at PB 00h SO LST ne , a eB ' nee : earingviie, Nev