. ™ - -_ -----~ = -------------- -- ee --_ THE WEEK'S NEWS AEA ADVENTURE Alerander 11 | HOUSEHOLD chemiriox ix ixpia. | a st stsirj of the Cnpleasaut Bide of Lite #5 the The Cunt Alexseder was, five yuare age | ee t Yactog the Liens. SPRING SALan. wows. x scent Gunton raleed by the sementnation of bis {sther to Hoves Citastxe Noes Batidings by te miveretde te Water tae |, A French aewont of large wealth living to The "Paverite Preseription " Navigation tn the Port of Montreal be : on, aod ~~ y millones) Coens the giast of : te Deas. Lyons wee Y » «2 j] Dek ¥ tirtt ontren! bee sailor, the ealy known survivors of the cre of people and an extent of terrtery evar des eta eee vanes by, Gopios Sc) New that aumation bon s » tale LasSy tn Petieeien ioc en tp tae Pres. Beate a good wi ona bed husbacd. dint cas inten bones aon fe Ons miltlien tt ' the founded shramer. Reda have arrtred woe elzth cf the earth. He ls of the alcohol oad water and then lato: whiting, | 0! home. alr outing, | cles. His menns wore even exhonsted {>> neler Caper epyaslh:s °C yet, piens." | Sergiy paces Be Digan ad a ae whitefieh sere been | ts Han Pranciace. Tharkow t an Intelligent of Rumane@, a femily which traces! god rab overt dry with ttt | you r paper uke gentlé, readers of nod n> triemds from whom he ovuld borrow, Fests soon Sess of peda trroagh repetstian: hie Montreal will have te -- * gts a ale algal a samed Koby) wte the chet -- us ° '_ He om tae cv anty, okra Noe ot | and ale family, Wawhad siwnys itved tn Plog ba everything exoept © | "Golden Madteal Daworerge res deme t | pro" are 39 000 ty . i » we 9 | ened we: Ap sites neve ps He bay Be pins anightborwerl meme. ae," Ne NN ease iaei ot Muserry Tee ¢ and. most peliabed Gere te Hinds aiaa te sate Be ene < e . pr Aral He has bi lanl fs tied, marriage is & #ao- | for work Hin qn aged by the Boods he sald," al nine e clock on the morning of tin the beginning of the fourteenth century. have pe water used on thematall They scoonnt of thelr od ienee be a sees wakerem I Gaseed as 'Atesmer Seligr to @ Meatesel tant ta| the 48, Thee wae © souns OMe wrom Kotyh) coumede tine et | srecimely cebbed off every moreisg wins wrt hed fie ween Ws taagbe'e The resem whe soglest her' hesbund's | ~ Porer a gro » lodged tn Ladlow Wtrest_(.sel, New York a the ber was very rough. ( began, of wham Mt ' age of eeves vero eal Por nny 7 ee fe me desert Seve Genk cer Si nonin tenes eae © = a fe no lenger the wife of bie | | tration wail the patie ereson ara weet = ___* | bald bee of railroad iren mate ce otif, | . wae chores Caw in 1613 Prom! ae oni 'and to feel," and the 2 Chas cappess, and Tha VesKIner voratoed-se-on-¥ Mikall the line bas bees anbrek Shek est, and with » rib heowa "© thee < Wweman bocoees thet embedt aan Nesey » Nak, won ee eed to ® bar that weeprangs leak. Chiawae pve Ted (2 | as tan te Ales | ores he etciy Wwe rapidly cage seine eae mya sergoen, while ricalling Vir. Heepeck, oe Roan ie J come, | 'roped meat of be at Sil ai -beseety which 'Goa ba: ware ot Hamilton. | covered, theagh, til next ; Until the present centary, bevars, cxar "soreasy We feed tienta, } Corvations apes Sie | beartth ried, ov bere ageing heen first mate was jcat coming from breakfast -- and casrines of the hoase of Iomaact rabhnge se foe seeamse & polished trent beieg | Pls mem whe oe s curfous fact =. 7 rae Ser) chore nt" Citlera: * tos think ef the deception te Sir Alexander ( smpbell bed "bing tt was aboat $ e'rivet--wree i showed the same peculiar traite of o' le not enailp-delsced by din : o shuns. ont nner to woke an ern ms yy ae SY Pre thee | hy prectioed every day. Why, its dreadful. RENTING Poeetens wa oe 'a had be i tring ts Orica, | the leak, for tho water wan making i ever | Shived. tour cross | tenia coll tel auaehen the gigiied anes clieed on Sanday nS ee me ape a ft h gr ' . aaeisied oma, the fre reem fieer, The wtad , aod a brate) and rem reeiess crveity' Siraw matting should be washed with} we f tal -- nies you knew the SON, - n't allow you te do ft, \ ot pvake Ganon vite ici, | ovethweet aad the eon henry. Steam we whist exuggerete the barbarees opirta warm salt and water; wring out s soft * snd ace always, alter it, iF _-- oe Washingtun Jeekoont' Warhing \ \ erraiy aly ty tee Neth Wet --. se been "3 the deakey-engine pampe Ths fren their age aad cosntry. loth In t and spply qauickly, set wetting aod maaly ---- couragsens , Ib te io better form now y to 8 me eg scksen "Denne, bese--durne. Smt | 5 se the dened and aaey. } lead okiamnioat woe tines evertiard, |_20,tble rete belonged Peter the (rest, mat | only cneugh to take ar wy 5 sopping an enormous de | is Boring you, * 04, Seg tar = aa ON & matter o! wharla ; m tald of vahdy Onsen, Yeo © ob 10 c'elock cll hangs ware erdared te] 002 Sad enoct the dominant minds, of the wut the dust 1 ke nr petrentiy." sige Be 3 en toemesd, Seedy, "Yon seal ape et pemee Gp" Wy, "ome ' player, © pra Rar Pipe vet i Mate srt. { See pemp, bat the water =o werld ta his age, and who with his ewn| Lemon jalor and salt will reme ordia "I new pathe 4" ea -----heatows,entseal,. __t lt kept gaining, amd af 3.30 o'clock thas hands hriped te impale and hand: tron : If the hands ace taband Li ere thors to srtther religion The chief iifference between Uh Mor pot work to Shettield neleh a i re ret « eeihes el agitonty oan | Saris will remore the : philosophy, the latent et dee, seeetien fer ba York Marmops ts that ene horhood, Weatwurth, Mr. Es oa Malhel- leas. T dome after re had been pus | Cc 2erens pstres of agricalvars, ser | wo wel! a lemon Cote ia and of bh sature are inevitably forced . oy Sle-nd the other tor lend bac lost tee children within o few pees we metallic beats, with alr "| preaar peahag gr te death asd apply the out warface as if {t were son) the light by greet 5 aefetes is ar tellow's ae i partments, were mhaned, In the eare and noose of the Jews in the name of P yi ering ' ' vase Schay: har ot Uh an wher woe = were 7 The amell ef paint be tak | The rank and file of optieter to clara Well, Wai mae Sohoy ict Satth &O> , Pe 4 twat Le . relig may be = itely,t ; Lowdre, On 'A eub-committes of the Heyaliton Couseli | Foley, ehtel Soe, toe -- pens AT Anse Ivaneeas, wae {r-s0| by slesing ap the rom and ovtting ie the a rele, of lterate, sommonplace men, whe ful, ye gabe thes ID cout edlorene morn Bo ae Eten " ae a sine heure cnall io futare | second mate, aad veo men called bingy ad ios, while abe ~. Snes parva nog wf lighted. chatoeal_ on inns 2 pee ee eevee y ast borele sap e Dosban es wok pein ong end 7 " "= tm "a oom ne Mi | ti a seantinwe tay weiter qepeninte Ia Ae second brat worn: Gnarge Mtoboint, the gramdiather f the pretest San eee ea Lika cin ieee Gt | Tr are aang ice are comparative sh te card Ir Tok '4 » tee per } enoagh, offer; P. eecwad '. mere homane than an: Pa: ane recerd the al am od, if | kim, Shee Sha : The bedy of Mr. Charles Sareny, the Ob engineer ; two samen whose names I de net | * the F fi. whe preceded bim | be' Y | and night, when the smell of paint will be the almost anlverss! ¥ get oat of atyla : pent es ee eet iu,» cate Sey soneh lupe Thengee, was the advocate and balwarz ot pais a gy dem pe) tal crt 4 very profound bal my * | anether . . eo sh wr ag laa 8 ates 'nae ert Nipion sna ofre firemen. es =: oe Rusaiaa Pm ign te alae effectual te ronseing the a r. ote i degraded, sal bd thon men 6 cer . pane cada ape ey vif 1 paed one ; eoent e . » freed k hamber willing bande | down the advan ana | tbe time > pine aes ke trom s reom. mother sister, After has ry en - anewer." Sentor ee eal ems Aris Gait File Woes, Fuaveas a Passe, Gah FO times Addews. lnternationl pre pglict' a, Bo on gathe as a aya a es iy gy Tink tankater, wee feat:orot tenet The best wep. tobrighten a carpet te te | her mtuutes one of the domes informed | |. WY? eee © eds the tat pel hy snancny ote & \ 00."* _ or. Toroute sheds, Capoten nokia Gare. awe dae = | Bed oer men, and for previsieas one-half mors palitie, emanctpated the serfs of ius apd dernier bier of fe a hw : " our friends who had a Arcirese- leroy Parvenu, Prater J Tun ORAIE FRAT, 18 cote x '| JAMES ; reant y daring toe henry are a ham, twa desen crackers, tee 'halt | a, and, mere than any of his rece, looted basin of and dip your broom tn tw some | throng erat ple 7 or grit, floer. lices and , ting te young Mr Cousaledesd ; be Toran erence RAT pee | BCTLAND rARK & SON fre broke wat tn. Atayser ar ccedensed sailk, three cana of fruit end | t* letters trem theaght, end loated | ip and weep ever the carpet once or twles pend rebbed 6 oa ie Ee a dosen't Se any bes Pork Packers, Torontc ake | provilona Whe poorer Went 'beds bas got howerrs aed enh pooweat "ti asnsnibastaab iene docked a SRR ee WE a| 18 wes after Denial bad feced the Hens sey porated et se sree wen Soa © Weiee econ, CC. Beewe umber | m pom apy rg aot | rake tenon. that he beoame the servant thy Be neap and x. ae ene Coens ae ond te y tos drag, an | *7, tenn cane chalre b sas Saath Raraged patteot "My horrors, sir, gon reels ) 98 WILLANes aC ut ee, Memm re | it be called, betog fast te epar off the bew 'The presimt Cnar te yy saturating the cane ate Powe will wal ou that here ps sth s, vir, gous Tee 5 tasann Plas enguee, aia Pak, i 5 soldier well with » and hot water, ; the electrietty i polled one ey aced teeth De Sone ond Baie Phe hag Beans Swe prisenere eafieed ta the Town boll | Jie St lor to, fast to the eaptata's book, | ies ye the' prime ot lite, wile | ome "Then pot it In the open | than¢ervtorm tit fopex mere dering s tht: An--eh~ Ian very aerey, Hat dent Da m. OREDY 2 et eh ale 2 "Fowl Paws ot Cornwall lest thets sda ae S fire whieh | old a ens ben dee " pt tne! ie aoe ae, pg 2 poet et current of as, low! aa tt pres ot | then dors of sanabine cr of salt sammer ree wet my ae £ won't charge «Me Mat Tae aslh | Pad pane an _-- ------ woke wt bullding early wee other | had bees | : we Ps aap' te | dries tt will tightes and becem rm oi raina, Men are like corn. There reo snatilecd Tae ees. Fe : * : ying that way twelve the | bis face, He be sald to bes theroagh Rus | when tain ore, ime satystre Pationep a* waive W Dobe nage rig | Sree ald oat tage . He ait we dante eng oot education geo A me paint for a Boor tis .. 2 be ipernity proto geal | "bi da enosttfpok prion YaRRt see LOW RIES FOR CARTER, Ahoy named Joseph Landry, angie 1", ach, ane Sas Eremhaguha than loge = aificalty, | with five pounds Preach ochre ree oe wee ae ae feature art prise OE sn wee ante © teats ot five years In para shipped aves, aod half fail} , His tateliect of ot ® pond of glae diseived ta two thle ne 1 The young Lp an Seale Mew other machine i real ory, ceouped by get could get abead on the sea character than was bis father's He has f s spply H Lars RALE CORAP SY PRIVATE Tes Gods Mastes | inamulacvared by ting ont at beck It dar! agua. |i, held jew maki was trying time om" fied here the hint of 6. anewe vesety Gait Maeros eek bo Faves Sek heme, nes biefather took tim beck ve der: | pg ma pence addy aa Someatie il te singulasty pare: Able | goles fow cally tne oe " any | oulap cuss ber volsth the problem which contreats st oe varty oir Worn Gai ee. Sond tw pte vile. 3 be may barn wp all right, or oat ie agne ciaaiel teaphond otirebal tether, tod oloyal man can paint a kitchen floor aad save the relsived Sieh Det See poo a7 east wobear Seep " ines I. TS Pelt & 8 wits' ae =a sumed John Thompuce,| + Wall, we lik Semekann te ctr of the bol gray by dn nond om tep of the bedy, and a Lite toes | wat Pon 'roagh 'he val valley" {the Sim oe ce, Poet | Oe fest ont : ate Roofer. tie ettem te steal were oat that atster 5 ay the da when the * | e ° }. aatertarer am Tarvet Fel 'ivaue vr akten. Jaa wolfe * in days and three > aight. We lay Ana and of Alexandre, Arlneand Stag Cemee shall ann of dust vm Soo poe ling = fire which immediately ae! of Dow * Are you golng te send your wile tee MORTMANe THOKOLGMLY Tat own ny | POM. Bettttes Pep SE eS eins Fen, jrent ofthe whenla, whieh passed aver 18 | made ot am oar, the Gevt day, and bet Caarina ak od tellect than on ber pantry shelves, aed | Hu; werk, ink ri fens " Her Ret Par vt A ae thresgh te jen of Rene: watering place this SammerT ™ Yee, I oat Anatomy wih Re ady Roofing, &c. ight leg, crushing % fr A ted ap an car and blanaet for mon renee, eave. greater borrer at ol trwehe be nearest relati -- ---- quere PUbavete doe, Lhar caine ft ts Bott | Por Low prices address fran ie ally, He wee) os tor Than ' Fe ak | ee ee ah shesacterion bar font and win aon har paar ¢ ov la ber | mained watt! wild bear is teas 4d fee vate ge Maney to keep that w Stim bed <5 ; avant a frightful hall-sterm aad the cabin wee"! The Cnr aad C: weg 7 THE BODY Was BCEwED with closed jaws through the nigh, Ya: rf tw have bought three or good repatr mediatels od4rem, Union Shorthanders Com Adelante M1. &. Torenta, ' I bey died. Carina, nil Jala Reve a] 8 four new come wort ocr, Arcade, Tere tag Recent Sn etin ® | ool Gaael enh eth cape teres Hak, Sve ienenay Save peaas, Wine Choice Bee eshe, Wi we wis eater S| -- Bott Se moraine A sentimental writer says "a baby lee : a a ---- ° Methodist charch, Jorente, po iy seen the wet and cold expesare. ston to power were forced te live like pris --_ coremosy we discovered ¢ native kneeling | ---- link whieh binds tt » MUNEY TO LEND ; F ! . ~ ince good ne fed omega of rye he salpping enere in the royal phe of Gatehina, ts Pine aber gos OP bp gongs pound suet, | 4t enethar ire belove the teat semaine « GREAT BOTALLACK MINE. egred often tt ie lk » whlch Seats her nag Productive T, v & Tarn Pr i : vs! * afloat we momentary dread nesaseinaion pes: bread bis w E the bouse wh * ive Town, iilase ru Property j ing fle sh pe sentatiea: st aleles | ber oat, What litthe provisions we had | prelenged terrer of this time eas tee four cancss of ay ciuhot ain aon fro as the fi roe cour ug bimeelf tosod probabty the Ment Wendertat Tremsary of Ot making calls em te <2 ae worn m, MITC MELE Pedeerpee apa sas | SEND FOR Puc LIST. yi 5 vee guy ele sen water except the [sarees ee ee Ken and left ber apor ger Chop the eaet ap antil | charge fer burning « a body in Indie te equal Riches In the Wertd. * | pothoa," eald the sina + eases bese Torvato Street Torseta } itr r poem « a to have boon. 'Mur Wed, Mibiitecn fines 1683 hee re ov and add the bread crumbs, the | to aboat $1 lah Incladee payment'tor ! .Tbemince of Cornwall, Eagiand, are of ok dadermathin' bs Ears Slaat, = We a Re Ding, lag, Tents Camping Depot aad cs Ping lg, we gy wt Little ror. Se meet bo net, wee the first of -- so otis pom Se gain ite end than | 'SE: ph ng ed mp tone deed gm the follow "Uy An earthen pot to befng | ities ago traffic In lets never treks. Why te tht ear, oon vetiately of jolsing Usectemeet 4 sibel 1 was nothing to personal relations of the a jusee }, and the | water, (3) wrelatn to cover the a bors hand! waa canled| 90 by sald the great apostle of mouth | make opfowdia ~"rexi| GEE -- eames te Se coh ons ony Se ee =o. owe poe ge his people are pescrabie, if sot --_, Sgr eo go well | ittle olga hy (4) ithe weed te | > saree as Homase. The min. te social progress, with Latin digeity, Mr setae creek wremety ing hot Ms aa tare cmt | GEELPH CARPAT KT WORKS Pete han sin, bee ey oe eet ssid Dart Shese sonst wee SUR Ce wie, hae fre shildree, of whem the eldest, | Toes pangs for Une puddlog, bo ewe ple eoadll sedi ceet,, Sendal i cr pang ot Land salts Ed fal tare = a oe AALMEATING, Proctangaieoene | J, Ay ARMSTRONG & CO e night we got up te the| Niebelas the Comreviteh, ts teen, and | Lem plenge ft into water aod let it | ghee are esed for the aro 4 four alles, & spot meghtier barre: ' . Peeses ATTRNTIOr. Sm . . on the breakers . y snd radsine » ¥ m in all 1 don't want oll, he st ree every maehane ' sol we nga aware rhumer, bet smd Tore we dointed to hey be om, | Olas, the youngest, five y ange pe pio bye four and abalf te five | pat spond the fire. Of ovarse this -- ye wh of bad Beqten be toy petalatly, aed I poe or 'scape . wi rer agin al Unto and Damask bar pets, . CHL Arthur, who was antl morning. The men were quiet 50 Kvery-day Doaghsute--() Whee thebedy of slok 'ae pa Bye eee, 4 wt { re weil behaved, but the cald sad « por} BER MOMENTS. cup of battermilk ye, SEE 228 | down toithe 7 to ek pores ls brought | vildness," . ayy caste: | 7 cond tor ire oa al aelph, Ont. prises be oan them. We did aot talk | The fear of man Vag', » weaepesnfal of soda, axd bait | tbe edge 0 Eat eee and cna tar bore at | Base Bavetionh allt, 7 Soa rodecuiog featare | wh | Kaeo F A Bans oe ty : & mythical indies journal which be jrof much, fpe mate had charge of the oth-mabe--an-hidestitty cheats a, aod pall sen or ene "or two of | T beend and tesntitel whowe ha wether or le perfect, took A, Torsete, : I aE & auo to pobllsh, waa fhe 1 cafes, | but he acted on the cheney ok: See beets [hse the-tenr of Wee: Lapd nt arte me Dass eatye tet ontoch tu toishuom oa tare ~~ Reeder elie an ohare Ke mer bem sock ever | te dues wed fasbly naked for are W, csastpn Ganntarenrors of the Osiahanad shrewd Nether, pest old fieherman, and had had mere > mess, out inte) ii nim ff m they | One whe tistted there famous chambers}, 4 reporter cctled wm Teen aan ned vemsen tecrongnly, perpored | auch ti there. Switeer saye Arthur hed om comm: | Well tin - hed The serene, silent reais ot 5 eel lie ia | * youngster " ceiaks's aa . & Hae] bain og shay oe | th tells we that on « shore exposed Vnow the whereabeut at ot ber nen rie area ngraph vers See bara Brand Prev Axle Works veruas, ation ta clan need da Cheiinns ay pet ted gag et Merge ; seat tt might of the Bp Soartt olGed. twister ts more than twlos as geod as the| sd cot and ail are held under the sariace ee an on the ocean, and.smong the) ee ele eee te Br ldo coeee oe atte. Pe % & CO , Gueiph, Ont. waa & and Pres 7 y by that . ih little rings and balls, **' ater for 9 eva: mi t> a beignt of " -* ; : + Duples As ° oil att for fr mae wee ueely bey was dead in a © be permanently conta must | #veral meathfule te con" Fry ta et legion ™ Hurt, st stnenga Coles | more than aizty feet abvva the water | asked thereporter, ** Na, alr . : serene At Toronte Henry Baylies, « young Eg. | uk boat, and as fer the rest ef us it leeked be ualforaly joyous--a spirit ail Q fe crider Engllah rule thie murder ie commit | U** Vale treasary of reserved riches, the : Os Sesting, bet an boar tince he « "i wes pone ep pt ete 8 fo no shoes betwebn starving or dro: graceful ladness, beasts be. Plum Podding-- Five a ted every aay There are nearly 100 castes | mest wondria! probably to the world and me the committee had adjourned eine ~LARE ato, onde --y '» short borm,._:He, how... Ber rer ges pals pe Se gue [Carigher = ruger, bail sone ci raking bait 5' esp bans recogstard Ia the Hiniu reiigkn, bas It te | cores foot of cna of these le te ety yutaing vane ied a a was going down to: wees cue IES Axle and Machine Kerew Works, o 7. @ rem the police coila Ah qoestion 'the | We tave rente, 7] M enly at death that members of differen | tea lo w the entrance to tb ow'll Gad bim a8 cas of the hotels" Gaye alae © Cty Hal ni him | the breakers, They were treahing tor bal ibe a. Sh Tepe 'sonnial hating puuvers one ovtmay. Miz] Snt'ts of cimines cus im on an. | 8 wo cup matter bn (rom the St 10. Kun S' East de the: -- ctiggiiesie or tive pouac at] colle off thee, ton ee breaking for half | of the books of the New Testamen Fe ee ee Bar Wares | me oe cienlles enates only con coh veene | eight co rl aves te meth of fies shalt ' sshd ho.tenn hansen 8 we headed on h ccna ea, boars a ae or eit together. Bat at tbe &: af the y Inte t Curious T . = say Wseus setae, inne sno Bees Sak om | more, we er with cream Tie g imepieces or Scuses Eve. tit sg a weaitess Hak for a Ucket we Wied em hong. of Ol wo ronee ie net slew in com and sugar. or we lowest of the low pate mud [nto aby sof feet below the na i = 2 ae i :--] eh cocomel poe wea tbe be attention and | on the qeenervers; bet the a devotion and qtick "st cgubbemwre "hes Bacay Eos --Grease weil individesl mouth of the ecteteeratte Beabensa. | * eon, and horirentally, shecounten of feet), an ths year 157e transparent wate & Au li iy +e008' film beck te tim! . 4 a ith ell oe z th the bot! th mal , © ructed pi t i Steamahipa, = Prey oer mae waned Ths | prema wt ethan art boned te, ---- dish with batter; late it break Bis he for feral ritlfctag pata * staat firmness o! et mere sed 599 Resca of faire crystal, wae presente! 1S the "Academy of lee _ yal & al Mail 8 fe earcen, re or eaigainad the beat sod threw yoe aes anaes. religion as | *¥° Kae, sprinkle a littie salt ead pep jelsneee ley Parke, The otha mera. ali bd _oue A break of the levee at Helena, Ark. | an two desd--lor Marphy died jastaswe| Faithful ever them, aod place them in the oven « "The workings of the Hataliack mine nave the two teethed oh which car 8 . & has pet eerenet niew wat ee me oy Wes Nee aee foar | exertion ; and be Se nh Coenty ent Taree tak Page sou ri od OSBORSE HOUSE reached between cae and twe thousend fee' ried the hands were of rock oryatal and the = Hamilton. Ontari 3 = ; 4 Te waves, 1 was the | bh: 7 o faney name them -- beneath the cosan level, and trom the de * | others were metal. Ali the screws were | ---------------- ance baad ? amet 7 4 a pe clang so the beot.and.. wes opstally te be deliv eredfrom temptation 2 Wh only eng SE ood Ustle grated| Why @ecen Victoria [Loves this teaside | a omy prin hove bean sharers ee aia and each axis tarned on A oEs Tar you c CANT Fix a noon THAT : ape aaa three me came , termined -s moonshine," Rome. | ander ° sea not leas than = ment was c ire, 4 given better + f t back amd get hold "The third breaker ea to kespoat| Ramen Gnamam Loar--Half | 2,400 fort. y bhe balance shee} © s * iow ey tester - wht ta socom ot 'ooh Ste has sightad Oe bank, 'e beard the mate cry =< yeast, ene pint of weseri can tontpeer 4 Hee feels about countries and | sunshine in life, toll pede pars daa | spring of gold. Tekepe erate ton <. "uae I a ewpert, Khede bel, bee whan auehd ws So tee the iy Ws ferivegh Sees eas ow salt, ene tablespoon of eagar, three cups of much as she does about individuals. She Felting: eccan, digging 'mineral ~ wealth | way of watches was | aes suneseeed vgn penctans bola alread bar? 5 The strike in the sugar refineries at N hed b Fn = fal vanstlon tram ie ao wae lar: | er lence co well, Cover and cha ok: aoe es some real {een the rocks above them, while wa' Hts | sews Uy the rete af the Watch abere | RT SY Tekan kets a eek 2 mee a. Sebemaahes Oo Pee New we were mls. had ' while abea grim prices « aie anya) * The feet week Wonders? netted : York has caneed a beem in sugar; the | We out and dragged hell! asherer be change of place and setae and fellowship. then tarn oat into - Sdhapons tales abe bs inordinate! nich po snag Magen coining Reageco onal i , | Secel is Sealey of Arte wt meth lest | feo. red sod tinteam 'lary. a chence Baten tee Avo. Oe Jehan SF dg enemy : pound, | We sovercew any of the other man after There mast be mone tn the spirtt of deep baking tin, When light agato é oat ® passion for Usborne Heuse te the | bles wt the ewell of oe rag © wor be | VOM wonder ca poh verses se for toe outta free te ertmal can. | Love & Aiden, New Virk -- 5 pn poised, P and hie | "Oetiiicing benetiosnee,--[A. L. Steve, 1) toa Urlek even, Bake pat be | carly days of her marriage, and {t has never | heard in the ; watch bir one oo oes, Suamat, Connzme & | ole Oe coe, Coomand Tin, Drone, Puliedel pacty of | oly fox Py " . D. D. one bour, The | the caverns of the mine with . | i A Alien, County, perigee my seman paper _ + ee tal to of the Chststien compre seep mp a tin over the loaf to Seven Gabo wenbnana abede--even | greater distinctness ae wt the bese bea last cent T STAR B AUGUR . a om te irom geting brown hard withstanding uring preees: National ngeip aah Witees, he ous ele) "Genet es a 4 the wil of God tn oar ntRibtetdnd Pon Wied doch tech ort nnd" tal Tonnage rpegtcni pling sgh cacao Pesan =o | being then ta a de seat Ina i = WATER E M ri cuthere wile gvarting lees can props nae, hong reno og We have te ta ana} *22™~ cicth. It te geod elther cela or peer pg oath erty Leaden, when | prebended, » strange terror creeps m8 SP aah the fon ringacton nt he schonl wei. "BORING Ark., bas reonlved 3 eyes for vase = Lechanon, or iecell sonetes Co eedare wie ote ~ aioe. Wo uavel peter in council, ai have to be | werkmen, chiiling thetr very heart. | bean, after nig yy hours of Iahor, wiodendsd Raruocayecier! fet Rp bre cava * OO trem tif tediles S ° | Yeare age, ae ininere lew! deen bine +s Jay Gould. Ont ef 10,000,900 Pry whatever cress the Lord J sss le: as; | Qugnr ver Balls 'w" waver __The Peigan ese tt arweennsler teh | | rata that ft eucowes . wt Govt potion uted plomes TT" targ: amonnt ef maney Be Taree boys, ae ay Se irae ns clade wae 7? Upos as; benes, pat meat ina stone jet, and peer] pleamates sod hepplest ba fo gh geet * so! at snes ie eB eiaatn B = Sere Locale Gece ey 'ol maxengee 08 (7, disap | intredection of settlers and the springing The world tsfell of te over tt three pints of cold, gved older vine- '5 love mateh. Gaels ably | ged i hole waa speedily plog -- _ "Tbe bones conynet som of Sora be stneeel, sod Niteoia, en the 4th April, 7. | ep of these communities which in the tions, of * make " of shame, ger acda pintands half ef the water In ed and enlarged the ieite rad - handle of = piokaze, and te | porters the Sh ls pee ot hoor | wr io gronted te pages pt be éth April, ad mo trace of | United States fieariah aleng every lend- poet Fg The werld darkness light which the chickens were boiled ; add sploss te ft the extestve lands betwor the preernt time the wa'era are kept oct of | EES N T FORD be plac fovecnhie 2 man getting » r and ths thoes ts. -- sad other railroads. The ieee Gekown ts onlle B pectervel, sot or be ready fcr use tn | and the King's Quay. The sear Ashen greased ar pt iiieaee welge wt | doers a an pence gen ae owshers Sore aoe culty of covering real estate dead | "ret tear; and trise to cover ys. This & pepaiar Sunday |b 1 ' at musivel clock - pe ib i ce te weighs Dan vel pupae pers ce eck Sik qpoaney to aber evening dish ; It le geod for Iuncheos at py hee bee, of Osborne, | Ciese by that unfortunately opened hole, pen os ee of ase tin WATER RICE STAR BM. while playing tive by a caveta| try. The Mericas Pimancser, which le do. | Peet eed. "P| any ttme, the" abeclate quiet, , Saint of Pbeeacdiege! Seren pad nerve of BE pid pelos Aig oe C B. M. Chadwick, Bsq., te Panive ---- eee eens son statonen sk tier Sats daacktial : we kaow thie by expert The 8 " : pgp hn derma See wna sivping 1 ee | eer osetia aon watt aod be bottom of | caade. art) ood time. The me poremant be NEVER FAIL at Toronto to Botiiag. sand pounds of molten steel suddenty gave | ey, which by aor tanagiutins -- @ eee ft raise « great barrier be weetest Name. te the waters cf Solent. A flsating bath | from galle saute Meat be maslen' post esighs Af S. a " ed - Me was constructed within 200 yards of hd piece beer, an es, eo the metal tn every direation. pon lands has nearly deabl: | countenance and saut sway from our life Poonged ta Mary | chore, with a movable and ~ he dade orery howe, bat 6 ARMSTRONG' y xty were witnessing ot ite ation within ony other nome whick hes nal a ge ¥ The Boyal ¥ ua teraed Five ar ype tbe deoger. --4 sorte eects ions "Tal "te Set tnecean gee peat yeh ot an came' See Je acann: [ot aa to alion tee krone Si Sen? ly atings « 4 - turing Company, Patent Tempered & Five are eappesed to be predaces 40 2 -ig! vo as the pol- | the typical na the a mak s ched Vlas Pees, dewcrtblng te hie as Ferth M., cont ared, including Messrs Singer and sadly care than any eloee country In ogee Lesage, ot meer a earl irgto and the tre et ee oe Packed exe Eve mmeeene remed te ; Buggy & eee Gears. , two of the proprietors of the works, 'America, and enjoys pesce and pro- | aad phi dieeace | wonten. Avd [n every language of Asis pits ecompants. The | forme, who raise their ccumetee| L. C. WIDEMAN & CO - While eight kegs of giant were | ATmS There la no aa . ultimately of « moral dents. ond Earops, so well oo vnes of | this | ener -- -- sxotie pleats case ' a being an o rain a Clindoo vill 3a enlightened, free and Some ans teheg Wek pent ty me PP a from span, besides mete It MANUPACTICRERS oF -- re rer meets wih Win, one of the kegs seckdentally eee meat severe --s the pleasant shedew of hae been an cual faverite with the arteto-| warmth, attain les, which, in the genial r 1649, and vad brought ttm preved Family and Laundry Mangies, ont aavey i dew 229, one ot tos and ¢xploded per trees or throagh gardens where rich orate racce and the Parttone of New The an extracrdimary height. | S47 by & party ef tmml Ant 0% hiety of Laneday Appinaain, Sus gemeneers neh shone 4 treme a eines of. Arthur Edwards, station and baggage His Mule Was One of the Wonders --_ bang ripel, the bloom ; | Magiend, end tt yreeding esatharn pine fone heel ht | Proof Window sesh Locks, shine Ladin wae re carla werkt or wines Roney ony Sh ioe ee ee Ciaeek caeniens off. the Wi talne among of | Gnest myrties comes from a little ou mon ioted Mating, Mill. Wrighting 'nit Carpestoetag res ™ . 'ot, and| Mlanter--" That's » vickeus stormy billo taken oat of the I'rinoess I r bd - B. AnuaTRoNG Mfx George teukemem, wese fotsly to M looking male y billows of theses toward usksews when we refer te Mary ©) Reten, | bowqust and Royal's wedding | would cutting oat ancther | =e yt some thn . describing the + Co. (La jared, The conducter el Na shores. Bet what matters tt, M Ged be oar | The brings tm our breaktact rolls. gust and planted ia Jansary, 1858. peand from the vicinity tS garNaxp rom Puroe Lor UELPH, CANADA corionsty ™ |" Pempey--" Dat mewel, eth? Dat mewel | eder and Christ ear guide, bring ups sloturs of @ ova a --_ eanictnent of the Gases eal apertare. 7 ot tbat dangereas | es Mme rag ager agp pen a ary 2 Where you are, whatever your station, | f/"! Tayi inthe vtoh gina cil pebtnr'ose tee, dasertgelon ot thom Sound rtrstehed scree shew sinder, va which New Orie Road f EE Ti hs t ari r had boy eg yp re gallery, and st anether of ®| many gulsebook. The --_ 4 ee eae tts alls Cart G0' OME S be fire at Stry, Austria, hae cased the |p, ie im your own heart the principles of red-cheshed dairymaid, with ber bare fest | the cosy, arttetla y are furnished after | The Fate ofa Daring Explorer. | Testing I goes the boa mpopty h eH! death of 100 parsons. Sena Son Deaeeovihegliab * Onetalan is nol la Your heme, ne me In the dainted gram. Toro af Kagisnd' five | Ragiish sountry houses. On fen of modern | In.Jaly last Lieat Paint » Feanch onvairy | pelatiog wh Ble beak at «dial strate etches | --_ ail a A further oat im the cable ain de vat ephere of a Christian househeid. berne it, and th ania reel sides be 8 | officer | and hav en ee cor mtn te ate Set call bin one iiyers bee or, eos ea sole weman thet Scotland ever produced | bracket de ge ied Cantat-ehetven, tan ae Gor. | from ane te wwanty tone. "Wha tre | OR --- MILLION. Another of Pasteur's wolf bitten patlente "Neer spt, Sette gerd cys Gleen cd Pome Stee teed a ond Si ' sti spuleoas Wee | desert, free Ai pega ctl att Sg td geared Winters" Patent tad Cart | Retires te tencrat Behoce ana Seotery hae died from hydrophobla, on ki Ba' we it, and the | Chinese, thence journey down the N' 3 again. There ia mo mechanism wha! " im Central PH Ragland you knew. t cy | worst '2. aganene, ond aif Serves wary, nad bon vd wots a Niger to the French | ever that ca be seen, It all being ot Bugxi mir ita a tm woe 'ested im phte awio Tinding Use for er bo Heemins * pnd hr ob, |i otedy y Spree poor } an, Corrinne Rien Se toe ant omen" wil tere het . ve Judgment. suns ° b pr 7 ying it out. ~ + ication Trasyrom bas a » poem for the| . Cised morning, ps tee Fr Senegal had augmented vel form of clock hee recently bees Beod for Catalogue tor Por full Iaformation (which will be cont you tree opening (the Colonbal Kxnbbttien, eat eS A: Titers ; ; Ee bie eu aa Wa Wile ee 6 | Seclgued Vy am Sogeeh erie. The face | J. WINTERS, Manager, sori tomnnea, ott Chleane | mila | Ss exe toroake bend | on the stalrosse tog eureathel buaive @ - ' Galt, Ont |t.smam ian Fame. Agvet. CaN. W, Bp ~~ ete al the thav's 0 goed dene." «wrap n ~ | thelr merchandise Seongn jocipetelng mage a al " 7 } hea, - Mu. de = , Why, new, tt really'ls imposible, | them glide two y's painted butterflies, | (/) canal wil be ta 1880 bnew 1d Pra ether, These FR otk nad & tall toshins 4, with a depth ot | meg? always thought was 20 favorably Eyre °F La . the larger indicaling the minutes, | ~ E EE ee PLANTS U8 be ated that Ube Doe « of Edlaburgh| "True; but thle Of interest te Young Men. with "¥ as & brave officer that his request | cealed behind the f 12 toy S108 hus Fase | 1 | tamboarine, i x was only restrained trom 'eat t time, vou keow, 1 caty . planta hows nae | How many | the doughaute to whe bearder, * I like to ese . of | tons ef the bu Fong . Grerk feet by the -- a war ob Tamemen whe toe tod hogs expat pe yet pact Ape op Ainge . to his wile; the Miniatas of roe, Lieut. Paiat eet ° ye which are made ef re) 3 avik poryliy Sno "Viceteding the Great is mach tm connection with the man candor, sad trast! What hore Guan wigs sf shooteg oo a tog early tn | carried on the arms forming the real < : then. there' hands | aera han Sei __ Never did Agree with Mim. saneese of pentarpetees, made exes n batefad whee Tels! Tis enter sation yo-] pow ee a ee ere aeers | (11 ope." be wrote, aa he was shout cadens enantio oat [| Slants by frelete oe eapesen pl ere a ena | Pi n pecmre ora phys boned [ay SP ey wow a deve, | MY mother's oo ee reenlend See te eGee a acon Teel for Pounce the, feieatuatp off the cvequer | maker e tiadew in Landen, ea | I paeenge oaks" COCNBED, Flor tas, rer rely tn _rerord as be settied himesi{ in his arm chadr in front almost to | Reement to say | ** My ithe danghter | tt be Sehare and te lead people of bouses of | ' pe tonen:} Veearamwrner, Own. | Gad men was her Mary." Coa! fs a ence, but I found my wife had rather have to our African ports the | Parlisment, Westminster | A Be heh nn Mast, _ it nappy = gene & coay evening with port peer em pl: 7 Riera ae © " sane 'whe 1a dead." Waele went, walk enh Gallien op Ly shovetiog off the por gerny sey eter Neer Pda d roar | let inte the tower to repre Big" Boop ty eee Ser Deformed and Bu ti ed | ' Fifteen passengers wire killed and nine. " | Joba, 1 fen' the fret time that Sortie ten There are lot: of men, ¢ henees seat 1 "Mary, my wifs."| by hielo her 'goed. bye. lune, than | a5, wheneaa. samt | The dis! te very the pete 27s hom one Farvtege voliny Fencioewvber tind pour tom very cortoesly wounded by the explo- stchons has net agrecd yee," onld be | $e ey Pec ay toe & potare of home comfort 1 and Giggteanicker put on bie onng man, rn evertheless is lesald to keep good Send for Catalorue-- «iT Kine MW, Tom ero --_ - steamer Colambia wife, ly. on by deserving ly look, "if wast cetved b a . be island % r) all wast premotion, you te show your affection 2 7 tho 3 of Tumace, south Amertos, "No," speke up little Johanle, the ab sn ehek bes tices monet © He Wanted a Discount. fer your wife, joxt do It in that way which d@iepateh emys thet Lieat. Palat bas | sh alt year 'eddressing hie mother; " main thoaght seems| Coldcash--What de take « little work off frem < been scr: rsknated by earegs Owing ve the oto pies | Siget whee naa ese nad, sack tinge | the dog Se eoaly 2b pases endl oon weey, | Useers you charge for on-|"*iter ton Slr. Utggemaicker 'weet dows --entagtatiee tes! A ewes oman Ser ys eer Seer pata erecta pel ete se wy wire Se rei A geses hah Sev a nese « -- im thelr a he eld hen sover agems fe he grog Mew tat et te Catan Well, ape ot th Pee ee ee ee ee Paist aise aghe bin fate, Cok nae whens | Sage Sone ta on soee, catioey te argues, | ot Se See me way deen ns nn ms Tye | stl, say, abn's What pretty | Sndllea Paid et rag be fate, Cat Platte was | 0 Polit he hi 8 Sahn, ont man Sacblom i aseertion ** that pare ye es of ambition 'ndertaker--Not fara first-class eend-| A led: cal png ng ggg ed te ats mencer'ng coven feet from tip | . in Mestow and St be over staggers onr faith in | do during the day end ay ae) 7, Inet week, attended a funeral tn | feasible route for the Trane che ip teed be one atry away the Give pores Retailed at Wholesal Potwseborg dave sevsived midnight him. If b . rhe; day ond how much wo called | Coldoash---Well, what di Scountry whareh, "After the singing of « | rt raliroed. Teegred camee | roast Jowwpht Davia of Manheim, Assiat olesale Prices. . nite fan' they can have. at clubs, dances and make for |, discount would | byms, » man whe wae sitting bebind her re. west Mayor Leung 'wes sabbed to. dents | ance arrived te save thet Belew wo quate p . eat eer wavtente whe pave, Seon A = jan't it, ma'am } | after seoused of poisoning por ple who ixuikadeenels _ nile we quote priors for thet are Waeea hi tmeans" bet I meet eoee SHOT DEAD FROM B15 HORNE. page = for medics! treatment. Pal } eenee wory tm Charlotte, oe Rhee Genuine American Watches, is -- s perfect with M. 3 { . ot thee we Atable, Inteedsd' te trayal through te | oeetise co baking et nee 'bea beget Wattham, or Elgin. 9) pe + sisi yey pone rete tek np om ma 1. W yoom, © residing shout Touareg sountry as « Taurkléh phystc'ss, | here cf oop. e Doctor qstek! | pms mame Joe ean i ' miles north of (emanche, was f end erry hie me whe ban vested ots | ene bi pol sones spares man > waseinate d other night abet 9 rieak he ara, bas worn cham. | *Y ye tolen several near his home. Tesayens oad Hoary Welch ae ee Only two ex _----- Leeson ike beterg, andy "CHAS. OLUTHS; bome, and were suds . Calle De. picecg Siasete soe Si eat Se | SS Sn a 'enw yeon fell from hie herse a corpse, Weich western desert to Timbectes, have sucored: | ser 'nie habits | TE bim be epere to his horse and ed tn their enterprise, ved jeomely when be was or wae frightened to, Inte Seniend," wrote the Feonch Minis by dog cee dey Hie was fi be | oe ommerce ] bet ane net. canlgnete whe or sey with tectote carefally wudy the oon pedary lamang can -- ng ered * 7 : ba Siar view of extatlishing an ever. .| vag eo | Els Moeting Corr, tart proet Dm tt : 'nd cam at slammed ta ble (onuen gree oe PS. Martie' = y of commerce beteren Algeria ' 'eee sine ee Bre prmencnn so Be bop oe for be | _ Acad went sqsalling throagh the al, ne ag Bg -Mpensc Chirsee ues proveeded. Baling sttracted by 4 lightun potpana Ss stery silas. mn irade to thee | Sordieg tem ratie, tee. Saye oe te CHAS. 81 E. ft, and be god deal st sary difizals mincionary | " veyerll esdead fool obeve Wis rt iAS. STARK, sore pe apie werk vdently be eco: mplished tn the ewh's were or their a emi lund of the 'Tearyge belere Frases derives AWK a04 cat fell like lead, The i Ln posters fired » 4 trem = i bet . . eat had | -- * TFuitie, Slowing pat' pd waned amt Sehara. r bird. Tre bn ities the eon thet as fetelng ne cata wate se Lapred »% asa ast aoe ~<a Sellaiaedhleniaiaal Be lease ol tote An Extended Exper A i e j / weyed to h wer Witha's wet xperience, Rupture, Breach, or Hernia, | i Sate ian NE eee LOURE __ in Fe ae | sheng the ter Fetmem's Feintone Coen Retuso | proves total We empley Sages Sib iat et Sees + GONSUMPTI Seared comeanting Gacie: oe mage Putesm's Corn Ex a ona 10 mote compe Sarna " | try fora choe te the sesmsine. Tennyeon eon Sew ne by medion Sits | ca. Nimeciton, Mula Sire 74 ar gra, aoe eller . 4: ceca at scokcedattes peetent tenons cate Sa; - 'Lard' Deflerin hae telngrepbed the Hom _fruitta ares! On ap waioans, on eboeid hie ue oar mrad clap te geal peed prot roped the reports of British dé) Ak i tat, Offse, manterers be ising the gee bay Revie Ashe yon angen | eats Se-Sicedalag ont gree gros «xaggerations, | : cage & ailing toeenine " between curssiver, "s trie lend | Greatest Discovery since 1492. : . od be resorted te, Aad, con, nis eeiia') as 0 by ie Be | Fur coughs, colds, sere ti rests, bromchttte* | . ' pen yee ee --: in tte early | ever ap te and z 2 = fellow, extremely nice fellow, Preertons: tet aes ¢ H Fy Lage, Nght 'me think of a wriey | ose me Galles | : si cas betore, he fovt camera. bo. Meas - is time I iook at him. And Miss Jolie! Lovaly "a pete. dovrde sorearg A i fea ine ihe ieteas WEineet caller, 4 fest 30 vdeo. : 12 A RA ets wn rn Leet oe 1 Pity she's oo very ed tad sessstr Sx 5 Preongu one ae and whe san snz mere | reap walle, | foot deep: toe ad at completed 5 WO 00 ist oaling boned at Bip + ecm rate © And _ sree Etrogieea urine Woe hare edi « college Ubrary.ie twe years arcund foundation seme nd | 5 alla 427 boshen, 15 fast longs ; i $1.95,0055.., 75 co! aeaeen ae oed "hervtaly" Geneetied: Aad Mra) get - = by arg " commen 16iee hen thick, and po 1 alli 427 inches, 23 foot long] | cod? Ab, there's» charming old 1) Am infest in New' 3 ee X Go. D- : Mace Yat | weet stat ml wis ee L DALS. - sgainst oxy ise with four bands, It crahaiien fia bucayimin' "'~| SAMUEL ROGERS & 00, 30F 3 rontRt Mi TOnemAS -