s ee, 1. ae ove mon | ' THE: WEEKS MEW. ...| SFENO smowegramyaanens - | 2 take Michiden miner. | _ --} -----SHAR-TRE-SORAN.____jonoE MANGHO aT rae NOE -- CONSTIPATION. ie " . . -- 06d no eenner hits Potaskeoy than some- Hists Hagiand owns 25 000000 fowls, und New Tried te Sea Whether Ms wiett-@o ~Tee-eminant Hei sataraliet, Mr. Wa! FAY 4 -- The Pictaresqueness of the Mety (14) ~ | thing gut into the o'd steambeat. She bagae The tetiowing remedy be voes seacbed for by 1 $00 408 O90 rags wens tepartes ts lees, Banged 7 the Law. - . now Street Reemes Site Of The Temple. te bew aed duck and kick ep and Bl a lady © bas urea [t many years © An bemate of the juil le nantn Vo, te al 7 fn suck 6 queet mane we beld a med | ra gfe od The at the Loades in se dove Baker, whe is sboat te be tried for Laele Riel's wites fe reported b te Nearly every one mahes the joursey frm | | 2s' Seclated © committee be-wald | everest te ae eee S50. 696 45 400 10 | Soiiee for whlh be was ca ~ fog nt Si, Boniface, sucltohs. : Jiffy ou hormebselt, thongs few meothect it 4 eck tor tateemais buge 1884, a falling o@ dus, ft le Sapposed, ty Abeet Sue yore age Freak & Unreh, «| ; PYy soe of the Manitoba ant for teanloned. velates without springs, of 8 | op tas aspt.ia thibe 'om m cverbars. © nae ; ditrem among the working | 11/1; engisent, wae married "| ther fj Wenteph raliway will ne bulls tiie year same type that gigas Re aot fo Jak, | OO red ont amd lay' dove the place | orrnere . : re Ps, aud with bis bride mowed to Trinkda', | theatrioals of the Princess Mt far | Sethe Complenice I Se K ee eee rel preceere | © fat we sever bnew Lake Michgan , A sane Ses poet hae bene lesned, givisd (oi! Seen alter going there, Unrel, deot- Se nally, genafal . : » Pix tty « * wer that * od om takiog® ranean * b ween \ 00. years vbd No ofty of t _teat | rest Britain for leat There was «i Teen and,alter. be __M_ De Lea. was walsnmed Sisoh 0: 00: | Constipation $< _ Orient retabee ore 'Siri pane by eoorgne a ~ ays rT: = = ectabiinhmes nba oaghAle wt Ream Po A Av tire | ay ot Pe = menses SS Me fat that al tbe batldings ape © Leoaagny oe Soe pate ee ee es berwmes velied ti pat varlations eel Terk, whee tee "rhe Tad ab home, but, ae users was pe at age -areeree- at She oak 8? | _--= ARKIAGE & Wicon xe 2 W000 years . ' : " ee demand for or 'hla sorviece a0 am engiseer, be | ble mee te +d of etowe tomaed on, that qnosh af bo { bet as we failed te f j sabere were 236655 Frem shat year th Neglect of Regular Habits; Cc g the Fort 1.01 | wrpetaies _Morlah and Ziem--bet list ne [epee hawree Jpeg aog portloalan avs et 0 dessert aprentel of of a beta! grafually grew, entil in 1555 ft reson are pore! tennant sevy tom bane tee ~ ws ay Mesdivite prota' Mrs, Misi Food hard td Digest, Torpid Mastafactarere vt Wd (On w ' The siea do 9-¢ 4 aepenetieer wae paamed." T have Sueys was vi apt ag Aon Suse eng Saarendbee ae three leering ble yours | ornam nie were her famens sapphires, value' | Liver, Spices, Stimulants and Assringents | gr. Guelph A Axle Works sms. vat baw heen sated a been sorry we didn't lay ft oa onetn | | ve 'warm cenek it oberg dont Fors wits prustionli st $300 000° too free use of Cathartica, ete., agi a if oP ar EK & CO, Guelph, ont, amty, for ithe pally | Seed mace' i. | Calamives aed givebl: memor . es Gen Salome ihe president of | MONE IX A WILD KES ER Rev, Dr. Pla 'hes recived a long es | S8tU™ which od the tons ee he Onn onal | om te, o-one br j ytalr & Stomach, Liver aad' Howels. o Drneetek » Hail an bear after being of Honor, This tevtimeny o' | bo remeonstrated ~_ him for tte vom | tograph Letter from the Qecen, war »| ef some ome corbi t te the cs: «| be her ond 3. cote and wy my; Frases Asc a al rept "ad Geally,/to qulet | thasking him for bie stication ete Ti Nl, grr TAMES PA RK & £0N; « - 7 «tven by > j ~ aah ties of ¢ was any part' ohiel of Haytian Government, | her, he agreed te call oa one of their neigh during the inte serious Hinese of the Dishes: | ---------- sr | Tp to. - qeneratie te the boat behaving in each a m: how much she appreciates bie effurte | > tare not be deo | of Connanght CURE * ~ nits nico oan Vi trans Po eho kere, toro: F106 tatatieoyers 'te Peterborebehe. hare PW RLLING CH TART ANCIENT: We wert might be greatly aman tater eta in the republic | & ¢tve her protection daring hie abernes | Thee President of France, M. MiMMahen, | CURE © bang gy roe 1 ge y _- a and conta ler The houses include, ae eee & stoambes| stand | covering orcs 7 tes, and ts porate of | Toe nearest neighbor was garage rye when he became a bridegroom, and gave u; | and and Molasses. "D etc. 'shen harsh | aager Pat Bane ae, Sure * minors tom. Be va tend etresles 4 mia feof her takes 1 more cortonsly inde és the | prefect « ay a rts atta ¢ between thr | * 700mg sad strapping pioneer rhe hadi be { proleaged bacheicfteed, married « ame re ™ ad ~Ceeene, Feely a aary = velit » level walk, w Sad lolters tat woman f: rt d ih times. _ 7 coated a ranch ad)jsiniag that Carat ans ve Dae cle Castrien, whese death wae Foi, The hagt Rrorte Senet Jaring tee twilight sod early eve ox that it was altegether ir = : The jan rm property of Ea) land | whose wer tatty ter utiers or rome ----+ 3 ' t Daetaton ¢ re ie aii Dames oe i a ote si wpb ape to oars ries i one vege A Lod prelpatber a hip te werth Gt6 000 008, Pe al was strock between him rey wun Oliver Wendell Holmes, somos ways | all rat tARPar WO 1 that th- pin on reve oat to tel: ~~ pes | om Camnase Satay ake 9 firm, | 000, ana er annal rent, tadepemded' | at the © steamer Uregen committed spon heargrenbed ga 09 8 towanle the pro Shere be stat 7 1 saw ber she lay under ene of the. * [senate oo oy enwagh to pearly | of mines, ot Es Cnotcarte of | trom tome Baker argo ae over tote Oe I rote te aval bee g pat geome Bunoocx Bu BrrERs an rn A. ARMSTRONG ei | IES teh es Mad Larne ina 20tn. ppeamhands jommed.-into-o basket of buckle. ¢y . dinb,._pat--tt in tha dieh | snte eaclusxs. at Sha, bald " 4 Baten showing, at | ouil OA, One marvels wherethey cwald Have - Tah Taneb-eued--sighty-sed- remo to sme | 1 Pr Whuch tages and requlaics the Bow aecrsoreenes oF . stewed neeiv: The present walls un ond her nat ee kicking the riba of « Tepriskie the te Po owith s half tes | owners of ieee than an sere, le fa house with Mre Uarah until meraing. In / e fhe a spay we ' nchan the Hoered of ine, which Geapa its ii} ep E 6; r tw ood fifteen tavern, slaty: {01S ihe tines of then deserve | seg youn epecatul of black pepper asd twe or! of | 260 prop "an a rine sase were | Meuse lathe Holmes family. | fi -- Sa eed entiioe Weal, Unit ato sed amas: -- "i twelre wheleenle Mesnons | 11 ies tee 45 000 lohatitante Bow living Some folk ietke mig might think it made odifer | three tablespoontuis of white sugar; put] owned by 6 200 # ; 4 half of "= . Bee 3 cat taap bo Jahn Metehia bering nd un Sppertendly Oo ute of ihe - oy wos neg Poe hares Nene grected by the Tavombe Commie cr Bir olt:-4et-sustared-apaen, te ts half s cup of batter in raiment | sours scumtey to held by 7 400 individuals | Stvre egetne 6 erent dee oe eine te dincan ne Landen pape Hv bg jay tee sfomets ground lo om = brown etre t ohiowing mixture | Tae prpwletbon te 45.000 00 . Tha pears, apes bifc.e We Two Hise yuasretiod, aad | sway £100,000," -saye: 10 bappenes ji B RAN- FORD Aavthes bateh cf beta) and rushsorent quien, end there is not in the olty ae aver | ee see A apersaretlionstars ~~ --_ , | Set See ke mumnber, wore more Chan 006 OND | 6, can with grath arity vat bestilites thle moment tant | des't want to give awe: | URDOCK T soopers te Paterbore' ware recently nt! So ay wide as am ordinary atrert.. No shds wine se } Wer ee bege| of tae, Kingdom : veer, Pe ret) CO anon | oould be avoided ore Masons, and | ary of my money; and what 1 want to b LOOD URES Plty Aelia 5 conte each for vieles 7 bot a . bas or od " eoredt lend, wertn $2 000 ( ¢ wu om os ' it. + r Khe sata Act ws' | You teas ein to the'msadio ot the ates war and Reap tm 8 warm piece 0ti:| 0 anncal rental of 666 00 ON) (Usoere | 2, breton gh Eo woe, | MM nen Ham w do Bes ey Messing | PlitreRs yonsTipaTion (oto WATER RICt STARCH] cog eg sy Rylan 5 vata t % ee -trerlge-ote cos c r Bat to oe cane an architect of Lyeon, re refers | Dent betw re wor pet tagialabere heve devided te reeemawndas | ye, , , ob dich Cxogotate Protec. -- Ba bes SEVIE, ¥ Varah then eared ike leng tom) Fes ar antes {ee the Hudson 7. nepl aeteagake r | cream etx mara bo ster, add = quarter | feversbly to the extedelve vse of clinkere} | Soo. sion, ea thakor 808: wet. ot | ot to look the benks of the me Kobe ~ NEVER FAILS. miles ft grated chovslete, three} f-r truvkaliets @ork in thas ofty perigee neigh Strs, Usruh aed ter stock, The husband's | opie po ts at Fallalrpb, Sot out . ~ L ieerciemryreenas wey owe melee te aed by degrees the yolks | berhecd, Tne ef these clinkers is 7 . | amoun ao all - eg te She De wasn at Zien Rabeanee" batts, Ot Stable inthe secte sesbt ours, with o quarter of a pean of jataied be alizat $2.0 per cuple yard, sad Seer Sper bo pesnie-hane, aon By ite, hebrew hemes fremeaer: | BErais evereaiomal Bowe tn af ze IMP TION. mens ge pone oa } aad S br | grat : Hound tegether to |e emai. quantity «! commen or bydraailc | °7™" "4 resem Mgain quarrelled with | Agerrecetved hiv check for the fat! ameant | Tomete wae with reference te ihe ot gradealiy ball an ite | vf ws stick of venilia aad lime te wised with them before ummg, the Baner aad the maxt morning the | Sieuhede He hed made hie ac UPERIOR vices axp naar y MAKRANTED you strike add th the pe tare teleg wetted and rammed lo! oo ln the of Mre Uoruh.,| Mage PerPovely eacertale, and thelr letter Ss a = Lawaon was vintertiy pare - the whites of iben arches or yaalte ae aba Betere . Bak '| Tanks did-ast reach him for weeks,- Gals Fue were? Ld . new, S38 te a froth. 4 of coneeste, sare i meceeter? | roveiver aor tees ewe Pores at Uaren, | Here's = wtate ot Net long A0kms GOOD LAED I Tow , of a | ow ~ ce } ---- it bat apt Age Ay Tt ne vet the ip mete paral { StLtine MIM INSTANTLY, Sam" Small, in ene of his sermon men 60 a iy sevens Mo KuNT, Lnaen Branch Office, 37 Feagest. Teramto bal Serve with earve, to thasurtece of the ground of the curve o * a| that « M Sydne i the ofntriag, Nat tories the lez eee: to sesh.» As the tragedy ecoarrea many miles from « | | " Gs kee Bares @700 60 Acre Farm y 7. pe Te cream potatece amnelahe: ty al $800, ~ --e oe beg jeasee f} R iH rt 6 at i sie belied potatora. Pat two] manner oa w! reg eetale the a a -- gl acting Pays, 18 nonte: 00,008 New rieans oad a vy ol setf-gover le of butter inte | . pent tor the Island aes proviace See eee reat wahis | all rloh of shaking out of apy of the.material | dad | : GALT, Cont. per jon, ' « bgowats | ¢ f ur, bat do net brown ; ola ve ef Ker MASCOT ATT ARES « Ameri Fiat ery Unien, of Gh acee cup of milk, aad when it bedls Norwegtam . . ter, Maca, hae taken up the case of th eat opal rol chopped panicy, peyeet. ape sde mean yearseas ee he na Winters' Patent Poad Cart; sore ao te eohoone: D ead + Adame 6) be ; erent port' 4 ial the potatoes. Baal mp well ead ry stckel ere from} | (\*Rataee te hail <f, ber owner, and will fight the ». .tter "« How deep te thie part ef the lake? sad verve. I seas rece ead oes of beter, | iriguenie Neresy. Tous os ome | Ce cia. Saas, tatters = thansies; Carriages, Sleighn, &e J te the 3 * Doa't you thle you could stand three pet t i pars now rapidly growing llets of elemests iso terse, Hamiton i I ba Governmes: eked months en dry -- snoop - tal of white coler, with « tinge GESTS WANTED IH EVERY TOWN AND | send tor Catloge by « deputation to guarantee the inter ot of 4. "Why net try caster ofl! I'll donate Povent hen pare, o metal, + enueey. far the 0. Pacdr and slices, feet the Hodson Bay railwey 18 be at bottle. dried ay plea lio leatze, bat ca expreare te the rat cat tale oo cabs; wap Esbe east ee J. WINTERS, Manager, stated inet the seheme ova' id be sucons-t ali ly 3. " Is eucking the ofa caneany | shop them tine, adi coated with 0 thie flom of ie [ Pembot & poten, tbe. oe a oy On Galt, -- 4 7 beter than biting the leg of & table cook wowty one hen about that of copper, ita | them ferobvionr ressens, It qe ously» test, aa an | PR -- -- eae ca . " office ef owe m2 " De ye the of this | little ad:| one t specific gravity te nearly nice and one ball, | week befdre the cfficers enrived, en ede 1th toed: mpliment, te the. mae <u hie ro rz r Macapres ALL MMZES-LATEST PRE S TON strate at Oraageviile, were badly de} yep by besorable muttres jet thick eser cream, twe nk ope tow | aad It melts at 250 4 Cent. From Ite peas bedy bad } ant ye rj dage rar sigoed himself to powte | "Seek sheop sat sore end tow be explaclens a & 0 the ee Vay tet res alow hi Me chloe be. | speonfal ef soda, theur a sti | cpyaleal pri periies and chrtmioal resctlen, | been baried. an a mete resi bat ie garage Sem mel | itslane JOMN GILLING & CO. Geriston Place. < the third ont of | tween seasickuess 7 bateer, Fonte feet -- dewiy. 'Freating " eo to differ [rom every other | late custody andggoading the _-- here of migns aed, appente pyr in Orangenin eines the Sout Act ie f 6 Gas chivdion } an se 2 een als aloof, but be | tea great im Rnown metal as to give it » distinct individ. | waggom, ali were conveyed to Sard GENTe FOR ae PeRALe rAiLy came tate fo na venbdaates are yroot in fn take rg gives ight eae the was serene he presence of such as bunt Srawan rvaleiogmey ~ Cat half ® pound of | gality. where an loquest was be held. yr . ly : em ae a aa ro parr hag ic dae yet windows, with od bin down ed ral godly cheese inte thie Slices, Take scleas stew | As ind ia 5 000 bet AND refes- the bettem sneer and pat Fee tee or eka mete so artiahas cohenienee far oroumek "i erm ate te Me, Deno Khpiee, | cea eencae ae i ety ae Hie acted an sacencarned ts Mw | Pinaglamfal sf beer, skier: wr wing and | te wry fa view of tho growing tam dean 2! Summer Resort. lan tags tn ralaing the stemmer | io their ba: nad cestnanea. Meagan | stir ever the fire ull it is melted. 7 'oe meet the demande of art and A { lele Xi Like Seperior, a tings aa hoar the few bandit | op the gyihe « at " two eggs aod o tad . The majority of the produce This eet bitsbimeet ie moe cyan ty the pubite for « that the Domioken G vern. | = Se | etilt eat ap ane closer ~ oe | | teaspoon ta astard and 2 very "ite formerly employed were obtsined by loject | ortega cart a A a marenmey » beta, - covet kilowed tinted ted Atetes tage to te werd | @aly a Tramp jee tes oval Jolene iroren 'Rech want | coreane pow caer 'aie fo . aon ver | ing whitewooud Loerie of lime <wter | Mie 'ter . Diesares cf ¥ 5 Dies reece, ja raletoy thie R ued, . boson himer others, ' the werve very coon | strotg presvare. ox ag tow atl ft 3 oo s rs ght th -- Owen 8-00 ze newspaper sald sie isco pen up to stealing hens, calves, sheep feast, De not let it burn, and if the cheese titles, however, almost all the produots had | telng now f a be any sanyo pre | oa payee or aptgricbcygad ong v hgy ayn MONEY TO Serene: main, Llogaetts Nita op Ty conventan ot ts oeat the srock, killing hie jnctantiy, | bertee--te robbing stores, re eg and | le mot very rich adds uttie batter wnee 1] been prepared with the Ged | euane or npveel hes. morey, Se ee | calorie anh aquletio, be la apt be be moat | Productive Tows, | Village & Farm Property Str Por or, Croquet Ur. cede, ete, 2 conees The Casadian Paaiic Hatiwny Ovepeng | Woemp sear the erect, killing blm loctastly, | sharebes - tegian te wets avd epread batter we the waste plevee of deer wad kid ohlan The | nothlog and reelgned himeel{ to bie fate. ake. He bear: ing, and B. MITCHELL MeON ALD, Barrister, | motel, : @ preparations for the «pea The man, bad on a striped shirt, faded sopivale-- te merderteg Sates tin ped: | tour bunne ave dov- Shlo<gurpeet- mace Not far trom toe jail he motioed « | wide awake. ® * everyth! ee snub be . * tog "re toe 'ine te Arai te Britieh C " "rome oe . see beok agen 1a sen Supatcane.--Te make a de | bleached for two weeks is chloride of ae, ROPR WITH A NOOSE AT ONE BED mth snewer everything. ce aces ions ta tour | oth delete ne: conianniaim, |-tétone orange ahariaaks tlloe orange and | then by seam along with the whl |. inging trom the crossbar ef-s telegraph} young ladies of the yare the lines, and a eal and ef. | and Pars we buckled on lif: preservers and | eprinkle wit oe bead or coe batore | : u avery have ordered an eel earmeait at of | Bpectaitice-- hy o mmission ae oe thelr eho ie pen wae ve, [ualng. T "a oe mod ) while | Aline F: ol vbe Wemas woe ory | cee eee Nrowta: ont: + 4 h rawirg reem emus " seru branches fifty mil a. nether we gent down or got to lund | *Po* eoult | 7" It | ta! apenas! iter te holst him tie 6 Witiiams, uly « at Cat In the wide "4 ely | bave acres pty tedicuwe cham' molsten cold w te dough | being white g Weil be was in the act of poll ng off his | ths world ever sae trae and strong © » Pe of | iH. Pelt & Slate Roofer. A sonal a of interest le then os F arle tied | si hres aotindercedtit ar yen tie Rell, take - = pie thae 'pi - on aad pat camly worked than sataral ivory. 2 come one gave the signal to aad | American we: tiaheed and who sare @ the Siansiaenpen sai deaiar in Tange Pom. Root t 6 of the David J, Aden "4 ' at come Wh. cranges Eat aweetran A tlambarg newspaper aren the follow: | vutore inane Whe were searest the euiprit | Woman's College (ss Ite fire: I oorng | pies Bntiding Papers. Carpet ond imafening Fel he trath of the matter, enever | cam, ing scoeent of « curious +xceptions! | poow it almost he wee kickicg in the air, | the beet years of noi early fe, pat the Ready Roofing ele. o souideatally cen seress ane he bas Srrmuxs Bexar. -- Ose: quart four, two} woltent which coctrred te dhe eviiection | yi i ceing Hive or ten, aome one | pres! her name. FP of, Kate Beal, the | J to avatd me oe if T wees man to be (sou tuasematits & hd ¥ ot a d-aler fa wit? aAtmaih tw teat olty Far! ts sue orowd exised held or s loge anf [eles Girester of the Are r-77 fimedin T ereriaun, wmaih = _ ails . lx , ome time past coe of the largest elephants, 1 too alongs with all ble bt. Ag | Northwestern | olvereity, bas 4 Advlnite mE, Toreeim _ spoonfuls salt, two eggs, ant sweet milk pullea mig! | PIOUS b SMILES. | te aa a otiff batter; bake in « leaf ina Rioaghe "Festoce by wore inant, _---- -- ne then sathiaiass was assumed | order for the ---- Fed will eo mpicts rs -- Commenoemes: poner gg Te be broken, fot cut, aod . pened wen buid, 2 the lynohers feeli are Awernsa sermon la says short to be 'romain | eaten Water may y be sred Instead of ieegth desi oi ihe 'cma, "whicn yd dace good job sad am "Taball pire the vases th Lord | A bennel te church + sli edding « speemful of butter 4 opantry considerabie ex --s ery e cree" ou do," tees ane = or Cavcuriows 'Tako of the ' aad were soon dist Ibdled it the various replied Lord Palmerston, 'he re SiR" | -aawan KNIVES, fav cy aie the cauliflower ie af They had bardly vanisbed when | 1; anyone hed offered saaeas Ag Lord | Pz Jotmter, comet ben. sen 0 he'll be 'only No, net ens. fate little branches. Put into a saucepan banal may falriy be nak | ater of . : © appe dntment. ct & valect com And the proad ae she gazed Dead eens with 5 be bad bestily onm- = Gant, Ont, ; oem ae tne "Hadeoe Bay nnd | om ber dar » would whe think when dria the bedy of Baker was quick! ene allusion t© this Gower fa |S «° bethale.® stew pet te llis! mil wba with Si re er ee eee and i ett OR BPENCE & CO, | rte phyticlan who we: eammened acters rather ridleuies his wife for ba:sting io ee ord on-tun p, beut the primrese, qed re Oeneamers wil! ad dosha Poy veage- I ne inde of the chain were There was no pairs, and nal repeated ronant al iol td +g) meepe * Lar, Send ons we rev 'ny moevemen' thet med tes ~4 fred ee, Sit Eeteae the dpee | ee = tb ¢ Biggest Things In the World. wourt, xg ToaBew. Mn Byler bed o big dog nes eamet | pe ean mans ea horn wae Grod by lightming and Avateoyed wonders earth, he | 740 oak 'he largest theater in the world is the ' Nodifhg @eanted by the anfav erable re. i gue whom he was in the habit Se . "Ontarte. s wits all nag contents, lecludlag two horses ~ meee new opers house in Paris, Jt covers near. ble bese her paid nctnton Or ay pe wares ae bane a mle os a | oTan avaun and « Roz ores of qroand 5. ity gable mass labesiog veren Abo ding DL. Fey) a | RS ere ge wamabls be te | an carmroh 6 quent "manner the AMERICAN, ir and Sekt cl tha amr ab lund, ob atonpting mart =e . boby in a chady corner, retareing to give | gen work es the bedy, First be' poured * Wateb! waten | wate | 1 my! when | or Fer 12 fe entimated that the lomwe by the last | st teble in the , whase he had batt the cha nea necep ting _-- , esive teides le the ene | be sblld the brent uo cocur | oboct a pint down "5 throat, he | rustle, rastle, bounce came hie big dog, al | WELL BORING rate in mine counties of Ohio alome will | them years before, Hew the peer fellow |» county benefice, urged » friend 2 ranenes ommpe * '| @& Te * the eblid from the |rubbed hia rolled bim ever and ever, and | mest inte his arma Honest Watch | Mas ns superior! 0 fet per j bend Srottied, remark: | } New York Clty ond Brooklyn harm, ' a dest f aggregate two -- dollars. foe! or ro Maples ee oe veo pao pine tpl get gee babe lee | te lng poate open te 2,099 feat ots deg (a thaks wen tade-ta chaos, The | tried to walk him up aad "down, Several | pad been sftting af sollgneze: - peeve, Maries 0d sent Coming maaan Sui aidien Hen Le 4 wntingten, Poutmaster | Md ules della, ona. Se} perf s the length F i * thme that ehlid dropped in beg " furan the ataleter. At the | - fr Dest, and» hoy one G0 the. work. 10 wil pay tow Ccneral updee the Meckortls Adeistonre. | We fa away a ery Sy at Ay rh pry ani we Hf bre dey St entire Lengen ates Atle | oe ieager hibited the mae impatience fer terest inthe matter, and whee one man get | of hfe name up went his his eyes | 2 mary O4., Mamitton, Canada. | iv Sect Th br afm to oat Urge » dled ae eddenly the ether morning In| "hom he cuald bo sige "J one ti tnall have mutton kidmeys fresh every | the breast as formerly, altheagh tte general | tired another ' band. Day- | kindled; st the sacond he was atlil more LUVTOS, LAKE a Co., GALT. sg w ¢ New Sash. |i ae doar Bsr dope | covet fen tenantctoat,"* | The 2 lottlent 0a tive volcano be Pepemte- | | condition was excelient, od ite indtiteenes break foand all of the tullers nearly extaast- | deeply moved; at the third he obey ) . . 7 pesscor dll Fg Bogen A bears | petl smoking entats" ve | cvuld aot be attributed te: "? apparently as =e ever, | o mpletel) pow rail poh oe 'Cama Tegeree Peast Waa | the jove and reference concealed tn these = Miniswer (diving with the femily)--My He soath west of Purbia, Mexico ; tt te | One day, pe avtaccieg be take Sea cr ie One by ope the men came > the conclusion | deor with leaps thas did ¢qaal boners te bie Fence Co, 195 Saver areas, F = 1 rrcey Snead, yon mae couse ane these 17.748 feet above the sen level, and base TENS, he won eetealshed So ote the Sem deca, socvinced teat ta nnd Saally all sat | mesowlar powers and deste te obey, by! " And the letter wae signed Your Sen." | | days and spend an afternoon with my little oraver three miles in clroumference and | standing trangulily serose the child down, convinced that the priesner nad eo | ie wand A see ow 12D bere. Litas Johann | Ad oan 1,000 feet deep. suckling It, Tne mother, whe saw no ob-| beyond recall. Alter talking e wa while, and ee ene ee an oe Comme Oe) es <4 L started | They epoke to the dear father a child of | teo! jection $0 the habit | before po etry | | ame O48 aoe [tet ce epptios we i " rty ara oggn, om « | Ged crying alemd the Heavenly Parent. | Why. why wat de y-x meant Little Jenn rr ice chelseteph le eake eves tne Rice: | to contines, usd the obhd vecmet te shrive | it cose sore, sof they gure the reaches | A Penile tz Punctuation ARMSeTRONGS 0, : 8 7 wee - |" Your Som t" Yea, your sen, not ashamed | nis ( (paralyzing the whole company) On, I oeed wed for - =a be ind i ee o River ons the py ape pom The dogex | farivus shaking op. Mere whiskey was | The following article foreibiy tiiustratees | y and Carriage Gear ie) Dv te litt wp hia face and proclaim to the world ~ So pe that che didnt haow pe epaay 6.000 f ay end te hibited « truly maternal tenderness for the | poured down the swollen throat, and the | the nrowssity of proper punctuaties. Ie) =a fee) fe) ae " - gg meee aes Fe S Ses Seek net On Ay okele Ise mere vag "ta lengths §* | onlid, and an the the child elder this | Dedy, now nearly nude, waa pn nod [= pad twe ways, desoribing a very | z; wee © yout sam. ee ro as yes . vender 'as hearti! collgrets fe aly After hour's werk | bad maa ora very man, the result de pia ppp --oyre Hl: je gic be pd ° Merritt: " You seem to fied that usher The largest ship fp the world le the Great rr smareles wan 1 the jailer was ut mee' ten ie spon the manser in which i te | woe ta ee eee ef peace and | very interestiog. Mixe Giemoee," 'Yeu tn- | Kastern. ne be 640 feot long. &3 feet broad, of mind 165 Md pow that Baker had epened his Color be | panctuated. 1: ie weil worth the study of 5 tween fear and twelve | (0M OL, a ec eo nel | deed | He's ee pd. bandeome, and he ushers | and 60 feet ( deep, being 28 627 wns burden ; ge bo apprar in be ine sb iid G alight won warmth | ail, and particularly young printers : 0g » death ln a Gro | ™ oon > ome pur werid, | the thelr places, or just -- 15 915 grow nad 13 344 net register. She wae they wear their boots and phi pt dearly atl ae J wee vetroeadle al: over his body. Mors He is ameoid and experienced man tn THE " DEFIANCE - n attempting ~ =, father," oren | them standing myelin balit at is: oth iy Thames and waa oreven in thelr bandwriting Sent sod mere pubbiog tad & benefixtal | vice ogee aye a mater Sood Sa.sp { -- * Conners CARRIAGE Tors dowaly injared | | roat of the onurch, w cect! s commanding laanched January a1, om "Show me thee bees of « et, at © clock seen dane' ° ged | Le toe bow haang Lensten toreaien ~~ combines with tnis| 47° the Morbet Outen About midnigt Ba { last week | 5. le, soem Wad * bedy of freah the | men 'aleer hehes worn them Swe monthe ight in the downfall of bie usighber be vane of motion, great strength and dure ee ae a on miinlg "ide ewabenn cers | des of ope of Sovtt's remantic hcross he largest bedy of fresh water oa t his BIONT HOURS AFTER THE LYNCHING, rejoloes Im the prosperity of bis fel- | wiity, Friese very moterste. Wheels tivrd with oor| S84 'ev Catelowns--sot King #i WT by LEE | leg te hie clowsed of the alales 1" gisbe le Lake 8 spats 400 miles tong, 160 ised tenons Arvo Neen taaical emmmes, | Bidias was uhls ) ia al dy, to nealat in | Dowr« Finn. Mieel Tire wear folty four Views ae Hmoe | ty en} ; 'a wide at ite g and jer - & # i ik thon sith ordinary tire fend for our : si poopie Nove halhl ana i fn romp. * You," sald the new spteter, "you have | SO" S') eerie 3 -- eee and « dleposition te half audible words. Tipuonas were then pore med ag nooten be taher ne | Geltsher eae ook. iduermonc wre tojured, rr an tmascua samcual of p <gur sou hess manly 4 aad Qhe palptt fe sr- | 4, 500 feet, and ie greateat dep te | the fulfilling of d duties and obif. | called, and under their treatment the mao -- 1 Ia howing discord cman nis | 2" {tt b Swelom, Canad ty deetroye f nj | tistic beth in conception and . about 200 fath: wurlses le abe: ee wearing away of thehesle | whe had been ty wae proventily abhe te | lente malotenest be takes ue ¢ pride | | The Royal Haratctarng Com vere nine forward te Onis ago | Heaven bold * Dear, Pther 1 Se terrae gnats sak aah A, Properly | 635 feat abore the level of the sea, anaes & pals of shnen shows thet the nee es See | ta laboring te promete the ooane of 0 Onviesl r pany, " ; "Yu geed dancle, one bustnens 'trong esough . 7 oar ugest Spies, | ** Your t and the proper cook tng The biggest cavern le the Mammoth Cave, stage Sie af goed head, and | moved; the authorities brought him to Senta | ity be has not been negligent tn codes | Laing daar aaa an enculting " the love year darleg or, ont to he lovee, eet make this a thriv- | te Md: Co., Ky. [tte vear the Grees | f a Fer prom oot hie dutien if| Fe for safe keeping, Whea he arrived | Voting to stigmatize all public teachers he a ge . wide awake acaneh, aad sccompilah no | River, abent sl miles from Cave Olty and n't shoes arese worn they indicate|be was salferiag terribly, and makes co «ffort to-gubduq his evil passions L. ©. WIDEMAN & CO., ntte bembe te be throws kntc raake . Fatuer, «or. eight from Bowling Green. The Cave tia oh ark ble of re 4 | ned patil covers! weeks had that he | be strives hard te balld-ag Sstan's kingdom maint th trikes tn Chicago Loare " Fianronn pe Ber sadhgy ie hers, wocbsibivars Supe eT PN De pagher mage rane gre finland | agin | tee to ole we. Even then | ret eee rations Aa improved Family and Laundry Mangies, -- ¢ thers | for the first time with m some are large, on eahen P 'aely a --: vs . rye tha spire H yee | ing the sermon she heard the minister men. | differant levels Some of vhess are woversed menuth sp, nary Seroay Boag erie ie or two | theevil adversary he pays great-herd te the | Ass aii 'hanta Laumtry Apetionces, turgies nin She iesbacing ine garde "at year itfes Stay by | Hoe the name of God several times, and | by ar sme nah ar bterranese |) ble fickle charagter, prone to in | a: 0 time without nising aaeedy or oe ee ae Mast Be | Proc! Window-Aech Looks, Step Ladders, ete nn redsced te, u vai Feat oe | ected ae if she kmew be Nob 19g ar Biver are foand in Ite jemar._oxd lene 'thing about him, = _ where receive recompense | | \Wstei ttahies. MIN Weighting sed Carpenter in tae ty iteoit vale sr7 joer "Deas Fetlies, iad Ming seaeiat a | wreng. At last she could stand 1t uo longer. . . sap yd rr SO en or ate rr of reward." wor P wiles or breed Tee next time hessid it she reve up in ihe ae +2 2s oo g castonal pareryams dyin mae eee ~ Small Leak SF Sexy For Paroe Lover, vibe pe TEmicer Tacit, = Fetaph mene Spl hg toe ent ns pens te any tage ot bim bat Sauk: rthe Oregon; beck of the head, When not from et , yand what at firet ap- ; a pr matted otis the buil le abe sabi impressive tenes: * Maa, 'top b redline stoning ¥ of workmen with oom wii ier your haa weenie amt ees yeur i A ewur sack of the fort calti na a 3 the correspondent are te ben Widleg cough 16 apt te oulnl Allan Line hoyal 'Mall Steamahipa. Mention This Paver era apt Treecten | DOO Y , * "ile yous surah ot romp plac" ah And med « enemuee she si wo tee ealrr. bed ---- said, In answer to © quewtion an to now i to In time Por conenmption, whieh Ie Qurieg winter trom Portland every Thar : a , ethene tneriok efat < Vee chOrah." | he told him ahs never had been oa the cosa n | broken through, while tee other parm ct fats to be hang screfals of the iaage aed for all blood and | Gey sed Malitan Wrery Retuntay to Liverport, oud ir , aa intt ¥ o Hay of Fandy, har Ascisewed him is had aay eart t t0'ton" the shoe were almost new. itech care tw You dent bave time te think much | shin Dr. Pierod's * Golden Medi | Summer irom Guebee every Saturday to Liveryoot " a bee is oa Fan shore \ What kept the old thing ia eternal commotion | watch that bhie ¥ goods per sea decor hye Seer polled we ap cal Discovery" has noequal. iy druggists. fmm Be oder rrr gre oy ae aes eae pennant t renty f W tachester rt 4 t anday o, . ben he Was asll te my wife | before 1 was ready, aad yo Mats Jona', BW, te Lt te . vmmenition smd a determined mye Her Aiden tet eke hed been * Don't you ever ?" mao ag airath aatiettiuaaadiaaiasatasienal | other aan ~! lea tel" The aut day be FIRET BENRATION OF SURPRICR ley Pay -f-- -- bag pate AS wy ne Se zt x pat card praia dec tenes te perchass 7 + vo, i * " ' ; nee eall sa ee ale bs 0 Casndica. port, aod sill rele | Sop thae the vietlan wen & pagel tesa sais cout tp, | wan erated by wvteeccen | wustsllowed qtotly by one of eufomtion | « listie poled tp wtih his ewe "portance arses Zs po any attempt to prevent him or te esse bie | ap P ' ie ou easugh "es Mamma : " Now, Harold, you dou't want | arp lea hat | Knows mere than his father, you know," , aed Glnegew and ve village. Prompt ing adit 1 knew . CT eentsapid l was hanging by the neck, and I new re Ah! then the boy ie met q site am idle T" pant -- i treed the ramer, . Waatthink youras = sed sunk the Oumar | to stay at Bertie Hebb's hones anti hie! ber tnat | was conmsioes of kicking, | yee tretgba. of other lntormetion « Retailed at Wholesale Prices, At s mage meeting of the Portleed Fish- ornee fellege m ! ben ae As i aieharnia mother dy seme ase | sad I thought quicker then a fash hew die Our Progress. | a Behuanebes Be Ge' Muntionen b Onna hte a H tobange rent Saat Caer eo ekipper tected up and app 0 regard in making them tired of you." Mrs. Hobbs 'Gu As stages are stokly scaadonell with the' Kve. 3 isa: sa pea peienion pr nication Mt Joba's en 'a aaatnaeee Ae be were sorry her qeestion weren't] telle me she had NB; alles & Le, rier, Beuriies eesing the mee + of aon te arm the actson dewre by th 7 hy. blows 70," he enld, a0 he gianaed at the Hersie Oh t yes. aM wey, -- Avd motiosed 8 salior to stand by ths anchor, * te _Water, reckon ran iete and sank = year time, and come fant bptere Genuine American Waich«s, Waltham, or Elgin. Pet ep im Aolta a 3-0. i, Cake Silver Cases, Sass otha Federal Govern med eported + lead ter the han deft f ss alice ap a eet aoa , Mover Cae fully guare ted by - ™ " hear, + SM eumber, giete and Mount Bima tn egaistas state of ersp re ash pemgeiah he volun, wormed bo | t "Be 3a. theratere, steedtast Hammocks.| ties, come frome great distecss, After « little "th ee ae er tonite" expread from i -- Count Telaky, af Anetta, le I remembyr that I begaa te sewer? (amping Depot ai Africs. . t 169 Yonge St., 1 Harting Cam, Gust prost, Apeleicn, FY RONTO| senna ane oat; Diemtaien. Geet te Cot kegue (sume grade a F age F o 7 wt fot tea la couse sale barns Hn fees Yr oe Ohelers hae appesred im the villages of Tiretagne, Prance, aod alee ic Mare flea, CHAS. § STAR Testing mech shone, 52 Shere et . 'oronto, M. Carder, = preetnent Relgien 06 vtere, seen wre ened dead by bby brother in ones | ines! oo hong Denlocs. he refused to grant him a | ge tre oe opens +> 1.00 lnsteetions, a Branca ie, ii Tap it, port, 'een | = pare and cooi Great Spring se = | onatly spt: saa pr Ga it raga her = t Se Can vesmace -- ? PARME R AND. THRESHE S a tasnay novece. -ealuh-tepCiiaarte | Use on your: Machinery only the Well-known a ftir Se SSS reer cess OL. -- . Py ie | ww SIX GOLD MEDALS "5a is Sects org aon rae dignity pt the Expire, x [a bey Manstactared st Queen (ity @11 Werks, Fae Bauer, 2 Viennese lady of S4, whe Poesy Five pe eh SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. terre coping mmountis, = bo shed light upoa the aatiz te fad poy me my thispemnde | Baa Tied dete heck ote sos Tayo tice years before man with a wtte } sete, 'P™ cee, smeorges ts eae jon im a Mor yplans ee oe lke s pa eae fouk pasbtaiben of the -- ta eimartn yore, ae waves L. D. SAWYER & CO., HAMILTON, ONT, Draper cumeh Sbhboapaen, hea' heen sp whe thar aclgis bor Weir oer. A low wenns | Sek aed ble Row, forme anor ' x ow , be- . : BEMNEIS COLLEGE, Gosiph, Ont tasans lntg same venenede wg seer Nae watched of x a < Ny i -------- = nr ee Ee By et te | ee aie re 'J ene esr ea ibonen markebmen oe prest 7 saninsciacaees oS reseed the body sad oeach, that 1 has factPuee exeeileot | ievtrovticn individual tor terme, 5 . 5 _ i Fan Soe at eae ay datarbed. ca cateemn B MasDOAMEGR, Priced "Grain Saver" and "Peériges . pais eer cen "Tester Corns, |, En ta a rear welen bae sn teen Pu: Frese ame nama > Sos Tier" Revee-Pewar, fer 6, 4% te ond wt Poort ah ; any fone Fh fetint a |" end Pewess, tow h, fond 8 Seren, Weoskan' = Pelmaare= a ae : sale, harmions, 'tae