a THE SAXON mOUSE | i ei Whe eRe. ie PORES OTTAWA rxtomnie sere) Wo Mainwarog co hetve | REFORW LAND SPECULATORS. howe viewed iy erereoning, aed eke clearty my ase ie ite Newel et a ok Thee stery that thie teatiouas poole Mee the Noeth: West bee bent: setsnd Tet? Saal gro!dete ott}! Lape iter Ee a sbtree when Oy dey womn fi | Heforsn {al i -- soratrims| Gore Selgene.. cana eer stats eee { Comey stv hae hare * foewarted to the cartataw rsa on ree ather per |-apb-gte trieomp ames that ose t ow Advertisements This Week. j Oty Hall The Mikale 2 i) boc ntte-- Mianew Meh tn mo Atr ( row ford dl ae Oe. i ani ina Test Ms 5 Fe for Hay J, My renee ' 'talioe' Ais Portors C.F, Kright Stratford "Giines, ie at a ad | NOTES yreu OTTawWa. epenias rac "EIRAESPONDENCE 70 SIRATEORD Times i i i WW we f * Fe 7 ie real ie de details as to the t . Shin. tae ar pt -- mit wphiun be the: smmeabaca al CON ad ot Mi Meats Tovermetiona! thw Sintety, spel tacit cotrespemience fa me pen baw ate ge ot the emyaity es y press an opiaion te their truth: Let it suffice tor the orl } bed way, that there ie no inherent iepreta | gach « ity either in. the statement. that pone 7 eats ly teon formed te Hull, or | hat fe saat Wate vee fw waoerttes ke ren ta the city potion sas foreeageggn «oT f lormed, of three 'axe awl a if tadeed > otterr toe h Canadians that anong that usally TE Seac awd religiows ita ees eratiio amd Saag war eo iw 5 believe when Lassare thes that the To jubabitante of Hull are-te this day depemient for every trop of water they hore . C wells ane va Ver Ottawa, poy 'poled ly carters frm door te door. The only fiw setvinw iv that porowinbedd dey ewes tertion, Aml-thie too i. ac ity * rbord she tera otek het only offers an ox sapply he purest w enc ot the Chgrwli for ite "distrit te expend thownsedd their water an at Hig wa hp len at Hal pe Chmadiers, (tel the terminus of veverst pittes of rocky fe, sean Pea ptir iter api for nothing and for ever, all this Sealy work of pum the water aed driving vt thr: aah Ce town, it only the inbabitents will sap the sg asd pipes for be dimtritea trom. Pipe teak thew 1 oe by her st lie Quebpe side of the mt fiver. Sf feet ae Tamber therefore stands «« at amy astral. "who on a dry night weith the wind teat ight shar shoal pee fit eitherte © natige agsinat Ghose wher: Ir eheerce their own for wight aud sentry hase tied Iiglser Int, the tockal scale " Fong Teant would neit the her regret bot regard he miner, the 2 | Depart 'o 'the 'batecien ma geen en y : of houest and hensrable tathers Preve emer f 'torr three heottr . ote ;- ot { « Bitcls Came She bane wo behigee ee i pos wd espns tye foth vanes, hanlw oncike principal sat fererms cnt in ia 1882 whee Kady Mille wi me ae prived of a their winter employment. The 2 ool was Laat aie when over a thoussnd ere rendere' fens, losing Useir Ika the Novas Seotiane really desire separ ation, or is theit recent vote merely # way frean the Dominion © Or, in plair iclinn, tre t bewiness or this woemsion exy merely a blackmailiag oper + This ism quent! ly Lo eee: om. At be te "yoes av anl Leygieke tare a large pamber of avowed * ee rantouial hare been returned, but local matters epi cheater at d ¥ de. le what this vote reall Tt must te renner! i that the Nove Scottans, like the people of Omtarie, have sent a majority at Consers atives te repereent them ern at tts wa, while on r Provincial tor er toe Li Ministry. So that it in quite powsible that secessionists it beca) of their cotetituents' election reg I | Ottawa a majority iste, her wish be clearly manifested. It: ia, cer ve, that fall howe: sxporars which the discussion of this ques has evoked, of the « crushing taxation tie se * step, that our impulsive and hat too acesping brethren by tne mul semaerer pereerere tr . ley, which, even if one vesalt the rapid dow all of pati Pre vince, or eather of what por remain of it atter © Breton, ce and Picton have left it,--trom » f seaboart and cori ontiet and inlet of this Dominion, -to a state of en eosty, wore 1! of New Now, ony Reformer, who joined a calon feation, tiweber or ra Seni, < company ae ye entirely =i by ys ree wralekox itty ig ther pubr. ou iy te pope for wate lamts be got he are indetensifte if aly Deady eis "thet My aml Ke ore guilty and | ie been erent sot feral allt an the wy. nabs wet is land in the Ne » Went was daly for « ization, ranching and tumb mar ee Conserve tere at or lensed am the fixed by the bu at. No favours were sb te anyhedy. T whe par - dearoured a! utilize the, up te tu ment, waste t barges me & goat tong fur the cwantry. ied womittie! me great crime than «hoes the importer shen he petved sae dhe omar citian: woah oth Liaw meaaenee ner Ut ese transaction it H terete: ue fabio teore Land thas this at the he fe ee es t» a t pricy - es or. t cronlts Hom. Alexamler Mackenzie. Me Kobert Jaffray amd Mr ties, A) t pos | the alee ware gael apes enema tettle finde uncer the Colonization Company | He r M. mp ye 'A-abem ve pa k Mocemcemitn - at 'te ial pret ter mat ated Dare stead Company, Me, Haugh Sotherland ba) amanda in the pee - Lamt ( Smpeny i Fa 1 the Hudeon Bay Htailony pee which haa « large railway land grant. Mr SY. F M Master is in the Provident aud ¢ ine Git Taal Company et Sted TWh * demuse tats fin which they have laanchel er every tatty: Ne doch ait ex; etal tn peolit by their OEE tk , povetataend io Tooking for a return apon their cutlay, te all pro nility, ton many took ¥ the view i said worse than they. a. asic ee 'toes seem ter teareh theat sir Htitetrare geeieyH ant Mr. Cameron, of Hare cg ape toms were Malek, Gusa, Trow abd Hobt wp blic execration men a wee are cnetnanry oa tof and removes his gocds fram the bonded rehouse. | dir John Spends a Bay Among | ji Uttaw a + Max demali laid the tes mlation stone of ane Met none ee at Faller w field, ies the owt met. & distant. He was joined hy Se pahoet hn ane ., Mr. ©, McGee, Mr. J. ch wanten of fired by law Bis Constituents. ) THE POU Satie' nid ora VETHY =) (eC RCR-- SINT To 4 rete Peete "er PReeren's Skee ds wa, June 2 Today Sir Jo sa aa "On reach Rev. Me aeeheme apen which he had wet his beart, the true better without Nowa N : eae can do « sing a handeame silver ee rca F to oe te payment fal bier for the perpese, her Nig ig "nh guaranties her of our liabilities, ela mid te were taker ine sir robe hy nsitog eat. ferns jel bey the Resid legend named wel others, ve wa on to Ue weak we cpcnek "Netty amd clay 9 MePhern Ne fa the Mtratford markets this STRATFORD CITY VOENCH, Se The caro the i arkter vaabiy ie low price #f 36e. Se me markably . <a all that have usa! it te be a oe ne yele Clab, and the grovers, wl this city, will play a game of base ball, at 9 o'slock, on of Dominion Dey, The « tof & senmonm nest Nelbath evening, ia the ( Chureh, by Rev CE Gordon hk, FS Ne., will be * Shorter Hours and Kariy C t, & enthag- | | Soanting aoe faces, amd wold bape tig imple vly Ve arencted. wer that \tiwe ~ Jennie McteonssT- daw tn Ae of Mr, Db McLennan, of thie city, has giant from tke" Ottawa ~Nermal echenl, re ahe has len attonting dering | "" mo ao lone wo by Wale Bros, Cheapeid new tame, muslisa, Cenvan stripes, embroideries, jared at 12 p.m nay teturh from _ Wo, Mitebeetl eee ctape i -- Tyctowas cert ate grade Fh, raised to grade A, and pre Jlitwe vbtained bigh soaks for or Tn nat, st as well a» the ¢ Sedoniet and thie ay tdrstn and sant Tan 'Towns was enna. ¢ hy me sant all of the tana | (it Sir Kic har ae i ape Li alee jin black and white. b ties. we mn $1") ifr. é io f yaveinat then, was that they would not appeer mbesphe ats oe | Gorhpans Sheri Obes ant Hey EH th i in | -- the bags of warning, scores has aninterest ix the Thastiaion | There ba of. Pn Vemert et pet os > evbaee ' . tnae| of the 'sailestikings | ™O™ can, he) i c 'adoniat er) remem- in" German ve ie cor i the Catautes, but the" Bes has been spd by 7 the Grit clan oro nog hones the whole tr tthe te Fret wie oes "th truth, ae utter." --_ paid to "letend rg Grits, ws zene r ' } i: $ i i é i F f Pesta + Mey "_ 6 champron prefessiosal runner, wee week M pas of Stretf wd, formerly of this town, the mesy yeing performed by the ees Vather Brady. The heabe waa receipient of a ced 1 an nembet ol .e1y aioe friends Lal happy comple spent there honey moon Torvota sad vietsity. We wish them | sng Mile ant prosperity. Wool ~ Tiw seem ENT Sietaw oF Live Pverkawt The system t* firmly established. ated asnetionel ape Heenset by Legislation in t $l0 a year asecrament system: thas | pe reliable inaruone alateut | ta 3 of the cust af haat o> k among the ? tors of our city. The entertainment will be held og Thurslay evening, Joly Sth, and will be worthy the albuntion AE wool lor ef A chorus of 60 voices are the Me...dacols Kollmen. te with Dowsd's patent hay areal, aan ie snolee. aot whe ot Kies... Meats om Moneta) tae Zin une fear 20.5 programme bei -- of giees, route, Ye songs; the ny | ae ports will a voles, ane tr thers Like 'ie Own sraaneies: Awe? . 'ameron, ¥. I. the virtoous Ris ae 7 tire of West Huron. The octogenarian called the MP, aint, wel | lather fet je |. tind now demande $1000 to his sensitive Laser. The term is age which are asked it this style of tath be good pam oo. | Ireland, with tell hin they will mot, amd be may reat _ -- be wnat ¢ | stam aguidet his politiosl opponents, «hy he eo solenl suient tea taste of it tbe velf,Geelerich T URDKR om f ORESTERX aeneehe aTios a 'Orr ERA. e | of Cow of Gerernment to ie 30,000, has $50,000 deposit with Dominion 3S) eossjon boums, accomplishing almost Wil, od racerec Lanetase AO ALINT WOME RULE AND = Yo ine Kiltor of Tau attia few yearr and che. ree the hie weaken teat reperter im the State "Then, book at ye mmatroctions sent Inet week te nll the bead ceutree of the Pevian of ational Lewgue Europe, telling them to 9H rt Mr Gleletone, as bie measure of Home n tale wenkd eventually leak to torad spare "da thee ave the Bije! in a bi that will (if the Bi Ma; * th poeet in the he House years age age againet pro ras " repeal of the Union, but a» Hone feat to then' it wookt rather ece a ship lead of potstons and Jamd well, those eoue to ther, know Tre! Mid have travelled nearly threegh it from orth to booth =F alway . hind, govd-natured people, amd there would he pene happiness In the country if the am work? bet t be ee re always fiod one of the latter 10) or hen he can phe ta Re pocket vet tit It's profitable tesisans,06 Parnell knows, now be must Le the whole hog wit! hi these, or hits -- . it is Mr -- geing to do with ak Nater' Dore he think tbe ae rm their -- ime s ot De: Serey aapined army, =i Teta ctperaicod ttre during the were ¥ tatthes <¥ "inlehittea pcan e Royne, and placed King Witlianr "Tit on the throne, vonsequently Her presen Majesty. Vietoria ~if Mr. tiladetone thinks Teen. hy te, , to be governed by them, be is ma ing the greatest mistake of his lite, Do ont tor the = Tmt. ty chy i co have or Barthols of the event. Mr. Morley eceme bes . for be is taking time by et forelark, pe fen Mena int 2 ll to arms the jon, then it will te a "en yt. they will an ea gan! asnl mistake. 1 womler dil be ever so om tre sdk t LIL y ih he Lion a little circumstance that occured lately r Belfast. There there, in was s riot eye ws itoeen avierives it ae ies The ata thei ho, 'and then' them to out and have efalr feht ; sot what which I nickel eagt Albert st toh hes lang. jone. vari | tomers ous ate of -- coceega renee co eachers. mg wore tang «ffect . te El Dron. he bat nthe nh raising for one dollar y more sugar, for be , than af any saber phase ett} Se Pullman 4 Co.» cirens today those | (Wednesday), aed the '* Mikado" in the ft; y Kew dall, price Fes » wall be gre free te all ous shying at N. A. Heewerth's, Now eid ape gets vabebte hook free. sy eae | . "ee iol, esl fur the beome clabs 'The following ie the f $5.685-6-5-de mmo SIV Oe Fee desire to call attention fo the alter tisement of A. H. Alexander, of the Tele ™ Any petsoe is a: travelling itl ie well to remember pal -all on him for information Lill cai port te Canathe--anet--the United States: Avow and Romeo Leiges, 1.0.0.F., tried conclusions on the ball Geld ow Monday Inet. Alters Tall eine "Vanities gene, by nertes, we will nok ge inte ober _ will reenewe criticiam until t The gaine was very ear viager fe woe citing * ae i eneary to canary further wpom the eucy and absurdity, which in truth have too sacred en. le af scoters, anc it immediate! of thede to public score. Kayatre re Pa! of Crees Lake, Wicttarwe. fm ait aay graine of yoimene for: Me GB: | chills aod fever After that and various rw ' TT CAM DO NO HAMM & fry Freeman's Wore feeerah Ueranam euch 08 | Porters when wour chuld 4 ailing, Foot fad : . in Gene: he to state that 1 trust the members of |b" hig hoxt irom their ~ od - COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NOTES, ach : fusion | just | The foiling wre the nares of the fret ten im cork at the weekly sseinatn suring May ant June -- reese tremens oe pare tr | Minnie B Weir > Pilewae Mofntonh s Mer coos * ye Renaete ta Merete me tomett am + a "eats Valk 7, Wm Nichol Ss Tro ter + Be teear te Secon Bogers . 4 Themes Oertie 5 Netive Wright ' 'Reve Mant "e Mintle 2 ectunetens PD ms rene % Tena Mrivteet 4 Eun aden +0 Wen Baker, reels L Willa Prot & ellie Claatom t EA con Panton 7 Mery Lemey ry Herelerecn k George Morte ' 4 Mester Jeffrey Cited a S setn Me Themed & Henry Arve 10 flenate MeDemalt 'The average attemdaner for the be! eH sear le ivt te ia new acknowledged Ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tie: be the Advertising w* OCCAMORALLY BUN At teeet * ote ve rst taminese tee yaee! oem the bayonets, mark that! amt the women were wore than the" men. rally thi: B thas every san af these ht to be made wnan. Now sir; I will give you another rence tl + jab Mow a7 waid ---Aboat wi hondred excursion- ts were taken on natantay by by a Serer to Lorne' Pa Levels weare wo oe t bis old-time popularity in Toronto. .-Ep, res.} Goon News !----We learn that acfarlane, Keq., baa parchased the ill at take steps to place '5 under water, and while con- oo his far- sightedness in pu! such & valuable » We cannot help the City has « mistake. hat has ex- Mayor and at Al. Rot to | i ? rehase of this mill dam was his gre tert hobby when run: ning for office, tut after he wae comfortably the neglected to igi iu i He : ze rid if rf Th + Sane crix iti fF ri ite EF i & recipes He te Et Fi ms i ¥ : ite si?9 ; ® Bivewmnnoe-0F? i zg Ld it hcheeenach materia heal i € SR i nq ri if i FE i . ai zy i Jintaae ed tl wou! om to pat jo that 7 74,000 Orangemen th Ulster; bat if Home Rule fous: Oe 74,000 wou ould be doubled ino twouth, be In io 2 tesestt igh Barre oferware bearine ~ Mr. {iniming idl me t be all The teak: Scot. | edi he when before payment of parcel, Vike a Bock of that 'faut that the pe lor were eomeueey Awl these are te rn Ade . yovers, end the newe of paper «ill be noted sales ean on the rherk ato A hows SPECIAL NOTICE. they Protestants in every respect, and since that Rocbeneelt rent per, Treland. A few years after Rill was , the country was in rebellion and a head of it the same an > bw showkl have. pease pay A hurch, ee il that could only pe got rid ol sents bat ue he nothing bat pesc 5 ie lanel can do, is likely to satisfy these w hat Roos Catholte people. la the tensus ? Be. his Ft Vel ibid T 5 1 i t er i i is 'lI if few paper, I remain I I * gt? ai itl i : it He ii i : "| 5 t it - i i it ® ty } t Ri ig j hie aeoting will make room for these --. yout widely circulate! A Dexny Max. ~ Strationd, Jus Zist, 1486, lf; nahh 2S AS cam are ae ~ Tes Seige mn i: fie for thee dimromet itt wowlay, Sh Jou, Lind gradhwose an send thee afvactionasen? te avewer in ca w and sas paper «at ine wring . the wife af tage gained reading Advertierments, and not Cencateen shlate resp Far bearer thromgh nego', tevet blame feces ae Landon Vitalisal Air Parlors, C.F. KNIGHT, L.D,S., OENTAL SURGEON, ~~ of Ootena DEST SET TRETH. 00, Extesiting, 2 Ctx thud asd Silver Ailemy at Pretend poten Jane 30, lene. "ayy | CITY OF STRATFORD, Ra TENDERS That Pv ceaeTEy. SSONDALE FAMK, oh ronment May it MONDAY, July Bth., AT? Ad, MePHERAON, _Mratiord. Jame Bah, bie Onaemen * A VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT! one MISSES 'McKENZIE PUPILS Oddfellows' Hall, peter ON THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 6th, 1. CONCERT AT & TICKETS, ve : Ce "Te Grry. HALL. UONE-MGHT ONLY, Wednesday, June 30. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAYE Pon Race e¥ A Maeinilxne Tee 'aiieaiiins meres GiEAWRORD Peo. 1a Ring 8, Weed, Tersers - nen) ee ree cs ge anay, 4°25)