THE FARK. Sciirored sid Penned. Why sheald there be not as many and Yer milk se for butter. ly are as many quai Fighting iflice ts aboat i herd werk the herves as ages ies b their lege light- ly twice a day with a reg wrung out water that smells strong ef f sarbolle aod, To sil ap fren axle-tree, firet wipe the dt: die clean with a cleth wet with reds o lew caster and end: Qos teaspeenfal Is ts eeffictent fer the whole, e wheels a good ovat of bolled This bs fil the peres as well as water, sweii ten the tires, and ta much more lasting in its i elote, and at the eawe time le acting as a preservative of the weed, Weeds om gravel walks may be distreyod and ee pe grewirg again by a cop feus F 3 ts ealt, Thic. is « betur ed than hand pullieg, whlch Gietarbs the gravel and -renders constant rak'ng and re Bec capary. The Western Plowman gives the sage" tap bl hint whlch our readers would de well beed: Farmers can get arp. Put your skim-milk and butterm Ik a calves or piga, (ee cornmeal end & prin ling == oil meal says nited _-- rape? will = hea and contented and promete growt Py <a of clover is a geed preventive of a bel Ose pee the chief reneona why erchards ebould ret be awn ta because is requires cultivation d season. When reotsiare dea makes trees mere liable mutilation ef thelr reets. iejury trem a There's nething like the ae dgrtngpons altoral fale te educate the farmer. the crowd tramp -- he sins te oad' --_ bickens inte the greund to ve cents te get in tne amphi- theatrs te sera ~-- ree rece that was sold eat the night before, he reallzce the grandeur of bis Srofeation 'snd takes his diploma aad thusiartic that be feels just geing of raising thing: to snatch diplemas frem the grasp of falr/committecs, Tous meee we to be a pessibility of bing, -- grist te tarmer's feedem almost r= find it pays, the extest ef the purchases ef « j.di- cious farmer in artificial feoi ts olten the measure ef hie success and the condition ef bis farm, " If you should call pa us about} seven often putting om clean clothes entirely, and thea g¢ in for a g»ed time until sine or 'ten @ cleck, writes Mr. T. B, Terry ta!the Aliaay Cul Ho wists that farmere may be j ist as peat and tidy, when the dby's work is ever, aa though they lived ib a tewn er city. Earnsss Polish, Tho Science a oe the fellewin olish ; reo!pe for makin eunces gine, - Hh. ond ob per a Sed, pas « until itiie bree got bern b rat oweee required im a tancer, oft Aently te maxe it ficid, s % ® é: the article ia dric 2 ¢ sun or by fire, it will have th: When William Dies. & og pene |e rq arm, and the sicgle breech & gre pay wapeneded by the 2epety- ip rife, a wa ArEOTy ever the ¢ cempletion ef the last of the 100, .~ wae tee rifles fer Ger- man om See, Damn the summer 2 200 empicpet at shag: Span- due and elsewhere i in converting the Mauser that the eelbersion « the pent hundred | 2 changed bis posities the chances were thenssadth French rifle will be duly cele that the braket would cpeet or thet the repe 4 brated. Ausrio bs substitut: rg the Marc isber rife, with a dete: kate the J f pattern, ie expense pf snch * change ke enermens, | peace 4 ite significance bs ealy tee apparect, ben! bet felt no uneasintes until the other ead- - exclaimed the ether, ani they walkedup an, z Wl an hour later, when asked if be wasila earnest i be see eoeres 4 comers straygie. ithe gentieman was maki edge of the polish, "Help for Ged's sake - fr rt tors mae an a: MaDDiNED BY NisGARA, The Turme!l ef the Bapids Yarns a Man's Brain "TT bave not the frat Moubf)" said eminent physician at & recent medical bay vention, *' that at leset ome out of ten of the country live onde t; in others noticeable; In others ayih A ber suspected, exoept there ts =r might be termed « collusion of clraum uo 3 curtis 2 eight yoartage » we Bowe fF} of the State of Oc io visited Niagare Halle with his familly fer a month's rest. Ile was wern COULD NUT BE SNAKEN OFF. The gentleman did sot realize that bie perves were at all ahahen 1 on the centriry, pd acon himeeif la bellevibg that be oui are mor ard Bary men. er four days when he was jelned by a Calca- g° reggee' The two nad » specuiatlen together, and toe detalie were te be settled bere, Ose day after dinaer the pair weet inte Prespect Park and sat dews on a bench jao- lag the rapids, and not ~--< ove feet trom the water, - ben Bp il alked fer an heur or se, the Oule pha be semewhat exclted ta movem wt. He peer sever! fare! the water, talked in lon? tenes, and seen ted attention, Ihe capitalist THOUGHT [Tt A HIT QUEER, denly seized him In a tremendous grip acd " Blank, yeu sre a d----d soonn and I'm going to send you ever the feils|!" The capltalies was the emallet and the by used his pants te clench the seat beblod him, and i peptled to toe lune. sald " § 2 here, Mr, Black, let! ant jamp off the Gost _-- bride. ye'll nave further te awim, sand 1 want te leave my wallet with some one." " By George ! Good idea; come on!" the path and eut of the park arm ic They were REMQVED HIS BAT, s thoughtful wey, and t he 4: & quarter ore a went om debating th transaction as if nethin his mind. He went down te the park alone, bat retarzed almort at nos, hie face very pele, bis cyes boteeying bri egee 5 and bts whole manner showing tuathe had passed ba | shall keep away fram the whter here after," be said te the capitalist, " [ couldn't tay there five minutes withaut committing suicide er murder." Tho matter was of course kicpt 9 ulet, ever from his wife, but twe yoars loter, while rg & trip on the O.lo Riverhe was suddenly missed, and he has never been heardo! since. The bast wis racing with anpther, and the prebsbBl- ties are that the ex siterment brought baek his ee | fer welf-dceise-tien, end that be went ever» , TWO BAL'OON STORLEE. Am Hdar's Ride that turned « Man's Mair White Geleg Ip reels Firkt. Ins talk with showmen the -- fm I beard several interesting stories » tures wits bet-air ballecns. "We used to inflite the balipens and send them ayeet - gy wopeing peint of the shew," * aad | temember new ope eldent 7y regerd these bal feons which eocurred im 1574 There was a large ak on the * groaucs, end a man we called Big Sailth the bag while it was oning inflated. At last the ballecn bulged out, nearly per and from under, Iw eyes os until It was out ef sight. " When the balloun was fingt skipping te- heaven Mitchell's bead could be seen bask Wen the a beyend the range of vislen a nerthward--the wa Larstet the baileen--in teams. ey e or ten miles, aed they found the bal- * Let ge I one repe, ou the side on which 5 cith was getting oat, took « turn around hie leg, olutebing him B. ightly, and las the balloea shot akyward it teck Smith with is A the ankle, His terrified com e bas et, whe heard the ory of berrer poly pte ever tae crowd, ceulé net Help hit, for i ' ould ancedl, _ After abeut ten minutes the « th unconseclehs However, he re- PATE bead fail ¢ a wt ft bi as So Saad ood. Re mon Scene | life, rare qmential te our mind, our euppert under the trials led ompe ee form bmp inn Im some ft becomes | K SU knewI'm bad man, and you must |S a | every he pseeengers eadd y 8 suis im the Gd f tbe ea A well.dresseed young maa named Levi W. @ aly ed nim by apg a we'll seos SaeRtd See e then made a batty move teward aI door af the oar, whee his wits selz:d him by'! a plered bim te sit down, The | it wate saodir evapubennd lng, made po a to laterfere. they Anbdther lady of the >) & middle aged woman, named Mr High, left eoat and ran ae, wife's Assictancs. Both | opined the excited yeung end told him to be seated, effort he tore y & powerful away frem the ararp ot ble wife, bat Mrs, '> bent hold of bet new became ee jet Mrs. High to the deer. theuted fer a nad cost, and getaway from the lady's! w+ spac for the deor, crylag eut bis he gues." Suc teed -- Bee og te the plat | ferm, and fo the next lostant leaped off inte the dark: while the train was speeding | miles por heer were horribly out, He! "e.,' where sooty. tite da | 'et contained $200 was lest when he give me time te Pry, * All right, 'a right," ssid the Oblosn : | jumped, and was ost te " you eha'l have two @teutes fer prayers, | He was ears. te bandeome, and then we'll ge over the falls tegetter. | well oie young man, tej Say, Bisek, you are a d----d eljow, | Mize Gussie L; ffl om the 'Wedeseday re pre: | after ail, we ¥ , thes te Wee Pept Hobe ond The ides @ith x man' ot Fibding Be bely es course, to gala thme. The 0 whe . | y was been attracted b: 4 where bie parents I've. gh we on, and itso happened that ne ene eles ced achange ts h spoke tnosher finally | eutly, and at lest jamped off ths train. ree te beth Ide Wie des gin to act mean 6 du if ieur Lungsare Destroyed denct expect that Dr. Pierce's " Gelden | Medios! D scovery" will make new ones { yeu, It can do much, but not ------ i. tics, I/, however, you have net yet reac the inant of wet adie, tas rye Le bepe | fox eed saible. "The | -- ating ---- night aweate and hectic wrers, | torsd them te health aud btappln "Belt chatelsines ef a zod olives are wiita with stroet dreat Thousands of curce tallest the ass of Dr, Sige's Catarrh Romedy. 60 conta. Is towns whera there Ina oye J Sanday sentiment saloons have te be & en the éouble entry system. " Close the door gently, Ard bridle the breath ~ oue cf ee bradacher-- m gick unto deste » ane Pargettre Penis: 'easant aod Theyre pi I've rome ia my pocket Tl warrant to © are beth preventive and curativ Triale of every kind may porn du ker than eny yet experienced. | them, but de mot forget | Do not, aa you prizes gour that yes strep fer cenfllct depends on = ete each as It comes, and ne or weary. A CURE FOR DEUNRENNESS, | Oplem, kinered ton St. East, Toronte, Oat. for future Whee ten this paper, The bravest bey will quail when be ap- in public forthe fret time after ne Coinad hts hair oat by his mother. A Free Pight. The great repdtstion of B iggs fe euch that it has | * Agriculture st Ottaws fully sus tained their reaisterrd trade mark. Briggs' Electric Of! cures ae. Neu rele Spraing and fro * euch as rent, Condit. Amb-- ne P Hrocchitis and cigicult Breathing. fans are shown exquleitely | ttnked ax di grea variety, Don't t any More ose useous purgedives Pach as Pils, "Sal lve, Re, when you cen get ea | Cer ~ Bang Bitters, a = 1 mOves th o Bowels gegtly, c leaneing rom the epstem and rendering "the Ihleed © and eoul Great Spring Medicine Mots, of tite, ter our fitmess for the eternal world. 4. F295 Dr Pierce's * Pieuant Parga Pe Lets" | if i | Proveetemte, hd and | Bot canvassed fer yi are to the Geid %; J. gold 5 Sret week; J.EK Drace py om" pevted me Gotlars. | foe | persous ; owtds tree to actual cas mag = Tal verve, A | Ce ne | HI Bae Weekly. hivsernal tories by the most talentedau thors in each freu | A wum meres inte resting Com pease a ano Lew Roma Adventare, Ch lee Poets r. Ble bketet S Moussben d Rex ng ex its. | Homor, #te.. contained in each inene of Fr Weekly. 5c. pereopy: or, with 4 the deatra ble somges of the da | | year montha ei hogs peeves music 20nthe and 30 pieces nitsic, fio, new. 'Agents wanted every erywhere. Ti beral ¢om- thiion, Sample cepies free. Tue Premetpe | Wauxcx, % Coiborue 5t., Toronto, Canada | MONEY ae LEND Productive Town, 'Village & Farm Froperty Barrister | e'vaton Bieek--" = Guelph Bik Business College ph puss ONTARIO. = tpt atte vas nates. am. Patron" Bin sat bose sh work, -- the Inetitutirn tom address M aod = Sausage | Dealaat. New eer pe be agian. Es Steamship " Nor wee Low the tede. We are sole agente tn rachael tor "ior Mibeiaee Celeosated Bherp j Onstage. Write for (uotetions _ sAMes PARK a SON. TORONTO BICYCLES Velocipedes ! Now t+ the thn» to bu out eo year. Bead stam Orrervitir iicvevacren ie Co. Orresv VILLA, Ost Toronts Girect ~Terente. L.JONES 20D ENGRAVER 190 Kor TORONTO a SPENCE & cr 4 | ay @n4 te > to ask the urade tos our make of Piles and > jl Reape Re-Cotting © a Speetaity, teat © and ti Tv _ for 'price ea Hamilten, z AWNINGS!! SEND FOR PRICE LIST ~ Ontarie, Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot | 169 YONGE STREET. TORONTO Armstrong's PATENT TEMPERED STEEL Catter & Sleigh Gears, Made trcm Best Tempered Spring Steel. wed | Oadere ahoulé b> early to a het | ore tention Corning, Fortland, and ' Janp a" Po*tes t> ruit. snd at very im te ARMSTRONG M'F'O co. (to) _QUELPH. CANADA "THE RIGINAL W700D "300K 2 ae oe a -- BS @ 3 Ls | ce | Ed 33 Se | TEAS "ETHE EsARGEST 'OVEN, | THE LONGEST AND BEST FIRE-BOX, HAS SWING & DROP FLUSH OVEN DOORS, | And is the Cheapest | MANU FACTURED | --BY-- = MERIOEA-BRITANAIA CO. The E. & C. Gurney Co., TORONTO. | IBRANTFORD (jatowaren RiGe svineH] Ie pf Vil iu ; GLOBE Washboard rts Base KF D7 Ready YALL GROCERS Walter Woods 5 & Cs C? 4 Toro! . YRONTO & Oo A Aled MANUF AGRORESONLY FiInes® -- SILVER § PLATED - il Siylba of =/SOATHS. OSBORNE & 00.. Hamilton, Ont, DALLEYS FINEGOLD EXTRACTS. m |ABSOLUTELY PURE. FROM SELECT: FRUIT: P SOLD EVERYWHERE te apa Laveiet Teebning scnest tn Canada, | ead for Calendar js. < MANUFACTURERS AND MILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING MeColl's Lardine Machine Oil. Try 1) ones aed you will use no other. Byer) Bates! Gunrsntend. We are the seis Manutictarens of the 6 |Lardine. \ ar Also Cylinder, Eugine, Wool and Harness Otis. w Tey Gur Canadian Coal 01, ee eee GuRNEYVS NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOTH © TEEL re HOT-AIR AIR FURNACES. ut FACLS [nyiynveg 4SoRl o4;4qQnop - é '404 I8Ul O14 | \ AND A PERFECT BAKER, First Class Steve ever offered. For sale by all dealers. M¢COLL BROS. & CO., TORONTO. + RR rae ERA Be eal, sen 2 eee Seen os aed .|BROMIDE CAYO PORTRAIT + 293 z| : 2 3 ee Sn eee tine Aen ee ' ae