Stratford Times, 22 Sep 1886, p. 5

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eee EE REE SS EE RE JACK'S QUEEN ji aerrnane: sense lenes w he is belag bro from that reom to the next, and Mrv; Bashen y permission te AN INS¢NE FREAK. Moran's Mysterious Bixappearsnce. JAMES BLOOMER] FORMERLY Of Thii#s, Lars ov warrr's, of N Grae, r re) , and some one for the docter | abie te manage It with ene basd, he has Foos ite Qcantity and Quality. Solin 'thet aia Coateatileds ; | Pam we . ~ without delay ; the extent of bis Injaries be / tossed it dewn, and is staring gieemlly at) The comsection between life and watriilen curiaey esse snsy Mi » icing Fa: hlenable Bairdressing and Sha Li ht at Last. yet asknown ; ie conclusion, Macdep | the ; 80 1 ge to the rescue, OT | te ne and that the ceatin. pre, Berea OPPOSITE NEW Bt stRATPORD, g ald ¥ euggets that a room stiould be/ bim ali that he w te tyes thevopply welb-be-dis toe : sity 2 ithe J a Prepared for the laird! s Anctber day « letter from bis pub of the inter. The verintien and form of mantied Fie fer Be cell Ste peestully Solicited. Rveryy leew wer « '* And now you will ge away," seys Mro. and with bis literary corresponden 2 wee de heveling ne liv- thing: eee 4 CHAPTER XV. Beehen te me with amberity ; 'this te no Macdonald pever 3 to it ip sent the quemthy and quality of natritiea" with whe noted for her quiet, _-- p> 'iy The pun ectting bebind the great bills | place, my dear young lady, tor you shulst | up steirs, where I read it fer bim, and +m abioh it le polled. idpenitier, and seldew paid yirite, Ww J CLELAND A evewrns: then With platy and Gils sioheuther aa © ite mr fate Wee yal rather curpeieed whephe poke fer his ste- We sreresdily able te jedge ef the * 7m afternocs, « peuple +i Nay, atic ender of coloring, ~ a, Mt Rear 7 m tity and of neurhkbment sa; plied te oroppe 'om ber, r ~ ' He eo spe the verne,I veoder meervfully| | ™ a ,: -- laird eee ns ot a wegutail int we nee soteng ee tk wilt aad busy abdent her ERI AL : KSM i] what has ef my old sll; tbe place che esys, with candenr ; = ap =-- nt . be at egepply i normal, be was remembered. that | Gradente ef the Us od, Btatws Gh oc ing ? be the | meee yb relma -- pasty pod. . yong MRE Will you wend ro Senna Seah cemenn 68 tne sectettien ne a mers ito praioe of ker aoe gad ! schoo i > ine nf @ ~ hviwg enfem demands eo matior: weeks 4 ieee ' " cork bess endieed {allure ; instead of} "Se youshali," abe ays, tra tenp of ene| But I have Sir Pete may mercy Bev, | wn A tn. hearer The somes Les at Se'cleck, st] HORSRSHORING A SPECIALTY. / ocomiatte Paty Lim @ mirihor, | soothing dette ee bee . write the | '88 of nature, "When tht povecel fa] Which time Mrs, Morgan wan ready te be- : ---- ail a fimis be may ei) they beme bin ad Ne, Percy, | would wether » | permal inmlf the life is y. | Gm. preparations fer tes, Her hesband| Particular Attontion'paid to Interfering ang na hie ekeleton, Looking back, 1 wet mech burt | Wet eed ne ee The pen Fors rp te the der-| caste home at half pest 6 and she was net at | Tender-Footed Horses, ¥ cua te e me hay py--that 1] And, paiting n y shoulder, she hall lead, I! vou like--eni pa touble," of life the chap _ e ee In| heme, After midnight Next Morbes Stab'e. Oni was true to Jack from the beginning te the | half ferces me up etairs, and thea hurrien| Bat I get ae@" pre and write the pa + 8 Reeders hing. f SEARCH WAS MADE, . tario St ST VRD, ONT | the firet thme bis ia eyes | Sway be direct and instract the servants, letter, trem bis dlotatien. ; ne hey pe . pcre we | bed net the slightest could te Stratford, Sept. {sth, aa east. | Saale ee ee eet re a | coero be o'aing deenens One te Perey deat | loki eate aerins, thet Dunter wil be | Some We pues hy contageanes ohish ws te # found thet abe bad pat on her San-| 9" bs Hy ios 8 I bell be reprcech myrdl wis Fae tela wa tees ecorihgert e wemteta" " T 7 | can of hedih end viger, s qrodual ebrtek.| ds gare ant hennet, bes obo bad oot baben Back t0 his Old Stan hen . pos ' preoves im - in leaving { 's eyed bony 3 ' cea » shore lend ring ond he ee ie org Arg rpm bla pr. Pepede anal Sent ae of wee heape as Sluibes ebed sop ef the doers Sg -- hi For that bresch between Percy an4 Wear ae a ee 7s <i An enceegr wd to | sabural aifritien tends to the same resalt. | or #: bed any article of furniture, D. McBETH ever anil ever widening: tree ft te that} whic a sae cali my wy wtolbe wih aun tefs bam" 4 markeddepartare in either direction from the search had becn extended for). Nk HIS OLD 'anor os here bejis at bis best, that the it tine, Beshes to me prosentiy | Bas I will write for vee: P Ivan |e mermal standard of will, with | 1 Sa peeeet: sores sien Sion Oe] EF a oly ~ his native spet is not lest 5 ous "a nt eee, he and Salle 3 write se quickly," sore ee eepiens, be helio by a mark. wen had drewned herself. The argu- ie whabes tak his' ghd urtnows conversstien is no lenger to'* yea om ole of * Stoned "] a 2% tire I pry Peni an the normal standard of agsines this was thet ni body had ssen =e ee wth, the same and" up," en in Londen, bet wo talk She | thet be le s goad deal Pogia t "nd | dedient caeektte ern toe oe a after she left home. It seemed utterly | cellent work done i twe acquaintances, uncer zenlel ape pain Louttiee te orfeted " a I 5 Be tell yen «ten | 1a manijhe effect of ever or under. Seat a person so well known PICTURE -FRAMING . = weet tae Pe cee are | chanal, ote pcbtlio shan woltee tee Tetra"! 7 ating is not ce gig gl otk sr er leer Re ae ts es all"kindp of aice Work, for which be hag e the $ ar mere came water witheut being noticed, er, '» | sper ial factijties. . x uct met that H'giland summer that/eesmed | She yo 9 a0 pepe r a ne a bey of tiedlesh, and 6 i doubtless oe It la necdlom te men-| tha} she could have gene im sny direvtion. ve bows,' hair and keys in stool, oo beantifal and s g ties away ? but Aang; ' nasty: ve oa hie and tee ie ce tien that Irutes suffer from imprepér feedirg | The flesncial cbrcumetances of the husband me Bought of takes In exchange fed Ihave missed my ng oro go onpien ebey ber nae ee pte pen a it a ant, nigh a Galoate éver teodt z. 7 Shim f Seon thine an ia x meet: a | eal abd ws ware very ppy. | wetehing, my heart sabitig tet "fe fay ere . ve Sound my londenek 3 Pompe ed rapt In tt not Gaircnen dete ee and stood WATERY. STEAM: Roceties, ocean, 2 made s mis- | paiv. ae suey are) Sune the Sen Say sa aah se tec little: [| % fot thatthe generailty of people eat teo to follew up any clus which might be . a take: Ij may be tha like the peet, Iex-/Snd Mrs. ) = order ia aot undanetend an ne net fn bim much ! Very few eat too little, I: le « com- Hef To eal 8 onuchde was the easlest The ther begs to amnounce to pected tro much, and theught stations | Where pepe iy sandal. agua ' te ask and tiga andes 3 and [| ™eo epheriem : "He eats se much out of Pa cumeeitg, bas tly Ad seb pubuc that beis : cf my courve ahouid rise '* as altar stone or | bat there is ne sound trem pete "pane a ee that beat bite gros te carry it." Ase the husband, They bad lived 10 Seventies citadel." I ha the} 1am quite cure that, I bear Percy ory og et Bis toes when rale, « lage, leas, eadaverous locking mas, pre that be Prepared to Saw um! ok tices aaah inshe the sum ef life; pera * Par oe ee) Oe pad hae PR agate hy ms ga le on immoderate eater, whilst the m:jority thbaghh | 0 this prieed elabal, wiket einen siaiicn. va | to wateh for Impossible ore, paw bea Bye ber, lags 9 My wa. fa ai 'ne, [of our retest and men are mecerate him frem taking ep! Hann WOOD, 98.50, nt FOFT Woon anad! have missed my way. 1 wouder If * the sit shivesing 2 - pabbend reas eek are. Al thank © Seams nck. | consumersel fcod, er are what we call small . ; PER Lip FEET. goth bo ot fn Aho came week © 2 Gal jeining whe lalbeiog devo te say baptned. T= = eaters, 'The reason ef this is He menths from the day she dis- | Or w Cents other mlll within Pace ctaker 3 And I wender teo if Peroy when bey tt apes par B x Per ith uecript oe, bs = whe eats nore than 4.4 Fa, letter from ; 7 bercke ise minced bis landmark. oe Se longi Hho Roey eptan, Sted | ares with the suggestion gend abeavy strain en the organs involv Kansas, ashing | HIGHEST. PRICE. PAID FOR SAW een ers, wat te te tenet ageated. * aquatic him te 1a tn the { digestion and elimina. the cow and : "ar One Siz, coenlege thet | Calm ond unre ified, he leeks abeat bim as resume tn the spirit ef fts socception, thus wrecesa ef dige : a : Cr Evie deopatches seach nu be-do ennveed, | be fasteue bis ceat ; but the dear life. which iss aha of Sie Hiinese 5 of Sotea dont aoe ak oe Pe thon sho] phcSeantes Bizis = . . of de . ed gas a pe might hove hous lost fojmat linked with bie, with me ; and 1 sit down as | © O° » the posal in . | Slee. watt In another aes | {rush down. stairs and graep his arm, and | bis read, read, until dim twilight | ver Ms unduly sooner or inter pee reach: | ebringvilia, Nov. Suh. Lamarctsy and'T nave ieter om Edin |e Greet ea, thongh sething bed 'bep-| cles upen os, and concen un mane | | susrdured tanetieahe sod teeta! ten' al 7 'fxever in tan 2 wretoh I am : F as she did net | Peed. . "ay yo te and 4s certain a2 we over- TALK. Sinton rca Se mn ag ASCE AR on te xe" Thre ep foe medog | edt Ae ee "uu| FEDERAL LIFE te bis Set enlt, | dive the letter to Harey » "No, ladead," he says, 'half laughing s| 'No, 1am not. 1 shall ge om seen, un- pt ag yd Pye agg Ma iy tee teongnas, and coal opt bo wind to RANCE CO. Sill plelhhe combnetaletions to Mize ' gon ten tops fe tho west" " Be Intonitg to my own actions 1 | *temsch ita remarkable apd w Ae spacmyplysing HAMILTON _ he - ONTARIO, coche otme 5 Sin,! We de nee elinenees arc Will be bava a fover T'l ge em. le scarcely probable ; I like to felt the sali af imprafcnoe with monen | SUunE om. After the Ales Ieft Vo houes'| hee vd Edith agence we ave ; - COE EP, pees seized thelr bieme | Coremiment seecthoeed * strapgers'yet, " I think yeu sre mere likely to have we will net wtbatand tmpesition heaped | 144 been they were te tameve da en ate lg I ee aie har eet ay ner theese pra al (les paete seen, hos. Ging Shh conl-eifiled fang eds tad scent or [ater it wll esecamb to Kiemess, Bhe was te go en shesd and] mm. nouiwe FAS poet by te ved mere fer lovesnd liking. my ' force unrelenting everwerk. fing jp lecation, and her husband was. %e re- + 'wm plest Davey Werks bard with pea, shutiup ip Suenigt of stoemtion, abd he will' coma be When he receives permission from Mrs. The phydolan should be as careful in re-| mate enough te dispose of thelr goods "d i oth the etude which I no mor ter. well; and that is net much mere than men in he omes te this te thetreatment of over-fed and under: | and | and then fellow 'after. Sbe deat ea ps wmperve by we from the 'werkaday world when he | Want at all times, is It * room, where I bave nae pe and pe | fed as in the quantity and kind of | denned ber and ext out for the pany ist Lead, the Homan oe All the Mra, Bachens fm Soctlana in readiness, I told bim, I can rs bao bean: chocees ; tired of this, be can leave Ite vers 11e ued in the treatment ef a special | and there ® train fer the West. tons and igilevances ter that kr we en nee me from Perey now. | write rapidly, and his pauses for crnaiders: | disease, I'l tec common an error, when| Whp she wes net of, baring saither as equal 25 00 © polly tae Bi,C00, Sr'g0 everything ts as he desires, whers, unless be | Creep into the reem softly, and thon are rests forme; new I read w 1 | we see patinte emaciated, te advise abund-| mensy ner tnket, a0 Semmaiiber sie ¢ . = wills otherwise, there is ne pain, ue perrew, "fle tinting te the beprorana aes bie ie se - caaslaie Gor cons of palstibig Sand, white gookabiy Sot bat wee, sorta she rede nearly all os i ¢ | ° vs besa . tnpee one lations he pointe a well indes table that ts at :@ was in » strange «| % "fas | bavedoue ofven before, [steal dows | erm ina tllng acres Lie breast. TA0biK be bripat and Lett bit, | of the condition scught te be relieved. There sity] nod tasltden choed ber tase cbs must te Pen Ee. thle alles nigh) to lock 20 Minn, when | eee ee ie and tte dateics ag Web | ond we ase indeed "Dun snate coldly. opan- | oF Scoakanene ftom oven than 'eth and sage monty te 20 on. She remem {is wills ethers eloep, the Angel fared ce Le Seetheed Then er een | med by cue c'cr-arching Reeves" cl oym- | 250 cee Alshoeal we te im. | berel! going te werk in s family which dent sa teia descends. | remember bow I mw here | fused em hie ferehesd; he is very white, y and leve, At Kngth his arm le fe | press the inct that ever le commes |ed a» dex, aod that the ¢ Rates, eae: Se 0h bef jowing and ardent, scarcely able te | 8nd on one temple ie a alight scratch-- ite aling; he fa mext able te use and sbeeld be strictly we | 'the wrist. had a sear te verify = the Best Yast of Worth ! the ight thoughts thas him, | otherwise, thank Hesvee, his handsome face it, and naturally the first thing he takes in ere net usaware of the existence of under-| Theinext thing she remembered was Suecess \ Best ; Bt MThe deer la epen, and I san ee him |i wamarked, there ls ne 'disGigurement as I hfs fingers i his pen. ted or bat-starved people, but this is by ne] in aig ballding with « lot of . Pas but notaal expected. His desk | bad dreaded! He is exhausted, for Never shall I fergnt. Ge fccllng which | 21155 cscemmen on ord, asd very hei wns doubtless cent i € 3 apm and there is » palnfcl neatness In | be lies with his eyes + and » little line | sbrilis me when I ses him, restered to par. disease le traceable thereto, Weslo, abd ite shane for s your the reem, imstead of locee papers, epen | ef pain between his fine dark brows, fect health and strengih, bis usual She beeld reskomber and diserdered shelves; he sits aiene| I oarry a chair very guletly to bis side, and take the a ae -- ESCAPING FROM TRIS PLA and the soattered lecks of his halr/and sit dewn there, net daring to seach iets wbipecs Kotes. by and| walking's long wag EStoace and whines han of yeon; si foes | Bachan mevec enfiy sites the veoms fold: |e; und ser kapyy"deye have paced swap| Govthousys "mas be-whathe eats." tne esthar hates where th thinner ond eget on al weer : , Of the salt men living in cities one-half | ed hiyr Sally. and haggari, mest profeundly do- | ing sod patting away things. 'And I see new | now. him, 204 gs'¥s 'aleve -- Pim the eee of heme Mae. jodad, eal Ge tatease glistening with un-| that the injured arm ls the t ene ; think go mg parle, ootimeted bald, gin |detges hd came of teara. of whet that meahs to om ! turn it over, aimlessly reading the tities! The best tert of the mother's le the | #8 | A mmy f ore cee of mille soci Gesorfbe the en-| I remain se for a lerg/time ; Mre, Buchan beg ber eeaggrf- eget Mg theives or dese net thrive. a ecm ay Beg cy tire loneliness, the uelarchely patbee ef thie Heh s jomp end pores Re so thal, tye] seek om expe See "thet fe on. zie te 6 velnabio remedy ta ace joee oper goncent te her eta' picture. Teem seml-shadew ; then Percy turns rheu hands a to Kanwas, ond I have never segntears in hls opes before, | bis head towards me, and opens his eyse-- whizfenare oughta re Tateroped expecially of the emaller joints, * sobs Joni bis tase, "Who prase have toes Hare Lovee rnderstoot hin? There] they are vary beavy" sad loot | mo ane loving, ee ean, oe It le obimed thet the popular drink of the |» serwaat in Ohleago, fer she remembered are depths if' which I fave séver ag they moet Ob, Perey Ger re : . commonplace, future wil be milk charged with carbonic mames ef grocers and butchers and peemperelagpl yee = y+ poy Mh pe fer so | _ woken ae bat ite the only Gesoribes his acid gas, Milk so charged keeps well paving header '. Pack nga j abews beyend me; : oaehe aoe bis pueeliowss Gault seneiien Tolasp uninjured band im beth of my |tene. And the En be pete Of 25 ensumptives treated at the Adiren- sem of the dester and how often ba meil- : te my endowment, dave I resd him right-| own, and feel my tesratising as 1 bend my Se ve never | dack Sasttarium two have died, fear have | ease th be admiuistesed, PILLS -AND OINTMENT. ly eet ee tee Shing abeze ernas bee i mp, 008 3 chown mi Improvement, sight arestill under | Set Nome to reach Lawrence ; 3 " T cae Inet belived Min mare wingped nothing better te ssy than-- pra, Leger} ple J Yar wlll he noe Temtaneey end 12 have been apparently re , bat perhaps the, travelling pablic This weivental'niolisiah th Mecsshet thsi ts bis inbeur that be really b, made him} + Yoq must never ge out slene again, | S've my a meekly j stored to becagee Interested in her osee, and guided "a dlaite evry where. : biked wheb he divert. cxw, avelded bim | pyeroy,' 1 = Why did ves Y" be says, still Dare Seat Oy oie Un baby pate oft ae get. Ke deahe che gore thin place : 4 7 Si crcnimences dad'peids proretedd hie | gg, nim Cvidentiy set bo bo trastedyy ep a ed ej ee titans he | water times a day these warm days. | so Lge Sestinstion, und Hi the acted st al his sensitbvenees and pride prevented him saye, in a whisper ; sedithen his eyes close. ane oA yan en on | Den't give it the nursing bottle when tt ls) queck it was pething more than one sess ' > from saking! | Have yo been af cress pur- | Whea he speake gain, [I am streking back ow I opuld net ¢ om without you," po thirsty. It needs water just as much as you day on the great lines of travel. PURIFY Tine BLOODS peas the poses with each cther'snature ard character | bis hair, andhe murmurs Imdistinctly that then ds ge nd ke de, abe reached Lawrence she went toe) -) Kh) 7 VOTEMofd act most poxertus pe all aleng! He and suddenly locks | my hand tx nize and cowl ; thus changes ; is ie tenderaimest to tears, "Ne;| Wenetice in dne ef our Seuthern centem- and there she ha yetwouthingly én the | c up, faintly flas aspur eyes meet ; I draw my arm under that dear dark head, pore pou ds nat 'kreow it; but all the! peraries that the white teeth ne | MECRIVED A FERVCTS SmOCK LIVER AVP BOWELs, I wish then be aches uo vhak Ue ceots near map § ond thee he fale |e iis tran Ob Vers, Vera, we have | said to by dus te the excess ef white which partly pestered ber to reasen. She} promoting DIGESTION@ nd aseliniietion. we "Is any - wks, #1 asleep, and sleeps ont oe been grcping daxkuses 0 tne eorprscias, We cam new account for the ne same to ey pekvwing tel whelp Hp ped oon wih A Forbes comes en he Ww " white i a saw that be = ac bagt b ious Netrous eee hott sate tires al Sale| tne Said eee enced Sa Tae aceite" | cae am aiken orcs Reteasmaaae | Fi See ate det mit-dtonce, *Tbave atten came. Daler, | hae ee as mariage for | tsi" ofthe mont Perec jy nad Lapptees| A, eeman skeleton, weighs trom tomo bs, and It was deckded. to. send | thooe weil kiprwn Paliged they are vata -Gelence, ' ve con . " Spleschan says that marrlag: them theis weythall Percy," leve eter 'wake place bow 1 be exclaims | SO never was my lover half se tender us my | si o0e a pounds; bat cremation sanding waited the shan cane tober than Ld. COMPLAINTS, And tt dawns upen me tat te bim 2 ----- loms % derkness 0 long reduces the whele tone mere than sight = remember her name and all shout | ttmoring all obptructiog, skin blemishes pi it le the mest a peas ony ** People generally wake iat ey ape ¢ tab gee Salle agen ap ab inch, moral eee) eit Wvectaned ty the queens cs elcid be shat ep. All ples and boils better (as any other fam James D: 'to bes at ber Isdyship's age," returae enor ' Monk hale memes ae a". ed a$ balfiae much ae foep Perey, and It! vorbes, q putting [Percy back en, his pte de he The early appearance of the chelers thle], Quwencut ha that che hed come trem | < (GupRiiessgnesboinats a cannet bim te knew thas ] am ix the lows. «|spetaen earth, fer here we find perfect byte ol ee ggetnlpaghne pall pag Terebte, and she told auch » story wee THE. OINTMENT: -- Sore ere ero ropeilen | bg rey mg Jee Supe te bee by Font," | sees oe cen fee ore we, of Italy le of bad omen, and ox | at biamreand dh tv edivanes thas Bean setae yl de net walt fer any anever, for a repositi gees on excitedly; anil the oays I do net go away agein; 1 eit near him, | tenalye diffusion ef the with the ad by the authorities. The woman| 44 4 WORLD-WIME BEPUTATION, dr es ma _l posit bao wi a gd gee ee canainele and we speak tegether of what shali be} increasing summer heat is almest inevitable, salt wae tbe Reppant day ot bar te whee ibbtgis everz kind BOER CORR. end myself i , ° done when Dunbar shall be given te the she pponlied Whe sue was, Although A IND more certainly: ve cing) no allvsion te the olrounstance dose from a small Never was theres mere pernicious notion welve. E blows powe wt ha cg ot st ne |e ans © wt pa? «Xt | Te my epee penned sar at ny | na tem se operon | metered meee tesa ler | Eisai] eee of that, | lie starteg at the stare, and plo- nica," bo explains te imo} "Dut thende i toe Linde belts watonted suseaiit Orie tnevease the gual ert wrott and mpbralded her husband fer his pe sggesial ture him sitting there alone and serrewtul, alarming in it, 'You see it ever| * splender a ay strength, or te increase the q or te She wee jelned by her hasbaad on faus * * bitterly regreteiog hie mistake. now." [rmx exp.) improve the natritive qualities of her sulh. | 503117, kn bellersd she lait Teveese | Tiumouean' Se the stream of tims gees en, cstil's| [remain with Perey all night ; ; at Loriox ro Suxsvax.--Take of powdered | on the 3rd. Nemrly three yeare and a half | ating the excruc agi Oe a ee eee ar | Rething will Induce me be leave him until If Bhe Ian't She Ought to Be, berax aed. eoch ix drame; rese-| bad et pf her life, never to be re- Veen one or 5 BE bres "Ie Miss Blakine at home!" asked Mr vole ereiie acest eee twelve eunces, Upea heme she went] and NEUNA ene of his tenants, an eld man whe ls second nurre, and a more deveted becdeas et tae po ' The Sof this tation he seer that nothing | falls to re ; lee dytag. I % aes oat Syne 200 women I have.nover sem. Perey mahep no bis atthedoor, I b'lave she fe, pe Epler de go yelled per ve had roid, and in Semaine viene Ronatentardt ty at Pro Homeware Traiy shapes focomees bi Eevter:tuon § dei ie hie Wiuepent ond deen be an ee dir" The "Wi ed fe eb lendclnas lortieameipes cating maper 1ond mena hapt, She grested tbe sre -- i oneitel me 7 . = t . ? an Ioam's teil you, | ties, will prevent chaps, and remeve sun se though ealy a 633 OXFORD | i Ls ets oen be dnt ive He Ia, ne to ching shent ay being have always, Yoo I age prey Mr V, ® lend . and by the advices of abe -- he is not-displeased ; Hf my wishes and | #*, bat Kissed Mr. Vincea 'hin, _, ' we tes ef ome thesuad indul vi her bellef. the | and sold at tid, du BA, be. 64. Tn, She "Vile gees away, and Lam san aes end hopes and oo ae f 4 Deonnt tvunan ee cbittines bors exe hundred and die with- conliientee ieee gaan like o ous per porte Pia he i, over nate in when | might ¢ xccompanied i] me, he is glad when I am near him ; he likes im twelve menthe, This gives es a faint of insanity was fe ber oem | propert-os. " ; "~- pew I am left to my I can-| to have me seething his bead; he be idee of the vast amount of apoe preva- Soatfland ohe Shen died ef typhckd tere far CAUTION, - ho Agent in the not sing, Sie my qpiee bs gene; lcunnet peeaes te, Seek ay - -_ © Te Care a Corn. lent fo the care of Infante, © believe that U'eite a Nesp gj dee Fe Popg gs FH" play, fer and hid- | belpless ; he would have feed oF Guy! | russe te wollack of co-enlled cures fer the by pte infant mortality } - Porehnare shomid ther@inre tok, to the L sous Sipeolie ef Beetheves and Monilele-| thing given te hin by mo than even by the gommen aliment cecms The oe a Curious . en the shod vm goes BE gidemeat BBuche tobn ; co I sit idle, staring at the ithful weman who saw bim tm bis craille, etable, animal, and klagdems have sould voed ies | Tip following tea lstef very remark- usta ae tactinced ait nile ta bet of water over which the] Soon Doctor Forbes reports that he ts| S=* cares. It bea simple |, The British Modloal Jear-a! " Infallible"| 419 | osgrame *-- Me Tracie Mafks « : ' getting on spicndidiy ; but we de not desert) Joist 4. remeve corne ext pain, for if |"7¢: "The best 5 - yr . o--Ne more stars. Signed THOM ier how Sir Percy whl be/the pest fer all that, He ft: not BOY | vou y - | pewder, containing frem three te _---- . eb ona: Ottere Lede, away!' I myte Mra, Bachan, tue bonse- san sn eonlettio inveld : bo inact ony @ Iocter and buy 0 bosthe at 'ehaden's Paialees ans chet eee et plcdescietne nen ; K: when shadows in Se lengthen | these w * Ce trent grais oalemel, 'epare satlest-- - . ai mine tea an digest tle ord patient' and cheerful ; the Soa thing oy dea = Fame poe | Geet twe powders ree Méprimesy---Inte my arm. hu Exaggerating Family 'Net leng, my lady, I » be bis often very' impa' tert. | cher Interval and the remainder at twenty-four Méedrama Made . ps : thak," she ebeerfully ; "bab it nothing in the world ls right; at - ge RE, COE ES Ma le ae pp t 4 weuld be ebulst like the such times sce aes a bahipman--Mind map. . : sowed abou somewhere, dreaming ef his talks to him a she Btoesick child, a) ** Woald yes giv' me the price of ameal?'| Bones axp Fcacpn-- Cover the injured] iy England--(iolden laod Shi Zee : pn rnes Soe y om the liberty es which I could never asked tramp of « venerable and kindly | pars with a cleth soak tn oll, od eves tite Pediahloners--I hire parsons, wes and three. or thepherd advancing, with » face, + it ia beard enough fer one eae Te mematle Gre ake oe one oe ae ing te Pal oleate een, water fer mf hewets a FA trance then acdonal, fa? gue exclude warm. dlames, seven She lchnnah nsseeclia wi =| by -Ay ey ore Lorn da to k off hie glasses and wiped them pre; The ef alight burns erscalde may be} Pogiitentiary--Nay 1 repent. ed cords of weed fer might be speak te Mistress 1 Bvi-| There never were kind an | tery te =< se as to look af the jeased by d them with Soar, hen! Prepbyteriagie--Beet in prayer. Wylie, 76 nant dently they think I am « child. these Highlanders, whe tradgs on fest from | mendicast, vekey here, mister," oom: | severe or ex @, farther surgical treat- Rodetutien---Te love rufa. ated way of talking. o bas happened te Sir Peroy," | far and near abent the lair taued the p, " T want » falr answer $ | mons ie required Seeetheart-- There we sit, about. 0's etieeh Sinan I aay, quite y. ** Sooner er later 1am | bring mest extraerdinary tribates me qa I'm-neking yt: for money ap ' itagain, I'l btenk yeur beund to know, 0 yeu may as well tell me| tien to the invalid and te me; Macdemald| ost werk. Will yex anawer the q -- Teipgraphs--Great helps _ a 4 as my in reter when be overcomes | #14 & yes or wids co! A mathematioclan, speaking ot the late "us oe " My lady," be etammers, with s soared | bie shyness, und dece met redden whem I] " How Can I Leave Taee f sorenaded the | Mr, Vanderbilt's grest wealtn-- $500, 000,- Lat, the ee: 5 thee -- oe gh ieee aha f ' kK to him qatte so patefully aa he did at | young man under the window. The family |000--esys "the bums mind cannot P ee rr ---- hove qriolens (oretind be tee dal " Te be killed f I ask ; and Mra, Buckss , head ian lone as possible; sad then the | that pata," Perhaps net; but the ha- | mind an: -- orm man Ry P gives an exclamation cf herror, | And by degrees Percy recovers ; ene Usy | cid man let the Cog out to gure om the pre-jman head can--if It should get the epper-| te disect her igve of ernamen ge moder " f. rape haya ag Y question elicits explanation. Percy! héts able te sit op, anether day to walk! bem, tunity, ath, ready

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