cre tmmmemaaa ee nee . = SS ae serene = ET ee ~ ~ -- _ They al Have i . et } s federettad i t cal ohe the ~-¥O U NG + FOLKS. lees P sid : - + ences Bot as chief le "In 1257 » onderfal wooden bridge wae] ies, ita sia There wae Kit, as paswe "You are one of the chief ma Ts ilt ever th ine at Ke ' bat ' ' nonsrenast weenie, i rer f) atau amoor mums, jt aS ae aaeeta ec amece With a beart as pure and free . _[thusiastic about that job* . had two archis, one span, being one hundred ; said as Pred geile -- a. ** Oh, you are almec pet crue' 1, my com: BY KOSSITER JOHNSON, : and three feet, and the other ene ce fell be * dat "ame we viet - inna . panion a @ quiver < her one Wan was the Seek tetdee scnstrected stared a eventy-tweo feet. Were they I = mote) = } gone away to stay. pita hed nal ot chatl a *Tand what was it made of ? arm not able to peed snl} rested on « stone pier. This to it. iad ; There was Jarnmmie atte we I hate the sigh soand of that! orphan | oswer the firs firet question very definitely, but | tidge did nag ponseas the seed i ac ; ; A lad--our heart's delight asylum, and that sometimes I feel ae if Tl] think 1 know whet the first bridge waa ! OM St P p, described above ; at oe = dor i He s ineclll Seng fo uniform would hardly care what became of the of. made of. | ik wee waat woul, war bome of the timbre fe gy it se } Sae-dey keane ; 75 'oa To enter in the fight phans | if l were net obliged to are them : necessary to Bit the whole structure with hiv bisness. De of Pare : We watch the pron nor of brick, nor of frou, nor of rope. It jack eth & man, together with juries who! won't $ Aut Ue Phosiny ot the again * was made entirely of monkeys.«live mom "screws, fefore new ones could be put it eit pi ape alg - Heafeser oe : But ao mere well see cur ie amie, Anil yet you are perfectly. aware thatii... 4 troop of these animals in a South |) bridge wee larned by the French 9 atl sympathite to runs wid For | he's pone away to stay, such a condition i is in total opped tien o a atlandl tote c came one day to a stream army, in re i COmMRROH - eta ib aay in There wag Ned, our borih darling, your real, true rr which was too wide for them to seine acrons, | ,, There are tlany fine worlen bridges in her of cold. pe wl votes at ie ti his iW Stand Or rogiiieh Littie elf, Ok, | hope it i They ciiesbed a high tree, where the tre the United Sthtes, bot newe. per which : : ns . . eee ; " Les aheut aise own children * eer, bes gslected a suitable beaoch, wound are so faunpur Orso Curious as te im jpar- =. fexot a twtal-t oe " wa, we : Tee Be The sre laitest our indie a iP ak Sat ets eleathe, ook uiek his long, powertul tail about it, and let him: age Taek weitge, one the fitsent it am enbiont to all tae puffin me D McBBT i ~ m Ka) eens nabees self hang headlo: downward. The second . ; a ame: { in ©: i . S ' " ; we rok eed 5 aa: ot out of a. . This -_ yrs to de monkey unnany dows the bly of the first, River at Haviie deGrace. It ix three thon. pot dg Meare nh = lan pes er Bas the oe f | isl cnc Ly wire, It el [pes erro ly | SNS pes", bey do oH ae i a owe atin unely, " yt ™ own spans, " T hf > | 7 ome * we're building phantom fannes jommiertiniae le tip bed with my dow set haf hy bul themeciver in auc. | @ the workd if near Karek, in Hungary. Tt saad es ealiecsthes | aldbeectis Kexgd jure me . : From stigckowe passing by. i gst ae po pg rocker | ession, and others after them) til! the chain ee River Drave and the marshes + Let ihe 'pe titieake iad a URE FRAMING ' gs cals. eA =-- or lounge not want to rye my: | reached theground. Then the lowest mon- | my eadh side of it, a few miles fram iit : poets b uns' awning of the day elf down and close my eyes, To have some Say ite mouthin te Danube. - It dean any good dis clul wees " Soot meet one pal and keep one rap at my door after I have wniak the ing petthain mtin jp ny with stone pidhs sod was built in 1S6B. to ready to fine itaglf te » vigilance woredl « t otic & renee' i Ee 7 " r , doan' tach Bi ts io hanger thet helt stad Ce thie motion by tri ae ae ee ee ens. Trere code tore marke wore wes = weed oe Sango ae x long. I tell you it is a question of! moral | ation til is ewung so far ae about it exce ita length t miles, as ee De main papt, ar- | °°% 5 WAN : et bi 4 ora'? i that he was able to seize a branch of a tree vie n; dight mi ter am sartin of his guilt, asm bo her am Mn este It ow deprawity. on the other side. The line eye | Hp BS COxEINEED: } Trulli beng b de neck. We will now -- are a _ . ae oe The kindest, wre, rout wesesh and Soe snd ob ago thin omar went "0%, couiatad «eg, by which there] ly Ty obs By plete een a --_ truly religious woman I ever met, Once "to the end of her tether. All that has been Then the monkey y hich tel" 'eae iam 'ae This eae i ie | wh lpr o Hecretary's desk, ; areal a" me, tee won very: done 1 ae oe been accom people write it) hail Leen the first volunteer of * unfailing in the a PNY RARS YS EXER AONE exes t ahind Ob sarune liane bins shows onl piean pe speak, in this sreiawer 0 " , unwound his tail t movefmente of the sun. During] (iiveadam Jones notified ting If a white rose could have found speech the hala. Nill te me tone from the branch tge. What had be the dijys continue to lemen rapidly. that be wae in receipt of of the tallow! dew nad comapulsiceted ita dosire to commait comadh o5 Siiaiaand ba hamahn ald geek foe ten the wp of the pons iene ont Ap oe the bun rose "ae a al, Set at Halifax and written ae i Bisel. i : ; ung acroms : p., making length 2 lingo soi el tip as eee oe ce Jose and Ang Spun cart pom, tie tinelved into origaal 'iemeat the | day 11 bodes Aa) minut. On the Sixt the} it has been virtue df he seemit eve tn vig Dom tl feige a" fp Thc the dope Fayre ene oti wn, marae Ba had mera mad Coch tae tek yet mney peculiar things conmect- cates. Maye man on i the long-tailed mon. | minutes Thi amount of the day's deurease aa is some oly the 'inception and progress of ber- olen poe Bor mf concealed ay yan. keys have been building fy ms ever: in October ie sheneltie 1 hour 2 minotee. an we my Pog a & " b sahasa TY only tell you this," the ys wor little Wo- jhe ever t t of within pre ofa a that Sliven eee Jempdontag: sg Poop tien gecicd-wadpen. We'sre desirour that you should have man added with a painful fush, because Junatic ax It was possible for this we! ag ths that und pr test of. all bridges oe the = oe , ~~ than tinke to give thoughts to your é every friend and acquaintance I have oom tient to kale the best medical advice apd eadasialien ------ bridge , Bey gt ae oe " t. it ie eet withes The Grand Deli of stantly overrate me. I want some one %&© foltow it, She peeded neither a confessor Rast River -- New York sere 4 -- dorthGin de: gg -- Hgpss ebgll in'courne notify you of the daté fix know me #8 fam, and lama very wicked nor a minister, tut a wise oy a com. Brovklys- there fs pu. ire a while te? position in thd neainaee pike eisaahes tae. for your journey to the my demtina _-- You haven't come to be outwardly pre- a winitounks a ay sph oe : Tepancy ; yet' the two are constructed "il realy beeen 's Inf fr tbe kind. ore 33 fox pre * " oes eee wi mite that the and ' : toe eel ceil in ae nal tht eee come cikeneed Tas it tidy rerdad_ in Mb wis! pao tet eos seit come | ada ere De Me on sis, Nor she anid anki fever enn pay * ide ba Hiaeas, built @ver the Euphrates at, Babylon, in the Ist the sug's declination was 3° $1' south omy te your fos bia hes ek, phase don't make tint ht of it. Itis ae " a dh th reign of Queeu '--om bed lay d the the 7 is, = 18 south. The un - if eae ; . river was turned, and its y dr refore advd 55° on his nL Ww "pom Aenaluean arith wk ae shire ,| She Refused till the foundations a --_ an x erie course during cae' malls The foster tee Aap al os only -- of makin, a 8 ~ Why lwane of immense hewn van moves tq the south the shorter is the| ©The letter reached hiscabin 4 his it, J replic Ps esha wa fhe consider You say you went to the party last night, gether with iron, an 'as oe ee Se a circult he mekies iu the heavens and the ieee') tem: aheence, his wife o and ite Very semous niatter, an you goon as aad you saw Me Suifth, an old friend, roofed roofed over. It was thirty feet wide, | = po: grigal Peasc be came home be fox her a ou are going now, you iy not only want to y merktiag altitude. The days will ; y going eee , whom you had pot seen since youehd 5 OUF over six hundred feet long. No remnan cane ome van a sinrise and sunset points move | UMeonscious, and for three days her life was wwear, Dat you qil sister were at school together. You had' 8 this goes bet bridge has Leen discovered im south,-and the sun will cook der te eae despaired of. He bad been y worried "If Lyo on asl oer now ?" my frieml very pleasant talk until su when you modern the "Wises himself, sometimes being to flee to repea a look of wonderment on her sweet pave your afm amd toc f to supper, ; beige ta nearly » fone, doa know what you' mean ; bat I Finen i - & ig of bonte of this, that if lever give utterance ginsses of wine ch a waiter, and offered her w 'other awful things that come ite my head, s A oa you saw her shudder as she said, ainst Greece. A ao T sha hall not be in jon of my senses and you cj age why Mra, Smith, (4 ¢), Alexand a : assassinated ghall hev a. : ; " "To clothe thoughts with words who didn't used to be iculae about tae Uhe spe! pois poms cokes co, 2 Kose of, igen be Bos yee anni H 6) Li 1W AY would prove you insane. If that is the case, such things, not only refused, vat shuddered the same means, to invade 4 ase victin, bot 4 wouldn't worry : ; ~ : ' what kind of « ' mental condition can you be bg she mid, "No !" You canwwt tell of boats, - 4 are in cot: sr I i over it. Jist put a pa'ro' bras kukckles AY " in to think such thou i men armi 7 ite 'keep your eyes petled o" } * That F can died uch dreadful things cial toll aul You went on with your ot banks be oachochd - bd = Ne " of bi 'eae who tackles you will think t , house has hit him on de neck." proves that there as moral screw loose, it talk, and a dittle flirtation did yout{I won't gy Seuoss seems to me," Was the reply, made with the aay you didn't. Bhp eons vary ey 'and she plage le bank. The p prows all point up t herself, did she? i across from lx manner of one who had evidently thought cvemned v gle tream. Beams are jai bony TRUST Him, [ the subject out to her satisfaction. Very well, that you gave boat, and on these beams & ' is eteery ienenceh tha Sellowtlig haguas be thet of auethor friea! frieod which had her ta ha ofthe evening T can tell You Hesides those used by armies, 4 Sonik, Karawna Co, Wo Va, alagous to of another Meat Wite w went & y Was ever. few permanent brix of boats. The most i : poten: 4 come immediately under my observation, She went home--the person from calebeetall go0 'in "Siamese is that acrom . a Oe re ea : eee Te "< Whitewash tl t best to tell her the story -. She wae glad it was late, for her the Rhine at Cologne, : Cléb" No 72301 I wae directed to of This f been « model house-keep- husband hal not) Bat once @ floating bridge across yotr Recommendation Committee er for twenty years." No better wife, a read for ah boar, and b did the River Seine, st Rouen, which was about oro they had given Brother Col. And more conscientous mother, cuuld have been not come, she wrote for an hour and her t hundred feet long, el diestteabeet sien popetation, A 'ound te the whole Prevince. She was hushand did not come, She sat at the stones, like a street. ie san vessing our with a wind- neatness and thrift personified. Her house, piano for on hogr and he did pot came. with immense c! and suse aed fell with pumed as thé mil. Alvewty he owes Jenks two fl large, roomy and comfortable was presisied At Woe: between three four o'clook thetide. But it cost a great deal iron j Sheets of weeks' board, and Brother Bam Jones, the over ape tiga § he: hoa herself. She had done there'was a noise at the door, and two po- to keep it in repair, ard some time inthe last jon were viaible - of F tp badier, Smetefueed to shave iim mail o all the cooki: yeodl on" attended to licemen heb him in their ome. Sbe kuew century it was abanc pete: hear from you. He claims that the 'fail! the milk of a cows, tiadethe bntter, them well) by this time. Tt bappens #6 The greatest and most famous of all floating ; inks suspicious when | will blow /ime out'n of a whitewasher's ae 'duhon and as on often t Knows every policumen on that bailt by the Roman Exeper- 4); : rpansed all eyes, all seuds cleaned, ® miatard . this latter rock er t was thel They bade her ni She or Caligula, ina. p. 30. An immense n up te a sised 'tater. As you have dashed and almost wrecked, There came had locked her child's room, thet ¢ might her of boats were anchored in the bays of I JT unoatiy."" ne the Sdetsh-anh.' bole sisidnat wilder thes re Bio boas thir woman at last a time 'when she was uot abuse im. She tock the whe 4 as be Hui and Puteoli, in two lines: in the form of Wi of G ; ¥. view cal thet Wied haved. soa compelled te farce hareall to the perform flung be ye fon ge 1 She di on a crescent, over three miles long, "Sunes wivice before purchasing. We nee of these various duties n she his ne t, and she sat there planks was laid upon them, and fres nutiber sixty thrée members, and all be ecourged herself and called it laziness any until he hwnd fall int inte a stupid sleep. was conveyed to them by pipes a share With . " --* to the Baptist Charch 'except M5. | wW - Wenton, Aftera while she was attacked by -- She is the wo who refased the glam When allwas ready, the Emperor, ac Th u When fed one af bine. Iti time to saapect something when erlve a low fever which the country doctor did not of wine with 4 ex. You thought she panied by his conrt and a throng af «pec "i P » iden oulghing 187 pounde tays down hie understand, and cut of which she wrestled was gay anil bright. I knew her story be tos rete in solemn procession from pe see j ions organized into the Whitewash brash and joes inte thd wind long before she (was really able to situp. cause I am her minister, They have @ sort of the = the other. He waa clothed oo trom whigh grew the wot known em budbiess, Her husband wae amply able to pay for com- of skeleton in the closet, which Aol s * in costly ee with gold and pearia, sition It we whlepeubd that, int neal . P. Hesay Fron, Gea'y. petent domesticassistance, she had al- 'wnittacl Se:foqnad ye 59 not, And, when aii wore Alexander's | andacivil pound the Cape of Good Hy the he | eay lastimcts Ways chosen to do everything herself, it never we see leton, do you wonder that crown. Aterening the whole bridge was if! 'band ahip ~ oe mntediy driven back by The 'Secretary was i i Yo Teply entered his head to propose it, and this be- we sume pretty sharp things about lurminated w torches and lanterns, the seorme, till at fast iy nphabs cried «Twill tha} the <iinb had mo knowledge of any such came & deep rooted gnevance, She could moderate dpinkin ener tthe iy ag oma offer ¢ sigels imected that he had turned the: night sound thet cape if it takes me, till Searenane map as Col. Andy Ray, nor did it desire te net overvome the abmormal sensitiveress ed at pareipe | into day, as wellas the sea into land,' The Tay ?' Then'a troice of thunder echatd dows {URrett.** opiniop on his invention. While which was the direct result of long years of , whole court slept that night in th on sky" tif Ju Day * 'Se: the he paned as an individual the club would over-work and #u and so @ coldness aon on Next day there was another Fiying Dutchngan was believed ta antago ou? of ite way wo tage _ but in! + sprang.up scwden husband and wife, which Cosmopoktan Engtand. in whigh es rode in & o try and rand the « till Judgment cast he claimed membershi oy her part develupe| into positive hatyed.' i tris "chartot, follower by « train of Day -- , Haat hie mill was indorsed ¥ pe yt On the subject of washing dishes this woman -- England owns ere ocean going eal other chariots insane emperor thea j*ortows and tribulations would ben ™ siiaininernell became a confirmed monatnaniac, She could than all the rest pf ps world, we bs rhe trae = 1 anee. "rag hb -_ the lien ieee ee ant po loco age shunt ator wg eatin Dyerdeng Saye A Few of Josh Billings' Spigrasms. Fy Nga of the pe are fire fia's Stes ne ft ser; & t J + ther a ae an J 3s 3 ne on and her ships ar¢ig all porta The | ee ' I had rather) andertake to - two geod , ! Alabama, who has forw a wild. the sea. of London seem to have the most fhtimate | Wooten! bridges sxe of dares neten dun ---" es than one} t mery with the astonishing mews that she had a A jeongemon, with iberphanw im every jjuarter able as thoge of stone or iros, and are poner, them Piety fe like | all bps give them. i The receipt of the follows oe yidewn Bebes eee at eration in praise of his work, and last gone stark, staring mad. wee indy of the ny t the-general advertising col: 'ally less important. Julius Coser built et a - ewes gon one oo wnt of thee Lexwl oy 5 Times will give oue® fashown -- al the Rhine when he inal. " sa sie ba lite | was! authorized the same e: by the kitchen sink, laughing hystert clear idea jof the cc em pie * eee: | i One of meat famous bridges in our it may be 7 aoe. aladine whert . HI DAR! CHIPMONK, = cally, ar By crockery nese et mags dee' every country. was that across the gorge of Gen tie ss : BY BALAMANDER SuIePtS, bh Bound. orspad Bes ba mike the clase asl bound every whe: i offer 183] Pte * ie oe ae vaiee Biber | Tf you cen iwost & sue far Bre. Pad | . ws did "+ "-- gor ex oy pry oie fl jee in atty matin and ol hig? <2 Pp pager. mad eed allthe amount, let be te a sliedbooms song aa" he ony' to hime, scene "ne gute Tilent! tn last of & new sf ps ef al But vatinble thn! t grew io _ bee) | iii did a ai, dit o da* : rn a look at a few « ope sicice te tod anil dive acres of heavily timbered land. hawt : * Th he enka tu her bshend, * + ow: will give ope & #f Englansl's cut Ite thundred f ite height ; There t-00 thee in silence; silvnics Saha ne te aes ne See ini seer oe a ee eet sen Ei. ying losis Waaape hove the Sater 'wo hnafred cad. thivty., i # han! arguagent to Tat Mi did i. bi id - we hes 3 ns ad m. As 'ony athe! it eae th recalls forimen to ¢ foot. 1 iathaetere p miei st Don't mistake habits for character; the] / Why pea ber cette sing hme: ly to e iz sities ven te B al wh and slacindtions -°™" ware me "Tre men of the most character have the fewept "Hib ask da,~ will never wash another one." tiune 1 beams crossed in X shape, and waa so con- j : Reed Griese sri add remses Chtpecns | $ Ret herstbty on this gee corel, was, of pores pegetly ey oe j , a that ~ ome beam, when it ped The man whet of eee polite is twe ti dew bien " pitas day am a0 eepet, ee Rear ota aml pad- columneare offerings : an ' ee In the . ; other iauee tid ja tas lace. / A few men were Flattery is like cologne water -- sa be ened . Ag Lattin' up kane Been Soe Se oat, ded rooms, the fact y was after all that odffes in Ceylon, sugar e®ates in * , his pationt had at ttained to sant, 9 q kept all wneowed 5, u Hi did a oi, cit : seh arvana Beall Sane been years Tada i Francs Be: Mee ond tiabers, fur. of course every Wwam wold aah thatthe man who is always Sefauel Shin wil then toed 10 'tes before. It vould thenthave been done in « tl tlnteet déer faveste in Séotiand, begin fo rot soomer or later, re Raley telling what 14 brill do when he eta there, , twe lamp-chimaeys with his show Nek. eit beppenad ah oes 'neighbor is iron minediim Rangsis and inctigo Sehr A Se aver hey gl, was destroyed by' fire on ey pees metas a great deal avany be tod tee vi A ke! ine who. bad Geen summoned ye this creck ng East. 8 ea pdvertinement in 'ok 6, 1875, aackow the last day of the pext oy can say it fino few words oe abe --_-------- i tellige 3 wanted -o ; pei" je a: Ag ge= e 5 ade. s paper of asere-ay I find thi notice iran bridge ite place, This oe | pga 2 ence the sufferer was taken: from -- a Bengal : bridge is = the mout ae yee ed | Man 940,000 Years Oid. 1 yy al dined Big 0 reva iy ih P the 1 i A th « : : existence. it. 40 aipte Spade fom oni i UR eta > el A ae rh elite pete ade evita ea nce ms of nervous misery. With ee 4 pe charnet id that the ; 1 - Aba a, ei , she entry re- able" iu pad » a wanter 'wouden bridge b Boy stands. partly om isu, iowa of at om nh Niwa anetired | fan ame al eat hoe acting 30 in- e ~ treatment ; 1 : Epetnnrried! | the adrme ' | The | rotuniity whien » 1% oy week ww . 5 mfr ; , pec B hag be gthath witha 'teh without - > a ; =e ~ K 1 Pour or tive miler from its mouth in Inke that oe prente, bore been discovered auiffi wiles nr eS ont on the babiggh ee tole pe, w desire to eanash it. At the end of a month ser idle Pee Ray: te Ontario, thetjeneme passes throngh ano her devahepel Ride Se ae "1 enn re ta chet * tive Bnghish nat was] The plaueilflity she could not andérstand how she couldever . c Pies gorge, two hutslecd feet deep, with fe | ers see isp i ' guilt ing-to-mote thes | perpeadioular : implements, extel om chis ete the coveted abject | in the flaw ofgme -- biel ar Rebcvon Reyes rollhyne _-- meetic or foreign, w ich c of the best cunt tempts have hee 0 ee hip YOST? BEY, To ms it in « melancholy ramet Ite @ child te 'i gl with, bet whens quarter | cruet of the earth of her' iebsl i, apd other sympsemes ast eed fat ated ph ald - arr je fr pedint, but all have failed. One of the tree tien that we cok pag tales inne, wa the to resum@ his fextent by ite fluid lental to besicdation fs normal comdi- -- ee i was a curiously constructed wooden bridge, * "er So staip walk the ca pa Sa pa to give up the mick, Her a 1 » ad i « * ~ ape this postal interchange' by, « clagle Gothic arch of timber wor! san when the duratiqn ws "the race is limited te bcreamed with rage whee the nurte at- | their éu et tion. t teok six mom " ta par rig sora y on the in¢rease. The annual growth) entire chasm: I piece of ibe the 6.000 years Lf higtory. the wateome cake posh * teke it from him, The g@utie ~ and irritate nerves, and six more to # of Englands population is ohowt due per et arcldvectace to look at, but it ked the very hardly be considered as satisfactory, sel a pliged to leave without his @ane, t i may os a ta the physical recent which would make oe The fhordase in her correspondence: ! ' share io soon aamitly ra ve hinjcard tw the miiree, to retuba: it it safe for, her to etter t the gare of ber been going ob in the lamt thirty yeare at en pee se yoo" ee bed the une sacle "ee pon: Miyw goad ln a ¢ diaainosachseping. But she ol about the rte of six per cont. Thirty zen pea ' Gatee Ay weig me ong the ad ae of who » » years in marking time, | broiyht the stiok back to Sir James Nubwey, b turned to ber homie & Wiser woman, and ha ago the average | of letters to each: pereomy ea 'tere bp eed, ~ in aking no other mark im the | with « letter frou: Queen Maria Chrittina, rnc am gfe cor aml bap Wo her Was fiftemm, to-liy it is forty twe- alsger demain tReet. world. "| thapking hin for the plessare bé bad caesed,| nomena, 1 exhatr sted and overworked women, at aie, cet the timber was qcanparatively iy tight. When ' % } s us: And you think my state wn dangerows as average than a any Othe eR TY this became apparent, the builders drew | +4. ee sae herisen, Sir Janes had made the am Shakant Bacon hae' told hi thet ~ world's ; . ' 4 * * P : that $ ! my cuappanion inquired alter listen- wes 0 sar heii ataiiedaape at great rocks upon the bridge, «id phoed The Rev. Dr aioe @f the future King of Mpain. | bublte" ; and the main whe called him ing, bac aryet interest te the stury | " om over the ai of the arch, to prevent Baptixt cler, y , * Fal 1 answered. The wort * + dyspe pada said never tolit from being ferwed up, Rut itwaral in self) * When ne one rihat am I todo *" have been heard in the 44 ia intone fanily,}vain. The bridge he bees warrantedfor [| visited a mar ** Stop oie it is too late," and for three reatons : First, the members of]a year; and when it bad stood just une peculiarly ugly "Stop wha the famdly tre tapght bow to eat) soondly, jyear and one-day, the arch finally gave vay, , We call them "You sabre Eavedtnts ns ont fora dinner they are tamght hi eet tee eat: nal thirdly, [and the whole thing ruahed down to min, 'Baptinte ae | party net week. Dues the anticipation of they are tagght te take plenty of But-loor ng args m who was driving soross it vhen * Hecause," he it give yoo pleamre ar "yee everse T) exercies. | ; it began to fall, whipped cp hit horseand #0 s.on after th Lorimer, the well-knews n, tells this story on himi- The wineet, bright) mnapemieet 2 masctind, » Leadon, 4 Tew choke "te, Mr, Potter Paimer said: sent 3 & speaks of the Roles the C niverte as wate t, attl anked'the name of a | ftiqad: T Viked Mr. Vanderbilt ing, with equal eyes inh thet lay on the oourster." he was geneqvus to-himsell, Mow rich am Aiene oF Sitirms rap horged, 5 the desler, Sf¢ mtingy &) themselves, And new = bull antl pow a wowed, ; 'why Baptista ri Minnie Palmer, raving evanglnned hil tour]: It i a7 me tyrant Reuse ny to remernsty wered, 'they go te the bad | of Ireland, tas sailed for Andiratia iyegnine pe ec poetic ey ne in sumsething ake come out of the water.'" * mectthe' hye freerst. . to inepiration. 5 ' ee ee . pocenceer ts saree eps IR EES f Ane 4 Por ee nex <