csietsinadel anal Ce ee ee Be ~ fertilizer, and we observe that ame _ Seissored and Penned. The Country Gentleman has a correspond. ent who claims that tarring' seed corn pre- vents ite coming up. The best time for soil pulverization is the autimn, the frost tot then pene- trate the eaPth during the w a dry shady place, where it is as cool as pos- sible, andas soon as the _ dry they should be omen: in a cool, dark place. Po- tatoes should be handled carefully ; rough handling is more or less injurious to them. Prof. Stewart says; Apples .are 'uot only not objectionable, but are beneficial to the health of the cow, and improve the flavor of 5 the ber milk--with the qualification that they A moderate quantity ot , will assist in the digestion of her o fol, and their flavoring will improve the taste of milk. Many farmers look with distrust on the chemists" estimate of the money value a 'A = tural papers instead of trying nt clearer views on the subject, are ine ined to throw oet sur: and objections hints, calculated to increase this want of confidence. This is wrong. The farmers who get cheated are a those who place the most reliance on the ch: ose who '"don't care a continental for your analysis," Do net forget to give the cellars a thor- ough ani effectual renovating before com- mencing to store vegetables and fruit, Too much care cannot be observed in this, The health ef the family, ag well asthe preserva. tion of the articles stored, requires this work. |Brash down all the cobwels on the | élean out all the accumulated dust, and ceilings & coat whitewash. vegetables, and all the musty smells will he removed from the most useful and necessary apartinent on the premises of the farmer. {fe A fall campaign against weeds and bushes | is more efficacious than one in the sp ring, though I weuld not be understood as advis- ing the farmerto let the weeds steal a > on him in the spring, by any means. if there ds ne growing crop to be injn ed iy } their presence, am not certain but that, if | they are allowed ta grow to the point where | they begin to form seeds, and are then turn- edu mm der, the y will receive an equal check, with less expenditaré of labor, than if they are backed down all summer. In the spring, * vegetation has'a strong vitality and recup | erative power, bat in the fall, when forming its force is somewhat spent, and it is reptible to in oy seeks, Haw to Get Rid of Sheep Ticks.. kL M. Bell of Missouri tells how he gets td of siheep tic ke as follow We got as truch linseed 'oil, tallow, 'sulphur, burnt umber, and pine tar as would anawer for the whole flock. Three of wa wentat the: job of handling each sheep separately, one at a time, to cover every part of its body with the mixture we male up of the above ingredients. We had ne rule us to quantities of each, except the waber bs pgs tar, of these very little of each --tat only te give a piney smell quite per- ceptible A the sheep ; of umber just enongh togivea slight color, Each of us had an iron pan andascrubbhingbrush, Over a little fire we had an iron pet with our mixture in to koepit warm. We hala stake driven into the ground solid, with» staple and ring at the top end, some eighteen inches high, Through this ring we pused a leather strap that was pot around the | sheep's neck, At first it waea job quite new and odd te us, aod one that we dul not caré to have company catch us at, as there was a slight sense of fraud about it that we did not care to face before every- lexly. We greased every one of those showy) aml na from end to end, and from top to bottom, and turned them into the Seotch enuff, { : pasta They looked just alike in color, ' aril I did all the year. The little coat of tally and tar---nething more than'a shadow | i the end of a fiber--prevented the fleere io mu wetting and splitting, beatin no way affected the quality of the fleece, and every tick was killed or banished by the tobacco, sulphur, and tar, and from tuat day t w this e have not a tick in opr know new that we could have used any old vreasé¢ ma well as the linseed fl, aun we might have used concentrated extract of | tobaces aa well s# snulf, at the price we paid | Itis the gsual practice in Englam as a precaution against . and am a fancy breeders in America. At lenst toi sheep af lice, ticks, etc. | do v very bear recemme nd it ta owners of moderate: si flock KS Toil. Toil ig the inheritance of all by a law thatis nnaiverad aT inexorable and chat fearfully avenges its violation, It is the conmedtd ¢ Geo, 3 soll His mandates, is wise and moreiful Ie Bot gtieve becatse others seer more favoured dian yourself, for such ApPpoArAnoes are often déveptive. W cng the = vari cares and duties and stran is Bities of Tite, we are largly, if wot whalis, mitted by enr own efforts, and sniishing or shadaws will predominate as we may de dor bursclves. No community was ever 'wealth accumnlates aml uh ever advanced in opie prosperanea where * Tepes male me with the i the Cat. " ont his seus le sper tal advice. are wen oberumied, gy son; and you will wish that your wile ple i be quiet amd suominsive to yor in all matters, - Follow ~ odvie which Il now give you. Procure cat, and one night after your marriage + arran «thet the animal shall be in your leepingiroom at the time you anc ad your wife retire to Test. 1 mar . om Will gote the roam as usual, and on entering it you will pretend ta be very much surprised and annoyed that the cat should be found there, and you will draw your sword at once and slay it. Your wife, af course, will be terribly: frighte meds and from the t of the slain so - aod hint foam you - whe will fare lijewise if she is not very barefa 'al over heredlf, \ ou may depend gpon it-thatshe will be the | proper, datiful wife that she should be i te et eae ee a | wonder pom makes these buttons larst off se? wa petnlan thy exvlahned. David looked at see? sht dress, " Force of habit, 1 think," be sal said, softly , but rather he ' thern. i de ant n of hie mother. We poole pesaibly i her ile once prevathed among ial circle ev i ae | . PECULIAR DREAMS. Whatoms that -- A case of a dream: wean Oe discovery | ert Chatlecton of hidden treasure is found in the annals of tened colored France during the reign af the Meroving'| begins with the above words on jana, It like a veritable f story, 2. is naid that their melod: and that it bad been ¥ when one " handed down from a period antedating the| With the history of earthyackee and Leow, The farmers of this pe ti waste enough f dark . this is mot tobe wondered at feed each ar winter as y animals a6] King Goutrand, so runs the narrative, was ing ~ pe ben was over, endeavored to they keep; that ix, by saving ai food and]a noted henster, acmonarche in thoes days ae Sle gnee, bah ne eas fers prc feeding it _juiictounly, they would double fare apt to be, and eedared ap hil!' and fort a com: their sand herds. meen, ins far ae near, in search pf sport. | ., negro race iss tay even to [tee Sou! tatoos dug in dry weather need | One when he was hunting inthe for ripe' A little drying, and if it is required let it bein fest of Touraine, he and the whites who ho bave been raised with them. A CURE POR DRUNRENNESS, It seems that neither time eradicate became weary laid down upon the border of a little mountain | can -thedr wedi ond a sape ong and went to hae a of talismanic protection. They whose breast eeryp ye esmne deopped inte slumber, wae dreamed he totees be, fn all sorte of conjuratinn, and are saw emerge from the mouth of his royal triserable at bag of charms. master a small white animal, which ran os 7 | forth aa if enc Jeavoring te crom| g.Pmnce » 20 deaply wed in every ite extnded his wrod sore ta a bridge, wen eet porte ye ade saa watered inte # recess wn z | meuntai, reappearing n= Bd rome have and across tothe King's mouth. Atthia point ieee LITTLE OR NO THRIFT, ing of the roacking hunti k awak- and the proverbial rainy day never disturbs wed Gout. whe © eh vexed them. ive in a cou wherethe at the interruption of his alambers. lands are can make a com are productive ' eiked. fortable living, bet they akirn and en "J was fee dreaming that I cressed « river jer life as they find it. They care little or i ; | not for reputation, The muire viewed i turn his own dream, ! | dom me novelty of the circumstances so ed the monarch that a short time ehterward 'agreement is binding, Bo com@ract ae. red, ord he mountain to be red, pple 5: Featte dh: oat. tooo See 9 to loan on Mortgnge. Trost tunds. For particulars apply to Haarrr, Cuan. wien, pearenioas tiene, Torouta. The amd Best! in Canada ers special courves in Beck Penmanship, Modern Mathematics, ing, Painting, and ali Commercial, E Fine Art Branches. Terms, ete., low, mediately fer large circulars f. 32 and 42 . Kast, Toronta. received [Foamy wa when an immense amount of wealth was discovered. It is a familiar fact that matters ope ing the mind during bours of wake dreams when the are re roducer in mn k religic tal entirely emotional and spastmixtic. Tan vas to excess at times, praying *) night and day § then they- go te the other extreme. Their ministers are popu in yrs led prepetion te their power = indace in their h ae previa tions a conditian of ecstasy ee proof of anager may y be cited the dream of Tattina, which than for the excellence of their + procerpte sins to tis semeportten of his fathous sonata, "8 Uprightness of their examples. In ai known the "Senate du Dinkle"--the their meetings they sing uproarioasly, keep- Devil's lmiete. The celebrated comprner ng time with their feet, and the sin, pn after vainly endeavoring t wows louder aml wilder, Pres the w fell asleep in his ehair. The aubject fol. onyregation seems 4 lowed him in his sleep, and he dreamed tice iman nsyluin. Piety ia po that he again appl meet to be noise, and those whe el the lous = be > most religio these who get strudk, fall but without any apparen: Be was ne, lin the < at despair. Seddealy the I Devi} 20 senseless, breathless, stiff, and rigid, ' 'ore him ancl t be 8h regarded as sanctified. m sny ts coaptne the sonata seovélel the' LONG AFTER MIDNIGHT musician would surrender his soul in return gho for the favour. Tartini, without the least y 4. © and the billow foe be lik hesitation, accepted the proposition, and Visto the tab Tine seine 4 " his Satanic Majesty at once Procdeded to 2 lt 3 execute the long desired sonatajin a charm ing manner on the tiolin. As the cobelnding strains fell upon his ear the composer awoke in a transpert of delight, ran hastily to his , a anit noted down from menjory the j, ch has resdered immorta | nasne of the Italian violinist. ov and the music swell, acems impoasible for the race to divest their minds of superstition an ifanaticiam, the former a curse to the © Trace. IT IS & WELL-KNOWN FACT jand the latter a mockery of religion, Under! that Coleric Ige's « "' Kabia Khan," that " piece whatever condition the negro is found, bis! of incoberency," was dreamed by the poet religious instincts are sure to be strong. It and written out afterward, wp toa ce is « crude religion for the most part. t 'o sal mint, when, "he could remembet np more. *F82g¢ blending of whatis pure and eleva. Lerman stated that' it waa while be slept that Ss With « mass of error and superstition-- he he ant a voice dictate to him his cel a religion partaking of a -highly « treatise, 'The Shepherd." Dante's ** Di- character. | A vina Comimedias" accorniing to the mainten- andes of some, was macued in a dream, W®™t.® noisy, shouting, soul-stirring ae Voltaire imagined one day that he had °O* that dean epportugity for the d d 2 the first into: uf bie 4 Henriade" play ef animal enthusiasm. And the sical different from what he had written it "I preacher is the showy; demonstrative, sense- said in a dream," he writes of this sipgalari- tional wy nites with powerfal tangs and ty," etn which Ecould scercely have said ™* niacal eelnsionn-- the say. who com when aw iwust therefore. have had Yell " het 'ire" with such vehemence as te thoughts aad reflections in spite of 'myself, alarm the night wateh and call ont the fire- aud without having taken the leatst parg . engines I had neither will nor liberty, They iat yet I associated my ix leas wi ths propriety ow _Envallids' Hotel and Surgical in- acai with genus. titute close with the account of 5 dicen' Lv nad ame This widely exietebed nc a lovat- Of ite ed st Huffalo, ., is organited with « ' reliability we tent ready at call ewe to at- full stat? of eigh teen. experienced ou ak il. test. In the relation names are suppressed fal Physicians and Surgeons, --s ' for the reason that the iodividual ooneerned the moat oonple te organization of modical would scarcely deem it proper ta bé brought or surgical skill in America, for the treat- before the notice of the public in connection ment of allichtonic diseases, whether er j with the matter. Mr. George W--the ing medical me rning of March 31, 1886, related at the cure. breakfast table a dream he had the jpreced- ing wight. "T saw mother last night," he eases, liver ani kidne id "T saw her just as plainly as I see the digestive organs, anything this moment. She was dead, and eases peculiar to women, blood taints and | they were just putting her ee coffin' skin diseases, rheymatism, neuralgia, ser- This was at eight o'clock, r beeakfaat vous debility, paralysis, epilepsy (fite,) aper- =" Ww went up town, and & ra les than matorrhea, impotency m cindred affee- at their hgmes "ree care of the | warnin n how received at ar ding the tions. "Thousands are through earp ong Hlegease Worst Fuptures, yt tumors, varicocele, hy before, as _ ae was 20 miles away, drocele and strictures is guaranteed, wit there heey no direc ee 5 pee gealdence at the institution. and the death caine tovk ae the pre- Send 1? cents in stamps for the Invalides' 'goding hinge 4 it | < F + Hy not Cuite Book {168 pages.) which gives all par- ther , thee, ddrdes, Worll's Dispensary ten latly tud-an rae = ued heen Mediaal Asmogiation, Buffalo, N.Y. some _ time in oe ly good health. Of | Those that are greedy of praise prove that dieqm, we they are poor in merit. _-- , We Mev in the Dr. Pierce's ** Favorite RS gh serve * s of M: 0 arp, Sdagraipliesl of Mary not extolled ap a'! cure-all," but admira Cen of Scotty" We Judge not; iwe only, fulfilx a singleness of per] pose, bekug a wom relate : a | potent specifi¢ in thosp chronic weaknonses | | peculiar to women. i The yet 6 Purifier. | Nothing is/so gone aa tlenena, noth- __Of what nse is the troaldees:: 6 ungtomer? ing so gentle ax real » Fh ys is No troulite to abi Dr Pieree's Pel. cation, seeing with let ' that would pass un | noticed hy am, ota ag Ae hix se et ! priate Sink tat rte tha.sinaliest yet7 ores old, hes started an Infant achool, atew anit and rege r, toc! and larzes ten conte " sige as for teaching small to be noticed ly the tidy tourer | litte oves there A, B,« Lit tle Mary, Duke of Clant om, Ala, net which otherwire The itted ty put A Free Fight. ip eiatanensing ia the al air with $0 defi ane areet 2 mies ee Pee OF ee site ebie t in view, Jint IF we will carefully | oat rhe gee ui its ' ue 'The proprt a* Sear Ld wateh him we ela be vinwed that he! etors of Hrtguw' Electele Oj) Satethe ware and style haa an objert, collecting » foml, w ie and the impure or docayod matter avhich esrwiey , Wouhl edter owt Wnpan a age ty the tise ity af our bioed. his Bree = SS yntae to wpe pv Maton the genuine Electric in eosk with hs og ew fet, | ps la f tn fact detirnined were they ef fron: Page passin his ober * ~ his & sit at Law, in the High C _ The hat they brought ea 2 us the vale of Dirge & Sone of their right te contra the same . tut é the Courte ane Minister ef Agriculture at Otte Bua . teat au to 'cheer but to a fy thet rity eumtainest their registered tre Kiectrte OF cures Hheaneation, air, x 'he haw tob qed semec to live in al Briggs 'dark ; rogm. Wigen the parlor is darkened | Sprite sad Bruises, cow he seeks « decent place for his release. = earaixia, arksing from Ooldts » Anthuss, Bronchitis and | --_ Direction of of Others. « Other thingetting equal, the leader of nen at women who has hineelf borne all HEALTH. their teil and dipeipliae will be far more] . auseratinn Indian "Aste tease successful than one who hasnot. He knows }the Skins discovered hy nt rabies ee « by personal experience what the teal diff _ yA ge ate ato. or we . onl retunt eee of Bu tions given how to wee, res gales are au padi agg ace al STEAL x? AN <'t bie: , Acrox, Grt., Box 106. ae realije the situation, and to die ite se There are those who never reason on ¥ mach can reasemably be expres tod. | Thas they should de, but on what they have done, wherever it is pommiirte, itix certainly salf] WOUNE? WEE euterin+ be dai ~~ Ayu ng early to wala a thor kine ee ledge of Ghe beta fot atnte, the peed af rae ited ness iy hand by agtaal work bets: re mop permet ca i aie Mis He that is afraid of solenm things has pro- tebly soleimm reason to be afraid of therm. tothe snecessig! management of « family. [ton St. East, Torveto, « ray the Tue strong the bendiee { a SCALE CO. in the eure of all nasal, =< and lung slie- | st fi rn Fu . MOTEL, AND STORE USE & be the direction m in wane a oorey: sient muerte this is absolutely indiapcusabl ticand The Ny woman $e: dhinehited who is net equal [oe a ape Miro . ag on a rig + Sal | quttations JAS. PARK & SON. TORONTO. ; Made troen Finest be omg under the Arm Patent 5 parts to stand under actual dg - , ee per t. over Kaw Steet, will cutwear the mary «leigh whew steel Tt and being tempers ae above they do not rr on -- wheightn, Light, 'Gracetal and Send for . deacorars cireular and ask your {4.8 ARMSTRONG MF 68. iw Cu CANADA | } ané 7 He gy Bs ice; HAMILTON Tus Seepe AcowRaTr, ORABLE, any Baer FIstenep ScaLes of THE MARKET, STOCK SCALES, ' DAIRY SCALES, 'eating AB LE PLATFORM SCALES. Write we for iicstrated price list, Mention thin paper OSBORNE & CO., HAMILTON, ONT. SAFETY Al PACKAGES. } 'is uire : _ ea wae hal Ray se ian. eany few feel themselves safe wihoad al eres VIGOR-WORT, THE PECUCTION - ot one berb, fe «| eure care for female Canada. w Consumers will Say! it to their alvantage q @ R. SPENCE & CO,, |} | > So ask the trade for bur make of Piles and oe Boston, MERIDEN BRITTANNIA 00. | 'MANU FACTURE ONLY | FINEST ' SILVER-PLATED WARE. Arua Desigus, combined with Durability: and Finish. : HAMILTON, ONTA RIC IO GLOBE Washboar rd ar MeCOLL'S "TARDINE "WAGHINE OL Try tt ome ant you wil ap feo other, Gar Beery anol | we ARE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE : "Eh £9 Also Cylinder, Engine, Weel ond Maras | | McColl Bros. & Co., >| Foran Try our Canadian Coal Oli, * | wel, joints tae xrews Lee oe ae ahs * 'paper strip tae a bet Legge costed with Wrights Paten Cpteponitic whale being of great Lope ge aa pertectiy inopere ina kere Gt other allx, Piste ae macmet Sua 'faucet sed vented u anitactared th ¥ the we, (ANE « seus BPG. 12¢., NEWMARKET, ONT. CHARLES BOBOKH & SONS, Terenta, Wheiesnic igrats. is without Is entirely now in-con- struction, and MANUFACTURED --BY-- HE manne. sind in the Cheapest First Cines Ptove ever ofeuned Fer sale | The E. & C. Gurney Co., -. » Off ISOM 243 4qQn0 Taye 'qoqIvUI 04} Ul FADLS FI ae ° i ' so 1p ' a | % eh ae i * «5 PY * 1 ine - & ' i i } ; ' 2 7 2 eit 3 ° % Fs ' % Sei if i zk a . eee *