-LOVE AND. VENGEANCE "AMONG THE SMUG Tux Moet Fascreatire Ocray Ro Romasce Srtce tut Dars oP Cooper asp Makratr. id to it; and the fog be oyponen to be w had Bo thee k that unless one of the ¢ " Do it, then" ° looke:t carefully over the aide cl the cutter, Another few mingtes and the Nautilus what was there at ite + CORe wae enveloped i in « (loud of ita own smoke, windew could not, be and seven amart ta fram the little car: In fact, the attention of the taken crew of the Rift was so entirely taken Arid me the Spray, and what would oecur regard:| that Gerald might a Pe have | ith Marie over the bulwarks on to the deck op a beet noticed, tain M ohare By en, bien 1D Thiew !° wax all be said. * Pull ino said Gerakl. ronaies had awakened the dchoes of Fal- | toouth Roads. The taptain in command of the guard ship looked with a smile at his first lieuten ant as he said - * That's well done." ** Very well, sir." ' Return it then ronly I think we can ~. & little more noise The Heutenant smiled, too, and them there was o shrill whietie on Ble guard ship, and a hoarselymhouted command, seven great guns boomed in thander board ard yer - For' heaven's sake, pall int Now take By ' tt and | over the m ae onic - cian Len | the -- with The Nautilus eped then ite bird-like way OTA = Ke M 'ie ow his left acm. The French captain | ore, aryl wax soon in Falmouth harbor, . The little boat of the yacht lanied Captain Morton at spme stone stepa, down -- ha gentleman, whose hair was as. white was slowly descending. This spihtlampan and Captain Morten met on these nee Aphe only pawtsed to strain to pel he Car the vy as it. guemed, af slippery ne enpervith - A agi nh Wee his daughter ; atl them, with his eves \* Ruginy '= then, Che six : of the steps was bikanl shot at perfectly dry and hot pow - | Open to Sine sea aml-the othe protected by for it too great for teara--he the wall of that portion of the harbor. helped (re es flung his ry aptain Morten, with a conrteous yeature helped Gerald inte the cabin and - nt seeward, and then gentleman with Bt di aks engl 'Kiesed bia, Gepensy. | the white hair lifted his ae ail womilecl sad ' wate Gerald, "ja thie your--?" | ly as he said : ; : " Hush, my Marie apy She «hall at Se, 'in aot sir; bat Tam tolerably one long sleep, Marie | Maric' Marie ' ~ err thes --_ pa & . He knelt by ber and rested 'the fair henna | ee 'oF t abr snger tu- them," re upon.his knees and bowed his head over. her } j plied { -- orton. ut ; bat ! Lave what'yon would say. Youth anc deetepi air, t appal ag he Lidl not wee F anil yidel sere that app we ' ot Wh pr recover her," wail Ger }tude ; bwtut bs the suffering of the ral, > who bavk been | that has blanched these looks, not age. I -- this narrow, Fite waa leading him through thick dark. ness up to the sunshine of his life. ing route to : CHAPTER VIL. WHISPERS OF LOVE IS THE CABIN OF TITE RIFT. Keturn we to the Rift, which was battling ita way thtvagh the surging sea with the Spey striv me in vain tipongi the fog to w ite precenc Captain thay had, bey far toe iach etper- ienge af Channel weather not ty be perfectly eure that the mist in which he was now en veloped wae a land orie, apd thet it "ie notlextend many milbs out inte the Channel. Mie objett, then, wna te get so far abend af the Spray, before emerging fom the fag, that she would not beable to oterhaul him, or 'by some one or jother of theme tricks, auidac ious pnd daring) as they were, by which be jhe suce tecdedt im dee viving and elailing the v x Lisers, ty giake good | his ape ag Little dbl he imagine how stranye a acane wat taking place inihis own cain: To be sure, be waa just oa little. surprited 42 the ytinecent condition of the Frenvh captain ; begt be waa by far ti busy on deck to give more than a passing thought to him or his affairs. F Dolan whispered his orders t Ben Bow- list and Martin, andthey at omce set about the carrying tivern oft They were very curious in their results. The long, thin. vellow streak that was just below, the teal wae ke af the cutter was slow ly poco: l off, and st a te be noth As he spoke the gentleman with the white She 8 mmy no Sante j bair drew himeelf up erect, and Captain Captain oes {n looked at po and the | grief in that look Uersld thought he: prredsls | hie eyes, and an expression of resolution, a4 never forget. Bat-without another word he | well as of suffering, Uhat deeply interested weut te the looker af the cabin snd with the | hizn. blade of kis hatchet he wrenched a drawer). He, tuo, hal salfered, and there had for it wise Loe ked, and them he foam! { | panaect over his heait one «of those storms apeh 4 wht hie iueg was there ready a case of (of yrief that leave their impress forever on i battles conta irite and cor.) the outward man, tials which Dates kept for "tis awy special! ay, eight cared at this moment consumption, j reached the foot of the stone steps, and by was more by signs now, than by words | 11. reapectful mannér'in which the oars that (rerald 'at donted te te 'aptaia Mocipuet | j were held aloft, and the whele tern of the that he meaut to make attempt at the | tir, Captain Morten could see that oration of Marie from in state of APPA white haired gentlgman wae somebuly of ont death... tr mortar, The father presse! his hand fore moment "hey passed each | other outer vusly and ail Kismedi him on the cheek, amd then let) then 'the captain of the Natilus heard Sw Morton saw that there was a latent Gre in| the mat & piece of -acossm we oy a could be glued cin at pleas CRATE TO- meirer Beneath cat the Rift was all of a olor, nauiely black. "The next thing ot was «lone a te nie up'from below some and covered railing |w ype gue wer Sulahhy fixed aftom the bulwarks about the stern su as te give 'that portion of the cutter quite a nate) ap Oe, Then ageneral shift of the tallast ager' place, whith altegetiver altered ithe tris thet veaned pus 1 changed the-rake ofithe masta. A vouple (of fresh sails were bent, one of witch waa of a pe uliat bluish, dobor FY and take it for all in all) nokhing yong very well look so dissimilar to the about half an hour before, as the Ritt a ting Lie PAPeeent Tame, Every ome of thearew made sme change af which, when he did contort ie toward his cabin young girl, san m off in streets. of Falmouth, wonderi in what » mayo ?. Cowrrsceb. | "Dare I hope?" fhe said, sadly--** dare I ise disektion | he éhould pn. Bhat his aire for their lives' sake--and awky they CRESS * ae No--an le oubaite posible ; | inqmiriog in relation to the stetement 'It was the Providence of the moment that | j jad yeti how strange it is that there iahould | tach hed red § 4 "C aptaiy Dolan bit his lip ferociously. the trailing that he hai hat so much ever be @ something st my.heact) which TH fedling on, tive taind af C Cpa y were not drowned ig the Co- difficulty to release himself from passed over | seems to Pokinges donsolation to pie, and ere Wha "i po Nae og a beable 5 quette. They did not go down w as her." his face and hands, and thet be wae able to | that there may yet be in store for mes ber tain Mortons-he nen Ts y the i "Not « bit, captain, We sdoggiers it with the hand that waa <ise that shrink from contemplating tasking Ope wi with a eng wide Beste ~--we do @ bit of piracy, : but bet Lied tess §; wrap it by a movement, of - hand the bitterness of disappoin ntment shou a et mudh setnevy ; you, we is tender hearted as so many babbies weveral en 9 i P- sea te tat thie be Thon than I can «ol sis j | Se strong fas that tootin ithetitie wanld = Ep yon be, wart ig t want rod y ie fair harge d wefthe Unieel '3 » to fintter to an | 2% resist 1% but, just let & have ite way ; uN ny ae x i that' --? amd hie fair © ange } See, Sang ---- the Uniter tate etter to 9 bie be was pf man wha believed thas we are ow by al -- eo hoo challenge of the S andi shrouds of to Engit shit bpgrsa? 8 os th ander the beneficent ey¢ of a watchfal] " Hold, captain, Heave to » he i Hil aa that were sina at the Rift, and the | Roadeawere crow a to hos atthe Nautil, Providence, Which does Ts in vain and | loa, mates? What say you now; Hib you me Pr lecnetien in the turn af the smugglers she fed Ii withpus au qlect, want Captain Mocquet to be sent t@ the d ehik " wes in pregrete-: ae 'hae 1 Phee ed lightty on eal Se Cie: Gee Hens eaven tHirect me he «sid Jones locker before his time, or donjt you t od nat --brought ber te, -- it wae in that | face of Captain M ee on beeaw an Bi fingerp still chitched the tle pioe ~~ crew ye on, pgetacr, brief moment that ( to reach | oni board the Engligh frigate lift hin cap, [°F D¢°*DSI8F » 'or dear to. tim aed a a he viegetis | --_ the Httle cabin i, in anil he returned the salute courteous prem oni fie resched fe 'No, Dolan; no, We wen't lmve it! voice, to call apem tee Fv segteis My. Andrews," jhe said. to his sailing the street ; and t in it We don't mind stealing the ewe . Nix, a ~~ a : our. met" eaptain, '* ee 1, first br i: ha onda he ide the the coal baie depen don't usind a little wes pracy, in in thé way of sp emp igh eey wid, been in an English row veo i that & the u a hebping ourselves to a few stores, atid so on ; ered ew w the cobin wtadows it| we do tn the way of $ sd at wap beans | mi Gecoughiory "that tod bat we don't like the tok of mourdef. on the deck af the Rift; buty fortunately, cane We inne have Fi thar by the tine toe othe rather than by any blaciber Shs uote despatate ort to he | had uttered so. many that no attention') 0 fourth does ite work the others will be | reflection, that Captain Morton strolled slow: | contr: passion and to get Ly | smile-- into Before ¢ "anys po Dolan reaches a -- pastoral trpitment » of hin fj 2 L Sear' de pada it, had « most diabolical look - oe Dat money by tyin The dry was with an then, 'a : : gool-fellowship that he cried snes __& Mindin' bis own bianew fur fifty long oe SC odicLigional * Well, well, my lads, all's ri hte wi we » all re " Serivin' fur betwedn all men, an' ok evening of the wea Fs together, ae we smuggle oe ger j iia cna? to hold together in # b niattcrn ~ ty was: £ lies, an' his t eaad ms FOU: pet ion, edrrupshun. While he rently "Ay, ay, captain," added Ben, and We | without hevin' | de church, he gad libed iny is don't, er arte a ' up to all de p' which ga te make aC "Ha, all | tisg man, an' de ideah dat he be to be ae sight asxd ship sap Te won art t de sd 'Mee! wid « lot of thieves, murdererp an' . Wallis, quetany harm, Th nto hawe @ few | is sunthin' I cap't believe in.) Tne g with the words to say t& 'ae t' quite! pew fi one cher whe has di the bara friendly. Trust me! All's right- 'all's | dat de Lawd haan't dividl ide world in with ech free right.' : tle part Cc be oer Dolan paused while oh- a py rhiped : t west Council ¥ top was removed, and then hq | Peoden H n, an' dp hon- _w tiney stated e partonsij be |w hooped ienight 3 inte ipod odder : to moral Pharac' t cabin widout reference as asked to come forward te. | we will take a glance at our threé oe mofiey will be okra from @ of pew laud who are dh aml at the postu charged up on fle caali k bo buildin as regards the father and daughte ia 'the repairs, an' de Secretary will see to it dat des vieited gallant Gerakl . je butes go offfo-morrer by 4 apes lf de : Te cee Marie slept calmly and oonrpe ay or | preac molongs to any orth lox gc o - ¥ more +1 anya eee during w he Captaia will sartinly be expelled fur peg ort an' he hei first be -_ a Seacted that Moayoet did not stir hand pang tw nedd de butes to hunt rablita yok fur a vine eres H fhe 1 thes he she moved « little and showe signa *° job,' ni fe: gan 7. iat pce ¢ awakening, Mocquet, in a low fone that AErkiMas nets nan heel hh > inte | ccsninas * kill. could scarcely be heard atall, but ®hich, no J Cx: Smith wes i niped itor dud Ling we dlar ap in £ - - doubt, mingled with the dunbebs of | ulius raat vee 2: 'the Sristdent's eee ee rer states that: mantled her < brow = ea vne-bel y abou the sinking hugger. and « soft, warm blush It was ving thing to see how Moogtet t her the coverlet that Gerald had bronght coe the berth in the cabin, ' onthoook, Qu, ug sunny plains ay ia aguedoc, "and am Soames fe hén he had copplied t] 4 Pes le in the ru ct are being i serdner wll * cloak es Naat oes with bn ile upon | fer Smith, what ft» maaien by the inetd ant pls anigipllects $2 atthe ts Abb, dteamel of home lof an dat you wiz on your wap?" time of delifery. Mitrate follows and ' ant the vines. I dreamed of he ** Dat's a chestnut bell, sat" € the wastolen, ite num bet 'aptain Mocquet folded bis mi bee tt to sell echostants you | and proof. |The viom tae the cloak and ring 2 ent ' twh dol . be ad her me swibles fox be a any a ting de bdilwhen anybody |. The rigs alletiie may there te of an joke." Mooyuet was whispering rapidly ae a P ; preepecta ae Dapres fer during the he sar hat she started several ae ade I bees What effook does it hev on © Ting eaten. Taeven Bhat last ao = an ve ayes ae slowly beginting to i gy x xe oan' know, sah." ag jally y a iy ayad. The 4 the Fronah iolati + What ffi des fe hey pe. you" Tiegod that' fell Ips will sghn That the French captain | was. Splsting te Juline Conaf shifted ardepd aneasily but | ete i his daughter the history of her ¢ rand | gidn't ed. The t keeps ups bu of the manner in which she had Been saved} «. Prue rl §enith, " contibuéd | the Preai- rafe and mink are ot in demand. from death Gerah! could not doebt, and a dent, "a puston ho am! idol" suff to pin New Weatminst, just sent bright flush came to his cheek a» he felt con-| one of dose things to his wext doan' know an | four L aaceead of or', 'Tor teial 0d scious how the grateful heart of 'he = old joke from a new one, Dat class of pus ton. Two i bh Toon and woult praise anc of his sities who cry Scheatmnts ? aq' 'rate!' to give | Alb Fook and re changed with a murder transaction. -- ee Soe; ,., | de balance of fle workl an /keah dat sey am 'am | ox tted at H se fall, The other pond 7m oe anjart, am really d y clades widout brains | twb, Peter PB Jammy gps did are ~ to her feet and then she a red to récol- nuff cop '4m straight ih ide roa. You cted of Having marc eaknews lect that ahe had on ~ the night<iress in! walk ober todat winder sat 'sirap dat bell | man found'dead per L hone months which, by « miracle, she had Hapted from | int, de alley, nu' de ssonet you git de 'denh age. ¢ oar ' hil de rest of de w it will be fur r ¥v ou doan'tknow more'ti i put together de betty on wei wit. MAKE owed RIES. him «lo aa he pleased the white haired gdntlemay say Pe: 0 per and : . Dolan put on a and how picturesqe 'J aml like some little Prof. © araway Ww Ee Ree , of the Geraht rained the bead of. the young girl} "Mrs. Havocks,! what waa the salnte' * i. negicclel 'rodk mes Mt cava e queen of some fair islagd of the] J. 4. F. 2. Sotiety, of } Nasdiy ile, Tenn., in- on hiwarm and gestly pe ge her negk art | about y" : pe t reat * f regk cost) that) war] co.thern Sea she fookbd with sneb drapery | formed the elgb 'letter td it hia society de- 'thereat, and tien he plac ipe | An American yacht, sir, gited the ah ae o¥ | i about her. sited to be taken in asa branph, It number- sore of the antent spirits 'frou ene of the guardabip, and it wos returned." ert fof panes oenee fan 'sera And then, with pre tty, stately walk, she ed sixty-three: bers, allief the highest jumt bebwe the stern eadliggw on which was : af col Lwould tee Bqnor bx "Quite right--qupte right." «e *P} went up to Gerald, and for a faoment he | Claes of colored society, aual would yuarar Cieraldl Ten looked' in the' eyes of ( aptain | -- that, sir, is ey ow The paged: | . forgot 7 Rit, the Spray, the ee wette, to'send at least Hfty « ele gat to every at- NM Mocquet and gently removed some portion) The last words were lost ty Cuyitain Mor leo oe! wu Pa Ns ' peo rg all the sea, the dear old caverh whe oki bar election. | Its aim wad ito elevate and : of the light iniyght- <lrews that the grt Were ftom ; at by what folluwed he guessed that |" Pg of pers i mi phew: Bowline. | St. With bis gister snob for ahs a iy pam rm ' library of aber 200 volumes | ot ant gently chated the region of ithe heart » they allucfad ite him, for the white haired iP « i A Ben : and fout---all that before why trodez as | Da e gathered, i : It was for permission to do this that Be bad | centlémah tarned upon the lowermost of the a wi if any one is sharp emoggh to 'know the Antiienk records of his 'iniudl ind fanc cS ones, wast! Nashville hii : i wi then » Rift in her preserit trim, why, all I can ¥ har' n " lollars liw : : 7 locked in the eyes of the father ; at stones nage and cried cnt or the soft arma of the young! girl were place whar AT oat seben plo ¥ a the | f the Erench.captein quises®t, aml + - may ia, that he almost 7 ie te have her." ' y' Fy hi Presiden with the terjant. Z : ee ? N you parion me foriemlling you * I think she will aby, also him and her tresses wert | upon its a | sant of he but dothing his k ave the. pernimion pot - by words, bat ik "* F hi - " T cos Yes, sah, sniewersa ti i an' in} yteing ; pals oa e chatite chesk: and th mack, butt am to you are owper and com © Surejaf it, sir' suppose that--that-- a ee da werry rooms occupied by dat society. tif the momming, Ft ixgetimated that not by hd ele h "7 vad jtanier qf the pretty-little yacht yonder, "That what! Poor Gerald! ; Name out ok de money froin my west ~ | lest than 15(teamsiust ave been employed diag Swot priccage OF ty ailaeted ar a me Lee qpurteously spbated F ag. May} It will be share and xbare alike with (To BE CONTENTED.) . ia wg the gra, aux here it has gout oni gh he yan scarvely see the face | E-bope for the farys ead honor 'pias the Frenchman's meriey box t * It will be iat o- well to defer ackshun | #* Mill a mystery. i M at for histears, They werd asa maint | } par 7 Ede wed ing at #ix o'cloe * Yea, two shares for the and pne for the MOTHERLY : antil we kin © some inqabri Asociety] An old r tat + the London, Fre before hit, * And tal reaa * Ay sir! Thiat's all ri _ 1 te ized to te de quil'd race should ous oben wide in the county Vet, what is that be hears? Is its sigh | «Captain Morten, U 4 1 States Nas 1a: | eeelelie gin A Trathful Little Sketch Taken Prom Real | keep ite fingers out vl co det ms hc cn a of (Middlesex is acess @)ptream empties ' too. of + y- And all expenses af the voy paid out 5 : ol Job: : Te onan Tite e ahnaaee rane conly. | Unie the hemor te basal 2 of the cummin tock, of heap i fa come nal, - [inf the Thfmenin thgatodn of Jobs Taite t you im -* p why | . " th my arid. voen 1 ae ie in the aris off one who) Si "he eee) ar ord, "Ad iral of the it Ai pe) that's only right. I may wenn hile tome sim, {to Toph Take bn motion $f Wagzlowa Bebee; and after | use for Aityitwo ist "st iia i ier a - ; * ( loves her. She lives ate Hives? God of) g Liw eae each,| and the twe gentlemen a pom | _ Ab { that te endden." ith-4** Ain't hurtin' you,"' | | considerable gise sermon y Inatter, the | rephirs nor bven Ty any, and to all ae heaven, she lives: idepartert, and then the sad look came back | a. ship sailed outof the fog ap suildenty Tom." You are gettin' over on place." Sebretary wad instructed (4 mail a circular a ee good fr 20 to come, ws ib Then. the father--oh, that poor, poor t te the face of Captain Morton, and the gloom |.) pal qabckly ae if it he from air) dim Ain't to all branches and bonprary members pet- | y } appearg to be ite. _ bridgé" father '---with short ser and frantic cries, | og settlet grief ere ptiagain over the fine fea 7 I Ton-3** Are j i forth theifact that euyiene found guilty | cotniste of pne blak he strains: her to his heart, amt then Ger | yore. sr T "hotae Chitord, din ond ~~ pion 1 gat hae Der lerong Hiren" seus | bet bs Bile ys Bitte dence pear ye mel, ithe tel oe son of Mr im am tuiry semen ek a " '4 . 5 * ald. - hina, Wo, clasps. assed holds a lds One of the seamen who lim! rowed Captain bright ve thisan it obi " al Mother + Children, go t& ale pl and cyplones woulil er bara teck 14 Jolin smal i of thi n She t nee bright, ves th tse alge bo actu he h hiellef will i breast then bis dear chill again, She bat ton on abore twew Lingered fer artes, Tom §** Jip keeps on a putti temder his reignation. Sic lef will ine 5 ¥ t. sho has ff | one lay light Was very marked and jetrar i j* OB 2 pu take: i af either: 4 ii tingk, died faa E "turned towail tereld, end. sho: has Mang | the captain, turbing to him, aa on mie, n as evidence of either ipsanity or idiocy, | | during thd her arts shot him, and is resting ber). y; : et rd after ah kets an was rat in}. ontimotion, and } xt Ain! " ant believers Will bestrested accordingly, ¢ ng Curing to 1 Life' ts watifeels is | way gy Seven ct Post's e and | Dat the appearanad that ifweare when wind) fiers' Aint, maw. » | After the transaction of ryutine business of | cheek upon bis breast, ife : erent Ae _ linquiry for a little bay + _ St. Tuet's, ea in conning. or grits Where were dark Mothér * Hiramie, take yeu: feet : d a ons : got healt .s io Sets apes ered v0 - re hae fal = ars thea you will put fir sat st Lip vat for mn, as + praite hen fin, of nilbes fm ektent, on the sur Sinnst ma Maw, Tom pile ed wn mie" pa a > the publi the: mocting inc aml whet ditmer rad aprady went out po pins ted mt ke Se lke a child, Fee: all probabilities T shat My eiake " by lanl tach of the vater--ahbiiows were they of the Mother t yon hen xO La Hee p 1 x ; . called the men, ait "then startet hack tos Bane "962 8 3m ' as ee Mart, we yors will sce ie fn The Post." , ,, pitt clouds surchargedpwith ip or snow, | Ome there an' wh 'P you both." ee Sr watds the hruse; Heel gee but # short aiid a deep = Po ites " 4 -- Aiperican captain then took his soli- fo, a awopt between 4th 'an: dims ain one~qnit that now! 4 To a ov didance when bil 'Aublathrwe Wal ad ag 08 ni a Peel plenty she wil | beasy way Lite town. Rift with a #arging dip went on ite| Maw, Linke Tem quit tryia' to cht |me mi. H - anny Sei resi os was of noavails } goer a a ehen se cakes : God he yetting latein thedday, wie ; fofit was engeeiny in a ebopping bis ok t me ery ail." at Seen as Be died if oshet faniing and freth> ha eet fem for abitiis jist amuch tine te " Are 0 bepireen Yashicu tht wastilaz, Nise av ing sea, Wihich sets Mn vt ree 4 iad ah in, val axe § a id rpelt bh tees Ay ; cus ned thoen, sn. the (meonth At ix 'thenght _ , 6 lg sae he hear o t '* ont-i** Ain't doin' nothin', m wh vet of thy cher : te insnous soot or her Httle onlin) of the Rift, | wate ern Ld ph acd ' ; i mi my ee . rv .& His Seas Y fhe na aily dow spba . ihe o» Maxie inhib arms, and heared her gently, ee be w rol i ah : dake oe ; Ps Pht ba Captain : bee Ain Maw, Ji ws bi nines midla gir! " fb 4 ~e ane, sarited of ' rth he ce te ok 23! TA ; tite inke te. tite : orp ian aye ' ric . roukiig herte and while his:temrs fet} | Se" Be se ire Fr Py * Mother --** Go to sleep i co } pei Sietin i i Ok of weeks age and prot wofhiy. Mpest her, And Gerahl then wert: pee sora ot | Pod wi ont Vw Hi 7 ne i wi . h : i 5 aos a s : Mt age <€ I tes bh oe | herseif in virions way si cn. 4 a om the Pett Worn con i as A . we © Fouad Tee. Dee seme. ' $ . tat * : 4 nad } the in H shy tag Pima " «2 © 4 rots es it hact-wwem freqeetily ooadultet, he alow lo y ' cd ' wether Yoel if you va na ~~ "ith " ie ieies tmierak joo, Keghe ind < wen ht ae heed Stat os ep Te | ia 1 ; thon ou 2 Hevke that were there, and ag 84 te wrap thetiey Peet Me 5 -- 3 i) has gig knee a, and low, f or on the greega that she taight 6 about her, sud Captain Mooimer locked apl* 2s mSERLY ler avy An Savine _ ake yhep, if we areegun hl pillow. | Ouch? dl vate ach lat he dame os -- S ; at im and atrdles| A WO "had ORR ETORONE Ih CE GN Hy FIC Prarie She ewe are " a hired livery rigs erred goods w1 t What wes ship, carge, frates:-What wan) death of a woernas ne ied sielenerey Ade Tbe 4 men eves Udiwhip you? vices} a tenn tat th } euurl con, | Mithever cabled fi with, great tnelust: ) allte hit cane Se ith that young! Hite (sides! for a comatity TPLaE Mecdyg Peter f wow Neep ber aw ehe is, --y veultoie vrith 5 i ee : ; at : ark, - Avian 7 th bef an ud get fcrally ex eed sich remirkanle that hai been ree: aod from 'the witd sea? timed, choye by the soa EMRE. BER ot eee . ; j , nani by aa gaa ie FT Liapey " iwe thas it Wak thengat wellthat a coi .. ilife was mysteflons a: ud aievet. ( With ne . if Uh-pee . aiweflall eisaiate: wry inagnified thrge-fold, pre je and mba shoald wat upon het ioatensiile meane if livelihood. she. wae 6 ie the rer of Tk +48 ae he aoatk emmeneneuens an A musical prchange be an article on | gid'advise her te Returt: sbome, Wiieh advice CHAPTER VL inever kotwwn te dia wrk oa te aobicit PUTT, [WEP ae . efx -, Pre ** Silent Manip. The wotet'of itis that} che mane id adapted THE AMRBIORN . ut aN Hoke od MYe Shand hag yes hat rest hat 4 oe : ie tyemkts ess Saha' or t Performiance and Pr tenskou. thare ia Mtogd@ther tue Litth€of the article, 5 ie . ; fy hi & t An English writer pertipentip puts the aly And how do: you Bk me ' ' t vac jarl re hay wan it vomtiog, * Woalkd net the twerld wi ©] dhectatars-' Fhat «= perilows positicd® - me ei While thoge event Nau nine Lani ike? o 5 wept bes = a mechs wiker and tap er iiwe were & lay t 'tne 'in re ine a rroment. th f pain te: t.i8 ith 1 * chink'l would hose nv gai flag flute te tie oe 26, Whe) hertten 4 gait apie s switsioe Chibe » few s sagilnts rance down, js i general rule that performance is : he weed Ty Gok impresapd. senmes at wigh zzy hight. Toould nat American flag futterivg te i i ' ce sk a shed wake a" ie ' Cagnet abide thdd-headed ae 1, Firet Young "een I $M bedting ep te ( hanvel, making for the port | fhetcoimea, var . aves | See + Pe BF inversely proportioned t pretenm Ho Cer. Lad Bald -hbacied ! WH. hit head is pot staf there.) F { Quitetrue don't 4 Fal neath, and 'carefully fecliag ite way j athe tai ail eabhed aditie@esiy at | tainly te be convinced of this, i bo know id, es "uy Lat + Oh, t know the painieg: bi it it requiwes a man with thin is hy the fog whick bing © Sing onan ty pestretion that others.alae were oon er of it} would waked were ee bi | 7m | + a olfar head. to stan! on, that eatfold." % ee | ' inside. H , ay am ik wabhetent ebay Marzi . be & host salutary lessom to | thoge whe now ; = Liew? sree extended for many a "4 oe ge thake out what exact Y kuow: Captain "las, what you} wasteaeinueh of their ale aad | | life in 4] pmyed ria town tonight to balance i Our: Brave Velumecrs The day was considerably advaiord-when tech «if + Hf acotas ke g of, Dat fb war you, siz, I to appear what they are nit.) Ensins [my packs, ary i. con 'i hee tMr. Fallup Ends red the severe marching Wf the North- he te wo teft thé Ly eared Paint on ihe trdath to-« Mew Morton azd Burt o> was an we heait tf the head v af this Kim' ia not otic wb tee. it is | the: tee He f aes a when Ke west e ourpaEe with admirale fortiturd: oon we i ay the roads $e Fabnoeth. by ra ar Jessie. Char eortiry " Micxpaeet fteliads, ao bem Srthein texd.) entered 4 ne ¥ at fron: ay a rigne me ould bave sppllc dither ipo aga Deen ; sisk neh SF leeks her | oedoner dd « t think that an isgaest on the & fx that we won wi reeds sie F sitGinw 4 ' if with a ic tn the dilsbrab Putean,'# f pM tc ler came froan his oabin caine of this eelfjocnd ereatage Was wei hits, There is enough | and tntelligent rian ot fo wlupt it, | her! hap: aed _ aring @ very 'furl mS xtra: sever feild ow _ aint - * ~~ gsoid. ne amitoen its an} Fe nr re t lrewly, Netiaiseul of the er deceites very few, pi these few Only for} premasios wo! cqnntenance 'Well, if ies ma | te hy ove ofr 'painlesly, oe oe volut . wee ot hin Bi had ever doen him, placed ai iy woe the ter Mapape r paragreph which cof 'the | age sort thme It prejudices pers: 1 fagainet | mae them igian ey that fs more than you | teers and « veryho: uly eke aki hare it, any Homage ore® 1 tack a long enrvey of } ther captain requ te Hine aa be earnest ette, Tor fea e¢ sialic 't > oe Whe pre ee it, eo th th ey arefcan do for ye urself," wap he¢ sh, arp re | Beware of ag tathto tes Ge > ae * Ex = gis . sont tine b 08 Stes: * j tome, { re unwilling to aduit his actual meat, | otader. ' F trattor and ia po other, RaP < me tbiat. ' ! moe . ' i ' H i « : « = hoo f ; ; j ' : = t : i Sh