RUN 9 2 TTI a of | Sloat oe ee ER ara Ned ated SEEMED IN ar Sky YOUNG FOLKS. _ [iss spit stone arched bridge which je ona | PERSONAL. a . point where two streams *enite te form The monument which hi friends have |" Pernicivus pe Peg er A TALK ABOUT BRIDGES. thd, and ies built aa ts spun all thew * erected, at « cost of $8,500, over the Pa teal debit beet Ah eal nears andl gen, |Preduntive Town, Village & Farm } arc meset r the 4 7 ic ogre ED.) t of the Junction ot thes ween al This i i after the E, |power, impaired SET despotdoncy, and skill -- pgs ich h 7 Tes bide ta er = 'mate lateceaae at ont af the dotranens, site a from the banke oie Nie" It commen. wrod 9 ag ice inp 10 conte" in a. JeRSTRORC'S CourTen and the climate. Some kinds stone | ry, h > bf King Ethelbald. orates a brave, noble, and scholarly man, ing out undsiling tmetine- of gartect pri : harden when expose to the air, pn! other | -Pe Pathways are so) "eeep that wnly foot. whose death was national loss. Woorkd's Dispensary Medical Aesoviation, ---- Baws kinds soften, Some! kinds arg rapidly chip- | PM*COS"T® o@n Use it | | Queen Victoria has received from hagew 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y . & ' -- ae sl away by the frost, others are scarcely Some of the finest stone bridges in the # present that ia said to be, im charming When the kinbeind ed - 7. ; ' i oe teed bey 4 Ratall. A stone which stands | ¥etld are over the Seine, in » Paring batithere fancy of design amd exquinite workmanship, ates ithe oth peina front win- well in one Clbnate, may crumble away in} nothing so peculiar ia their size of com. worthy of the great Bienvenato Cellini him- window, which er slips out _-- maid Struction that we noel to describe them self. It isan elegant parasol, the handle . is the most proficient slip- . y built by means of here. ed are ye a -- Bata of which is a gave of yokl, representing the eee: ' _ Madd) trom Finest Stact, emnpeyert od cotier -- 'wo roles of piles (logs or}O¥er t mes, int Lenilon, ¢ reewt earth, upon which her Majeet & possessions Ady 'onsumpti ros 4 y are driven | all being the Westminister Bridige, near the are lis by lesraabities iS of precious! (ny the ronse Cenennape eal 4 Pe ee, dow: n around the place where the pier is to nt Son ae '4, This was -- stones, as t debility, | of ees Sek NOE, end wring "be. Thejtwo rows are two or three fect " tisone thousand two huadred| 'Phe late Charles O'Conor was a very sen | chilly seusations, follow ee > apart, and into this space is thrown straw aml twenty feet long, and reste on tifteen sitive man in his private coo a When and pic Timers ef Send Pelertunitet tustooms and earth, which is tightly rammed down. arches, Two things gmke its building inem- after a railroad accident some years ago, {be taken. Consumption is. sorofulous dis | : . ' This malo sort of tight box in the water, orable. It was the [firat structure of the ward < came to New York that Daniel Lord | ease of the Tangs; therefore use the great the top being open and the bottom being the kind for which caigsons were ised, and was either dead or mortally wounded). Mr, /anti-serofulous or blood - purifier' and bed of the river, Thebox so made ia called | When it was nearly completed it was found OrCionor aried i like a child. Again, one morn: |strength:restorer, Dr. Pierce's "Golden 'the coffer dam. The water is pumped out of that one of the piers was sinking, anl the thg, he told his secretary, having an pk ane Medical Discovery.") Superior ta cad liver it, and then the masens can beggin leying | two arches resting of that pier pad to be ment te transact some business, '* 1 dannot| oil as a nutritive, and unsurpassed as a pao- the stones af the pier. When pier is | taken down and re-built. Hefone the re de anything this morning. 1 am terribly|toral. For weak langé spitting of blood,} bujlt high enough te be out of water, the | uilding, the pier was sunk a faerie it shocked. A favorite fail y Nevrfoweiland and kindred affections, it has no equal. Sold] dam is broken to picom and taken away. would go, by piling an immense number of dog, which waa in the of coming to|by druggista For! Dr. Pierce's treatise on The longest stone arch in the world is the | &unon on it. | the train with me, in it unaccoustabbe | consumption, a Grosvenor Bridge, at Ciester, England. It A caisson is a sort Hl floating box, some- | way et under the locomotive and waa crush-|Worlds Disp ¥ Medical Association, Ali i during crosses the River Dee with a single span of | times made of timbersind sometimes afliron, 'ed to death beforemy eyes. 1 can't do any-|663 Main Street, ijuffalo. f two handed feet. umed instead of a cofferiam for buiding thing today, I tg hw § and you pander May 4 m" ae mE: ers. --_ . nee' ix ot bricge at C rong' which | P* fro na theeexven). mother, 'is innqocence itself. You can't and a very Wale we # aig the Rev. W. H. Mil-jsay anything in het presen that will make oe kes ber blush." tax 2 old c ae, my the ane ouilt ais it by the burn, of Wash , bas three times offici Romans is still standing. As you out AN EVENTFUL YOYAGE. ated, for sev terms, as Chaplain of the Bilieus, - a ore you y= youn = a + 'Mouse of ] Mepresiaialtens, and it is anid thet ptic ma widge which spans 4 chasm hewn] guciting tnetdents @Occan Steambbtp, "© clergyman has ever been so .* th coli' S62 samistone At the rea ee oo poe + pana 'sa tise; World wae 7 that capgeity. or ao reformed theiattitude of 1° cent st sampaftor trea orkd's Dia- botton of this chasm masa canal. Look | The last voyage ofthe steamer Anwrica -- mem toward religions exercises be. PANTY," ae a ae hia ing is the story as gi by the flog coming these. 'His fine voied and | Accomling . ta lessor sracter, " the yerds from the bridge rou are standing The America left Ques netowh on Thursday you will see a small stne brid pom the have been © tnfinaneted in this re- 'sun A Hi same chaam, leading fom now to no- ithi mprning & yan 4 with fair wenther) bot anak, and an sttention is pail to the morn- eart rth," 'they ed bovesante hothouse. where! If you were #t down upon it, and | W{4Un twe hours 'es leaving the harbor a ers that was unknown years ago. ing for the north pole up there. should walk to either ed, you would bring on sine a lee se cae, the | Dr. Uouen aloutoute'ti tows abe par 4 up against a blank wal. It js only about a a ee a0 jaw jw at vile ro that the | ish, visite the members regularly, and re | MEAL yard wide, and has a ight iron railing on | ese! ever passed: through. , (race ceives them at his honie, and is described! Australian Indien 4a Care.--We have 'apt. atheen each side, and the edge are overgrown with went to the bridge at the ale, sign of bad Py « equally esteemed by mon of all faiths - =, discovereg by the Austratian Lndians--a wrasse phil imeads. bi is the Bridge of 'ane and -- a * * forty} er who eines him sre ou re to or sth Re, vil r a : hours, exposed hot op te ¢ With ber =. 'ull directiag® given iw to Use rath? Long ago therewas « prison on one | t Fe ee eT Cseiul Tew Welliina:: these (dab Hur| AUSTRALIAN @URE CO., Actos, Ovt., fries : 4 rain, but to the waves, which during Thurs- staat oe ans ae is cee a wer day huight wasted cleat brar the tet an ---- a wider circulation and a ter; A-coal-stove § 4 castdron paradox. fod aaron thie Hittlo brigp to atesnd thet ng t with water and clearing r ey than any other desig thay: myer book pro- won't burn unles} you put it up, and then ' last relighhs services Ib the chapel ead every ot Re frome the decks that the forve i duced in this ge ye soomaren to # con- \won'e burn unleg yon shake it down: : ten feet of water could move, Le. the | ttibutor to the I Detroit some inter- | A CURE Fa x DRUNK ENNESS, were then led back to ¢ecution, Both the prison ated the chapel hve now diappeare midat of the storm a iatker, who halinar- {esting reminiscences. He had completed, cplum,. monphifie, chlarel, tahecoo,- and : j Towly ese ped being hurled into the fire i he says, the first part of Ben Hur, which : Ce om tba ie |e pcg of te me ener hn ein te tory down oh to Ch, ate dfgregioe beg mains, and the head mater of the achopl in, rushe: ed upon deck with the avowed in 4 phery '% if Col het ' ng & Yf m0 Gexired. 6c its custodian, tention of jumping overboard rather than nt : time the General, did not trouble ~~ bick ced tadtleneiaie teas Venice thas a more celbrated bridge gith | Ti#* again the danger of bis work. He wna lect' -- aes -- nae r religious y have Hen cured. Address M. V. asimilar history, the iridge of Sighs.) It forced back to the furnace room, but his Sie to Lnvocialteee 4 whe: bi nine ten, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, . tor spans oneuf the canaly and connecta| the _ nnd a, ino insanity, any be to the divinit y of Christ a five si be Gut, Cut thisfout for future refermnce. Caneda, ~ A: 2 ducal peléde with thé. sta prison. Itis a WS found crouching-hetween two furnaces steadied th like if Christ and the bh years Be When writing ufpution this papen ~ covered way, of a sing! arch, high aljove inpepiect 'terror, awaiting . smother 1 shades ef Jud ae Seen tae ad On i act to-day is Worth » then- _ SAFE the water, Prisoners usd tn be fed across 'Uhity to commit suicide. He was placed wt of Juden and the Jews, He hed yap a to he fata . it (or through it) to resive their sentence Mifons At the same time a panic |was | Spe mut & few steps when he came to the snd in contempyation for some fu meme (LO created im the stee by the alarm of fire. a that Christ waa divine. When pom't use any in the judgment-hall ore pe valace. Byrpn's " gsiteureiad tun mes and women rush- a Hur was completed he went to the os Pills, Saits, &e.. 9 a me Sara A, toed allusion to this bridge, athe fourth canto , Stomach Bittern, » ; : ed to the hatches endeavoring to get to the | Holy Land, and epent months in visiting r nse Bi ' e a Harold "te 2 nes = bonée. fhenee vel of < sie B 7 every * referred to, in order to v rng fo Soa: , Voice t can his Ss west leer home whthithe be smoke throughout the ship caused the | his wor ot one word required to be Medicine 6 ots. Total . - . od ques mes alarm , gus . officers in charge had a ides- | "anges | De eis know, mina, that young Schin- i --OF FICE rate fight for some time to control the 5 nin millionaire haa recently had derhannes has bijen sentenced tfsizty years' peer ei Beige on pan Biereté of fame, ghee od steerage poungere Investiga- | built for him in St, Petersburg « most sum ears TT "* Poor fellow," sighed the comrars BUILDINGS, 1 TORONTO-ST., rato, paleat ngd © pricog tion showed that the smoke. was merely | tuous amoking-room, which is the ctteniah-- young ** Hip will have to wait so long SAVINGS 'pane seivce | This reminds, me of alittle story. Once steam, caused by some water having washed | ment of all the northern capital, Its richness ioe ay on mipry on a time, iby strangaccident, afoolish over hot steam pipes. But again fright had | consists not * much of its furniture, which , Suma HM and apwards received at oe atone man was sett to Congres He e had travel stant! insanity and one of | ins moiel 'of 'simplicity bat in ite wall | A. FE | Pe errs Serres ; led « litth: in Enrope, an he was ambitious L Coeerepe pemeeneers, oglishgnan who | These aré literally lined with European ectgngs. Tres tesde of making one fine I don't know his family and his position on] motes. Instead of the masa of -- te olin MONEY : iar -- apply to Buarrt, Gear the subject that he inge-- a 2 an tn Engh police force, now attacked the | which forme the ------ of d heliinch Biscewrock & Gaur 1, Torente. "was a irt from the Ceamittee on ards with a razor, anii threatened tq kill | William Morris is see voluaiog. -- Aus- MOUST ACHES. -- and Bri . bat, at anyate, with infinite any one who tried to prevent him from | trian notes most nrtaticail eee around Wake Veen te omens growth vat air in in 's wa pains he prepared a swe speech and rose jumping overboard. He was placed ubder | blue 10 florin ban' de- .. to deliver it. He beg jwatch after being disarmed, amd became signs guemene of of Frenchy Fnglah Italian, eb ; = 1 stood in Venice on Se a Sighs quieter after the storm had suleided: A adorn the walla. : ASERA ana Gut viene vanes smadte on tent Satite, et eurender iia" . sit Shimpoiat « sates Usher reacting SOR Neurere acres foe Linkin ohh a This carpe i : ciel Aeon Kerth "ature Ueneporatel gag a Munkipa tevewtaregparoeeet' | OH ARLE ¢ BORO ne ° * seyel tbe bean tek eS" "enife in his hand, cutting his head. Among others ted H inn paint- Satrec Wit DOMUR Borer ae frets Sevan 3. HERBERT MASON, Managing Digector (Whelcnale Agents. 1 stocdilin Venive on the Bdge of Sighe- ls 'About neon on Saturday Capt, Grace left |er was introduced, He Senco' mp at the : : Ti He stopped again, for b heard the titter the bridge. the ship heing entirely-out of | eccentric millionaire, and said with » amile : I 000 i Aaa i toe, om peta Pipien, as FARMERS AND eunx is " ---- Gusibéers, cna il danger Men hi» we tty-two hours' exposure | * oe, le a pity you have already thus dis. 'Fits, and Tea oo lle nooks ' ithout sleep, and the nervous etrain daus-| posed of your money, for--for the same . & B BUTHAND, 37 King-st. W., Toronta, Machinery widespread, and he was pbportioriately em- ed by the chapter of incblenta referred to, Jamouht I would willingly | have decorated agen ; Wee enh your Fy ry only ¢ barraseed. acid, he ght ujouurage to make way tos much Yor him. Five minutes after peewee perhaps more artistically, indeed, a third etur | coming off duty the reaction de ea inte | than is now the case---by coverin them with 1 stoodin Venice on the Brige oi Siche-- congestive ebill)\ ami at 11.30 p, he oven as Michael Angelo did for & Here the whole house but into a roar of diel His daughter was with him. tis Hel < Foye Julias the Second. -- ter nnd upplones, ha the poor fellow i On Sanday morni ng "the insane English. A SF oy ; sat down eave up thartempt. man # ed in breaking away from) his reat hws 0 haan soled it tie laat thle ysmere: i een i Venice has more thar three humlred guards in the steerage, mas | samid great ex- The True Home. TUE RESP OE Maathens Callens, « Ana egies Beles tent ss peas ; * Migiutactumd of QU rat ' oe on 4 "eae (| ; bridges, the finest of whid is the Rialto, & citement among the men, worden and child: | 'The home should be ax beautiful and | eee Soe § & OO, Toronto, ; sleasant as it is possible to make it. Home ninety eight fectspan. The bridge received ov: erboard and was drow ne pa On Rloaciey & fe the place for rest and pure enjoyment, It is the refuge from care, trouble, and all Deep St tream," from the fet that-for o long in the sea next morni ime it was the only one cessing the Grand he | ey the tumults and turimoils of life. It is the Canal, the broadest and a deepest of the , one ag rien are the intent streams that ier among he islands of thas | Drivi: ram earner these ek and seek tr chosen romanticcity, DB was red by ch ere! ing Boys Fram Home. a, 4 It is the woman's first duty 2 Mothers who are distupbed by 'the poise | to make this 'acting: place, over which slie Abe ts ny and was built and untidiness of the Loys at hame, prust-] is thé mother-queen, caref Fd cory mine Sgt amt, woul be geno hehe 3 Be, an ee te ke ia very st butthia is less of an their children from home jin search of plea. this desired consummation is that 'she her widge ep: sare elsewhere, 'There are those hanixtors | self be happy, hepeful, pleasant, and oon- ant pmag acne: pel bee ve sapere all tinger marks again," said Mra. Carry, tentedly agretgble. To-become this she Venice, A pathway passe over the middle; ™ she made haste with a aolt linen cloth t -- live ey she must eat proper on each side of it ina rowof amall shops (or "Goatge," | food, ae ie ag clothes, and not be ** stores "as we saculd cal them), and out ¢ said aa she gave Pa aged wrench: out] "prom y too many cares and burdens. side or these are twoothe: pathways, These °! the basin of suds, "if you go ap those | 1 alike owl houstkeeper, she should shops used to be ovcu by goldemiths *#irs again before bed don you shall be | study to do her work on the most o ated and ag changers, ani every day mer punished." er piaiss cook but a few dishes at « time, chants and bankers meton the bridge ro! " Fahould like to knaw whore I ain to] ®t" have each as perfect i, itself as pos- talk over business affair, You will find go," said Goorge, "I cannot stay in the alle. allusions to this in Shatespeare's ' Mer. kitchen J am so rough in the way,and I onan bas ne more important duty than chess it of Venice." can't go into the parlor for fear 17! mnas« ae making home ee a Rage 2 theas In the Canton of Uri, Switzerland, the' tht up ; and now you say I can't go up bd cosy looking room, A A pista reom, reign id aah road of the St, Gothard pass crosses the MY own room | khow of a gran JAS. PAS River Renae by a ---- atere ardxot twenty where I can go," he added to himself, *thoya 1 ether -- er 9 aly sche ma the ress five feet » Fising by hustred feet above S7¢ never told they aro in the way Teed sh, gecko 'ae at "This is caled the Devil's 84 We can have lots! of Gun, Iig rm richly adorned with contly furniture +9 to Gown to" Neil's corner. | I x bel aq | teat is soiled, mutilate, and always in dis- het ~ t ' Trige Its tail in 90. Press delan wn: wall. a6) ny bos OE it All snake me ores. -- om ak nively op gre bridge, whieh is twenty bet lower, This aick the first tins. Thkey'shall nat laugh at]? alle eer ¥ oe. by tee Motes Te ve wae Toile: in 1128. le sy To the French ar j me ayers ahenrt it oh Soe rg ar Ue = ie ore | pee aba & the Austiian foros met atthis little bridge, , Aud so the onrefa! hoesekeeper virtpally | Stern. sunny window tu lar better for J ; them, in moderately cool weather, than the coopera niag onngel and the stream ted copes a mn ie the rm 'ae oi dy often casly sees icigee aint "Fhetiatttiew, reece en anh rites ees ar gy Teeter exo . Where Tncxzrience'is Valuable. jnncte te comfort sad convenience, * bright bails" by adrian, pear his Mausoleem, " Hello, Joggina, what are yor doing ss ene glace rs a which in medern times har been used asa now ?" aaked Snooper, j place for the eve. Should a bit of slanted _Caliege te the Deninea, fort and is called the Genel of St Angle * 2 am ren ing hy ely tg fall fromthe wall, a piece of white mus. The bridge received wok wreent name.fron HH» yan like | iinmeatly pasted over the place will hide the legen that az angel once appeared at = "* I'v *y 'weil; bat there' pomething | the defect and save all further scaling off ithsat : He GALLAa HER, Principal. its entramoe. As originally tons. it had a vety pes sitar heen ut the lesiness and dre deeare tif tithe In a thowmad w . sort of brogze | roof or) aw 'sing, whieh was oy ots nae © ae elt She ug rly anit add to the 'be oak, CE & CO., a 4 Py : ana poor ten ed by forty pillars; but this has en- You wong ow that in anyother lvtsiness the bi i, until the Loables little home may be- 8 than it be hair pdvantage tire ly disagpeared mire 4 taan' knows ai mt 'it the more chance Anotherof the funoas Raman bridges was he bas ro sueceer at firet called the Sublivian, and afterward ™ Well, ia it not #0 in the hotel business f° es a ke . . the Horetian. It was built by Ming Ancus "Oh, 86; in thet line the inm-expericaced The love « J the beautiful needs the foster: lor re | wood } r nuts ™ ; ing care of every one who would make life | eres sehen 9 oe eres. ae Ee pieasant and happy. Whoever ereates a : come avery twwer of pieasantness and for oer oct ot ---- ee 4k ee a pat name Zn on. $F "HAMIL TON, ONTARIO, 4 draw," to allow of the paeege a lavely pi i "i } RET aEE pa a le icture, whether on canvas, in a» of boats. It waa destroyed and rebuil ser "gu ; ta A i ' s f poem, oron tie bread brown basem of RI B | ANNIA 0.8 celta epee Seca ie il) With atlathetiom, | |Eeehcr cath, oe ney coer i pe > Paleon's Nerviline. the new ag certain uwidats the workl's priceless treasgre, and : . ee "Herat at laid aghcoriers md --_-- pain cure, is used with satisfaction im ev dora something tow ant ee refining, eecael) Si ntabsdte: teal , The Roma Emperor Trajan, in tlie firet instance. There is abundant reason for and hap fying the race FINES - a 'on vest win en, A ae Meares thin for it performs all. that is claimeli for imtnemee Wedee actos the Danube, near % Peencitine fap tie de nine cure for] VOENG MEN 6 met mx! trams the eects 4¢e SILV R-PLATED whe re the tern of Nicopoli« now stan an. It ie Ps, angers rele gar sl vege * lam}. We.c" 2 dapat cc ag pi PON ato vy: cahet t had twenty mehes, each one hundreti and 7°" spd nilliaine, tdothache Net e-Ma7 Bit ia res re ' ages "he WARE. sa ninty feet, Bs snocenuyr Hadrian destroyed 2 kgs bas heusindhes rye vemerdy for jal rine, at 6% A wlvurcedt hepass/ ony ethes banting the. bekige, P prevent the larbariana north Pot gle bt and exteregl: | Try'a 10) cant | ta the <soneyaencas of roth oe <i sed Artinthe Disigns, combined with SPM. a7 abestetaty Sas 3 Pinna wl of the Danuk "mi welig tt to cross their telck "iff aie urge -Lett-cs only ©) genia, Snake mn anptindy i ply mak on Unequalied Durability Surthes thteometion efdevss . ' Bi armies and garch apie Rowe. 7 oil drnggis too te. stampa Atdree M. ¥. LUBON. 42 Welling wcoge Boe cy Not far feu Spakling, in Lincolushi-e, } oe ton St, Kast Toronte Ont i England, nat the famous Croyland Abbey,! Sound conclusion--A dying echo, Carpenters generally talk plane, BHAMILITON, ONTARIO | ; 3 f - = *