Stratford Times, 17 Nov 1886, p. 1

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him werere ses heat hr neers con] - AND COUNTY OF | 'PEATE _Cammrrm ' Se VOL. XI. z. ° : SIRATFORD. ONT., "WEDNESDAY, NOVE MBER .17, 1886, oe ae aE <u 9 ~ sn em > . seein "eda - : Srna enone meet mite reared mer me may 4 City Local Hews. at : "SEBRING VILLE, 2 ' _ Canada's Greatest Statesman. y Focal B City Lor Hews. The fries of Mr. M. tH. Ludwig will | 0 1 TO ABMS!. , ----fa------ 4 J. M. Recrren, electro yoht, silver aod Just received, a fine lot of Jersey aweet | BO dbubt oo - ~~ < sate nd te | : oa a * . ticke! plater,; Albert at., Strat! ford. i Wwtatow, aml Jamaica oranges, "durvis, [1% the relent law matrion ad veld bie bes ae tesa ; fir John Macdscald aad Other Public Men | Cc Seupel, fresh daily, at Jarvis', Mactket atkes | Sy uare ° mee He big ey rehip >: i Square. National brand of oysters, 6t Heel, Lrou & Wine, 'in bulk, at Taylor's | Stthough jome of bin oppenente ase nuit | tarig \ i rit Held to Address the lado er al Stratford. Jarvis' pew drug store, Qutarie st. west luis Pt] bered atiangst the most distinguish red | | 'Oy : w be ' You can buy 30 The. good at stem Avs the cheapest and best way to of, it gradeatesin law) at 'Toronto U niversity. ; ' Kath. } Oa Tharsday, Kevin' November 25th, Right | Vtlencia-raisins for $1 at) aries Cor¢or 60 paris Ladies' rubbers, at 366, a pair, | fhe 'itabe xa ge! ie the outeome 4 { zi Mecdonala. Hon, "Mer ag's, A whole box for $5 cents at Conley & Co. Their store will be open indomitalle PERCH Aine, | PORE VEC RAS a i . 3 Hon Sit John A. Me eet, Saas 6 Baking powdl rim bulk at WH. Tayibes) until 8.20 every evening during the sale, | hie {stump caredr will be hoted wid i i ee : Phompedn, Hon. Mr. Fux wter, cion, Thea. | dst ug etere, Ontario etreet weet Abs vhs Waish lew. sell 40 ® of tine "off-etalk" | luterest b three eos abteted Wite hins, } White, W. R. Merediti, Esa.. and several | fresh, prepared from the porgsit materiale, | Valencia raisins for $1. 00: er you car -y « he Went te hme to avail himelf} On Minday, Hon. Mr. Mowat ig. : hg , For the finest Cohinet and Pa: - diave a tex for Mec, » give bargaina | Of the saperior ajlvantage the Queen City | woud ee eae J re men, oy deliver | | Photos and. life-alse Pottrelta, o & sueer tines. f rem gaye offers then im the po ut of hix parti. lar | sol¥ed the present Ontene Parlis- ackirreor# in the aftapoon amd) evening > Thotns, supessor ta B.S. Kru Fide in KRios-ton, Mr. ef a McCarthy, waa lit om stuly. ¢ " at the City Hall, Stratford, We make Stu, Stratiord. 24 thest of liew. Pring st, a Tory. tn LOGAN, (patie - The toiinateme will talfe the announcement a brief as pousible, | Bef ore purchasing a photegraph albain | Fy ronto, be was the wereh ad Mr. Feiward On Semlay woek, Ade. William ie | plare ou W ednesday, 22nd December, as ittonl¥ needs to be know: ne the | be (eure and see. E mene te a posurtenne } mn ,a tert This ws ies it shouki be son, of Lagan, whe Had been il nes ~~ yamine, wh BBIORE Ee | Laat season he discounted al! domnetitars, | ines THasksutvixe Senviesx, ~On (Rimmer, but was Shategbe + be on the way | amd the #lectiongon Wednesday, § 20d: people df this section to emetire a large | anil Chete year can do-eves 'athe F ; i: lay merning next, at 1054), Stl | towatds tecovery|for a month back, diet eit i 5 gathering. We extent thr Hon. Premier | Remember Conley af Co.'s great sale | Abdrew's be Congregational, Baptist. and j4t the Moos of 44 years, 6 page a 5 open ir 7 sentlemen sextipan ying wa | COmmMEeNies Lodayland will conti forte two Melin-list churches, will have a anited | days. med | Wak OE « ae. bem | ' rom T Page ee --_-- a" , An A his 1a days. Tremanious slaughter af Lots qitd i Theakagiviag rg eta the ¢ a -- mre ys od ir e " _ 2 ove Se Conservatives ti: Te your ranks a 'v rir 2 em, felt lumte, overshoes asd ro viel tist eharch, the pastors af tire ~ive | Protrene cure in praleiix w ore. sue? Ch ao tase a trunks and va Hees. churches wking part A collection will | had srvedthe townsbrp as @ conmeilior and Pog: Cipseup, shoulder-to-shoubler! pits Lora. Hews. Tadk about bargains in: groceries - buts 3f te taken in aid of the poor of the cht inches | SEmisy THEN, endl pa Cwst oF thive eine aa | Do your ihuty at the polls, and befote | you want to see targains in eamuest, gol te Fopresented, unsu sceesfally epg Mr. Jones for thie Mr, Ni Bosworth lias been ill and | Ww alsh Bros, and order:some of their Few: A Tur to Kixustow, --Jobn Bellar, a | reevebip was a man of ee 1887 conpmenees Cntario will be frée © onfined ito ote house fy some wee We. 0c, \syrap. This isthe best article eter | German from Ellice, who weak connected | | prind pigs, a staunph and consistent Meth m are ghudi to see that ¢ is again 'able to | offe roll for the money inthis city. Bay |fi. | with the man murdered in that townsbip | | hint, in politids a Conservative of this | from plundering, money -grrabbiing, { attend i naewinens. i Cigar Sack or OV encoats -- Cheapside | by burning him ima log heap, has recently | ues tfpe, ever forward in the substantia) Grit rule The City Council meton Monday even | will open this week, and have them resily | been stealing from the ne ighbors. People re vat af the interwats of le adented, de ing, but beyond tho eg poner and past | tor pext Natunlay, a consignment of over- | were on the wateh for hign, aml it did net j Hp will be touch raised, but his los» to ® ! 4 ing the 'usual budget sf accounts, very j coats purchased at an extraordinary low | take long to get on Bellar's trail, "A few ; the cowmunity will be his pwn gain, for ioe v . & little bedivess was dane | figare, which he will give tie public the | daya ago he undertook to raid the till at | there ix not 3: bag that bis woul is Mut. 'ERTO BY! Much sytnpathy is sxpressad by all} | benefit ot on Savurda } More's hotel, securing 83. tHe owned up now +ith the G - oe gave it. Esrentiixmesr.---A dy classes of citizens at the severe bereas Krat Berar Cc waxc ks. + Mf. Gea. For- ite the theft and publ the money me BLIN{ ne 2 wilt be atvan ye M eeethe cate ment \Mr, Thos, Dunswre has sastaine "d man inserts in his list of properties for | Information waa given to County Cons stile One of shine utes reetibg events which ord the ansplces by the suriden death-of ip wife on Satur: | sale this week : the Heradd block store, at | McCart tthy. Bellarwas arrested e icuna ht | i always causes a flutter of excitement ver Star Lodge, hmge #02, LU, 0. day last, only a_year afte marriage. 24,900,, rents 8300 a year; and 7 before the I? M. on Monday. He plead Ted amozgst the young folkw and particularly | A fipe programe has been -- far Mayor Maxghégor haca bad fail at St. | Walker's Gate Wanrzel's) house, No. Ie guilty and was sentenced to two yea t 4 'air eex, ton aceon Tuesday hast. the ecoasion. wie An ay a =< on Susy evening, trip: | Hibernia street, at only 8925. imprisonment in Kingston penitentiary. wher Michaef Guirtane, df Lrishtown, and | 3 MILLBANK, ping o - He burt hie} Mr Wm. Carr, of 'MiteRell, had the Coxsxavative Mexrixc,---A meeting of | Mixes M. A. Roach, if McKillop, and sister | The Methodist Oharch of this plaod, ' 4; arm badly, ahd the the hentai Mac! k eye he | misfortune to fall from a tree a pues time | Conservatives was held at the Commercial | of Mrs. W. Ge Neven,of Dublin, were united | Pepe has been cloged for the past month | now sports does not bee@e him as Mayor. ago aml break both legs, He pro- | Hotel, on Monday evening last, to make | in the boly bomd# of matrimony. The ---- and finishing, will tp SaLe or Faxoy Goow -- Mr. W. 8, gressing nicely untill one day lately he | arrangements for the reception uf Sir John | ceremony wax performed by the Rev. Dean | | format on Sumiay next by the Cowan will auction off, Saturday next, | ventured too mich weight upon thein, | A. Macdonald, Hon. Thos. White, Hon. Murphy, after which they dreve to "Sc bd, , of Acton, who will Wth inst., the whole of fra. Vanx's stock | cansing w re-fracture of one of -- Mr. Thompson, Hon. Mr, Foster, W. R. | Albion invtel, where a few pleasant, ont at 90:30 a.m, and 6.30 pam. The in trade, viz., ladies' uderwear, aprons,| Tae Great SILK Sae.---The eat adle | Meredith and other prominent Conserva. | Werespent in dancheg and sous" them y Tiitding DOW preeehts a very tasteful agp children's dresses, pinafges, fancy goods, | of silks, at Cheapside,' will pe ome all tive leaders on the ocrasion of their visit | selves generally. They then repaired tof te oo every respect and reflects coe Berlin whols, etc. Saleat the 'store on | this week. Those ladies who have mat | to Stratford on Thureday, 25th inst. The residence of the| bride's father, where | wredit the workmen and all couinectet Erie atreet, in rear of Duton's drug store. | already participated in the great bargains, | meeting was and enthusiastic, and | & sumptaous repast was partaken of, alter | with the dharch, abd is an ornament tb For Sare.--In anoth@ column will be | should do so at once, as the goods are sel- | went to work with a hearty good will. which dancing and Snging were again the | our villages seen an aslv't for the salef that desirable ling fast, and the most desirable shades | Reception, decorating, music ina enter. | order of the day, and extended into the SAP Bi ca emadinayice wm half acre' lot, on corner oSbrewsbury and | will soon be cleared out. tainment committees were formed, and | Wee sna iene," "Altogether a very ssiey: UNBON is ) STRENGCTE. St. David sts. There aren the premises| Porviar Bautap Coxcert.--On Mon | what is better, enough money was paid | able day was he soaps The hoppy: COUple | >, sty mieten sf dub Path: °- ; a goed frame a twits wi, cistern, and | day evening, Nov. 22, Mr. Walter Pelham | down to cover the proposed expense, as | has the wishes of the community. G&STLAMEN,-- As there is a good deal f a number of bearing frui trees. Apply, will appear in the City Hall in his original | Conservatives are bound to keep up their MITCHELL. , speculatiog ast new with to Nov, 90, to W. P. Bye, P.O. Box 586, | refined, and screamingly funny hem amd | reputation of "* paying their way. Hymgneat.--Last| Wednesday the resi: POE vi r ra har ts ins oe ge aol oe : Now Stratford. mimetic diversion, tHe will accom FooreaL, Maton. -- On wgrmne AN a | dence of the late Dr. Mctieorge, in the ing Frovinpial election! in South + Perth, | bond Yorrs) Cossenvarivm Raury ! > panied by the Gourt Musicians. "Poe par- | friendly game of football was Peres be village of Ayr, yeas the scene of # gay dette: ak 'lakes Su- taae. the pubic -- hecnee meeting af the Young Coscrvative Asso- | ticulars see adv't in this issue. tween Seatorth and Stratford. The decmer o and of « vn? er gen event, These ions pve the ddee that [tei he workd ciation of the City of Nistford, and all Mrs. T, H. Mahoney entertained a nuwa- | won the tows ahd kicked) with the wind, | when Mr, Thomas Mp one of our som lnjuitice "hea theen: done tue 1 per those interested therein,will be held at | ber of her friends at her howe, on Downie | At 2:10 play was commenced by Stratford's | moat ervus aad rad chines Contentiog which ' Mr > --- PP oy the Perse gaa: hotel, yn to-morrow, } st., on Monday evening week, ---Miss _ centre. giving a back kick ago a ty --_ vivind itt m: : on » third a sd eager * 3 | of the i @ the (Th ) evening, at 7:30 sharp, to| Cagney, who has been the guest of Mri. | sent it te left wing, and a brilliast dash | viv . ° doctor. wr. ; time people on Y \ _Sppeiat comin and sake ecemary TH. Mahoney, this city, i & Meek, | was made for their opponents' goal, but |} Heary Thomeon «nd a sister of ped bride prt adn diya sone' ab for : Hiscan stand ap 2 rn fi te for m grand our | returned to her home, in Port Huron, on | was saved by their back who sent it to | at the iit. a sae Conieusieg bet woald ous. jodepers the justice between Chief Rt. Hon. Sir JobsA. Mindenela. last Wednesday. centre fiell, when a rush was made for the ordeal. The invidious behead Grr patty as an out-aud-out supporter the Crown Come, bays, and prove yurselyes to be| If you want to buy tea for 25cte per th, | Stratford gaol; but the ball was seat up |} to the relativgs amd intimate per- of WR. Meredith, the able of Ler | St. therefore, boyal sons of r fathers which is @ better article fur the many | the centre by our back, who steamed to ronal friends of the contracting Lrprritay Majesty's Loyal Opposition. This coalied og | 3 Tur Toxic va Systm. --Mr. W. J. | than the S0ct. tea sold by other dealers in| have a spite at the ball, After two or | Mr. and Mra. W. Thomson, Mr. and sail to wb please our opponents, that "they fou! that how Freeland, of Leadon, Ontrio, who is op- | this vity, Walsh Bros. is the only place | three attempts to make a goal om both | D. & Comphell, Mr. Heury Thomaon reckoned of an victory, as they ar beled erating under the auspices! the Hamilton | in town where you can get first-class teas | sides, onr hoys settled down to work _and | Miss Thomsen, of Mitchell, were ey fully aware of Mr. Hallatitype's weaknens aad . Synod, for th improvement | and céllens at low prices. We always gite ome their oo in ere sak preg Fr After aoe img of ae -colale bate "a sank Woane depending on oR split in the Com sy » , congregations! singing, 'ill give a pub- | bargains. alf-time was c neither side ob ng bresk : 7 rst iv trial lic demonstration of oye Hol-ta. aye. The Waonkn.---As anyone knows, who has! tained « goal. After half-time our boys thee afternoon train for ae eee ee peda a le and fealty te party it pres tem of singing, in the Teiperance Hall, | had oocasion to travel on it, the Northern | succeeded in taking a goal, and had it | biladelphis, followed by the best - wishes ever, pile al way Term me j of the on: Tuesday evening, the rd inst. Mr. | Gravel Road' leading into the city has been ane 4 much their own way, the half-backs | of their many friends, for a ge oe scapegoat pn ey us Gritiem net om '| Frecland's mission is bred enough to | in a bad condition far some time back, bat past the centre, and backs mp to the | tour. On their return to town i Mit. | te¥ : I have therefore cna : ht include every denominatio, and the mat- | the city and gownship of "Ellice lately had dents of the field, and the forwards around | Mra, re, Me Donald will eceupy Mr. ~ pA pret art Seat tin the. ealnshion niso seen ~~ ter is of & interest t teachers, who | an unders ing in the matter, and let | their goal. While im this position the ball chells residence. Mie. MeDonald she | give. the spminee wy undivided emp At | in the wat beld im. should make an éffort to atend the demon. | contract to Mr. 5. Campbell to gtavel 290 | was kicked out by their backs te left wings not come to us an eutiré ee bpd fight able by side with the gre think, the ; stration en ge eyening Mr. Freeland | rods of the road. The work was done in | who brought it ni bat when they met | spent several weeks im tows ef airs with which my aia ot is teaching the em in dhe "--~ and | 34 are. % with 4 teams and 5 me our half-baeks were obliged to centre it ; | renewing old aequaintanves | throw, and the which has 5 ia th there ¢ high sdheols of Ingersolland has large e would like fo eall thp attdation of | the centres kicked %¢ to 'left wim again. | new oe oe Whesh 70 80S Sure sauch to promote interests of na | ere clergymen 'preg eceasion, clauses is Granten and Erie. He is ba the adien of this city 'and surrounding | The centres getting behind our backs made give Ban & eerily welnpiey oq peneens of country. Atno time did I think of lending (224% resolution wag apperently ideal leniler and good pieform speaker, | country to the fact that Walsh Bros.--the | # kick on goal, but the ball was sont out | our town.--Kerorder, | say did toviprds tise election of Mi. Balla u ; ats and should hin aecal sucess attend his firm widely and well known for | and a f called by our umpire. The DONEGAL. re ond duder no coniblaalian seusd efforts here, he will tak the city by | the bie bargains they give--are selling | boys stopped play and were waiting for The Rev. John re Milverton, de- ie iadeded as de i hor a on en storm MSiba. of five Recigge tea for 81.00, or Te. | the bali when Seaforth's right wing came livered an eloysen sermon to a large con* grimligies ¢ he uphobtas rl cps: ll D: Arrurtos & Co.'« Great jhe gr per single Go to Walsh Bros. if} up and kicked the. ball through. The | grogation in the Domegn! pognl Sobool House, on Seashiored him a mont ndaithful and vs Appleton's Americas C Ciycpaadia An-| you want get i to be had in the city. | referee was about the centre of the field, | Sunday week. : " ane Hae puals, com! more the 22,500 pages, Ham Can ne Restorer To Bato /and when our umpire called foul, he| Mestre. John and James Hoe, of thix tone indinbat of the re. His owt! had the within itsold the great | Heans.--After years of chemical research | shouted no foul and to play on. This will | place, left for Toronto ja- few days ev, to | friemis admit that be h sphere af all the sdeaces amrought to light | and ¢ iinents, Dr. Dorenwend's Great | show you what kind 'of a referee he _-- attend the Veterinary College. e hope } of bik duties, and it isan undisputed fact the energy of human coweption, is now | Hair Magic has been disopvered. This | He had no right to say an thing until he ng pate peter yw ab in sir studio that' he is rarely ever seen amon Inost extensive importat and accepted | great preparation will produce elegant | was asked for his opinion by the wvetres members of Trinity Church, Eima, | his <a when alter work Bnown to the Explish speaking ereps of hair bald where the | w they cannot agree, w! was not detaat ths crore wilding & shed, their val At the time the world. With its 80,000 sparate and dis roots are not gone. It will restore grey } the case on Saturday. They claim » goal | which will he found very convenient for Seott Act) was about to be submit tinct = wt see it oming forth in hair. to ita orginal color, check falling of | and that is how they got it.--Com. those attending the Church. It will be! ted th the people of this county, hie con aid to all classes of mex, and more es-| the hair, and remove all traces of daniel A Livery Fine Is Srrarroxp,--About | completed in a few days, area Pe into the hands of s pecially te men of sagacity with well nigh | from the bair and sc p. It isthe best | 15 minutes past one o'clock on Saturday On Saturday week o Pay stone of en tation . north, and against . an, purses, yet phy. @ opital far better | hair dressing in the. world, and keeps the | morning last the fire alarms were sounded, | was played between the from'his owm Riding, in connection | than cash, 'viz, and. intellect, | hair ee a clean, thy a and « big illumination was observed in the | the Sind, and the Napetians © tthe Boh the paming'of s certain Bill making Str with an inowteabh wili, directing vory * ve @ direction of the ( Works. As the | oon. About 4 of each team entered the | ford @ city: his abeence irom to thé star d Empire, from | For For wale by a all reliable Druggiste in Can, flames shot abroad and upward with | field with the intention of beating House during important divisions, and which We see them strikingout for them wonderful ew it was evident that | opponent. Shortly after the play started ngling s# a representative of the 4 seives in the battle of life, vith the assur- pee elgg! --The holiday season is again {they had secured good headway. The | dne of the home team met with an acci- intertets 6f/ Ontario at the Colonia! E: ance of success fouad only n those immu- approaching, and it will soon be in order iiceadp Sena acnsil at their engine and hose sop Sage awed ah-ot gpg pdr bitiog, are some 'of the mamy reasons ble laws or sciences as given and set ee wget BT for the | house, but no team was on hand, conse; be yoo (or ace nding: a slight ocian - elpenn. origins acer Be cp forth in this work. find it now, soon. WE. 'ones, on | Market: st, qoentty they ron to drag their heay and? advantage, and after an hpur's lively kick- | responsibleis tion as representative with no Bare | baare struggling | is apparatas 4 succeded in making a We an it like South Perth. to' follow. in the light ema es ail branches ot ee trae i will pay out Dyk at se ancl uaptiata owever, ee Saturday, te Sn match will be played | To Mr, Cull, personally, I by pages, This work is not sold to readers to glance over Mr. Jones' adv't in | they soon reached the seene of the coofla- oe Senay 8 son Gest 'o- | --it was th animes shown by some of the trade, aud 'therefors can ody be had ~ to-day's ise, and note the | m and had several branches at work, ir past | delegates ob account of my a subscription. silverware ; in future weeks the rétuctions | but water was useless. The fire broke out TAL this toles Goe ae eee Ruler that 1 dissented from, bat as Sevex Moprns Voxpext--The Young | of other branches will also be' qnoted. | in the interior of aframe buildi formerly | season. The best of good feeling prevailed. tiv nominee isin favor of I People's Association of Knox Church, Who will be without jewelry, silverware, | known as Weir's fanning mill factory, on SHAKESPEARE. . ee ee local affnire--as is Stratford, have good reason so feel pleased | watches or clocks, while Mr. J.'s sale Jastat | Erie street, near the railway bridge ; but Wister is coming on us again, but times | Johnend Mr. Meredith---and as he contri- -- the manner in brace Haag nage Deox't Fr fngen Hean eet "Mr. Justin} when or how nobody seems to know, a6] are not bad. Our bante seem to be | buted vee prance yoke eA as AG thet kine pecton the | McCarthy, the celebrated orator the first seen of the fire was when the | do' a good business iaidisposing of r | lthemore a tor; ingratitede 4 lecture delivered by Mr Jaeph Cook, of peep bo will lecture in the City,| flames 1 through the sidex and roof of parser such phcatar a pt! Bansal of frimads, énd toe his 'te city, on Fiday evening | Hall, Stratford, on the 26th iust., is now | the main building, and in a few minutes it | wears; bat we have a store which deala in} would urgently ask all fa to the last. - The main beady af th: church was| being received by enthusiastic gs was completely enveloped in flames, The | wooden ware that don't t seer: to be doing | cause: of god Government 'te use every] i y fled, man 'visitors being preent from St. wherever he appears. In Montreal, Ot-: property is owned and occupied by a man! too much. Times have beet dali all fall | legitiqnate theans in their power to secure' . Marys 'ether places, The Rev. Mr. | tawa, and other ---- cities, he has > med W lam Heury, who made it the there, and, ae we saw in Tuk Times a few | hia toomphiant election. ; iv Wright acted As chairman, ind a dozen | met by rowds, or. storing rags, old-iron, | weeks the undertakers last invest I have the honor to be, i ministers: ecempied texts on the platform. | denomination itics, Conservatives oe, ones, tinware and lars' sundries gen-| mept did not prove very successful, but a | Gentlemen, yours truly, eC ; Mr, Cook's lecture as on ** Sewen Modern | and rye esl al gio in fact, allijerally, In a lean-to at one side of the | stranger might expect that eierything was W. RB. Dav: aeies con . Ww omlers," Gaasified phone TL. " The | who take an interest .in Ireland's aflaira--~ building, his family resided. These man- | cut and dried @ow. It ix well known by F m9 Ship amataaael ars res ae fi nm yo tectenwnag ; . sats gone with Coun- | giving him a generous welcome. We hope? aged t@ escape, bat bad tm do so in their j this time who ae intended ote pant was, A Caaxde. Mie. O'Donnell, be by wt aera "lass 2 . 4 " Reforma tion of the | to witness « jarge ternout here mightukahes an they had barely time to | atchbogt he himeclf was kept in darkness | the PJO,, hue decided to give up husinens, | Anal re; made ermit jatns ; ne The Parallel Ad. Coxtxy C4.'s mammoth advertisement] escape from the flames, with their lives. : for fear facts might burt bie feelings or | and will clean out, before the let Dec., per pe earinted by pe sey : acation ;" | came tov late for insertion towday. They, oa himself, claims that he was absent | i he Saas '--= his cothin waa waiting a | low prices, whole of her large ptock of iV. The rope © Moml Alliance! wish to announce 'that they have com. !}in Toromte, The insurance on the property oe toda off, be '< Es bed: TF i caune ¢ miltewery, fancy goods, ladies' es a We of the Nations ;* Vo. + The } meneel to-day to dispose of the whole of is $1,900 in the Reyal Canadian and abd at the eee ae 2 ye ame furnishings,' ote The 'a goad 8 a wih k pe efCiristisaity in our Cemary : + their intimensge stack of goorks, and every-2 Quebec Cowpanies. The does ik a matter Bye mich cougernos, and- said) ** if Lowere | ing foe anyoke baying. out the stouk ex © Auk rez + edhe : regeeet ¥ aH of Biblical | thing in their store will Ie sold at and fiat we have no desire fo estimate, pre: | to need ten ontfins, I would tht take one With enol can af " " ow Era" making org 'abeoedt, and Proph ies f and VIL. i Trimmph of | advanve of 5 pet. nig oo nebeal cost, Neg tring. to let Heery and the insarance! ont of the Petticoat Co rf powder we give a pair betas i teomate bhe Uciontieliibhaietarctians = The lertare | reserve whatev They are bound ty) Zuthoritios settle it somget thor Oar | Scotsman, when tobi caryi boned and fork, pee with "anak i 1th "i throngieggt wad high interesting and l make this one of the greatest hoot and) feasen for this ia Se Bene te moet rea ate te ot @ Man an undertake I of *4 ow bite: Coad baking powder we -- edifsing, thet pace WE net permit 8s to | shoe exiles that waa ever held in the oity of tf Var Tiss ox Me enry is ome of the parting bury 4 man, bead give a nic glass plckte jar. a" © are the f pro eve evem a gyrppeie OF it. Mr. Cook iki Stratfon?. The 'sale oo: commences to day i Whe wis arrested for perpetrating the ont. " j ond then dig him wp ani Kpecrs lim ito. the eh agente fpr the rinw famous "* Kieryal een apne bape a ery steutipe@leman of low statare and | ated will be gomtinngd for forty-jive cays rage in this office some Shree years ajo, | dk 'f x powder. Wateh ree keep all thie fain ~ eng tthe plop \ ; i tore all for the greed o money." It fi -- obtese, teaa Pieaes ant appe@ance, with a deep voice, | and no longer. They advise every body to ;™ ben the type and printirg material was | was a bold atterapt to lewor the dick party bere: mauddof inking powde,. Edm thee ceo eke aml hag pry ipxhauetibie stock af know-) write to thedt friends one bandre'd miles | wrecked. "Sone very ugly cumours are | Hat he is around yet, and wae jacked the ¥ ig ge White Fat Wiest per trash. Ty Pesrde affenat tor the del jedge stoged/ig a ee bead, The great; away, and tell then sh cote. axl attend | afloat, in regard te the canse and origin of | i @ther day if the female undertaker bad 1S (* Sede E Whekt, Sf a 2 _Mpring Wheut hte -- whe wet te acta POt ersed in an aay mapber, this creat dale, as erything will be this tire ; but had as we have reason te he- | visited bien eines. He replied, UN ae3- len | lek a shed eh oa ee " Guteomlt : wots Lalegs 1i* Cloqtencd Bing aicest by w goed mem-{ slaughtered. They eae ertine 600 1 ese the man is--and notwithetanding the | i acts ae them we read of, that 'take « pe per bb 450 P50) Futaces (hag), % @ we, LM ating ghe whole time th ory; while spekingrof remote places and | ladiow' fall robbers al JScts. a pair. These | heary loss we entailed by the suspected | ed pass by on the other wari ningaaieh we Apps tag), go tet perm, 6 >. Mot Cargting bears be scenes Me, (auk never setitied "ts féei acter any store in the city at | action of himeac if agd others---we have no | cme, fi ever get a wife oe li mann BA nen Uap hc Digaron ; Vapetie tf chaaean ae want of a dirs sr pie, Those whe | 45. antade, . Weeathongly advise atiybady ¢ denier tu hiicre him ene dollar's worth, if | four hundred dollars, | will make:a bar, | 2s Terke obo lineist 6 e a More ft t wey ' wp cg, aa at -- te He wire Wants Soots ened sods, tranks and i the fire woe the result of an accidegt, or | gain with het never to throw it up te gs bg Aw Mad ak orgs pre par ith ve sins yu th hay we valines, to attend the great mile which | his loss «jual ta the amount of the inear and, a a ii aden pet met. HL to 1.80 Aten fmkiven proud that a A had Pap es opportunity commences te-day at Conley & Co.'s. pance which was carried on the property. leg iz the _ rake ore akan wae: Sipe awk 2 we Kary # gga gfe og oat a ee ue ggyrniockey

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