Stratford Times, 17 Nov 1886, p. 5

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YOUNG FOLKS. A TALK. ABOUT BRIDGES. {Coscui pep) The Chinese have built some rkable | fearfully from side to side, so that it fre bridges. . There is oneiat Foochow which ® | quently requires more nerve for a stranger calied "* The Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages," | to eroxs them than it would te go over the and is said to be eight hundred years old. |eame chasm in 4 bailes oh The peculiarity of it is, that the stone is used The First upcpece chain bridge wha as if it were timber, Instead of arches. | bailt across the Tees, near Middleton, Egg: , there aré hewn stones, three feet'equare asd Pland, in 17 or I: was wventy feet logg "over forty feet long, laitl acroms the te pene ad sixty feet! high, . the , and on these are laid flat slabwof] The largest and finest (ruspension brid ane 2 granite to form the fonring of the brid op. It ba kill arter of a nafle long, amd has Morty Eni t Pepahan, in Petsia, these are three magnific sent bridges over the rad, with Bn is about a thomsand and reste on low stone arches. several steps higher than the the bade. om the roof « this ery if lery is sought. weather, when the stream is very low, there isa passage at the very water's brid edge. ors. You first past through a» pier, then | di on 8 ng: tach you cross the water under ° py , thes pass throush another pier, and * There is a bridge which is a standing joke across the Rhine, connecting the to and Little Each erectell beautiful « ite side to the middie « of the atream. Basel, ten times as; poptlous and wealthy, a them with a ridin pt. 3 And there the incongruons thi stan to this day, t» pint the moral « taxation the world ower-alwaya the lighter burien laid mpon the strmg, and the/heavier on the weak, On cach side throughpat its whole jength, River Zeinde- e oldest of them is of brick, edged feet lon (On each sic there is a covered gallery, eight feet broad, rowdway in In cool weather one can walk he wishes. When It is teo warm for that, the shade of the For the hottest an arched door cut throggh every one of the piers, snd stepping-stones | of in the ~~ on & line connecting these town | wire cables or ropes, was to build half ed hi oridge. Little Basel arches, reaching from Phe first cast-iron (brike erecter]_ in Eng- land is over the Severn, at Colebrookdale. It is fifty-five feet abeve 1779. the water, with a open of one hundred feet and was built in The first Dh ig tg widge waa invent- rod ba Thomas Paine, the san whose repr an ah "atheint hal completely ov clouded his fame as a tatear enits. therham, Enginnd. Afte wards the materials, were used in a bridge ta- er- eaman and his This bridge * was first i which still «pans the Rive Wear at Suther- land. ling piece of engineering. ora long time the g 1 arch in StepRenson apeakef it as @ start the world was the auiakes of Southwark bridge, in London, two hadred fout and forty 3 but, this i in hy by the fry 4 Louis, which has two. arch of five panded and twenty feet « hundred and fifteen feet. {f you some ater! staves, put to; hoops, s0 aw to take a span eac hand two of five imagine her with steel wre] twelve feet long and sixteen inches ir diambter,. and then enough of these bar fastened to- gether end to end, just ® gas-pipes are fastened, ta make @ tube abut six feet Jong, and then thisjube bans to feature of this bridge. mense curv ome within the other, as yn have seen double rainbow, and cometed by braces, form what ia called: truss. are four of these undred im- tubes placed welve feet apart iron There trusses tamch «pan of the bridge, The whole cost o the structure was about sine million a, The building of this bride ------ an | tioned incident which led to one engineering triumypls on hy of the great steel trusses out froin the shore where itas built, shorten it, and float it out 7s raise it Baga would have invo volved a money. (aptain Eads wey it to ae left where ale a he could hink ebout it over night. ehext moring be ord e building of « light wooda ase close and then bad = SOM, alla ch co an . oi ld od ice. You ew ee sg are thing 'in fart, ro Rr expands with Ina tale res oe cooling of- the truneshortend it cnowzh that it fitted easily into th place pe for it and when the jee wa remor the metal became warm the cold of winter, woukd gradually push over ot fi 8 ace yd wonld tamble ite ruin. To aba singe 9 this, ty deaf ; the wome fine day ' thebririge not fastened t shortens he back and fort} harm he prettie stare known in: the U nited States : When one | Rockbri! in County, been floated and were looking on ously ad Poe cr oe brid hoping { ot faikase of the ork. To take down the the shore, i H rl G re Uy Tete 4 fel fiz Hl ie pe raring i te slide Wallace's * Hen-Har i in the world the United States. Oo was put La hey began te wake ~ im of wire, and ndw sli suspension brie we cables made smal! wires toristed together A small suspension bridge was erec across Ningara River, a short distance low the falls, in [S48 munication between the two hanks was ¢ tablished by Ineans of akite. The kite wine raised, aud allowed to fly acrosa the river. it was made to tumble, and by means of the string the first wire fer the bri was draw acrom, Six vears later this bridge was taken down, and one of the grandant iameter, mata a 'omit wires twis gether. 'The cables ang down in the middle and their ends are anchored in the solid rotk some distance back from the towers. The Ti roadway, which is level, is hung between and below these cables, by means of amall which of course are longest near the towers and shortest at the middie of the here are two roadways or floors to Seta one above the othée. The upper one is for railway trains, the lower for carriages. The span, from the towers om one sirie to thoee on the other, is] ight beneore and forty-five feet. Therein utiful suspension bridge across Olio River at Cincinnati, which has span of one thousand and fifty-seven feet. And » still larger suspension bridge has Leen built across East River, to connect the cities ef New York and Brooklyn. It hasa apan of one thousand five hundred and ninety-tive- feet, and the floor is one hundred and thirty five feet above the water. All three of these bridges were designed, and two of them were built, by the --_ aun, Jolin A. Ree- bling, who died in Is A, saspension brid em veidh & span of one thonsand feet wits thrown across the 'ond at Wheeling in 1548, bat it was blown down, however, in 1854. One at Rochester en dewn by a heavy fall pf anow in 1857. The finest suspension bridges in Eu are at Fribatg. Switaerland, and Peath, Hungary. One of the most romantic things in com nection with the subject of bridges was the formation of a reli rious order in the twelff. century, called ** Brethren of the Bridge, whose object was to build bridges and es- -sblish ferries for the ----- anc Bt curity of travellers. wear famous works were the "ee of t St. ic Eopete, pte Lyons, and Avignon, all spanning t Rhone, and all consisting of stone ar = The two first named are still standin third had a hard fate, Pope Bonedct RII then holding hia see at Avignon, had some of the arches broken down in 1385, for hia! own security. A few years later the in- habitants of the city blew up their endiof the bridge, to free themselves from Beae- dict's garrinon, In 16W three arches fhil for want of repairs ;andin 1670 frestiet in the Rhone, bringing down immerse masses of ice, completed the work of des truction, Bet one kind of bridge remains to be men: the natural bridge. Eight of wine > Va. , one in W athes Ala., one in Christian County, Ky., California. The ¢ one in Virginia been often de- sctlbed The bargeat is in Cailfornia. It yi a branch of Trini Kiver, is three | thounand feet, wide, and has an archway | trent feet high * an a span of eighty feet. Pies you will ask me if took na pee ys and Sve in nk er beginning of this article I cannot answer the question. Y f quire of the next geologist you {tun exp. } AM ORIENTAL TRAGEDY. The Tragte Raa to 2 Benpotic Ied@iae Ra- jnbs Amears, A notification ap in the India, paseniatias St se duet Ham han Singh of f of Ban- si, in conaeg THE WME-SULS OLUB. * Human natur' am a werry comsartin " mid Brother Gardner as Elder Toots quit shuffling his fect and laid tack or a hap. "Tt am ao full of streaks an' freaks noshuns dat it am a wonder de Lawd joe ™ am ready to walk out an' announce to de Public det our system of gow'ment am one -- will eventooly bring de kentry to a tate --aey an' d hun a large class of ooh who, when dey hep honey fur supper, bless de wifur his goodness an' am ready to aub- scribe $100 tow ards de ereckshun of a new rer ch. Nex' mawnin' when apple pass es de place of honey, dey emagine dat cle Satin has got a tust mortage on ebe ing, an' de wouldn't pat up a nickel fur a church if dey had money to throw away, ** Dar' am people who ge about wid broad smiles on deir facea an' tell you a dis world am all right. It's daily growin' bet ter'an it's plenty good 'nuff' 'fur auybedy. An hour later, when de grocer or de butcher has called deir attenshun to » leetle bill which has run six months, de scene changes. De grin am gone, an' dis worki am all wron, "We e plan fur a huckle-berry éexcurahun wid de feelin' dat our fellow-men am al right. We wake up to find dat exourshun spoilt by arainy day, an' we at once declar'- our fellow-men a set of thieves an' conspira- * Dar am no accountin' fur w wih, vascillatin' human natur' will da. We expeck men to be wicked, an' den hold up our hands ober deir deeda, We dat all marriages can't be happy, pacandalized ober divorcees. De male sex de mands de strictest vartue in woman, an' den turns about an' works deir downfall. hat poo', We chide de selfishness of de wirid, but we hang toall we git We denounce an' revile a man while he libs, an' tarn abou an' make a hero an' a miartyr of him as soon ande bref leaves his body. We preach charity to all, but whe of us foygives our fellow tan fur his shortcomin's ? 'I tell you, my frieads, we am a poo', miserable lot, ne matter what do color' or previous condishan, an, de pusson who has de cheek to stan' up an' criticize his nayburs am perhaps de wust sheepin de lot. We've got to show de streaks in our natur' an' de fack dat de man who will lend you money widout security will also run away wid your wifé must not be looked upon as an thing out of the reg'lar track of human na- tur'. tue now parceed wid de reg'lar purceedin'a." A PREMIUM. Waydown Bebec begged leave to announce his willingness te personally offer a tam for the beat song on the close of tl year, and on motion of Samuel Shin it wan decid- ed that the club showld once more try the experiment of encouraging colored poets come te the front, It was resolv - to offer & preminesn of $10 in casif*for the best poem received' ap to January 1, and ty = all contestants to three verses Oras. With each poem sent im must be an afBdavit that the writer is colored, and that he nor she did not copy any portion of thp said poem from any _ t. work. The points to be considerex lst---Color of ik. 24 --Chirography. &! Whether postage was paid in full or not, 4th--Rhythm and meter. As soon at the details were settled Whale. bone Howker sent tothe Seord 's desk and entered the following as number one, "Ob! de leaves am «-fallin' an' a secnews has ar we Tee abril se of anturan am biowin' sed an' Whicheber wa ay we turn we am visibly reminded, phet, is just now the club has refused to D him |i getting ep» eyclone or bringing about an { quake, LEYT IX THE LURKOH. 1F I = E for * rE E : rr $2: fh ght ny ait ' f i E 3 EXASPERATED HT KER STRTOGLES ys vay the talwar and i Hit jell, Hie estitti i i nu ap said jestioe w this caitrage by the itnlar «distinction ; but it was the only punishment possible. 'He Was a Stranger. "Do you put an'¢'in whisky here?" reporter of a Hamiltan pa "No," Po the editer, who was al @ put nothing in whisky fee > the. We take it eight on More than" 1100 000, copies oft Gea. *hhave been soldi Ie robably wowhl net have ran as well if it pr The bes oe ie use? : 'suspension bridges had Ben Him, * z3 EE i other it is not "4" Ee Ui id a7 ail if 7 : t i if 2 3 FI Pa es ihe rf oh de af | fF f fil wiper goes to show if dof a bad habit you must throw it iy ther. A pneteatennesibullies: Dealer (pointing out beauties of a vicious with ch him! You just: ride him he -- ride another." Little Tip Tipking, who i pervous, thinks this is wne snaity. likey, fromthe look of him {AVENGNG INNOCENT BLOOD. @n the tack of Phaibe Paulin' Murderens |S "T The stey of how Phorhe t for not making any arrests immeria- solr fre that they hope to capture both men Will hocbe vine gh last? has beerworking on a new clue in the case, | lim was mur. dered axi outraged on a lanely road! near Eagle Fick in Orange, N, J., 'three years ago, hatwen toki in'the newépapers many times, Several men were artested on sus- vicion, Hut were. afterward set free. A Kew arb reporter who Was sent to work on the casut the time of the omprder PISCOVERED CHORTAIN CLO RS which bk communicated to the editor of ee paper, They were privately investigat phod should adifress, with 1 | for Lay, ill ee poof perfect cute, Work!' sce : G63 Maia Street, 4 Thee and heard by more than one witness, Diegus- pected nan knows that he in } watched t- wecutor Crane refubes toa thiag avzout the case, but intinstes any: AN IMPORTANT ARREST WTULL BE MADE ins few days. The detectives now admit thet more than one man head's hand in petpytration of the crime and their only at she aaine time. There ie & standing re- ward of $5,000 for the capture of the mur- demrs. the Heat in in India. "he editor of Outing has just received fran Thomas Stevens, . the nag ake es | cytist, « letter dated Delhi, India, in whic he says; " The weather serene hes ; --s: barely possille this season of the gest) even by taking things very Cionest sly." Some iles of the terpera- ture may be imagined when we state so with every appilance to mi the in the shape of punkahs, Water soaked cuxs cum tates, hung acries the doorwa a bf the houses, ete., meter indoors often registers 120 ~ degrees for weeks to- er. Advice to Consumptives. On the appearance of the first i ager me general de sbility, lows of ppets lor, « fins sensations, followed by go sweats am] cough --prompt nieasures for re lief should be ta Consumption is sere- fulous disease of the lu t refore use the great anti-scrofula, or bidod. "purifier and strength restorer, Yerce's " Golden Medical Discovery." Superior to = syed of as 4 nutritives, andi anes EEs Sad by drugyiste the world over, _ For Dr. Pierce's treatise on conmeien en. ond 16 cents in stamps to 'World's Diepensay Medi- eal ciation, 663 Main Street, flab, A pews item states that 'a girl in Vis. comin has tired fifty-three days om air. She must have married a labor agitator, and tos Sina bet aatideg camelekt atic the AGENTS, CANVASNERS and Gol cent deelopments my oy however, shown bed +4 Comails, few bn kage hat th euspicion was well founded. The in sthee incor poration, sus man has never left Orange and See'ry, 42 Areade, Porostta, within ihe past ten days he has been kept UF > & 1G. MUSIC; * 30,000 under érict surveillance by Detectives Re- : he bac ; she ten Becker. grtey Ais her gre B. BUTLAND, 7 King. W., Torona, recent videly circulated report that L Be, ginny ny AY Menem ' city st yan page | from S18 ty ee PUERE FACLIN'S GHOST H walarion --_ had ben seen in the neighSortiood of the | aruutnioel "hast st ones fer tieeolans tigen spot wiere the murder Yreseets iteed. | Son' W AcAtmET, Mall Lesson Departs At the suspected man had | heard this he | 4 Mires Kaw, Torin became very uervous and grew very thin. | Oy pepsi Gacips. He is mported to have been heard exclaim: | | Wie we tard Year Lat, ing in Lis sleep : 1] didn't do-it alone ; there . rg sear y tinge Ten are es ae anate one. had » hand in killing bee paspsita. Greate wena yea similar remarks Sane been | Ladies adinaitted. Fe ieee, oe Tus Mannion cl YOUNG WIVES! 23" rownstts cal toe rare fe cm "we revpeotsel y parma sernorenly A . strings pod cilere! plates post-paid G00 FM. GRAM, fips 555, Foromta, $ a eee _ ; wr ate. -- hn ven © 3 Gee } So Seene,Daeee; - Oa! i "ae Besen Devaperses THE BANK of TORO DIVIDEND NO, 61. Ratio ie herehy, given. Ghat » dividend ot tout per be wetgied wan current 5 fowl fre th day of Neves) wor, both tary bye tom ve, jot the Roan. a ng egg Cashier, 'Bank « o torte, Horse , ane, GAUBAGE. ( custie i New free Riationd, Rx | la pris Bo the trade. We are inule Cheings. | Welte foe Geaietionn. oT oc FITS ! ty Bam er apt ee i.' HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ort oo ih hap ore antes find ib iso Mip- see Gp buchen Geerwivens thei shuse of orer-work, and in advanned lite re~ a te ma let oy wel ma rent | Ht ia ; Rt a rrespondent : bend "Ten killed by the, wr: the age} op ag ee seal ron our beer. | is unable to earn her own living. It is lucky me cull' for hf} that she can live on sir. when atest of . AGSESSMENTESYSTE ane th eee The Weaker Sex - An' dem bunions ill deject us. im the use of sx atin eta sk, HN Pf pre Precip TheMutual Reserve Fund IT DORS NOT. which cures all te, and tary announced a letter from | gives tone tothe system, | by drug- Lire ASSOCIATION. Dabuque, Ia, asking if the Lime = gist. ea pinne: 'ie faith to Prof, Wi he " 'The yonpere | Amero cnsit inatracted to return answer that it does not. ine todo meg Lewin' er seen, SeR7 os ----- = pert Daring the firvt three its axiatence penta ike and it may Pe peed slong ws At hee Sit € 'aan the cla peihat "Sanity Ned Seiface to me- > on i teorolc but had to the fact Corrempondence tips Suibing eal bt. don iamees "A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, a. ee bad weather. Uncle tobacco, ND Ram quetabions JAS. PARK & SON, TORONTO. { ues Wa si oe ee, = MSCOLL'S LU'S LARDINE wats Se ee =p OL.

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