Wepnespay, 'Dec, 8TH, 1886. "[N OPPONENT FOR MR. HENSON. 'eer mays FOREVER sncrFED ovT! fob Tobeggsn ( Slab --T, a Tse Stuatford Zines, zt. 'BUTLER, EDITOR AND MANAGER At the Grit convention in Strat- ford on Tuesday week they could not decide upon a candidate for the Dominion Parliament, and an ad journment was made until last Mon- day. On that day thé clan« gather- ed afresh in Listowel. Hay stock was away up all week. But, alas! Hay stock is away down now! delegate from this section who was went informs us that the fight was ity or no Hay, but the Southern sided and advised by Mr. Saeeiae engineered the caucus with good success, securing the nomina- tion Yor Mr. Jacob Heppler, of Lis- towel, a German. ceepeeenasicesianesensmm MK. CULL FOR SOUTH PERTH. From all parts of the South Riding of Perth we have the most cheering accounts of the prospects of electing Mr. Joseph W. Cull, of Mitchell, in r. Ballantyne, of this city. sally, we have uothing to say against r. Ballantyne--bat his recent milly episode in connection with St. Andrew's Society (if nothing more is said) stamp him as more of a schoo! boy than a statesman, but oo he is not so much to i his sponsors, Matheson -- Mowat. If South Perth must always have Stratford Grits to look after its interests in the Parlisthents of the country, Mr. Bal- lantyne will suit the people of .this y! had Sitrat- ford instead of Iggan it would have done him imore oe Mr. Cull hee the bennignts positions of councillor, reeve and mayor ia his own towp, an id ae a blie officer haa always been' held FF the og respect. We trustthe of South Perth will add an additional honor to his record on the 8th inst., and make him the tember for the Riding in the Local If the people of of Stratford have had any doubts as to the foolish conduct which characterizes the Government at Toronto in Educational panties: they ean easily dispel them by walk- img any day Tet our City neil ¢hamber. There they will Bnd a Deputy Minister of Education sitting in state, half-a-dozen lawyers wrang- ling, all the staff of Collegions, -- fute school teachers, abont- 30 witnesses, and nearly all the route attending the Inatitute, and what are they all doing? Why, they are try- ing to discover whether Tweedle-de dev was more to blante than Tweedle- de-dum! Tt has been going on for EE rie | We say to tHe electors of Stratford turn the Grit jackals amd rascals af Toronto out, and forever. prevent re- enrrences of such free but not cheap shows a# the! one is now witnessing. If the Mowat Govern: ment had in their whole combination the spunk of the little insect which | Bobby Burns @nce saw crawling 60 | 4 lady' « bonnet, and which he seroth | Devitt Notimuch.. ow iss write & . verses about, they would have' told | wimeings securely iu bis pocket, |" smile se be afte Mr. Idington o go to grass when hp Ot the ince eeniie thet b-caulite nad bland, was" rippin' jand tarin', cussin' ant swarin'"' abéut the Government oftices at Toronto for an investigé- tion.' But they were too cowardly for that. They know as long 4s they can rely: upon John Iding- becadibesd of Ghe Ditte, in 1954 (Ah, tor The purists' hand gees Z on thy purse, ! Outaric! Grand titel for David i wanes to x Sion oasis ta THE HEADMASTER CAUGHT MUTILATING 4 DOCUMENT. LETTER FROM MR. LOLSOTOR. Te the Béiter of Tun Srnavroun Tues > ton's tenant -- and other Men | been heard froe cofmmmenting in the press on wach of Mr. Schmidt's cahbre being evasnigenieh 5 anton ae ee a sen sent to Pérliament,--that | they | te rublic elicited im the course of my . attempt to have charge Na. 15 in ' are quite safe in office. They can} This charge, which hax been excluded trom giggle and laugh, and dance and -- ait ade oS ~ gh sing--for whiat-reck they ? Do nt | Commissioner, is the opinien of the Hon. the Min- the silly pipple have to' pay~ the | Sect Stparts: (oeiirares ty eelar charms piper ? Nos. 19 co 38, white weep siete an Bose " * - Jj ~ After Electors de Stratford, thowsarntls | « sea be 'tamished the mewspapers with a list of « papi tren igh School, whe hed succeeded therest. aed claimed that farty- two ** had passed, and that they had obtained cistern socusd-class certifionins, thelve thitrd<lase oor. of: dollars of] your money aré beihg aquandered by the Mowat Govern- ment simply because a Grit offige- holder and ja Grit school-master have disputed about a Grit scholar ! ficates sad fourte (Of thie let five « one tne oe you desire this condition of affairs by 4 ae ace tan ie continud ? so, vote for|~ sorting an ady in the De 'of Mth August Schensdl, who will support the Goy- |" "Witter stteoding inet half your 216 ernment in dny and every ridiculous | " recor! st Toronto University, vaasec 20 out of 82 4 . and olteined oa ts tase boners, and 11 extravagance that Mr. Idington may ask, If you are not in favor of such criminal waste of money, by your idiotic rulerg VOTE FOR -GEORGE HESS, who; will assist in turning the extravagant'. and 'incapable | « Mowatites gut of the position they |. tp cae cf core, that 32 have so long * and all but thrpe. The fact 9 thas, thers ----------_ seleeved bo wo were simp! emacs te ie - WARNING TO ELECTORS. x We awivertisement Nasi rape for it af boron pede 8 of hte the wep g «he an ch gsi with a whele wt rown understand 'that a deliberate at. | . e 1S ee vough one of the Seratiord newspapers parti- ly oc be on advertiae- Schmidt. Far this parpose the Glote and Mail, ernment offichals in the Riding, from: the ae follows - shea! 5 13 wy apd 14 Te" up his anetns 4 the Government an = the reason y afte: the election. | higher Savole "aa as gade. and communjcate t and culars at once to 3. 8. Puller or , Stratford P. O. |The Grits intend fame means as they did when Relfor ny ran in 1867-+pre- te b bmiie and ae ore trom Mr. McBride, 1 aw eey te the , a ort guccessfally at fe: ff i 'i | i f i f ; ip! ll 4 | J = - eer af KE rial af Ew i E if 5 4 | E 3 7° F i i ir te i ty, but set the doe ue d rit ix i ¢wo weeks and may last all the bal- aren of the year. The casts for this are rituning tag RN ut S100 per lay, ain woctiatter whitch party comes off | \Wietor the public will have to pay the leosts of the whole silly bumpess shphly because the plaintiff and the defendant are huth rite! Mr. ld-| mgton is « Grit Queen's Co umeellor, and.also County Crown" Attorney, and therefore considers himself High Muek-d-muck and boss of the whole Grit faction in gis section. Not a paper say "boo" to him-- wot even that + paper, the Koloniet, which is read scextensively chasses aod weet te net take them out thragh 4 fenrrT opr, mam, ve 7 car conavrtwa." ot. Jest immediatety then? A.--Tes ; sed hh The Coruprall Glengarian says: a that Mr, Moliride and The of are oot 'paper acl put his mame on if sttasking Mr.' _ beoewee hike pro Mr, Fleming : Aed restored back he took minenee ot thie ber, bis natural abilities end devo- j'of? A,-Yoo; and be adGed something on there tion soto Grite or Tories, herve | which Was erased. . tein the toes paid at the Mr Fiewing : You , be did Boon my . ber. hie known in casne between iy | That ie the da Ths exastelaan panel tg the and , wien no any be | Board) A om eit ex exeopt forensic ekill, (le ys repre The ¢ + Haseny ward in the resolution sentative has hewn paid toon for a single case | been alfered'? A. Ne 1 am aware of, y than men lie David 4. D. Eiger could | Bh .) Mo, I think not. 'Te it here ronke iy a whole year did these meen ever | fact.) y : it te on eotered tee? We venture to way i | it Hyt bie maame at of it ; tht is hie oth unknows tp t) ay pede J tatioe r. signature at the hottem was torn off? A.--¥ Tae to Uifengarry "a ope of het #6 what Seung . Me water wae not part the tep of hie t weadthy cliente, cumeet > A. Ht ie with tie '< Make, are ansiqous to --t vert told yom that be had torn bis name secure _ + Sot ae much . he © yostertay he was goiag foativer'« ef prot ae been: presen oat of further yp: that G tative over feow Mer. [Bington You copy of the adver eons Mc hin "epreverty ha protein: faasnenft Ln p the Glebe that tl poles. ah te pasted in leethacn in treal, Conservative and GHefors sr thaok* A ~-¥e "a teé know, | thigk ix the Maal Aral trou the pri gro seh alle t was publisted * Y" hege je tie cogry (ab opr a we board Bhe explana eee « t the tnctet A... Mr ee t « tet Mr MN Torunt™ yaaa ng reed we tt " "s aviwatn the paper. Fx it * otave + rater t ee © tebe ot te real apy ated is the or aid Ander iy" to W Vadiovat 2 gel fewtitute Board te at oe lisethe had thing ge all his own way so far as gettinir the fark af in. Wittigation ordered ; simuply because | Hon. G. W. Rées, the o ter of Eidlucat airly his when Mr. Iduyrton te. | imanded the civens Arid saying at 'the time,.** If he didigt get it le would buret the whale ¢] Goverhment. Thix is Mout the only fact-of ammport wee that. the investization has yet brought ont. How any elector wlio ; hase Sper f | abowt him oan sit mm the C Chamber for an hour or se, and watch the expensive Grit tom-foolery going on there ata cost of $10 per bour, to say nothing of other costs, and can thes goto the polls and. vote for a who ia prepared to support the | in office at Toronto whg ordered | the side-show, is more than. we ean | . bouts owardly Minis- shivered ti" * Tisisaete Bis ete, JUN [DENG TON Renittge tig (fete pet wm bee " - Bareiitan ins a we ~eaee | Mr Hedging +a +.o8 ei VE I a DN. M.C Came " ! ten, No, @, a 2.908 on | ' Carat ade a 'Pormters, tir bo 7Wig resets dhrearvat W her. hae eustaine - - weto# oat eo oe ® te alMat t the ue) @ Bede, Mistinge t ut ar 6 4 fs Vn OE Nu & ont | ws, pobineiiers. and teclet of thd ik eote a. a8 17 BR Ps ae , Rimgetos, gemerss tutes t a We have made great vdepatdiitnd for this month's business, and have secured many " Red-hot. Bargains " in seasonable Goods. Several mahufactarers, knowing that we are ' Cash Buyers," have sacrificed their surplus stocks to us, and the consequence is that we are offering all classes of Winter Goods at prices néver known before in Stratford. Although we have only been here a little over'two months, we have already gained a reputation for RELIABLE GOODS, 4 UNDOUBTED GOOD VALUE, STRAIGHTFORWARD DEALING and POLITE ATTENTION TO. CUSTOMERS. DURING THIS mONTH WE WILL OFFER NEARLY THIRTY THOU SAND | DOLLARS' dstkh,| Dren| cots Pee Velvéts, Mantles, Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Ladies' Wool and Cashmere Underwear, : Blankets, Flannels, Astrachan Jackets, Persian Lamb and Astrachan Sets, Fur Capes, etc., || At Prices which will not only Satisfy but Surprise the most Economical Buy Come to us for Reliable Goods. Come to us for Honest Value. Come to us for Correct Prices. AVID N. HOGG. & Co. Te the BdQor of Tus Tom : Cee Ser ae ctw tea woreay calguecsing te ; iota sted rowel GOOD | N EWS. ales told them that there - : is : ist Good, News For You ;, no salvation for "a me tee i, cece toga © Everyone, atements to come tress teas to a wcictakwomentermenrman ce se) : A. DU ¢, Soest | wy 6 "aig | cording % this bag ve have been " Ged, ia was to mi won prepa Sell you ae following Good t Lower Prices "i Judes of the human rece will ture to heard of before, or ever will again :-- Tem weteme | Best All-Wool White Blankets, at 45e. per Ib, mea thay ova All Kinds of Dress enough ' Boys' and Men's Overcoats. cas & Ladies' Mantles and U ay : |' All kinds of Furs, a i All-Wool Flannels, ot his { : bent seme | | No matter what Bargains' you ever got igi sw pecs will give you the same Goods at a Lower Price, or" subtle ah lees Gopds for the same Price, and and allov you te be the J ; Sale Begins Thursday, ry, Nov. 25, and En' preday, pre. oth. pe si : =. SBe ee DONT FORGET SpHIS ! -- J. A: DUGGAN, i: GOLDEN BEAVER. ONTARIO.ST REET, OTRARFORD, ~ |. SRW. VALDEN, RACHER ON LNIOLIN. For terms appl: at the Toronto Drag et ot., Strat $64-3m, j i ; } 1873 GRIB:! 1887. ---- Cwmte _ eos cheapo RS re TEAR very Notice td Contihotobe. Fe weet The ONLY CaRFoos Par a Tere | ne it "Dm cou cameos fee cama PRIC Rainy extending er cme Saree ERS will inviend 4 a ee ease ta he roction of the section, ot the ¢ mat Bre ton trom npr to Sydney, 0 distance of shout bs edlen tue > vein. | im addition to being strictly base meathe iv orger that Contract * + =. e at the work may hare an oper ' Yi hed avon ane oe oe See a in desiting to te tiinity to examine the location befpre the winter j 7. tase fmproveme are Pear eng 2 gen be By @ . -_ j The journal le poate 69 to Mw te ser 'RADLEY, ben bear} toned and alendered --. meme | Btecsersoematin hak nineteen i appesrance welt disng 7e i aged baprovenent, the price a SBLy "ee A YEAR; SINGLE ra, 3 & CENTS, | Ge pre it commanded whee Bat a four-page om. | q chet *, wpeiing ve ine, o & * : A. 3: ry . hem, & iit ae iu ae ' Dept of Maileays ard Canals, i anc Uhtata, 20th Nowa sPMLETONS. | Great American Cyclopedia. | eee GRIPS PLATPORE D APPLETONS AMERIC AN (GYCLOP Bina, | FPeOs with ' errr ; ae wyreett Fe ¢ Cohee ; b : eusea ral') Hes fore: ge rr sekeths ae \. ay mew be ou mecribedd for Shrough Hhout tavprite oi : | ode, M. D., Boticiting Avent. whe may te ad a | Seon Pore Tts price places tiwtinin thee seach o t St Stratiprd, Box 399, for in few imty Ths iq work is std only ve suteretptiet, 0 piers Ae | pdirens | the Grip Pristi ' and Publishing Cc mM theit daly autherined agents fered ober. | O80 2 Pract Bereet Wegt, Tororte apt ui tine et where of an old satithen or detk et in nue sirghtcnsststangs t the bulas ark db anting the an emtthod Ox seeERT s re i *~ KR. HOU M.D: Stpatidett, Oct. 27, 1 i asa a . pe 3: 'La onbvpeets * be » publinted, Gh pay mee ny 7 Pipcrartond, Bec. th, 1ae. 570 1. Detton bas peaayr ce ins : " ; man Oy alia, && Strathord, = All tag a TaCwusreas Came, --J. H. whet iT. waethet thane rose ene wee . ' 1 Hon eat wae. w OY 94 pp Te parted 4 | conte « hoy Jonet, het the "§ meine in himt " bee 3 ie died jest opened his his mammot} steck of Xmas lawyer, emedenteme editor of the pj Dobos ee vax ao ne COURS PLM i prampane Pex. - pa isshowing| We shat we 7 can Tecemmend. hips to the bond aad New Year's cards. nord deme Aavertion: , wea spagee ey ak |afise tine of poets in new and elegant dence of rary people of Stratior' a» fully ax | im reference to in our Me. Macuumeter meet re aras deurecame, | Cemelntes. the jrorkks be A and quoted by the Corr Pukeos, } | eine Oe ees preeente epont a OO, Tics leone j in the macau and in- Milverton, Nor, 370s, lane. ae