a "ie "AND -- nNTY OF ee fens Gazerrm . = : ~ nd diaal Fr -- - lems ee r wwe ---- _ 5 - _ -- ------ Focal Hen. City "Locat Hews. % rs * * ity Local Bews. an "HOt T |a FALSIFIED. 'TED RETURN. soon Someredi whee It is_yety unsafe for" bi C! ide ad Stratford .Gritalte. pat up a job on their +. M, Beurre gtro gold er and Read Cheapside'a ad. th this week. : Yalta fe information | in Cheapside ad. . i '4 bas > late: vathe wt? Read Tolton, Bros,' ady't in to-day'achthin wpek, oxen idtowel brethran. ' ie Chest sis i at To" 's now | Tiowes, and = oo the Wolt-< aut for the one, el ite » is the = for Boots and FAR MYSTERIONS ST GER" Serious -- ligt = A Fisher. "pexta EU i stone ' ppear next weeks <* shoot -prives....- es RAN SORTM..PERTIL. ELECTION... New Year's cards. a verye. el, Tue Weex or PxayeR axp Uxreep! Tat Totes commences its Tweirtn . How at On 'aio Lic eked Tas rae @ Es ment, new cards, at . Boavwer ' Stuvice.--~ The Ministerial "Association | voluge to-day. 4 the time to pay TPRNS UP N NORTH PERTH. pm Ontaria to Blect pee PRICIAL FIGURE Na Stidies, Ploral ani' Teer e. | gta fe seit Pee aay pea lii | mal aed. |. reoommend. all..veguiring Mr. Schmi t. ME. HESS REE TED ny 42) Mavonity 5 c « 4 heeliny in " a mid + >. for wae fen t and crag ty fine, rg i- an | 5 Sh, nf d reget " Tobe b Books to call on N. A. Bosworth, How frit Boodle" Was Scattered Along " ; o =-- "Aa FALSI eo onoFriday exhib, next, 6.700, with » | WeHtes tee ring books, ae. | th Concession Lanes of Wallace. | on Tuesday week, at the Local Election | | Gi. tphuon ia ~ or, three ania re at F ie a. unite L service ip shy ity "i ce '.~% \ ahaaiivos are all pe pow. Call at i North ne oe Alex M. Fist Oa vy last, Mr. a Hoasie, rooms and good boact at Noge hte St., church to be wddress cf ¥ vg Revs. Poy pier : in North Perth, Mr. . M. Fisher, | Reger Officer, Announced the Stell" Spa He Wea Wy ef apse ter CoBae a | CUM Se el Chin ee a | A Mafamoes Piotto flat the ci the tomy Neh Soars, | i te Marth Pet aati at armors Ni Wit. dougbtege & eu an ALARMS, --Oa x aoe. fore in Stratford Cénservative ive Candidate. and Ontario License Inspecsor for North | fotlows - ' > c# aa a t ight o'e lock fir vas F - lep a cg a ES SF ce ogre meee ae oma (career ees timel rival of the Fire Bri aida, iow 1 a Jone 'J - 8. Palton -- ako ae ever, Hla Pe: ions damage. Ow el ic Bede" So a roca eon Two GF THE CONSPIRATORS aknesrep, | tive scrutincer was Mr. FP. W. Gearing, Avon Wari. dh er ese x | de sing what might but for, its timely ; heackitemealieeitens 04 taddedbedhan i ery putchnser of ty tite © t6(75e.) diss ore tome been wists serious fire in- ka our ete ee 100, nec this age the Listowel Stantard.} ear ta peor bole - Pletal Ward : worth of sehoal becki x Go w reed Toronto a Ss schaol pp lies. lass Parties baying mg om sents' worth. over, at one time, w we ag avedent @ dictionary, Well worth 15 cts, « member the Hiirg tote's Bok, Mia. atrect, Stratford. % 57 l-4t ae lege, a } He in- forms us that all will be ie ret the Colle uy, - aod wet m4 active sup) ia spcho 7 ful institution, by 0s daughters to receive the style of sigcation | that.will tend.to_ make .them ureful citi-| vil vebonstael to them in | or fiest Race. --I Rev! oder my eir deed, broke out in the or Goaneii Chan. ver, Between 11 and 12 o'elock fire Was diseovered in. the floor, through whick a large hole twa or threw feet wide had burned. DPrompt application, a the arrested the progress 6! is wif Ric pve jadg Ksty Goons. ree Pg ood in laces, endroiderics ; Berlin wools, fingering yarns, riléons, frillings; hosiery, gin 4, ma fomrt necdlé' work, ete., cs faty goods store of Mr. Sohn 5 HeCarthy, fellow's block, Market 'Squa PIU to hare of 'the parties in the pr hee on election ba- siness Monday ® fire oc- eidiee! rey 'McCutinny's new wc tgtrtedt cigar or match dropped carelessly Fb Sothe j,, he election t Wart, OctDENT.--A- young man named Wr, _ plinens, _ hee with steel house. The damage by fire was not seri- ous, but the house waa> wiec by. the people who puf the fire oti. : TA Exoixe 124 Re-noiz.--The first engine Febyilt in sk shope_in son Paine was completed t week, and F iN success, It inning ot', th ee Dee by" sad tele is palling h The nt of repaira-done to it was very xtensive." It has two new t6-in. w, {atl alo Pi idee' It ha si: ch It a SCR . or the 'future of masic a met big a severe accident on arate the elbow and rine 4 - of in Inlaid were Baad fi hors ~ of gay ine horses on sare hi prosssted oe ; utifal whip ' Goetz, of the Queen's: Hotel, ta ' having the finest turn-out t drunded to M9 w to . James 'Avon Hotel ; hose place money had been left. Person aL.--Mr. calcu the * merly a resident of ai Were nipped in the bud as it "by the , large manu a Street ' allock and Leslie, and the game i Bradford, Pe e wae ties 12,25 train for WR- ing up with them the strangers. who Christmas and PYesee i ince. oa viene at the 8 were brought t as scruitneers were i) his old friend a, Mr, | capital for abouta week yer speedily given the wink to not pat. tne i Tohn many war at the wedding and oe eee rol of some 200 fatnous men, oe £) waa subsequently ascertained shout'the ci ait | as well as his" pe asthe ev. W. of is sixty and seventy farmers : oe round a his one ae oe preubas® mic th a tpl. to give Sere es ee cep wees ciled ony | but.so far as we know , Since his artival man been | some tes th was * Orators re " in the yg nots e man of them the 1 C given at the, Sdendes or dies ape; mete which is Mlustrated. money forged on them as a by In 1 or of his visit, at w : 'received the culogies. eel come she monty, mag d point |. . e of the press of Ontario Quebec, and ; in pthera it was left the preecuon. .. . . ¢ Some tad the view of the portraits is ax entertain | houses ; ofpers again had the money fore- * Romso Wis ae -- ment of iteelf and will amply repay a| &! into thir poc while' still others itwithstanding the heavy | vinit. The admission ts left fo the gener- | tid not redize that money bad been lef * i eaaiall. by fonity. ofthe visitors, « silver collection pith themplll the Rap ian yr Me which will nope Se wer oe Ae | The doors will. he | Sad! kone. | Had they their disap- HR, New Year dary Bope ps ita open. st 7 o'clock, to allow af | Rearance kness they 'would un- i Vee A heer. : ' 1g | the, portea re the which Seewiedts ve fared badly, an; the indig. . than i sat upon Alt through." . eels ms ere ~ 'Rte-Ofentxc or Ant Sonoo..-- the trick that had been perpetrated. brat: --~ Ar: t »o€- the » vas the | school reopen st: ite. so5me in the lock and Ipslie were released on bail, the rate { tie old a Ee be fice Theit ex serps rey Bag \ ; fore feels ° of | Junior draw wing classes ev: n- was seb jor * eartiiand A Saturday rom) to 10.30, and from joke | Thursday, ) morking; but the from their. allegiance tow agile 2. dra' 1.399 | c2* was till 'Wedmesday next, E justice, , aad rights. The to 2.80 every day, except Poss 5th iast., ¢ ity of Messrs. James , last | $1.00 a month. 'Ad: clasees in '*A' oe several other prominent, Bowen, apcTinmen Colinans Es 'a | work, W. Friday, from im the conspiracy, and lunches for the camvagsers; was two | 2.80till 4.30, Fees, $6.00 for 30 Mr. Atboriays te Satins preciated,, Mr, Robt<' Daly feels His ia Drawing, mined to @ clean sweop of the whols that notwi a ding 3 the Mr. gn ee man gang. j Gri in- | from 7, 'ees lessona, wand thede was Astill w Spey 77 ting in olls. and. water colors-every| STRATFORD MUNICIPAL bs Sivesore ri to 5. # e 25cte. peace eee oy aaa: ' ees, a Special x theresidepce dthe brides father, es for teachers and others, Monday and MAYO} MACGREGOR RE-ELECTED. ne . Wri 'ednesd ¥ Satu Cc ntuon was mare to 3 z 2 ~4 Wk Feen, 82 for 25 rashes __ Bae cheofon on Monday last in this city C.P.R. pbellville. ~ oo ae follows :-- , JR. ' ; FOR MAYOR. 2 _, See Se share} C@UNTY ELECTIONS. : Hobson, SP tire bg in| The elections of. the munici- WAR be irows | metvefllaug, alk and the 'der, cr "throughout the county Se meme VE ee 3 maid ' , 3 : cm ing is» is 'ot the sand d Fees; Resve, | Aven sors xf a : or 2s 3% BB 3 Mr. John Hobson, silver i artin; Coun- Fg eceee 23° 20? 38 "« Hobson "China ina tea apt 3 Featherstone, | Hamlet spargcses> 35/°13 20) 14" silver cake basket; Sohn Vanstone, J.C. | Romeo Noi }....... 657 2 ns je. ining, Robert | Romeo Noto 33+ 24 00 fa Hi: " t rilliaim" Welch. 2a =a _ ft gt Joh mt Droghety;|[Suakeperw Nee, Ta 6, Ie S ser: iad edie, ol eo ad api paty, T. 8 ---- eee eine Be Sire, Carter, family" Bitiewohd ees C9 a Pe 388 274 205 189 k "& gnife; W. J. Anderson, cabinet 'MB: | ji++16 band which was the -- a TH Eastnorg,-gponecillere, Danie! | Maj. for pape 14. Fad ar. J cPherson, of the largist congresati ue O ey Scheu nee "Soh r, John Trachsel R ALDERMEN. --. | me Mr. James Byers,. silver these two de ME nian Avox Wino --Davi dohe $i the Misses Scholz, TSS a 'Lees, : * Hen eno and |" iMers; Ducklow, Venaeons teas by i isa A strong, éolt cla anid. bs ad th y ay Hamcar. | Wanv.---Wm, Dawe, . | an Garnett, ail Ip aaa ee rh. bee ane J4Gounci! all re | Meiarty, Was. Davidson, by acclamation. | enfeavor 4 Be Packham, toilet bottles: sl ot pis calee 4! toe atatare Waxp.T. J. Douglass, 53} and Cawaton, darned net pillow' | Rew Me, tte Mr age council re-elected | John Gibsca, : = Hyde, 113; George i | toilet matts; Miss Minnie H f heute - » Paul's ~~ ye, Freeborn ; Depu- | Larkworthy, Hyde, Larkworthy.and : dish ; Miss Jessie Hobson, ice Wants: 'Vea teh Chere are lors--Kerr, Jack, | Gibson ¢ J. Jeffery, silver butter cooler ; tl gtso [i Scat gual Gus daurhie:, Romso Waxo.-~T, T: 'Irving, 194 H. 'Sawvton, pais wasee He Edw: | Hs rm, Mra. 'Peter Balfour and, Jones. Couneillors | A. 4 254; Robert Myers, 214 ; silver receiver ; loool Com Mog ball, clige in. Hamilton} idams. H. Tabb, C. rd, i33. Irving, Ja : work basket ; Misses Cam: _ : - 'fPuit basket She: "H6 Sea Wane Jets = atone a) "8 px ~ te raat ret ie boned) fd in. all 185 ; was the soul of honor. His muel Saasel, 8t a; ™ Fora Hees an Sig ' . fa: ' 1 " > I Re aren ae ¥ wen af .< . sia "9 Ont ever C rovil gst bare-faced conapiractés ight in this part of the ' t windof on the evening be! : + was to Jess than a plot rt ane Hess, the Conservative yess of a large hamber I hi 30] ta é township # Wallace On Momiay ord reached Sr. Hesa that on partics been nh the northern Le of the , calling at the houses of @ conspiracy to defrand a Sumber af Conservat lectora Wallace out of of Heite had |} making a majority for Sebmidt at that j= pa Schmidt, agundidate, 105 votes, . | ceadie site wajmilion of 93 in tintowsts the polls closed, both the depyty returning officer's and: Mz, Gearing's: books showed, that 115 votes hefl been cast at that poll. The count of ballots was*then proceeded with, and the result was that ten votes were--vast fos Mz. Geo--Heas,.and ane. hundred and five for Mr. J. H» Schmidt--- poll of ninety-five. As Mr: Gearing had long drive abead of him he asked Mr. of the a which he did, as follows :-- number of vision No. ope, Fifteen Votes, of "vhich Geo. Hesa, ¥<@ candidate, received 10 votes, oad dane Dec., 1886," " "A. a. FISHER, DRO," jestas Tax Tures-de- cunningy:. concocted. and "carried ee nee hema --failing in just Schmidt was rhoet that and Wallace would tie Lis? a yr gg and would openly rebel, so Mr. Hay. friends were informed. (The BS ich 065 tiny senda hen sabmniteed: openly with good ~ grace, | ey ees ey verk. bev (Mid Schmid}. stereily in .s most effectual 166 in Wallace, and 62 in Elma against 'proves. Tue Tres has no meena reper | beeen abe allegra thy of iat each other's i tw cut throats tinder the guise of brotherly love-- e¢ Kilkenny. -cote, of their cowardly tails are left ! Fisher to give bim a certificate of the state Bamlet W, ard... Majority for Hess, 25. Stratford, maj.......; 25 a -- 00. ESE v3 = ma, gi es pio Wallace, "+4... 166 © ., i 3, 8h se 1 ade Ellice, ae Bi pS hea i ee }, 26 North Easthope ..... ee 998 ' 859... 817° $17 . war Total maj. ee ae As hos te, a Wiehe, fs ah ein . aes the AS | Gg oh we say, let them 'fight, 16) (out, "until 'Tike ites sed oe No. 4, 'alot 25in 2nd 69 47 ne eins aE @ 81 " oe WOE oa csewrewewexe 2 s 4 Dartage oe eth oteesed ** "5... Mack's School House.. 26 89 * 6.,Millbenk .... - & 348 373 Majority for Schmidt, 25. WEL. Tee . @ 4 Gladstone 68) a ide eens ee es OB) A Vietoria Wary ch oe eapeea i) 3% Dufferin OF Me Svoahe aie ow 83. i Landsdowne ' SRE S* Om 57« Majority for Hess, 93 mech A MILVERTON., | *)) Milverton Village............ 3S. » Majority for 4. 3 = 1g pei en nhc aa eli oe aig, carrer er pa Oar eg a + i i ' NORTH BASTHOPE: ane . 6 ites. No. I... WoW imirvcde cose 7 69 " 2..Township Hall... .02. HM de ores tf 70S "- " 4. 04d toity 90,7 08 ck MGB BOD. Majority hoe Schmidt, 292. , No. Cony! ae 66 170 b< sbe ee 5 Pere Cee eT Cr Te oe 7 i *