Sonal cs taralles oo : Se ae j a - : * st ee PE RAEA PG SNES SRN Ta ig a ee sg rf Do ; ° ; cae * ees ett : " P : uiainnentsiaepensiiitahididicn canines _-- Pe LNT te REE ee a =, eae SE eee eer ware en Te ; rt a a Sig Ale elle Se ae EE Te eee tas ote ee Sa. -HEALTH.: ' warm, take them) and, apply fr: shly WISE AND OTHERWISE. i ' Heart ' eees sy SAUSAGE CASINGS. . see teah ar : > soraped potate. ; mptoms of which are 'faint epelle, ' : i Se sah Sine, Biavateky, the famous" leader of "Ne, sir, fh, said bas the tas . Ge persngtin Senloan, palpitation, ? 2 Be A Prevention of Consumption- the thensopitiees, dm ie ntris t in her diet.aa | "Ot seasicx, but T am rea y disgas ed bears ot flashes, rush of blood to the hi New b Beene England. Ex steamship Nor = Let d 4 t : of the mation -of the: vessel," dull pain fir the Buveta afrome c on rg Lawest priced to the trade.' We are. ole THskK 'ts ; hia must rizi oleeres the Moharuoedana E heart with jben!a <roay, ra , r ftelly of a physician's ex- [| the most rigit iced taal agents in Canada for McHrite's Cristerstea Shee | pry if , ina certain bospital, with patients; faith." She is; however fe nd ofsweet meats, | fiefare the wedding day abe w dear and as : tho the The second heartbeat Casings. 'Write for quotations. : re) ghect msagratirs B He-was couvine ar aera slic ag ml ---- " { * was 0 tre ager gl hut afterwards she. ie * au Cee agian' ba easy. -- JAS: PARK & SON: TORONTO BETTER é 4 H ch more than | dreads « others ts corpulones, 30d | Ixcume dearer and he treasurer. a nae ina? canteen ecsneneniens a tht. sti ke = G hiy promiaing re @ takes every Y ee anvto keep her weight An olit ' dite POT i sage" Send 6c. in stamps for rpamphiet sain oe -- ives <i bind a "AOE Boat ' cler, ryman onee said - te ad ~-s a. ry | .' Address M. V. Li nox ? ea : them ete iucrenaing. 7 ore i particulars.' Ac x, % to held their reach Pe hatteens sae wut a je an : i ws = sneer dive long ie BM, itt .: hope to eee, t you. me 1 Mir 7 Wellington St. East, Toronto; Canada. B R U CE 5 Ss : BaBY' 8) B IRTH DAY. i fe Nu. Goren? exter ia 4. You will if you the were E Resin pores ~~ > He wis surprised in a short time tosee soute | 4 sieuceie jous ap snatita, vtar from being the Bastian. -- ans 'The steal syinpathy is that which, while FRESH AND GENUINE iit re ara oy of them enjoying acomplete recovery from } |: gnof good health, is a certain indication a. -- re 9g orig the « po 5 J one . : » de sure Wees Nctdan gut thee their disease. Constant meaning ton O06 the} of discane. Some. dyaveptics are always] -- The rector of All Saints) Church, Winni- will yet arouse him the necessity . ats ing ia just like scratching a gore, as long 88) }.0 5, ry, and feel hest when eating ; but as peg, has been invited by his congre yation to obligation 6f eng. a once without alow 'nti = wel thi 'it ot heal. e he resign, but he refuses to do so. he unsatis., his oearest dut Fou tao Fans, Visenrapiw anh Plowes (ian 4 Whe Soe outin the sere. wi "iat them {oot aa they have finished eating they-en factory state of the Church Pind "tw eat to DEN, are uriivalled for Pemery, Vervauity as en cough eae Li. tormenta se distressing in their nature 7s P 7 a tarr tarr Dea _-- Graunas Excecpexce. The Thirty-Sixth ae ee Miler a fall Trent he dit until it warms age ike 'the yecoor tae wish for death. | be the cause of the trouble. Ca h, Ca hal fness nual Edition of our Descriptiy ¢ Priced eases every air-cel iLand. benefit will OOTY r " ' " maid ay fever, slogué, beautifully pie ted, wit be mailed follow fro this The nitrogen | Witrenr- ones etetising-be See damp from_ 'TL wish Twas a public house," said @ Sufferers are not Steen are thot thene disenseg | = VRE to all @: toonstomers of Laat. ollo » proc nithige ~ toving-women-te-her-hushanl__" Why 7?" are contagious, or that they are due to the presence year without Sears it, All Market Ganden- e Lexposy '9 as weather, it is best to change < ; which ia tia occanisnally 'retained ihe me ltet Ha aS talc, Ry th the ici with a ane, jhe inquired, with some degree of surprise pa ins, ian tubes. simran he aa --~S0tsifl find It to Seatemarentage cal ), leeause you would run in eighteen or has proved this to be a fact, sad the gts iit heh remesly Sinem 3 that g] Smo, & Brace & Co., Hamilton, @pt. =e * Weiter om tes thus satisfying the desire to cough and iv- hard towel mai the: wnty is inSa. slow oll thay ing the heat and lungs @ 2 i to heal. fover. Pht if itis impracticable to change | ently Uinew a thay to see mre : -- simple haw been formulated whereby catarrb, ., atarthal deafpess and hay fever are cured in front Branch 587 Yous onge St, atoate At the same time « eunitable medicine will } the garmenta,.exereise moderately #0 that * Aian can get nothing without tabor," ofe to three. simple rs Hicatione made at 5 ; x Mi le home. A aid Dative tir her etfort-te recuperate: Tt is Ppa = Leal nay genet ate 11 syate ait: said aA woman t a tramp who declined to pampblet py Sl ea won oe. 308 tree Bp : © phi. i clothitng with wvchitt ~ sciamiestey tt am A. E "a King very importantto cure | troubles ia their; dry the skin and clothing without' s SAW HOME WHE "toexchange: for-s dinner. ot P ng Svaty--ceid team: almoat.-be aban linet. street Wet, Poronts. Camda ! iim Line Royal Mail Steamshipa, soe ears ery "TT know bette rth ada tliat, he ey us Waeot sig cure 1 42 ot manalt Wiel cured if attended to in its meeery If a ee turned away > ** hess get hun si Na Bonheur ia at in Nise... She ae them Fe 'd Bacitos fi 4 Thameg........ ; s ia coe diveancot site, ariLePe er and EHalitas ¢ every inturday to aire erpool, and ingeum- there ta way Fear that *-throst- or tung | --~-General Rulws for-Letter. Writiog. 818 ine dood mS _ has bought two lions from wm Bidet, t 7 Berve as 10 sir 2 Hitetone sreay saimtesae jaar from Qaehec every Saturday aan a ctranhic har-beer sarees: ted,1a8 time. i f , + ait me? Soyg-oeit apa = i models fora painting which has teen ordered fBereutbr net pone peceitiae s cae stove felled iene | At Laodonderry te tend w walle anit - "be lost in consulting @ good" pliystehn-~ Tt Alwaysoommence a-jotter-with the most eda Gratiot avenue siloonist calery pouy = en Agierican and for which a long price Peg le gs ian fae an 3 La Ki, tot sopent 8 aaianeng ix remarkable how a thorongh exumiiation, u, | Oe rtant wulrjes t se af we dexire--te com [aay he vhae Nea good. If he bites sorane ets is 'te, fia fore mimi iri fag 2 "frhe 'peace ot the Blox. " t * 2 & « ~ w * OS e and a welcome conclusion that there is manivate, anil write all that ~_ -- pas -- "i 'ery She ok hi * ' bie Pin eople wha wie sat Jeet ter tart breath, perpen . Sra ities, 11. aL, Tormitp, fe. Sessoe abe Mdieieiphic © and ai em véssatily no" fatat ouble, will even save no Write concerning it, before you proceed-to" Seems to me dot dog doan' get some fair longus, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once Portland, f. Boston apd ers me vhia and di ae eid from Snsumption some persons whe have | any other aabject. malta th a sade eo meek a. oe Stata = 7 hey weedy, 8 d Seen Philadelphis ' ; a5 , 2 : rs rbecome chronic invalids through a» morbid | Leave egood margin at the leftedge of the} 4 cobbler visited one cf the large bar ri ask yur stat. ASSESSM EN. NT SY st E M - fortnightly, ees 2) i saa I ae try " Beep it straight. factories the other day, and tor the first Some cipattodtta stories have been ye gf ae aght, : pamenare , or other gw ip ¥ te se esas ) Pafagraph each subject tpon which you | time i in tis lif Raw shines- made i wie under the head of " Antipathies," but t acher & Co, Baltimore ; rd & Co, rote nei } Writt, 43 that w "a thi ee it easier for the re- try. " Whatdo you think of that' ed Most remarkable we ever hearst was that of the Hutual Reserve Fund Halt Bee : fe be, rag nila wr, Maer y _-- for Living Wall j ceiver to" 'read the letter quiekly. ithe foreman, '*dtoheats awl,' was nthe." the man who conld not sleep in church be- Reeve we ® Alden, New York; H. Tonelion: nin tele on *<(iond-Liv- Attive ant to write "Unmeaning 'lirases, i laconic and signis abit reqaly. cause thé hap was worm off his coat collar, E- ASSOCIATION. git 4, Rac & Goi, Quebec; Wm. Hrookie, Philadel. ing" ed from & culinary Parher than Seu ak ee Sil sie ok tt know, but Loxuix's Cus Severy . The quantity: YOUNG MEN suffering trom the pi *e aon rm ii Sol Hise oncetcntennnames - ¥ int of view, sims up the om atte | hee good, expressive wards, avoiditig MARYS uy my ait of Ata ance and "fll, who bred The lacrest ont \ tr tke : eis senasibie ut usr aitjertives; which -will make. a letter ponder: | of --_ rie, Kit inte London by sea Sika pipes iy sh oie eee: Bes gs Lab i ne ae --------+ jf pe amounts to trom 79 OL tLe ry and Oup "lex who are broken down from the | ¢j So verse = - a Cat : yet poor. vee in every section of Canada; liberal inducements If living? weil cooslate 'in living neither i fe i vi | 110,00 one: weekly. In the height of the shase-or-over-work, and in advanced life is kne fail Giavarianent Snépustt, and nader the super: { . luxuriously nor expensively, in whit, then ! ; "th ALOE a - sl Facu ia and | season coal is passing inte London on about ary 3 eeneereee ~ ef yor 'on Diseases send 0 The vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa, } ' Oe lies the secret? And how m: gt he men of | AED. TARR G. OF BORER WOR. BAO . ' t ons Treative on Diseases of Men. The} Correspondence solitited. Acidress, : ' ; 1 aot. hi oh, tive railway lines at the rate af about 900 book will be sent sealed to any address on re: of . ; 3 moderate means take advantage « he 1 rs o cen Baese er Rb vs win fe ears Das Thiet S Scitta ter boar-day-and sniuhe. #9 Se. ktamps. Addre os M. v LUBON. 47 wn ing: J. D. WELLS, <a? # oan is not' a ditheult one to answer, ee ect scumpaPacbees vith tied i hance: "He . sl . = eh Foi TorontoOn , ' Geyeral Manager, TT Fe will joa mit the answer in the shape "f aj scone you inadvertently in his words, Hej} Gp.os Trocunvn Warens.--Ten steam _s 'King Street Bast, Torento. fe iw ahort roles. eo Bay with jadyaent. Alw ays bear in pase that written w irda} Yo rk, a: are regularly provided w vith a supply | aud nist c losely filled hours, Thia-ts-the f 4h } wha had asuperlative for every thing, want era, including all the cattle steamers of one A large part of ai eulture is dependent | -------- . { va : 7 & measure for thy eat or siiall" dott the-rreat "cea linds siiling from ~New upon. the ais that is made of the ---- | i" beh} s me ew 2 Bay thet Maat fort the ent is alway > the | sare a very lifferer i abate bie spok en words, | j of ail to "pots ir po an -- e % Waters' in arene in orery honest call ng) senatever its pS 7 reeerereeasinarene aay the nranter hesperch aliers ase of ee dd. The oil, about to be p> re R MAN ENT 3. Lot your economy reg oul ate the quanti | thede precise meaning. Neey a sentence can used, 18 placed Ti} Ti" [RNUCETET- oem 'se iat easing hae Stomach or Bowels get out of or- jie w abr not the quality. i besaid with a laugh, that t ske: sawayitssting, | Hiled with oakuin, their attendant evils, take at t once a dove of Dr. oa: BLACK POLISH | Mili Let your cook be a cook, and one that whileif written only the bate-words. will ap j Avensak Less = ram's Stomach Bitte Best family medicine. ' 2 ; arin oe Pac The average geee how to utilize shat is now thrown to ss what vou a0 written YOO Af (0 ofa san avtonling to i tile om 4° xi Draarine, 60° nts, . " a ; ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR. t sin wee : t - '4 ang the dogs, or otherwise wasted, pase ane eee tale tor, herefore it is very | Tetre tte, ixtweuty-tive inches ; of a woman, png his ane, es xe ape A Tike id a » LADIES RCHILDRENS FINESHOES. : EB State simplicyy tn the nailer of the BRESCIA SAREE SOT FAMLOD. 19.4 yp nty inches. The rene with: the right the" saity woud" be le ie othice hi ee pO eens t -- : dishes, ani variety In.the character of the a wan in dle ' king, frie ~ your bear I foot ix usually a little longer, than with the grow -- longing to him is under- & pani soto a acneidiacinsannenaipnnuanpiisaaiinl tintin tthcepacaticedat esas meals. BUCS, AAU HOStess sesCnts ' j te ft. In walking, men's feet © separated ? M Y 5 i Hf you request a correspondent to burn} jate erally about four and one half i inches asd A. P. 319. Ww" REN iN | E ORO NT 0 Armstrong § Buggy & Carriage Gears 6. Let the housewife be watchful enough ! to a the leaks that a are $a to spri Bg your letter, it is 4 sure confession that you | women's about five inches, cpa ~} i : te every anion are ashamed of what you have writte n:| \ little £ vd huhl it WORK ne AL. Mga A WEEK and onal AERIDEN | NN a F Aud frequently, merely: because the pic A little four qr old, chubby-faced boy pale oahle outfit and poeta free, | e J id Frequentiy, merery" saps legal hi Vinee MER, Augusta, Maine... . y ai Le st mistresa be inc adboad the head a Jenching to destroy the letter has 'heon made, the ; sat clenening his 4 Dayna sa her own he mmachold and of her own kitchen. | oder will ousidéer itof importance enough | dollar at the Sunday y-school service at the 6 PE MONEY--INTEREST YEARLY MANUFACTURE ONLY tte preserv Methodist Episcupal Church in Tyrone, 20 comatesion: ; ortgages So Ff witar you write to some one asking infor- | Sauday afternoon, and later rehuc tantly purchased. |B. al TEMPL. > 23 Toronto Street. FINEST 2 mation, with whom you are notin regular pMtrrenderce wil-itto the lady who collected the id sel a Trost funda, Foa «about. a atwady. diet, an, | correspon ence, be sure tovenclose a stamp, | -- utions to the Chureh fands, wre ve MOREY «= particiilars appty 'to 'Brarrr, Cnap- SILVER-PLATED THE -BQSS SIDE- SPRING CEAR pty the apatem: yaad it: pad tes 221 didn't want to cake! wicK, Buacustoce & Oalr. Toronto. Sarre 4 " oysters bein daemon: enclosé a: atanip et t ae ie pia WARE over any ather "exons think s Fever, : fenvelope directed to yourself, * ir He Panta: vive ittothe the 88: and} - - . el on Teil undoubtéilly be a great aveche Ee persons t hink 80, however. It may "ts true Lk aid eadinle sabeaet 4 meu | "au cs hl ounce Tneeen, = 3 -hent stent | allow. the 0% oystera do not produce the most pleas: | Use good paper, wad es fit tf * Gir sn'ina, - = s boy of nine years, tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Caltses, Evtab- Artistle Designs, combined with *tter ow Tr TCRsy SR "1 ex ane See ere around a silver Me @s. resulte when cooked¥in a rich style and | sestly, and told the paper tly straight. * About er six," lished 1967. Donald $. 'ident ty and has no SWINGING or ENOUE MOTIO joe di just before going to bed. Whea:taken Sealing wax is now tn aniversal use, 'and | ve r Hail ce aoentusstae, "uy d *s vient: lstndsice Unequallied Purability atte org ohy iene or nates hare. PRICES 'RIGHT ie lene Peaqaney cap root go of: Course, af othe Te. few ladies close their ke tlers Eee it, us S '"s ry SHEETS. oF 6& We, MUSIC; 30,100 an inis for our Eescrtptice cierailer €: ty any Ba anGGe ESR NS eke oo sroringetthers weat-witht xy NS [dic, won't you, gran 4 Se wes 'ear, I 100, 600 UU Plays" pomtaey * Violins," '* &: Finish. | dp B. ARMSTRONG WEG CO. (14,), u rae ed for it. Oysters have excellent Soadle grant, ora herati dae" ueiaie ie be Weiiedd a of yout" ** Yes, Fen = LS ie RUTLAND. near Toros | RAMILTON, ONTARIO . CEReee. " 3 wba own wax. Ladies | her beart ed toward the Fe are ee : : Se ee omen = plainly cooked, or eaten pond are very whole: may tsrany fancy colored wax ae. T titic one, ain s : ~ pe eS some, especial lly in cxses Oya When there are sevégal of the same,sur-'arms. "OC ran' ma," softly whispered the eee anne at cultivation, foe specially suitible for | i a ters never proases ingestion and hat he nathe-in' a family, the wives rmely hate 'little rascal, "* zimme ten cents. sdont hop ki 'te ' perks oe She property three @x>-| somethi cannot fany other} their letters addressed. with their pon fa pine an eepokee: Sr eaey 3) Z alimentary substance. During my experi-/ tian names, bat by those of their husbands, | 2" susing incident oceurved ata Chriat- as to ss Tone & Sox, Galt, Ese on your Machinery only the Well-known ence I have found in. several casos where | thus : Mra. Jou dones, Mire W sat ones, mas tree at one of the colored churches in : : fa oysters have been taken daily they have fra, Ran Jones, And fre y thuy Elberton, Ga. As but few of the members ; done much toward curing the patiunt....In. | addressed in the family cir dens as Mrs: v S : 1d. road 'or with ee, selector « a iy valids have discovered in vysters the requir- | Mra. Willian, Mrs. Sain. amsel who h 2 to achool" tw , ed ailment, besides being far the most agree- Whenever a doubt ix in the mind concern- the sad 48 bt PWhee' s vac she readily Speci : able food to take, w oysters, too, are | ing the rank or title of the person addressed, pera ais oh tebe € term, "adders been awarded oars. resem } sald" to be ery: 68 fe hiemenrees, abet it tahoe th-ere-on-the hess aike,-wnel give seniated and a Ramana _--_ re the M. MacCURMICK Principal. am COLD A MEDA moi Canine tor your Wag votre Tey also our ayo IT have never tested their merits on } hi a o 7: Wes io } that point, Itis my belief that the oy im cores " cep tence beg a all bor hatulzoment and 'thot valnable Ke De ities tea na popia Hi QUEEN _CFFY O11 Ww . i the ont | nalth tul articl ®, 2 fa ssnts had on m the ni of the girl t America to the late North-west Rebellion, includin AMUEL i e moat health cle of food known 7 The a ar Bei of closing a. let ter is did the writi An indignation meetin Gall act conte aeaene oe the bee S| 'ROGERS & Cco., Toronto. to man. ever this ' Yours truly," or Yours wus hastily held, and « redistribution of the sn Pa cs, and prices lower than any ; devotedly." ; other book of th e size and quality, published in How to Prévent Diphtheria The re inaes style is " Yours respectfully," presents ordered immediately. 'WANTED the Sta Statesor Canada, Another remark. - : aie ' . .: friendly style is "Yours cordially,"| | AN Anvaxcesis WxaTner: PRepictions. | + Licing W ond wi sutebingray say a ebidicheen \¢ first and "most essentl agents for " Yours faithfally." Lieut. Powell of the U. S. Signal Service ax 70, J. H.Gough'. » Plaitorn Echoes," preventing contagion are, Gsasiiinoe, pure itt old styie, * Your humble servant," has given some account of the projected beaitly i inastrated, all ot 'hmecdoten, Slans and air, and hag '= These are nature's groat | s Your most obedient servant," is piesa Wea] weather service of the Union Pacific Rail- ead ore yy? A ae NOP. to ---WITH ALL THE sieantloea, 208 lc the io at somenylels If desirous of being '2 respectful, you may ap Eons will be shicey, -- stations Fray we BRIGGS, ra) Ring St B, Toronto, Ont LATAST See ont 3 ern | a the 1 » al Predictions wi Wice A | ------+- PO: to have but little regard: If they would oe a nate ene meme i Oe pee ee day as to the p de weathe 7 SPRING PRESS BOX WHITE OAK STs j i respectfully. : to the probable weather twenty-four J ONES ' _ mi one half thé time in cleaning the bac icklers for ctiquette in writing |" ul forty-eight hours ahead: This w will give; E NG ; AND IRON € BRACES. alleys that they sat dink in magn gnify ying the | jerters" think that the name of the person | nulway otis sulticient time to take all: GCRAVER "Over $00 of our machines now in tse, and to suit buyers, Send for circular, | 4 few iselated cases of diphtheria, the Original | adr vavedl, should ale ays be mentioned at | Becesaary autions before starting the { N East } invasion ~of-dn epitemis tight often be. bgie clase "of-w let Avtar dani, amy} boring a evening trains, It is intended} TORONTO T NTO. + ! verted, '{ Prevention is better than cure," Fjuyr Ma 'ry, yours most faitht 'ly, "John | t sake the balletine very specitic in nature;! C. ol ° mos ra pred the epidemic has once begun, the | Jono * " that- the = conditions over different =r DOMINION WALL PAPER: - : , see et jHestion natura ily arises 7 how shall we Rot that va oa the writer prefers, and wot ai ivisions may unde a gee om thee cor :) tterary "Fre titet- erent t woe. phimrory: i responding vivficuttie es met and ove THRESHERS, SAW- MILLERS, auar aor patient onght, g Few persons Gin write ie well as they san i- ' : M. STAUNTON. a co; 4 create) 7 a SOTERA if possible, to be pls veel in an upper front Var _ vr ARCHMOLNTCAL Disco pitmeete'n Torowte, On - KEEP YOUR POWER AT _WPRe BY esa converse, for the latter act is eee Mr. J. Walker reports some vatuable ps visa on 4 wants oe ligt f thee and sity; sud al alt hut | white the former is constrained ; but-theroia |. -ohg cated discoveries upon the south ij « adult members of the family exclnd eneuat Tas e = K : i : = ens = ee Chopper eer Machine. © { children shoukl bi permitted to be « zipone A} thes soley nade fi: SAR writing be side_of Pine Mountain, Georgia. pon the ey P Shingle or Vea to the contagion, All unnecessary farninire tural you write, the wetter sidea of the mountain, some 200 feet above: : = ; eA aheould be removes, and, as far as possible oe the famous Gorundam Mine, he tinds evi wo } proper germiicides should he freely used, Rice tet cnt the site where the ancient inhabi. | AS 23 A peur sr. "- avon TO. = The following rules for disingeot 3 '. tants of that section fashioned their cooking bar preg ers ne wor frs. of Printers' Leads, a given in Gatehell's Ke y Netex ' aro. very Newspaper Favors. nsils, Many of these utensils are but ge eA aie Ca Sek ee z simple and perhaps as goad as any : t A trade paper, speaking of the frequency half finished, and are yet in place upon 'the| Jeu 19, 1385,.--For two yeare my | =! oct Yeu av dake. of puffs naked for. and-received by smail | clitt. Pekan 5s ig ate Se ee : h wite' run down. She wae = +S ae oF hee wivertisers, pits -a~somewhat gray haired | 18 another proof of the manner in whic = } Potassium perthabganate, 1dr. +> Oxatie chestont inte nore formas follows: *' Eight | these _vesse eré formed." Stone imple-| rS ey acid, 1} dr. ; mix and moisten itr: twice the out of every teu persons who insert ay [ments were used largely -tn- thia-work,. oO roe 4 Sf gusty nore n-two_hours => shrhenra sre nik that a natice in the Perl wean anual Mia ipa before final) z ' add a stall quantity more of water tyr g cotummns-be-given--thrown_in, soto} detachment from x < f > will emit ozone freely enouzh for a large apeak -- with o other. ' There ix only one Tur Sar. ON "Pissrrkaaye. The" Tal (60 rattar her chutios. se room, and it is an active dininfectunt, man. out of all the pebacethe srs who takes} lowing ia alleged to be one curious result of |. M. Roppien, Eng' eer, C. P. R., West, < Fos diejating vender ada sufficient prone any parca delight a oe _Parerapl the opening of the Capedion Pacific Rail. | ® = wa ganaic of potassiu render it slightly | known ap the netice, anc the: man | way /--Formerly the salmon in tl i pinkish in strong Tight. then filter: whose name it contains, oar a smiles in a| season ascended the Fraser River | by the, TESTED . fer water eieoeinn 8 drains, and water piper: sort-of delirium of bliss, Now, when the] million, and they coukl be scooped: out of a4 i ' editor goes out to buy ne does not, after | the water by the barrelful with. any kind af! io be OOF RELIABEL ; "Hot water" ----piaking-his-purehanes, oe #-worth fx Fresael lange. enough. __ Bat. since the: trains! Copperas... of articles be thrown in. 'The er would | have begun rum mT bog bie slong the -- Graco FREE Ws, for Tre Freeer' » Carbolic 'acid kick the man out of os store whe. habitually ks of the Pee the fish t ~ WRaALED moana | Oo Sead fort. «IT WILL PAY. YOU. anata = 1 Catalogs TEELE BROS & CO... WATEROUS ENGINE 'WORKS co, BRANTFORD, OWT." o asked to havea pound of sugar thrown. in| desert the stream, and it is faked that in! eS Pec! ¥ ful t ' Especially ete in typhoid fever, dysen- for.every quarter fd ponnd of pepper he | a year or so-there will be very few of these: lery, ete., as egies eed puchased. The hardware man would be] fish-where-in omer years. they were pre- ° : ror a * rg yr esse slisinfect aghast if he was compelleii te throw in a} sent in countless numbers, The waise vf the -_ i : - he pep wide x8 ar all pound is suthici- | yound of naila for every ten cents, worth of | engine and the SAisoasaed < An See re wrbeetaiots oper the best -- . vie beled one thousand gallonsof running sew- putty he sold' The dry youls man woula | water by the trains runn = oie 7 erage. go out of business if he must Lh ina yard! are supposed to have SOE g hae ond Soe pensar eet wa and ching, | i orange Shak isag cloth itt aan. Q of cloth or ed adore for MA Tie t_of calico} fore caused _ Rape are. _ medical Pile Remed vs | : ( Be *) 6 oh a : os hate - ioe _.-+e 2h ounces, seas. TI tigatt 'thi SPIO enter 8. Sac avn Hobe SesteMneMr ee of ; ( en. | * sStectle neil. ' eapeesy "saan The (auntens a in in the notice" W. F. Allen a given some SSres tonsa Interesting tan Fe dhe te exteral emetien 69-00 a package. aa ; Moe ete Bees Nicesse 1 gallon: a BRAKE 2. Sa VEE bere. <1) 0 proncerning the mtroduction of the new mggiet yr nl : : t i ESS Soak the clothes t twele ote then waah, pant vane es pig fale de uelineey pate ti WERE: four. hour, ch lock scale, San eee a | LES ® A $s fe) Cl AT | ON aka 3 ' : aot of ec 4005; ' 18 & i cae pares ould be opel ge her = ven! cso large Sade. "a prices ae. like most 'innovations, it is gpk ex-| 8 Sey St, Bast, Toronto. : s GUARANTEE CAPITAL, $1 ,000,000. aces : i 7 jini = ¥ LJ 5 a month hi "7 * . PUR Bite To ae pe < a t ~ Glove the room a tightly as jeables Mat] Ks fangs wouudet i he door noe Teceve|ifen Pcie Halo went Moning R. SPENCE & CO., | | HEAD-OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. - = ~--- '° A-ROME COMPANY f+ oe aper_over the key ls: notice worth #2,50-i in-hiard--cashevery dwon the Manitobe&X Sbotratnsimrnreruteren sie : octet ann x i tricks Pac salpir paiking gu little i Peg aes favars the papec with his custom." met ee toe Taube Diekite ore Union| Wi | Conisers Wt Soa WW thar acrantage = ge ee es See Sa ecERART Srey ee ae 3 = igitedt ty: al of bo sas gelaiar aS Pacific So satisfactory 'has ite adoption| | to ak the tre for our take of Files and | QB Bon President tice ta WF, Herland. CB KC MO. es ac alcohol poured over it apa igi tad itr we : 'i pro nobis the saben and ose towns along)" Raspe Re-Cwtting a Spectalty. send Peck President-- M. McMaarea, Wa, ot, Ena. re ; ie : wats teh, eaten toe ine rom, . a i eep it Re With Satisfaction. their lines tha eG sa introduce it Sa fer pric it an teres, =v : An ON enc rt, Eee: irate) WA = : eer eg eal =; } closed for, twenty +cat hs hoors -ipen. Polson's Nxaviuisk, the new and certain | 'throughout the Union Pacific aud Cana(ian we HAMILTON, ONTARIO. '@ ; jee ; SE ene a - HL 1m. sea: : = ' reper wise, asd_aireit~ Thanet sed pain cttre,-is ted with naitiafaction tn every, acific systems are being seriously agita' zhaeteteathdast-sh toes etta : Wen ae jo a 3. D. in : ' a rootn tén feet pao tae use two pounds of Ne <. ae e is Neco eae for Partial attentional tothe fuct that) Marvellous a MP, eax, iz, tee . piggies a4 : ; & % 4 ti this; i ie twenty: 4 jetie is in Use : x ; S - quae { caer al sr -- it. 'Neve ae des > oe ' or. fer epee Gesat Diitain, By telégrapl: systems | Mpmory o 'Seaaaiog Perec 'ances soos ': 6. ' ins in the side t rg iumbaig, between Great. Britain. Eee pe South! Bee eee SRGtM Rs go epee NeReU ctee eyanietE sve ' ot ube nab or bac Africa: China, my aural ba and Ne iy rang joe tae a dering which me to1s,000 hes boas De the inial Period. It ls Were will b/s" fore over 814, 08,