Stratford Times, 16 Feb 1887, p. 6

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sdebinetieen heweeser-hyng; «te Due «et PRION: that such a race aa yours paborld Lor *h down with ih i me question. te RHOWH fn OY Work? a piper sweet biadoess, umlier the inte nenve of which we foricet wll tht-ie us thw eee in "ih lot, 4 i wonld saat. it this awes { COnpetis tion, f I; not love it l price t dread, what idea ority with | Poor blinds tad ee tires Cia you are, cringing nt r hunwett t, if chip i ¥ aid tor your bd ine vhill of an ever presén ursetvas 'tas ered of 'dan yor form of the God. the we which'we enjoyv sur lives and surprise thon wedoxed. Vou have Raaying onearth | alatioai iw Héowscar! by dean re. belongs ti Godly bat here te j fores "aight w toute bel longs ea ta eae ta ee in sarranre:* © some thacruptable piirp se, te BEES | pr + oe fi wi t the fives of | Tike moment by wan et 5 that Hae ah ie net te 0 rio laat. j that the tes Ped mice. tft: . ve hiksophers r aligy hte at surprise « would kill beings 12 . ; htnivg+th sat 1 aift er nee this tx merely theory, for it is only thly conditions that we Iu a of what asurpr fae bs i t es vives a. hife SEEDY Ob Met ORLY Vers, ----i Avie deed A life puch an yours would, sectg of litth value te dey f ' eet 4 that ia all Cot din cosine ou. 'theaghbnowlicfve of five yor. an | our ideas,ia there any winle the what you call pleasant and painful surprises eet. Vae.oae,- then thatwe-cattret-ohr er 3g Weight with which | these "surprises e love which you fad BO! poctation of this send, as its sweet, would be fi Nast pr: sstpon'" "Oa the contrary," was | the t » form the -cedpiiies,: 'death, never an oujoct of | which foresivk btiawowel cate ulated tor enhance } teary as it ara aWwahearer becomes more that of lov efalle. att hile of the charma 6f the unexpected is a matter of 3 lives taisy at Of Gonki teu € lraws near, | Tei is Te Meise you- hve the past that lea All your koowledge, Heetions;-sit-yeny-irterests dare ey it ts oa | ated ip the pashan areven- twat ble) it, He dreanis sok vias 4t6f fair hair, or way bey ready the 77 tL) "as: a! Mink Spal aerial ae tite pos: of Saaeer aan De sreer ert ii": H. so that they eee on in what they did 'bas we demonstration, a perfec owing fis tires nat le ots, of che! supreme anvirenient th we: ner; ecerel Ba hag te! as feepoadiie ween i amltwo mm atal, ~ Fo d { happiness ie would unravel creation t hre ugh ting sone tope "af fare-and form to nhl fnever S paraiteled by an-rartl: future >We jes [x , companion "spoke el aytently. ion Of a mathema: beta exqni tite talzebrai: alequation alitivs a ife in place of: jefan tL most ela with the «a a te ifeart -- wit wish, their "ti ight, had it, withon ent uture is as ine apabte af beange eh anggesd he past. tn not outy thi vat te feirwsce The Poor Editor, ya yatalas the piazza stepe, re young atid fair, ith ihe HOGH Beans oft! y tone tier ached poles mee HOUSEHOLD. Unexpected Company. A volume conld he writtenon t and many a housekeeper who thy found her self in a tight place with an unannoine ed ghest-or greste-weull welocme ady with great joy. Have not "each and every one of us, with company in the parlor and misgivings in our "hearts, started for the pantry to find that,-like Mother Hub di when we yot there, the saphoart as base," and dinner, -- a yoru! one too, She A phe whhhepered, "thee tie come Burns, marine at forty years since in Exchange: street, round was famous for a bad te nper and w bitter On one oevasion these, her eating the subject of conver ett in poe the Four Courts, and. ¢ fora on 'w silence the chien setae eg pe bet wae accepted, and the great agitater having rouse! the ald lady's 'wrath burst in upoa her as follow O'Connell,--" Why stre att know very well that you your sad te rin es a necessary of the near futur The Canadian henbas a ci niseddncabta for her country, amttae fever received a tithe ef the homage to which she is ¢ enditted, rt he Lis weugh the oe S4eat who cannuet make a sx te hi only y but. that. you have two diam- we 1 loghked up in four-garret, an ¢ go eat to walk with then "every Sanday, you heartless old heptayon," feeti ty or serambled eggs, ar ommetet see thakest ps is not the friend to be received with And ifthe haader re a half Baniee shaving beef left from a previous meal, a littl: richer ud ty FAM pede Lise teres, or ahaler adirin, oe fopence tbr ire rte = post te desire them different was sriovesly™ ts wish at two No pe Tet: Dei a ehefe vily wish anething Loa}. 0 vlearl had tal the While we ain aniltar constetiation& a ppesring ' dal) wal, besks pile) oe iow pear ei rer The remains of a fow may, atthe. time when-the. rs guest site: in-oetere im tired = mat room, tb tt ret. New with thetic trnetasit eorr ¥ waryesterday, crisp ald and | nieat, knife-- ren aining ood wering then | Ait: A. your ; ' aaah its hold on you, aot inemery years go an faney, bare a g over what = re précions possession. W % on the © cate wey 'fe spise the past, and never t pe ay te this dream. kweli apo Memory with us, far from. face, this y form, its and fines being the morbid "ud Monstrous growth it, contours, nt_last tt it is ) more thaw a and he becorcd rinlimentary live wholly in thas en his heart thus wibtly has the futer the present hat with the Hkeness of the maiden « fores. str a fetes taste our experien phis arms, ' whet pleasant or painful, are po "Tt may be ye: urs. before he Si to. see 'her, ,* ol intercat by the time t t.. The but now begins with him one of the sweet. | ! nemory, which = 'olfices' of love, one to vou unknown, | quish ao oainfuily: in aeoe we nth on pod cis a sey peeks od of pas-) Brit xs ~~ e, haan le tine 1 for | iI ee van to the rye T could not dete 1 their posttion, Ne teas, thera aWation | Was one wholly nov el feature tn _the hea Ns, erotds whidh rl Jom the spectacle chietly helt i art 4 aw hinssaaiin law: on the Sut aa erge arse rom being fa ats se Fisbinie tate k and feel But the very ain uhben awaken- ing t J makes this. time so critical with. you is i © Ti reforniting aid ediicating influence, It oveapy. his Comite. His iterest in life diminishes as the idens Which it suggests gro ra ig till at the last death tinds him. with his mind a taly/a rosa, as with you at birth. In a word, his _ concern with life is reduced to é Yani t beeheee dre in oad bed contine our chibtr The which lead your youns men a stray ay ' hold on a youth of our happy planet. t hordes the treasures of heart f one mistress, t her aes he Mt thermath "his VOWS are wy ule. SL. hough of ligase. Merrthbab dee of renee tar dean 2a. 80 orsign : tert : matte hime her honor, t tall this time te phate gh prere _ impoveriss, to insult, his --_ or me te Say thata ron her fear which nffec ta only the more ignorant on would be -7 Earth is not know ry at gll te would for she is vd Hlasphemons, "siotsay ver, asl glory, are our foresight is limite]? to our that he d lives on this planet. "Any speculation be- the ex yend them would be purely + conjectural, Sccsonactanizee we that she ia aware of him as he and our minds are repelled by the slightest of her, and that in the iamost shrine of a To mrrten-freart bisinrage ts Serer renreniere: the incense Perey | is own. Throuy retains of her "tater: eeonjeetar: al wud the unthinkable may be c illed al Bideet _ Penns : Sarin t h fear of Qroraille Choe : Sed 9 yod 'Wo net fear death for 'ors | asian pa i t 'due ti i Lye ae itself," T heal vou have Joann to break « at os i ru) ive + senderert *" Saar "tage and death are nat foes Moment into each other's eyes, then throws en our planet," was the reply. "There are themselves on the others lireast. The no tears by the bedsides: of onr dying. I coe sn has all the charms that ever stirred « the blodd_of an earthly over, daut-there ie? re ghuneur of 5 4 i blushing girl her lover sees the fond and I Vith you it is the cnieenoutessod have had faithful wit, in the blithe maiden the pa- with friends that fe the 'source ol your ten- tient, pain-conserrated mother. On thet dernens for: them: With us itis the an- Virgin's breast he beholds his children, ee teipation of ntercourse we shall enjoy is prescient, even as his lips take the = which iy the foundwlion of fondn As fruits of hers, of the future years" our a Messer from our future with the which she is to be his ¢ appre their-death, th thon ae = affections it ast? with vou it you Eacgot them by sae of time, romances dene 'ribing love aa you know As our dying friends grow more and more Ear th, and I must confess," uly friend, we | t indifferent to as, we, by the operation of the tind vaheag very dull. same law of ~ nature; become indifferent Thope," h '+ added, as I did not till at the last we are searcely speak, "that I shall not offend yoa 5 more than kindly and sympathetic watchera ing we find them so objectionable. Vaer about the beds of these who regard us equal- literature pose " in --_-- = pte ly withont ier. emotions.- Soat last God for us in the t presenta to the cently of Breaking the "oualy invert: Mite wht: h the lac ba foresight J bands that bind our hearts touether, and compels you tole«ud It isa stad pes makes death as painless to the surviving as . prized for * development: of th to thre dying. Relstions meant jto" praduce imagination, oh avcotint the difficulty | , happiness are not also of of conceiving « rirditions 30.0} posed toe those ! ng us, as with you. Love means joy, intelligeat bein But our? tha at a'one, us, instead of blessing women do. not read you The ives for a while only to desolate them "not ion that a wan er won compeliing us to pay-with a dis convei idea of mi atid a bang for every thrill of other than the one whose sata tw: to our habits houcht. u will say that much Gets nees ure fi have read some of te them, - af neral ur rf ANCOR, on, are ether on tings chan "those. of - sho king Are these, too, without sorrow To oasked. " Assuredly." w: Can you not see that so it nat «be with beings freed by foresight from Jixpase of themory ? Il the surrow of +i parting, ax of dying, comes -- you freee the lina rare A ckw ie te. however, another reason ae y averse grant late wo seven ge the use of your books by: our [youn : _ievhe: om race seoustomned to in the --- glow of the iterature written in the a exclusively wo tile sion sadn "ine all thin; ure, of a. tense and f him, Nor do fn guess even om what he ix to he to.-You, that you tmay-em! him at first sight. Your ----. is cold. and in- a itflerents It ia lon kindled -- i, time for parti burns = res henceforth it stilt he course tureyy 'lo yon tally realize how dear your friends tense," was the reply. ' "If our historians ec and how sweet, was their companion. ' were to wait till after the events to -- ship. But we--we our friends afar' off. them ae sine kw Poni -- oming to. meet_us, ~~ already in our- about th: already done but f eyes; vears, be We sheasaaaNe grect them at firs Beso t coldiy, not for memory ancertainiy, but with pe ie kinees, i eostaay of joy. fall possession of hearts aes atest he them. We meet with Paonusd dei. inm hich j ' i rustworthy. Pio god veatabli communication us, ehe will 'find our histories of i planes, howd Ont ast rot the whine the whose gentle and Potent away we gladly WW gah or an amazeme nt, my home lay apread out beforé me, ingly almost as near as when I looked dow rn | upon it from ny observatory windows. "War eat the of w indow. 8 sflackine back the tev at once going up to my quarters, At document "whit - Litas ry Protea i ne ans uli +a Van 0 opinion than the reader. f my imagination much more strongly than it has. readiness -ing the Earth has The lack of foresight _among | facilties, "a Tac mutilation, a de aoe table. w i describe aan exh is king tio more, I hawe a fancy, whieh I like to a are lc of o me ge si a melancholy suugested between We. As he naar yt turtied toward marious structure which near hough ' th sd rot before part jcularly werver it "What is thar one of our telescopes," weir 1 y to Tet stood ar ee instriment- Te his matin: i fi the hands MMe hereter } brown put lettmy | j the tm cook until the. surface is 3 brow ned and *erksp tis hot @ necessity wo oe thera ip boiling fat, affirm, as oe staal cuantities of butter re eae ae) ther much more digestible. An, Ali te whe oul nor 2 tishes in ty be prepared i 2 the merit of ing a little different f from what comes the table every day The cans.of selison aad Jobster time, and ee sen darhdie e mascot : TR AI, 4 Mm aon ting aupertivics, sokeepers- keepin othe-honse eon fox fi lary: hy there's had Tangtage from 4 fellow that wants to pass for « jintleman. May the devil fly away wi ou, y mitcher frem Munster, and © celery- ifitin you mealy-mouthed yPortan rte you miserable subinultiple of a du tine ~ Mrs. Moriarity "Cio, rinse your mouth in the anes zon nasty tickle- pite all the Dar ae speak. it ov oe than your face, you ilirty chicken of Hv * Rinse your own mouth, you wicke . missed dl old polygon---to the deuce I ipitch you, you bluste ring intersection of i --) Yon saucy tinker' '5 ap. preutive, if y dob U Cease your jaw H thut here ine gaapal for bréath> analite te hawk upany more words, for the last drial nearly. the. Mrs, Moriari ¥ able oF wind out of he U Counell abus. ow hile I have a tongne yeu, you mont inimitable peraphery . at her, ere she stand renebie ular in rot diaries. Ab, ze found t ag "Tis uk aon. the devil will » you 'sinilite de of the bisection of vy the' trae ol cee plica a ity Cc intel ave f Up @ sauce a she was aiming at O'Connell's -- when he. very__pradently made & time re ae have wou ser, O'Connell, rea « your bet," cae Pi gentleman wh ropesed the contest You RECENT 0? INTONS ¢ ON LIVE TOPICS. i pirsh- tiie blessed institution of ma Rev. PERI ORE: Rar. ti think the work lof to- day would gomad, frenzied with-stratr-ant pi ~ bats = f eye to what Anawered to the eye- piece. "| 1 could not re hy an exclamation of. for tru had exaggerated ! The little tale ne town which was seem! ttl fig; nad" the -wilktie" wast waking up. The milkmen were going mae "workmen, with rhetc: waite, were har vying alon » moke dtack, anit tlhe jets from the cylinders. t was strange not to hear the iinian: of the | team, #0 rl I seemed, : tgs on the hill the | el sunbeams. could tell the time hy the nips ege clock me there was Ww nestle around the buildings, cone ering the! earline ness Of the hour. = - row of men that atory, and, hrough the group about the door, citerat the building. The president be evidently his it flashed ver me quite suddenly that all this bustle t was hi; gh time I were back there to look after mysel If. Here abrup thy ended the extraordinary % - Ht 'Sertire 4 sm setdown in the hooks. Probab- t was some all the facts of t 1 have no obetter means for 'reining _ Nor dol know, mint , that it woot have affected That word, put: 2m uocy of another world has, in a t with ours... The y 'gti Jas adaptad point of view concern poi with aie hom itself to the Martial rn, our nature, belying its promise,---a holding only what be by, assured only of what is pas over me trom time to bime He will no doubt explain of = rather cold for a dinner dish. Knew t then '* aie in eroquettes they are called excellent ade in same manner chicker nbove describexd, An appetizing dish is can of autenon ated drainir fa bakir Bs lish, pot in layer FoF sata until the the P trade by ope ning fa be Pound ? ! = Can Peace Ot Marre L. RADPOHO, AGE seis founal, 1 f eact ane Tw oe meaty ot nae he's ep nec rok pho ae sabe Trig, est, lie ' wrth a "deaaert flour, season with butter, salt, ge) it he 2 e + & wee se 5s into Orde sty. sci the lower strata, and when we B up atall we all , ge up together. Flom, Fe ttarr. There is no real merit simply in sitting i * a rocking chair aud reading the Bible. Some peopis do ome with with their, religion Uiousiv to enjoy their misery with pai ig nionk, ly We hase enough physiolagical ige to effect vast improvement in the pg of indix lifials. Id only appl if we cou one same over the salmon and put in the oven, i ing, it remain until browned on a | This wil make a good meal for se j ebaslet a reons, and ix an-excellent subatiteis for mean We Bhalt 'hope to oe in suet pepper hk iapes s Le 'emergency "dis o hich we jthink a --* mae onsen Brea a ry pe We shall ' gind to receive additions to ourown stock, which may be guaranteed to sbe good -- in frequent: use, as are those already give ntly wh impie red Jin hope there i ms in i oye Ther Es arned toa fitthe bird T iar me On a tree nm many wondroywe thi ing, fea there "In song, in song ip Peace. - Original and Tested Recipes. A Goon Prepuine Sacce.--One-half cup- ful sugar, oo cupful butter, or less, one ey, rin on Vanilla; table- -- ul of ers together. Pour n boiling water just selene serving the pud- ding, and I'stir thoroughly, Exe relent, almoat to tay heart. ! whispe sa woftis * * Tho iy secre$ well, red: n love, in love peace is found." Then a poke to my soul, and these things thou bse ae best Those kno ont iny remotes hte, Z Thou canst "eg Tre im roy quest." Sequa to a custard, Ab ud slaw hy cane thie answer } Onanck SxNow,~--Scant half box 'of 'gela-: 'There's no peace mveiu Heaven Htine, let it stand twenty minutes in cold "| water enongh to cover it ; drain off, then mid, hone pint boiling water, whites of two es i..| Hyuice of two. ora amd one cupful' of | sugar, beat thorns ghiy _ i. becomes solid foam, set.on ice to har Lonstren Sat. am. -Chop, not too po the Ty Pour aren thts meat of two st} tol above salad Wréssing, And' mix thorn; ghly: Serve in lettuce leaves: piled im form of a | pyramid. Garnish with olives, ca: capers, and {a4 juares of gold beet. Be sure that it is very cold = sent ta table, | Saver.--One pint of boiling milk, thicken thew ' Artie soul was right Pak) en, "ence -- Ane f Abc auf nis > place save int Hea SKATING. hY Juiis MRIE, TORONTO. I * Oh tf tor the blue sky, bright and clear, And the sanehine all around : With boon companions hovering vear, with one tablespeooful corn starch, yelks of badd --ougefasl aug To j Serve, pour cust et ina glass dish, and awe jthe snow on it. Peel twe oranges, ani move. frog them all the thick, White aki, divide' into theworshest-seotions,. amd 6,0 at regular intery als in the snow. AUNT: Many' Brows Brean -}fal- igre two-third eupful rye and fill a cup with white flour, one-half cupful molasses, teaspoonful of saleratus asin? ina little hot water, three cupfuls of milk, one tea Skimming o'er the erystal ground ! Happy are we, So glad and 'free, Raving ! Chasing ! ~ Away we go, ween eer id St tice and ancy, Sliding! (rlidiny | Whirling around The giddy ground, adly ! One. cup- from four to five hours. See that. the'watet does not stop boiling, or Ree mibgerrcid away. | (Giladly : ; Satan Dressine.-- Beat the yelks of yee ce wight Seuidding along before, the wind, + tha sadly fantastical: effect which Tcan- dream of a world where ¢ always wears a amile, where the part- ure as tearless ax our meetings, and ed-though it a aoa normal type of ¢ was, as perhaps "ppy sphere, faa mt the ic ri at tay va be aire e and add to them a = oxpta ul of wugar, : rs eapuontal each estar ane black pepper, also a Miele 'caypsine and halfa ve supful of cream, Mix thorovg a Boil a cupful of butter inone pint anda half ot vinegar, e--aper- the mix- ture, and. stir well. When cold put it in bottles. This ane will 94 for weeks. No thought of care have we ; Leaving the laggards all behind. -- Oh! skating's the sport for me! - - -- i, s, Ob! for the hand of one I love Te guide o'er the glaany sea; on : abe the tiny anow- capita glor aa an. Miscellaneous. --- PS tee us at as the time ne Of a paring was 7 peeios "ages before y yours, seat ur = a al we vommes, Arete pert it only contri- astronomical records gy gg minute ac its of the sort fran time it. was t we other's 'eejatiions 1 er. Weare not-doomed, like you, in. ane. ue ans Pojeke: aWay with us Pyet find w mine of inforn eony aera ion came j el be t hope. nor one rg past "and What" not, there can be no such. th compe un or culati, or any ate ar and t barnings and bh hatreds | _werg it not fort the. ie iendere oH oni, Barth by. the mee "at whan & ur gralngats ae See a gun 'on his shimalsler,.. ** Hey tista ners fovea sia filles, What he stall abain "hh but. : | galven you XS you'll pres & sign of Noe-Tr ast' tiled on the gtatic => Terms Cash. "No nee!" called the farmer to the youn? vers tre: Ing anrese his fermowith: 1 $§ age to me : E use coming around A The ole * eat tis dead. a e '. want your ¢ ott. ken he an ey aka "Oh, th cat-from-a rabbit ¢ ut T took you fur one o You can go ah es time you aback one phe iny a_hb'ar it- will ace: joe and "OF Gate Wot. 'Got any invisible ink 2 hie sake vf the Sit dowt Whenever you ¢ portunity, Many stand even wh ing hb nrec! Het eyes of ives, Like stars above," Their light _ Makes night Seem bright as day ! Houis ly away Lightly: { Brightly! What tuerry. fan, We laughing mun, _ Tripping ! Slipping ! Thea homeward wend our "moonlit ways 'T6 pairs of skates I carry, -- sier pertocenied sitting." Do not attempt to dry caltcos and ging- hanis out of deora af this season o! i the year. Freezing ocauags the colors to fade mote! quickly than anything else, Wash and hang a ry died kitchen. © rehoynte black sitk, ate large sc tato, aid # pint of Water BR oes ee with-this, " bar & pice of Ales it. Do net irtn the silk, but' ea, oF on Found : we roll it om sre broom ta smooth sticks, very and lay aside until pestuats dry. it will have an appear: sing paar aqual to new) and wi not lise efosor tan spit the penn he ofthe * the rest 0 the people of M ; anable to appreciate. the a pais ess; save from the pea . ve ipa Teaked here Were dite stifness much» Ww hen skaters t two ene And, beg of her to aes the aie ¥. oising aa alictesba Glee wakes come in from "four to six. button lengths : Sing gloves frontier: to thirty: ~~~ ai losses, ' peste of reading eFoiia aquest ity or hy Re. bras fr <li ta as ts some! ee instead of giv ing way lo foolish ideas about love and the { young people, whom we can hadly trust to choose t) ir own bon. ets, hurts roms constantly fretting abou sappointments, wo int about what is tnoe itable, How much do. you gain? What is there at the par = the turmett of mind that you have ra' but-a hundred fold niore of trouble haw you needed to have had ?--Christiaa at Work. j tis the fashion to-talk about the banefut : -- Eubtcenl is a mere- ly relative wore is trash to oné man is not ereats to sbother Shapepears' '8 poetry would be trash to nigel. Itis Lospaasiblp put ourselves in 2 anonn s nd oa the pleasure and nutriment he may draw from what is il Vians Yet we pity the' eee and envy the monarch. Lapprincett's te Ruin. In iife we consiantly 'see ruin about us, We tind-ruin of business, ruin of character; 'yuin of beaith and ruin of happiness. Most these iad sare directly caused a con "het This mean thay each one senpaly molds his own destiny, AS least'he ix the important factor in making his own life & success We do not, however, measure man's success by the narrow creed of dollars and eense > neither i a the applauge of the werld a fair criteria we found in men' '4 _ conld 'geietally, be = Avoided. could often ovaded by judighous management. Although, sometimes inewtable, yet a business failure is not fatal to one's al Destruction character _ health are by far the meet *soriots & succenad: ' Building up a ey 'name, results cats OTD. ever, the decayed { corruption enter, and rnin is almost: cettain. Character stay a dike, toh e good. health can ie preserved or gained by a in 1 ple « shedience to natural tne hap- piness can only be ruined by Joss of fern or ercharanter They are the great © ina: - alam unlocks: the door and 'ate 0 sticcess An Imperial Sensation. Paris special says: 'All the week Paris has been g ring sapere!» was about io be uced. Gradu i | ! peed a form. till now their atrict aed la the fi + gerret-or- Patera ia. thee OCRE .. Reynolds, ab Ea, "take mantis and consist * we letters and. two grams; the nmiste ka "pty in the é prince's finndwriting. bat they pe only * ments, The ch t or Whs i ich) was at Berey, a few days a seo. at the chateau of inte: % = We drive th the wi wedg 0 interest in vegas | Lt:

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