Stratford Times, 16 Feb 1887, p. 7

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A. sdenstsibaesetis ry ee a eee aud the aroma of the sweet flowers Remed to float abdnt } His wereea. Dolan crept wit inte the Pp we again. The pistol was now ii. his hea "RIFE. AND SPRAY, OR, _LOVE-AND., VENCE ANCE AMONG THE : SMUGGLERS. ey "is =r looking Tux Moser Fascryaris: Ravat ag: tres nena earthen sees WHY ONTARIO NEEDS TREES. w, opmastinaasrente eee re emt ey scape jal, bal it gene rel eres woukl be a -- 'co. PERTH MUTUAL F.1. 00: 1 co co: SY Ke rHirrs, © and emis tornesticns aw te ie privet ally: met caf) Ww T should ike, o this could be + _-- LAT FE DOMINION & eo eerning eren., Ue: * sntlicient height a: TEE r Insarce. Bulidings, Morciuna : rapt th + ize, Mant. i i a leusit IMMeGole or cosh © : i then she other CHAPTER XV. ae te! li The boy looked viv bigual: ne thug! the searcely. cons break the fone (ostumicinf sr ith al ms Leoasea Prumptly- Adinsted and Pa'd,- ence of their protech wes ' HOA "a burke URS 1 Hyde, Begs t, Strat ] Frow es pe VicePeas Serastera jects, Ease hh d te es oh | the expian nto of th te ; ik +; Was. fined $10foe heuifonce ipre te s then slide off with a Rs serpreaioe. as if he iether felt cerry Tr hod whistled thas Here was a ABE, toe Ry Aces are tory Took cheat the og's brow, snk Rs Se Ten a Cr orton Puused and beckoned bea AC Vslon tt: ped é zit i. * i 4b take jx KY WG aa asl pur yor <The "m4 matched fp to hin as iyo, }ee-board--some-onte ead wesael- for Sf. at is your name * * Charlie." - . 4 eteerr How ain TT" hike nowy will} is grave," _. _ Dalai Gavered earetully. the vant at with the corher of the t ? voatee thatthe wore, He wantet te plan on full eock, and he wax afraid that ihe pring: would reach the ears of . the sclkinn 'sad melancholy looking mah who a sat, all varconacious of his danger, tithe next mu may land me roe of the cottage. ' BORE APSE * : me the th ousand t wag rery light aound th: at the lock of ¥ ee = 3 Fist a the pistMigiade, and C aptain Merten did not : : rs we I will do} hear i i . NE Now," eh -Dotan: tow k fae his teeaas He thought he could tit 'the a bared of the P parcel, and apon open pistol in such a manner to the keyhole of m often. a 'Hag. i the door that the bullet could be made to "t Chatlie, I have @ little girl--my own "She said, "and I speed on its parsage and-reach the -- or little child. Iam locking for her." Have] will write on i aptain Morten, owes | brains of 2pisin Morton cont ve ~ you seen here such -«one--- Shei Mic Wagner Sue Greisart pote" You cessity is-tHolan's)-giving-any -- "y her---haa aubarn hair---darker than auburn, --_ nen this were you please, so that s ning the door even a crevive in widt _ shih, ss HOSES EO light} to. me. uhen on bey, with 'a puzzled} F i il give y But he foond that this would net do. sald the the teesiewanns penne whi ot wil domnannn: tfall perce was too small, anil besides, he lost w hat 6 that Grace a such 7 ition of Cae when he placed the ; izcteal oes a Teter ° eT ath Lewes 2 Ras come. bere. this place ac pT Cae 1S ne * Have you's mother *' ; 5 Bbc ahin thE Bay's eves, will ti he? dashed off with tebark. of the Ts and? then sald hastily: Dead!" " Afather?" -------~---"Pae bey taurac |) and looked tosard thet i et me on ys 2 Y aye een. Morton * You, T hota ay fiehing, Idon't see 'olde + i then. Tribe. iris, of all The Salvation Aray ' ehiecaver te a . Ver cthors, She. % : oat i 33, ve. barrac ks in Bras Ha port eit aire trtere: sting 1. centre Sten Frew } Patne: with this mite by folie ae certain Wwe know to thetrdinet sajience, we [locked-in w room, * then Taxcad a 4 shall find that it must be correct. In the we Hed to an apple tree, and shot, first place we know that . Senator Ing: "4 now bri te set ALL. PLANTS AND THERES. -- ath i den + fF hand b derive - what food the then | 12 Canada, and ith. it the entire 2 Central pugh..openings. in 'what-are-called- the American States, oa os af their roote, Kut the nourish. kt is re antl that the linperial Gavern- nent.close te these noon becomes-exhausted. | Ment has consented to send ont gunboats How: _does_t receive the food which ) n6Xt season to assist the Dominion oruieers+ Ties a littl way from it? By means of h+ , in protecting our fisheries. a carrier of plant food water in motion, The house and contents of Mr. J. Jenkins, ere are two movements: of water throngh the reivivalist who resides about three miles' the soil which chiefly effect" thir, south-west of Ayluur, has been to totally «de. | stroyed by fire. Mr, Pe gio and his wife barely excaped with cléthing. There was no insurance on the building. A young man ---- Was. to.marry. a widle lady recently found, when he Peached POUrphawe toy Abu pte, 1,000 for the Purpose: At Guelph tie other day « mould dog w tration; Which farm about eae: Salbetd: Esq, ex D. iat ee ThuseneG Hoge Dilhdes, Bene aie (ae 5; Keg; £ ee | james Brown, = McLaren, er; an Kea, P.M John Puateen. Marri-tare if and Alex. siete Of agente through BaP A respons cut the county, Office : ist floor, over Daake wecetea iet over Mowat" of a4, PACKRRE, 8 rcretary. INS dy, County of Perth. UBLIC NOTICE! v) 4 Brovk- flet tod third Ta the eae Millon. ane rd Tuesday in rach mon th, from. o'ctock, The Cietk wit be in at- Perea nn he re wreme r pacitors--G 3. Kwa rtend Pico id Setar! War td Tsay' toa certain ide pth within 'ee crust ; and that of heat, which draws it up to the sur- ace and into the air, ~'There areotter mere: Mente T bar ig? two alf-are "ajuainted Drislpatlsiotlesclekhes beeen tas eat th for Canaca aus t my de ar. rin is with Tue, sede bor He pistol fo 7 ' anny disen-atthe Sitararac, Tey "Very well--wnit heer Nes os rill in. | No. Th: 5 woken ieitar Shliad sea-weed that won't ever come' u au terrupt you: I will ivin be gir . Then Dolan placed hi« haut an © lo =| may see it inthe water, waving al! about * Be auik qitick as ag in. ra y the door and slowly---oh, so y itu reed like Grace's ca, but that which comes up | you fifty es fig every five minutes ye 7 the handle. He knew thas in hod an intirn) | persrmralges§ are here within-the hoxr. of ere a amd he & are) ach mome: it! ' j that it wontd make some of its acenstamed | i noises and ws artic the atranyer. } h had the latch; a aie Hicate Cartain Le at was.,.sull de mot Diode | his | ds upon his heart for a moment cr : ae ithe sone gently and it Sl ie open inwarda. Ab two hefore he could still the emotion cg igh time, she said: "thigh time. 2) Then Dolan nearly cried out aloud, for had come over ftim, Then he spoke agai rhean ert d of Dolan now, one ei anil L shrill voice in _ front pasinge of the little bas 7 Vv seen. don t AGW Bet pity ' imine Coe ie ee HTL an ae) ot ws auch # young creature oes " Nam the : are te ewhere away" from ) a rs. Wage r? Mrs. Wagaer! Here be' " Oh, yes, I know Grace! She-is Grace | England, A thousand pounds! That will' some sojers n-coming down thelane.! Mrs. | ERS A tae de awith what J have got already-front Dolan Seagne * some sojers coming "down whe and with what I knew yretty wal ij to lan "4 ! lay my hands upen at will de, e is! Datan oh Td a 'Gerald ceed os i further hope. He means to hetray the kneeling by the door of the room aft. ~ certain.6f it, though he wan't: Captain 'Mortem, too, ntarted to his feet, tell me. hy J hate him now! [hate him!! --+ What i« it---what ia it?" he cried, i {xt this father of the girl have the girl. | That will spite Dolan.ha' ha! Then, if 1 can manage about the bay, too! s hope penal bo ' 2) bowac eqvitesforgettinge the hors Now, -wes the "The boy's eyes were directed to oes cot, wt ill see, Miss Grace, whether you can "he = e--tirace | You~came, boy, you will tell me f Haxh ! hush * one toss BA ere Was & ra quick respiration on Gaptein- Morton,-and he CHAPTER NXVL. i . "sige ten the ee tt h. MWibere:. fc. Mr: nega fa following the their gaze, saw that some malt)" She "has gone->gone.-I i know _Ope ning 'the door of the 1 room in Dae | h he: the iY alue of shelter to fields. Franktown, ea re he expected to take the TRAIN, Mat the rain ay Was hopelcasly block- ed with snow, and in consequence the cere ry hes had to be postponed until the follow- ing « 14 area Drisecll, of Lower Cove, --t ion it is to be noticed that the pre f vision of nature is that water will seldom , carry plant food too deep, for most seilé fil- ter it too quickly. On the ay hand, va- por does carry it upws ards, as the aroma of a yd rich tield when the ire stn comes from sed his one hundredth year call 'wil behind the clouds soon tells us, These two sown celebrate the first anniversary in the ard and downward movements of water '#ond century of bis existence, He is still \thruagh the sail carry the plant food, within, le, Land bb ae to onto good | auare reach of the attracting influence which roots CATAL To Odd jobs about the house. possess, This is the principal canze, appar -- came from Baltimore, Ireland, nee ently, why growth is so -- and alee ' os Veitch : : - 'after a shower, ap assisting but lesser cause vhn citch was charged at os a lice . "being also the cleansing of the leaves amd Cattrt, Toronte the other: = opening of their pores by. the rain, ing on Gerrard street hill." Wednesday, Srey cach weal, Secon WM. DAVIDSON, Co, One ay, Fri- seme upw | ing is cone. a iT. |, hed Ware + thapthe- ¢- crepe-can then almost Fe Te seen to Cove, N. 8... rath ink in the chain of reasoning concerning the the house and ar barely escaped w lives, with nothing on but their ni, bh 'clothes, rat vorites, Ge he will be where, butet ia on an errand form meen rere he ixt * Who--what your great atthe window was, sbaking-aa se ie Bee aah Toxeph I Ties ~i tain then-nod 5 Eater ti ded and smiled to Charlie and leisurely | ' be hung, and Dolan. It would be a ~ at walked up to the ouage door. | relief to my mind to hang Dolan--in "ra Round from the back of the cottage there 'Now, calm, calm, calm!" he said to | 0-78 sibbet--1 should like to do th darted 4 man and with exteaordiary epee do himaclf. "1 rte not let an reel be o eke ** Would you?" said Delan, as.he ut his he ran down to the beac od by too much feeling or oe kh have head in at the door of the room. "W ould wg RP ad is = "8 said re 'aptain Morton, ain none will use it as & weapon -- ine that gt a Wes or dbl ok ahe-was te ant Hold -- stop Villain il ae maw the A 2 worried. tor that --but aha sto stood soma sta Doten, with astonishing yee, reached "Nebel ho had a defiant, well, what. : g st Dolan rt of look about her that let 'the |. sicko ed for resistance. said Captain Morton. 'on io fascinated-by-Dokan's- \ deal e That man in the galley--overtake him Give rie an oar! Pall--pull! We shall bald have him cg 'Ay, ay, fir," said the sailor and the boat of thet Nautilus shot through the water 'n pursuitof Dolan, {TO WE CONTINUED.) 'speak to * You have your hos ol then, I a, yea Out of my way, woman !" said the cap- tein, with a gra flerceness, that alarmed Mr. W. "Tw . eeld: you? ; "aa x. "You would like to see me hung * sling sound only came from the throatof Mra. Wagpe Tr. * Gibbeted.-- ' aaa Oia Ah ed "eC tence men and lock you up at once. chair-t---Beauick ! Insolent, indeed ! be quick ? J said'a tour : "Oh, dust 'lace it there-- Mra. Wagner obeyed Captain Shirin sor-) It wae with some: * ders by a sort of instinct. He tad cowed j anda yell that her. - | and caught her by the throat. ** What!" she said, ** who-- the floor in a swoon pervons may well be questioned ; ** Silence !" "What is that!" cried Ca aptain er can be ne re She was silent on the moment. as he opened the door of the oon. in which certain indisidu als, whose height bas greatly "Shut the door, he was waiting. '* What ist exeecled that of men in general. The gant * Yes, sir !" There was no reply. as 4 curiosity has been ween hy nearly every "Where's the girl you call Graze? Be! The room opened in the directicn' of the Canodian boy in' the muscum,andin-the quick 1" sound that Dolan had made, on to 4 little, Sinaatte The stories of great giants of the "Grace!" k , and_it.-wae-from that again tages--are-more than interesting. "Now dare Reba set words cs ihn a ae door of the apartment where Dolan exact heicht of Og Mercy on me !"' ra _ mething between. a bowl ; Dolan sprang upon her Sle fell to! Gigantic Giants, The existenve tut there rit . the King of Bashan, has anewering me qa ." ra, Wagner wer ned, and through been frejnently xiven; some supposing him The voice in which Captain Morton spoke faa had' a appeai de red, to +~ surprise to have heen more than twelve feet in height, was such 4 roar that sat Hed the little cot. consternation of his guilty associate, while others think his stafure did not exceed tage and te pinging Wager. dan hardly pe rmitted himself to breathe. 'eleven feet. In like manner the giant Go- ** Grace Do! " ae aaa: ae Ge tain" Morton. Shey M now that'satie! WV 'here his she? Quick 1} All waa foundly atill y - By tie Heaven above Morton goer mash to the ea "He thou He rose from his ale and laying gress of | he might be mistaken, and the natoral it oa it to pieces against t the floor of the | like he had to intrade into the other d cottage det cot ments of the him = ¢ ia. not not_here--I declare, air, she is} prosecuting a searc Bot here," said Mrs, W He sat down set to wait If | yw, agner G nietly as he could, with his feelings in a a tumult of expec- = orton. n nine feet nine inches high ; iv bat that he ani fully eleven ee he Emperor. Maximinius was-nine-teet', - in peighe and-severalother Romans of equal' rom stature are said to have lived during the' feigns of Augustus, Accounts are contained | in the _ Ph hical transactions of. na hough, ben sen fal ng t, sir--Ob I can't! m length, "Why? W 9 A iti rgeced the taptain, aie of Romane. « use she is * Dead ! ..Oh, Heaven ! | * Too late--too capt Grace---my child--my as my darling--dead ! Ob, God! Oh, tation, Then Dolan od the door dential. iptn. the passage, and lig ned very "Who is here * Be: said, Le here? 'and 0 one ca the boots, that we e have remem: : iw r of whole nations of gigantic » asonable doubt of the reality of i . ren, half cetalar, ap elliptic movemen: el thought I of a acry," said Captain itr of the Bible, is generally computed to by ve, Water through the soil, down WHES A ENOWER FATTS 1, The eldest" of whan | fimer, as uoticed-above, all.can see the | | when aroused found his brother in a dazed pe iw Incteased growth, This etfect ia, condition. While ery cater to get his i said, largely owing to the of | ther out of the building the fioor gave er through the soil, both in se paratiog | es eo eager ting the | aed preparing the atoms of plant food in.the , hile 0 PURIFY "THE BLOOD: i earth for nourishment to the growing plant, | rmuck peg reached the window and NERVOUS SSPE Mana sot and tin carrying them within reach of ita | jumped out, being very severely burned and | yet soothingly on roots. Itis now to be noticed that » ere | Slso cut and brui ned. quisite everyw here, : tone ; to the Most powerfuily, aad Sacvear: Head reer and GENERAL DE: teld to the potent force of ie, and they are unrivalled vEmALs ce MPLAINTS, sor sieve yp erteay wad skin blemiabes.pim- derstand this hetter if we seer ian how it is Guelph, = rod any other family - that ae rapls ge of currents of country carries» off ita-moisture. : alt grown up; three of his sons One poles of air passes across ~ ground, ' dry- business, which has made and receives from contact # certain propor: itself famous in Western Ontario under the tion of the moisture in the soil. - But that nage gol _ Lion stratum does not ae Mentioewe to pass nextto, An grougd, -for-thesapor.of-water whigh it Arthur the-ea yo has Sesatead being much lighter than air men entered Pes wery store anit parchs , causes it immediately to rise and be repisced biscuits, cheese, ete, for lunch. One by a drier one, which in. its turn, carries aff was ws london liked 'and - He leaves a large family, nearly manage hi mig i incident ogcurred in Port her-afternoon: "Tro every kind SORE, ULCER --e * mle every kind of SOR any other koows ts re ren- kj Tureat DESK AGES, Broachi hi pr her 5 og Rng eee wot and st for allevi- est NRURALOLA It repre tla It never ; disease. 3, ane proceeded up the street his black coat ; an dog 9 0 of fresh eggs, good butter, | ic, potatoes Sic bushel; choice + 'canned! val . iculturist of oi benefit bore ve tpn! from the a A sheltéred conten, peanuts, bannanas, eevard movement of goods, etc. one is dried by the, and every species of 'kin: Manufactured only at LA coneees HoLowar's A Voterboce ¢ urler t who-has just ed a inet | loy contested '* thirt skal point came e | 533 OXFORD ST, pitta one to prove that it ---- od ot, oad te Ot hes. 't sdhoas f ae ewes In following and sweep- | Ms. box and im tomas 'at or will see the reason, so far as bel graerecton lag the stones, which. was. done with the Denia, ed cents and 1.50, and ee wei derstood, why crops of all rg ds do. better, ag saoragh fidelity, ket travelled 54 noe poaghs Detail T Ske other things being equal, where sheltered arge part of it being on'the run'and aw a <I hove 20 4 a mike woods or rows aft f° paanage of | fy with all a curler's energy. i pliniac |} Purchasers # ould tharwuiet« i sg te the tte hog the of Over | ow the Pot gravity, npwards by the sun's attraction; is | 24 tona, and the length of the rink 42 yards, THE GREAT MEANS OF BEARING PLANT FOOD, eile to thai moving over Sass tons } a to the roota:* "That movement is much "and the stone a ew shortened where currenta of a8 of successive waves of air--a natura machine, in fact. From the above it. be raised "on average nahin th feet at pore shot, he filoed rr tong one foot. . On lock. aware wil be in viattendarce. br his Success the Best Test, Ci Worth ! lubel wee sweep uniuterruptedly over the soil. iss of the process of proces ot The Romance of « Bank Note. In the district o x, N.S, net tled by 200 0 fain oT seneak , years the adjoii "The shai or tree receivi tion of Harborvile, the Bank of roots receives also sia J there are living 90 able Pera which 4 he vehicle carrying it. By t is carried to the leaves, and there ex- aks to ag action of a air, which gives | er considerable atances, it seema he had bought an ouate for that sum of money, and for convenience sake ob- half | tained.s note for that amount. As he was re reer RATABLIONKD 1863, fy act orrantiawest, S This inlversal"medicine ia & Household ite te \ "In the year 1740 one of the d directors of ~ G --He sank to teckle kouiet ow tee Netot: Serta P of a and sobbed bitterly. nines "Bah ! I must see for signal wore for-whoever it is ic savages, one of whom was Dolan crept out into the little ' welve feet in height. The devlaration of 4 and crouched down close to the deor af the Terner ia all the more credible, by the state- hee to you if you are'her father." room in which Captain Morton was, The ™ent of M. Thevet, of. France, who, in his oo dead i key waa in the lock on the inside, and it ret de ee of America,published i in Pairs in et ¥-not, sist Shown aed tits ah fotos pene kes Do you eer me? sit Shane T may." the keyhole. Through the lock, Monake on *keleton of a South epee which was fe spiais Morten -looked tabaiy: at Mrs, | the other side of the entrance end, the key = feet fwe inches in length. To th "ae projected about the eighth of an inch. aAEEADIE tnstances Sony ie sdced ary ts Wramass * he said, * if you think-to as operon ving man, whom Diemerbroe sume any power over te on account af age ee eal vars Lage saw at Utrecht, mensnring eight. feet six you or wb eonla bak nches. Dr. PeAMNUS, an ancient scholar are miatax hep pi rags ga rae ge robjecta of such as you. 'incers," o af Thad thie 1 do it---thia will as k incers. _ Ab, Es t 2 et rat ae alter Parone, who. "acted aa porter 'to 'yepores havin; man of ten feet ight. can not be} = century ago. FT TOrmanny settic- ab ment _ Aree aie fan boest 0 Loaat of such « re- | TeAc . 'Thence the tod i ie sent to all i parta cord vity. Of wenty the plant, but the water does not who have enjoyed 30° years Of wedded met with it. Most of this tn five of the hua! are viz. Joseph. | ™ away from the lea Saas Daniel, Bradford and William Ogil- guansity of water than ie. mosphere may be i a a suiflowse has Igter, it cox 'pot, have beens the room, whe: a he concluded Sat it had been blown into the fire and had been emma He laid the matt np spon vapor ow the pessing int into Psa ha the American papers have the following de- y_ experiment Food| " Hoa itera | Bae, and a cab-/and a 'St. Paul detective by the name of Farr ouncesdaily. Forests transpire} Frank S. Dacre, who had been oneores lions of para daily, and this great trans- | some months se 5 the Canadian iration of cool va ascending, moins clouds maa with warmer thie a t Lnote for the fans amount, he pA nar to reim ever be presen for ment, 'Thirt years after, when he been dead, expenses, had a terrible fight Iaat Meese Dacre | and his entate distributed among his heirs, non: gristent eturned u a albedo oe pamae AL the bank The the his « to "ari "moisture; acting on our earth, create and nourish all vegetable life. = ~ snwet sell it vily or I will manage to per it ie = from: his ecket 5 _pistol-ballet fe phe ie hed' he eee in' stature. ee the: Chinese claim | take "you into custody." - tions, he and he = A Snes air, said Mra. W, a ork catch = cod wt ie ign them:-- see wate Hilfeen™ Beh hy Bet century iggy an hecine yin OM Hatching st enc k do," he whispered faintly. le report may bave no inore foundation than knowé all about nae too, as haves lived with A slight noise which it mule a ita Phi chronological Eo Se at ok and his wife for a lon, tain Morton tospring to his fee <1 know that. "Hetebiee told me so and | What is that?' thas Polan took "her {rom him, He ia}. ar ct hi HE seczers dead ¥ dashed away into the other roomj Nils Hangen, in a moment and closed the door noiselessty. 1 for ¢ tris breast« sand W: | He from rT. aa [eld 1 i ie and, with the muzale po Ow | toward the door. = "Ber Captain; Morton did. ae wek him, } He contented himself by merely op. aing the room sox and looking out into the ittle ( "Nothing,"~he Said, , poset aS Sach the Norwegian w bs has ee. Congress to sneceed the late of W. in;-will he one of the * The wind; T sup- bw: 83 ee . Te ny child here =" ~- No." he Gulia aaa' 'sioner. . Bete +: a tie, teund,- co I, tf rd ph cry tin Pmplexiog. WE GREATLY iXTERFERE with and check their. beneficial course when we deprive a land of reat ite forest protection. aoe to say heap | gery le ntsc Scere dead m another in isa site, He found the misaing thirty ware in' a chimney, in which, Piece, i must tat hae ' iy Suen tak of nd ori etective Mes and -was for five years a United States fiver. ous Tine < < Home | Pow oe "The use which shelter a country are as _-- a cae horse of betekboo a in to set the ce movéin mattér 80 as to ance aes general k if the note a ees man's house' 'servation of shelter, > tretches of Iidivitual efferta-a

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