ager atta sol ere tettieererertttits Regia i ire eitebehe niin, Coli one ee te Te ; -- TT ~ dyot, sir, as @ man evidently with means, if} PREHISTORIO AFRICA. oes & RIFT AND SPRAY ; eee oe KILN CLUR ®600.00 "T know ning about it, sity' said Cap: | Remarkable Ruins Found Among Rechive _ "1 hey a pitishus heah," -- Brother R tain Morta ute of Satages. Gardner aa the 'from thir- i " Thats, woman, you hear, Captain Mor-| > The reader of Mr, Haggard's new story'|tY a . i 7 ph : ey; LOVE." AND VENGEAN CE "AMONG THE SMUGGLERS. "a eee otal € - pag tae nay Spe earpraner cod in thet re de restorashun of cositl punishment in Mi. W233 ry the abéve apm for aay Sick Hecdache, nothing rales poe it ; sd iral. rom the sea into am East African river, |chigan. ae ayo disc! ub announced jt5 ' a his ival irrelevant,' ssid the Admiral. -- found on the bank a wall of stone that stad on dat queshuny an' it haa thrown its} Tux Moet Fascivatisa Ockax Romance Srscx tux Days or | Come in." : had evidently been a soli % coustructed |'Sflooence in favor of a law, hut it am y plat Coorer AxD Manvart. A tap had come to the door of the room. | wharf in some retonte period. In a foot note enough dat the present Legistachur doan The sergeant of Police appeared With a et jestifies this conceit by alluding to the - methane any radical move. Wexhall, with. Large , slip of paper in his hands, uins of a very ancient city on the coast of /44tlore, pay no farder attenshun to pitish- comm, 36 Cents; 6 Boxes $1.00. seid CHAPTER XXX: Tux Pour apwrnar * Simply, said Captain Morton, "'that J * Beg pardon, gentlemen, but this is the Kilws, south # Zanzibar. It happens tha; ]!2% [tam evident dat we ar' too geod an' all Dengyiots. : . Recxives Paisos ices Ax Vastrons. } told her I would give her a thousand pounds? list cf prisoners Lieutenant Andersen has | 560 intles hearer the region in which be haw | Dice an' soft-hearted in dis Stai if she bronght me my danghter, of whose broag ght in, and he ix in the dining-room be- | placed his » " evidences of h pas We cali it barbarions to hang a murder. oi It was considerably in advance of the place of retreat or concealment I believe her low. : aerate man incomparably erin er, Hfe am a hero whd should Me presented Co. PERTH MUTUAL F. I. co, little party, which comprised his dauchte = to be aware. 'Are the prisoners there " than those he menticns. wid bougue teand poetry, If he happens to -- - Grace, in ita membera, that Captain Mo " Give me my money { cried Mra, Wag ae ea, sir," Some way south of the be poo' we whould « chip il in to furnish him a] eeTastiswen 1863, sY ACY OF PARLIAMENT, meme og the chose pee a Sir ner,--'* my teu prstnds,..Give me my "Auk Lientenant-Anderson-te deme here there ta.a-lurge reyion extending beni aa ier Alb his a ae es shouht try ---- . Tan 'ord, wit ra, money and let me favor of stepping this wa Let me ste Thef ane neg. f i r and 306 to Hard to remeinber dat he has always acted Sir Thonia® was; in fat, padaring ever Sllence "oni i ssid--the--admiral, | |je¢ Pps 3 5 niles scly 400 miles inlnd, and 300 to 400 queerly, an' dat he via hev bia insane tevures. ter Be oe ens re Mgnt the tetter-he-had-reseived: Dota, and wecnty: "What-you-are pere-fort es Admiral" "| constantly being discovered, proving that in] ¥herhe committed de deed. if he am deci: "insurable property em wondered what he had better dio in the jg to be 'committed to prison by myself and ---- wrehistoric times-the wountry was inhabited deatially foun' guilty his lawyer mus' move fae Bele or aan ween matter--for he feared it was @ snare alto- brother Toagistate here for your ase certuine | ence Fixps a civilized people. To day only the rud. fur a new trial on new evidence, an' de hole --_-- when Captain Morton was announc: | inthe smagclins transactions. of {CHAI VTER X XXXL ee » Moxos iad AS sth habit this laad,.eaveina)fr him to crawl out of ius' be made larger. | ouses Promptly Adjusted and pPa'a, piggies Ww places where the el hare cs PB case he goes to prison he is incwuraiged peseeene of a o rp The e of Sir Thomas Clifford Weti. ss "Dolaa' > Dolan? Whe said Dalan ?" Admiral Sir Thomas Clifford took the list} tablished stations, The to looks. furo pardon an' advised to consider HOARD OF DIRROPORS 1 stn warm and tfenidty; and in reply to Morton's) ee pape nae it yor at once" state where 175 E75 hand, and us he did so a atritige faint : aaewr re ruins | Wiesel? a sort of lien. Joh ays fe, ee MD, Presid t, Stratford. apologetic expressions for leaving him'*0 ab- Captain. Morton's daughter 1a to be found I : he knew hot why--came over the) betckening ; architect: np "if you come to my hog pen-in the erter- o-ae MP vice: Vico-Pres., Stratford cg F ¥yhe maid i wil not make-out the order of Your qammit- ft heart of ¢ 'aptal t. nih, Which rivals that of the ancient Aziecs, Our 2000 an' steal my two hog aT kin pron old watkeid,* Reeve, Downie, -_** Bly dear friend, ay not a word about iT al, and if she he restored to the. o pains in " Y ou don't look well, sir," said. Mr. Tick knowledge of these ruins -is still far from }¥ five y' state Itt ison iy » duilder, Stra: , inthe cht yi selety through rate fyform atic mi Ewill let ley ; 'you, sir, a man of means. "ONY: UT perfect. Onr earliest records of travel and into my cabin at ni sh? an' kil ¥ oki "4s Deputy Reeve, North Kast eg Tam in hope that you-have sorrel MAB you go ese th, Mr, 'ficktey? afien think, do you know, sir, tl fen OF) trade on the Fast African coast, extending |*¥o man " a' steal de S27 Dhev yot hidden I: a Tagien . Raa PM, Fon sth astisfactory nature to tell ine i 17 ee Hem! yes means ought never to be il-- neve hack to tae be 'ginning of the c hrivtian era, |4Way in de cciny teapot in de pantry, y x 'MeLares ' Heats Hfbbert, Bat little, T ataas ove in po scxsion of - And my 7 tia and pounds " said Mrs. nun people, air--lo od people withe wut means 'T do not me ntion them, ly cent years chat "OM ¢ f remainin' at libe rty ar an On » * miei ney a sented book, within sens ena he all the W. agner | 'One moment, if you pp lense," said the have the trave f Sel . . Mauch your coin to pris m fer hf Nine tenths } Wensy ny *F. - ye bat, which hy tacks" You stint! have themt" snid-Captain | pao x " mcest hi Baines, Mohr and 0" Nei! reve ie tt to na the re de a poutis foen® in dia Stait amin ea! 3. Ree er. es rattora "" Morton. j sptain Morton sat down piace! Die" Monumental evidence this Country contains | f°. of heagin' far inure ba but de restor < Nid Captain ? said the wtiniral ead 'tNayy nay!) cried the admiral. *' That hand upon his heart, he knew not why. The coast. town-Solala is shown on all 00 of de law am ailus cheek mated in de smith rete rm ng. Racrivters _ a C ilk rat th sre at | pepleae fem ses is too bad!" i ve idt shar al ramGad ed reading : maps of East Africa Near that town Cari | Legieiaehur' by a dozen ach sO entire! _Ge pera!" Arente-- SI wt ous Clitford a baal L poses since he Uae Sian i" ae er Pw yy. -- MARTON THT CRTC. TULL Teale ee roret torcrite worte ther SOOTET ITE % '- jonas t Tri. See ye Terre a , ' Ly at me AV aan tart he capture and pres: ,, Permit me. [have said that I would. give | on the high seas a by Lienten.ut Anderson, | for their endurshle nature and atraage break frew de ice an' git drown: lod de better wten sore daa ears through "Othe tin al a ee el ith the greatest 'i# Woman a thousand pounds upon the re- R. N., and "eae the CG. at Fal- shapes. There are partly ruined walls, ji? will de fu afopry de publick. Bank, Stratford ver Mowat spree Me storation of my child through her means, month atatior still 30 fect high and 12 feet wide at the Meanwhile each of you yo to de grocery CHAL PACKER?, } | And my word having g.been giyen she wil Siues Mar 7, seaman, base, built of kmall hewn blocks of granite te lag Ac vwrenty. feet of rope to tie up Tae L enetioet was S:crews ; ave rhe m money." Josern -RATLin, seaman, ; Tn thean wallz, sometimes 15 to 20 feet fram | ¥id fake a slip-noose in'one tnd an' soap rtfo a 16. 884 Ts. ir. 4 Citanies law yarvs Deruain Scernes, tthe ground, are embedded one end of blocks |4e Pope so ag at . ue ay F a rece ere - attorney at of' stone 18 to 20 feet | ere yj. Upona nail in de kitchen, an' de ust mig " ne ely you | Cartatx Ep ie AkeE DE Mocguet, French dently used ti me talleries, . Here and "ee turable outer bed at de ery of * murder' County of Perth. : ' merchant servic there, built in the walls or standing b ke your cow rope along wid you, e hi Wainer locket eagerly from one tot + Gheraro (this ----_ refasex to give his} thomeelves #, are round stone towers soht lite + Innere har bin canght ar ort oo roe The ardem wilt you into another oa of this. transactio ce the aihiee of the party, and then she aaid : | urns ame, Oo the plea that he does not evidently rose to heights of 30 to 50 feet, |Powt near by. yaa Pe, t and third Tuesuay i) « oft one which =~, A asi be productive | 'Let me feich the child. --[ will bring her | keow it.) He is believed to be w son of {Similar inasaca of iis asonry are found as far | owever, you should fust ascertain if de | ten to mosey ee Ti SF SRIDOE TANS LORS I tiere ia two hours. Let me go for her ?" Captain Doliiti (so-called), the smuggler. as 350 miles inlan: d and a litt Je north near fs urderer \ pepe ps ai ae pe ember of de Legis- tendance at his office. on Ta mre other tet "fe capt with be content if-yew teth--The admirsi-tooked-up:-- see Cont. 1 -- Ahmnery < ach . mat boring ee and then he enid: Fim where to go for her," said the ad. "That, Captain Morton, is ; the yours It is not positively known yet who built Ie wae muarderer we fee on chip in att mee rom i mita | roffian whois spoken of in Dolan's letter, {these ancient strnetures, No trained ---- in reach Canada, © wil now an Skdereeenaren: although-it.ix anonymous.) 4 Veg" cried € aptain Morton atid now it appears he likewise repudiates ologiat has ion naar' them and no search = befeen tode abnormal business which has ere is abundance of evidenve-on that + agg ent Mra. Va agner; -* * yor went rove ween iH --been--nade--for--tusc iptions care brought na-together, head What Ged you think of it? i not get her-- --you ec ould not gether. Tonly; «Yea admiral." J'Neil says he has no doubt f RESTORED, '"That the rascal intends to make his} escape, aad leave all his companions to the | can get her, { Captain Srortan spoke faintly and looked has recently heard that there peg numerous! Sir Isaac W alpole secured the floor 1 Health is W ealth - : ~ahem ! There was a pause of doubt. very pale jinse jmake a fow remarks on behalf of Samu "You failed before," said Captain Mor-| you are not well, my dear friend." i \ re y eurfac i Shin, who i on ithe a sone real at the ist | ys" "IT don't a how jm bus the' air ee ve a |mee an " feels thick abcut me and there is a strange . Se wink pray eee bet irsalah bret ett Hee xou a Ma at WAe sensation-about my-hearty: ae though ante. ation aa a purely acciden Lhave suffered so mane sec at Th be thing were about to happen in which I jan ori | | Seenael hee been ------ new make of tee | late, aT I am tting wenk-hearted. ies ov pre be ao "largely interested, "that" it | as golc mniniug. gam rranted to cure sore throat and-re- implore you to pe on me in the*recovery of . Let me go, though, and I will bring. ould alinost guflice to stop the current of | Mr. O'Neil says that these numerous ruins lieve backache, an soddentall swallowed ! P child, 1 think this Zs j you a Lai 'iy blood. Oaly once before I felt like} *re nearly as well preserved us those of an- jit. In his surprise an eae and the j na! Fonseca te oe howier win ne he 2" a. spon Sem Hi ah npc battar-Shan Shans As: ,atove being directly 2. ya ti 'Yes, and the probability is, that he is; | ton " * Dolan stopped me; he ones me : eat ' F tmost-; : na yyy Hone Mid iipuiries Tcan-make, it-must have | hows conchrsi circumstances. -- Brother itera, Dizztoes, Cs "Mer + I, too, am r-foccanT have father." {there is va cavere in The SIT go Un "ty mr been ia near iy "aa possible about the precise }mner Africa, now given up ts sav vege men" want home from the meeting with financial | vous 'Neuraigts; Heesechs. sain Proe- fom kas hinted as much." get in into it." i | time when the vessel was wrecked that had ; 10d wild beasts, was subject many centuries ryin staring him i in the face, and the gaunt|!retion cinsed by tre vise of alcohol or "Yea, my boy--my my _proe.2 bey! Stolen} -- 4: ae wee chil bs a is | wy danghter on board." ago to.the control of a cople who were con- we Yant 'had orn © to him every | ti bacso, Wakefnirew, M ntat D-prese Seour mi, years Par OEE | ani I witt Fare mee e or ee at "Phat in'very singular," anid the admiral Siernhte advanced in the art. of civilization his dreama. He w 2. penitent +5. front sf wa tesin, oe ra inennley know aot hagas le tent i how, so con- . \as he. placed the "nominal list-of names" Th Bol a R ; im ad would spit out of the P -- oa . ments ¥cay and om af fused and heart- stricken am Tat times bou: " "a daughtet re 'ton the table, but pd hia hand upon it care- e Prussians, nee an ussians. broken al ar ahers jow--in -- pean over- pone é is aan Trt re ' . "Dolan a By @-thouss , mais r iby hi fae sit aa tparon aad seeing my owe cht d, I will use every possi : fora man 6 of of means too, c feel so pcg it | acengik= ts well as the reason that = = he g L ost powder in the c rm. No 0 one ae Ss alin itdou't | Erussiens North Germana in and in and remit the fine... : NID FOOTB = --} aelf-in -all.will perish. eee by more than words cout do; and then the: sel thick the N foal sire that | What woukt-you my? sor re The En oar ar, Roe me must walk 2 chaTk-ie he tacacaty aces arom admiral rang the bell; und the sailor-servant pe will rather kill her oe let "That hoy, Gerald ; he is.a bad boy ; ob ! | standing their peculiar manners on af ~ & een 's00e made his a Trance. from let you ae you ait a wont oe boy ; and if any one ne ought the freeat nation in all the Grinas on momar Picklea Smith arose fo © inforsation:' He $5.00, we wie, ace' to. urobaser our aS 1' Where have the police placed the Baie % allto you and the: is the Their social laws tend-to lay down firm but had been as aad wang times if the Lime Kiln | 1 puarantee te refund the memey if the eigen. wit th them ad convenient laws for human intercourse. A Club and ae Sta! ture officially re- |. & tmen* does +ot effect = cure. Guaras- s earn +n to concur in that," |man's position in society depends upon the cognized eac other worked in harmony. pie ky b ' ' Sarai you m: mean the das of '* You may de reid Py recereen t oeeky only, not on ee: He now <r fficial information onthe. Jno. C Wweeace » ay, sir? She came in jit, r. jment of the government, and the idea of-® subject. St, Ee, Torento voy, » and now that Mr. Tickley b haa come Morton, as wehad bettergo downand sit magia. | "* gentleman" is the measure b which the ** De Cha'r am able to state," sennen Ei ---- : ' _ Ante soiree Sins thls' ote i ali.this...O, Mr. Anderson, |English It therwise . hat, Mr. Tickley, th ie magistrate ? 5 be rag. a hand on my child?" res are yea? : the Russian. He has no idea of go Yen admiral; you see sir, the maater- aa, have 86e hin se ber C ediat ts "FT hope you are age well, admiral, seid 'manliness, But there is a small pe = Lieutenant Andereor oe entered th i i e who?" " Lord, 5% t mind me ! Whenever I sees a policeman n, Sickel the freanerd jo pire, elf imposed. Russian cos you ace that's the sort of police. more than ¥ im fac j tha: gpoers it must be said that-it bears neither mans ea: boned ship; and ing tabby evil ; ie tem "Ideals" the governniental stamp of Prussia nor hard- which am char, wid de & more sneaking, ahore-going lubberly raa- nz . ' "Yor, the receiv ere f the e smuggled seeds, | ly « trace 6f the order of English society ; regu all de railroads in de Stait, an' ue ian's pacing or a re ks than that ai , ¥ : : Mr. Brus, are ' of the f e it is & looms loose : re, eee meets wh which, how- dead head passes issued by same master-at-arms. rd love you, gen- af m Y ; town. Upon in 'word, it's tall belief;' ever, ine ividual amiability, in astonish- is." tlemen, there was a: a =a want: jnow the cutter Rift rides f hor. i plies sid we. should not 'how have had 1 ingly nace Bat. the pa $f: Bice on board our, ship, once, i P Rl Bi on eee cea oft fae P '-) - him, is OD. sina us.-P, 5 more murdering rogne pone ete the chalk, 'acd there is Latqne ent "IT wish to ects ven," anid the admiral ae 6 : f vretary Announced a cottiinunication "Well, well, that it do, iat ye ising, |'that this wasa free port. 1 de| fo the from Mra. Dina White, relict of Joe White, qT that I should ave inane : - fo te to narrow t etonk the comes trouble that these smug- |e Ru sain in of Arkansas, who was drowned last fall. He 'Ay, ay, sir." ees re, Bling g cases give ua," icty . we wrote out an application to become a mem- ioe Tew momenta ex sed Pa ap, wh eee thay rata dol, sir, tat what would you? Duty otherwise-w of the Line Kites , abd tions; eat in any ty 'og duty, y sty slege _| paper. exce St a, Pgs. the cli ""O yes, M asiatn: youare right, [ wb I said thead-! think, Mr. Tickley, our shortest way wil Engineer Bob Pearson. tee you, ae Tour: ver:| mitel--- How can: tho captor: lie-in-e- aca beta. opt. them SR __ The following from the New York Star in 'the club he would ua the conimission of peace, sir, }°™ raed mt nov he Byer as than smuggle--" worthy tribute to the merit of Lt the application. If he "No, Mr, Tickley. This is an American | @r#wn a maas of old all soaked in} |, aay? : red wii ' Lord bi e fired a seatleman. Mr. Mr. Tickley--Captaia Mo ortoe." 3 fag peperepti pe npteisar ape peas wn nd = kag' ahi tip. ate piracy." | 02 _ Toe, os, indeed Well, ante the ser- } st He " : g- | ence heis them sand thé rock itself." I think, oack ad 'diairal, -said the t---sent-for--me,t aga : Beitenant, 'with deference to you, si, Xou may kag the f oe ee Be. : ey ee mere roe ee shown inte ee root a0, : bers sac setogetiiee: Pl - lit fs exactlyander the on time tary was to -i harged with complicity, ina { cliff-top," ; : Yes, sir, and the hb He ji the communication and' stand on the vee ie peanten at ; F 6 long, be- | **™* * eran nar gh wast : ponte sas sive, and thé meeting adjourned. *, and ody will Baba as let her aa the price o that tildesetion, to take 4a On! s On the ules Sopa Pocsp Cake. cupe of of "Hen Yes, that ia i intel them. Let me see. * he 008 oUP rome tapes one cup of sweet "You know, Mr. » Tiaklay, we always | that, spri errno thei nar aoe n of -- = tartar, have, where women men were jointly i neh -- travelling record wi at lever | °° of Qe ait seta so rods, thre ae dso ash i in tagalog affairs, © a! hi crew are now, | teote a: is unprecented.._In the five years since it cape off ra aeicanss " ™ bast il fog ¥ Phe ousnuns to alas. {@ ™ refuge " PE very ee Sr Let at her go. on built sis ees Brooks Locomati' ke, A rap came at the door of the room. Mes Me, Aud th miles wi ------ is so, sir. . Tae Cigeand ot $k ie ; : aoe oft | Peer opraers Gea, bat | Soe to ice app and ed ta for em as you: t de- admiral. mn é sn Hered tr be she salnted the the 'daughter "More prisoners, sir, sent in by Lieuten- ee pF ant Andersop, wlio them ina boat in sala Gray tot With « ery that drew" unusual attention the Bay last night, The lieutenant swill be | tht ae pped into her to him, in Morton here, sir, + in-sbout half an-hour," cate," chair, and.a SMe +0 ab ot). Zhowm 2°. : swork Captain Mor ild Grace, . And. ical and rich with feelin; ' led in the machi ha of thé Cincinnati, rs "That will do. 8 -- soot 0-- hie 2" } "* Again, again | or oI dream} That "Hamilton and De ten Seba, = Cincinnati. that disposes of son little objecti a rs. Wagner eh nas ae pane stil dL desctiption agutn; admiral?" | At 1S years of rad he was handling the lev- atimiral placdd & stress on the word ict," | WwW "hat would you sap? i Ver, and since then has Beaga.3 engine | -- for which Captain Motion uaked hin bya} '* We shall see--one kt a time. There." Bovagh ! Ob f now and ever--my heart | without Lansing ee ing te injery to any lock, are other fish in the id worth a speaks to me--my child--my 'own--my ! puman Sood on the Well, well, admiral, I have no partion, ; 'sh w "two ti ies 'was the voice of Néture-that: Fearon ; lar objection--none in the g world--Only one | strings to one's bow, and i poke in the air she~breathed. I years ago earson F 1 4 dow' Sige dan oa precedent, teen ee ha! I fecl quite safe now I think have fl Beit her ~-- owe lit on my, i 633 OXFORD ST., LG sure tooblize t ntleman { ie t." : 5s here-- ir € r, mi : rd mode ous of ial side bows,) I Et waskt "Come, mpmntigiee Y naid Mr, Tickley; | child Fo ai 4 set a = Erect ahia nls vdeo ay uppose levity: ; 4 race compan neers we " Hewatin dais ' admiral, and ahe may say an Syrtinyead what this : ae he, sir," said Mra. Fe --_ malta "t ' ar a gentleman (here cate another of the oblique a foel herself ; mercy |° ~ . : 7 "Ew CAUTION. --I have no | tress ' . bow: free. : : i ; : = "The "added ral and Captain Morton both | tongué, sir, and go and feat -- -- vehild.| Baby Must be » Hard' Drinker. _ illings acceoded to thia a A baby had arrived at little J 4 _ Mra Mago r, hetween. teow! = the the police ans poi ee oungster was inal into the room: sane : "athe titthe: E e. * Morton." : "Teg Jour fain OG Renimpmewent SEACH «(Bib netic tueaoa amt er Manette nee