Tata ee rere epspnagenemen an ip aon anemic be kept fae atecy pin minister, ya! HOUSEHOLD. { __, Mesilags af gum arable 1s & good applies HI8STORIO HOLYROOD. CANADIAN VICE-ROYALTY. for a burn, Paint it on and Sag dry to . ~ Seatish Tian an had "sake irks ox baling wall an i The Management of -- Wives apply & Be ond coat and let d i Sketch of a Visit to the Old Scotch Palace. Ss : Views of the "Wite of a Canadian Jndge in ; kirk « in the parish af Ancruni, Rox. | If gilt frames, when new, are covered ' It waga chill, drizzly day. It did no | m panini onig rel ' e " ean datios's at | So ene bas written & fow directions fo with a coat of white varnish, all «pecks can itively hy tes -- te A tole « her ii ! en ea eae ae MINISTER AND BEADLE. H : * n the whole a treatany lamps, and it so accords with the then be washed off with water without might well be dea ribed asa Scotch miat, [' Pa The wife of a ( i Judge, says the 4 ve eng fond_of a jokeand experience of anc ther that we preaent them harm. | wat at tt dow wt tel, looki ris correspende Truth, ho The office of an English headle is common. ' 5 ail Iran _ In Mp t bhie was 'a ned rip with. To insure good light, the burn- Liaw Batsa.--Stir one ha u "i ful bread. ! Pri ad gis Sedinbureh. There are fe "- what Sur Charies "Tapp ro said upon the ly allied to the duties atta: ning tua mea ies ; t, ers of petroleum lamps should be kept) crumbs with two eggs ~ we at-| pedestrians in sight, and thig, taken aith * Trutheries," has called to give me supple wenger or cricr at court. A Seat h Invite, WES bright. Lf they are allowed to become dull, en, che p fine some vite old 'boiled bam the state of the wedathe r, brought me nearer mental information about the past and pre however, is invariably associate: d with the r. the light is uncertain, and, owing to the ab and mix ; make into balls pi fry to sleep than toany thought of the business sent representatives of ber Majesty at Ot F minister and the kirk. He and i home: erst " | offi lated as kirk Va utia ton. sorption of he at by the darkened metal, smoke H the cistern or the sink sim rells offensive, that had brought me to the city. {ter a} @** She was in that city when the an ' product, a S.otch beadle, and is, as @ rule ry he pariah met is the result. Once a month place the burn two ounces of saltpeter, dissolved inte aj While [ resolved to shake off uy lethargy sais HAE was made that the Lansdownes eminently ¢ cea teriatic and racy eo "4 Robbie coming cams from a visit to Jed. cre in @ pan, covering them with cold water, quart of warm water and thrown inte it, and devote the afternoon to "heeing the ere'to get the Chateau of Montreal fitted Tn rurat partes more eapec jaily, the kir brah fale much sooner hac waa expected, ; to each quart of which a rag erage ef ill remove the objectionable odor hons," in spite of wind or weather. Fall of | [P and to spend there the coldest months beadle is an indispensable adjunct " th *Robhies havit g found the fair painfully soda should be added, _ also a little soa To cleanse a chamoia skin wash it in cold |™Y "ew re rsolution 1 deacended to the en the year, which are the onea in whic ~-- wf the ministe rs aud. is i y albuder ed in the sense of an anprecedented ab- Boil slowly for one or two hours a -- slenty of scap, and ri well in | trance, hailed a cab, and eect to Jebu vobogganit ug, sleighing, cufling, skating «a w "the minister's man.", Next to the |' sence of friendly drama, (urioun to know | and of the end of che time pour off the waver ld w La ares thu on a ee eka wanted to go to Holyroc tournmenta and tare hlight processions are in | minister himself, the 'rural. parish beadle is | the canse of the Leadle's quick return, the 'black water. Then pour enough boiling oer Se Te a" ont ey ee 1 short drive through quaint, old fash full ff This news caused intense excite } often, by force of individual character and writinter temuieed. a the reason of such | water into the pan to cover the burners, , often as you please and still keep it soft. toed thoroughfares and I was ect down is cat, and the Anglo % otch thought it rather i position, the most conapic a ee p bas sorrest wine: since most of hia fellow | ad ding soap and soda in the same propor: | Copps er wire, number eight or nine, makes front of the palace and was left to my own a shame that the Vice regal Court should ae eee ranking sig ly jarishioner ra would likely atay out the fair. | tions as before. After boiling again a few & ual and handy clothes line, behind the resources, indeed, I was left very much to in midwinter every year to show the light ° by « good long way. As the handy conti: : Onir," said Robbie, *huz yins (us ones]! minutes, pour off the water rinse the burn. kitchen or living-room stove. It does not myself, for, with the exception of two sleepy: of their countenance to the French at Mont- dant of bps: reveronl gentleman in small end wha are ; 's aoe le hirk -affis ers" (alluding jors with Sear hot water and rub dry with # rust the lothes as does iron wire. louking rentrien pacing back and fon 7 real. ' Lord Lansdowne, I was told, keeps "task matlera, the fainiater od soukieunt ' 'himecif)' 'should aye strive A bee cloth, The burners must be perfectly | It is stated on good authority that if] could see no living thin It was notay vale | UP 4 fine show. Hi» carriages and horses 3 saad have sre omjently Furnished oe - -- to be guid canon to the riff ralf o' th beforethe wicks are introduced... Should, salt be sprinkled on the floor before the day. in the 'heart of Midlothian, « atmoapher have given a great i:lea of hia wealth to the wa am: Origt with al a At Wc" the wicks become clogged with the par- > carpet in usiled down the Buffalo bug will ically or otherwise, and Twas rather pleased colonists. Wiat must it have. been, the "teristic and amusing "portrateure imetivese:! tivier of wat-Hosting in the oil, and new | not harbor there to the injury of the carpet. |for im that lw likel *P \ wonder, before his income from his Ir amorous collisions, the headle has gener The fillowi ing bit of true Scotch humour gh he } i i . stim llioored oe ol Hkely to bet catatok waa retnoed ; ' & ones not be gsired, they may be boiled in wanted With a rein xy A quarters reduc ; Te classed ta the same category as the The farmer's homely fare may be plain, | troubled" with a cr owd "of Compantor right: ally the beat of it. Aw a rule, our sirewd, | may be classed ia th vineawe and i@iter, dried thoroughly, and! yy ity known et "oce Skieke iok asuied There tion which was on hie aide voluntary, xr long-headed, canny going ° Scotch beadle; in| preceding sketch, the witty impeachmer uty at back the barnere if ®icks have mt he &e nerally knows of What it is com e @ low , me here 08} therefore, to hin honour. ie ar Faas coming from the lips of the pack in aed, tich fs more than the average | my right hand stood Arthur's seat and the cominon' with the ling elder-- both of ; once more mings } j il te thet should b lac . & whom are privileged to see behind. the | minister's own beadle. The story is pat lone duty « win "t y Ni "Ale Fars . reason "ot the city can asseverate of his} crags. like NO: BVA DY CANDLES AE ROLE BRD scenes--has too often discovered in hia grave | down to the credit of the very learned Dr. ed by io te anf ie apring. as bcans pol fare. 2 TWOSKIM MONSTE BS at Government House as in the Dafferin's « spiritaal superior many of those little weak. | Macknight, one of the lights of the Scottish /€Fs May be pone AS . Gratam Grats, One quart of butter-| with their heads in the clouds. Altogether [Ue At their entertainments the Mar- pe y ime spent in the care of lamps is never ful of sud 8 r \ >nesses native to us all. Asa result of thia,. Church in his day. The' doctor's Leadle, or fectiy clean lamp that gives milk, one teaspoonful of woda, one teaspoon |ihe acene was not invitin so] made my quis oe farchioness do thingy magnificent fpnocvnethe-aanalgam.of humoristic story and anee [a 'a man in attendance," scema to have pos- ye 'lliant Ii an 's K been poanl eee & n ful of salt, graham flour enough to mskealy, y to the arched cutee af the abbes ly, clone economy is the every day rule. dote, which sticks to a Scotch minister | sessed? a keer tense of dry, ae humour, }P 7! enti ts bor depressing than-an til- SHE better: a - -- pane hot and well) through which many a. reyal cortege nad Lied Dusen not only spent his £10,000 « and man like feath to glue, is aj and had judged the doc stor's he sti of weruing . kept lam hi h ine eae eo unsteady, | 87)' Soler in the daya of etd. After a few fami but dipped hia estates and sold the healthy, relishabte exetuck of the soil, jand publishing learned Scriptural books 1 ra 'tig t entreyiti flame? The pa sa Mock | Sacsace. "Soak dry bread in | preliminaries and a scarcely perce intr dis. | Umber on them when he could gain political flavoured 'oftentimes with the driest of | just somugh waste of time. sake ss B rigneea, aed be nibiiemmea eo | ne: Take as much cold meat, chopped play of red tape I was admitted, and made poitita by « judicious - of money. My Scotch humour, and entirely denuded of ob- "In the worthy doctor at home 1" asked a | TOS, 1 tor i : tiv et nopes, ure af mir. fing, as you have ry Mix and season | no way as soon as possible to Queen Mary's visitor sasured me that © Lorne sectional hy and mean crin to the | reverend caller at the manse one forenoon. | P? ular for decorative , with salt, pepper a Make into] oma. Und Princess Louise did not salt away a dollar" jec y pocrisy ny ging to rs able for placing in hg large chimneys Ee roomy nderstand Queen Mary was my ** cloth." "Na, indeed, he is not," promptlv replied k at Phe lh tucib v2 ase. and ihe small] cakes and fry in hot ard. rticular divinity, or rather had 3 when when they were in Canad Prinoeas The following story may be instanced in | the beadle. '* He's awa like a chased hare 6 to wie » abould he 'cairaeal little below the| Cinere Cake, --One egg, one cupful sugar, lw a boy, and perhaps no man lives who as as beneficent as could be, and never 4 this connection, in which the beadle, by an} Edinburgh on a fell fuilish job. '= tim of the burner, to prevent exudation of | Oe third cupful butter, one-half cupful | does notearry wits him a portion of his boy |)" °P aled to for money without (wheo i ingenioas exercine of aly humour, or paveks- | learged er hg Rint! gone ¢ 'J to = e ol weet milk, two and one half cupfuls flour, | heart, even into the centre of his manb: = _-- -- _ agg gt = te . phi heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, jonest people abies as er na is \ ' ia termed north of the order, printers wit borious and erudl " Qe RY E | As it happened, or as the weather willed it, . fairly 0 aut, rals his imonious spiritu-] work, The Harmony of the Four Gospels. ninch of salt ; flavor to taste th b i pocket or signing a ch She was a groat s speci al ~ i ~ The caller rel percialtive } i _-- -- fi Bubstitute for Pie. The question is asked, of what is the wo I thought Siar mcnag eabiemeiiie Her bane ul th the leg socident = wn "» pei minister in Stirlingshire, noted | further queationed as to. what this "fe Har ined | '* t jell 1 1 i by bak In spite of th hful fm i oF Dervous sytem Wes. Ce Spey Ss * 4 ve of rustless, ra curran je y solargely usec A Pitta | spi e wrtchfu eyes 0 he, . 2 . y for his Speeoee habits, had his glebe ol ties lly Fajr Bee -- ade | bread, whole. ee graham, T wiste ad | -_ composed, that it can be bought by them into whose hand | slipped ot pe ticed the peat ie see ne i » ; jon. Afte inguth cio: echeag. cf berwech, answer: "He's gane awa' ik mak' four enough to fit into the bottom of a pint bo wl at less than five cents per pound? We give | "'t and superscription," I contrived fre-| she wanted to ae She, herefuss imposed z= uae \. A alin : h gan "i ved in the form of spokes to a wheel with a it up; ask us something easy. nae ntly pene a moment or two behind | 0) herself th le of 'ail h th ommecengwry Teached ea thabe men agree wha never cast oot' (disagreed). -- etween each and in the centre he party, and thus or the luxary of a e rule of silence with thom s was expected; and he reahie fal Lia -|. Open space Le It is said that corns can be cured by ap- ni whom she did not well know. This paased eee fosable Man" hae to get the corn : = Drain the juice from a plot of canned whort-| Flying a poultice of bread cromba-and vine- . a sao ---- ie the pera ine for sullen reserve and favoritism, and thrashed atid'taken to market with all pos- 'Boasting aa Men. --* and -- foadiags gy al inter. ar aa bat as om be hare The corn ca ong ago . bruary caused a good deal of oe ° tices een the silc é icked out without ** Soo heir J -- ae ee, Rin = Ss ae SS aj Ev reat men sometimes indulge in | fruit, cover it with another layer of slices of a means in . javier ee n" pi POOR RINRIO HAD PERK URDERED RESENTMENT AMONG THE LADIRS, master's greed, boatten. and their " tail talk" when coldly | } read and fruit ; this time putting the bread * Lorne wae just as good as he could be set about his work in his ordinary style--a] read seems like the parting of s coxcomb. over the fruit in the first layer, and fillin wits, --One cup of butter or lard, two | by Darnley, Ruthven, and others. I stood | and first-rate in businces," said my visitor slow if sure process. John's style, however, | How many famous generals, statesmen and e fruit over the bread Ainkhe first ener Be i three eggs, one cup raisins, one|!ong and gazed upon the stains of blood | © but = was, unendurable," did not on this occasion please the minister, | popular leadera might be named, who not Fill rie bow! with alternate layers of bread | teaspoon nful of soda, dissolve in a little hot | Which, of course, are not there, and then I! + How ' | ask who ordered him to get through with the/only "had a good opinion of themselves," | and fruit, then pour the hot juice over all. | water. Spices of all kinds, Flour to roll, | tarne ed to look 'at the queen's work table| «He was so stand-off in his demeanor. task, even although he should get it done by | but never hesitated to oe it publicly. . } put a plate with a weig tht, un the top to] Cut out and bake like cookies. and the little odds and ends upon it. This} Dufferin knew the Christian and pet names a dandiclight. eubd~tho-besille.y---!i.00y One such tn ok Lo sigh sap oa a great | press it erly, ae, off" all juice that may| Jotsxy Cakr.--Two cups of Indian peony delight, ond cou . ot keep ined of all the children in Ottawa, read of the - sel; i ened le; j stateaman, who spoke in- tiest atrain, | pre25 out, bowl away in the re- | meal, one cup of sifted flour, two eggs, one sete ad turned to leave births in the papers, and remembered t ol oe aboot it; it'll be done, sir, e'en aa sod backed up bin words by loftier deeds. | fricerator to eye and press until perfectly | and one- atl van of sweet milk, a ape of Page and follow my guide and the two | congratulate their fathers of the new-born ye ire. Iam sire that I can save this country, | .) When it will turn out in perfect | sugar, shortening the size of an eg wo | (ther visitors, when a most singular circum- | babes. He shook hands publically with a en Pow: med wlpiater, nearing Ge the round -- Be cohocy else can," said be => hape, an n t in slices and served | teaspoonfuls of baking powder and «teste wii te -- for which "4 of course, you) gocer's wife who had triplets, and one ar i of the Mail, rm w yn vonshire, upon resigning his office wit ave ee le whipped cream spread on | galt. wu have to oe my wore got out of his carriage to go and ad i whan pay ee ---- ag fs x , tle t i each ser r % pel To cleanse a bottle which has contained Rag " -- tee te he re ha by the | them when they were with their mothor and j nent @ ger, he t was a boast, but not an idle boast, anc ik ed { 24 PO somehow became aware thal waalthe servants in the street. If a newsbo tosed his beadle " ~ { Fe with history has justified at least the first part of Notes. "p on a dates ong, narrow alice, aad fon --- in a room although I knew per- | said '& smart thing to him he'd stop to valk Spe tac ly pea A ed an gi ie pik yc cr Se a cnc 8 L " ec a ittle sa. > ex pedi i pea ' be « >| wi a conductor of t street cars W + 'hier poe wa ag pereal that the whole of Canada & was surrendered | of eggs. shake re -_ iene t ape! a See eet ag (cate ran: bie s part of Ireland, and be bad bi bi ie master. | tc England, a) Arse was thereby driven a cure the toothache try a bit of soda in| Hot Warten Gixcenneeap.--One cup of | 7° More Fes indeed, 1 fairly looked back | always something bright and pleasant te G "Ob, os oe in tot = daylight ! out o North A ica. Rercas molasses, one teaspoon soda, oné tablespoon to see, and was not disappointed. There, y. ne " . e . riineninnesstigll ied. "John with rratag Soin evens ots | cinta of i 'oll on ie Do aot ine the wood-box to fill up with | ginger, one tablespoon butter melted, one- aed a She. Tenet ai roc I stood, was & LORS E'S STAN D-OFFISHN ESS ie-tha ¥0 oie Soevelliotn eden wa tune HERR ADS eet filth. - eee cue beding water, two cups flour. vanaf tabla. oneo which neat fe hands s crod. oo Dufferin's chaff and. a was : : . ; re led or at night' Svier and bie nolL Cialtakee tra . ike an icy blast in the month of May." e RY f ae bhiohe an bead. Chatheman teen ee af aay Sacains f ee Her ov io was Ba isn teouice tei thie ex rbtans ee ee ere 2 aero > "a Wolfa}' ier ann sates anheaennaes iatlieeey tie m6 pinaaio 8 repay 5 Be at be --_ Soe t iY pi : raflar haiing bo wordy: Yectured fo the command of the-expedition against | Posoned. eet 'PouK- Cre --Onre pi of molassen ome ti : form" "of st of petting awe "esa wae maid on his payin Sara ---- was ordered to} Canada. On the day simathg the depar-] Air, but don't sun, feathers, ticks and pil- | Cup sugar, pinch of salt, one cup af chopped | loveliness. . to-be to live en--artiats at the. citadel take the candles e kitchen, and hence-] ture of the expedition, Wolfe was invited to | lows; the sun draws the oil, making an un- perk, two cups of raisins « 'hopped fine, one} aon velvet, .while the upper part of her hers ld pl try i forth and at all times he was to be « v >; rye teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful of Quebsc--an old place t dated from the bie be deprived | dine with Pitt and his brother-in-law, Lord | pleasant smell. Ary pe f , I r dress, albeit of quaint cut and pattern, Was} Marquis de Montcalit. It became the of their hae nevtiy af Temple. Drain pipes, and all places that are sour so stiffen Will Leen ter Raabe ues: our} ablaze with jewels. It was the work of an] thing there to be artistic. Officers, the sona - night shortly after, a mesxage came! The topic of conversation was the von: | or impure, may be cleansed. with lime water en. p veka. instant for me to recall picturea I had seen |and daughters of judges and of miniaters _ to the minister that one of his parishioners, quest of Canada, and Wolfe, tired with his} or carbolic acid. Panrssiv Fritters. ---Boil six paranips and descriptions I had read, which, when (preachers), senosadar teal' people, and : Be iovatng Ogee intance,-was tu ---- to-be+ pow -theughte,-- oe fy into-astrain--of | Paper--will stick to walla that are washed | tender, then skin and mash them ; mix with taken toge on, brought the " onviction that | go on, went in for sketching, impressionism, sr Scentched ray weiitle the the jac a pon ane neni on a, aword, ie ped the lin a solution i one-fourth pound of glue to | them one or twoe eggs well beaten, and two area arr h alg gee - Bary, r reser] peck art-furnitere--and_art-unions,to be di . orse ; and | table with it, flourished it round the room, allon of w teaspoonfuls of wheat flour, Make them in 4 Sco%, or re er the air drawn semblance of | cour, The Princesa used to out on akas- his master act about equipping himself for} and talked of the mighty things he would Remore flower vot stains from window | small cakes ; fry them in a little lard, made that royal lady. I was not startled. Tol]jng expeditions in a boat. She had some th H i F bton rows je journey. e then atep across to | achieve, sills by rubbing with tine wood ashea and | boiling hot before the cakes are putin. Apme, at t the time, there did not seem to be} narrow escapes near rapids ; that howeve wad vei a = ~ paar ai and -- e were so amazed at this] rinse with clean water. little salt should 'ts added to thu lard, [py thing re e eae the matter. I sim-] was not at Quebec, but high up the river, 6 ne, aa abou moun h hy t a t ; when suddenly, weeing a Berd of horns on Titened i alena, Whee Wolfe det bon Itahould be known that "Rough on Rats" | Qilcloth may be 2 el in appearance oe ch ona v3 pd unld of her that she was th. st of his 1, he ahi . OW 8 : parted, Jig common arsenic, a Ao ag poison, not to |b rubbing it with a mixture of half ou INTO HER MAGNIFICENT EYES, radiance to the French-Ca © crest 0 atoer outed : hat } Pitt threw up his hands and raised his eyes & E t in all the earth ia thi = * | be kept or used carelessly lob bes swax in) i aauicertat "ot tu canton: ore French than: English books on her art! is you have done, John *" | j ex fd T Sqphi man ture of despair. which were modestly lifted to mine. In a] drawing room table. But Lady Sophia Mae The beadle, comically peering in: the " Postal carda slit taatiwiee with the scis- | Set eri in a warm place until they can be 8 y "op : y ood heavens?" he exclaimed, ' that I : few seconds my mind ran over all the trying] namara understood the " independent" darkness at the creature, exclaimed : 'I de- ; sors make good lighters. A single mara | thoroughly mixed. -Apply with a flannel Pe should have entrusted the fate of my coun- | " .jacenes of her life; indeed 1 seemed temper of the Anglo-Scotch Provinces, and ying sir, if 1 hav'na saddled the cos hoateed try tosuch hands ! ma) nies about two dozen lighters cloth, and then rub with adry flannel. taken out of myselt, and wefted away back | helped to make things smooth and want 0' can'le-lic Yet the young braggart made good his} -~ - - an - ---._.__-- Jinto the stirring times when the Lords of | ab! * in 'oldee times the nerviceable beadle was | words by taking Quebec. * te ----S= --"i=*~i'"'"' SS; ~~. 7 " . " bi youth raade the Covenant stood every man' with his a . armed with a Telotly nob" or mallet, | him vain, but ies brains secured for him a ' aword drawn, and the hapless Mary was the er with which of waa quietly renter os to | hero's place, sport of circumstances. 5 y and By I came His Opinions. H : top gently 'out trmly, the heads of care- . what had alwayu seemed to be] 'Oh, Mr. Wise,' she said, meeting hip reg sleepers sat = during the sermon. "°° A Valuable on curious of her history, her]in a bookstore, "Tm so glad to see you. n instance to hand is very amusing and is |**3 - ---------- escapade w Bothwell, and once again] Tm goin, purchase a set of books for my not = of ng probability. Horace Greely was famous for his wretch- I mentally gs Ser the question, Is it} hosban if ir birthday gift, and now you a the old town of yrmomimee which is | ed handwriting, and may have been the very possible that so much beauty could ever find | help me out in my. selection. Now dos't ont be Scottish poetry aa the birth. employer mentioned in this extract from am anything to love in that scapegrace lord? | you think he'd like Thackeray's complete place r He Siepeon the piper and veise- --_ ange I asked myself the question, but judge of | works? -- of ee ee me : ater' lived an h- A certain young man being ott of em- - amazement when the bgure answered it. " Why, Mra, Blank, I think--------" } @ reveren : bee whose pulpit minis- ploy inent requested of a former employer a The lipa moved : '* No," it-eaid, "he never} «+ Yea, I think so, too. We have several trations were of the old-fashioned, hodden- j letter of recommendation to aid him in se- owned my love; but, think, my subjects] of Thackeray's s already, however, He" 2 or ty Pe. being = umdrum, and innocent of | curing a situation. The letter was written were in open rebellion ; my husband and very fond of history, and I thought some pf api eg ee, be and force. Like! and handed to the applicant, who was ----: been a brute when he ought 'a pagirt bech ing Macauley's «his istory «3 many of his clerical brethren, he was greatly ly unable to read it, as was every other '4 my protector; I was a woman i we hink it's the best ?" 4 annoyed every Sunday at the sight of several n to wh h Af i his i: ee . peg '. shila ony ; ware inhi _. : Z ages om it was shown. tiend ac i> ' country "without a trusty frend in a " Well, really now, Mrs. Blank, if I wee bog vert sioners 8 Saahe on ay ales in ed | ama Q et dhedes rinting otlice, whera , whole wide world ; what could [ The} toc 'd----"" i w ohn. ! it would be deciphered, as compositors are ' infinite pathos with which she steel those " Would you, indeed? Well, of ay Plane the vilnge joiner, rah dropped | noted for being able to make out the very ' words brought a pang to my heart, and, I} gastes differ). I'm sure I don't know cote of to every Sunday afternoon simul: | worst specimens of chirography. It was t --_ confess, a tear to my eye. Involun- what to do about the history, Charles! ie ei with the formal delivery of the! given to the compositors in various printing ' rily I tonnes -d toward her, eager to ex- fond. of philosophy. Don't you think pe ohnny had been " touched" by the! establishments, and in turn given up without i] ee ppg wan _ 'ompathy which clings | erso phy ae . the = written in our afr peasy pasted cogent --- but ---- iphe a r '] around the hear! every Scotaman for one on les carly soy that 0 _ ve manner. as & forlorn hope, it was given to4 who may have rel mue _ bat whom the " Not Well, I've often - howe ht At last, one day the minister, provoked be- {a druggist who makes up a great many i world treated not well. M2 moved the] that Emerson te rare i vaatet. If pls analy uran at the sight of the joiner a as the reputation " figure vanished and I was aloo were going to buy the complete works ofiaa "-- aan ote ost his tem ing able to read ang thing." The m portunely, to save me tren making & Americsn poet, wouldn't you solect ' 3 = ge thie ae sage ig gev Sis -- pry azed at it long dnt fool of myself, my party returned on their | fellow K ' tse aD i " we eal a oon : i Ty ee rboeete t rd am er a ar a oe ' pra ~~ of wender- I am fond of Longfellow's works, bat alreddy, and me no half Bee i sett wean ' the first head . trom 5 ha ag evga Setpekinn toe SILENT AS TO MY ADVENTURE. . In a , I yr 7 be hitter's ay me joiner, easy man, was quite Peps algal ¥ compound vigorously ; 'then, handing it to In descending the stairway I was first, with ii 3 Se ; DB I ag to things mundane, and noticed not the @ enjoys essays very much, don't = ced no | the ess the -- of -- ae the janitor two steps behind. Yon will be suppose he' 'd ike Carlyle's? t much: astonish ke lieve I was surp-ised when that staid old 'Really, Mrs, Blank, I hardly kdow gentleman gave me a slap between the] what------" Jshouldera, hard enough to make my watch-| «* No, really? How people do differ. Ba chain rattle, and shoutec i: '* Hello, Sima ; I know a great many people who think j gone to aleep, eh?' My surprise was in-|as you do. I've a mind to get fiction, , rather than diminished, when I'| al!) Don' tyou think Dickens superior to any looked up and found it was ae old man | writer now living? at all, but my young law partaer, Russell, } + Well, you know, Mrs. Blank, that ite who had come to the city on the | same busi- writings of Dickens are-- ness as myself, and having been shown upto] 'That is true--so they. are; Chasles | my room, a me ** * doing "old Edinburgh might» not like them on that account. Have owell _ "Andra," resumed the minister, addres- ivi dual. sing the beadle, and relapsing into informal j " Fifty a, sen That's a very good Doric, '* gang round to the wast loft (west cough mix ery)and pot up Johnny aren Gie the rap.on. the heid--he de- Highland Procol . Foot 'i 1 h loft' --w nd and up to the " wast loft" the old. The followin, is a proclamation made at fashicned bead thandhe sesh and reaching the the Market C at ot Inv. verary in't last soaauolent.parishicner, he rather smartly | century: oY tS he hoy ! ite tither a hoy ! Ts id on. times tt! _- Whist!! , eee ee et ee ee ee there wis On tie part of Sétay a sudden - fi lof -- startup, and between him and tne. worth a tartans "s His Majeaty re it angio poody t ee 1 read nearly -- ph amr 2 reat baudyngot words is found deeded aboon the fac, of a but I-- 1, the reveren i s : uit Gls setnen ant Bye pet _ loch, afore te loch, - or pling in ed Strive for a Good Name. - "You don't fancy him particularly,' L. 7 had if loch, or on te lock, aroun' ig loch, or aboat . om he Well, neither do I. I find that we agree * 4 asual oocn! hte loch, she's to be. tit wi" three A GILDED YOUTH. Although riches, learning, and high posi- te, I ler if think pe pe gear --_ met mpage in--secution®: firat she's to-be barnt, syne edt 9 . . tion are within the reach only of a few, a te 'shou Bhakeapoare?" ---- a vestry, a ence made inquiry as t© {© be p pale an' then she's to be hangt---a -- It 18-4 o1LDAD-YorTH. good. character may be abtained by every MT hard know, Mra. Blank; I f : a t oy with Jonny in the if ever she come back she's to be eats Ts it not a pretty dear ? 'On, ves ! IT 15 AS URBTTY AS A LITTLE HED waco! .| person ; and » goo! name is better than all ¥. a, ° 2 qeliery. Bat the b gies netic t "i wi' a far waur death. God'save te King an' Who made it? It 1% SELF-MADE, RUT 'THE "PATTERS was IMPORTKRD, rp It is importan t to ever} individual. " aes so.am L..:Well, Mr, Wise, rp Be : not be 2 quentionel ea to ths vcspalen, the Her Grace te Duke.o' 0 _Argyt Waa it expensive to make Very Costiy. -- pa ecto Mary coaarageie = ction te to have had your opinions. They 'will es 8 ; ee ee . t 4 ee eOUrceE oO! © purest gra cations. : re "ach = bere tld the rover | High Tt dry-- --A pees. "hirety individual ta a rie A, axe BE is ry solid hongur. If we are with-| 4) bak 4 ae me greatly "al jon have «Gaal al choles. te : . tye . seventh oor apartment, . " Sots me Be tes . " out it, we no sincere respect ret eed Sl maeecre mete; ett wet| SBR Se Se | ge She ton lope ext 8 Sueiev de rt; i he oma KUMB Pre. s coptel ' Watgen axp Cus, ¥ '| be d toa person of destitate ter, I'm #0 glad to have met you just i Er rt bin cee crumbs, one-half cupfal one-half Pring fea , 7 it ik onlyon account of extrinsic circum. time. 'od-by."" y reason. cupful cold water. eee th the rae eae : venone iat compel ~ here to use} + Good-by," says Mr. Wise, in dumb © 3 ia x i a Water ' Ne cece seag RP RRLEMC : : lapgu. t the es the heart. con: | wilderment, . 3 - t a oi ert eae BeBe: ney ae ee ri da ; 2 i the Geadie's canny vane: i eae a piece of bats} © -8 ee Tee | Sateis esses eNO ROT Saas Ro) , tote tao ec sim Sa eee - aft - at: . é ~s Se enne ty eee 1 impor ta: A gC ce ee Ra eee ve 4 oe abort hive, secre, or a the aiga of » amall nutmeg, one-half cup-| Quite costly What dividend. sath inneatinend paying? een RUNNING EXPENORS' | of "ie ae and vi = ne ae Tifé Ment chiidver-would-be- io ae Se Al bie a hymn-" Bake wih two crusts, The aborn can Be j ae pian th a OBA. MORTRLY.. 48 ' sore 2: zpbe com: hareoioaaly he arpa -s rr booky, opt: 1 again to rap' made wi crackers instead of bread |" : defi On eras ed to the training and this and "| There ave persona then sake aloe ta wr 0 PERSTY 5" iim 2 ale beige eter cg we sink to the training exerciag © aehy him stween this Martinmas, If John. 'crumba." _, z vEKy Pnkastse Witt: ag wh phone einer 4 in public estimation, ------ hearing. = co ner a URE SS 2 ~ i eeneeeenaeta a OY Mn RRS DER | NERENENTT RE. ee Reena, spats =o ci co . : scape eae Bs siege fe He ae Meer moti sere ee y Eases oer ee epee ela Saas : EN : eee - S tive h . = ts eer '3 * av ss u > RK a ' * Te ¥