Stratford Times, 6 Apr 1887, p. 3

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ince epi arnaane meen t= sheetabwaie! Bote _. HEALTH. Diagnosis of Infantile Diseases, . Congestion of the checks in except in cases of cachexia and ch eanes, indicate an inflammation of a | conilition 2. on Congestion of the face, ears and f head, ef sbort duration, strabietias febrile reaction, ovctilation of the iris, ularity of the pdpil, with falling of th: lips, udigate a verebral atlection % A marked degree of emaciation whi progresses, gradually, indicatessomesul actt« or chronic ailection of a grave character, t on TALMAGE'S FIRST CIGAR The Federal Life | Assurance €o'y. |y, because no no the poor and 1 > rich who at a eh TL se, Maret: oth, 1587 this. practice Is marvelousty*, The Reverend Doctor Desrrifes a Sot ae Ther tof ; w Teper re } common Expericace, wi, Hamat . uf ot t eee = | | The time brsed + 2 ma, ' fy h ht t wre oot re sunshine, nel Ser ' 'ls " piaying games, ant . 4. Bulbar hypertrephy of the fiagee rsand much after the mange se eurri: aot the naila, are signa of cyanosie passengers There were ¥ | i) Ty pertroptiy cof the repraay portion at ansi pretty young girk. * | . ; the bones indicates rachiti suing er mgon for he bead . o € i sad 6° Fhe pre eeylide of pi enty of rem fo aan thick and purulent secretion from the Met oes aie eo paratively fun . bomian glands may indicate great prostt@ | olamers are those r tion oi the "an meral powers. bri inginy » crowds « aisrech 7 ae e congestion of the conjunctival *oald ett WHICH Gar Serer atust veaer) indicates app oaching ies sath. t beer paver, this orkid w fay i ¥ iw rey ery nie pre earns ne tne pee ab + Ang HHUHGaAT vidity as wel The stenrage pains, ai this dur had av "i iat idity vane ed by emotion and exsitement, « * d tebe fri i rry l cher Tite tr ee ae ae eta eee Wen hagsk HO? the respiration continuing normal, are it ve al mrad a sie) i. Se JE wy . i" , ia , dices ot a fault in the formation' of the bcurt ys, with the fn H pote pew a a te a ba, AGEN ia. Mf Rewos o or Uie great vesec ekn, old Weonist bo hl wire, boked id Oe . fata Yo Nwenes ; fi : _ 2 , 9 A temporary lividity indicate €X St a at ' : h tt - ------ laste istence of a yrave acute disease, espevtally 16 was al ager ' ' a: sf hae ' nd i ane * - Weart Ds is. of the respiratory organs. nd oe mi ie = wn h any si rv ie he ai , tptoms of whieh are ** faint 10, Tie absence of tears in children four = ae \, aking fort ies : a : iia. , 'ie ae : ' Lips, numb ss : montha oki or more mugagests.e form « fade acase tua ' i if you want to make Wel Hashes, ¢ which will usually be fata! i She luuks an teyeterious as the Sphinn rat actate hy for ft Pain io the heart am th Piercing and acute cries indivate a0 said a Boston yirl with the Boston girl's air With thene vd and ari A ad | severe cerebro spinal trouble, of be ny the iy vinx MH HEAL De ighbour i} Village ais Ee Z : aon . 2 'hom mar muscular movementa, | aw hat if we question ber' sage sted an} mee t ian." Sains d6e i tn sic | which are partly under the control of the other, "and tind out twas ass ae cote ty we ' bel band f full js articulars. A. ies w on, | will during the hours when one is afake off there where che's always locking side a itt ' " lis Wellington St it, Torunte: Cariads. ' indi ate the existe ace of chorea. And so they "questyones i her. W here was | mc 4 . ho side of the ae et a aareth i i 1 . . { she yoin She in she answer wacd over, but found myself on the sar eavontented mind a closet ts a palace. | 13 The can trac tion of the eyebrows, = cP te her own « aan ry adshe wanted side that [was eon b fore. I crossed over VOUNG MBN cudering te mm, the effects of eartr si ~ether with the turning of t the nwad and eyes ; - 4 lj imacimed that Iw a both aiden | td farita, the result of irnora toils. who find to avert the ii is « sign of cephalalyia. j tote he sight of it, shure, us soon as she j 9 on 2 ae: Aan Pe " heed ~ a i" tan Mo Mao oO ' "= Tanne ae e si af it 14. When the child holds his rp i That woald not be for some days yet, she t were dri ing betowe met another boy iy ed th his head, or strives to rest the head upon the yactold +: and a some one me if she did who asked me why a looked so pale, and] bosom of his mother. or nurse, he an be not. like Amecte told him that [didnot look pale, but that = suflering from ear dive Yh yes, she liked America well enough he was pale himweclf. After seme farther Ads "HON, 47 Welling 1b. When the finge rs are carried to the She had lived there thirty years. But home | w alking, Isat down under the bridge near }on st. East Teronto Ont eo tb. A8,y. 2, great i agitation, was home after all, cand she Was going to her | | my house and began to on fleet on the pros It is easier to burn men than to burn app raristite there is 'Probably some abnormal | © ad counth ofearty + ~and-on-the.ugcertain {their principle. . : 7 condition. of the la Ha ering then, relations in Irelan {ty of all earthly expec satious, 1 had deter jcatarrh, Catarrhal weafuess and 16. The act of ceasing or pf pinching | No, she did not think so. She had not coined tosmoke the cigar all up, and thus Way Fever. the nose in children indicates the presence of ; beard roan any of them for a long time, and | get the full worth of my meney, but was worms or some intestinal trouble. 17. When a child turns his head con! stantiy from one side to another, there is a suggestion of some obstruction in the larynx. 8. A hoarse and indistinct voice is sug- gestive of laryngitis 19. A feeble and plsiative voice indice ates wtrounte ia thirabdonrinat-o A slow and i pirat accompanied with sighs, suggests the pre sence of cerebral dise 21. If the respiration in intermittent but -- accelerated there is capillary bronchitis 22. If it is superticial 1 acceler ate there ix some inflammatory trouble of th laryox and trachea. 23, A strong and sonorous cough suggests Bpasmodic croup: 24. A hoarse and rough cough is an in- dication of true croup. 2, n the cough isclear and distinct, there is aeehltie, 26. en it is suppreased a painful, there is pneumonia and pleuris 27. Ifthe ae is a cates whooping co it indi 28.. Sometimes one sees a dry and pan _less cough in the course of typhoid or inter mittent fever, in the course Of "diffica dentition, or an ck of worms, under hese conditions the cough is often due only to a bronchitis, which has been caused by the original di Vegetable, Animal and Mixed Food. J. Hartman pornos his experience and impressions as lows : For 224 days he existed on vege Kabhe dict alone, then for two months on animal diet, y for. si months ona mixed diet. The results he gave in tables yrs by Prof. V alentine, fe lived for 14 days on oata, grits and bread alone, Pind on beans and ine ail, ete. The increase decrease in e food, drinking water, weight of the body, waste matte the influence of the one on the The results and rkedly, however, not ina re lar and promo manner, but by certain ere w Tease. ---- a me "The aoa of more complicated. decrease in the body weight. the mixed diet waa still m He drew interesting conc sane from the ; tea one diseaere Suferers are act generally aw dead $ ay vally ob Hliged ' she thought the y mustall be y now to throw three fourths of It 2. contagious, or that they i} se te the presence "Then what are you going there for?" one eke know, howeve here I living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose interested girl asked ; and the answer camo threw it, in case I sh juld feel better the -- east hian Sites Microscopic research howeve strangely solemn, borne on the June air; next day, ple wconerty hae be 08 ee deat tatart, | parm and golden with life and aaa Getting home, -- old people were fright- jer deatnem and hay fever are cared "To div ed, and demanded of me an explanation jone to three simple applicatione made home. A } Pp # The poor old thing looked up as ahe spoke, 'as ~~ my absence wed the rather whitish [pamphlet ph oirratn, ee a "-- yay 'tres seal nat a --e i. ash kins Hed. her hollow, ic color of iny comple xion. Not fecling that I erent Wars sei Canad xo! me } WAAL called tage inte particulars, and not. Prien lships which. are founded on .a-part~ "Yer, mavourne on, * Want to ) dic in the "wishing sto increase my parents, apprehension ners tip in doing wrong are never true. old vounthry. My man was buried there' chat [ was guing te turn out badly, 1 sum , bef ore I went to America, and my father and he case with the statement that SI nh or Howells ¢ or fer, causing Bitio crpoers Dyspepsia, or Tndligestion- \mother liein their yraves in County Cork, 'felt miserable at the pit of the stomach. and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr, and I cant die nisy in a counthry as they Mustard plasters were immediately admin rr pails ie bitters, Best family tuedicine. never knew. Some friends in the States got istered, anid 'T received carefal w atching fer | lain eae A. P. 326 i j the money theyither to bring me as Finally, | Quee naton. " But you've more en coin 2 and for: | gor my di than just that, surely wing ublige: Ito thruw aw My three fowetha D' nteresting 0-page book on Deaf pieigt in to take care of you when you of my cigar. free yr tenes Ne Num fs the Had botugal Serre York. there? TL ---- i i iio ee : "Sorry | a bit; beyont this," and she pulled | oe ALE. -SEVERAL FIR - CLA i : ; PROVED FARMS for sale } What a Woman Did. Esnex (ralle: «4 the rant n of Canad During the (rine aa War, it eeanires much payment. "C. G. KTEN, suffering to cenvinee conservative English) g10 rLrm Rusa fem College, Gue ) Men that the rentine way of doing cites ior aire States anc F out of her poc ket a shabby lire puree which hold an American quarter of a dollar, and an English sixpence. "Niver a bit: beyonce this; butthey won't «ce anould ecoman starve, as has come home to die. T'll not want for pt Count of oda): ; y terms of To thorough, pr prac. 'not always the best on the ¢ roll of this he ik ; 7 "aig " 44) fr jeal instruction, and the efficlency and success ite nor sup long,' she are a tecbly ; 'it's Stensner loaile 'af troops were sent from its grednat te wes its popularity Clr to die Pm going there e hearts of in England to Malta, the first rendezvous |culars, giving terms, etc. nailed free, passengers, sailing in the br June weather | Phe voyage was made in seven or eigh: M ORMICK Principal over the amiling sea, were touched with pity ; lays, yet each steamer carried an allowance: | KR ANTE: Re ARD- 'PACKETS By Mall - ~ BACK- and a purse was raised w hich woukd take her of ¢ sight weeks of hospital stores | ETS of one douon beautifully assorted Easter of 4 supply hirthday Cards, ie, We, 25 Thee rexplanatio nol ~-- = t --? ghtout the! paciot also wil fringed ~ * castiron routine of tit etays-- i" aad LR TB 1o_agcompany. * | dozen packets of a in nt. ol | of sailing vessels it took eer oa for 4} _ & Ca,, %i Yonge St., Toronte. ransport to sail from England to Malta, and? regares the old routing could not be departed from | | ONT BRAD THES cree ee ee ane only [comfortably to her destination in County | Cork, and provide for Tier for som @-time-tot come. She was touchingly grateful; but, even if no one had been moved to he elp her, ahe was going home, all the same, to her ta, Gina packet, at Sie, order. 2 per ~ "7 wh cc money, Tus Fission FKLY is the only e er a Some of theveneral otficershad been train : sory paper in Caneda, and contains the brightest , 8 ' 6 "0 ed for years in the martinet school of diserp : and best sto ef any paper pablished. P ith be bornof love for ahome on earth, why do We Jing Phe Crimean summer is intense ly ho; | steat mage premium #2 per year, Sec' agency hesitate to turn our feet, at whatever cost, | | for vour district. Agents Rear dealt with Seat i 1 that home etercad in the heat Land its winteris excessively cold, The army tree sample coy roos. Mention this pape which, if rs ' : "hall , te heavens, : revulations forced t_emen to wear the leath | Address, tile et eticestin, "WEEKLY, 20 and $3 Cal- o HE WE ROE, WO wes Tut. | cr Btox k, no matter how blazing the sun, ang | borne Stre Se | to shave even when the winter's wind was | GENTS W ANTED set dott oxy tor ** biving " : La Te) bi tter : erds," Sam P_ Jones took series Microscopic Possithlities. >i son | + watiecine bail 5 Biainfeas atfmona cétiected and edited under the until a year of su ros. had been er authors own supervision, : wed : Perhaps the most wonderful thing that m4 men alle been discovered of late is the new glass which >the terrible stocks, or to seek the protecti as just been made in Sweden, differing from of a full beard. ordinary glass in its extraordinary refrac power. Our common contains only six | dere d were the to leave { horiged ae mm ronue aut AM BRIGGS, Publisher, "Toronto, Ont, SAVER LINE OF STEAMSHEPS, " , | Ge poh he ow ae said one "there is dirt, and where there & yhere there is much hair,' eneral, substances, while this Swedish giase consiste * " dirt there w ill be disease, and he = i heen weekly 'between Montreal and Liverpool. of fourteen, the moat important elements be- | pis men to when the freezing. te Tes OPP As Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, ing Phosphorus and Nason, which are not | In the midst of the terrible sufferings gu, wa: "Return icketa, $90, 800, arc 8100 found in' any other e revolution | when the men were avin from cholera S| eccording, a Renee "a i te Peres i e! mediate and Stee: at lowest rates. For fu r which this new refractor is destined to oflife, a general issu at ly to results as to the changes from the effects a diet. Of most, interest was his conclusion, viz: that a, mixed diet is the most natural and reason- | able food for man. Curative Power of Water. There is no remedy of such general appli cation and none so easily obtainable water, and yet nine ica in ten will it by in an emergency, There are wo but few cases o! ane. the highest place as a remedial agen A strip of flannel or napkin it folded length- wise wrung out of hot water and ap plied around the neck of a child that has bring relief in ten ed several times and. t a, will generally afford arhe| "relief, his treatment in colic -- ike We have known cases treatment for hours tes ere e magic. hat have resisted eld to thin i in ten min- twill so prom ly cut short a prsies of the lungs, 7" reat or rheumatiam, as hot water when plied promptly and --_ hly. Pieces cotton betting on dipped in % aie | is the | treatment now adopted | hospitals. Tea and Coffee t to Children. . . Against the practice of riving tea an rn séffee os child ra we cann b= strongly Childhood is the packed Lani the nervous activity is The at its , Breatest. brain is ever gy in receiving new impres- jons. action, co-ordination o muscles, 9 the special senses are all under n hot water and --etrta, brainer-- ali inconceivable, is | ti ae lars and -- rth : - gE. : an order direct vi ra to lay io BRAY, General Manager, astom House positively alleged, that, while the highest | i atch oy resting ca and pipe clay for be saat Pe cis oF to the Lotal sal 'sgents in the dit: ' power of an old-fashion pic ' owns afd CIE | leveaia only the one four Bic sa ed th dth | -- poe vonns igual iit ACKES nis aie F LAND FORSALE. it AM Con eGillivray t of an inch, rlspag cnt = i =e . When Florence Nightingale began we BD loam ; frame buildings; _ adred and four hospital work she was asked to walk in the creek; gravel road 3} miles to Park- io gd reven hundred thousandth partof an poutine paths. At the first step she took | hin hill ren re, 5.4 a. $1,000 down, balance 6 per makes one's hand ache to Write outside, she waa stopped by a network «| eo I paren ; Con 4. South radaciae se figures ; and who can tell what worlds) «red tape." She cut the aul at once and | Road, Artemesia, Grey Counts ; 20 acres clear; | within worlds may not be discovered wit me {such an instrument as this? Ma, this fashion, the smallest animaicu ati bie into balance 6 pe DR. MCTAGGART, Lanion, Ont. ified afte: oF cule will be of a transport ship had asked for 'the | : : ca =i" @eoD LIV B AGENTS w aga IN EVERY Aa itr rade cemein C ae in agree 18 4 €O., 7 Church St., Terente. ent. the SOFZOON BAW on ohased.. saw that scores of men were doomed. r PER b ENT, = eon YEARLY The second day after Miss Nightingale' alee an on Mor arrival, six ee wound ere brought ------ | from new quarters. ere the Difficulty Lay. | A farmer, hearing that money was cheap in the city, came to see about it. He enter- ae funds. For parcours apply to Buarry, Cuap- . Bracnetoce & Garr, Toronto. MONEY =e ed a bank, called for the cashier and said: to the Sentari hospital. On the bys day - "Mr, Cashier, is it true that money is abun- a been dela wry "abi "ved tape." Taking e GEIrrs « xDCaxvasanns wanted, Mal dant and cheap?" The cashier answered in few Tarka with her, she went to astore- home or Fernale, moe ded a ar Aare 6 eT ee To roi the mative, '*Can I get pein queried The guardian would not unlock it. 2] Se . e: sores the. try '* Certainly," replied the! "Break door," _ the aonte oF Mlustrated Circulars Free, 62 moneyed man, ic Wall just cod mea hun. woman to ee ES rack We ey Ob: ot Ce BUSINESS UNIVERSITY and Shox | dred dollars for six months." cashier she selected the paler iy she healed and or ronto. ha actalts wigs; -- ee pe "You can have the money, we have dered the Turks to carry them to the hos shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Wie for particulars." para it, but it is necessary for us Aa ital, A washing oe returned th> Toomas Exseoven, ve collateral." The farmer win ital linen in such afoul state thet it snag genial sory a eee Fresdect. nded: ' <Oallatera ' What's that" could-not be used. Miss Nightingaleannul': | Cuan ---- " veablcns MEAT CHOPPERS. * 1s t ieee @as Ful . en *y and & ta dc H erect! . she 1 ee al in - bef " - joy sai, ated att. ' 'tak f ths ri z ed . 4 thee th oa cht itles MR 7 flugineer,t PR, all Feaper MANUFACTURERS. STAUNTON & cc., TORONTO, ONT. WW 2 32413 KR 2rO70 ae') -- SEE trade fo gts ops Kee thing a Sper is tt. | be] Tprwe Het acd & iS | om | HAMILTON, ONTARIO. | 1% 4 © Pitre Remedy. of "rerey ovat ip 1 MiELER & St buat, T tae 6. hing arnnto | BRBAUSACE QCUBASINCS Y NEW SHIPMEN T from ENGLAND teaiuehipy * Norwexian Lowest Paces sow. e ary sole agents naa Ns Haass Ci au Sumer ( aston JAMES PAR « & SON Toronto, LGURE FITS! bra te, 31 Yogt St, | forante, Bicycles !\" id AT ONCE FOR LIST of nd-Hand Machines, sae Rin UPWARDS @ Ready Ist April h T "LANE MONTREAL rE ronhomwro | Suver Pratre Co.,|: Manufacturers of the highest grades of Steel Knives, Spoons, Forks, Etc., ALL COODS CUARANTEED. TORONTO, CANADA. BaBY's S raban. A Besntiful Imported Bi Birthday Card sent hose mo will send na the ! Also Ke Sample os to the mother and much valuable in: 5 Hamilton Stale Go Co, STANDARD SCALES. We make a Specialty of Hay, maak, ny i Plat. BEST in THE MARKET. Every one Guaranteed. All Styles of Trucks. Send for Miustrated rice List. Pi OSBORNE & CO, HAMILTON, ONT. ers will ford it te thelr xd oni 2. hee "an, | SILVER PLATED WARES./| oan Ont Posies + @ berate ey " MER'TEH BRITTANNIA CO. = oe SILVE™-PLATED WARE. Artistic Destges, combined witR Trequalicd Purabitity and Finish, OrraRio SHARP BALSAM @eedP_ on hO% ough 'COUGHS EXGOLDS | SUL oN ALC EE ow tY'TetoR, ' SWALL & CO., ' areet t, Mar atreal HAMITTONM, yerenrep evens aI , lees at. J ate Metal Furnuure. Alla Line Royal Mail Steamshipa, Sailing Carin, winter trom slp pomee Severy heed and a, every ovmeg rulay mer from Queber every Saturday cS verpeal, calling » weekly, fortnigh £ For treight presage, or Other gear ee Ld] A. Be ' Itimore ; gourd hay Halifax , Shes & Co., St Joust, Ned 'o., 8 3.B.; i oe ; i "Donati, ont Wm. Brookts, Co, Alians, Rise y & SHA Allen Rortiaad 'CONSUMPTION, positive remedy fot th: above dt teens ere of the wort! sind pra ee go ve been cared Indeed, @ strong ia my ey yy he caxecy, that Liwit eo THO aide od Parr, oo with «a Lf mace pce oil ery Sieger this diseases to waflerer. ©. edtresa, F LOCUM, Branch Office, S 3t Yonge St., Toroato CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS CO'Y. INCORPORATED, A. D. 1868. Dacribed Capital - + . 83,560,908 Pald-ap Capital - - - - 2,380,688 : - - 1,190,060 Total "hasela - - - - . 9,301,615 --OF FICE :--- COMPANY'S BUILDINGS, TORONTO-ST., TORONTO. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of $4 and upwards received at carrent rates ol interest, paid or semen' half- yearly. ey received on deposit for a fixed term of years, tures are insued, with ee -yearty 'Trustees 7 this Compan pany being Plokeed:t conditions as to gages ae Monieipal Debentures pu J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. "THERE IS 'NI. LIKE IT: GLYCERINE AND OIL een, A BEAUTIFUL WATERPROOF. A PATENT LEATHER POLISH FOR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS - SOLD EVERYWHERE- (BRICK MA SPRING PRESS BOX w.ATEST imPRoveMmnwrs. AND IRON E BRACES. ACHINES. to sult buy Send for ctrouiag Over 560 of our machines THE E &O. CUR matter w en the plant-- ed the contract by esta a washing er of the soil, siieininated on = subject of house, nodrefasing to send one article tothe rejoin. contrac The moti) authorities turned a cold ahou'- this der upon the gentlewoman, "-- = couldnt 1 Wee fa..all_ the wick me ow, PATENT SOLICITORS. s nena SNAPECTION and Insurance «* mada, ULTING ge ge be beard cs » Re om "Chiet Engi ney is fe and not high, but it is coliateral.that ia scarce emt hard to THAT fyields' : = ter-in the hospt tha Iter 100 Of Home Development. | by hundreds. But we could ites her shedaw Towne free. = P y ttl alogn ""Whep you have a cold spell," said a wa it on-our pillows." ner JAS. BOED, Cedar Grove. Ont, Manitoba man to a Torontonian, with a ene oe hospital, Me IER'S C COPPERINE ARE EAMES' *flabbite--Non- fone Mabe of re men yo in set and efter that it was as vauiet aa a church SPOONE tal for } aera plc ---- Ciaranterd copper ee .-- Eee regu Ask your hantware dealer for it, "ALON DW: si OONE Rk, ------n and Manufacturer, Port Hope. LAM sak, LADI E beabes who tel Nerve and Ex los Liber Equalit ty, Patel. washer-woman who has brought "How can you be so impertinest ry Ok no," responded the Toreatenian! Act her bill : * our fine weat of a purely local . as to d 'kin way? itig Strength. who are pale, delic: conan in "i a ori 4 din me in is we nee. suffering from th many ry aint * Re ell a ie net age Ve Rasherromen,, imperttest tint Geta crea, cones Se conn weeem , " F iS a yor he al stig by tha NES ot vickinns thay tells Safe, Sure, and Painless voce $ a ress to pay estrone fe a, Malet weed and near eefration on recep itu over-stimulation. In'these little people What a world of meaning this statement sticker, you- ace te. rN on the os me tera en 'nat. . hothing bur harm van cote from the tse of "embodies. Just what you are looking for, stage for my amuserhent !" ou i such. cerebral al stimulants ag tea or coffee, ix it. not? Putnam's Painless Corn. Rxtrac ; ins ie a} i th ae ee at seh inv ité probibition. eos this way. 7 It" aoe. ne alee eguna 1 atest semen "not be satisfied Be eto no, when pee acts ae seni ay with sen 3 tare and oy generations of arti. ze to its use, but tet ua ncale the fi inflamin, nin, Propis who are mbjert to had breath, "ter at Royse =Aes With hows ee rnd ctu Bnet tty apa by tts ee A are aa ER ep susti sco euch practice. fe evil. I pack Ohep tica!- psa on substitutes Sey berg' Ba BE na itz nd Sidtiech Pitter, TEN ~ Naar .Now put on Free of cost, HOPPER. | | STANDARD CHOPPING | MILLS | -(Sizes--12 inch, 20 inch, 30 inch, NEY 60, TORONTO. pion Best French Burr Stones, =, Without Elevator At ent, as Shown in €ut. -- With Miesabt aia ca aba oa grind 10 to 35 bushels per hour, depending on powet, degree of fineness meal is ground. :, FRENCH BURR -STONES, Coed im thee mile, are acaneecige by all the bee - 'The Mille are exceedingly siuple; any one with Send in orders early, a oe xapidly going. Cao iseenrecl WATEROUS. ENGINE. WORKS CO, Brantford. tord, Camedia, at = annune en eiemnan SA.

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