Font aad Fistrict Wews. MORNTNEI psn 'A a om. third cis . Sars Rass; 2, Wm. © a: 3, Mau . fin. third class ft. Annie 72. Wan € 2 Thos, he yecond clas 1, Thos, Carson: 2. 4: MeKee ; 3, Warren Brownlee. ; KINKOKA. The following are the _hames ul ord Agsie Hise z "Hs ,000 Yards Printed | , Nelli rs : ' hes ' oe . : 2 trd--1, M Seeahe | | DD ry A 1 = Lynch : ' 'ellie art ae Ker Dress ( J b Y ry. of . Robert Mc t 1s 2, Lawrence Crowley : 3) Mi MUSLIN ! . [ - MORNINGTON. . soi = . { Spring. mre nih a ee J ist Colors, at 34% cents. . oe e "The seed iv fatty" * Whoa; haw taped," be the sone on -- a yard, farm. 1 i | ieee " j some with the late rain roat, 7 6 o. # . apie ' . reheat foc the| 1.300 Yards Matin Striped Canvas Cloth, all colors, 14 firantford bind need 5 mowers, ' i Si eee on in| White Dress Lawn, will be tear. car | Lovely Goods, at 7 cts. a vd. yards for a dollar ! All-wool Sanglier Dress Goods, at 12} cents | $12, te 'ood i binding 00 Yards H = one car- a ra twine, og onto waggons and headed 1,8 Y Heavy Print, Bey : a yard! +ry-a press baad, will peovead to Millbank. . . - . . : ay 5 ; where Mr. Armstrong will set up ao free Large R &* of Patterns. ------ B shet Che k M ie Cl h those who have bought at 5 cents a yard, . " om Mommie Oe implements from him this season. Farmers lovely shades, 12 1-2 cts who intend purchasing inj iements this . og Mira should pass their orders in at once to 7000 Yards Lovely yard Armatrong, and thereby be in 4 vi. > een, val of ane '| Dress a Print ; I rench Drap ID Ete. beautiful piements on + i i , Mle rl ' 5 cents a ye to this part of Ontario. Light and Dark Colors. naterial, at 15 cents a yard, NORTH KASTHOPE. : ; . _ ixasant Party. -This township 7 at ro vents -t yard, Cable Cod Sicilian makes a been noted for the vigerous spici . od a te ett mance 'the 7,300 Yarde-Linen Roller Tow-|_ . , very pretty dress, 18 and on Friray evening Inst a social gether elling, at 5 cents a yard. ey cents. a yard, _-- pd took "_ at the residence of Mr. A. ; he N.G, road, whieh yoes te show that fw ne. pepelarity. ae a th irection ia «d. vont Dor a _ ; ; ae rene compeining the youth and be " ty J able I inen "os wide, 2 5 cents a yard. af the East! Ellice and Stra ' . worl. 40-cent. were preset: "on this oecasiow, cu wich | at 23 cents a vard ' Le tire many attiactions of the evening, . ° ' ' 'Tdmeing to Match Ever who did not enjoy themselves must hans -- ys zt ivery very fastidinus tastes in regard te pleasnre. s I OW BD I Ss ; Dancing was the principal feativee ot "the we a . Shade. event, while various gales and pastimes Xt to. 15, 270. 25, and 30 . were also indulgel in, Exevtiont music . . ' ; se was furnishe:l ly ** Scotties | Ae @ par, " lo enumerate more Bargains soo ¥ wrils, Els atv Black Cashmere. 440 inches Pe. 7 Red and White waste money and waste time. all of wiich are valuable, if we fice it to sav, we've got an fe. ° : ttrac Ta. A few divertive individuals deserve espevial i A B | ] G advertise what we haven't got. f . ' ov if we try to deceive you in Immense Stock of praise for the mervissent they p: roduced, ; f After heartily thanking their hospitable iy way But that is not our ob catertainers, the large gatheri at 25 cents a vard, t. We want to make Printers' [nk * Auld Lang Syne," i National , f eee shied only ay we can do it, i- } Anthem on hand, dispersed well pleased, STRIPE TICKING o advertiso what we really have . : f imme th overl ha vatrhe 3 4 and weve got tn 7 we. sbont the time the proverbial bird catches that you want, amt that you cannot gees i At 12143. 15, 18 and 20 in for les somes ansarhe Lace . ; : 1H#K MARKETS. { cents a yard. A if von' see the tioota we tell you STRATFORD White Fall Wheat per oh. a it _ about now, you ll find it w i oS Es's| COTTONADE! | re et = crt Silks, -: Laces, ; 4 tasted unless we A, ; | . . , iatuee you at least To Look ' ; at 15. 6S, 20, 23, ama 34 as 5 } - ee BEADED TRIMMINGS! in "ee eo yor don. 10 cents a yard. "ee he * b ' bee, ° Ducks per_pait. 49 w Now, in the first place ° Rides per cwt. < 00 7-00: 4 x the finest Stock of A a ho ° got each, 80 to 1.00, Hay per tn, pig "he Wood _ : dork rg lichacar ae ' Ee en om > rk ¥ a + yo ever ed through, em- ar : . ~ AND cing some of the best and most reliable takes to be found, We can renal labors w wer allow O} iy} en - ; F 7 a rate fatery a nape tenes would only weary you. Suf- Tr Bs, owt. O0t «@ OO #7. MARYS Fall Whest oer han, 39 we 90 at 1o and 12'% cents a ? Ay at ¥. Peas, a suit you in Material ' . . ' z _ : ae vo wt ae Sa per bag, yard, Great Value. es in Shade' We tan pl ge na on toil ' aw am "Whol ; ~~ -. ra "w ur give you Fashionable b. 0o 00, Has per ton, 9.40 wt 10.0n RIB B ON a cvials to ~-- LISTOWEL Fall Wheat, Red, weer F oe Bt ts, 3 ou Waris 'w oh Qur lovely All Wool Dress Goods Mlour per cwt., wt 2%, Batter per ' at (9 A c ; 29 cents a yard, with mch Trim- Ottom: ; - - mings te match, is 1 ttoman Ribbon, 3, 8 & 124 inno aga te nrg our | a them, says. Why! ther ene which we want you to see. y , just lor cents a yard. All colors. Satin Ribbon, 5, 8, 124 cents Ww Wheat, --- , 2.00 « 22. "Onts, "bs a oo eS . eve got new and very fashion- Meet ase iS | tanh Alors oi ea tua Don't taste the fn§. a ™ be wt TG, bs a] ° . . s Vt be scores, (daz), 6 oer ev 4°% 1 Sash Ribbon, 10 inches wide. , ---- ee _ ms : : OS Arr re im. €s A a We've sold Dresses to hundre i 20 cents a yd. All colors. this season who never bonght » ri ge er in ae, - er amHth ull, the wife quill tT. iter. 4). a von. mescin wor is Logan, node oe i: the wife of Mr ¥ m. Bett, a eon. q We are doubli business. . woarrpouEn' In Atwoud, om the Srf inst.. the r we're doin : ". Guaaen Share lean wite r. Joseph Montgomery, # #on. merit in our Goods and BB omic in 53 Colored Skirts, at 6a wearin sterwharn cents each. Cheap F ign nace Sot Sonn, in our '] ; \ Don't é at 75 cents. : let 4 ] * <a ing cep 126 Colored Skirts, at reakiag throw ovr Bock rd 75 cts. each ; . cheap Pgs fair tous! He fair to yourself! at $1. -00. ils lenin We com Sare Tow Monay' Colored W Washing Ton Mowe BUTTONS! rer omens | DPT WASTE FOE INK | [stRatrorn. | re any a Next to Walsh Bros, 7 cents a dozen. onv Prices, not woh a wi SPORTING GOODS. eS meee | WALL - PAPER een © a Bet <a eh --AND-- Ms RERZIE. 1» Mopetton = hat JI keep the "Laxgeat 'Stook of of Baseball Supplies i in the Cit TRAW ee AS ---- »| staan aap Fer ate CORA IO Balis an! Bate. Spalding's 'Catchers' Masks, best quality, at i A First-Class Mask for $2.50, art eee =-- and Hasemen'e Gloves, all Prices. Boys' Capa,- Belts and en a aon | pAswaoampensenace | =. NEW STYLES, -- Large Stock of Hammocks, very cheap. - ; 15, 7, 8, % 10, antes 18, Rout 40, 45, 5 and! i i ' STE aa ores ee pon IN GROQURT. We have « Firet-olae Line, dare oiling it Lame then it was ever 00 ares emrenemireerssecsivmpirmencanie RITA "ct