ae pe ei readily. _ this afternoon sad penctrated th = Inte the Jaws of Death. A2CTHEM VINIT TO THE ILL- FATED NANAIWO MINE --HEROIC WORK OF THE BESCTING YARTIEG----SCENES NEVER TO 8H FOR GCTIEN Navaimo, B ¢., May 7. Through the kindness of = "ohins, Superintendent of the mine: Dr Walkem, of East Willenton mine ; J. M. 'o Hirien, representative of the "Vietoria Colonist ; Wm Christie, telegraph operator at Victoria, and Lidby SteGregn. manager of the minc, "Went down the shaft far as the aic shaft where the fire ix. (Ine of the party tells the follow g tury gst. we encaved curselves in til coats so boots, coming to the hip, aad then procur ed safety Jamps. these were very carefal- ty trimmed ard regaiated by different mies, Kvery miner we passed on our way to pit see to be very anxious that che 'amps bein propershape. Arriving at the | cage shaft, we entered the cage, it must be confessed with some timidity, The bel gave the usual signal and-we started down | Pteet---weit-it- may -be--termed-inte tue jaws of death. At first the sensation was rather apps aliing, hatag we gradvally drew ear the sensation tw tern we idditererss of danger, Arriving: at the bottom I threw the din: lighiof o eafety lamp to the right of the shaft and aw.ahani.tire engine being steadily work- not too strony as the men are VERITABLE HEROES, the engine having been constantly pane: ing water on the fire since early on morning after the hel Aggy of the sth inst. ~--The- is. difficult to describe. 1 felt that I was far = a feeling of almost abso- lute indifference came over ine. The level at this point is a probably fourteen feet high, We proceeded aivng this slope and could * | tion. The smell was rs P laughing gas or ether, and te sleepy for a few moments, icGregor said it was very lignt. He said a man falls into a enna sleep vides ithout-| of foul gas. could see nothing but ot kecntoon amoke and steam rolling up 700 te This is the fire which the men are steadily net ng Beyoed th is er Sage black damp or aferdamp, The ith - dl w pt ah jamp, end éf it should leak us on the fire ppb before would occur. aa ene this shaft for a few moments thinking 'silently how insigni trying to + etc, wed, 6 ine as | ; biting bi eo line kee THs LATEST. additional , baer ei up: fieurge Bat len, Geor, | Simmons, John Stevens, William Gilbert, -- Ellis, John Maleolm, John Me- acai uffic, Wm. Paplewell, Robert Batlington pee . and ten Chinese, making a five | ¥O' sstiies white and ten Chinese recovered, jay ro bye age some Chinese writing has been Mecoverst ight, 203 7 ena , door, but no Chinamen could be got | sy and translate it, The bodies of = uty-five men are now lying tm the sc a fReuse, berg washe:l and Latogriak "4 for burial. It is a scene mver te be for oa rtten. All have « pe aceful fac i their features, aa if ibey a retly fell asleep. q Views c the Inet time by sorrowing fe.stives and s fast x they can ies taken to the cemeter) Goderich, May 12. 12.---By. laws to grant 965,000 tw 'establish Water-works for do- ; meatic -- manufacturing purposes -) ght acd ageicultaral park iw titiny-enPtarried by the fellow. Ww ater- works, 283; electric 28. W ith these im- this town will now be one of the most im- portant on th of view, as Well ao a sutamer resort Marrying with a a Peck of Meal In the sear Isis two persona left Dut 1 id, neat Lgtie go othe tmatiied & is. -eegee _ { Reading the Finger Nails. 4 whe white apota on bis nails is | apr pole iety alee lies, but is tickle { seve: ull death sid them part. ° After in his attachments, He who keeps them | -wenring te this effect on a Bible they both well rounded at the tips Ts a" proud ian 7 Tow et deetn them en j He whose naila are detached from the | wife. Phey after sard returned to Palketh yipwer at the further extremities, eud-when | where they "resided at man anc i wilo, the a targer propurtivn of the jit urriage being considered sicily y legal ic a ba- in between thean that tarals fuli of menlin the basuy aud | shed it] rtupen that they "would me ------ ene married, as it would be = wonde The "Moune Excaped. were maater of his own noure, for short | fait betoken patienc ence, good nature, and above all resignation under severe trials. Nails which remain long after being cut level with the finger end are « sige o generosity. Trans ot naila with light = mark: a_cheerful, gentle and amighle ition transparent usually carry pal -- to the of H Near Whitehead. Indian Territory, on a ranch, a man named Foster eaw x mouse | come up through a hole in the floor of his house. Securing a pistol he fired several timea at the mouse. One shot struck a can of powder, which expladed, instantly ! killin his two-year-old son, mortally wounding a 10-year old girl, seriouely in- | COMC..ACTOSS- Bf Heine Mtr. amt Mrs: -Forter, and-wrecking man with long ond bee nails you MAY | the Louse. take it that he 4s either a player of the' _ guitar, a tailor, or an attorney. He who keeps hia nails somewhat long, round, and tipped with black, ids # remantic poet. The owner of very round and amooth nails is of a ---- and conciliatory disposi- o has the nail of his right Paiva pated 1s a regular glut himeclf, as, when Lf nai 2 +Ore -- West's Pain King shoull be kept in every house tor sudden attacks of cramps, colic, painthr's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery, Only 2ic. All druggists. he ogre stig -even 'nibhting at i nothing + A Good What everyone ears m be true, or have some foundation at oak: and every one who has tested it, says that Hagyard's 'ect Pest. the variou and Tong Soenenth suicide or roe married. prevalent at this season of the yea 2am Cleaning or' = Beating - Carpets. The story that the B game Britiah vessels seized apenas 'te as they were Ca eaning, as ordinarily riormed, . y is is itera carpet-beating and Eee tauch poenasy > Washington Goverament ---- destrogane ee carpet The proper way, ifone is ia eoquntry, is to a EF: of a tee or a young ahs ENJOY | LIFE. we live in! purpose. every twig, knot or ag aap rales which could ca the threads Soar the carpet: Groves, the karen aie per , when th part is the better, as more of the is feeling, 'as very to we coe can cai -- : proof, that ns Atwguat Flower will ees them free from disease, as when born. sia and liver com laint are the causes a seventy-five Roatie cent. of -- malad Headache, Costiveness, N ee -tion, Dizzinesa of the H Pal tation ef the Heart, and other = La Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonder effect. Sample bottles, 10.. cente. Try it. a if tg pees blow. A cloud of dust will fi whole space struck, gull = s degge will not appear to make kee © deere, quick obvaine like that of a riding whip. shite eae man ane elasticity, jent ¢ the labor will be small, reg heh gary Br ., He ve dirt remo catrealt large In thi Lotus o' bi de ean 'really cleaned, 80 that lo ----oer 'ou seen ¢t the Nile >" aa is Pectin ao Carried at Goderich. provements colt t! w advent of the CPLR. | Lakes, in a business point | "se CLASSIC CNT MLS Po Bran, Shorts, ats, Oaf. weal, Cornmeal, sam isa hare ol bre reliable y | cure 4a troubles caused by cold, sehich are always "4 -- eS Ee eb ae were ogee ha rr -- | Court of Revision. | | pagel tledh E is hereby given, titst the Fires Aitting | } Court of Revision, for the Monicipality 7 DUWNILE Will be held in the TOWNstH! | MONDAY, the 20th HALL, May, 1887," a hy | i ~at the bour of ten ooh Dated ind May, 887 i'. SMITH, wh at Clerk and after March 23 | 1887, Deliver to all parte City Will, on of the | Aud all other Products of Mill fat following Wholesale Prices: | ascrom, First too relter, f Cut Cuetcase™, cowl Carsity Mone family Plour, per {| QaTwamas, stapdard, | Comsuear, pure gold. Bras, percwt Suonta, ** Oats, per bus Chor Oats, pers wt Cuor Pe Chor isp " seunee: nan, HODD & CULLEN. FURNITURE AND SAL ALXDS OF --~ | INTERIOR Wood WORK MADE TO ORDER! In Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Ash, and Other Woods. Porteous & McLagan Wholesale Furniture Manufacturers. Strasierd, apetl va 1908. bet-ly GIGANTIC C AUCTION SALE pret UNDERSIGNED p purpose hebiing a joint Stock, Inpisments, Foritare, Ete. On the Farm of Mr. JOSEPH SHAR- MAN, west end of City, On Saturday, May 28th, 148T, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. The above Stock, Sense Furniture, &., will be sold without rescrvc, as Mr. Sharman has taken up his abode in Manitoba. goods of any kind to consult apo feta tad find ed te mpage acnak gh ee ethe same placed "vy. AX, \ ae HePHERSON, j Auctioneers. Stratford, April 27, 1%s7, 590-td INEW SEASON 'S TEAS ! My Direct Importatiéns of NEW SEASON'S TEAS 'Has all come to Hand, and is fully 20 per cent better _value than last Season's Teas. Get Samples and Compare | the Teus, I sell at 25 Cents per lb.,what the Pedlers sell at 50 Cents. am selling a PURE JAPAN TEA, at 10 Cents. per (lb., or 1f Pounds for ONE DOLLAR. JAMES CORCORAN. Stratford, Oct. 28th, 1885. "THERE IS NO FUN IN CHEAP SIMON He Means Business All the Time. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS 1S HIS MOTTO. ---- Best Quality of Goods, at Lowest Prinses, As Everybody Knows. Come and see the Big Bargains i in Men's Suits, at $5.50 up. Boys' suits from $1.50 up. IN BOOTS AND SHOES Best Qnalty Lowest Prices i Tow. BARGAINS IN HATS that will astonish everyone. Price all over town, then come and see Chesp Simon. H. SIMON, Ontario-St., ele Avon Hotel, Stratford. The arred 3a5-ly ed H2 wants to Steal my Shoes because I got them at T.C. STILL TO THE FRONT. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. All Gaods we Advertise and Sell are Solid Leather & Value | xamining them P the ra light of the safety gee See we picked our way over THE nine OF THE SHAFT. Here could be seen men still patiently Stayt slope wieot, and an instant af n "be too strong the conduct of these rough, 0 We the cage again, ond in a low seenie'e ere above ground, The day was dark, gloomy and rainy, bat seemed to be v om pared with the terrible blackness and deathly gloom _o Aecribie. a0 funerals took Kdward Wilkins, William Bane, J Bane, James Watoon, James Milton, Ed- ward. Jobn, John J. Smith, Edward M ey campbell. ~ Mo dsodies ming up and all of the balance af the thirty. five discovered. this ¢ : - : "Thirteen now dying in misery. " (Si; ) «John cone. " This was a young ellow men splesion. and may-have surviyed that ve o¢ fx hours. They were all found in <emeor ma They come ss far an the orning sore, o it vil i look lore! ly. dusk will te end. Ste fovea of ea taees | is spread out over a large space and the texture of the carpet is not harmed. To perform the same work with a light cane or switch would take hou ex- -- while the would be loosened, 'The Need ussian Government will abate none of ita claims in connection with the Afghan boundary. x Ajlen's Lung E Balsam is warranted fabric to cure the most distressing Cough. 7+ere How te Paper a Room. If you have decided to paper your rooms anew, first a te le is to remove the old oat as sveveral gl ef wall paper will be damp de ts accruing from "letcetive ventila- tion and will become a source of disease. The old pa paper can be easily removed by cemmon whitewash brash and a bucket 'of water. Over 50,000 men are expected to be out of work to-day in Chicago. Trouble with ope Anarchista is feared before the strike ov Liable to 'Happen. Sudden attacks of colds, sore an aren era oe haying peu- out it," says Mr. jeer Dobbs, of Berri. if this is not! dale, Ont. : whateene" the paper is left on, that will show badly with ee se Peper, especially if itis a light w Care and ~--_ should be taken vin selecting r tended to ye white It is stated that D Dr. ! McGlynn must ap pear before the core within 40 days cr be | excommunicated atonsowars Pitts, --Invalids distracted jon and: discouraged in their les orite remedy should --_ trial of this reset Prag ae medicine. ys long a mart dyspeptic tortures, wit that Statlewayts 8 Pills made her feel aa if a bar- len had bee ~~ lepressing. whatey: of the house a is intended it shouid give it that cheerful and home- like "appearance en aiiaee of the taste of the oceupants Having your "si Paper remove! and your new selected, re ready to papering. Take a a 'of the having trimmed the righ in fit it up to the wall, e Pills may be aiuie. with pen i the most ---- . andiuse guide, and match all the p+ they rightly direct re In -- the length "ae ranged, and control lh at al a. ful to bare x lens were tt it mete Britain agrees with the Porte to cecupy' for not leas than fd net "and Rayne f Bars wo ant more the w in one sand} Of Work. the ---- sgl phen ag stand met a "For t : we vents I was not able to work, reach the top of the wa' ake a paste of | My troubled with dyspepsia. ne hot. per flour, a" thin--not thicker than | : te of Burd 'iock Blood "Bitters heel me ; . ane t pip-dus Ganbe-dn she pisos of genes tty {debe A Gl PFarmcesitie Lathe % Builders and Plasterers | SAND. SAND. SAND. Akt oo hes ore at A dap Class Send is now om upply of mm and on pee some E mer favor me with their Patronace. Yano :--Near Mr. oa on the Northern Gravel Road, in the City lin Delivered to any part of et fe ity. on Gravel for walks delivered in any part of the ty. £4F Orders left hy Post Card LA = Stratford PLO, will receive taumediate atte Prou:pt attention peid to all orien Wa. aeaicdoy Strations, inte Tr, Lsa7. 80. A. HUTCHINGS, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary "ollege. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. OFFICE. :---Royal Hotel, ytel, Stratford, Ont, means, Apeil 20, 1887. 580-39 Will be able to supply his old with first-clasn Ice during the season. 391 Stratford, May 4, 1887. _Perfeot Hair the air bad. They oe vet to work with ; picks --- 2 Ta hassace tout at thes ater damp, They retraced 1 fire em [the sume way, being 1 earned particaler to have it touch the. edges | i Co., Ont. oa and-bottam well. Take Laiarted a Nips it-off- tee table-and-sup- a Delicate -- _ people and hla. | all ke \ one arm, and put it up fo }.ren are always pleased with West's Liver bed eeping it entirely clear of the wai ~ Mild, effective. and the Sey ar until you fasten the heal of the shect.o 30_sngat-coated mow i . 0 erence i PApply --a next piece in Sen ener etrceree z eareful to match the COUcHS, COLSC, | Croup a and Chr eamptie:: | ALLENS LURG BARSAET' BSc. 50s. 2nd $1.00 per Botti. 'the good , effects it bP apres It not the color So-mmy_hate ~ yg moma ita. growth I have hair ever before, -- i. Ww. Edwards, Coldwater, Miag, Ayer 8 Hair Vig Vigor, iy you agg surrzama from debility end loss of appetite; if your stomach is For Your Money. WE CARRY NO SHODDY GOODS. An Endless Variety of Trunks and Valises, | At Manufacturers -- Prices. REPAIRING NEATLY ¥ AND PRO PROMPTLY EXECUTED --AT THE-- RED FRONT. T.C. CHISHOLM &CO., KET STREET, STRATFORD. , Now IN, OR SHORTLY TO ARRIVE. | Over Gfty different Shades. MIXED PAINTS.-- In Cans, trem half-pint to one gallon. ASBESTINE and ALABASTINE. --For Walls and Ceilings. The Genuine Articles. SPADES, HOES, RAKES, and other GARDEN TOOLS. A full assortment of the Best and Cheapest. TARRED FELT and PLAIN PAPER BOARD. BARB WIRE.--Lymanes Four Point and Two Point 1+ tons on hand. BUCKTHORN FENCING. Preferred by wany to Barb Wire. : WIRE NET FENCING. , WIRE POULTRY NETTING. KALSOMINE:--Johneton's New York Make. 6 Cente per pound. ex REMEMBER THE CORNER, East of the Post Office. W& F. "WORKMAN." Stratiord, May 14, 1580. we HARDWARE MERCHANT, The" Gold: Medal" "Carpet Sweeper. me ge ALABASTINE? res if (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS BEARING SIMILAR NAME) 7 ee Cleveland "Rubber Paint, Collins' Cottage Colors, © A "Ready Mixed. Be CNSR Tr rns { | }