i / 1887 O'BRIEN MOBBED IN TO- O'Brien at Ottawa. RO NTO. mens THY AGITATOR GREETED -WT?u CHEERS AND | The Crewe, Pelt, 'Him and His) counren cuerns axp THe sixGING oF 'Cu TAILORING! Imported "Suitixigs. ELEGANT TROWSERINGS. ROBBY OVERCOATINGS ! EMERICK AND D ENGLISH HATS Neckwagre of all Kinds. J. R Williamson. J. POLAND, "M AN AC DER. ss - elt Stratford Bimes. XT. BUTLER, EDITOR AND MANAGER Wepnespay, May 25, 1887, Great Uproar at® Brien' s Mect: in Toronto Ths sPriaeas" VOICES DROWNED BY GROAN, SissEa, THE CHARGE A PORTION OF TUF CROWD. - rts Toronto, May visit of n alan 1¥.--Hcttoment over the 'Brien reac' a crisis this malarge mass meeting was generally a serious riot would have occur- red. As it was, there were several hand-to- hand encounters, and in two or three in stances clubs were with telling eflect. was a solid group of O'Brien's friends in front of the apron ond and close to them sbout 300 or 400 students and volunteers. These two os ot shouting each for their own si swaying from side to side, and 'diversifying this by occasional- each other. n two occa- ice, about two siendnel of whom charge this When O'Brien, set be the E by Kilbride, arrived, accompanied by the Executive of the Land League, they are received with from their ~ and with rjecting the rounds of interruption, he said they welcome the most belov- ed triotic of Irish leaders. (Cheers for Ireland and O'Brien were met by tee singing of "God Save the Queen.") w say.for the edification of those who used the national anthem to obst that he and his triends were more loyal be- move law-abiding. statement.) Those in the 'dingderl conduct of inter- them, said the speaker, out its | on struct (Uproarious in did not --y with Stones. ME TAKES REPOGE IS A LOCKSMITH'. sHor AND MAKES HIS ESCAPE--TWwe oF ii FRIENDS AXD OTHERS INJURED -- EXCITING SCENES ON THE "TRKEETS. Last Wednesday night was another his tonecal night for the city of Torouto. The excitement over O Hrien's appearance had apparently not subsided, but had rather | become intensified The o 7 pert y Pr | Was expected toys Bast on the nt +, eight o'clock, anc " a lasye crowd had c fleet ed at the Union statu fa see him off York street entranc | whera if was expecte -- the Boscin hous d UBnes woold sas pear on taking leave of the hotel. at 5 castial glance, the crowd seemed compose! mostly of the agitator's frienis, At eight o'clock a report passed through the assem blage that O'Brien had gone ** Nerth Tor Tonto Junction in a carriage, and 'ite number started for that place, A repre sentative of the Mai! was standing on the stepe, and on making enquiry he ascertained that Mr, O'Brien would 1ot leave until this morning The crowd a kep? increasing +a number, and soon rat five hundred? persons, mostly young men, were congre- gated on both 'sides of the street, eve ry {ace turned towards the Rossin house entrance. Sergt. Adair and three-men kept walking up and down among the crowd. About 815 shout went up followed by feeble cheers for O'Brien, and that gentleman ap -- on the steps wearing a silk = on ine «-head. -Mr. Mulgan; President, and. Mr Cahill, Secretary of the local branch of e Land League, and Mr. Wall, of tho New York Tribune, were Wi Mr. O'Bries, They turned north towards Kine street, FOLLOWED 4Y THE CRO ina R. B, Teefy and oat Kilbride were in the rear unnoti he three police- meh on duty and Sergeant Adair {ell in line and followed behind the firet party. "O'Brien must be mad,' was the remark of the peaceably disposed spectators, 'to walk the streets at night without a strong Others attributed the action to a desire on O'Brien's part to obtain notoriety by inciting the citizens to mob him. Along King street the crowd went hooting and yelling like mad, cheering for Lansdown and groaning for O'Brien, Again sak efforts were made to get at the agita- tor, but the police determinedly kept the crowd at bay. At the corner of oy and it stones were ome tough in the crowd struck Sergeant Adair three times on the head with a stone, a_i in the world but a stiff helmet bricks and rocks then began to*fly, and "Brien and his friends were hustled by the mob that collected in front of them The silk tg how- excellent target, and the Albany Club he was struck -- the shoulders by a stone and fell. rushed in and threw a large stone, reid struck Mr. Mulligan, staggering him Some one calied out that this man was Ser= geant Adsir's assailant, the three icemen pursued him through the crowd. nt him, but had to let him go O'Brien. This ac lice allowed the crowd to get at O'Brien. The street was not lit -- he at this point, and stones flew 1 directio' Mr. a large and he fell, Mr. "Cahill and Mr. an to his assistance, and received some of the missiles. bride was struck on the arm, and Mr. Cahill also received a cut on the head. But the crowd was after O'Brien they passed the others without noticing them further. Mr. Wall was taken to Hooper's drug store. where his head was Meanwhile the crowd continued to pursue O'Brien. Two an semeee in CATCHING HOLD OF H but before they could injure hima the police rushed to his assistance and bol O'Brien ran down the street. A large pile of stones lay on = street in front the Reform Club of crowd rushed towards this pile, and every now and again os w with a blow from a tagger wil This tened those dis to take hold of Obrien and they te scatter on each sii lose in The rear of Sroumes agitator a man a stone, and as he did so he was struck di Detective in tho oor on opped. rm stooped to pick eS e knock- od his white Christy O'Brien and damaging a num cles which were being put in order for the the Woodstock race. , just we about lh from the crowd, scent of ~ uneee 'and were vent to their disappoint- ment in centing po loud yells and throw- ing a ¥ stones MB. O'RRIEN'S VIEWS. U bedy an « of | Neither blow was severe, however. was engugetnd tinea. peony on the following morning he should uae North Toronto tak i when leaving the cx aceet hal when uewsof the Another large crasd had congregated at a) proposed t ite regular weekl. Nand ae. stoning THE NATIONAL ANTHEM QbUT ENCOUNTE bs so VIOLENCE nttawn, May !9.- --The sensation of the \day has been the visit of O Brien, the editor of United Ireland. He, arrived by (. P KR this afternoon at half-past five, aadt, after being welcomed by four or five hundred men and women, he was driven lin a four horse carriage to the Russell House. The large rotunda was crowded, as it was expe ted that he would make a _ short speech, but this he did not do. | After waiting or a few minutes, someone three cheers for O'Brie: A | response was made by about fifty men just j at the foot of the stairway, and the sound of their voic es had not died out ie a was immediately struck up. In the miildle of the singing voubter cheers were given for O'Brien, and these were followed by hurrabe for Lausddowae. The two far tions then began hustling gach other, and for a short time trouble reemed jminent, but better judgment prev ailed. A burly iow, who anperaved- up any Englishman present, was allowed to make bis os without interference, and a posse «. f policemen quickly restored ler To night the Irish agitator spoken in the roller skating rink to an audience o people, of whom many were ladies. There was no disorder. ('Brien spoke og ably and witha goad 4 deal of. excite: gesticulation, He referred at some 'eat {1,2 He spoke in bitter words against that city, and a telegram was read from Archbishop O'Brien, of Halifax, referring to the attac in the ques City as a piece of "yile black- i fe O'Brien was speaking a crowd Setbered onthe outside of the rink and sang the National Anthem Eo groaned. Ww el, the New York ier; who was struck by a stone in Toronto, appeared on the platform with a bandage around his head. He put this aronnd his h cause sympathy, as his woung is- oaly trifling. ., hes were-inade. b gentlemen, in all ot which strong language was applied to Toronto After the meeting a great crowd gather- ed on the streets, but there was no viol ence. Alternately cheers were given for O'Brien and vase spp and the National Anthem was es and a sung. Evictions in "Pennsy yivania. TENANT MINERS DRIVEN HOVELS--IRELAND NOT THY, WORST PLACE IN TRE WORLD. WHERE IS Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 18.--The men i by J. WILLIAM O'BRIEN ? employed in the © opera: 8. Weatz & Co., at Hazlebrook, have been on for several weeks. On Saturday the company began the =------. eviction of the men from their hom se ~whole village and the land ying around about or miles are own y the pany. It will sexe sell or lease a foot of it. Every employ the mine is compelled to rent a aieuable Lovel from the company at from $5 to $6.a month. A cut-throat lease must be signed by the tenant he waves every right to which he is entitled, and which places his home lutely at the mercy of the com Saturday Deputy Sh Brockway backed by a gang of Pinkerton men, ap Bee in the village n to evict. Six families with all their ere thrown on the hillside. Everything the houses contained were thrown pellmell out of the windows and doors, omen and children were --- out and the doors locked behind t: ¢ company goon given notice that any tenant affording shelter to the evicted or their goods would himself be l, d net a soul in village e the unfortunates in. Mra. Danlavey was ill in bed when the officers entered her house, but had to go and her bed wi ut outside after her, and it was with difficulty + obtained HE ey refusing to oe wagons on their Jand to remove ie a and the consequent eviction result of efforts of the com of Labor. mpany has a oes sherectar Sioe-xilheeic jail : forced to deal with it and it oaly. At the estore the men are charged with their pur- chases and the bill stopped out o! their earnings. What with rent, s' and --------- + +e e-- The Co ane we know of is allen' 6 iat alan Tcontelive of the Mail at the Rossin banso| shortly after his Tnlocks allthe eloped avenues of the Liver, | RealEstate Bargains. thet -tre contd -de-+} FROM THEIR | Store a | MONEY! , MONEY ! -- Até6 FBR OE To ON = G VATE YUNDS aoe CAGES Pai | MITED NTS. | CONVEYANCT SERERAL GEORGE FORMAN, Conveyancer, Land, Loan & Lite su rance Agent, j Ornce Ur-Statns Ov a) Lag or Jawna Concomax' | STRATFORD, ONT. BUILDING AND PARK LOTS /. All of Mr. Jone ery tote $1 100, etc. in the city, «be ro chas «| caasit lots on corner of Nile » *tree | (buisness of residences) an tet a 76 on | north strte of Pour «t.. just east of uaa } Alsc lot 1, on eo { Nile and Kebec ta, an | lots on Downie st, next to Prof Klophe!" | lota next hae eCauuley s store, at the ales opposite Pr. p Fraser'. Apply te Goo. Forwan who hae the biog vale of thene lots from Mr Kidd SMALL FARM FOR SALE. Just ontaid the City limite . beipg Mrx Vivian's 20 actre and ood house on the hill ne ear a Water Works Price 81,990. Apply to Geo. ~ 1 That cholce one acre a ore. hard and mall by known as the P! plas e, on corner of John, Douglas and Avan streets, a Avon . rt a ms and eht cpposite the Bos be' oe the Fewie one Ps te the late Judg* Smith and eter Wateon, Bay. will sel! at #400 f or 3 quarter acres, Fhe pr tcest revidence sites iu tity Pertect ttle. Apply 2 Geo. Forman. fall-} aere, vacua. ih. by = wt de ot Hure: en Humphrey aiko od me ate Norfolk: * just high | by ¢ Geo, Fornan and for « aly oo re ee ahs bio« ck, will buy 6 $15 She an » front of Gordon's cy. Appl tod Forn $25 0} ae Srchoktt TSAR Totd of My sc Romeo wan, one Reining Klopbel's block and the other ae oie Thos he lots, in $200 hla ll, age $900 * ~' ous a "eto 3 sore | t fronting nm Road, "this side a Wanzell's Gatehouse) G Gane vse Also I have Land 2 acre lots in my survey of the $250 surve and 13 lpn estate joining above, at §150t 0 an and } acre lots at $100 each, and $a at roy to 8100 each, 9 ane quarter acre iota et for salo tm as) eurvey of the O'Donn nell estate at s75 to $1 ch 300 * w bys Lei Alex, = pburn' #10) acre _--_ 1 jordon's surv ¢y Stra lot 204 one fees joining will wold for #1 y-to $800 ichac! Mantes is eleven wr res in Avo wa N," Forman's rd, survey bad Donnell « cate, joining new x air Ground Aleo oo OTHER Lé ITS In every din ARD in CITY pply to Geo. Fr: BUSINESS PROPERTY ! Brick Store for Sale On ONTARIO ST. Until te July next. That 3 storey brick wn as Regent Hall, being the cast of the gs by J. R. Williamson, of Cheap- leane Ist M ford, Also path 1, on ft yw George ON ONTARIO STREET 97 feet fron' in eis to suit, of fhe Lynch Band fnelu b McIntyre & Wingfelder at 80 to 260 a foot front. O4 Feet, front on Albert st., beve ween Market and Waterloo tsa Feet, front in ante to borg on North aide o sare Mrs. Hay's ites » a eer ¢ ie institute, 6 af 'ormerl eae 8.) RICK "stole HERALD BLOCK, the be year, Valued afew years ago at $6000 a will be worth t axain. -- OTHER BUSINESS PROPERTY. EIOUSES. $1000 : Apply Snazel's Bick Groce and dwelling on e cornet of Dufferin rects The best storey white frame house e of Re first nee from corner of Front st., or the corner pe $900, $12 Henry Pied see north # of allway, at will pe pay rast 11 per coat. = rents. Appl Forman. 5900 ©, Mr. Chew's good grocery (also suitable a good si for butcher or any ther shop) on analog on corner of Queen and to Geo, rman. rame ate a if rectly opposite Sillifan' and soft water, &c. re * That hite ted good ho ot 1300 coama, ohens eae callar, stable and 1 sone, rachan gecond third - DECEIT | Do not be deceived by high-sounding advertisements contaming matter forcign to the subject. We tell you simply that no matter what you see advertised, no matter at what Prices, we will give you the same or similar Goods at a Lower Price, or better Goods at the same Price, and if we do not do that, * The Goods will be Given Away Free, and | will allow you to be the Judge. Remember, we Mean what we Say. For Carpets; Mattings,- Curtains, Curtain -Potes, ae Umbrellas. Dress Goods, Silks, Cashmeres, Mantlings j Millinery, Laces, Embroideries, Prints, Cottons, + Jerseys, Collars, Shirtings. Sheeting, Pillow 4 Cotton, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Shirts, Men's Suits; Boys' Suits, "Braces, Neckties, Socks, Felt Hats, * Trimmings of All Kinds, etc., etc... yo to J. A. DUGGAN'S PRICES ALWAYS 'THE LOWEST. J. A. DUGGAN. GOLDEN BHEAVEE. 'HONFLEUR' PATTERN COMBINATION SETS. 164 Pieces, Combination Breakfast, Dinner, aud Tea Set, $20 00 140 " " " 16 50 ba " . " " 15 00 SO ' Pinner Set, 8 50 eo 7 50 Large Stock of Different Styles and Patterns in Stone and China Tea Sets. Very cheap. '"* Rose' Pattern China "ea Set for $5.90. Goblets, 75c. per dozen up. f Quantity of Cups and Saucers, Plates, and 10-Piece Chamber Sets (colored), at greatly reduced prices. Call and see them. Try a Sample of Our Celebratad 50c. Tea-- Black, Green or Mixed. -- 2. K. BARNSDALE & Co. = Saturday Night Sales ---- AT -- = THE BIG SEVEN. ----9-------_---- > NEXT SATUDAY EVENING, MAY austi : From 7 until 10 p. m., I will again Sell CORSETS & PARASOLS at NETT COST. | '. It will positively be no use to ask for these Goods at Cost Price during any other hours. ----= 6----- Gall at the BIG 7--the Cheapest Spot in the City for '=| Dry Goods and Millinery A. L. STRUTHERS) IDINGTON'S NEW BLOCK, MARKET & ERIE STS., STRATFORD. | 1€2 Alex. Grant's tyr te in Shakes, ¥ cistern, well, os "iouble board. ana west of Liste rua tras kk. 200 cut AT be oe i ea though Bt Alex. treet, nex rick at Pu ae o $1 $650 (2° nels and 2 ae teres kieep ta 1S o Ga. (for $500 Side of Ontaria eecond owe east ot | amen late . ert pa $55 aa Siemens aie ee a te a mcd peony = beet onal at Nile. Next to Mr. Endeox. eo. FORMAN. 'IMPORTANT NOTICE LO THE PUBLIC. IF YOU WANT BIG BARGAINS! | GO TO |THE NOTED TEA STOR WALSH BROS: '3rd Door East of Post. Off PEND A= es Na ES VERE LATE RIED PRR SY