- OR pees eo Entel an en TS sede naiatahiianienieieienntnantiidinesendnenatiatininded hina aciinnsdande ater... alec VOL. XLL STRA TFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY. 27, a7 1887. City Z Local Hew 5. Mra. Tt sa FI les: o visiting friends in Beffalo, Pounsyivania. James Core tock refinery before be .weatk "Sai at.oi¢ My the crecti aug hich | Alex. 'Hepb urn is the « archi- tevt, and plans and specifications can be seen at his office. Dr. D, B. Fraser ix visiting the hospitals in Chicago and other Weatern cities. It ia rumored that the Dr. has been offered al i px ined She bo remain: ines the Garden City. } Asciviket- Fink,--Oo-Momiay-merning-} about 1130 o'clock, chimney in Mr, Wm. Bau ig: steed * nr corner of | undertook a self | noticed some bed The the fif@men were quickly on hand and succeeding in qiiieting affairs down and putting out thie' amaze slight and fully covered by insurance The side-walk leading trois Huron streei to the English church is in a disgraceful condition--~s0- tull.of large that ladies cannot comfortably walk on it. Couldn't Mr. the part of the road authorities, we notice that the. have-been removed } from thé junction of the asphalt walk on the south side of west Ontario street. Could not a same ss be done on the walk to the principal, churches in nm Btratiord --a walk which . traversed ev Sunday by thousands, an avery day. inten week by hundreds? Mx. H. B. SHARMAN AGAIN SuccessFUL. --At the Agricultural College, Guelph, recently Mr. Henry B. Sharman (son of Mr. Joseph Sha arman, Manitoba, formerly ef Stratford) obtained the diploma of the ew which elevates him '* Associate of the Ontario gd wcteaeal College." Harry woes aeesicn of a silver medal, the 4all netewe diploma of the veterinary and special live stock clase, and honors in the following 1 on shes of study, viz., agriculture, road. king, surveying, horticulture, botany en nilonatinene, meterology, and in practice | work, altogether making a. first-class dis play ot his abilites in the course he is. | pursuing. (xcersonn's PP. M.----M , tas garnisheed Charles EB. Chadwick's bank account in the interest of the town, in order to try and recover the judgment the town holds against Mr. Ch lw ick, whic h gee nent has Ga n stanc ling since will be remembered that at that . Chadwick sued the e orpor ation Buchanan i ation was ina position to be costs and Mr. Chadwick « laimes «ino the corporation had the costs to pay, and | were granted a jadgment against Mr. Chadwick for the smount. The case came up before the Judge in Woodstock yeater- | y (Wednesday} arguinent, and as . Chadwick claima that the money in | the bank to his credit is mot bis own- something over $500 being to his credit atthe time the garnishee was served-- the judge granted an order to try the issue, will then have to be proven who owns the cash now in ere! maeea to Mr. Chadwick's credit--Chron Tue New G. T. R. aires Cars. Che Grand Trunk authorities have just completed a new set of ears for horses, which hare been specially adapted to secure the greatest end comfort and for by 9 divided into two sections, shoeoghis ventilated, and each horse ia in a separate stall, the partitions allowing space { twelve or sixteen horses, according to size. Then, instead of being plac ed sidee Js, as heretofore, they are placed "fore aud aft," with their heads toward the centré of the var. The feeding and water troughs are placed in position, and space is provided or pe and Prov isions for a journey of 2, miles cars are constructed et coac In case of accident or trouble to any of the Jorses, the attendant « an now easily remove or attend to one without aincarhtay the thers, which is a great boon to the men, as considerable difficulty Sa aay been before experienced in suc Wevoixe Waisrers.--The Brantford Expositor sa -At Greenbank Farm, Brantford townrhip, the residence of Wm Turnbull, Esq., a pleasing event took es € on Wedue aday afternoen, being the ma riage of his third daug ghter Ella to Mr. 'Ton on ong th ome besides the family, were Mr arid Mrs. W. Edmon . Rev. Dr. and Mrs. soo Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Snider, Mr. * cin 8 _H. Snider, Mr aE S. Campbell, Mr. John H. Campbell, Mr. Alex. Elion son, Mise Sarah and Minnie Lanpeate F Ontario st. Citu Local News. vef Ceon-tal Kispy stogaton Fiiday wi } Mr Ald Mc arty ha ntract of + hoy carne Hed Bide itary gic Toothache Gam relies ex instar ly. "No danger of burning the gums, and very oasily used 10. i pared onby by dha Neemeth: tele Deort be decotr "d-by -what-ron | papers about big bargains in grapes poor goods are de ar at any price. f you want the best value for yx 'ur thoney, com- uality of the goods. Jaines s at lower prices than any a Berwy the Mr. M. Purcell has had the Avon hotel refitted and refurpished from cellar to garret, and has now got everything in first- ciasa order for the comfort and convenience of his guests and the public at large. Mr, Parcel! has many friends in Stratford and the surrounding pried and he will reveive afair-share-of. pate : George D, Reaen. wile and-family, left at Friday for their new home in couver, British Columbia, Mr. B. will fill the sition of accountant in the new branch of the Bank of ar to be opened in that "Mir; MrsoBrymner's many" city: friends in Stratiord will always rejoice to r of their further advancement and prosperity. Reat Estate ror Saux.--Mr. George Forman, in his list herein, oftera for sale the Yeandle factery, dwellin and stables, onto he over acre; at" only "$2; Also t Soath Side Methodist (now Baptist) church, near the station, at only $1,000. purposes, smal! house and stable on Ontario st., at mee 3450. And J. & R. Forbes' fine new brick residence, on Nile st , at only 33,000 cost 83,500, Estimates or Cotnectare Isxstiter Boanp. ed Lege g of the Collegiate Wha: Me a ti o pans S the o following" e =ireates 8 for the year hers' ap ries repairs, 8:00; © nt nation exponee 4, 2 eutals 3 eke eins " hy : meil, $2,800 °Ua tot bs Prices = O'F la "Vy cot the comet $3, St. Thomas Times: ri nts in this ulis the eatawed LLTSe, certain itis that the neighborho: od of S Thomas 7 more that its fair share accident Vhile the a roads, when London escapes, accidents in the harvest fiek i, on the high- way and upon the farm. The cherry tree seenis to have got in its work with alarm. ing frequency, no less than seven accidents having oc -- from falls from these trees, Thomas daily paper without an item chro cicling an aceilent would be a curiosity. Cuisnoim's we Some two weeks since Mr. T. - Chisholn, who suc ceeded Conley & Co. on the market street, was stricken down with typhoid fever. The disease appears to have been of a vir ulevt tpye, as Mr. Chisholm sank rapidly and on Thursday night death ensued. He WAS a young t man in the prime of life, and had only been in business in Stratford since last winter. he Chishoim had rela- tives in Hamilton, from which place he came to Stratford, "He leaves 4 widow and tive children to mourn his loss n Ham- ilton, where he was much res: ted, he was a member of the L. O. QO. F., and the bre- thren of the Order in-Ntratiord" took charge of his nursing and superintended the funeral arrangements, On Saturday morning ef proceeded in a body to his ate residence, and escorted the remains to the Grard Tronk Railway station, whence they were conveyed to Hamilton for inter y the death of Mr. Chisholm our city loses a good and highly esteemed citizen. A Tratx Deraicep ano A BrakesMAN Kitrev at Bapes.--A freight train from Toronto to Stratford, in' charge of Engin eer Aitkens, of Point Edward and Con ductor Rogers, met with a derailment at Baden © rossing at two o'clock on last Eriday morning. of the engine | aineh a cow which was beside the track. The animal fell against the train and was dragged under by the wheels of~the ten- der. The first car mounted the cow's body: and wins ei ht others --_ vey he ak Keteh- ae of Bellew ile, a Settee dis tance from the train, causing fa: lajusies, None of the rest of the stat! were injured, brother, Mr. Joka M Mackay. (6f = After'the ceremony the company sat dows to a very substantial lo eesnere] fol ) remarks 1 mt ian | Of the eight derailed cars six were & mpt ¥ rs, and all were badly wrecked. A car containing two stallions, ps aa o Lent, was on the train and the animaty ep | hery and ge neral toilet ree tertt; ford | ' | | ai "the corporation" has put iA } Nornabell, pencil box ; Citu Local ews. Wa Bre i tlollas » big haryaios every tins dhe ware the eontrartnre arr: restrinty a the new t, hi hope in Ste . some pe ; to | the rain | ou li pichicers in Lorient N. A. Bosworth line of bath brushes, tooth ia showing * i chamois, han "dpe sponges, brushes, import quinites: tlum . Brown intend s jeayir stmt CEM col | Adiae-all: the jou taik: 2 "garly date and babs - dats lito. re- Riem Creek, Nebraska, having med a partiers dial with an old college friend of hia there Laws hong | 2nd, a law On Tuesday, August arty under the auspices of the Home Memorial Charch will be in the a ierigd of Mr. A. Downie stree There will be some goorl music and singing, and lots of amasement. Brodhagen's Quintette Band has been en- gaged for the occasion We understand the grounds will be open afternoon and evening. Admission I0c, Hibernia street is infes 1 cows early in the morning, and thom 6 tL 9 or 1D" oelock." We to say to the oye - "your ways are not equal." If it 18 be a cow by-law in fact and reality, let "the law be equally applied all round. Now, some people on Hibernia street have been at the expence of underdraining, and A sewer ata considerable expense there, and thee wan- dering cows hoof all things into a mash. The work might as well not have been What are the police about ?---Com. Passep,--We are pleased to learn from "Dr. Thistle son of Wm, Downie, has passed the Royal Colle go of Fy gee and Surgeons, Eng anc he will return at once . Thistle has had rare re for being thoroughly rooted = uanded in his anager and now having obtained the degree of M. R.C.S., K.--the College of Physicians and Sur. geons of Englatidbeing one of the bigh- est honors that could be conferred upon any medical man, the Dr. must feel richly ree ompensed for all the hard work done, . | he has} to perform to obtain the prize, Wot. vt Come to Srnatrorp ?--~alr. ber, Chief Engineer, Canada Pacific Rai was in st cesmpanted hy Mr arbe r has been busily employed laying out 2 projected branches of the C. PLR se ertin and Waterloo. His visit to nectir ith a branch - hs 1 <4 ot ri | i } thelr » whicl * Gity Local Hews. aleh B Waish Bros. is th Bay your sugar from Was Save Money, Bxtorminate the tlies by the use « Pdison Pads, to be had at E.. mb end drug ature, hes, W iv -, of Toronto, will he Re ry ral He , Stratford, on next ay, Ju the treatment | { { to. have had placed in stere a tire and burglar + i weighs 3,600 pounds. It 4 pon { in Stratfor lby the cash box in} tice . WES of there w are 'only | some.) appeals enter 4 against this year's , do weal to comp ete the sae tratford oa Saturday last, | 0 Stratford | les of road to i qo with ther line, t anch will be h A Heractuy Crrv.--It is yratitication [ the people of Stratford that notwithstanding the terrific heat which has prevailed during May, June, and July, there has been very little sick- ness in this city--even amongst children there has not been the mortality which ia prevails at this s "AT. Jnly one case one fev er has been reported, and 'the cause of death in this case was largely due to weak lungs. Ald. Rigg is making ewer possible eflurt to have the law cannsding public health properly ee out. No vity or town in Canada, having the same p pul ation as Stratford, can show. such « ainall death rave. In fact three doetors are leaving the city because " there is no busi ness for them here!" ReaL Estate Sates made by Geo. For- man, real estate broker here, lately --since last report $1350--Geo. Niebergall to A. L. Burke, sta. Mr. Barke has the plans nee. for SIX cottages to go up at once. 235--Ge Niebergall to Mra. Sarah Pretty, to 240, corner Brunswick and Well sts. Mrs Pretty will build at once. $450--John Fennell to'. Wm. Hepburn, 30 feet on Cobourg st. for warerooms, to be built immediately. $300--John Fennell to F X. Graber, 20 feet on Cobonrg st. for ware- house for his new store, $625 ----Coyle heirs to John a2 2 lota, on William and | ora 22000 brick residence | Elizabeth sta., to be built "in fall. $255 Canada Loan Co'y to J. W. Doyle, the livery ig and 44 feet on Ontario st. Mr. Doyle will make considerable addi. tions in rear at once. ¥) -- Western Home cara Cuveacu 8S 8. Pro-Nre. ~The # par a the scene of a very plinsant aon last Wednesday after- noon, which vised the H M. Charch Sunday school adits, reveral of their peren nts, teachers, and a number of others. Jase ball, fo at hall, &e , was indulged in by the boys. and the girls 'enjoyed themselves on the swings and in other pastimes, The worthy pastor, Rev, Mr De acon, ia to re and Graham were iudane Pike récine, and awarded -the~following prizes; each "class having a separate contest: Boys, under 15, and over 10--1, © oe knife ; cil. Under 15 and Over ne pre --_ board ; bat, Under 10 aaa over 7 bat ; Jd. Hare box crayons. | oe Is ane base ball bat; 2,.T. Hamilton, 3, J. Jones, box crayons. penen box 1,J. Jones, bas s¢ ball We aci {? match tal « between a club from Biome t & matter of | | eae tieth'" A list of 6 lots on Douro, Bay and Well | eboney PITT asres = Vent, "The C of Revision would assessors' work and we the assessment 15 per cent all round Although $1,240 of extra assess- ment bas been placed on Tue Times office we da not growl, as it is not a cent more than w ought to be taxed, Baxter to T. Mayne Daur, M. P.-- their representative at Ottawa. Inpepespent. Onper or _£. of thi 't Tuey Curan Ur?--An in- writes to Tur Times a etter against the Board of 'the pl. a f . he talong side the east end = the city nate section of side@alk stands leaning against the cma and all around on the --_-- close bg are.» lot of rotten planks, acan: bd show the aptidl. I would suggest What Mr. Denis voll Mr Beanoch t; be Pte pot in front of this rubbish, and 8 taken. It be 95 Pest, LW Boys Ausap.--In a copy of the Wink fri "ree. Preas, received from our AL, MeCullo now of Plum Cre, 'den. ,otfee a lengthy account of a osse et M rafford, a club of the Sth Wi invipeg ¢ sOldiers have béerr flushed vith uccessiv@ Victories, and were disposed to : the capabilities of their opponents, mf ale the latter haa ens ily defeated the Brandona, who aré a team not to be sneezed However, the F. P. The Tlam Creeks earned their victory fairly and equarcly, lnatit out-playing the names of the Pinm reek team will be of interest to people ip tins loca'ity, as in it will be noticed several E bo Loe! . $m H. ge "lf. E. Hitchcock, H. Smith, aad F, Deyell Maki8@ Swoat Work or a Deseuten,--A few days ago Chief ge Teceived a telegram from Regina, N, W. T., requesting him to be on the look out for a man named Brocklehurst, a former resident of Strat- toed, WS had deserted from the Mounted Police ferce, and was charged with having taken $23 add a suit of clothes. The Chief soon found the man, had hit detained, and sent word to Regina immediately. Staif- Sergeant ox and Corporal y 8 resident of Ntratfoel, having lived here previous to his enlistment, 12 to ne amy seg and have a look at "ohanger in < naxic Cite. His many friend ils be giad t rlexen tnst he i# one of the most trusted officers on a ork 2 and his otexina with ir prisoner to-day. Porrsters' Cavecn PAkAvEe.--On Sun- day evening a large representation of the three courte of as .F. of this city proceed- ed.in & body to he Cohgregatioual cbureh, which was hied with a large tion. Rev. ©, B. Gerdon Smith, a prcneta of the order, preached very accepta sermon fram the words in Zad Semen 10: 'City 'Local. Hews. Lime Juice at Ed, dStore. { d fs ug W al i 1 has sold his drug business | Hu. Nasmyth, The Doctor has} ved to Kineardine i Men. Stantey Bey, vot Newmarket, New | » of her sons | visiting Mra. Jersey, wat 108 pre - end a daughter in-} , are \ Ahre is City The tratic ipts of the Grand Trunk railway for the week < onding July loth were $360 O16. an increase of = ro oma with the corresponding week dast , The : receipts of the Cunadian Pasitio salway-for tie week ending duty t- 2tat were 2, 000, an' fhictease of $5, compared with tre corresponding last year. Mr. Hawson kas resigned his position of Traffic Auditor of the G.T.R. and has been a | raarrage Secretary of the Audit Board ot ~S e. es with duties pertaining to expenditares of the G. T° R. " Chicago & Grand Trank. Ve did not buy a sugar refinery, but we had tock of sugar on hand witén into her oa pol At er - aid of two physicians has totally lost the sight of he er «dey ig "fre Ties iv the best ~ advertising ns in this cityand section. Merchants '"drummers " to pester business men from day to day, soliciting eee Magia a8 Ob Srory.--A rumor i wbish ws mtd in Stratlord fe 'org . week yt aes w ich it w: Serta Mitchel! had oar detated in in al or any Agra ed per. means. Enquiry havin it turns out that the en ta Ry rob ane an old tale rehas Mr. James Wri ht, engine driver, Albert has d one of the houses mging to Mra. He is having a stone foundation placed sce ote = Jen making other improvements, e already orn the adjoining vs he soon have .a ohe "tH the best lias streets in the-city: Str seated can boast of one of the best hotels on this continent. ec Albion ie stated on the finest street in the City, has a pleasant outlook over- Stratford's réfreahing Ree nt water, and has a0 lendidl in kee, Kerdiig ith the 'rest of the house, the accommodation for qragrenray ee trarellers_ansl for families is | the best to be found anywhere, ami the Holy Mr. -Holmwood, one ef t hotel men in all this Domini: on this gentlemau's ' direction Joho officiating as clerk, we have a model hotel. HE Camrene Sronns Divivep -- In future Mr. J. R Williamson, in connectior with the firm name of Williamson & Co., will conduct only the clothing and mer- chant tuilozing portion of his former iarge establishment in this city. While Mr. W's abilities as a manager are quite efficient, it was impossible for him to properly oversee avech a gigantic concern a the double stores at Choapside, but now, being in a position to give his Laeeitnes Attention to one line of trade, he will doublesa make a great success leparture. Mr. Dorland, a live merchant from st Cathar. ines, ses charge of the millinery and dress -- of the extablish- ment, and while Truxs is pleased see friend Williapsenn reinstated, wo also extend a welcome t r. Doriand to the ranks of business men in Stratford. Mr. Williamson opened out on Monday last, nd his advertisement in to-day's issue is prophetic of the bargains to be given.by 4 hiin in futare. " Save Tue Horst ! ! a Stratford to allow it the chance of taking a drink. This the animal proceeded to do, when all at once it hairy almost wt of sight in the les pond, while the other by using tive powers voice, sti attracting th Trivers nothing' wonlhd have ever been heard the adventure -- eg we won't give away the ladies names the Syrians be too stron for me thea thou sirxit belp me, but it the childrén of Ammon be too étrong for thee then wil come and help thee, ac." Re- ferring to the circumstances of the text, - -- trom it some practical lessons on pic at ** civilized he "aid ith eddiont ag weep 'communtenr of in 192 wad 1871, the socialism Of Gérmany of 1845, the anarchiuw of Chicago of last EXPenst¥E age On that evening James Hartley, proprietor of the Windsor barber shop, ar Ouwcar : bringing nod her, The Bay of Bengal Storm oven SOO LIVES Lost RY THE WRECK OF A STRAMER an " easicle aco, July 25. ~The steamer City of Kio de Janeiro arrived inst night Hong Keng cen ex to July Ist and ¥ okobane newa to duty Oth t f the John 'Bry of Bengal, before te- ves were lost, mainly females of the best families in Bengal, on » pil- grimage to Ju " wut. Frorh the 21.t to 2th of May mC yclone raged in the Bay of Bengal with disastrous results to shipping and attended with great loas of life. "The storm waa the scverestexp in-that yuatter. since 1866, judging- from -- ports of vessels which weathered it, The gers on ---- the Sir Jotin' Tails numbered = ¢ the officers and crew numbered 7 ate anier Sir ictus Fire in the Deminien anand ment Bindery Ottawa, July 25. --Shortly after 9 o'clock to-ni i k bindery of Mr. A entire fire brigade was called out, after half an hour's hard work the flames were t y got ander -- ~The upper flats of the bind But "the Comper will ---- tiot be very extensive, Tne Senate Hansard was alao somewhat damaged by water. If the Par- liamen reports have not further damage than is supposed at this writing the loss will not exceed $3,000 red by ingurance, Lah eae A Toledo. Woman Makes Shert : Work a Burgtar. Toledo, O., July 24. Charles Lessinger, a German, living at West Toledo,.was fatally ehot by Alra. Helen Lamh at 3 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Lamb was awakened by some one trying here et --y her bedroom, and discover ing on the windew sill, and otionghion lower the sash. She was badly trightened, but recovered r presence of mind, sec- ured her revoiver ond fired The manfell to the ground, shot thrsagh the. Tr Several previous attempte have been made to enter Mrs. Lamb's house, and she had a revolver only a week. before, as she is a poor widow and lives alene, Bessinger evidently iatenied aseanlt Jiticons.. ax token a the eg tis the first instance pas years ~~ a midnight niarawler im this. city hashed Cok nt meted out to him, and Mra. wamb is receiving many congratulations to- "da ay a girl eating tee hing Aaatkate te Lnide wer patriotism is bounded by a © corset. Referring to the review at Portsmouth on Saturday, the ein Figaro sys Eng- sane may feel justly proud of such an aing noanilestatien of her strength a wealth. It is rumoured that the Duke of Magl- borough is to be shortly married to an American girl, who has consented to over- look his past unsayoury reputation for the sake of the strawberry leaves, Father Andre, known some senvat nection with Kiel's reb I on, among other things an. offer by members of-the Police to assist Riel to escape from prison - -- Vaya awaiting preer _ suppeeed intention of use -- the attem rnia Sua says :----The notorious Bob Satay who killed amanin Port wey | has not been Incky in ita bonus speculati where in eerie gs in Pte ae aCe