seerabetheltestnc tse eng tbe ht at ' fag | Gh "YTS ro _ EES OTC Ae Melia |__--Batls. CIGARS. TICKETS | DR. D. M. FRASER, ; Sa HOTEL, aMoKE , P '3 _-- FFICE : at his Residetice, om the Downie Row ' eT AT O H Rooma for Commercial Travelers. Good ot - eter ot 8108 me) MNSrudactce on) CELBBRAPED LA NOBLESSE |. 7: crry TICKET OFFICE,| me uauway | A. E. AH RENS, L. D.5.. | Stratford, Oct. 10, 1883 405-13 GLADSTONE CIGARS TELEGRAPH OFFICE IMPORTANT CHANGE OF-TIME Hellebore, veri Ae ie se QUBEN'S HOTEL. = Wholesale only at Factory Prices b STRATFORD. Trains are timed to leave Stratford as follows :-- : y itil ir or the Painlexs Extraction - . Ya CORCORAN. eee ° FOR MAIN LINE EAST.--4:40 a, m.--Paseonger. Pl fi gece ---- the Pa pe Corner of Waterloo ane ee Strects, Stratford, Mesh, Deo. 15. a wr ser tne eee eel hh -- eee oe : epee Insect Powder, Strattord, March 20, 1883, a76-ly sine Cc New Yo 4:10 p. m.-- Express. dP = -- A. A. GOETZ, : Proprietor i "Y ANDER 7:20 p. m.--- Passenger. w. N. ROKERTSON, M. D., Station', Aug. 15, 18 bbaely ee A OB. AH. ALEXANDER, | ron MAIN LANE WErT.--23b0. = --Eepeem All Warrante ure C.M., M.ALC.P, agp 8., Ontario. Stratford June ts, 1886 eaett 7:35 a. m.--Mixed. JT ENTIATE Moyal Collees Physicians, Bain CITY HOTBL. 0 -- -- ge nna And Fresh . burgh, Licentiate Boyal Lollere Su a a, REMOVED FROM HAMIL rom tt . von toybon. 1:08 «. w_Mixed. a: = Maternity) Eainvargy fice waa ldington' 4 Block, aici ae ee SHORE, PROPRIETOR. lasees of lems "Jeding ead gen moh eral Tarps ner esas aac 4:20 p. m.--Express. Market Square Btratto teri aie --_ A specialty made of Shop Fronts, Fittings, FUNERAL DESIGNS. 8:10 get a8 - - E J JOH N Ss i CR a 3 » commodation in ete. FOR GODERICH. --5:80 a. m.-- 5 * - C. A. KRICK, M. B. & M: C. Pp ARES Senne 2 ae brat thy a. Birger work xu yarant ced and hea orders ex- out FLOW ERS, - os 215 5 ksi le " axp 8. O., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Ligue ore and Giga a ith the best Brands in Wines, SHOP, on "Huron at aie, goog pear Richard AER, EASES AND REIBELe-- FOR a, ca. ae ross wEstT BvD BS gee ve athens Hes S when poe ae ¢ --_ ; oe pk a ie with George Forman B O QU BTS ' BUFFALO -- { 4:00 p. m.--Express. . 7 "ag cota' tego terann amd sungeane of str THE TERRAPIN. Stratford, Feb. 2, 188 sreAy BASKETS OF FLOWERS, oneexormoorn ut |IDRUG STORE! bitten i " = - Choice Flowering and = Foliage Plant 70 4 a -- Bxpeems. *aiiank May path 1886. 'Gaoly JOHN GRAY, Proprietor. Tew Boot and Stioe Store VP tote W. H BURNEAMW'S & Greenhouse, | POR PORT POE Sy ee erpreee TELEPHONE. ve ie HE ae _Benade ; of Wines, Liquors, Ales, A On Warman Sr., RD. ; DR. THOS. W. SPARRY W, ol haar Albion Block, Ontario Street Feb. 15, 1886. 528-ly JOSEPH HICKSON, General Waneeen, . NIGHT BELA, 182 CARLETON-ST., TORONTO, i low inated a Ales on -- Stratford. -_ Stratford, May 23, 1887. 68-om Stratford, Bly é WILL BE AT THE ROYALE 1OTEL, STRAT. anor the LAST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, cITY TILE YARD, ae the treatment of ail forme of Chron ic, or Long: orrosiTg C.F. & sTaT JOHN C. ANTHONY, Consan Niue anp ALonar Sraants, Staarronp. STRATFORD . = Hucu Dempsey, - ~- "Phioraieron. (Lats wrrn Tuos. Lawsos, . ---- . Dr. 8. has, during the past 29 years, cured many Glazed Tile, § d Culvert Pi : --_ oases that had been given upas incurable, and others MEDICINE HAT, N. W. T. HAS OPENED OUT with a large - well-as- 6, sewer an ve pes. who, after long trying, bad failed to sogetreliet. | He sorted stock of "Gal OSt Ce b- al IB. foliows = pian or system of Sooomes to suped se primar. -CL ane GORE? z- 1. Large Sarupl ie ti ama foe for Best Quality, Salt Glazed and THE KEY TO HEALTH. Canada, ar superiority a Mtoe rc © hie ar ve #ystem r ei penne sega ene reasonabséd. "Reliable gv Gentlemen 8, ' Vitrifled. ; ate aialat his roome and we tsmoalas, Consulta- | furnished parties in search of land. -- Stott L . ; d stra Oe Sr 804 10, 42, band ibine., with all Junctions | Dectvaas. { MAIL = Cuwoarse. at rooms, or letter office, Toronto, Taps, & | | tree. b43- VICTORIA HOTEL. adie an -- __ -- 8 . ,_ | Fire Brick, Chimney Tope, G0. |** | *™ | cecouss, Gusigh, Ber || "Legal and financial, pare JOSEPH ORADY, Proprien Children's | piven verity ame: toes || gorse at oe ae) SS B ° Liberal discounts on large orders, 1,000 Corde 9 3% East Toronte.....| | EF gre See we a oats, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers, Building Stone. The 0 are ont wreitingten White ® 30] 12 20) Hamilton.......... +] 8 00 EB. SYDNEY- SMITH, Liquora and Cigars always Kept at the bar. G Which will be sold at prices lower than the low | aden Window § Sta my Aaa {§ 30] # 2| London j 11 10 PAsesten, &e., st. MARYS, ONT. stabling. 0 old shelf worn shoddy Goods, but all trea end ~R KILBURN. 4 20] G. T. R. Sarnia Branch.| 11 10 Be. Marys, Bopt. 16, 1004 uy _ Stratford, Feb. 18, 1886. 476-ly we from the | 'bet tactories in the United 8 URN. [Gatench, 'Clitoa. ses, | /___ ncapane sale a } a cicaasaccueens ms WORTH'S HOTEL. Jome One! Come All! Give an ) Best Sets Teeth + Ing BT cone B. HARD G, HE SUBSCRIBER boring leased the above well : | Buffalo, E. & 8. States, | BaAgeisten, SOLicrToR, CONVETANCER, CEe ree ree ccer ts exyuntnt tle obt-petrens old Friend a Call! 12 30| Bramiford......... } 800 Etc. idington's Block, Erie St. cua hen Uneaten public that it wil! be his constant | p rare MRER THE ADDRESS : "Painless Extraction! |G. TR East, Toronto, | _ Strationd, Sept, 13, 1584. ; "ee "ty = to sustain the reputation of the house for first omens _ = 0s All pointe between sabe pomreeronconrers Y >} Chum eccoanmedation.-'Phve table will be constantly JOUN Co ANTHONY: Vitalized Ajic. 12 90| Stratford & Toronto | THOS, T. PORTEOUS, Leni sever gar Fimt-clase Stabling piel Teo wes "| 8)" htke all for the Od | By Aseetes, 20 LICITOR, Etc. for Horses. , ALBION BLOCK, Kwa, the Dentist World every Wed- | DDFELLOWS' BLOCK, rege R. M. CALDER. o needay and Satur: | _Steattord, July 1, 1885. _ Oly Strathord, April 3, 1806. Os Stentor aeons --RAILROAD | 'FAKES PAID ONE E WAY -- - 10 00] 6.9010. Band i. E By....| 1110 A ERT --_ " ra April_-13th, 1887. London, Jun 30, 1886. 47-1 i. ™ GHO. ALBERT LONBY, LENNON } HOUSE. ides ---- ------ 12 30 Oud oe | RRISTE Law, C ; J, halfway between Stratford Harmony, Falrview, on ARRISTER, Solicitor, see Oe | & Mar Cer ea A. HUTCHINGS, | + Saye cod Saserdeve pa 'Woods! old office, Windsor Block, Stratford T. LENNON, - Proprietor. y Sur Ss 2. @ | @ | \ Stratford July, 13, 1887. 508-1y ; , eterinary Zeon, --_--_-- wa SMITH & mamiaie, Tem py data at Ba: a Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary " Tale Postmaster, Li h Cc r. Eve kK * A BABsISTERS, Eto, STHATFORD. ercoelosetion forthe punto. 'Tesue--pensonable. ; College. Cabinet Pictures nee Stratford, Nov. 27th, 1884. 'Sm CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FEDERAL - Biri pe ie esa gee ICE :--Royal Hotel, Stratford, Ont. W. I. BECKER'S. OFFICE :-- " ord, - oS ox RE-OPEN ED. Strattord, Apeil 20, 1987 0.8 x mas ne ormita nyse toate Life Insurance Co. G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, ------ iS RE-OPENED KQEECE om - BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ss dia CABINET = D. W. BURT, V. S. ocean nov wishes Liejve the pubtio s chesce to | Govensunsy Duroerr peste a hors in ry, Con At peng osITR THE MARKET, The sum held by the Government as security for Public, &c. Office--Market Buildings, pnw iga s Honorary Greteet of the Ontario College of iy G. W, LAWRENCE. Wa. Lawrence. | W"S,0'5 OPENED. 0 or ey i varied Penny SON GAONE. Cabinets at $2.00 Per Doz. | potsd poise' axooede ali Rebilition ct the company Stratford, Feb. 3, 1880. 'Wty fand choise, 'CH. STIUS presides atthe bat CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. From now until First of May. "nt mages on worn, ees a Tis GEO. BOOKLESS, Cuances MopERate. Re ber the Da' d Place, | every #100 of liabilities to the public. LDINGTON & PALMER, Manager. member the Date an ©, | "The nesets of the company, including uncalled ARRISTERS, Ete., STRATFO Stratford, June 14, 1887. GOT tt Veterinary Medicines en Kept and Dispensed.}a few doors West of the Post Senseates capital, smount to $1,400 for every $100 . a PFIC : : " -- poblic, & ~---- JOHN IDINOTON, G-C., C., Counrr Caows Attonsar. Royal Exchange Hotel. OFFICE and Residence, Carsan's Howe Office: Sueaeae security, for each dollar ot abilities, to MONEY TO LEND. Holiday's Old Stand, - Market Square. ---- - _ Company in the country. Stratford, Jan. 12th, 1586. 520-17 --_ TAA én. paticies owed by this al cea i nN Hs HOTEL is fitted up in the mest modern EE com) y, lat January, 1885, on the Homan's plan, MONEY TU LEND, cnet ea isnot inthe' rt consider: has been for One Thousand Dollars :-- A' Reasonable Rates of Interest, on Farm and | ation. Commodious sam sample rooms for Commercial , " fown Property. Apply to Travellers. WE HAVE BEEN Elected to sell during the o 3. Ww. LAWRENCE, Taslor and and Bates On Celebrated Lager and Ales on WM. STBELB, Holidays, . z-- __-- Market Buildings, Stratford. Draught and pomaere nr VETERINARY clu 20° Lbs. of Light Sugar, for $1. 3.. , Y P ' sat 45. ~ Money, Money, Money ! Pes PAYNE, reprieee (ornate of the Ontario Clee ot 50 Lbs. of Raisins, for $1. 0. ANOTHER Lat of Cheap Money has beon placed LAGER |! LAGER! = 5 REMOVED zD ne oca tao 0 soversc w}50-Ubs. of Currants, for $1.) 00. 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. GEO. BECK -- at Square, i 5 Lbs. of Good Tea, for $1 3 eae ees ee BECK, seat Square, Stations, | Pence --Ontale ret, STRATE Onaice™" | Tobacco, 40 Cts. per Lb. WILLIAM GORDON, = the agency for the sale of ye . --_--_-- metatae ee | | Saetomemer woe WM. PIRIE, GOOD BARGAINS = ALE asp PORTER . THOS. "MILLER _ | ' Yo or potter. General Blacksmith. ' AS REMOVED HIS OFFICE to the Koc This ape ate Lager obtained the Only Medal (CLARK'S OLD STA} oasis Fee Sere eee ete Olies, Kite. ctoees, wanted at the Toronto Exhiition OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE, CLOTHING Special Agent for THE ONTARIO. BM. LIFE, and A Good Suit and Overcoat for $10.00. Agent for the following First-Class Fire Ins. Co.'s FIRST - CLASS SHOEING. NORTHERN, LANCASHIRE, CALEDORIAR, azo | C® tately Occupied ed by Mr. ae a PERTH MUTUAL. Stratford, May 15, 1884. : 437-ly - helt Sine Gist ia hes . © ay R Houses, Building and Park Lots for Sale. Money : = --__--___---- Special Value in New Spring oo caen 56 Ris pera CoxTRaction ATTENDED To AND CURED. dace _Stratford, Jane 21, 1887. sandal j. R. KILBU RN Stratford, April 1, 1887. 687- Miliuery. W. MOWAT. &: SON, BANKERS, --ARCHITECT, --| ~ 7 omar OFFICE : Windsor Hotel Block, Stratford. W. J. CLE LAND er . psa banking Bi a Gants _ -_ People wanting Bargains, give us a call. or Un drafta payable at par in Canada or United W. 8. COWAN, General : Blacksmith, ' the svisgs rand" Within the aatox Yervover | ALUCTIONEER, Natuntor, oc falee attended | Graduate the United Sate Sowing Soo tner Bros $2,000,000 (two million dollars) have been deposited in Counties of Perth 0 or Oxford. with us and repaid on demand with interest, a re- 27 Ortens left at Tux Tixes Office promptly HORSESHOEING A A SPECIALTY ! ont ey unparalleled in the case - any other | attended --_-- king firm in Can: @ make 4 paren Aug. 23rd, 1882. wo-ly pag a here -- paid to Interfering and ---- = = = a 'ender- 'ooted specialty of lending to business men and farmers at : ores. Next to Forbes' Livery, Stable, STRAT- FORD, 'T. raring Bronchi Qu and Asthma, = tucing Glandular la ist and » , ABSCESS: Ming the excruciating tort ES and Fl LAS, and for aliev sivme funds te loah on mort- gages = lowes' rates. Interest and Lv yee pay- J. G. KIRK office. t sold. Marble and Granite Works. 7 wererarercued RHEUMA --s t our . 8. money "IVIL ENGIN a SURVEYOR Marriaxe licenses issued. u idingion' « Block, Erie St , Stratford, Ont. Stratford, Bept. 15, 1885. wont -- MEURALGTS it geared moar 'or In' voces alana secured. : (dss & SHARMAN. Importers and ai remove Sourf and every species of didn Marble and Granite Monumenta, Tomb- lca eared only at Professor Hotiowar" stonce, t, ee eee 9/383 OXFORD ST., LONDON co. PERTH MU TUAL F. L. CO. _seattord, Spt 9 sti G. on | FURN ITU RE RHTARLIAWNED 1863, » BY v ACT OF PARLIAMENT, = A. HEPBURN, {osures Bulldings, Mere handise, utactories and ----AND ALL KIxDS OF -- Sept. is, 1876. wely snd sold at 1s. he Qs. 94., 48. 64., 2 e., Se i other rar ile Proper : RCWITECTU RAL Plans of Public and J jot te OA... Canada att a i eh are aceteen: | INTERIOR ein contd Sesh, and the larger ste Lona PROMPTLY AD/UATRD AND AID, meal ---- shed ite Britains CAU UTION. --I have no Agent in WooDdD Fes Mat my medicinds witd ther BOARD OF F DIRECTORS : Santee, 08. EO Perfect Hair Who are Bald, or nave = or | *urchaser t should therefore cok to -- Jobe ohn Hyde, Tea. Fax., aD , President, Stra! mar WORK -G wh . m the Posand Boxes, If the addres .P, Vice- Prousente imirattord. BOOK-B! N DI NG. natural and rey Hair, or °o 33 Or Ox ord street, Lon f pear Bley Moe flnarp inten perce da oe igs Indicates a healthy condi troubled with Marks of my said Medicines ¢ J. Salkeld, Ea "ti bopaty Reeve, Downie MADE TO ORDER! tion of the scalp, and of the glands ; The Teste Mes Ee ek Wi le ., Builder, Stratford. HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR BINDING DA WN D R U > EF ! egistered wane ary a George i y Reeve, North Easthope L Mavic, Law Books, Periodicals, &c., in PIRST- Mah aln through which nourishment is obtained. G) 'BOLLO ee ee CLASS MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Old In ogany, Walnut, Cherry,| when, in consequence of age and dis- -- Odard Sais, 'lex, McLaren, Exj., Reeve, Hibbert. Lacks repaired, and blank books ruled, printed and Ash, and Other Woods. ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and | Dr. DORENWEND'S| ------------- James osthen, Bo. Strattord. bound to any pattern. r . . . * I. Henry Doering, faq. Mornington. ---- rr -- gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen , as MISS SALVADGE, Wm, Monet, Rg. Daakat, Onttort wut Porteous & McLagan | tie ore comin, and impart Berth) Full Price List 0 on Application. rapid and vigorous growth, and impart 163 HIBERNIA STREET, Fron rr sao ahr ts a wig, edema Wholesale Furniture Manufacturers. to it the lustre and freshness of youth. T® x0 xow PREPARED TO CLEAN, DYE amp Genera) Agente--W. §, Bolzer ped Alex. Frame. WALTER STONE, Stratford, April 20, 1896, set-ly I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a £27 A responsible staff of roughout the : _ | Jong time, and am convinced of its STRAW: AND FELT HATE ™ me Office : Ist. floor, Ser Menst's Deak, * | Book: Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer SHAKESPEARE value, When I was 17 years of age m ____Sirattord. hair began to turn gray. I commen : "CIENt PACHERT,. | BENDER ER-DUTION'S_DAUG_STORE, |. re ing the Vigor, and was surprised at Secretary. Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, -- ie ae acter t- protest ; Strstiont, May 18, Ink: 436-15 STRATFORD. e a the ie ee "Hot -- <== | Stratford, Feb. 21, 197. ee +] fo. ptimulated ite gree th save COUNTY oF PERTH. é aS F cer ote cman sorice + ur Warten vit te in a. | CHE GFEAL ENGIN Preseription| At Reduced Prices. J. W. Edwards, Coldwater, "o ope, 5 tendanre at the Clerk's office, on the first and ~} years in thousands of = Croup and ¢ Consumption third Tuesday in each month, from ten to three Cures Spermat Noreveas HE Undersigned, having better facilities to Ayer §~ air Vigor, o'clock. The elork will be in attendance at his cot ai don Emissions, Impotency manufacturing, is pow prepared to offer the olfice, ot and Wednesday of each week, ant cauaed beabone! above Weld hy a Desgyine ons ALLEN'S LONG BALSAM pirat ra Paegheor aptd chock, Peo Bun cong Sirti im |; } indisere' er over-exertion. [arrzs CELEBRATED W AGONS ! i tan << 3 and Shatine pope Haar sro mone Gearanteed yk: Cure when all othen at'very much, Lewer Prices than ever before, and| Ie rou ARE surrERpro from debility | 23c, FOr. ant $1.00 per bolic. | tng same hours. tak 'substitute. One warrant them the Lightest Runni and loss of appetite; if your stomach is aa WM. DAVIDSOR, Co, Clerk. 1 By. 3. by mail. Sete teats Sie and most Durable made in Canada m out of order, or your mind confused; , Sapa arpennaLSNCSERIRAN ST SET NTE eh BLOXAM,.. ee =. ehh TOHNS, ©. K | He would aleo beg to call attention to his eee a This medicine | Water vs. Steam. 0. DEN. will restore ores 4 x PROVED SPOKE-SOCKET, 5 peteeaty ILL_be found invaluable for the hair and qubscriber » to announce te the public SLATE ROOFER ----| ee Ae ee ee | WW Lee eee et casera | Eb ; ? To Avoid Baldness or - Grey Hair a neat device for strengthening bugsy-eheels, | than any tonic yet discov ; pricorates crowth of the ry and im cases of pumeanne 20 BA ANaae ' Bath parse spree Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great. German Ge ae ee For six months I from, live: | tom wil prouoe goed crops of hair. _ it restores | atthe prices quoted, will torunes sateay YL? Canadian and American Slate, Mir Singie:__1s hoops tha. seal ent Soe ; es wees'? and stomach troubles. My food did Sir th ite original color, and is an excellent Hard Wood, $2.40 per 1,000 feat, Tue Bast Roorure Fait axp Ines Riveme Avwars - . sey thet > greene Rohs ond I, became ¥ Four hair is ina weak con- tot Wont, of the hair: et a ae csyiny SOE | Ganges 5; tree Or 30 conte per M Sm any the tla 4% Shingled Roofs also Repaired. wa ' pote] wedge = Hee 'the| Buggies and and wes cured. eS IetED. Bae iT, es Station. | not perished, it will 'them and Democrats ! A 8 ) Sarsaparilia, TORONTO, Canada. of Dry Oak, Kim, Basewood, and time force a new of hair. Ah Soe Hale At the Lowest Rates. ie : on tt ky . to, at short- iy It only ret pe Gro. MENCHIN Dd ty pp mye Le , . JOuN PEAseea, Strattord; March 9, 1887, all druggist in Stratford Seakenpeare, May 7,150, eet ; ail