Co ETRE TN TR rawr fen ---- rua ee he ey - Percseeoeocan + a ae ee ncaa <i Li: Sittin Livntiited Settee | plea DUBLIN A ACCIDENT The ma Rourke, who was injured at bard raising. oy the 12th inst.,: ta inet week'¢ Tira, died the Hoosrt: ny a Cox While milking ber | of the 12th inst., M t ed light! ' fr Op LISTOWEL. Larnor Onprr ~wecared ae rer oes Kailway ¢ » furnioh the in summer hotel whi hat « at Banff springs in th Messrs. Heas Bros, have the Canadian Pac ti npiny to ens a v in buil Ie why 9 bows t Tor Lie ¢ sme to $6.00 ami ] oul: ly reach $8,000. "London, Mon real. Bowmapwille,.and_se er: American firms competed, but Br { furniture nsidered inta Mesars was LO the best si 1 ¥ ot. thiture within « month SHAKESPEARE. { } Several new. buildings are goiiy ap and | ken of, j but bosiness men are ment after harvest, « i well, is- dull, ' i impro the crops are looking Our village temperance house keepe isda éverhan the Inspector elieve, fur and ginger ale. him right " that i is, "if ey pf ae we Gur usually qu'et village was stirred - he other day by the presence of a wi 2 a bibulous son of Se Crispin being the oifender. vig: lance committee is watching his actions, and if the offence is repea he may expect a caile ride on a fence rail, and, possibly, a new suit of tar and feathers. --CARLINGFURD. Mr. John Robinson is building an ad- tition to his barn. A bara belonging to Mr. Miles Brown --_ t boy of to Io groond Friday week. A bout five years of of age, in cing Matches, set the - building on grit were about thirty-five tons anda separator -inthe-barn. The ng and contents were insured for "bat $800. Mias Agnes ee died at the residence of her brother. r. John Cole, iast Thursday wrung: after a very short illness er remains were interred in yon Sat. e aoatial services were con- ~Rews- Mr: -- dwi in DOWNIE. imaastrovs Fing.--The dwelling bouse Mr. Wm. Porter, of the With conces- } sion, Downie, was burned to the ground y i t } wu a nag night week, about o'clock, 'All the ogc penis of the hones who were erein bed at the time. Mri Panter heard a yen pon the verandah a a few minutes before the flames burst out, bus he thought | manu returning home, apd paid noattentivn | toit. The tire st arted in the vorner of the waddehinl wtntaproad Fagldl ily to i joase, which was soon in flames, A -- berof neighbours quickly gathere dy bat } "the Ta ames 8; read #0 Ff f ily that bat ii of the house}! 1old goods were saved, Mr Porter had considerable difficulty in reseu ing his family. After it was thought they were all out it was found that one of the | -- ren was missing." He rushed back and | » stairs and yore the child, a little girl four years, rolled the awain t and i i : There was a little moll a bills con- taining $52, which was in the bureau frawer, and a bank book missin g- is a small insuiance on the bous is uo doubt whatever that the tive: was the work of an incendiary. RULLARTON. Another old settler of this township passed away on Friday morning week in the person of Mr, John Baird, of the Mitchell road, at the advanced ave of 81 years and s few months. The deceased was buried in Knox church cemetery in Mitchell on Sabbath afternoon, _The barns and outbuildings of Mr. Jas. Roger were burned by her gs on Sanday morning. Thirty loa y were cou- au at the same time, "The tose k is heavy, sad ole y coveréd by ins Mr. John Brooks had a new which he had just purchase stored in the barn and caamanial at the same tine. Mr. John Pringle, sr., has been two weeks under the care of Dr. Aikens, at Toronto, getting a tupus cancer removed, The De. took away the whole nasal bone Ls) © a permanent cure, oe . Pringle waa five hours under o| "it he- ie now recevering rapidly and will be able to, ve around again in a few weeks. Mr Wm. Sutherland, South Boundary, Blanshard, had five ribs broken and ter- ribly jarred internally, on Wednesday last. ey the horses runni binder, body. Mr. S. is now on the mend, other damages were done, MILLBANK. A Desracetive Firs.--On [oe ren morning week, at three o'clock, aroused from our peaceful ieasber by the ery of fire ! and the glare of the grea fire king. Ihe hotel occupied by Me. - owner - Sap No Armstrong, was env eloped in flames, and. ved Mr. M Much sympath po or Mes. perty in i } tion and is sh up nad on Se { pe va bles hing Qu i roagy On lot 3, con. 2, _ or ISS in LOCKHART seg oe ar oa Nhe a ru ain: ae } ostiuts rs itera, it was his son and hired | Los In FRITCHLEY wite ay & AVONBANK: getting hous nod in good cdn a ory | 5. The fall w rh eat is only tair and ecniins' in very fast. ley | oats are ex June cheese was urday, 6th that , to Andrew Liteheson, Listowel, pt which © is considered very dell MILVEKTON, The follow ing pupils of our p iblic school | passed the entra: examination. Lhe writter wider of 685; Jostaii Payh, 575; The hay is ce ith merit are > se. BKB Gir h. S38: «Pod John Groach, 605; George Fannie Henry, 450; Lizzie false statements regs -- the esters pic nb held here Ist July. "tet ere waynes gross ieaorancee \ laud il i ty forge ting on ane | tre sh reputa tion for veracity by stating over his own signatare that there were any more." In regard to the above | positively assert over my Own signature that there wer over tifty tive we rs iu thet t procession, So much for erof thet order w charg No. 2, *althou sls the arths le in que ation seems to have the sanction i." the Court by tender ing. its thanks to ---- while in the grove." Aguin, as Shee i assert that neither the member of the Court sanctioned the ex aggerated part of the report. A corrected report had been sent by Mr. Ernst Gartung to Tux Times containing a vote of thanks to the ladies, but owing to some delay ip the mails it came too late for insertion. Now, Mr, Ex liter, you will see that this paragon of purity (?) has penned two false tore stad in charging the writer of the article with one, Thanks for your spacc. James Torrance, Member-Gourt. Milverton, No. 99; G:O. FP. -_ inst... = the daughte sien inat., -- of a son. Ellice, om the 18th wite of Mr. Dennis "Quinlan, ofa ALE = erantord, on tf ve o . K. Barnsdale, Nasuyre. oe Same wile of Mr. J. H Nasmyth, = DELAESY: oh Hibbert, = the Wm. Delaney, of aso BENNEWPIS --In Mc Kilo, 5 the L3th Inst., Mra, 17th inst., Mra. Logan, on "ta i FH | inwt., Mrs. Danie! nn, of a son. enronD Fler Mitchell Ls the 20th inst , Mrs. Vie sani) re che Methotien ist parsonage, St. Marys, wife of Rev.A. M. Filipe, rya4, on Piseg Pica in Mr Kal tery! rowe In Clark, Dakota on the the wife of Mr. K. G. Lockh: In Stratford, Ww t., the wife -- inet., ier vel inst., the Saeed Hamilton, if Sonne Inspector, ARMSTHON +---In Li sellon the 2ist inst, Mr. Henry Anarene, of a son. on the>2vth inst... the tes Hogarth, of a son. the the llth tnst., the wife Gen. Osbe ne, ol 2 een Listowel, un th 2 Lo of a cdat in Listowe Mr Ger LS Tor f ul IVAN BAS DE REOR . by the it iM te bs. I egiate ft, to Eran { Mr John Me FADZEN the bride . Mar 1a, oad datig shter Sanderon M ct LLota At the r the I ane Mot me naa of Sianahard. » late of St. Marys. In Mi te bell, on the Mth aT TERY ey ia hinge vs 3 Elizabe:t: VA Hodgins, f--AMACHER--At the Methodist Parsonage. New Hamburg, on the 19th inst : bo Res. J Brandon, Mr, John Hesse, of Wilmot, to Mi " wo the towns ship ot FREERORN --In Atwood, on tt ~t, by the Kiev. Mr. Dack, W. Jones, of Listowel, to Freeborn, of Atwood. MeMID the Manse, 20th artis ® ty the Rev. 1. Campbell, and Ww r,to Mies Mary Jane saetie n Mims Susan W an Inge reoll, on the HILL SsThOURIDGE Re es Hill. o inst., by Rev BARR ows brit he's fat Ann Driscoll, all of McKil DEATES. CoRnous At Stratford, on the fist inst, . Chisholm, aged 32 years and 6 months in Stratford, on the 15th a jac] Nolan, G.T R., aged 53 yea DUG xin Carlingtord, ow the Lith oll Ag Nec rickie , aged 31 years ad 4 months. NOLAN - the - relict of the late W age. of Listowel, Mr. Lastowel, on 18th Stratford, to Miss Rhoda Steobridye, ot Putnany, ary | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, | ~ -- TO CONTRACTORS. plas AND FOR THE Two-Storey Brick Store and Basement, Can be seen at th office of Alex. Hepburn, Architect. ed forthe work up to the BURT, Veterinary Surgeon SrHRCTFICATIONS Tenders will be reeety tat July Io W et 1t City of Stratford | N TICK '© HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Assessmen' Bot for I ier "re » Lime Fruit Juice, An Excelent Summer Helerage. Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, Sure Death to Flies FULL LINE OF Fancy Soaps. JUST RECEIVED. --ALL THE. Popular Odours in Perfume --ATt-- FE. J. JOHNS' WEST END DRUG STORE! Von Ontario St. West. TELEPHONE. NIGHT BELL. _ Stratford, ton = 1887. 7 OSD tm arnaNyp Sonsini and Cevdisabita EXHIBITION 1':8i8!17 TORONTO SEPT. 5th to 17th. $30,000 In Prizes. | PNIRGES CL Os AUG. 18th. Thia, being the | Dominion and iudustries Exhibi poh be the ition of ual inslustri fal mon ol, thie A Grand Pr cgramme of Special Attractions | being prejatred. are and cheap ng the ral three excur of the eran tickets at sir sions on all railways hid tion The Greatest Event of the Jubilee Year. For prize lets and full nfe J. 3. WITHROW, President. 21, 1RST. rmation address H. J. HILL, Mer. and Sec, Toronto. "|e } "| sit | | | amy | }2 Williamson & Co. MERCHANT TAILORS GENTS FURNISHERS ! | s Respectfully announce hat-we are now-open--- for Business and will be pleased to see Old Friends and Customers at as early a date as all our possible, as we have a big Bonanza in store for A Glyclone of each of them when they call. a 'Bargains in the Hat Department. A Tornado of Sacrifices in the Furnishing Department. A Simoon has Struck our READY-MADE DEPARTMENT. We-are going to" clear out all" our Clothing at 5Oc. on the Dollar. Génerous Reductions in our Order Department! J. R. WILLIAMSON, General Manager. JOHN POLAND, Manager of the Manufacturing Department. NEW ADVEKI ISEMENTS, $10 seated ARD. NY PARTY relarning the tae ° = Hu taken from Dr. Kote Thursday, will socstunapensided te TEN: bOLLARS return! of anere tor Pee Tides "tions aske WANTED! wo Goob ar ra SERVANTS, ty Manitoba. Apy Mus. At Mr. J. E ae to Db. H. Tania Ke HARRISON, silence, Norman. «t Strattocd TO LET. i N ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with or with out Heard. Mus. angen igs dea € HARRIES, uth ar f2 Chareh + ane. Stratford. July Sth, WAN'TED. Good DINING Ron oy omnes. Highest wages Apply JOHN. P. AYNE, i Neyal Hote. ee {HK MARKETS. Bg ATFORD--White Fall Wheat Red Fall Wy 7S @ 78. nd 0 @ Oats, 30 @ 5 Apples (baa) 100 @ 12 Beet . ome * 46. t bbl, 4.00 «@ ~$.00 Ducks per pal, H@ o Chickens per pair, 30 wo per cwt., &. Sheepak bth, bbaw Five | per cord, 260 to 4.06. Wool, 00 to serecs Et Ae Ted our, 4.25 atoos, (hac), 90 ST. MARYS-- =a Wheat 7. 38 ' Wheat, 7 ScuInimeees enna mad ge" a 78 ye | Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. VOTERS' LIST, 1887. | TOWYSHIP OF MORNINGTON, COUNTY OF PERTH Nonce 18 weneny GIVEN, that a have tranemitted sg haentn Day of a doky, thst said iaaldfative Atom Assembly, ee oe eT and tani it ws frat ported Mirattomd, July 1, [say NOTICE PO THE rvUBLIC. ' Nem EB Is herety m that arned not 'a tori sh any goods to any erson in my merm my written onler, E i will not be re oo) albh for nny debts contracted im my name, 6 written ordef, after this daté. al) parties are _ALFRED BAX. Stratford. . Ld Ess well, Billing, coaberss rrot, St y d Island. Province of -THE LA RGEST STOCK -- 2s Foreign & Domestic ages WEST OF TORONTO, IN BOND. Spanish, French and Italian Wines, French Brandy, Jamaica Rum, © Hollaad Gin, : Scotch and Irish Whiskey. I have the only Bonded Customs Ware- house in the City, where. the Trade can buy Imported Liquor in bond. : JAMES CORCORAN. 7th, 1885. ---- GRAND 'SALE Or ---- JEWELLERY! Watches, Silverware --itr., ar-- Pequegnat Bros: ' = * Stratford, July 2 PEE RETT CR Sp a "Durieg fifteen days, commencing to-day, wejwill at Large Discounts. 5 we may well say, is the piace for Real Bargains ! But during this time, ewpecially everyone looikisry jee Dargaina, will be satisfied Sa hetter value for their money than they ever were offered before in the city. a Everything Knocked Down From 20 to 25 per cet, off oar Rezular Prites hich everyone knows were low enough before. Now is your chance, _Don't Miss-It . iniseaee, we re eee saything, we wit striotly observe our THE PLACE; - OLD ALMIOMN- BLOCK WESTOF-2 o.; PEQUEGNAT "BROS, at Re spa Aig bie