y wou be coe fon aa ca Sy annem caetinaieeaiien ts _B LISTOWEL PALL RACE TANG. ye The fall meeting of the Listowel 'Turf Club commenc t Friday: The weather was all that could be desired, and the attehdance was fairly good both ov Following is a summary of the event --2.40 clam, purse $154. divided, 00, Lettrance 10 per cent. Dr Howell's v. * Sandy H., ays Gen Stanton ' 1 1 Teeter & Middaug his g g. Grey Tow see Dr. Hall's b. g. Billy Ryedyk, 'Soneverly Rising Sun... Time~--2. 27, 2 M, 234 First heat.--Grey Tom had the pole and ar his place to the quarter, where Sandy 1 the otf a3 oh, fext, Ht: adyk and be inaking « yood 3295 1 and other offic als of the 'ote are expect- 'or second place. Secead heat, ~ Sect H. led, closely ee by the grey son of Royal George, t was never overhauled. The We hea' weesndy Mandy th; Seep Fom finishing in 1, 2, 3 order, "Sandy H. win- ming the Seema Rame.--8 cA See divided, #0, " 15 per cent. ; entrance 10 per cen 4. Parental a m. Mollie B., = : w. wutets m. Kitty af i A. Collia's b.m. Hotspur ¢ 2 Time--2.22), L3ah, bas, 2 44. Firat heat.-- Mollie B, and Hotapur Girl made the pace, see-sawing all the pe _-- mates & great race down the lie. B. wiuning by a oes Kitty ote r bedly. but_ managed. to. ke: decond heat. --After & great fol of a start was affected, Mollie and fel ~Girl. trotting a double rece to the quarter, Hotspur went Fs a Kitty collate her, but was carried pea pa bunched on the atreteh a, Mollie B. Tesbion "the winner of the | Third finished a winner of the ae by a neck amidst the wildest enthusins Fourth heat.---With a ost for Kitty. it was ase that there would yet be r the rave, but Mollie. ved cca! a footiest, winning the tand the rac Srooxp Day.- sare _-- prirse $256 ; dheided, 60, 5 and 15 bercest. Entraace 10 per ce t Lois Sandy iH. _by Gen Flo nce o the quarter, but went up at > turn and dropped back, Sandy taking her paces aud holding it rn Second heat. ~ Ted most exciting. y H. and the speedy daughter of © ti and nec e mare hake a little the best of it. It was a horse race 'He mare finished half a neck the winner amidst the wildest enthusiasm, and lowering her re ord materially, ad ding another of the get f Clear Grit to t 'ourth heat. ~The 'heat was between Florence and Sandy fer blood, and was almost a repetition of the third. The mare went like a clock and finished a bare __.Winner, Fifth heat--The mare led the party to the J, when it was evident she could no stay the trip, Sandy closed up and she quit and 'dropped back The heat aud vest seen for many a day. B.... . 4. -The open trot did met fill and the iation ered & piree of 3100 to the owner of Hick Jack to beat 2 il which | rom ugh making i the k iene we oot - fas the country. Time, 2 ote te portend -N cea f cent.; matrat. taad best in race, pares 4 Mer 0, divided, entrance 10 per 237 "The horses all being pa in the town this race excited a a great deal of interest, especially the first and third heats, which were closely contested, the finish being by & nose This concluded the meeting which ae 'been most successful in every respect. horsemen speak in tne highest terms of praise of the een, and the as#ocia- tion certainly deserve a great deal of credit for the manner in which the meet- dng has been conducted with a view to elevating the standard of the noble sport of horse trotting. The judgea were bi Forbes, G. E. Henderson, J. P. Mabee. Timers--W. Forbes, G. EK. oe aniansione Clerk of the ing Sr. Marys District Mretinc.--The ministers and laymen comprising the above district met in the Methodist church here on ary ts yes After ay | hands all business. Times arrangin, tion of aging fora i la ovine re the Educational motes th St. Marys congregation wesbeli. A ohneeak ne tana needs & & wkd or be if t was a repetition of the 'County and District ews, "EXRLING FORD: x Vist. Messrs. Kobert an i | View Maginnis, " Beston-and Ne ou ork reapectively, dre visiting their g ratid Mr save been con celebrated detective organization organi red many yeara ago by Allan Pinkerton. Robert is an old Strat ford printer. MILVERTON. We understand that Court Milverton, No. 9, C. O. F., intend dedicating their -- _-- && oe & Rothaermel' . inst. i, Elion, "U. wed ed to be present to conduct the impressive ceremonies, A good time is expected generally. : LYOLE, isis "The exhibite of Mr, David Chalmers took a high place in the apiary department of the Industrial Exhibition at Teronto. prize for the best bee hive for comb honey and 3rd , and most wactical invention. He ales got 2ad for test 20lb comb honey against seven com- petitors and 3rd for the best heeswax, with ten entries. Mr. Chalmers ranks second to none among the Canadian bee- raisers, SEBRINGVILLE. _Our furniture man, W. G. Krurpe, is still to tha front, selling as cheap as ever. He ab also ---- a first-class hearse and keeps a fine stock of funeral pany on hand....He. solicita a share of Goma Aurap --Mr, Samuel Kretz 'tes pure' a lot from Goettler Bros., and 18 building a stable at present. He will build a two-storey brick house and kitchen next spring, Mr. W. G. Kruspe doing the carpenter work, ELLICE, Busa Fines Bors a Banx.--The frame of Mr. Samuel Middleditch, en con. 5, took fire on Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and was totally destroyed with all its contents, consisting of grain, hay, binder, and fa arming implements. The bush tires were raging some 30 rods from -lwaria- ane - tho hi ind --ca the burning cinders right into the building. Loss about $1,000, on which there is some insurance. Cieantna Ur -- The late fires "having burned and re-burned throughout tlie waste "warsh lands in this township, the owners: of the Property are seriously a general clearing up, and 'make this long- standing g eyesore and dangerous nuisance Commercial hotel, Steationd. is the owner of one or two hundred acres, and he has set a gang of some 20 or 30 men to work to clear it up, and prepare it for a crop next year, The Ellice Council sould offer a bonus for every acre of the marsh that is cleared up within the next twelve months, and increase the tax on the Jand that iz left uncleared sufficient to pay.the premium. ---- BIRTHS, MIDDLEDITCH--1n Ellice, op the 15th inst., the wife ay ng vw Middlediteh, of a von, ao ae 14, in Palmerston, the Joh nm, of a daughter. AU BER. ~Aty. no in Stratford, the wife of G. T Huber, of a son. in Elma. on the 11th inst.; the wife of wife of n Listowe "i on ry oth inst., 'keeustun Urava, of a daughter. SLAY--In eh pe oy bong Sth inst. the wife of Mr, John Sia: WATSON In Lage, on is oth inst., Mra, Robert We the wife of ROBINSON In tor an, on the 9th insf., Hobdinson, of « DAVIDGON- "Ip Mi hel "Phos. David FRASER a North bab a ope, on the a inst., the wife of Mr. Chas G. Fraser, of a eo NOSCRIP tow &, onthe 1¢ mas Sept eunber, the w . Moscrip, Barrister-at- Law ofa so Mrs. Win on the Ith inst, Mra are MATE WETT -~DAWE the by idence of to Bir, James Mate w (SON -- ASS At Srenttord, og te is sg inst. he ag nee of Ww. ; Rev. a 'w. mites South Ranthope, to' Miss Ida 'a Glas, © Stratior! WE tL ARD At tle residence of t . John-st., on the 15th the - McEwen, Mr. a Miss Martens Maitland, pals rs of Mr. G. F. Maitland, photographer, 8 'ord. aay pees HAKTL er--On. the LSth inst.. odist church, Falmerston,; by the c by Rev. theo. Hart "o. neeone Henderson, bead teacher of f Palmereion to Miss Pita . Hartley, aleo of Palm oreaan i McTAVISH lord, on the 7th s. H, Hemon. noth of Stratford. he porte Methodist tford,on the 12th inat., by Kev. Andrew Canminghat nm, Mr. Henry Maddews, of Mies Mary ann Jane Gill, of JACOKS--- ea In this city, on the 10th inst., the ayth, Py 'aterloo Methodist iat chu roh, Mr. Edward Jacobs, to Miss Ellen Patton, of this city. ---- yy At All Saints' charch, To- Ker Baldvin, Serowase. Kae. eq. Toronto, t formerly of Stratford, Ont. WHEATLEY RROTT- the residence eouat:s the bride's nauker on the ath inst., wa pets Ker C. BE. Stafford, Mr. Benjamin J. Wh Wood- stock, to Miss Jennie Parrot , of Mitel cobalt, hy alge oleate aac AN--At --, apn bv Lol sag ape Cashartat wooed tiag of "or, Michael Mevsieen' vone ae Dublin. PEPPERS--SNEL LING-On the 7th inst., be the Rev. the bride's father, Mr. Arkins Peflers to Miss Maria Elizabeth Snelling, all of Listowel. DEATES. | WATRON a. Port. fytines_Muaheks_om the 6th Sept., Joseph Wateon, aged @ years and 4 MOSCRIP--At St. Mary's, on the 16th ber, ope infant son of W. C. Resco see sen at-Law WALTER tn Beallacs, om the srd inet., Mra. sa , aged 78 years, months - eae pry nod on the 7th =: Alex. icine poe palored iene: ur. by ae gy and 2 months, sprees pee Nat engraver | i er this | "ly #x2inpt firemen, ( hic ago, Sept. 17. Times toa raya:--The decision of the Iino Su- preme Sours in the Anarchist vase will ex- werful influence on the annual General of the Knights Labor, which will meet--at Minneapolis, October 30, and es i indiree my on the labor movement, ry existence of the Order, ott the Knights of It is intended to bring the matter e the assembly at the outset and a resolution will be moved denouncing the devision and demanding the interference of the Supreme Court of the United States. This move will proceed from the radical wing and this will be aa élemeat in the fight on General: Master Workman Pow- , The radicals had some difficulty in passing their Anarchist -- Lng Richmond. Their hands have terially eget during the past year, claim they we 4& ent among the radical Knighta 1 in this city city assure them that the radicals have elected their délegites in nearly all the big cities and in many places outside of the centres resolution in favor of the ss bat also of ousting the present conse tive administration. The Aaseihlds' vs res- olution will be used as an entering wedge to separate the two factions more definitely than tras hitherto been ibte. -4If the Gencral Assembly is not disposed to allow the radicals to rule, the latter will with- draw from the order and attempt to break itu a Ottawa, Sept. 17.--Latest advices at the Fisheries Department show that the Cana- disn schooners have had an exceptionally good and remunerative season of fishing Fishermen are satisfied with the stoteetion K that has been given then? this season, and it is understood that the service will be aintained as long as the fi ta. Ths mackerel run is cxpected to continue until well on in October, and when it is over some of the cruisers may be laid up for the remainder of the season ------_ DYEING AND WAXENDING, A Fashion Which Perished with the French Empire=The Modern Idea. No one except policemen, firemen, especial- and a few chivalrous and ancient gentlemen, now dyes bis mus- tache, and the number of the men who change the color of their bair Ly artificial means is smalhu still __--When the-polieeman with five service stripes was sworn it was the cus stom | of almost everybody to use dye. Napoleon | III was partially responsible for this. He bad a gorgeous mustache, black and with Paris, and Paris for Asheric a. tom bas almost gone ont, and the purple black m ustaché is rare throughout the land, An old barber, who has been in the busi- ness a g@od lifetime, explained the change. Rbesaried yY years agoa third of the men that rae here wanted their moustaches dyed. A man with a heavy and fast growing mus- tache had to have it dyed every week, and it Was a good thing for us. Even ten years there were many of them left, but the fall of the French empire and the emparcr left the style without support, andthe character of the tnustache chanced. nsteal of being long, glossy and black, short and stubby mustaches came into fashion. "Cubans and southern men began to raise mustaches oe ever shaving -- te hige-- This rhairs--come-< ful clusters Toren of spikes and cae stiff hairs, There isn't any use of dyeing a mus- tache unless you raise a long one and war out the ends, so these sbort, cluste ring muy taches changed the dyeing fashion. The knowledge of the chemic: als dence po had a great deal to do with it. werful acids and compounds are at the pede of all dyes and air restorers that do anything. weak s0- lutions of harmless things are used they will have no effect, while a drug powerful enough tochange-the color of the hair must have some effect on the scalp and tbe brain, as the base of all hair dyes was nitrate of silver. "At the same time, with the notoriety of ssveral cases of poisoning from bairdye, came a reaction of fashion in favor of gray hair and bald bi The young man who had a patch of scalp showing through the top of bis head, instead of concealing it, had his hair cut so that it showed, and. he was envied by his fellow young men. It also became fashionable fora young man with black bair to havea few gray threads in it. It made Liman object of interest on account of sup posed woes and trials that made bis hair grow prematurely gray. Dyeing the hair would destroy this charm, and dyeing went speedily out of fashion."--New York Sun. Two Phases of Italian Character. The Italians find a great deal of enjoyment or blankest of blank wails. Two friends will sit side by side for an hour gazing atthe sea, two fellow clerks fia anaes ha down from Rome fora holiday... Perhaps one of them says to the other, "Behold, dear, there isa steamer!" and the other spree, "It is proper- ly a steamer; she marc! ¥ Bacchus," and then the 2 pa oi ceases anti it is discov- ered that tis pa noon and time for break- fast. anewly married pair at our Gtalthinen, amd they enjoy unalloyed blisa im this quiet way. Itis not the bea would sit with like silence in glaring caM, isa certain tranquillity that means peace seems odd in the excitable, hand, intensely. He eats if Societe with bis friends, - they talk incessantly. The newly mar- ried par raed --_ consult together and with they will call in ified propristor of the establishment, who gives his opinion as if it icate sia, ad i wl te thom god to hours finish that simple mea' NEW MANTLES! NEW SHAWLS. NEW DRESS GOODS NEW SILKS. "NEW RIBBONS. NEW MILLINERY. NEW HOSIERY. NEW MANTLE CLOTHS. NEW TRIMMINGS. DAVID N. HOGG & BRIMFUL. OF. NEW FALL GOODS In Every Department, and anxious to turn them all into Cash. Low Prices and Unapproachable Bargains will do this for us. A. MACNAIR & Co. The Leading Dry Goods House in the Great Retail Centre, Call the attention of both Purchasers and Lookers to their NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS ! | In each of our twelve departments. Goods new and interesting will be sfc The variety and volume of Goods we have been receiving ftely makes a descriptive notice simply impossible and impracticable. We invite all intending purchasers to look through our establishment and inspect new Goods arriving daily. in Ontario. We purpose to give you.the best Goods that can be offered in the market, selected with taste and judgment, and sold as reasonable as any house SPHBECIAL SALES We are making it to the these Special Goods early. -- Of ---- 'Dress Goods and Trimmings. Flannels and, Carpetings. advantage of all purchasers to make their nelechions of If your time has any value i in it, you will not waste it in looking through the other Dry Goods Stéres, but go at once, straight and direct, as all sensible people do, to The Popular and Progressive Store of. A, MACNN ATE & CO. NORTH PERTH FALL Exhibition. STRATFORD. ANTIFERMENTINE. K="WHAT IT IS AND | ) WHAT If DOES. NTI ENTINE is « sim taste, sme! color, A property of stopping aa Paevenren armen propartion re from in all Tes aon ft ia Prowse of-0i8 kindle without: ovokt * .. PRESH APPEARANCE and este ot the tre mas rotalnlng the MATORAT te une Gen 'sony Sih. Sak ack kee at hat has been a hot, disagreeable sane sean It substitutes for the Summer heat of the kitchen, a wt dee spe oe ts results are nevi betul according to di aad Boe Pees Olea 7 ne seulhatn Eng Ace irections, Pham Pudding Pack sot [Thursday _, and Friday, OCT. 6 & 7. Special Attractions. girl, "ne: Reduced. Railway Fares | SF Bend to the Secketary for Printed Liste ner acs pel wisi es ak JAMES BALLANTYNE, President, Its use is and economical, for it SAVES one-half of broken heat, SAVES the fruit cooked away, and SAVES the time sand labor tees br tee'otd seemed" - ONE PACKAGE WILL PUT UP 30 QUARTS OF FRUIT! FOR CIDER IT 18 UNSURPASSED, It stops fermentation at point ures Sraxxtixe like CHAMPAGNE, ant att all that ts ear yay is to ompey a bor of nntiiertces,® a barrel of Cider, and after 20 days rack inte a clean barre! or bottles, question ts sousetinies asked Is it injurious? Tos that I have consulted many of our most eminent asa care + for which purpow it has me eypuad, is 'sommpoaet of the above ingredients (salt and salicylic acid), and' te not only 'iain e peti he "* Se decay, PEATE nt ier sinh termeatation, wt ARTIEEAIERTCER. prosereee Reet, SO, 0, Pater, Ses nto n= . * _ ---- POR S488 5T---- WALSH BROS. Coy. | oe) a ee ed ranae SPEC VE aYS Wncleeels & & Retail Grocers, s