BEE ED HER, AND COUNTY OF PHRTH GAZHTTE. - VOL. XII. STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1887. 7 NO. 614. ity Lert Mews--- ~~ yesterday, Oct. 1], is'nt that _~- lf 0- THE-READERS OPS'THE + STRATFORD TIMES." Tines this _ its City i Sorat Hews: aenimeanenes. Read FE. K. Barnsdale & Co,'s new ad- vertizement. Jo HY Nasmyth & Co. have at present the largest assortment of tooth and nail brushes they have ever had in stock. They are extra good value. Mr. Alderman John Butler, of Goderich, ooked in at Tue Tores wreck on Friday. He said he would call a month later after our "' house-cleaning " was over. Removep, -- McEvoy's furniture shop, : . We shall give them dug Which Féeceived w drenching ow Tiesday | prominence in sabsequent issues, week, has been removed to Downie street, Did near Gadsby & Sharman's marble works, First snow early enough E. K. Barnsdale & Co. offer sound raisin at Se. per pound, hy ypresenting-~Tur week to the public large community of readers in a somewhat reduced and dilapidated condition, I haee no apology to make. I have simply done my I could not do. When]. I retired to my home for rest on last Tuesday night week, I was in and to the autograph and photograph albums at Bosworth's, they are the best value ever offered in the city and all new atyles. Those advertisers whose aunouncementé omission, We shall you ever try the celebrated N. P. soap'? If not, go at once to Walsh Bros. See the incandescent Burner, at E. K, Barnsdale.&- Co.'s, We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. M. C. Carey, of Clinton, lowa, last 'week. ~ The Royal yeast is the best article man- ufactured ; so say those who have used it. fou are always sure to get it fresh at Walsh Bros, Sune 'eu cr.-- Rising Sun stove polish will do it easier,.c and make Jess muss than any other. Price 1c. H. Nasmyth & Co., The Medical Hall. A Dantne Burctaa.--On Monday night Te PRs Fa woke by the '}-DELDBED WIT WATER 1 | A Fire That Caused a Washout in "The Times" Office. Sad Havoc Created with Printing Ma- terials of all Kinds. ': eo . THE DALY BLOCK ON ERIE STREET BADLY GUTTED BY THE "fhe roonrs direvtly over Tite Tiwis oftica were occupied by Mr. Thomas Miller, insurance, financial and Teal estate agent. were i knocked around, and Mr. Miller took one good look next day and then sent for teamsters to remove his line of business into the new Idington block. Mr. B. McEvoy occupied the building | sdjoining Dr. Smith's asa farniture store and repair shop, and he and his wife resided in the back part of the premises. They were in bed at the time, and the fire spread with such rapidity that before Mrs, Mc- co We have just received.a large consign. | 49d get some. @ are. the solo agents for,] FLAMES? Evoy could get down stairs the force of ee~-happy;-~ peaceful om mhoniod ment of fine wane which we are now sell. | Stratford, and the only firm that handle figure of a man crouching t her bed the stream of water directed inst the state of mind as any editor on the he N.P. room door, She awoke Mr. Jarvis and he -------- ' J ing at our usual low price of 40 cents per gaidon, Walsh Bros isthe place to buy geod goods at low prices, A Jeune Orrer. -- Tue Stratrorp Jhristendom, and editors on . j i face of Christendom, a Times will be sent from this date forward proceeded to investigate. He rushed into the hall and got down stairs just as the On Tuesday night last Mr. J. L. Brad- shaw, furniture dealer, shortly after cleven windows sent the glass flying in all direc- tions, and some of the picces struck her the face of any other sphere | We hay to the end of ISS to any address in} intrnder d out of the kitchen door aa : and inflicted cuts on her face and hands. ¢ e have to thank Mr. John Dutton, | & ; y passed o Mc clack. wale the Editor of this paper never knew anything about. My | chemist, ete., for his courtesy in allowing | Canada for the sum of One Dollar, Money | which he had- evidently - oe ocla is woke up the . chat there oun a Mr. McEvoy was also struck by pieces of . ~ | us the use of » compartment, suitable for | to accompany name and address in all } Proceeding to investigate Mr. Jarvis dis. | with the announcement tha' gees, and wat col mt web as ek first nap was interrupted by the in- a business office, until our old quarters are | cases. telligence brought to the house by a | placed in repair Th i itiz . "an Mr. Tobn Payne has started house-keep- - ad citize ¥ ut Ley P kind-hearted citizen, who was © ing in Mr. Klophel's cottage on Downie of breath from the way he had ex- street, second door south of the Victoria ercised his locomotive powers--that | hotel. It is his intention 'to re-embark in } . i itl 6 - | the grain and produce business this fall. 1c6@ Was elther on bre or in ee ~e : a ae es Perth" County jail "statiatics aliow the danger. The clanging of the fire total number of persons committed during bells and a bright light soon con-| the year was 155 -137 males and 22 fe- ' ~ : : males. The number remaining in jail on r firmed his statement, and it was only Sept 30 last was 17, of whom 10 were ____& matter of a few.minutes to learn | males. During the year 16 porkons were that if the fire did not do its worst ; the water had already done its work Of ruin The details of the fire are committed as fanatic published elsewheré in today's issue. Mr. James Proctor will sell by public auction the household furniture of Mr. A L. Burke, Grange st., on Thursday, 20th Oct., at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of stoves, carpetings, a 74 cotave Rosewood piano, ete. REGISTERED AT OTTAWA, Hiram Walker & Sons' imperial ryes club and malt Wiiskies, the only geruine and registered brands. For sale at James Kennedy's, Stratford. 3t £ store, J. H. Duften is selling everything in his line at reduced prices. He assures us his removal sale has been &o f«r vory sue. cessful. Laat.week bissulon jabowsclopes exceeded 10,000 ten (thousand), Following are the prive winners in the speeding ring competitions at the Stratford Fair: Class One--Single roadster, mile heat, Ino, Dempsey; Chas. Rankin. "Class" lwo ~ Single roadster, E. J. Corcoran, Jos -Mr. Davii Campbell returned tu Strat- W. oH. & TD. D. Hay: lady ; a , dno. Fotbes. Mina Jomie ford from his summer visit to Seotiand on . lust Saturday evening. He received hearty welcome at the station by scores of Stratford friends The Little more remains for me to Say about the fire. surance enough to protect me in case ' fire, as | -- ' 2 ° séen too much of the misery caused I always carried in- Feu Orr.--The unfavorable weather serionsly-nilected the gate-receipts ut the Troturnel home at the fame time, * North Perth show. - The receipts for the j ¢ $55.15, and for the second day $321.79, making a total of 3346.04. Last year the receipts were $797, ur more than double, but then the weather was ex- cveptionally fine last year, on both days. F "yaitae + Ban A of a visitation by fire, have { Mr. Walter Murray, of Avonton, was jauceessful in carrying off the overcoat jgiven by Messrs. Tolton of the Yellow Front clothing house, for the best one year old general purpose colt at the North Perth Fall show. (ood for you, Watty A Brantford paper pays:--" The old clock in the City Hall is getting more erratic in its behaviour than ever, an with a stubborn consistency refuses to chronicle the pro: i by people neglecting to insure their dros, property, causing them financial ruin and woe and trouble for years and sometimes for a life time. Next week my office will be put in habitable shape. Scrimgeour & Bennoch have the contract. of roofing and refitting the building, and they will lose no time in executing the job. The office will be refitted Dr. Shaver had a narrow escape of a broken leg on Monday eyening. The treacherous 'fallen leaves"' on the side walk tripped him up and he met with + severe fall. The doctor 1s reputed to be one of the best surgeons in Ontarie, but we doubt if the worst had happened, whether he could treat his own case. We are happy to state however, that beyond a severe shaking up he was uninjured. Services Arrreciatrp --The choir of r time." do better than that. The clock her city hall is infallibly right twice every twenty-four hours, Two Hants raat Beat as Onez.--As esied in last week's Traxs Mr. Frank OMM-now UAT he moves inte hie new | Misses Scholz | throughout. New type, paper and material has been ordered and will the Stratford Central Methodist eburch ES srrison, of Winnipeg, and Miss Lyle met at the residence of Mr. ex-Ald. Lup- ton, last Friday evening, where an address, Hamilton, of Stratford, were united in the bonds'of matrimony on last Thursday. They got in covered that the turglar had | - through a front ground floor window. ied off Mr; darvin' vest and pants. and } all the wealth contained therein, viz., 50c and his post office key. Mr Jarvis says he hopes when the police catches the coon that he will be in the act of trying to blow himself out to necessary dimensions to fit his clothes, which if he is not a 250 nder will cause an explosion.--On the same night Mr. David Agnew's house was raided, entrance being effected by way of ° his cellar window. Here they secured a s40- oe in-cash, -- Hf our friend Davie had got his hands on the a e would have got a broken head that the whole pot would'nt mend. --The residence of Mr. EK. Hodgins was also Visited. Eli sleeps with one eye and one ear open, and he heard some one prowling about the house, He made « hop, skip and jump toward where the noise eman.- ated. The burglar did likewise toward | man named J.T. Perry, who boards at our fire in or near Tue Tres office. A young residence, hastily dressed and went out with instructions to return immedi- ately if there was anything serious-- as "the claimant" has long sinee ceased rraming at the "rate "of w" mile minute to fires or to catch railway trains. His instructions were to allow nothing to be removed from the office until Mr. Butler-got-there, and thanks to Chief of police Herrington, Messrs. D. R. MePher- son, Jas. Sharman, and other gentlemen who formed a guard at the doors, this rule Was adhbred to, re The fire originated in a room occupied by Mr. C. Pretty as a paint shop, in the second storey of the Daly block on Erie street, over a store occupied by Messrs. could touch. The city counei] should er provide more-police for night duty, of elsegay the losses sustained by citizens. ns 'Mr Bright, in a letter published on Thursday, condems the Compulsory Vac- cination Act and predicts the failure of the eGmpulsory system. He advised tha! be shown towards those opposed to i Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at for emergencies. Jt never fails to cure or relieve, Minthorn & McPherson, jobbers in shoes, rubbers, etc., and next door to Tus Times office. The inflammable nature of the paints and oils caused it fo spread with great rapidity ; the roof across the whole block being a mass of flames before water was thrown. The firemen placed four streams at work, and with the whole power of the water-works at their back, they soon had control of the were concerned ; for although the fire did not get beneath the first floor ceilings, the Water did to the extent of thousands and thousands of gallons, and such a down- fire, although it took™ until "3° o'clock a | to drown it out estitdly. 'The' result may | ,. be imagined as far as the tenants below | d The furniture stock and housebold sundries were hastily carried out and considerably broken and damaged. Mr. McEvoy had only taken posseasion of the premises a few days previous to the fire and. did not_have « cent of i His many friends deeply regret the mise fortune that overtook him so soon after returning to Stratford, and making-a fresh start in life, 8.8. Faller, and W. 8, Bolger, agents re- spectively for the Etna, Royal Canadian and Queen's, Fire. lnsuranee-. which Tur Times was insured, for their promptness in notifying their several head oftces of the fire, and securing immediate attention. W. Finlay, Esq., of Hamilto was chosen to adjust the loss, and he did promptly and efficiently, although there was a difference between the estimate of the insured and the insurers, yet his promptness and gentlemanly conduct rend- ered settlement easy. It was our first ex- perience with insurance adjusters, al- though we have done business with agents in the way of paying premiums, ete,, for type at our disposal, and Messrs. Pratt & Tracy, of the Advertiser, and J. H. -~-\¥e-have-to-thank--Mesars, Johan Brown; -- ooreacsel pour of Scott Act aqua pura as favored |-Tuk Times othee would have satistied the most pronounced temperance man in the be laid down as soon as there is a Schmidt, of the Kolonist, were equally (kind. A large part of the type in Tux rse of money, was way in. accompanied by a went East on their wedding tour and will proc y to thetr future home in the One hundred cara of -- + through the C. P. R. ren: i. cheat On ©. OCuy t-te itt " --place_read: shall redouble my efforts to suit the patrons of Tae Tries both as a newspaper and as a job printing establishment. To the citizens of Stratford and vicinity of all classes, creeds and political ideas, who have extended me their sympathy in this latest mis- fortune whith has overtaken me, I cannot find words to express ny feel- ings, therefore I must simply. say that I thank them from the inmost recesses of my heart, not only on those de- Kind my own behalf but for pendent on me, words can never ie, und these, combined with cheery advice to * the ship' go a long way to- wards giving me fresh vigor and re- newed energy even when the office is ina mass of almost hopeless con- never give up ---- of her services as organist for the past year. Miss Lupton read the ad- dress, and Mra. Wm. A. Moore, on behalf of the congregation, made the presentation. Artek Lapon Rerresumest -- When the firemen uered. the devouring element on: Wednesday morning last, Dr. Smith requested them to step into his | ¢ dwelling, and with the quiet remark that belp themselveito the best his house could afford. its so, and after a short chat a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the doctor and his aimable wife. vere Mr. Macklin has made a numeroas , circle of friends, who regret the departure ; of one who has always acted the part of a public spirited citizen. Mr. W. 8. Cowan, | f Perth's popular auctioneer, will sell the ! : shove gentleman's furnitxre and effecta on | * ednesday next, the 19th his residence in Avon ward, Stratferd, inst, 8 STRATFORD Foorpatters Dereatep. The Rugby football match in London | ( Wednesday resulted in a victory for the team by 36 points. Two members of the Stratford team were unable to go and! their places had to be filled by spare men, City of Winnipeg, long life be their position. Sup't of King's Co. Asylum, St. Johnland; N. Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. D. H Harrison, Mornington street. many friends in Stratford 'extended him when it became known that bh mA himself tow life partner only « before, and part of is howes ncn w brother king sigh hand sickened many an old raitu ty tuan, May happiness and Personat.--Dr. Daniel A. Harrison The Dr's he heartiest greetings, more especially e: ompanied by his wife--he, has .ny jomed owls vs tour > pe presentat the nuptials of his Frank in Stratford. Snockixe Acctpent at Sr. Tuosas.-- @ rear step of the tender when a sudden jar caused him to lose his "quarely acri » wheels of the tende: oeting and he fell ails, 3 the passing ry over his body before the engine cosid | Those who witnessa' ident state that it was a sh. topped. Pat) tilmour was a young unmarried man, 21 years of age, and had only been employed in the yards there for about three months. His parents reside in Palmerston. ards, Winni Friday en route to Port Arthur trom patee in Southern Manitoba and between city and Brandon, The railway company reports the wheat movement brisker every day, and their locomotive power will shortly be taxed to its utmost If you have a. chain, watch, or locket that is worthless on account of it being brass, get it plated in either gold or silver, which will make it look eq to new and will last better than most new plated . Will guarantee work to be strictly give satisfaction as to qualit and quantity of metal put on. Bevrrer, Electro-plater, platin opposite Windsor Hotel, Stratford. _clasa and Phil Armour, the millionaire meat-pick- er of Chicago, has/ given $400,000 for a mission which is said to be a model of its kind. It is- established~in Chicago, 'nad there are one thousand children on the roll-call. There is « school, a kindergar- ten, and a dispensary connected with this mission, to which only the poorest and the neediest are admitted. To Avoid Baldness or Gray Hair Use Dr. Dominion. Everything, types, cases, paper, stationery, presses, engine, and the entire auxiliaries needed in a¥printing office were rendered hors de ing ping but the large part of last week's issue of the paper which was done up and ready for the mails when the hands quit work at 9.30 o'clock. These, through the advice of Mr. F, Pratt, of the Advertiser, and other gentlemen were gathered up and put in safe places before sastaining much injury. How the fire originated is and nearly all fires have my gin, The most charitable view is that the paint and oil mixtures produced spontaneous combustion, or on the other hand the chimneys in the building are in bad con- dition, and it is possible that burning soot may have caused the conflagration. There were several barrels of liquid scattered about the paint shop near where the fire was first seen, and one of them was de- clared next day to contain benzine, This caused considerable comment when seen: mhat a mystery-- Times of this week is from the Beacon office and the paper was also printed there. The non-reference of the Herald in its Wednesday edition to the fact that Taz Times office was visited by either fire or water is a step in newspaper a0 utterly foreign to anything we have met with in our newspaper career of somé 25 years that we readily pass it by. Bat its untruthful |assertions and cowardly in- uendoes of the Friday following show the malignancy of the young men's character, and is » sample of the " rarity of their Christian Charity " which must satisfy the people of Stratford and this section of the Province of the childish malice which they entertain toward their opponents in busi- ter, simply dismissing it by expressing the hope that:they may never undergo the same visitation as that which Tux Truzs office suffered on Tuesday night last ;--a visitation, However, which the Herald underwent when owned by the late Mr. John M. Hokgb, and a second time when ness, We shall not enlarge on this mat- . fusion and ruin. i ANNUAL Meetine Stratrorp Curia wth of the hair. It preven ture | and as the barrel was burnedand charred, | owned b 'ir Alex. Williamson, and a which weakened the team. They speak 3 ; rena fobs + SS prove: re : yar ? Notwithstanding the dark clouds of | very highly of the fair decisions atthe re. a -- yap of the Strat rayn and stops all falling out of the people shuddered as they thought of the third time when owned by 9 Mr, Newton, a ich urling Clab was held in the Perth bald heads, where the roots have racket th lak been if it had : ; Bickiiess and ex ive misfort foreo-and-the wa hich-the London} Mitial Fire Insurance Co.'s office on not it will invi ms oe SRS TS NO aE only a fewidays before it unfortunately and expensive misiortunes, | hove treated them. This sort of friendly | Saturday. Mr. T. E. P. Trew. presi foros anew growth of nae Ae Ete exploded. It has sine been stated that | for public 'y passed into the contro! a8 . oy wwehi rik 3 > ae & : ' r . air . , of which myself and family have iio Roman. igen Poole the -- dent, in the chair. The treasurer's re-| Magic. It is the only reliable. For sale| Mr. Pretty denies that there was any | of its pr management. A similar vis had a larger proportion than usually | 325 -- port for the year was received, show- benzine in the barrel--the contents he says | itation also happened the Beacon under its falls to the lot of one household, I nd aman : ; . : : _ | financial standing. |The following officers | Sam Jones said in Toronto :--Now 1| P&iMR boiled oil. If the city authorities | present proprietor only a few years ago, have so tar always managed to pull Correctios.--In fast week's Tings | Wete re-elected :--Presiden ;_E. P. | believe, if I was going to sell liquor, [| bad done their duty next morning they | In each of these calamitous wash-outs the 'y ag Pp ES T J - going 4 ' in $ through quietly and serenely [| there appeared a paragraph relating a rew ; vice-president, John Welsh ; sec--| would come to Toronto. You ve quite | would have ordered an investigation and f fires originatgd 'in the buildings or com 2 2 rer, Chas. Pack m a . val, partments adjoining the offices, the same have never been a defaulter to the amount of a single dollar, and never pleasant remem ces -of the sporting season just closing. fraces between two lawyers in "Montr one of whom was stated to be a ' Dennis Downey " who was formerly in the law office of McCullech & Grant of this city. y-treasu committee, K. H. M. Johnson, Clarence W-Young, p tario Curling Clnb, C. ackert; managing E. Wilmot, C. E. ag Wm aynard, jr.; representatives to the On- by oll druggist in Stratford I don't your Mayor belongs to the church; I don't know his name. nor who he this part oi the mystery, if nothing more, would have been cleared up.- We should like to hear what the chief of the fire tilly boys would do well to remember that evaded a dollar of indebtedness. in a We have received a note from Mr. Dentls | oe Peckert; Stratford, is, but I telbyou it ever I sold whiskey I department and his men have to say about | what has pened the Herald under business career in Stratford for over J. Downey, of Seaforth, solicitor, etc., in j and - hn righ de ae Ps ag would want to go to a town where the the matter. dheis 'need . ii NekaRY ant: . . which he states that he was not the party | [oF eee >We > voln | Mayor was a Presbyterian elder-and the! Ts : bors. bu 15 years. Faults 1 have--who has mentioned, and that he has not been in| 498.7. E. P. Trew, Wu. Maynard, | councilmen were Methodiet stewards, and | The building where the fire starteds and | as well as their neigh t we sin- not? These the public can judge as i Montreal for 12 years. - We readily make the correction and are sorry Mr. Downey's they please. Perhaps their judg-| name should have appeared as it did. the aldermen were Baptist deacons, Don't be deceived by what you see in the also that occupied by Tre Ties, is owned by Mr. P, F, Daly, of Toronto. The next cerely hope they may escape, even though they meanly gloat over Tux Tray' miafor- tune by word af mouth, and print cowardly = ations {Ww a : : . ae ¢ sare building. belongs to Mr. T. M. Daly, M. P., ment may be right--perhaps wrong. | Mistakes will occur, however, in the best band te tholas a papers poet big bargains in SEC aera ronan WORE fe fatty meared: ~The} ear at any price. 'Zz "fanniities and THe Tiaes made one in this instance. On Tuesday and Wednesday last, Messrs, David Ni -Hoget Co. held their first exhibit of fashionable hats, bonnets aod mantles for the season. i That the public look lightly upon them may be jadged- from the confidence they have frequently reposed in me, and the liberal patronage and treat- ment I have-received at their A Fixe Prace.--The furniture establish. wment-of Messrs; Bradshaw & Co., Ontario street west, Stratford, is. certainly one of the most costly and ¢legant in Western Ontario, We could devote much space to want the best value for your money, com- pare the quality of the go ames Corcoran sella at lower prices than any of the puffers, , "Give 'them a Ghance! same may be said of Mr. Pretty's stock and Tax Tiazs office stock, Mr, Joseph Rankin was the first to observe fire in the buildiog, It appeared. '00 1 not openly interpret) in their paper, The Cumbpriand Election Case. ~«Hatifax; Octaber 10.--The Blection Court met at Amherst at 3 p.m. to-day. . ta hae --pabti 2 : on this occasion far sarpassed f enilios a to him as if there was a light close to the Judge e} Sk have to ish a few lines exhibit made by them, and pm A or ea oo bertag ped pode, = a : a to say, your lungs. Also all ceiling in McPherson's store. It went oat McDonald peti » Mr. py Nile are more of personal: than | styies were ly bought up by the | extension tables, dining room farnitu a breathing machinery, Very wonder- | sud he took no further notice until he | Pipes and Sir. Gnarles Tupper, : 4 other interest, as efforts are being | ladies who attended on the opening days. | chairs, ete.. adorn the palit whe **: | ful machinery it is, Not only the larger Senedd thee alerwictial tod" th d story | Were both present in court. Mr, _.made by unprincipled business op- | Mr. Hoag informed our reporter that | second floor is_replete wi suite pom ca but the thousands of little | beard the alarm, © secone' SFY | for petitioner, 'stated. that he had on Sep- nents. ( : have lately ar. | tev. ¥ receive almost every week chairs, cand : cavities leading from them in flames. " He at once rushed across and 26 received notice, Ponens®: (parties who have tely ar whatever new shades or materials w. sam -- ars other | Whee these ¢ choked' | burst open the door. Burning oil was} by agenta of Mr. T rived in Stratford, } to take advantage ion us Loudon tg How York a he trade. Mr. Bradshaw | | +1 matter which ought not to be there dann dieu Gis t, thei made the same admis. of our misha We ot alarmed +80 | is we Pleased with his. business success ke * | then dropping down from the room above, | *° aga : at a aren that ladies may depend upon getting quite | in thia city. and he has had to increase his | Your lungs cannot their work. sitiagds dovte- 4 Free open oeert, ete mone that they will make any serious | ss choices jon-during the staff of workmen to thé demand fo. | AB whee they cannét-do'well, | through an open, unused. stove-pips | otice yave jadgment that impressions on old residents, | °° the first days. The ladies having goods, honses having been tarnished breton Call it » cough, Dae pomenie, Chief Herrington and Charles Wilson | Charies was null and void, and that but new comers may be susceptinle | "82. of the mantle d segeliteion firm in Quebec, London, St. Catharines, | Sth, cons seg bee 4 the family | tried to stamp it out, but the more they ne-Gk- being -- many weg. stylish sok Dore gibee. outside plaath-- weet te. of throat and ced ree Vy aad kicked it the worse it burned... ..- eee ere much | remote as Frrandon: Mi chief ; bad." AH ought ¢ serra - expensive Dolman, | feature in connection with the usc at | got fid of There ia just ofe'sure way to | ©The store underneath the paint shop 3 long (price $100} imported by this enterprising an undertaking branch, under ~ | get That is to take Boschee's | been used as.a storeroom for = tongues! Dg ' manage h Asking the tience of my readers | 7" haa since been sold. Ladies from | ment of competent men, erman Syrup, which any Will | robbers, ete., by Minthorn & McPherson, Fr , y Hamburg, St. Marys, Mitchell, Listowel, | has also been sell you at 75 cents 9 bottle. Even if]... ARAM apes ee SEM 3 Acouple. ; SRete ES aA i ie Strakeepeate,"Ba- + Ganie nage D rezpedith J you" nay ly ' ' I remain - | den and Goderich, in Car and trans- ie cea eal Te HITE yting eve tas Tatied you, depend upon this for certain. 'thelr stock o few days Melore insurance, wil 4