"=e The » A Oe it $1. AO; atthe Yellow first -genuine: anow--storm..of ..the. season came on Sunday night last ach Hanlan in Australia Saturday last by two boat lengths. Mr. J. McGolrizk,-of the Koyal hotel, has returned from his extended visit west The Perth Connty es meets in | "the new court house -on-'Fursday,;- Dee. 6.-; Poultry -- should make a note of Mr, SV.-T. is' ady.'t in another colamn. ** Sejanaa'" "letter arrived too late for this week. It is a good one and will keep on | Sc. raisins go to Walsh , Where you are always surc te get rti ats' copies, Hloral Ww ater colors i in cakes : and landscape. na, a . t NA rs of age at cobt, out before Xmas at the Yellow Front. A meeting of the Stratford Poaltry Association will be held in the police Wednesday evening, oe '- R, Williams and ag rs of Torvuto, spent several ds n Stratford, last week, visiting their laren tiecte of frienda in this city. The Great Mechanical Wonder -- the Little World--will be on exhibition four doors weat of vig i me Stratford, next Tuesday, for ten "It's a dirty bind that fouls -its own nest," and it is a dirty piece of business for ** the boys" to write down the Strat- ford 9 gg in order to benefit St Marys, w advertisements. The ad- vertising romage favored Tux Tinxs shows it to a a live paper, and that people who wish to reach the public know where We sell a very good Japan tea at 15 lb.---best Rio coffee only 25c. per Ib. w alsh Bros. is the place for ants Will the Rev. E. C. Gordon-Smith preach the annual sermon tor 'St. Andrew's pogo this year * a no election hand, some of the Re form Scotsmen think it will be a safe ventu ust received Christmas axeber Lendon e Ti H, Dua cutters an and aleighs to to J. H, Dufton's, The "'obituary notice" of the distin- guished | lady who resides at Clark's cross- ing won't appear in the 'Herald for a few pa "interviewer found a nia alive, and able to kick, as he discov =* his cost, When sent flying from the " OMe. James ehey or of Mr. Tiflin's office at Stratford, has been transferred to a posi- tion in the office of Mr. Morgan, G.T R. Superintendent at Battle Creek, Michigan. Mr. Findlay ty a young man who has-been very popular with his fellow employees in Stratford. 2 ~ orary, for its advertiain varpmen' "specter * : under Beet at The new imposing stone. put in THe 'Tres office last. week by Messrs. Gadsby & | Sharman, of the Stratford Marple Works, | is a beauty--the largest and best finished of its 'kind ever imporged 7 into this city. invoice of new type for Tre Tiwes job rd arrived on Tuesday. Send in your The Slitchell" "ddeecate says': ---* The Strattord Herald complains Chat i it has not got its share of printing from the city council 'and that its system ot distribu- tion of pap lacing a Same on the lowest order of journa The local business men seem to i: sine -- our con- Z patronage the flimsiest-kind, and vould not be enbugh to keep a live jeeer like the dd¥ocate afloat six mon The "White Siave," the latest play of that prolifie writer, Mr. Bartley Campbell, was produced in the presence of a large audience in the Fourteenth Street Theatre last night, and Was received with arunning accempsniment of ed to i a popular succe yery briskly with plenty red to prove a moves along vigear so ce very well ac "4th.--Will be 'produced . the a Hall Stratford, Saturday, Dee The ist Pome contains every week several columns of latest denomina- tional news, timely editorials, articles by ablest div ---- Talmage's sermon of the ay, excellent notes on the sunday schoel Lentoke, interesting health, houseliold and ofan departmenta, instal- menta o! story, carefully selected misoelinny. Every Methodist family in Canada should take it. Page $1 reductions clubs, in oF diatind Pete 4 Mitchell pauper, sr in Stratford jail on last Saturday. ia fiends took the a he Mowat ent ia 3 'appointed their '* in- here v Clark's conpeensl a corne i beef, cooked and ready f vee Pc 5c. per Ib. at Walsh Bros. Try 3 fine! 4ic. bays an all hens "dou breasted the Yellow Fro . buys a seslettes cap sald elsewhere .| 'ront. | and eT She Sao ¢ itu Coral ews. Uptizian im Stratgnedts = On. Friday of this week optics will * visit oe Nasinyth & Co.'s drug eto fer the purpose of testin a practical at J. , Ontano St., ng iaaa 20 * | ing spectacies to difficult cases. for examination. Hemember, Friday, Dec. 2, ut the Medical Mall, Ontario et. Laat. Thomas Twamley, aged J2 years, left home on the sth October, USS7 ; he » was last seen going out the St. Marys a He'was dressed with brown tweed 7 dark tweed coat, check shirt fhlue aaa white), black felt hat, laced boots, anc had @ white-and-black striped collar on, Any person that can give information will please leave lg with Dr. Smith or at Tne Times offic A Good Pa T he Lendin Free Press comes to hand now a '* new dresa," presenting a neat ond creditable appearance, --the recent ange being a vast improvement on the old style. Although the Free Presa has al- ways been rec ognized as the leading, daily in Western Ontario, it now has more right than ever to that honor, and Tur Times hopes it may continue to flourish, being a powerful influence for the public's welfare. Grip's Comic Almanac. 'For 1888 has been received, tainly a credit to the publishers The six calender pages are from designs by J, W Bengough, and the whole series are about the best specimens of caricature drawing that we have yet seen from the pen of this cleverartist. A. H. Howard, W. Bengough and other artists contribute sketches--a series of pictures illustrating the Hcuse that Hash Built being particularly good, while the reading matter throughout is even better than has appeared in previous years. The -- is only 10 cents a copy, and ean get it at the bookstores or send direct to Grip Office, Toronto. ane is cer- Charged with Theft. Three young "knights of the road," aged respectively about 18 or 19 years, who claim Connecticut aa their home, were before the P. M. on Saturday morning last, charged with stealing a horse-blanker. from Mr. Win. Coo a back the night = efore. The horses and hack wetée stand- ing in front of Mr. Cook's sisters' house, near the old Pt. Dover station, when the blanket disappeared, and the young men terwards arrested with it in their eeasion, on G. T. R. premises By police- nan Armout, They had previously been frustrated in an attempt to steal a ride on a freight train, and doubtless took. the blanket for a covering at night. am journment to allow time for procurin tain witnesses was made till verte (Tuesday), when the Magistrate dismissed the prisoners, s<lvising them to get out o the city. Accident While Coasting. A child of about 5 years of age, daughter of Mr. James Vanstone, Mill street, had its shoulder bone broken while coasting on Nornian street one day tant week, way, coustung on that strec overbearing nuisance, especialy when boys guls to, from Ss) 10, and even up te 15 yenrs fine Ige in it with bobsle ighs, and oe Pt lice would do their duty and an act e living on that atrect, they would take prompt and- effectiv steps to stop the nuisance, Residents on the street. ean da ve sthing, as they on! meet with volleys of abuse when connerete with the offenders. wili be a serious accident there one of these days and then pe 74 the nuisance will cease for a while, It is really dangerous for young children or elderly people: to sca along that street when -" the. kids" have possession of it with their coasters. Senatble we of Putting in Time. Anente! the Romeo ward ore last Friday might (2 the pupils attending em Stratford Model school. The room was weil filled, chiefly by eudesta, but a npeuber of outsiders were present. Music, vocal and instrumental, was furnish- ed by the members of the musical society, and some excellent choruses were sung, Mr, Henderson, one of the students, play- eda ae on the harmonica, which was essay by Miss. M. -- St. Marys, pn the duty of teachers, w deserving of much praise. The principal oro rt of the evening's entertain aids hate on Home Rule, Messra, W. Hamil. ton and S, Stubbs taking the' affirmative, and Messrs. J. Monteity aad P. McIntosh the negative The debate on both sides was very ably conducted, Mr. McIntosh waxed very eloquent, as also did his cal- onteith, but the ments, made very -- distinction between the two sides, meéttingciosed by singing s chorus by the students. The "* Family Organ" in Diatresa. The wails of _lamentation..which hav. emanated from the '* Indian Agency In- spector's aper have at last reached a tender spot in Tug Tres' constitution. Our bowels of compassion go o our distressed confrere, (and of that eort of thing), We will manent leave theni alonein future, as s is bad that such a bold, - bad, icked paper as Tur Truxs undoubtedly 'ng pt get more printing, advertisin ne nage in one mon have had all the year. The Council have acted cruelly and harshly toward - ds ' the STRATFORD, ONT. T WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1887. x: ity Loral Hews. ai ts rie Wiliaseon &.Co. are advertising a choice assortment of furs for gentlemen all first clase goods and spendid value. Their stock of fine over coatings, suitings and trouserings is still well assorted, and worthy the attentention of cash buyers: Token to Mr. Benelict. Before leaving for his new home and | , N.B., the late Ameri- can ( 'eneal. Me. J, S. Benedict, was --- the recipient of a Past-Regent Je wel the bands of members o haya Arcanum brotherhood, on last Friday evening. pliments and thanks were exchanged, a regrets expressed at the removal of Mt and Mrs. Benedict from our midst. After this meeting an adjournment was made to the Albic wn hotel, where a complimentary A very pleasant and spent at the festive John & Patland, c lose, doard of Messrs. St A Weaning: Sapper. riday hee es last a number of the friends of Mr. Josepli Koutier and his amily assembled at his residence, Downic- , this city, to participate in a welcome pe that gentleman's son, Mr. Frank Routier, who is making a visit _s with is bride, formerly a Miss M. A. Baker, of New York The young man is another Stratford boy who is working his trade in New York, where his mar- riage ce rualley was performed on las Wednesday, after which the. trip to his home in Stratford was made. The usyal congratulations and good wishes towards the young people were indulged in, and & most = time spent "during the night. Supper waa prep: mared by caterer Mr. Wm. Gibson, the ample spread being thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance. The customary wedding presents for this -- eet a formidable and costly selec Fifty Thousand Dollara, This is certainly a large sum of money for.ane firm to invest in-dry, goods, but'we have it right here in Staatt ford. In the large cities like Toronto and Montreal, such a stock is not considered very large, but in a place the size of Stratford * is very unusual, especially when we take to consideration the character ot the pee Messrs David , (for it ia the firm to which we refer) do. not handle a single dollar's worth of men's goods, li » erty denims, ducks, shirtings, &c., h is necessary to rry for the pile y trade. Their valuable stock is composed principally of silks, velvets, dress goods, millinery, mantles, carpets, lace curtains, nels, blankets, napkins, towels, &c. The fact that their business has doubled during the last six months speaks volumes for the firm. isit. to thei vell repay any lady wanting reliable goods at the low est possible price. A Silly Subterfuge. The Hei raid says in whi. g to the letter of Cy ee | eck's Timzs, anent the letter written by wither ® connected with hin: paper to the Hon, Mr. Bowell, wand | m_ to exercise a bis otlicial authority.and i Mr. Mac; "go. "being a for Mayor ;--** No letter was ever written "with the knesriades, approbation or '* connivance of the editor of this paper ** to the Customs or any Department wit "the aim of forcing Mr. Macgregor to " withdraw his bhame aa a mayoralty can- '*didate" In reply, Tue Tisks wishes to say, in plain English, the above statcment is a barefaced lie! The letter now, connected with the Herald, and who wosseases, to give credit where credit is wd the only apology for brains connected h the concern. [t was written by the navice of Ald. Jameson, who was once a partner in the //erald, and with the con- nivance of the person who now poses as the senior proprietor of that paper. is discreditab tle to Bie an dig ge who holds the office r of the Central Methodist charch ts pubtish to the world the fact that he isa far! Lethim publish a deol from - Hesson, Mr. Macgre or, Hon, Mr, Bowell--his own word is evidently worth no more than his oath ! Letter From the Prairie Prevince. Last week we received the following -- from Mr. John Edwards, a former resident of Stratford, and of the townehip of Ellice, where he had a farm is M r best hes will go out ward him tnd 'his family that they ma aaios prosperity and bounty whic their industry, honesty and strict integrity deserves :------ - Asessippi P. 0., Manitoda, Nov. 14 4th, 1887. H. T. Butler, Proprietor of Tux Sener Times : Sin,--You_will find enclosed $2 in yoyment for Tne Togs. You have my to your loss sustained Mr. Stratford and Perth news is quite as esting as it was four years and a half ago. Manitoba is.a fine.country and fdo a utiful this year pant ey the haga of wheat" per ac. ir our country is 33 54 bus. ; oats fro from 65 to candidate [ (W.B.Win a sil AGAIN BEFORE THE JUDGE. Por Being an Honest Man He Once More Undergoes Martyrdom ! a THE STORY RESEMBLES THRE OLD STRATFORD TWO.- AND-SIXPENC --~--- HE DIDN'T" BURN HIS ROOKS" THIS TIME---BOUT HETHINKS THE WICKED MAYOR STOLE THEM. os Hia Unparalleted Genrrosity ta ** Trampe" and "Special Police' Causes Him to Mold Mack the Public Bunda, From the London Free Presa. The investigation into the charges against W. B. Wilson, formerly Chiet of Police of Ingersoll, for not making weekly returns of all moneys in his haads; for insubordination and using diar eapoctiul language to the Mayor, and refusing to report on the state of the sidewalks; for ing $5 from a pent in custody and pea to return the e, and for ac- epting a bribe "inell two hotel-keepers to shield them from the consequences of Scott Act violation, for. immora] conduct, and for abusing the process of the court by air a false summons--sixteen charges sroceeded before His Honor Alex- unty. o. In -- on last Wednesday wee . Meredith, Esq., Q.C., of Losidon ; Thomas Wells, and J. C Hegler, appeared as counsel for the Corporation, and H. B. Beard and M. Walsh, aa counsel for the respondent. Mr. Coo acted as official steno- grapher, The Mayor and Councilora were present in force, the Council Chamber -- packed wi eager spectators. The nspeople are diviaed in their sympathy, half apparently being for the chief and the other half evidently against him, at Teast it was thonght so at the start. The first witness put upon the stand was William Tennant, town clerk. He produced the minutes of the meeting ap- pointing Wm. B. Wilson chief o i of the town of or asian Mr. a that His Honor had no right to proc ith the investigation, as the thief of police had not been appoiated by y-law, and therefore the Council had no ty to inquire into his conduct. His ef the nto of the cotin- with the -- "fompelied hie him ra 'do so, and ecision on the point raised by fter recom IE Soe Wilson, town tre r, wor that the ex: ciel "had canly maid i into his office = sum of $50 'during the tinea he h volice yas 'the whic stated that | 1 was to receive no fees what- ever--no monies--except his salery. Mr. G. H. Cook, License Inspector for South Oxford, swore he had raid Wilson $5 = services rendered under the Scott Ante. M.T. Buchanan, Mayor of Ingersoll, was the chief a for the prosecution. He produced several letters which he had mak to Wilson pie im to make a return of all fees received by him from any source whatever, which he partly did. On being crogs-examined witesss stated he did | hingabout a book being taken i ice's office. as chief of police it was not that he should be a county constable, but it was that whatever he made in that we ae ee ee Treasurer, calculate how much the town coal make out of hime in that er told him he would to 4 prisonet' to and from the ya adjourned -The-investigation antil 10 aust aessimg cinto' the charges 5 Ronee ot of. Potice bog was ay mo 3th an att --"woot "fot can' size ardigan' jacket at the Yellow Fro: ff yo r e in mal a cimetin and all kidney complaints, @eneral debility, female m plaints, pi ples Pools weal ulcers, old sores, chilbiains, &e, try Bale vit tie, "sold 'hy all druggists... The place in the city where can get rathins for Se. per Ib. is at Walsh Bros., the place for bargains. We are meet ovay aa shat sells pure : r gallon. If you cure saci oft once, spec' aot os put. the. concern on the relief list at & Times won't. say a word if A pene that has had to subsist manare 'hole year (as. the organ. itself said it srry last Saturday) deserves sympathy, if not-snppert. It was evident from the ditt and a which emanated Ald. Jameson left, Fx of proven w was of a very ae = guano -- pas Seabee it is heer for well-fed people to think of foe moment. Why, that is worse what the Globe saya the pagan Indians live apen, Teamt tor t that because a mAn was .ap that » they do, on rom concer! that the supply low order---ly folks would eve me. I have of sending a sample to Mr. John Rosa, i All kinds of roots are very good Manitoba, as you will know by Ra Rev. Mr: McPherson's fetter of the 26th Oct.; but I Were relte tell you you mae ew Fou you 'Ontario scarcely a notion going to the farming yp in the least, and we Mb shiek ba: it is it, Bie reseiving trate $50 of which he had paid into a tea treasury; he had expended the other $24 "Ne. G21. 1ot know who had stolen the book, but had suspected Mayor Hychanin ; 3 wan not is she habit of hariding to the trasidter moneys-he- received, but kept.them in Biss own pocket and used them for the purpose of paying expenses ; did not know there was a by law p requiring him to pax.them ver ; did ® the corporation any 7 but thought there was t time that he was receiving money from the police magistrate and expending it for extra help adtfother necessary expenses connected with his otfice, and the members of the eommittee had told him they were satiatied and to go* on; received $5 for Scott Act services and paid out 83 for help and horse hire, and did not know what-he had dene with the balance; the town attended to itseif while he waa engaged io Scott Act work. Mr. Meredtth--I suppose the town was a good deal auieter when the fire brand was out of it A voice 'Y on bet! Wilson--There is Tim Carroll; I have oftea had him in my custody, aad now he is here to work against me. I was chief of police of Stratford jor twenty years ; had some trouble there and waa charged with burning his books. When he left Strat. ford he was ted with a medal and $200 as a mark of extecm by the citizens (if W. B, Wilson actually swore that he was chief of police of Stratford for ticenty yeara, " Sony little or no Feapect for an th. « facts are that he was chief for about seven years, and was then ignomin iously dismissed for the same reasons that have got him into trouble at Ingersoll. The citizens of Stratford pee nentet him with either a medal or A few people gathered in a hotel one ni ght r&nd went tirrough the farce of him with a medal. Some of these 'i since left the country bgl the country's good, proving themselves rognes and de faulters; and others, well, they are here instead of in the public institutions at Kingston and Toronto. It is well under- stood here who supplied both moncy and medal.-- Aditor Times. } Mr. Gibson, postmaster, ex-mayor and ex-councillor, was recalled. He said he was astonished at what had been revealed in court by W. B..Wilson's own evidence. The chief of police had no althority what- receive moneys froin the Police Magiatrate and disburse them ; he should have sent his accounts into the committee, sod bryid age have been audited and Mr. Gibson up { been solid for W Sleow all through until Geo. W. Whalley, s#orn -- Was a mem. ber of the police committee foe 1886; told the chief of police to pay all debts out of the money he received for fines and costa, and to hire any, mas he required. he people ought to elect you again ; that isa end way to handle the funds of the to Question--If a apticningn collected fees as a policeman: of the town, did you allow it to go on for si: " or séven months without furnishing the Council with reports of what he had done ? --_Agewer--308---------------_ The Judge--Then 4 say you area good councilor, (Laugite Witness--We consi save he was an hon- est man and we trusted him, The seventh charge---that of serying 9 false summons--was dropped on account of no evidence. Ona the eighth charge the Mayor was put in the box, and stated that the chiel ot Tyee had sald to him, when he (the layor) had 0a him -- some money which a colored ad claimed he wrongfully kept of his, ay he knew when he was talking to a gentleman, and said he (the: Mayor) harks ne business standing in with a "nigger." eee didn't know that Ct) te: ; J sup- po e was @ British subject; if he is not a British potent he was under British protection, anyway: The evidence om the charge of refusing the sidewalks was very meagre. It anus the chief inspected the walks as reported, but neglected to make a case adjourned until one o'clock. next : Ts 9 ° **COME AND HELP wg!" On Friday night the telephone be ween Ingersoll and Stratford commenced to work furiously. office was connected ina of Mr. Iaing- ton's, and the melodious voice of the ex- chief was heard crying aloud, " For God's suke come down at once me!" Tuk Times man, with his usual generosi was to go; whem the, tele- phone suddenly awitched off, groand wire bi o vat down on Friday, and e baa work was done smot! profitable time ma: ae antici by who attend Considering the benevolent object, our citizens will be sure to make a good turn-out. Death of Mr. Abraham Filey. i ae weat to \ eg ee INSPECTOR HODGSON AND THE STRATFORD COL- -LEGIATE INSTITUTE. .... Irtter from Mr, Ihington Severely Taking to task the Hen, Minister of Education and His Inapector. To the Editor of Taw Sraarroap Tiwns: Dear Sin,--It is quite amusing to see how industriously some ogee t person has stuffed the newspaper men, and im what a ridiculous plight the hidden hand places Mr. Hodgson, who is reported as saying the High School was rained to the status of a Collegiate Institute on certain promises. On promises, eh? The law required the opipuet to exist /forea Sch qposid be made an Institute--and this one wa 3 inspected - this sam Hodgson preliminary to its suit his master, the Minister ? Was the gross violation of the law in ignoring te the as of teachers re ired promines 3 Péchape Mr. us, Perhaps he can tell us whether or not he was the Inspector who repo one way as to this, and later on reversed him- self, and, if so, explain why be reversed himeelf. Abundant pe exists 1a a -- tary enquiry on the sabjec ich coi itemptible threats cau. be made said to be miade--under the circumstances, Inspector Seath, why was not respounibile for the state-of things he spection of 13-5 "when « hundred dollar t the wants of science teaching, a better library be furs ished, and that thes scienea master was not a specialist within the meaning of the Act. The Minister waa seen, and the teacher pronounced ail right ; the library arrange- mente w ith the Mechanics' Institutcexplain- ed,and aceepted by the Minister as satisfac: ory; amd on surprise being expressed & him at such @ large, unexpected enand for science ce Pals acesie under, the circam- stances, he i to be satiste:! with bral that capa Seg and trnated the Board to appropriate funds as needed later on. « The Board spent that year ope hundred and sixty dollars for such apparatus, and the next year, S86, éxpeuced a very considerable suta in furnishing desks and tables, and chaning rooms to meet the de- mands made ia behalf of scienve teaching. Alithis was donesince an Inspector Hodgson in 1584 had reported to the Minister © that he had that year inspect td seven C ae Institutes, of which Stratford's and found as foliows: " The tabornthelas "are fairly equipped " el aa Gig 'aud chemicals are concerned, " * deficient ii tales or daake at 'hick the Me omar mitt inake experiments by themselves." nn this really be the "-- 'th geon par 1 spptvedietede in Meee ati- sine or 'apparatus, $200, and' brary, 850;" and ta 1886> for titrary, $100, aud for physival apparatua, $150, and oll that it has bee speciticaliy asked foron these accouats it has cheerfall ee E 'Principal negleé toa f these ample appropriations, he alone is to bla me, and knowing the facts if he had been a man of common honesty or mi sanlinese--have so told Mr. Hodgson, y trustees invited to dressed were ignor- ant of this history which he so well knew. How the heating is got is none of Mr. Hodgaon's bosinede and the ventilation r schools, : only to demu anding a sixth teacher, be- cause the five men there cannot do the same work as five, or a less number, do- eiliciently : For example, in Strathroy, St. Marys, Woodstock y, and many other Institutes." Tie The facts are as the Tnetitube 3 is not, and never has been, as to teachers, ely pe et has been ca gp zed. aa the law directa, requires least four masters, each of whom shall = ualined in one .of dapr g74 ¥ 4 pectomee #5 t knows," mpudent violation erates the law ation Bip icw. 2 brandish bi is petty threats, a not 'do his dut: The eye of. weak as Stratford, Nov, 29, 1887. Resigned the Mayoralty. not necessary lotic Cena ey and gh ces the dis. | nal earpings and fault- out the patisnce ppp ottiee of mayor I have to pate interest kind, apd 1 pave iets oe enn oe will dispense with the ;