"ible within a few BP Bi ie Smith. ppencalys:- Ba: r, &c.-- A, C, Shaw. Liat of Salexn--W. 8S. Cowan. Silks-David N, Hogg & Ce. Red etter Sale--Toltoa Bros, 'ore--J.-R. Williamson & Co Wanted.--Thomas T. Porteous. Xmas aan N = ange of Time-Table--G. Shooting Mateh---W in. re 3s Ho sel. Great Ciearin Struthers. Eight Stray S$ cheep S S. P. Farqutaraen Executors' Auction Sale---Jas. sto New Conservative Journal--** Sasa City I hee os For Sale-- ~~ Makins. veday, Nov. 50--W. . Ferguson. A. oceans Ca. Davidson Hpecil it Iimportant Co. Connell a -Wm. ES Sa = Stratford Times. L = BUTLER, EDITOR 2 2D Man AGER Nepwesnee, 1 jo, 1887, -- ---- a ? Nov. 5% AF AMILY c omMP AC CT. The Kincardine 7 ew gages: -- The Hon. Mr. Mowat some tume ago appointed his son xberiff of Tormnto, one of the beat shrievaltices of Ontario, and now Dr. tin, gii-indaw of the Hon. G. wv. 2, bas been appointed to the dita staff of the ondon Asylor nd "A Russell Hardy, father of "the Hon. A. 8 be storekeeper to the ins titution-- nd the Ontaio government. nt has ¢ ' h as the did prior to the last Dominion election the f nepotiain by the Dominion aa --hear-fromtencet DL Paul) on these outrages on the bone and sinew of our fair province! A Fatal Habit of aeniet t heard on State street the oo day an athentic story of detective acute: oss, Every- ody is familiar with the trick that many wen bave of capping whatever the tid, when they do not dissent, with some ivorite expression, Thus one man says 'precise]y," another "exactiy," and there isa amsiderable faction for whom the words «to be sure" seem to fill the re- aired need. Not long age m man tole a large sum of money from hisempioy- v3 and fled to the west. A description of him vas sent to detectives and police superintend- ee and about a month after his a& Minnesota officer telegrapbed that he > tnenhs he bad his eye upon the person wanted, His appearance, how: ever, was very lifferent from that described in the circular. The situation was a poms one; if the sup wsed criminal was such in fact he might at my moment fly to Canada; ou the other te arrest an innocent person. wor muse a good deal ble, The object was fo kientity the man it pos- In this emergency -he Bostou Mieaive in charge of the case ex- ined and cross examined the thie!¥ em- | ee as to his peeuliarities' They could his rpon nothing distinctive till finally the de waive inquired in a moment of inspiration if ' any partic ular way of expressing him- lf. 'was the reply; "L never knew che fellow to talk three minutes without say- pide 'I believe you.'" In half an hour the in- ormation was telegraphed to the west; Te four hours the Mintiesota detective : a long chat with his man, and before wht the thief was arrestix]l.--Boston Post, Emerson as #« Lecturer. His lecturing was forced upon him more wmd more. ifis family was incrensing, He weptopen house. He had to buy more land "© protect his view, For the te ing of his purse the only means swe could in t was lecturing. As his name grew more ide ly known = the managers of lyeeums iu New England and hen at the west, bo could, wis much _-- el ng, collect fos enough to fill the ever ¥a Eup: betwixt. income outco, cava sever much more than rp it. His fees in chose <iays were coaweall; not aps, w more skilful SSioagtreest nifrht have countrs natie He writes to Mr. Alexander ireland in 18/7 that the most te ver Te. vived was for lectures; Boston, 30; in the'couutry lyceums,, 10 inet travel- ng expenses, the liberal style of vis = hemeereepe: he ith his neigh- a well to do man, = paid, his riemi is thought, more than a fair proportion the town taxes. So it came abe mat that all hese ycars in the 'forties were Years of un- vemitiad » ae out of debt.--Catot's Memoir of Emer > Prosperity of the Hebrews, "Nothing how impressed me so rumech," mo of See prominent dry goods me chanel the other day, "as the way in which the He jw t 8d you will gee tint while tion of the eodntry Ras iy threefol! in forty yeara--it was i, [iS--tie Hebrew popalation has & a every jhe--darcer proportion. at course phere are mora Hebrews in Roswla, Ausiria aul Germany than there are in Aroerica, but cotne next. If the ff ures whick ise lave Ziwen miny pe taken as a lasis : ting the furur e growth of the race, it wilt r be before. Us Counlry is. ia tiie dead." eT as 'A friend be on taxt-the: were of the Hebrew, aad he asd: "Hig thrift ix pe bari setie ay Taro rt to mest a man wiro wil ty that he is pabiic spirited poy gunecousin the suppert of benevolent and Worthy Hest (tutions 'Renerany= Certainly te' & law abating." --"Rambler™ itr Hrovkiya Eagle. wend Asiclant Ctimate of America, Goldsmith's Geography, published in 184, describing. the United States, says: "People merica sooner tian in Wa age of S5zzinny of them woubd pass for. Duro gman at 20." What founy thilics. jdniee shdl- grographies were, were, to be sure, -- Na te York. - "Mew Advertisements This Week. { Tey wand OAK TNDIAN: FEAST, ~~) THE RAISER COMES... THE PEOPLE OF BERLIN WEL- 4ow THE GREEN CORN STAMP DANCE COME THEIR SOVEREIGN. AT: TULSA, |. T. the Hatiread Station Crowd Walting for From Tle Filstes Seenes at the Autumn Festivities of the - Almost the Emprror=His Appearance at the Alone=A Creek Indians--A Vety Thorough Clean- ing ProcesmA Herpetusl Fricethood. Windows--Enathusiasm, Sacred Fire--Hospitality. The emperur has come home, Berlin is This festival ix a religions rite and ts far geainacity of life and bustle, and the Ger- from Leing what ia generally supposed an man crowd agai _-- gathers Unter den ordinary dance, It usually continnes for four piden to see its beloved kaiser come to the and the ground on which it is held is wand sine and sntile to them, suing, after his two months' ab- by being cleared of all obstructions and Iaid of into differers rings or places for tho dances. A post is planted in the center of one of these rings and a fire is kindled near the post, apd around this post and fire the company, composed of men, women tho music of a pectliar good tt kind of drum, which {a ac oo by the 9 uch ie singing and shouting of the dance The first day is-oceupied in fensting and the night is tuken up with a dance. The sence, Was in crowd that aw a He was tu cote in from his Rabelsberg Palace, near Poisiam, an hour frons Berlin, Aug. 31. He would arrive at 1:5) 0': gon the ' children, dance to ct = there asc waited hour after boar, some buldins to goud points of view, others mev aes up ap t down the Linden, 'he ccoud before the emperor's palace is second day is used as a fast, in which they an.every day scone when be is bere. The take no food and the night is spent without ple never tire of at. The feciing grows sleep, the dance continuing all night. On Wiis che years af the oh] sovereign, for they | the third day, about neon, they parta ake of know that a man past Wis net lkely to sania what is known as the "bitter medicine," com- and bow to them from bis window much posed of some wild berb known only {o'8 longer. The German crowd is nota gentle certain member of the tribe, who ye ia oue. [tf pushes and scramts les and is freque the preparation with religious zeal and gr rade. Un the other hand, it ts bot pois solemnity. The effect of 'this bitte PF snedie 119 Decple will stand for two or three hours a ae ts vory powerful in the eA me uP the emperor's pelace, patie nily Waiting, and the rodecing i Een almost silent. They wil push and presa for ' - it 0 ie - : arg " Lay acing Sane np Pony 'in = ible places, but without any worls If aru % intended ag a cieansing r -- 1 bef: tl lac . ' ee thee sage Co stand before the palaces casé oe bere does not act sullicient!y al day, they may do 20, vrorided: they do a lung eather, usually from the wing of an sot encroach un the drive. They usually fall eagle or other 'large bird having feathers of . ae _ proper length is taken, and the feather elge cheirediasrg" im wee absut the big « uf F k 1 off, watt bane trian statue the Great. Here trimmes hes except @ str anch of the 4 police do not, ot, interfere, pornt, his the person that has not been suf- This is direc tly In front "ot tie eniperor's win- Gcieutly cleansed inserts into bis mouth and dows, But on the day of the kaiser's return down toto the stamach, giving it-a peculiar ticking twist, And by repeating this opera- tion andl lasing himself over a leg, face down- ward, bo finally is relieved of the contents of the stomach, and arising be pronounces bim- , THE EMPERORS ARRIVAL. self internally cleanse 1. ter thoroughly iii wiil tue emperor cume! I asked die satisfying thet es that thero is nothing ® German workiman staimling near b left in the n, the while maumber of those who Ge ifs nik Hie anybody Al one 7 rhape, in . rod yrefue. one, perbaps, hav: 2 taken the cleansing process repair to the hus plain carriage, you know river, where they ail stand in the water, and A little later a plam, open victoria and . 5 Laae eet a Me aly * a given signal from the leader they dive pairof black left the palace gates and cy ber fo imes. th hey elaim the under four Uayes, and thus they elaim druve te the station to bring the emperor, cleansed also, c . A _ The emperor was not quite alone, His fa- Then they ori lipampaonr : - oe iworite aide, Count Lebendorff, whe is usuaily each one ri yd an = i. . a aber i de with him, sat on bh wearing the brilliant pene te a oa ad they net. Tepes uniform of big + Garde du Corps, hia silver -- " oink goles, perfe elmet shining out from the tuft of white " svee feathers. The emperor's unifogm was that of they renew ali igi = the fourth day, an infantry general and wagftrikingly plain, t " "Y P li w dark blue cloth, coat alone LoOmes, lieved by collar and cuffs ee: poe cloth. He oon pe haf selected and eget va wore a cap of dark blue cloth, with a band of great ca ile | . tribe, oye of whom is leader, and one who seariet cloth around it. lowly drove along the Linden, smil- sag he » ! leath |. holds his office during life, and st his death ar St hand raised in salute, looking not at lce descends to suine other tiso the crowd was much t tion of Frederik the G along the Linden, where the the station. large for thy protee- It spread all altser drove from horses the off one, ike a sick man, but quite well, the cheers pea rof tho same family, ths initating | [brs » forth, and, like a wave of sound, rolled gpl ais peot » after him, swelling into"Hoch! Hoch! he estabiished | Hovh!" showts of delight and satisfaction. And when the carriage passe] on to the pal ace door the crowd rushed across the street, closed in about the portico, and the police jmade an effort to stay the tide, The kaiser stepped from the lowly victoria, The greunds of this place were about forty years ago, and the. ashes which make the shan sacred were brought from a similar danging ground in the state of Ala-| bama at the time, and are buried bere, where a new fire is built every year, and the fire is carried to their homes and kept burning all . the entire year. Thus the - & tire that aman of 9, but mi of' a, years burns upon the main altar is to be kept burn- 'younger might. A little stoop of the s! oulclers, ing in the home of each individual, and is in- . : ia ge The tended to remind them constantly of the Kaiser bas never used a cane, anc will not sacred obligation that they are under in this &* Ove HOw. But his step does not show the . feeiieness and uncertainty of extreme age. No footman was in attendance. Count Le ' pie passed around iy carriage to the peror's side and waited for fim to go in, tne Fallon into the palace. The trim in_black and silver livery Thu sca is ml and jn many "drove vowly back to the gate, handling the respects is less objectionable in its! features Ti with conscious pride. The crowd than our more modern dances. Each indi- = wheel the enrriage in pleased silence until vidual operates independent of any one else. dirappeared behind the gates, Then the There is no choosing partners and no flirta- people moved about to rest themselves, tion between the sexes, and anything of that! But uot to go cee kind would be considered a gross insult, arti AT Te woukl meet with strong resentment, * not! They waited ne arly very prompt punishment, costumes of lice tol i them that the many, especially the women, are very coudy, aad initia <a a. was iyo ome ---- next day. But the people knew better and n this respect, having @ beautiful head dress they wait ted. Umbrellas were put down té ps ribbons, reaching from Lead to foot and i an unobstructed view of the corner win- representing the colors of an rainbow, dow, where the =e most often appears. These people are not barbarian, as might, All the babies were boisted on the shoulders be supposed, but they wear the civilized dress, of their fathers, or raked as high as possible and only add these faney ornaments a» others: tn their mothers' arms, and: thé 'small boys ornament themselves ueozed into every opening along the front ' The Creeks extend a friendly invitation to ol ----* the other > tribes to jointhem in this festi- val, and many of their neighbors avail them- They p bats selves pe -~ » hoapitality thas offered ed handkerchiefs, and.shouted and it dashed The Shawnvees living within always in @ mass across thé street ti get nearer the attend, and itixthougnt that they excel in window. Hoch! -Hoch J" ex- the matter ef dancing, many of the women pressing the height of 'German enthusiasm, being peculiarly graceful in their movements, --_ out, and the shouts must have pene- --Kansns City Times. ted the very walls of the palace. snihnimtamanpeialck amaanauasseeieas kindly face at the window beamed with A Most Remarkable F a aud the next minute the old kaiser had is handkerchief up waving it at the crowd, Profe 3, Seeley cxhiisted the most a the men gud women laughed with de- remarks ble lo foxsil which has ever been found bg ht, the babies clapped their bands, and the to the geolog mall boys, irrepressible in Germany as else- development of the young of plesiosaurus. ier, vented their joy in sbrill whistles, It Until fossil 1 been found And for \weas enough for one day. The kaiser was at warded to him be had sought throughout the home, the le were satisfied, and the crowd 'collections of Europe for evidence = that a mich o-- development, but without success. No inci- -- in the aftern: dent in the bistory of foasilization Boy more), iving ute tly from "sha station, mattinded sioguiar than that which this specimen dis- to tie | Her open ca played. The senain' ton tam sd yorkie * bya aon of Lrown Loses, and the coachinen, minute ples: Os « ® ineDes in your ler Kea age ch bad on substance of comeevea? mag ny The nat bo fifteen gb periectiy presery Ss PEESET VO Souncer than the emperor, but looks more xe flesh, The remains showed differ- ce Te i Eeetet thn ceiea® Son ek Shemale. tokesionted: Ohiy case that iad ever cecurred of tiie nithi- tno commoner don. New werk § Sin: eralization of the nvuscular substance and the Baise prea rvaticn of the external form of these | A Dummy Waving » Mandkerchlet is} . ea tht th oan of the eye was p _* poling pep, Prager 5 thei saad the constituent bones could' peseirses irene 'Slap lag apt pri: epee - ling trains to be always on the platform of the' --Pall Sail Gazette, "ars und tosnigte their-wives or other mem- oe "tiers of the family, who aro generally at) the imiow at the time when the trains pasa Th conductors and brakemen Lave conse to regard it asa daty on the part ef thejr farmi- Lies to byes nt ome! wintlow, conductor on & hose home is near Orange, Le " partiquiar.to-have. this custom ob- served and onty discovered the otherday that bis. wife, iat an indefinite period, bats been circumventing bim by having a- dummy Aiveneeslic. clothes . the » window with a finttering handkerchief that gave her Bia- Laid the idea sho was there waiting to salute bim,--Newark News. spect. During these festivities the most perfec order prevails in camp, and anything of a y nature is promptly checked and the *®. ts rwaaye that the _Bround whervon Ww. another hour, The po- emperor would hardly come to the window; that be was fatigued get well rested for the review the emperor came to the wi sng as they 'aii he would. threw this Mexican Waterspouts A dispatch from the City of Mexico says that recent serijaus done by wash- onts on the northern section of the Mexican} Cartral rot was due ta on te track, and that i¢ is a curious fact that waterspouts seem to be attracted Ly the iron track and telegraph wires. Recently in na ing the Gun the Mex: ~aritral Y;ithes beer Bt: by- yels anne tienk tb struction advances rain follows, =i they bold that this is due to the large quantity of steel rails on flat cars, which are carried for of construction permits. The most notice: sable fact is that the country is dry in advance of behind Catching beat With "Sheopweed. ad There is plant knewn--as "alieep weed" 'which = in. great profusion ar and sheep pens, bence its name. This in bucketfuls jost sto!) Weed is} of iecdadly poisonous or at _ rails are, but only in circles: . ag miles ii.|ieast deleterious qualities, and the Indians | diameter. --Rochester Democra' a quantity of it and set it afloat ona gvel ia the river, and down stream In the Swine Hotels... Ths fashionable Swiss. hotela_nowbats| American" over by handsom:|;. sated gga native dre. oa This wenid te al the withdrawal | of of English ple fashion except for the | as ear! is werent |. A .HOSTESS? CORDIAL GREETING. | Novel Kteception ": + Stranger--U we asi { Mr. Y. liant B. sito a woman of | | abundant executive ability, shrewd wit, and | } delightful hospitality. | husband's business led to the keep | an establishment in the west, where Mra Y. passes seme Tr ronths of the year, and where | she entertained & great many per ple. there as bronght to Mra | English gentleman, ac cory , of introduction from friends of the Y oad, The hostess went down stairy and greet nel the | guest cordially. "We are so accustomed to travelers here | @he said, "that-we know just what to do with | them. We expect everybody to arrive t travel | | Stained and exhausted, _ wo let everybody take a bath the first th I spoke to the gervant brea: re Leame tome and everything is all re | But," ceankcnareil the stranger, a cannot think of putting you tose much troulle I" ag I know just bow you feel." uite raised Mrs. ath isthe only thing that ue me to my tormal condition 'whe an | been and you | through from Boston | The guest demurred, but Mra, ¥ too executive and too truly bospitable to allow his scruples to prevent the carrying out of »ber kindly intent. The Englixshinan was 'shown upstairs to the bathroom, where it is to be presumed be combined with the progress of his toilet reflections upon the originality e | and practicality of Amertcan hospitality. | Tn due time the guest descended again to j the parlor, where Mrs. Y. awaited bim. the card of @ re I've raveling bave come right | "[ hops you found everything to your \ ee she said. Oh, yes," he replied, "I have hada delight- geod after ful bath, and now | must pa you noon, as Ww have to catch a tra 1 the nitniny agian "You I only stopped "I 1 Cer. \ I must. | vera train ¢ te call on you," | "Mercy !" she exeluimed in dismay. jthought you had come to renmiai Y: | tainty can't goaway now when | havent seen | | youatall " "Lreal.y must," was the reply."but I assure you ] have had a most refreshing bath, and I tway s shall remember with sincere pleasyre your unique Aon on ality The story was too good to keep, and Mrs. ¥y told it at tertainment of her friends, who declared that this fasiion of entertaining callers was one which deserved to bo wilely introduced, as it Woull solve many a perpiexing question of the proper method of dispusing of yuests whe were not easy to amuse,--Boston Cor. Provi- dence Journal. -- os@+0-- » Billous Disorders and Acid scsamnch, ar gaa 8 Cathartic Compound is very effec Prof, Low's Magic Selphur Soap in highly recommended tor all humors and «skin diseases, 'he most: delightful Handkerchief Odor is **Lotus of the Nile. DR. LOW"S WORM SYRUP will re more ha kinds of worms from children or adult Per ery Davis' Pain Killer os a vcd and Dysentery remedy seldom ever NEW ADVERTISEMEN Ts. DR. J. A. MBLDRUM, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ke rice Jarvis Hlock, uttor's Drug Store, N. ne ~Night Erie St., in Stratford, var. Ts urinwered at the A. ©. Bakeisten, eR, SHAW, B.A., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, up sales in Old Albion Block, next Post Office, Strath 4a Money to Loan on Farm and City Property. EXECUTORS' SALE --uY AS VALUABLE FARM, SITUATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SUUTH EASTHOPE,. a Baha die, a tionwer, hag received in- ns from ¢ tor the lite CHAS. c * ANTLE : A well 'by Pablie Anc tion, on et Square. Saturday, {7th day of December, A. D. ' At the hour of Two o'Clock p.m, That very desirable Fann, being Lot No. 40, on th ard Boo of the Township of South Easthope, in the orre nty dn pests mies a the City of Stratford, upon which is rane barn ; also a new frame yundeticn with stone § Terms made known on day of sale = For further culars apply to G Lf we ENCE & SON, ters, etc., STRATFO! JAMES PROCTOR, Auctioneer. Saran Locisn aia Witt Ease Execntors. Jaues Kaiser -- _Dated thts 20th h das ot Nov, 1337. CITY HAT SL. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Saturday, Dec. 8... SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. Grand eee * | BARTLEY CAMPRELL'S WHITE "SLAVE! THE ORIGINAL NEW YORK COMPANY. New and ting Mechamed Bc a "is 4, tal RATE-STOR fY ot REAL WATER, -- Sotwitiwtanding the enormous expense Pere 85, 50, and 7c. SECURE BEATS IN ADVANCE. UNRESERVED AU AUCTION SALE Far Stock and Implements s costae Asttionses cages in- . ctions trom Mr, Pate ke . to sell dog ion, on Con. 13, Gos ot the tow netipak Downie, od ' 5, S87, at clock, m., 8 "hai cer RanOeIee property vir>t Sn horses, (well matched, general pe > Oyre. ot, sired hy Maze 3.1 breed mare, 9 yrs. old, oad to Laird of Uric: 2 span + 3 sprioy. cult, sired ad apposed to be in calf to wall Seed huteet' vt 3 ye -_ wi steers, rising 2 years er, rising 2 yre, Ea epelee:. calves: @ peed ewes ; 1 Pans ram; 4 pigs ; . wag aie, be exigencies of her | ing up at Oue ~~ ' nied by a lett | | hes own expense, greatiy to tho ene | __ Stratford, Non, 8, Iss7. A 61S-ly : ---- if NEW_ ADVERT LTISEM MENTS. Se NEW ADV ERTISEMENTA. bap raine WANTED. | M4*} AGER FOR Priors HE STR ATFORD HINK for e Beason. Apply . PORTEOUS, . * as Sec'y Tre @21-32 THOMAS T } _Saattord, Nov. 29, 1857 | / SHOOTING 'MATCH.. iA! LARGE NUMEF Turke eifot ion on Truredsy, "sed 'be - | Bronce f Stati Mice. | dance wi take place in the even: one Wo. St. ye will Ise7, at Orn's hotel 8 SHEEP - LOST. att 'a P right oan and 2 r bins arg ae wi a at Let tosh 'Nov couber, } SIMON . wy Vag SHARSOS Kinkora P.O Ellice, Nov B21 -St " "oe cc For Sale. T3552 Lis SEO TED Duffle re f Lots Le tet in ia the City oT or Sale the No rill and ' Huron at treet the New I or lem Gon for a Manufacturing ©, apply t g ba af the best sites in the City Estabilehtuent. For terme, WM. MAKINS, Or at TIMES Office Stratford, Nov, %, 1887 bans Lime : Lime F ~ Lime. RESIGNED is bed sf eee to mr prepared to fill r the Best hamilt A ft Bu Eaton OF e Terms reasonable, an< ade bl «rowt, S$ miles from Stratford, t, Maryse 3, H. McCULLY eri uf j Ma , and 3 miles from i November 2th, Isat Choice Prize Fowls FOR SALE. i rns UE NTERSIS NEP has a larce Mriz6e ta nu: for sale c fe compra args, and 'Bre wes i { Silver, ar Hark Han arte Pall of which wil sold cheap. Have won 6l r tizes at Fall shows this year . DAVIS, G1d-im. Milton St., Stratford W.S. Cowan's List of Sales. Lieb sReDAY, Der & - a st 18 Con, 11, Gore of » Stock aod Impiement Paul Kelly. | pecs | | WE LEAD 19 FINE STYLES OF FORNITORE a Rm LOW PRICES. 'ir WILL PAY YOU TO BUY FROM US. BRADSHAW & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS AND __UNDERTAKERS. JUDICIAL SALE -- oF CIlTyY PROPERTY! FARM, AND BRICK-YARD, NEAR THE CITY OF STRATFORD. ROBEKTS and ott: and bea. the 18th day of on geerey 1885, will be wold br and the 3ist day Put tic Auction, spnect o Ordinary. by JAMES be st Auctioneer, at the office of G w : ET SQUARE, io the city OF st RA TFOKD, at the hour of Two o'Cloc the afternoon. o Saturday, the {7th day of December, 1887, the following Lands and Premises: PARCEL I. Consisting of 34, 63/100 d more ry ma of the Township of East- hope, 4 more tra, and shewn as Parcel A, according te a plan and survey of of lots Joseph G. Kirk, sale and pene te be inspected at the easts. G. W. Lawrence & Son, Ari th ete ae st rat is er tat the -- eae on: to W lsthday ot fate omy in wae the townghip of the y from the rear Ei be "ry as No. 2119. i lek -yare be andre yard ti ned will has a fe or the io Ponca L barn on thi there t ry foe ryt PAROBu TI. Part of lot 39 in 'the second cencersinn of 1! said Sownsip ot Soath a , containing is 0 19 acres ard south rd the epore "parcel L fhe thers land ie Parcel L. &., hich wil! be produced and before mentioned. Together with sald parce! B will conveyed a right of way along the eastern part of parcel A and lewling to the zravelied road as shewh on the enid an. Upen This parcel comprises a good brick! yard. 1" 18 is a log house 19 and 25), with an efizerioa 1x21, PARCEL Itt - a 7 - ad oA in the City of Straifont k known as me = Wop Ts' HOMESTEAD," Gomnycising three | actes a Og oe ort: fee in the fret p21 Hrd of the hope, according to a Ve sheet ng the sub-dirisions of the " made Kirk, FL. Band tied Reyistry caine fot Og@asty of pap on thelsth ----_ ise 'aie dewcribed atbers &, 6, sea? 7, in Kdyer Soe 3 Jarvis' pe RSUANT to the coliguent and final order of ees iaee cece | -- Wednesday, Nov. 30. W. J. FERGUSON. We bare not m ade ourselves famous for buy dee 4 a large stock of « Nor did we carry them o we carne them now. Nor cant in the ¢ cena ot anytien we hare been gradualiy bec Our fateriy 7 ma i nt t ha ave reached rour obserr- ation or ears It been in existemoe all the same. It's thriv- ing, too Oe what do rou mppos On a Me. Duin herap-- A elses' oT two at & tine--that's al} Ke good patterns, if they're the best igns are as xt as a dozen p © select from, ell we om " netorions fer our yard wide Dutch hemp carpet at 23 ceate a yd, ide ducided'y well worth 20 or ond a qualty is making up for am ot aving proved to ourselves that 9 large amount : emall stock ne hemp carpet can be eold from a we le hy not: have male arrangements varpet factory tc handle aly goods--they're giv ing peest quotations and a plece or i at a time. You can depend I pick the and he price Ml well then as they'll go-- atinene a surrounded with balf dozen unsightly cag ca '© how them up-- regular price 1 fo n ours Phe W. J FERGUSON. P. S.--Is your eye open for No. 22 THE NEW PAPER. HE pode , ONSERVATIV a mou aa about to be ried in Toronto, t called THE E MPIRE! Will make {ts ay Pyectance on of about the [Mth of bres ember Ko are being apared to miake the paper & " Canada, and of the great Party of whose + itwill be the eaponent. It will start with o STAFF OF BRILLIANT WRITERS very Departinent. The And able Journalists tn ¢ Public may ei News from all Quarte Able kditorials, Accurate Reports Fulj Fair Comment Reliable Conuuercial Ne tnturesting Gunrting Intelligence all other Departments well sustained, In short, the Emprre will bow Bright, Readable, Reilable Paper &@ Everybody Looks for it. Ail ghould Read it. DAILY EMPIRE, ® per WEEKLY EMPIRE, annun:., | #1 per an num. Send In your Sut d by the cash, 60 as to commence 'with ihe Srst-insue. Address, Lb. CREIGHTON, Manager Empire, Toronto. Nov. °¥, LSS7 o21- "GRIP" Caxdira's Comte Pargr. ¢ J. W. BENGOUGH, Artist and Editor. Inet > WEMMELY. $2 a Year; bis for 6 Monthe GRIP ts increasing in inttuence « and or ularity evesy year: Lt ia @ supra: favorite, while every Politician ap Profesional and Busl- bees Man enjoys the « ver bite which appear in every issue Su sesritio € now See our -- and Glubbing List. Circulars giving fuli. particulars sent froe, Look out for Grip's Comic Almanac fer isss. Price 10 cents. ADDERS, GRIP PUBLISHING Co., 'oronto, Ont. 'Brwationd, Nov. 29, 1087. oz. _ GRAN D TRUNK RAILWAY. HEPORTANT-CHANGE-OF Traine are timed to leave Stratford as toliows:-- FOR MAIN LINE RAST.--4: 40 a. ma. -- _ 6:35 p. m. . a oiled, 12:15 p. m.--Express. 4:25 press. FOR LONDON.--10205 a. m.-- -- shed. 4:25 p. m.--Express, $:15 p. "m.--EXx FOR GODERICH.--6:45 a. m.-- 128 p me. 7:30 FOR "MAIN LINE WEST.--3:15 Tas ixed. S15 FOR BRANTFORD axp BUFFALO.-- @. B. & L. £., NORTH.-- T29 p. m.--Express. FOR PORT DOVER.--8:56 a. = --ikized. ~~ ~$:20 p- m2. --Eapress. t To and [rom 'Prantford only. bog ake and from Palmerston only. HICKSON General Manager. ELIXIR VITE MAGNETIC MINERAL, As it comes from the Mines of Nature's boratety. eyes VITA will cure hig Disease and all Kidney Complaints. Dys jen: complaints, and destroys the Nidus of every i the Homan Flesh is heiz ltw Erysipelas, 1 eer Old Sores eg and all Skin Diseases, Bruises, Burns, Chilblaina, &e. all b dregstete November 20, 1857. @2i-ly. ENTERTAINMENT THE CHARITABLE FUND --or TRE St. Vincent De De Fant Society. S HA KE ES. SP] EARE, RECITALS from 'ana HUMORISTS, tor tiay pay with nf money coment (hex (ocetber with the <aid deposit of He bat Ges pane DR ball of the wid ates ve yeurvat taper vest < oe hee ---- be produ ? rence required to rewieter the eaid made by Joweph G, Kirk, P.La. i ~ TOS 6TH DECEMBER of Wednesday Ev'g Dec. 7th, © Comrscaxs ar Tickets, 25 and Sic. 2 oC, Sutanr, See programme, COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING, BF Fg Se yar om COUNCIL, wit meet. in on Council Chaz: New Court House, Stratford, ee | es . j ET tm Ay oY OE astern cic a me po Ont this pageel i iss frame house and Cana bara PROFESSOR. D. C. BELL or stable; and Is enitable for a fraldence Author of "The - of location," Modern, Reader az peaker," "the The properties i ~ ofered Tor sale, subject to Standard Elecutionist," * The Ladies" pay apt fon ear be a Abe ood parcels) © te itronist, ac, 4 Sagi.be py FA OF 'The wirehasers. #1 t7_puy ta-the | --o a Vendor's Solicitors at the ti