NAPHTHA IN- THE SEWERS. Rochester Shaken by a Series of Explosions. FOUR LIVES LoeT AND ae MEN WOUNDED OR. PETERS. SAM COX'S BOOK. | EXTRACTS FROM THE DIVERSIONS! OF A DIPLOMAT. ------ The American Whe > fine Cross of the Legion of Honor. f Dr. C. H, Peters, of Hamflton "tica, N. Y., who has been the Sastten mel more prection jokes, probably, than any) per ee ...| Beal Estate Bargains. | | MONEY! MONEY I 6 PER CFE TO LEND ~_ FIRST CLASS MN parosces~ | FHA pr BS "Graerts TORS CP AND OTHER PROPERTY DAMA ED. Rochester, N Y., Dec. 21.--Shortly aoe prc -- o'clock this after- plesion occu in front of th the ahh er on Mill st, at the foot of Factury street. The explosion poy felt for istance and Coroner Sliarpe, who was at his eer fav alg on the peer side of the river, pots er he felt it ctly. Only a few r th first explosion arother rae another an her in rapid duccessio Instantly flames burst from the Poole mill and the rear walle fellin, The fire burned with great fury and although the ae hastened to get out, it is feared that some must have perished in the flames. be mil, afew minutes before the Washington adjoining the we ' yerery was on fi ey ted worty of the "Poole mill and is seriously injured. -- mped from ther ---- by ion ing fles the race. The use of the ion _ that the one in the vidialty © FILLED WITH NAPHTIHA, which was being pumped from the 4,000 he in the vacu but-oue or more 0 Munici Gas C fa th the naphtha to fhen breaks in the line a atowel sew gas'it escaped into the mills and exploded there or elsewhere and made its way through the mains in the middle of the atreeta or throwing out the manhole covers and tearing up the roadways, The amount cannot be calculated at this Two of the three finest mills in America, with their contents, are doomed, and several streets and sewers are more or leas damaged. In the vicinity of the tire and up State street as far as Market street, about three-quarters of a mile Tm the people were running in every dir tion, and the frequent explosions cal terrified them more. THE EXPLOSIUNS continued at such frequent intervals for the first half hour that the people were deterred from getting anywhere near the fire Vomen and children are running around crying and screaming, thinking their brothers, husbands or some relatives were in the mill and had been burned. It is not known how many persons were at work, or how man was seen to jump from the second storey of the buildings to the river bank below, leg w internal injuries. son mill fell in about a o'clock, there are several men bese The en; ataeue of the Clinton mill, with two companion, were standing near the front of the mill when the ex plosion occurred, not tweuty feet from where they stood, They regained sufficient presence of mind to shut off the steam and It is now reported that three persons are known tobe killed. . The fire is spreading at this hour (5 p.m.) LATER INTELLIGENCE, At the time of writitg (11.30 p, m.) the fre is under control. explosions ceased at 6.30, and no more danger is them. The explosions apprehended from sovered a wide emtent of territory. Win- dows Were shattered - "ar anya = 1 other damage done. The through ae a bg for eral ts rs is the lar er in the city and is t the outlet for the a sewers or the West Side. How badly damaged this is as yet cannot be estima THE KILLED. far as known ;--Fred. Webster, Abraham Hogers and John + The latter was,an employee at the People's mill and meen accounted © et _ it is supposed that he is dead in the The injured will number at least owen, Most of them are-bruised and cut b by a The W Wilson, E. A stones, The total damage be cloaely determined. "T 000 barrels of wheat, valued at rye ad ie monty a total loss, A Dublin Sensation. CAPT. DUNNE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL FOR jOOTING AT THE BETRAYER OF HIS DAUGHTER, A CLERGYMAN. ing hia daughter. with Mrs. Mel- to the zes ! g Ss 5 bee ss? pate § Ee park § | BL ii Pe SiSeatonn A Girls Schoo! In Turkey Desertbed andj the recipient of many honors, the last of which is the "Cross of the Legion of a Pistured--The Interesting Mistery of 9} 14 orred by the president of the Fren Diver Who Was Recogufred by Minister public. The accom: ring the orus- Cox as 4 Sometime New York Fakir. etter | ments is signed by M. Flourens, minister of | foreign affairs, and bears date of Aug. 2, but ™! the insignia didnot reach Utica till some time in October, as they had to come through the Following are given some extracts frx . Cox's new 'book, "The Diversions ofa a Diplomas in Turkey." instance some of our diversions when iegation at shine be legation take part {m the dramatic per formancr: This high bonar, With wild dessoustrations, after the manner of| COB ferred by © all Orientals, except sag gacecery ne ftuber: Man seeks reclamation, 'or the destruc tion of his nets\upon the Be osphorus, into whieg the} screw propeller of our launch had made havoe jot the high doing of ads claimant himself; for was not the And wien' fisherman' Watson, of the Uni- j y of "= hi- [bichest | vil of jhis time, especially in Egypt, but, to ne - | [tense regret of Mic higan, he accepted a fin tbe Wal niversity of Wisconsin, and died ere ey from cold contracted in his very first obser- I ; vations, Professor Watson w Michigan, but Dr. Pe ete despite + is by birth a German; they were great rivals 'in the discovery of canaratiia yntil it became one of the standing jokes of the senii-scientific Peters, however, has t. . having located forty-four asteroids. has also catalogued 7,000 eodiachal 'stars and recorded 12,000 solar spots, The articles he has written, the charts he has pre- aig and the valuable notes he has contrib- to scientific works are almost beyond = " ---- = | Sanedilies as he is singularly careless of wa his claim to any production. + loves his KIFPAPAPOROS AND SUNEET COX. Science for itself alone. He is a good general sate oad a Faget ye we acai pa how modern languages; but celestial mechanics It was p mot Oreek mosting ve eh about oa pe sh are his specialty, 'and he loves astronomy nt Gieek nod Turk = ite ding. Thus, in our With such devotion that he has never found subordinates, we . andl si 4, at time to woo and win a woman, Cine, « oer our slanadairing of the! Antic her 'a occasioned ee from name) was born in Germany, Sept. 19, 13, - American = on of pene 9 beso graduated at the University of i rlin, took Mm Was Coscendex Tom Leonidas or emistocie "a '" § 4id not. baquiney geotanty the iether, as he the higher degree of Pa. D. . ~ was about had _-- to do with fighting the m rmany when tho increasing elem L He io. a diver. He had age isle. While an to raise 1 the United States. He was first e mployed in the harbor, he is sted by the author. the coast survey, but soon demonstrated his ities for Mlegally diving for sponges. He had no capacity so thoroughly that in 1858 he was lice: wen profesor of astronomy in Hamilton rd college. In 7 Edwin C. Litchfield, bs ite dino As be spoke ne Encl h, Brooklyn, efidowed the chair ar Greck, we called ta all our aids to assist the tOF¥ with §30,000, since whi man interpreter. been known. as Litchfield observatory, and ~."Haya..L.vot seen you_beforar" 3. -saked bir, has been, identified with the fame of Dr. after his complaints are understood and the talk Peters, Among the doctor's many noted takes a social air. achievements was the observation of one ecard -- See eee eclipse of the sun from the station at Des « "Which America?" Moihes, Ia., from which important deduc- "Nord (" " tions were made; and maps of the transit of mt Venus made in IS74 in New Zealand. The doctor's party on that occasion tographs of the different phases of the tran- sit, all of which have proved of great valua Dr. Peters only teaches one class, for a part of the term, and has become so identified to locate in Ge Chios, his ---- in full council. "Bien . "Ever in New cork or Wasbington!" took i prom aptly rejoined. " i blandly asked, tender- He suuiles a fishy smile and with his telescope that he is the subject of bs 'many practical jokes. He is familia rly known to the students as "Twin kle," without his knowled; ze. contrast between him and his great contem- 4 porary, and in some sense rival, of Michigan. Professor James Watson was tho perfection of physical manhood, with perfect sight and digestion that an athlete might envy. Yet _the deep chested and brawny Watson died. of disease t resulting from the exposure of lstromer's work, Dr. Peters is a very atta taining talker--to these who can understand | ~ (him; but he has never mastered the English language, and in moments of excite ment the Ge rrman of his childhood comes out in aceent land idiom. He is extremely modest, never alludes to his own name, saying only jof a certain tact that "it was discovered at Litchfield observatory on" a given date, ged THE | PURITAN, ' Y Greek jacket, +) had my- eclf seen him, under water, smoking, in as tank. you are the fi you not ly looks surprised and pleased at the recog- "You are the man who drank under water? How are you, eatene os He becomes at once = in his muddled _ tells his troubles in the Homeric isle--all how long he could stay under water | and how 'sate 4 Veshecsmsbewan de it. He clutches index finger (The Deacon Chapin Statue at Springfield, papap Mass. Springfield, Mass,, rejoices in the sion of a new statue which unites at itractions--it represents the + acorn of cmty| It lof Sexingheld. was made for Chester W. Chapin, president of the ya suspected, itay cotecie tn Wie dete weten ot the boats and thus raise money!" He ves. he returns to say that he has job; had dived for a sunken vessel in the ous, but could not make had a) Se ee eee as long as a Seda om a What became of him Fell He ie J d ? f £ i E i ij | tt it cat é : \e 88280-- La hm. CH Petes tirss * scholar, a graduate in Greek and Latin and, Christian Henry Frederick Peters (his full i arine rv 0 le presents _o and his case. probability that he would have to penenpone old Years in the army induced him to come to vessel Lait f pho- ~ i $350 BB Demeter Logg Gonveyances, -- nt & Loan A Orrica Ur- Stains a= ms mam or James Concoman's STRATFORD, ONT. LIFE, INSURANCE. SSESSMENT SYSTEM, at few than half the cost of the old line com LARGE FARMS. APPLY TO GEO. FORMAN. $7000 Las 18, tot Coa . Downie, Draper's) 100 om from City limite, o . Huro ron road, a be rick buildings. First-class. oe a" atres, Easthope, 100 acres, Downie, 100 agres. von at, oth von., Gore of Downis, 109 scres. gooet het ge 4, 5, @ and 7, 12h con, Ellice, 400 usage Iniproz wad =: Small Farms and Park Lots. APPLY TO GEO. FORMAN; par ate R i lot 3, Stk con., Ellice, acres. Partly frup #1400-- TE tot « Sth con., Ellice, 50 acres. Partly im 00-- pat pi near Wiarton. 1 fuildings near Water W. Partly impreved. orks, $1400.25 acres and buildings in 8. EK. Hepe, 2) miles from Clty 1600--174 acres and buileings in Ellice, 1) miles trom City @000---11 acre park lot on Forman avenue, Strat- for --s acre = tan Dufle win eiruet. sO land 2acre Le BUILDING LOTS ! Apply toGEO. FORMAN. Monteith's block of 8 lots lu Arnold survey, on King,' College and $225-- Lote 74, north aide Douro street, 1, corner Nile aod Rebecca The Phipps one acre (4 iter on corner Avon ate , between Humphrey's choice lotu i in front of Gordon's survey "cane 315 and SsZ on Bay « sath acre lots on Huron road. aon Dourlas st Avon w 10 lots in Forman's survey ef eo 300 OTHER LOTS in every WARD in CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY! Apply te GEO. FORMAN. " HOTEL FOR SALE Known as " Dominion House" and ene acre. Op- posite corner frou 0. T. HK. Station, Stratford. $2200 7 Le Vesndiy Plough Factory, in rear © woolen mills, Suitable for ny kind of i tas. Over 1 acre, including the dw eliing and «# BUSINESS SITES. _ 30 feet front on north side of Ontario between the Odbert bloc k and John including xt to the nee oe _Ontart ° Btréet., : ow oot.--42 fee tio st., between Jas Kes unedy"s 'store and Livery 'Street. CHOICE HOTBL SITE. a font--2 loteon west side of Downie road, including Point seneer Dr. Fraser's, Feet, front on Albert st., between Market and Waterloo sts, $25 a foo! $12 a ae in parcels 217 tect of ot bey 203 and ot Sores on Ontario st., sto Forbe liver}. ing OTHEN S UsiNuess "PROPERTY. Apply ---FIOUSES. Apply to GEO. FORMAN. $300 *" MeQuade's house and lot on Blake st. » Saga te Me. cDowell's + $300 son's gt vase and 2 lots $70 on Mra. Lake's, East of $7 a month iSGOO (xe. '$3500 P phi ns vig he brick residence and 10 acres $1, 200 Double renne house north side of ee , between Front andfyueen Sta, Ren Sirs. dD. wn McDonald's one storey yellow corner of Nile ow. <a Tio sone - wee extra b-} asd yore just rm, on To be Easy t fine fe 8 side of street, . 155 and 212. Alex. Grant's aarve $1,2 200 m= $500 'Debate Lanes nent G. T. RB. & brown house of six rooms, ae ichael Gallagher. '$35 a § Hovey's good, smali house, 18 x 24, 2) and. cellar, oa. Free rederick %.. 'erguson's. Until Ist Janoaary next, will bu: '$3100 ence, | Cont $8,500. The South Side Method ist (now tist) church and lot, near G. T. ee honee and stable '31000 fation. Mebergal 's ia Homee wend, | on a well | dolce fruits. |$.1200 day ef Geo '$850 and $200 2x2} sey homes ast GEORGE' FORMAN} ATTEND. THE ¢ ' STRATFORD, -ONT., ae | Posscasing UNEXCELLED FACILITIES for Imparting a Most Thorough Business All Our Late Graduates in Good"Paying Positions. Our System of Actual Business Practice ts NOT APPROACHED BY ANY SIMILAR INSTITUTION, ishing s Course of Instruction that . pnearpnned and AT LEAST EXPENSE, will bay o attend the C. B.C. Ticket for for "Berattord, and Steel Wire Door Mats GENUINE SNOW SHOVELS. A FULL ASSORTMENT. CARPET SWEEPERS Of American make. Much Superior to the Imitation Article. Self-Lighting Lanterns! SOMETHING NEW--at W. & F.WORKMAN'S - XMAS. | Ladies in Quest of Christmas Gifts for their Husbands or Sweethearts, should go to J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO, 65 ONTARIO ST. . They are Showing some saainintls alate in 'SCARFFS, TIES, .. °° SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, MUFFLERS, FURS, &c., &c. J. RR. WILLIAMSON & CO, Tailors and Meu's Furnishers, 65 Ontario. Sirant... rom THIS IS REALLY TO BE A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO ALL. * Every Men, 'Woman, Boy or Child who. buys a Suit of Clothes or an Overcoat from CHEAP SIMON Will get a Good Pair of Shoes into the Bargain | ; You will Find a Very La Large Assortment of Clothing, \" Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, ; Underclothing, Staple Goods, Hats, Caps and Furs. Watches and Jewellery. I will Sell Cheaper than any other Man in the trade. Everybody knows I have always done so. ie TRUNKS AND VALISES In Endless Variety, at Rock Bottom Prices. I - WISH - YOU - ALL- A- MERRY,- MERRY - CHRISTMAS. §z Call and see Cheap Simon, and you will get Goods of the best xualities, and at Prices you never heard of before. H. SIMON, " Ontario Street West, Opposite Avon -- Stratford. mae ee As in the Past, we have this year given our Special Attention in selecting none but First-Class Fruits for the Festive Season, which 'we will offer at Prices for First. Quality that 'will not fail to give ---- Pure Spices. -. - New Gandied Peels, New Layer Raisin. New Figs. All Kinds of Nuts and Canned Fruits, Etc. We have still a large stock of Valencia Raisins, at 5c.