sik sila ae . ' *: wire SE * i ; i e. = * wey eae ~ fo i : i 'Mie'a Mee of ' = " tiie wlisagest teres tinacs Wan tine Sein fe gaannbeggtic: fap ry the Feturned. They were in part Abel Diy pirbajae oleae hte aS ' iain lobb ny not were completely nufarnished, and utable to the annorance ¥ x Tae - ---- Ee erate Saivoing sien ope peepee ir eens jon of great negivct. We inquired Ferrarls mynterioite eo gat ales Comet 2 sovel'et Wk iaaer ens willbe easily dis! strange lady, the To PreVEAE RAtiway Collisions. ane _. ple who Maina tx docing Wak thahae mt the peo- th belgie thitig to be seen.below the ee impossible to conceal the circumstance, Square. couriers' office, Golderl' tween mac uNaIy, Hie moattee ote! ren tie ¥ Collisions. SOR MRIS men whi we were at-once informed%8 his lordshi "4 "so ai : i.----Would madame, Seah cn i. i, ce armed mn nyt eS hp rang eestor Harn ree af tn of he een et pile ection et Re Geet wow.) a 0 wo 'ect liberty to vi ¥ ' . al 6 now to sion: i 4 ' egress ne who wore full Leards, 5 ~~ * 'e went + dng = Pe to leave no pak$ of ee oe iar -- -- ~ taking psa conclusion which fr jostited by: the re ent ie: of her resolution, Mrs. Ferrari's ed of mage bs ian oa » had nohairon their faces, 78; men tlie palace une to a es during the niglit at his bedside cults of our investi = remt as if dt would burst consists of a pilot engine or saf, * ' . who wore Prince' Alberts) 150: » 735 mM nt nexplored. The vaulte were, it On the Lith (the day'on which the old w "The ta tion. Sinan. wis urst out 6f her | worked by electricit a ety lorry, fs re : ma od, > asdcam saiman firs ; the old wo- © plain question Leftine 'ol ai . when her condicteess led her inté 7 y, an her re at <4 : 100; men who into a , ou " t "| my in the o , ve to do the housework), his and ourse! mr directors anteroom, awd Sa | distance in front of the t some je , 310 imes--any some "ler teor big o2. lordgt : . appears to be this: F awl knocks! at a door opening in- s etrajn. It stopa the men who came in afd sat dow "eas 's ligt sine 'Air and bipe con mplained of a sore throat, and quiry is: Has the in-' toa room t ' pening in- | train autom i d ' and ight were onl " x 7 and of 4 revealed a m beyond. Burt it is z atically, and rugs a an Rew mothir spi got up and pont oat, oy ae dems si ptenan ance aw aa to -- en ane --_ ession on the chest. On this Stances.which at any. extraordinary -- persons of sensit ively ci ct or Kable thet From a dynamo- electric achiae' aa as i é « Tribune, matruction, which comnur ' fel , the baron er - i oe pe 16th, ber Iniyship and barry open to suypicion? Tho~t eal ~~ are the very persons who are capable fore : thre = the train '3 current is ound a oo acl k yart of the place, and the openings o oe ll refa ney € --y roe to nes doctor. Hes revealed extraordinary eewnanien > ing tie eens -- t j excercise of = rough the rails to the pilot engine, "9 ich, high above the gro ans were protected about me; my nae -stlevan oe ad Ferra alldoubt--such ax the dissppearance of ae "pers . op sein han the tatsy pertectly under & yiron gratings Tho stone stairs leading spite of the doctor'--that ron its course, in rrari, the remarkable _nbsence Of the cus ren acts of the mo 1, ane the distance between it : down an wr the vanits could be cloacal at wil; the 17th he vas so seg ass ate ware O: , tomuiry retablishinent Of servants in on A low, grave voice fron th ngine may be varied to suit curves : by a heavy trap door in the back hall, whi b cided to send for ac ~ hoa, and the mysterious letter which hi ie nol The maid, opening ree dé WCE one of the line. . The pilot ; 5. we found open. The baron bimse it te L the liked it or not, Ba lies lordship asked the doctor to post. But oon mm ", Sent TH. BEE ; the exteror with a num- s of -- wi the«wtatrs-~We rema the nt the const dos th is the proof that any one we nities! a be os . rel one or more of which 4 night be awkward >< rv +t) tree, Bruno, we einige stans 4 ' rust be broken if they encounte By WILKIE CO COLLINS. re closed chs couiine takind ok. mf a siesatel i ews aia t abe te x The clase vessels co a tuaiedoaeeets _. "My interference A oa , stitled- at the Gee" 'Don's be elar " on ; t Lord ae "i, roytacts, and 8 the breaking causes an \ ° bj - §¢ was," she t ' ' varie ae in arry' ! trrbermptierh of -- ttre es me wrt sindady ties wevevackies of lemon," be said: "the d av gma woof, ant ; tf ithe -cuiventthe--yacuum dept emai "ae -- tive fwack Inte i acaten es - eo) Li a an Born = any such proof, and ey ab vin: } en ~_ J the -traip are automatically ap- na stir avy Tarther tn-the caso ot oe ag -- the place, My ~ pins mid Month ree wa aa -- s -- a woah at fall. : had not consented to let that unfortunate a ae pe preeaentars tal ica om siry- i ; a iy hit hes t bois hav tore liv so i - $0 he ier that be 2 zz wae refer to me by "name, the 'late Lord he workshop, since we Lave been' in Veuize -- their respective pial aati the ectlision of : ontbarry would never. liave 1s Re. Casrine ea ibeancam ife would have been sede For es@ee o-vantt ic ace or Bilt 3 . - - ze TS rom sich is euffering we er witan a. s wt -- ir fo a the Givo "hem a Ch St wuach, ¢ eS vie oa a : vould noteren look at the report to sii m, ¥o y des eas 7 agian A i's Cathartic Compouly 2 which you allude ie-it thes as ttn Foor os toes sielr? that an a 7 ahs ' ' Mee al ia very effect ve. a Ihave beard more than end tr ot feet, B yaromatic, as it were, in its deed t Very wenler +r « 7s --S "Tid A thay hideons life in tho palace at Venice, If ing in our she | e-Fu only the larger | Co conan " yon an, ae go to James ' Tal Ai cs chooses 'to " ees bets If to retorts, and « 4} alse and cavi : i ert a . : ge ay eid... Valene of cor nL, uaitlioe hh your assistancs--tliat is, 'speag | 1g, he appeared to Whea th wes ls. ire Rl raising for five ce eS: sci i , another thin; "Bot even BPs this park emat ealth. His nervou CHAPT eae. th matt ae my nz "nye make itn pos condition that add of "Now APTER I%. eur lungs ¢ We keep tl T | ry tame sliali not be m ned. we laste <i ms t Ov, my food creature, whatever you And wh 'al ie : oe wer q me, my dear Mr. Troy! 1 il plain nly visi : have to say to me, or . my ORS wnat SS aay aad « ex to be had in the it a aud very unreascenbie dma very mubepey, ant place to « Baron Rivar , + : v ae on T tried don't want to hurry eo iar 2 ee , Cau We acil a ver i Japan tea at 15 he ty . oo am only a:'but my « : : seeding reut bac ak t to English. It , = . prelanitas . H». Rio eh 'on wom " y + Vy siste 8 e A th ness ho r sa Lat rt pact be 1 you must not expect too much *" Hemical sm mel preipn exp a iA " oh " Mi ina os es ches hk _ "i wef had already ~~ ie affairs to Sune oe : ar " oa « for bar oe ae Foiled in 'this , a > these lowe yn . words at hoes 1 only speak a ew Addressing Ferre. woth 17 i . ; 4 advised making sire eae dr, a ye se next my experiments may ne 'ther oy ented wor!" 'as rid ie Pp he ot ay eel iia bamor, in 'thew! at ta, baa i" ed friend @ present i present arldress of Lady Montbarry's ier axe 2% : He beld out bis bands, on which we Cc ~ s Joy pres *riptio ns (\ wit | t ce dation registered the lapse of time very nice & ee emant @: goer ®, be has maid. This excellent suggest y's English Had noticed that be wore gioves in the house. in English) accom » iin ranean the watch on his@desk, anc N . " vont and an elegant line ' dina ables ak. eeiak' eate te paou-A apat by *Accidenta will happen sometimes,' to ad, me rotons ; " wie bats 2 . a ter re bez th what his client had to say toh : car's cards, = spending me OM, i e 'no matter how careful + 4*Por the ne rd : manatee ts something, mor hee é lealth 3 . Shed, ee pede no money to burned my hands pomerate ta. tee! are a stheaiizhah ta tar pale i Lap ouuxtant | with the Faennal . ™ mh pie 0 wt = deter lepen xd upon this ad cé rtain. ; Health is impossitie whea the blood' is idea Gy snake sty dan of Pit _ beet, na the other day, and they are oniy he remedies empl ve ectekaeaee yaw, began, ; 1 bave found cut who sent it to hin The only plnos-én 7 ae "| sa and sluggish, or when it is t had been deposited in tt 0 covering now.' but decidedly. Tcould ex ete o Mr. Troy started. "This s news indeed!" © ati pat relatan foe Sa. 08 e re you [| thin and improverished. Such conditions x bank. If it was even mentioned in ing ofa' "We mention these otherwise unimportant Lady Montbarry the: pore tiously assure he said. "Whosent you the letter wen maues Bros , the place for Lansing is at Walsh | give rise to boils, pimples, 1 jack ny ing, sie shuddered aud referred ged ms one incidents in order to show that our exj plora- mcd ded thus far. She ae ind - be| "Lard Montharry sent it, sir." ---- neuraigia, rheumat sm, i th veadaches, ' melodramatic fervor, ts "my ter os tion of the palace was Race: impeded. by any most devoted wife. 1 vainly sor sme a} It was not dasy to take Mr. Troy by syy- Neglected Colds Pain in the Chest, | Ayer's > pase -- yand ot ser disorders, H+ -- blood money!" = omit 3 at concealment, We were even ad- iduce her to accept the services of psi to ipetes, , Rat Mire, "yerrari threw him cor and ali diseases of the ange, e cured i SEPANG purifies, GaN KEER Ot, ; Coa GMa iceis of whrenmstanient, the ah itted to her saddyship's het eisneteacoes wm sib ten ¢ tue: sho would allow nobody rte' pletely off - balance. For awhile be could by using / Allen's Long Balsa and vitalizes the bt ood, 4 tetupt to solve the mystery of Ferrari' di sequent --e when she went out to take | mn her husband but herself. Night and d pay ok ¥ t ber in silent surprise. "Non-' J , | ie Ganoeaaden tor avbiie 's dis- eo air. ie soa extinable Woman was at his bedside. ai jsense!" ho hey as soon as be had recovered Sa -- "Corcoran sells 'the new season's Be Prepared. It was the last month of abe year 1880, The examine i wines et es ron bg ne ber b | Ibe "Tee FG HARES SHOES fine Gunpowder vat a -- oo oie of. the wort attecks of sholers commission of inqui " ivacy of his life at Ve watched tho sick : or 12h cents per | ™orbus. cramps, dysent | qemu anya nein ara tt nr eat od St TEL ier no tate" rw Pernt a re | ena ae nag ed ike oat scp On thé 10th the term for which the late pe ar in the house, might bave some sus- in the intervals when ap had time Pere sort le \joined, in her most positive mauner. "Two Blixir Vi tee is the 'king of than ail and prompt or ANS 'anes be-uued to combat Montbarry had hired the Venetian palace ex . - connection with the nature of his *!*- He dabbled in chemistry down i ttle gentlemen from the insurance offices called for piles, rheumatism, kidney complaint chair dire effec Dr. Fowler's Extract of pired. News by telegram reached the ig fo ia h, We found nothing to justify sus- horrid under wator vaults of the paint ws Shoe [a sine Shle Sacenning,, Sn Se 'the letter: They ° dyspepsia, general debility ; ¢ habare's tle a --s Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at rance offices that Lady Montbarry had be« Bis clon. jhe wanted to show me sotne of h ace, and were completely puszied---especially wh purifier to build you ap if you are afil = hend for oe It never fails to reas by her lawyers to aaewine phe Baectenton pony' wre way of life, wo fama, Ihave enough of pvt = oo ood -- of the bank note inside, But tee df areagis Vitm and be h beong erp sure or = i as little dela: i on the subject with the on. ing prescripti al »ow who sent the letter. His lordship' nr it was believed, ee te anmre' eaves, rock banker--the only two precocial quite good humoredly. I decli ined, He took it tor in Venice posted it at his seuatye ae A Cherry P nares Hottowar's Prius, ~The G Great Need.-- . England; fut wegld 5 Bere to! remips Pepe pee te yinbin Heealled ."'l am straying away' -- quest. Go to the gentlemen yourself, sir, if b yer's Cherry Pectoral is recothmended The.blood is the life, and on its purity our. wx try unless his services were = geal ot - reap Se to obtain money on his letter | Lat me retarn to the sick Re _my subject. you don't believe me. They were polite y eminent physicians, on both side of the nealeh as well as our existences depends, Fs quired bien Indyship. tg cna y re- | _ it, and excused himself from accepting | ""Up to the 20th, then, thi enough to ask if Leould account for Lord Atlantic, 'aa the most relishle remed hese Pills thoroughly cleanse' the vital an enthusiastic stude . f Saar aie invitation of visiting the banker at his couch. Iwas quite sanrovenns tera well Montbarry writing to me and sending me the for colds, cough d y | fluid from si.contaminations, and by that * G5," bad bear: sted eavbala enh se residence on the ground of delicate ®strous change that showed poral Coe pacts I gave them my opinion--I said it ordere. I ghs, and all pulmonary dis- | means strengthen and invigorate the whole in connection with that science re the the Unieed | His reaps wrote to the same effect Lord Montbarry my m visit on peid eee his lordship's kindness." « Inquire of your druggists for Ayer® system, healthily stimulate sluggish organs Siates, and was-anxiows to investigate them (aimee deem " to the consal,.to excuse 2st He had relaredd, orning scion tae kL "* his lordship's nal Mr. Troy re- ant ie. agp -- -- and establish rsonally returnis peed. E penn fn blank amazemeu Ota ¢ of circulation and secret ti Scr tins' 0f 'adi ectilial lgentleman's visit to the palace, We oon sain, t toil seam a discover the| "Yes, sir! Lord iccersy knew The pon Old Time Favorite. out every part of the body. The perioral ee! 'Troy, ware duly communicated reer sg i agelyee 7 and we beg to offer the follow. i$ to say, in unniedical ae ot pene the other members of the family, geet 7 ' drink n of green fruits and summer | ature, of Holloway' 3s Pills exercises 3 ] rari, hone sacialy-eboud bar Ie oa ioe "pu of es "Many years passed in I ili Mon of the substances of oe o Haloom en on the estate in Ireland, If he chelewe is the time i " worst forms of marvillov power in giving tone to debilit- B: pan ber frequent--a wiband anes jared my constitution. I have ceased ; breathed with difficul 'could have done it, he woukl have protected il nd bowel complaints gen ated and nervous constitutions. These oa itor a the lawyer's Soe agg gee te go into society; the $08 occupation of my wowed able to relieve ieiuif by coutine T| \my poor ~~ husband. - But oni was helpless 'aly ee - Ags sateguard br: Fowler' vod gay all chstraations, both tn the a to relate what she had heard The air of Ital study of Oriental literature. made the strictest inquiries, and was assured | _ hands of my indy and the at hand. For 30 uld be kept elsewhere, and are, on that ac- ee friend y is better for me than tho ni that his medi ibaron--and-the only kind thin ould pager lick or years it has been the count, much sought after for promo i. tober goat Pa sped larger Agnes jot England, or I never should have left oe | hee ly a ot ees ok aa a as was to provide for me in A wierd "4 le remedy. s ; gularly of action wd young females pee aa : tu positively for- Pray accept the apologies of a student and had been the true nobleman be was M + | delicate 'persons re-naturall ny 2 bade any further eonversation relating to invalid. The an ©*posed to any changes of temperatare It} 4 | EDICAL Prooress.--Th heave f yy weak, or Bord wile; now-that-Lord = to end.' active part of my life isaf an |W with great reluctance that I . It] "A very pretty ns waid Mr, | !0Rical discovery of the e great physio. | 28¥e from some cant eeneens E tale whe no mares 2 Mont- Tho self seclusion of his lordship seems Lady Montbarry's distress added to |Troyy "What did pee nent 'was the ci 1, seventeenth cent- : sr. advise you," she said; Zion emote Se oe We | ew sh saggested eigioathon swine ana nd, jeurance offioes think of 1 rom the in-) creat py ol Bie pA Mo want to be curea of ' you are welcome have not, however, an that account other ph wa "They asked if I bad { covery of the nineteenth Bright's direace, snd elt kidzw spared | an mi ; = Wanted, All Lask in return is that you wil! excite oar inquities in other Miections._ to there Soenican ele rhe uae I too thought band's death " arrest of my hus-- contery was an sitegstive for fe parity: Me seen debility, fen male. paiet he not distress suspicion 0! anything wrong has "And what did you Harv . veries, poy Pea a apdattien sao ab ing Mee separate come to our kno wledge. j Pines. y= te yet the best mediead opial od a 2 Si -alab- Soe Sellen. ties. prom, nares Oral tiattet oes ey and A 24 all skin diseases, bruises "hiltlains &o ee tered; she paused to control pone Sa set iaen the woman's ee wide mel. ms ta Tey. 'The bes opision was scvetty | eTuadeniiaied Peencab comet "the story and awe HT try Exilir Vit, ' Sold by all droggiste. - . a oar The satisfied tl opinion.' progress of Medicine;---- a " she resumed, 'which are [in which it is 's receipt for her wages, | first and forem: ost of A Se l didn vi sadder than ever since [ have heard of Lord 'Lady Mon a et Mt that-che left Italian physicians is 'ee of Padua I ssid ak a via, wor werd ae. They. f you have a chain, watch, or locket | "I are gp Montbarry's death, Help me by your si- |the conti we aa oo a reg mete my siel er. messenger for the grea each other--and w me good 'abe worthless on aécount of it being | have onan tabie rpardock Bi eget lence to reco inbed kk to © vod on the mau, morning." 0 bear Sothing more wae ger Lat me jown country. This is not wn Hosanna 'confirmed my opicen si ofthe sad and, "Woil, Mrs Ferrari, unless you have some which Sill sak Taus on Epes orsilver, | Thad a severe bilions ek reodae" K: you that your husband is f ond." _ aod king English servants to foreign *t in, and that our patient's ite ia had 'more extraordinary news for me, I think I will last better than eat for several days and was unable work Time advanced to the 13th of Lady Montbarry has informed usthat set Itold him what m was in daon- shall wish you good morning, too, 'I can take Will guarantee mont new "plated One bottle cured me." . John M. Richard: sahenas teadniet wraduedien at abe abstained from engaging another maid in © bad been, and be y trentmagh 8 ein eee cero Seferentien ce class givesatiaaction ato quality sr. Tara, Ont. for-ail bilious. troubles 2 reached Mr. Troy. The oe g sort [consequence of the extreme dislike which hig Particular, He phon sii phe pe ais I own) ; and, in the absence of and quantity of metal astoquality | use B.B.B = is rance commission had come to a pont" Hhaoesse ip expressed to having strangers in the gestions, and (at Lady pl ale. Oui torts + eae Oe ne neere. BEUTTER, Electro- der," latin J. M..| There is no case ieeaah: aoe " report bed been received from V in the state of his health at that time, request) he consented arry's express; "I ean provide you with Spoonite Windsor Hotel, Btls fort. | Horses and t ods 5 hag: enice that| "The disappearatice of tha. Pad nted to defer bis returti te fs all Sant" proof, sir--if that and Cattle where '"'Maud §&. ia, in iteelf, snqtestionatily courier Ferrari adug until the following moruladg, all you rant," said said Mra. Ferrari, siheoe False Powders are not called for, and by their a cumstence, cir-| "'We both saw the patient at guity. "I only want to know Rales V: Common Sense | Utey *aministzetion will eave 'the = CHAPTER VIII. end Neither ber tndyailo oor tbe the course of the night» The d intervals inj wheter the low justifies me sosdedsing "Ye You Practice, of many valuable animals _ ; Bahr 14th the directors and their leg itt on an ee no investigation | advancing, set our utthost isease, -- i a ne ete ag er intelligence oe gers ; : rs met for 'the reading of the report light on Shares, pare aet~ the smallest orm od In the nsorning ouser Tevetle ¢ arétic taal Sods ag a pare that Lady Muathacry bn Professional pretension is often wrong by FOR THE: COMPLEXION, For Pim. Pim ' with closed doors, These were the letating t justified us in amo | vo, "I can beof no furth " London, at Newbury's botel. dogmatic rules, while common sense is con- ples, Blotches, Tan, and all itching oe terms in a indirectly, with id nm. "The man is er use," ho | propose to go and see her." T tent to be fog tthem Th ey PI ee 3 which the ted the results of '2° a our inqetty, We} the ong know: (3 nis pastall help--and) "Thedeuce youdol Ma tl -- a pall go aac 2 Super a : their inquiry: gone the length of 'ersuel ave even "the ht to knor: y I ask for whats ne? y tr 3 the science of ' id "Prize and Confidential. San which ra ett behind or tron gently as i en dag warned my lord, as| Mrs. Ferrari answered in a mysterious "si, cine! od the tha sprit a smn SET We "We have the honor to inform our directors money, Kegan clothes and linen--no | 'am informed rhea tase piscigyre val ae I hein "For the parposs ot ber tn} Of thc mere. slate, of precedent has been | "Al RAI RK ' A a that we ag in Venice on Dec. 6, 1886. 'for my stating What passed between Sasha p! I shan't send in my name--I shall! abundantly established by vhe success of : VI POSITIVE, ne On the same day we proceeded to the palace wnatus in rge The teau re- occasion, M detail, and without any re- the teat ~-- & person on business, and Hotrowar's world renowne 1 remedies, : Cure Fer miei agerg by Lord Mentbarry at the time of earee { démply with the request. come, my lad Tsay to ber will be these: 'f, -- Sarg arsed man is especially coLD U WEA tac ness and ; la Lora Montbarry received the intelligence the , my Y, to nokmowhedge the receipt of) South A in Spain and in all parts of eh pie ? -- received with all possible cour- i hing death with becoming com-; you arsed sent to Ferrari's widow.' Ab! ie > -- The Spanish people TARAR, { % way ni Serge' pt tbsp le rae omen i Ym a ety Mr Boy! He saan wertaaty, Toa are nally ferme HY FEVER, a : ue y at- to fi * pat m to his mouth. He = t? Make , 3 tendant throughout his illness,' the baron in- tebe iy by we ee + Shas (Pered, faintly, "Are you suref" 1¢ ---- (your mind easy, sir; { sball find the proof hopeless cases, Immense success has at- _ AR bgcolor BS ed us. 'She te overwhelmed by grief 'family Guth ed gg woagertie th Nhe time to deceive him; I said, "Positively sure.®, oe everybody asks rze for in her guilty tended d the use of the pills in the violent use. oy A 2 and fatigue--or she would bate been here to de 4 the period ae the 'theie Yesi- He waited a little, gasping for: bind ace, Let her only change color by the levers and severe an d dangerous bowel com- or Douch aie receive y% mee at the palece. Her character then he th, and shadow of a shade--let ber plaints more or lesa you personally, What are your favorat ; B most whispered again, "Feel under eyes only drop for prevalent in all these fa # wishes, gentlemen, and what can I do for: rably epoken of, Ulifértitately her (Pillow." -I-found under hte i my'balf an instant--I shall discover her! The} se, eg. ctor ge and-autumn," In SOc, packag: / te _you, in her ladysbi limited intelligence makes hér'¢= ah jesaled pillow a letter, | one thing L want to know fact, their operatio disord Convince, ; BN met nl \a'witnesn: We wets paid "and carefal tn, ed wad semua, reels, Sor ses pee. pene i, seen' gue'law| tod te Natictebort ot mirecdlons, "Signer Ligatds pnb ~tnatractiots; ye careful tn P* were audi culous. Signor : answered that the death and bartal of 5 We questioning her, and-we tand -her-pertectiy: Tot © yourss pri ag ble and ae | "The law permits aie! Mr. Troy cnewered, Jose Martinez, a gentleman from Havana, mtirely differen' wat frome any other' Mees! Be F Montharry sofoad made it dedrahte to ob- | willing to answer wij "but we could elici that I would ee pete wet is eto ervey "but whether her ladyship will recently arrived at Cadiz, has stated fe home obtatnabte at at youré rent prepal aa tain, ,nore complete balorstatica relating re epi whith is worth including in the pre wit my own --_ oF looked at the address, 'rea aca sot =a vite another question: -- Seats the press that on re Wiel he Sa a ag tee aay bi eal attended ity Bah ee "sapien On the secon! Say of our inquiries we had * reet I cannot pti: 4 The name I ie ot rf is notable acheine of yours? You tavel | panied with vomiting, purking, , and terrible writing. We exttfif@® that the law idle honog of dh interview with Lady Sra perfectly P soeslls Si shah ton: thatiana Sane) been described to me, by Miss Lockwood, ws) and constriction of the bowels. The Ls a ed for the Japse of "h 'pertain cain de ies ats Her Yetyship looked miserably worn /"Mts. Ferrart© rather & vervous, timid sort ot gesomectigls (eter physicians mee him passed re- uggish Liver ' nia before the payment 6 "se sum mssured, aad and it], an#vremed to be quite at a loss to." That night my lord nencty dik ot a eae trust my. own observation, I Me Hale and, as a last resort, a box of we expressed our wish P» conduct the in uuderst#4id what we waited with her, Baron paler I got him through it or the time; jong. you, Justify the description." loway's Pills was 'en from the ca Causes the Stomach aifg Bowels to be- SNe on reget comical) ne Rivar, "so introduced oe Satelnnl ta se vie. (Ane bis eyes abso showed that sah jake hers ;; "If you had lived in the country, tr, bod |tain's medicine chest, and a dose at. | come disordered, and the whole. system. J Ker ladyship's feats, and fo on {or ture 8¢ our errand in Venice, aud took when {told 'bina, the next moral mie stead of living in London," Mra. Ferrari ministered to the sick man. From that | to suffer from debili SER Tice p igs, and forthe conveni- 'to wmure he pains a ning, that IT ipiied om Te hour, according to bil ty. In all such EF ence of any othet 'jnembers of the family in! 'on whieh we , wasa a formal duty m: posted the tette = This was his last-offort ee antes thar even ®) began to colkeaiieen and bet own ---- he | 'cases Ayer's Pills give pt relief. . nitit the engaged. Having satisfied consciousness. ben 1 ee eben. & am'far from vessel aes . ee iam ring sled SS tm apathy. Hie Ungerod ine sat Day wen Tecan in trae wretch prem cogent Ou aries ot Cadiz be was-quite | ginamcs ecblen t tore foaly bees ; : < cs of insensibi supported when I stand in that 'wretch' _ ? ive been: 44 mee ork eae i ing ani and Ta and "The questions which we addressed to Lady ti! the 25th - Tk piece ameeperp oe oe 'and think of my murdered Sabaat i Facts like this render arguments - | Talways them CGathartic Pilla. <r of So" ientes deat inie tibiae poets bp wa area related mninly. of course, to his O88 tho-ovening of that day. i. t) pa us pad who is likely to Be Crightened is not ---- _ ge eye the: joonats " their action, and thel rere ------ y ------"Fackle atrai tice ordsla a © answers, given with xt the cause of his deat pnetis going there now, sir. ¥V id mi America, Peru, eeps me in a heal ii 4 willing cane Ok --sad Siiaiably- a f: DEL Y CUBES _ or mans, but"without = May be excused. for rae crlprherry ts ab- ign ee -- T-wisl: you good morni er io Seether Horr Ayres, and all Spanish tion. -- Ralpir ey onalia Mae 2 i "With the one exception of het 'indyship's nak tae ¢ : f reser te, informed Sot t * "eptien bea oma th those brave wards the courier's aital len 'of th ra brace ch Nor is the reputa- Twenty-five years I suffered roem, we went overt the whole of the pias te at Hie tne that fred} the at iii pueunionia there fete more PR a CT AER her and wi ahaa oie eae or th na Pela a = or. Rene i witch "was to -- the se day on "a mad been ont of order t this, and thi 1 = the skin; sc e "taking--A er's eae partially 'ac cdsbede "The. fire er apr a! raeeghion mplained, of: Lot wou and irritable. He wich expired, them a ser rey Pt ER i! doe Barre but com- portent jose widsiy ie hore sai if out shen Theyteylate Treg wih me ' "tithe second floor were the portions -of it 13, ae having taken cold Nov, make four. Doctor Torelio's own passionately. "The~ little simpleton!" be or less widely known. Our | assist di : ihe Dowels, Lae : Y Jast; he, pasted at F note of 'theught to ladies use it with confide igestion, and the es that had =e inhabited byLord. Montbarry-rgght, and Bacar: iF Bae fiat - a facoriuhy the ense- is. aide bere to a-duplicate of my 'gy: se himneelf. "If half of what they) removing sa ial pee asa means of | tite, more snrely than any other appe- 'and the members of the household. We saw ladyship proposed set oS saccandionts Her a a ii agrees rT, as I am informed, to' ym mares Sereno e true, Mrs. Ferrari, are-awarethat contains ishes, for they | cine:--Paal Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. ] "the bed ose posect sending for medicalad eetisfv some English ofc hie i 4 p have but'a' poor prospect no. deleterous j. . ¥ " aoe, ii eee tana ood ne ool ore He ratweet: gd allow ber to do pi cm ab was insurec 'The geo beg marten wees barre elk Sot it will praapee parses baer nia ty and os Boe any 2 carative for =A RVG ORATEE. tow eninge room ioatit quite easily be bis + hare ae : roy's experience fail pritl med ual to A " a, ie a Sireggenen ca alton poo be used in such a trifling i Hon ai Fig Raa a saint ila meets ep od ay ee es sap -red conte hint'of ow itdid end, © failed to fore- wounds and. bruises, it is esteemed reste pe dg nergy Hoes -} eo TB. = , a -large y ievery ot! a ' ment or hall, the doors of which he pie pera re ad nna asthe Sag poe Tater Testament, whose nauie was Thomas? Hanke inert yy en tion by all | pepsia, for eighteen nated mg 3 wally kept locked, hls object being--as we bev earsom lg : oyna Lady Mon oY Baa Brauo's narrative ends here a CHAPTER X. j facies a was yellow, and my aE ws ' i were ib formed-- ig left her at that ti } verting ® s : 'Sok had no appetite, red. 3 ¢ rie psn ay _ mPa studies uninter- courier, Ferrari (ben the oaly boi Pacey the: Mhiteesed i Laty Pate dial pean er In the meantime Mrs. Ferrari heki to Grand Results. ache, was pale and emaciated. ren aoe _ tide of the large Tall wero' te bed chamber are ma the nk the lemons. Hor Indy- Tepert that 'she can give us th 'etecuasien eer cana sa siecherss howl. ate wcbad agent &. H. Brown, of doses, yrvio boy dace 'perfect moderate " with kerown banda, 1/8 the subject of the letter which. the "| ine, suffesye from d in © to perfect health.-- - a doctor, Lady Montbarry was at home, and ak | suys he tried several i ie ee Waldo Miles, Oberlin, ia room ia which the maid slept previous te ber --npd Lard cae paved at oe Mon ontbarry's 6 Sa iy et rn the hotel "hesitated to! pool tl Siew niet His an host A 'a 6Pills are a pete family : Ey) youd sleep. wha he ruggist vet They strengthen and invig-~* BS. rooms, opening into need of Ferrari's services, | produced "* results." der which be" or gestive -- create an <a 3 iy gives it his recommendation pression, and, dewpos reveling ~ auger fk i - Perry Davis'. "Pain Killer as « | these Pills, in x tvs soc See: x wid. Dysentery, xemedy seldom | {hey 20s ~ give 'nti eatatn- eam : i ® -: = 7 ton ' Se re