Otiere at once, and you shail go with me. tich my name." pa fra: _ of New Year's cards. y) As far as the pinks ia t inside of it, Sit; Even now, she had innocently failed to see Henry. "Do you understand herf" she w ty not!" Agnes asked, quietly. Tf you want cheap raisin to James idown again. '1 win going to ring for my the ob ect which her visitor had in view. Lady esx eck : "Yon are my brother Stephen's cousin; Corcoran's. You can buy old Valencai | .o3) Torn your back" to thp de ory your turry's impatience became ungovern- you are his wife's old friend. ss raisins for one cent per pound, and Sn¢ | oowartiy face is not fit to be seen! able. ae ste ayers ber feet and advanced: . "Ali the more reason, Henry, for trusting Eleme raisins for five cents per pound. Sho rang the mith a appeared. to pe ag the charge of their children." z Ste . w witt } vermis: | | Sut you are their equal; you are not We keep the best, aa wellasthe cheap-| "My « Joak and | bx ntly!" sion an ity see th y: tod - sowlledge ry - ; aske a. | { {obliged . gain your Ll i Sy teaching ' est teas and coffees to the city. The maid produced the cloak and bonnet sre Terre a used Your nau DO 6 " | te oonerkionr at nt in ce ontering from the bedroont. "The whole soul of my question is im tha | nething ateurd in yc 1 4 We sell « very good Japan tea at 15c. per | from For Goal Pic: --Yes or No? the ir service as @yoverness th.-- tio coffee only 25c. per Ib "A cad at the ddor<before Icon count Jo's sake, answer me-- Yes or > "What is there absurd '. The chikiren ; Walsh Bros, is the place for bargains: ten!" "Ye nt is there absurd in itt chikiren i : i Tha niaid vanixhed kad y -- tbarry sur- That one word struck Lady Montbarry a "love me; the mother loves tnd; Mie father bas ; "I veyed bervelf in. th ans ad Ww led round # blow might have struck her, The fierce ifs shown mw inaw: ve . f his true ; ' , : Mrs, that hat animated her face the instant before ; friendship and regard. San the very womat, a gain, with her cat like 'sad lenness, 10 Mra, 7 'View 4 i } ae : faded out of it sudde nly' aya left ber Lkea \ lar the place, and as to my education, I mug 3 --_e . \" '" ) - ">> te Se : ~ Countess pRONA *Y lak niore than half dewt strony don't woman turned to stone. She stood, mechanic { 0) have completely forgotten it, indeed, bes I 5 f sho said. with a crim bar it iro ally fronting Agnes with a stil su Vi am pot ft to teach three children. the eldest : Jeremie ty | *Give me your aeen.* aid : rapt a and perfect that not even ti hi of whomis only 11 years oki. You my j | She took Mrs: Ferrari's ater and Jeft the i W was perceptible to the two Pp Lam theirequal. Are there no other women BY WILKIE COLLINS. a se Y ai have weghing to feay long as Were Todking at her. | vit who serve as governess, and whe are the equals wm. , 6 nothing to feng, 0 ba . F 7 } : ly you obey," she whispered, on the w lown "He ary syoke to her roughly. "ilouse yours vial cf the persons Whom they serve! Besides, Ee Ping ae lo 'a pi Mis "ti eunit'e "he said. "You have received your an- ' { don't knoe that Iam their equal. Have I FF 'It was still ae in the "afberniooii, but the; <nat r Fb HG F8-TOH ak "steer: 2 j 5 not heard that your brother Stephen was the { _ i | re eed Ire j ' A ' x ! light in the room was dan, The blinds were) pod i ; eat eka tras 5 saab boyd tan tin iy! She looked at bin, "I ee received my | iy next heir to-the-titie? Willhe not bathe new drawn down. Lady Montbarry'sat sean - hs oo Ares 4, arr n! aa sentence," sbe rejolued, and turned slowly to } lord! Never mind atswerlug me. We won't back to the sab € 3 R '¥ ve the yor, dispute whether [am right er wrong in turn- -- yrs, aa if even the eable a Bhe bad) ly ane worse in her personal) - appearance, sities the me wns day when! Dr, Wybrow imd seen her in his conw ulting| room, Her beaaty was gune--her face fend fallen away to mere okin and bone; the con-| J trast hetween ber ghastly complexion atad| her steely glitter tag black eyes was more) bed in dismal blac k, | Ss seeesrees ne rt = e t ---___idow's cap reclining in. «a panther like supploness of attite ude ona little green sofa-- she looked at the stranger who had intruded on-her, with a moment's languid curiosity jan again to the do you want with me!" Mrs. Ferrari tried to answer. . Her t. burst of courage had already worn itseif oat The bold words she had determined to speak were living w words still in her mind, but they) 4 moment of silence. Lady} Monthdrry jooked round again at the spesc' h- less Stranger. "Are you "deaf!" she as There was another pause. Lady Sloutearey' quietly looked back again at the screen, and put another question, "Do you want money f" "Money?" That one word roused the sink- ing spirit of the couriér's wife. She recovered * ber courage; she found her voice, me, my lady, if you please," tbreak of audacity. Lady essapecnr eed looked round for the third & very nice assortment ond an elegant line | P°" 1 Presented = v Pompano "Look at} La , with a}f¥* stopping at ides Lok wood's door, happe od kerchief and p _ Agnes refused by a gesture. Sole Mont- there in Venice, where my husbard died, and band. Masonic Grand Lodge of Quebec. Av-eyent that will be of unusual interest but to the public ned, and she may refuse to see me, spoken, She turned pale as she looked at F To Tenry" {j BStOistment, Agnes stepped i pao a = Mrs, Ferra ee et r" The land ay geemmpatiied ti to ti yr ber. "Wait a moment, Lady Montbarry; 1 be: The cal tin; "G firs . j bay @ something to ask on my site, "We skal meet agrtin---her _ in England Mrs, Fe ack, said her dad: ship, "and tell the Montbarry paused on the fhstant-- . thave ta tnon whe silently submissive as if she had heard a "Nothi ng @ is ensier than to understand her," They Laity Mo word ¢ mimrned, ap y drew Agnes away po 72 tebe knows whe tarry' cain. Wi ih to tl i) other e1 id of the room and remoustrated pag bee orn 6 "9 Fer Sahe ie oonfasi rie , thr rew herself ecuuse she daren't her own ¢ y t own the truth. ou do Wrong to call that person back," ' f the lthongikt ! wotnaa whor s ee 'had cere: hea eer? ir maw iifasif nosueh person. * 8 Whispered, "Il bave bad time CHAPTER XII ee hy et side, she op y* o , a sh ster to remem rehew whekt "Do you thir ak ste is mad!" Agnes asked. Hence, until they reaches 10 lease. where " ie _ Lockwool t d. Ta an instant, she "To remember Ferrari's wife; Lady Mont- I thi: ak she is simply wic ke a. False, super lf to action, She ane' the barry may have beard somethilyg of tbe lost be hy amd closed it again on Mra, man. he sf fig guvertiess; we wilt wait the event, weary of iiy and enger to make my life more happy more useful in the bousel which | should most like to have a place. lotiety, useless td ofa --, "Mand 8." Condition Pow- |tin. Mrs. Ferrari sbrunk at etl Ae jon bad rousei her sense of meet for the last time. that she did seriously to enter tha . e: for loss of appetite in your horses ; them, pret vontemptooesly Lay Boat Ear ae --. to herself, She resumtd her |. In spite of her better sense, in of ber household of Mr. and Mra. Stephen Westwick OR ea veces 4 ft cs £Neiaet= 2 pinings terme, a patural speriorit, to su rstitions of all as as govergess to their chikiren. Henry" 3 be- not only te Freemasons = if you want to make a friend a present you will tell Mise Sctataeedl whet tank bap. "When -- bike to the "late 'Sy tas - 5 "St New Year's call at Bosworth 's, be has I wil) Montbarry," shi "be did certalhly men- earnestness with which those .wofis were i won't believe you 'fare in earnest, communication or ain Existence yee nd Hl others in If you will look again you willsee that I have Lhese personal cousider for i slow ations still to e I finish my letter, ubt their, answer. I believe urge be- You don't knew your wrother and his wife as well as I do if you they have courage enough and heart enough tosay yea." Henry submitted without being convinced. {To Bz Contixvep } In Erief and tothe Poi »f : ; ff his) "Lady Montharry may have beard, but she } ; rravl bet fore the driver cx ould 4 get off hi = be _ eaearey tang aie tems, Ee "She has frightened me. Lam asuamed to' Dyspepsia is dreadful Disorde Ox. . t--but i t digestion is a foe "~ ake that Indy a mile furtker on her way "It may be 80, Eris wes A he it for Emily's sake . tookad rs her, hesitated for a mo, ane 7 Tntignt home!" she-snid;-a4-she paid the man his fare, |I must try. wy yielded, y 1 lig sid, I Y bate is it wes Libhe he sald; 10s nt, and seated himself on the sofa by her | a human digestive apparatus "Your Kindness ts istiblé, 18 aa The ne ext instarit she had knoc cack es be the house | doo with his s paneer on of ber kis uiling in 'is s Miss Loe kwood at home "Yes, mma'gm.' eyes, ways thihking of others; never of said. "But f for the fortunate chance which Shy # _ over the threshold; the door Syarselt? ed "i [closet on her. Meauwhile Lady Montbarry waited with a gigs y en woman might not have said or done, "Wi isto ich way, ma'am!" asked the driver of resiguation that could endure eny delay, poms the cal gues returned to her, leaving Henry by |, re le ading a sadly unprotec: elitars iife. Mr ri put her hand to her head, and him self, "Pardon me for kee peng g you -- I ant to see it Fer tried 'te collect ber thoughts. Could she ing,*sbe said, in her gentle, courteous wa leave her frien and benefac trees he Iples# at "You have spoken of Ferrari. I wish to spec ak I i Moutbarry's mercy? She was still of him, too." vainly endeavoring to decide on the co ibag Lady: Montbarry bent her head in silence. ve not in your rank of life--there is no sail! that she ought to foliow, when a geutleman, Her band tremble: "ins she to her hand- cient protection in the companionship of such ass it over her forehead. |q person for a lady in your position, 'do ma't like to think of it; oday ay ok out mat am very anxious about you, Agnes," be in waitans Greasy \y ou have your old nurse. She is too old; she so heal an nt. red live | to good is one of jost Complicated and wondertul things food, tough en be happ temem oe --No happiness It is easily put ont of order, sloppy food, 10urs, changed--especially after ABs las happened wonderful work in reforming this sad busi- . No! no! it is useless to tell mg that ness and making the the American people og = -- they can enjoy their meals without Don't health. But Green's August Flower brings emcee be fatal words passed Mrs. Ferrari'a|t& to look toward t the cab window, and saw her. Agnes detected the trembling and shrunk siabatan me, Agnes; what I say, I say in the health and happiness to the dyspeptic. ' lips. "Are Fou going to eal? or Miss Agnes too? back ik step. # the subject painful to your" | ssincerity of " my devotion. to. yo you." He paused | Ask your druggist for | a bottle. Sev enty- (. "I come, my lady, to acknowledge the re-}he asked. she asked, timid] and took her band. She made'n feeble effort | five cents. £ ceipt of the money sent to 's widow."| It wns Henry Westwick. Mra Ferrari! Still silent, Lady Montharry invited her by ¢o withdraw it--and yielded. "Will the day -- Lady Montbarry's glittering black eyes |Clasped ber hands in gratitude as she recog- var of the hand to go on. Henry ap: peyer come," be © pleaded, "when the privilege | A BAD SALVATIONIST, rested with steady attention on the woman |Bized him. roached attentively watching his sister-in- of pra ng you may when you | Mancheste J. H.. Jan. 4.--David "who had aditressed her in those terma. Not] "Go in, sir she cried. .'Go in, directly. Se Agnes went on: will be th he pride and pl of my life, as long | Moody, of the ; Salvation Army, was ccn- the faintest expression of confusion or alarm, |That dreadful woman is with Miss Agnes.! "No trace of. Ferrari has been discovered in as my life lasts?" He pressed her hand! par dey of immoral conduct, several ; not even a momeytary flutter of interest Go and protect her! England," she said. "Have you any news of igentty, eae no reply. The color came youn fiirls appearing against him. He | stirred the deadiy stillness of her face. She! "Wbat woman!" "ae 'him? And will you tell me (if you have and went on her face; her eyes were tu x s sentenced ol three years' imprison- reposed as quietly, she held the screen as com; iy asever. The test had been tried, and had irretrievably, utterly failed. - There was another: silence, my Mont pea poealiares with herself. ywiy and went away Bie Beni pnp ad once so sad and so cruel--show: itself on her thin lips. She lifted her seréeni, and poitited with it toa seat at the further "Be so good as to take that Helpless under ber first bewildering sense of failure--not knowing what to say or what to do "next--Mr. The answer literally struck "him speechless, béard anything), im mercy to his wife!" 'away from him, "Have I been so unhappy With amazement and indignation in his face, | Lady Montbarry's thin lips suddenly re- 'as to offend you?" be asked. he looked at Mra. Ferrari as she pronounced jayed jnto their sad and cruel smile. She answered that--she said, almost in a the he ated name of "Lady Montbarry." "TM «why do yo nbout the lost whisper, "No." see to it," was all he said. He knocked at the eourjorf? she said. "You will know what has | "Have I distressed you!" house door; and he, too, in bis turn, was let pocome of him, Miss Lockwood, when the, "You have made me think of the sad days itime is ripe for it." | Sho said no more; she only | Agnes started..."I don't understand you," the| and she mid. "How shall I know? Will some ramet time." "He still held it; he lifted ft to one tell me?" 'his li "Some one will tell you." "Can I never make you think of ather days Henry could keep silence no longer. _ "Per- lehan tf those--of happier days to come! Or, if or, [BaP your ladyskip may be the person," he. you must think of the time that is rrupted, with ironical politeness, can you not look back to the time when I first Sbe answered him with contem)tudus ease: 'loved you CHAPTER XT "Lady Montbarry, mis." was writing o letter, when the ser-, vant astonishe a her by sae ens ~~ at tor's name. Her «first im use| ito see the wornan who had i intruded on igi But Lady Montbarry had takei care to fot." for the Great time low close on the servant's heels. Before) \"You may be rigt ; * a ¥ be rig at, Mr. Westwick. Oneday} She sighed as-be put the question. "Spare raised scrutix crossed --then| "ens could speak she had song a ; Mi or another I inay be the person who tells | me, Henry," sho "answered sadly. "Say no a _sunk back intoa reclining position once more. Nand p<" eager -- gg alent ;akes hon hacen, ot. Ferrari, more!" _ . SS steadily: sho is not Cc ang| hich 1 am Very miachtavarestal- NO oe She th fixed Tan Sao re Bie hooked every rs answer mo but yourself." In low, hesi-| stopped, with her eyes fixed on Agnes, had spoken loud enough to be beard, Stung by the insult, Mrs. Ferrari instantly only other posibility is that she may be mad." |C2" She "If what!" Henry asked. "I¢ Miss Lock wood forces me to it.? listened in astouishment. od. "EF i with ber ri cast anes and ber bosom heav- tating tones, with ber glittering hiack eyes iin t- bent modestly on the ground, Lady: Mon! g gently. Atthat moment be would have "Force | given everything he bad in the world to take ered her: "I ain no more k or mad Wit oor aumwutar fame abl te <4 _ You to it?" she repeatac can I do/her in his arms er. Some mysteri- hale' She could G6. thie, aid, forthe time, that? Do you mean to say my willisstronger!ous sympathy, passing from his hand to hers, ite Sontd: tas no secre. ho had read) than a | seemed to tell ber what was in his mind. mean to say that the candle doesn't | She snatched "het Land omer and suddenly ag the moth when the moth ates into it?" looked up at him. The were in her ign Lady Montbarry rejoined. "Have you over'eyes, She said nothing; -- let her eyes ¢ beard of such a thing as the fascination of | warned hin --wiithoat terror? Iam drawn to you by a fascination anger, without unkindness--but still they of terror. Ihave no right to visit you. I) warned him to press her no further that day. have no wish to visit you; youare myenemy.; "Only tell me that Iam forgiven," he said, For tho first time in my ite, against my owa 'as he rose from the sofa. will, [submit to my ene See! Lam wait-) "Yes," she answered, quietly, "you are for- ing because you told me Mg wait; and the fear | given, of you (I swear it) creeps through me. while I) "I have not lowered myself in your estima- of the hidden and sinister life in the palace al at! Venice; = she bes beard of Montbarry's disappearance, rushed into tnind when the biack robed figure confronted her, standing oe inside the door. © strange conduct of Lady Montbarry added a new pefplexity to the donbts and misgivings it oe her. There stood the adventur- s character had left tte--mark-on-so- soo = over Enrope--the Fury who had, 'stand here. Oh, don't let mo excite your ea- thon, Agnes?" terrified" Mra Ferrari at: the hoggl~-isscon-,T128 ity = your pity! Foliow tho example of "Oh, no!" colvably transformed inte'a timid, shrinking' ar -- "i " Pr c "ry tal ans un- ete wicket °. leave a ek -- 1 'Lady Muntt rieaeeciond "forgiving, like him, Grant me my release; ye rose in Ler tura from the sofa, a oie ia Geclipeereenip hnee ergy tell me to go." |= ked to the writing table before she re- ured to look at Agnes since she had made} re way into the room, Advancing to take! the chair that bad been pointed out to her, she hesitated, put her hand on the rail to sup-| wd still remained standing.! The frank and simple nature of could discover but one intelligible meaning been writing when Lady Montbarry inter- "in this strange outbreak, jra her lay open on the blotting "You are mistaken in thinking me your 'she looked at the letter, and Pg looked at "J am no fore byte or mad than | "Nor" said oF aater'. "Then you! are only insolent? Tho ignorant English! mind (I have observed) is apt to be insolent, in the exercise 6f unrestrained English! This is very noticeable to us foreigners among' cant ts, O} be incleuit to you, in return, I bardly kno t tosaytoyou. My maid is "the in admitting you © easily to my room,' I ® suppose yofregspectable appearance misled her. I wonder who you are? You mentioned the of-a courier--whe-jeft--ns-very- strangely. Was be married, by any chance? mgt his wife? And do you know where: he is 'tn Ferrari's in oe buret its way) through al) restrain She advanced tothe sofa; she feared athe: in the fervor and Fage of her reply "I am hie wklew--and you know: it, ai wicked woman! Ab! it was an evil hour' when Miss Lockwood recommen: led my bus tim, band to be bis lordship's courier™ =. Before moni Stab coukl word Lady Mi ¥ add another stharry ly Sota _ 'with the 2 Rote ree aie of arut=seizet "her by both soldiers--end shook ber with the strength and tremty of-a mad woman. "You lie! you lie! you lie!" Soe dropped her bold at the third day aig of the accusation and threw up ber hands wildly witha gesture of _ despair, "Oh, Jesus Maria! is it possibiei* 'she cried. "Can the courier have come to me her 'she was a li from the room. "Stay bere, you fool--stay bere answerme! If you the you with my own hands, h--and fear nothing. Wretch! It is I who am frightened--frightened out of enemy," she said. "The wrong you did me Henry, that smile that charmed everybody when | you gave your band to Lord Monttarry showed -- ane face. out; she stood before Agnes like a con:/¥4s not intentionally done, I forgave you! "You m x go just yet," she said; "] scious culprit before a mere: 'ie he ge. my sufferings in his lifetime. I forgive you jhave ape 5 to tell you. I 'hardly know The silence that followed was, literally, the 'even more now'that he has gong," : ow to express it, The shortest way, per- silence of fear on both sides. In the midst of mingled emotions of |baps, will.bs to let you find it out for your- it the door was opeved once more, and Henry ® "Say no more!" he'self.. You have been speaking of my lonely, Westwick a rage os good to her; she is We Hen ted weed here. a nota bapivibeyy. 'i ot worthy of i e, Henry--i own Roel Lm ER Ragen one The a passed unheeded, by Bady | lserving the growing'anxiety of wes expression formal politeness and passed on in silence, Sfoutha The simple words in which as he a at her with asby satisfaction | - A had eplied seemed to bave deans ead that perpl lexed bim. "Do you know that l the whole attention 6 : on," able woman, As -- listened, ber face set-'am going to make a great change in my life 3 COMET pC " sho sakd, faintly. gy ne sunk on ber Henry beard ber with pone ie and ae u are too sinking spirit of the woman sprung to life gain. Her drooping figure became erect. Her eyes met Westwick's look, brightly de-; "a slowly into-an expression of hard andj--if your brothe r Stephen and his wife will fiant. She gractioher his bow with an icy 2 earless sorrow. There was a marked change | lonly consent to it. be opened the desk of stnile of contempt. | in her eg when she spake next: It ex- jher writing table While she -- took a jet- Henry crossed the roti tA t hat 4 worst resigontion which has} iter out om be aa it to Henr He 3 edit" trom ral 'mec chanicatty: rit ho "Is Lady Montbarry bere 'by your invitar \done Se RO tion? be asked quietly. "Yor "No A "funoce nt- creature," she sai Ay ague "doabta, which ho hardly understood What are your poor little wrongs in the reck-/that tlie "change in her life," of which she oning for greater wrongs which is demanded bad spoken, could mean that she was about} TOU! jofme? F am-not trying to frighten you; I:to be married--and yet he was conscious of # "Do you bear that! he asked, coldty. lam 0% uly aoe about myself Do you perfectly uaaeacenble ry reluc tance to open the *{ hear it," she answered, more coldly #tin.! ps. pele Scare fo. bave.a firm presentiment letter. _ Their ; she smalle} again. "Your visit ix,td say tho feast of it, ill e Senger fae is coming to you, and yet to! "Look at the address," sb said "You ought ye that your own positive conviction will to know the Maid werieitig=-bat I dare say you Ww * «Do you you to see her "It is very painfal to me to see wer. de turned and looked at bis sister-in-law, eck." *y, ter feren t the least not prove 1} first met you, be- don't. out wate: a nn lt, Sony His remy marriage, and first felt your inffu-| He looked at the address, It was in the With that Se: 'Lady Montharry --qipfemee over ee ee a -bope._It was ere gular, uncertain writing of of a child. oe tied. Agnes The presence of Henry ry; Westwick scemed at once to relieve and em- is shien her." "Perit mie te ask niy question,» Miss..Lockwood," she said, with gracefajj™ courtesy. "It is nothing to embarrass you. When the Courier Ferrari applied to my Late husband for employment, did you"-- Her|™Y failed sa -hope that live 2 He opeti life in me until today. You struck it dead' "pee Av OVertiess ts} paben. yok Aner answered my question about Fer, going away. Sbe has had aeiae left. to ber @ house of her-ownm, Webave bad cake "How, have [destroyed your bopeef™Agnes, oe wine to drink ber health, You promised asked, "What conection is there between to be cur poverness if we wanted apother. ry Bora eee Ferrari to use my name ce ag sa about Lard M é the letter east Es xT AGNES: her before conld barry and the strange and dread- this, can get a ba sunk trembling ew ae i a fatrthings you are saying te me now?" ' another irs Your Joving Lucy whe chair, and, after a moment's struggle, conm| "Tb is near, Miss. Lockwood, when! writes this.- and Blanche have tried to posed herself again. "Did you permit Fer|¥O% will discover that for yourself. In the write, too, eae they are to yous int do it. "she resumed, "to make sore' of being) ™¢s" While, you know what my fear of | They bios the Fed i ¢aosen for our courier by ysing your nameP FOU is in / is find. On| "Your eldest' niece," Agnes explained, as Agnes did not reply with the day when I took yout hero from yeu and looked et her in "The rectriess. as it was, the reference to} b! life--I am to call me aunt when-I wes avtaak Boag your amiablé: forgiveness pomyrece fale lp kept him silont: ~ It was imposuible | * no} dy: Agnes plied, The unfinished letter which she had! brass, get it p! which will make it look equal to better than most new petal rantee work to be strictly at-clets Lad ve satisfaction as to quali it LS known Ferraris wife for many, plied irons gran interest" --, Japan tea at ten cents fine Gunpowder tea for 124 cents per pound, purifier to build you up if you -Pry-Klixic_Vite and _ Af oe I that is worthless will a' connate Windsor Hotel, St ahd Be entirely down. The a ed paying. for jog _ ments that rare is the house without them, _ grand rapes groin by fe oO} ages for any tion irregulari rage bn medici Lduing the ne at hard la' The only place in the city y where you Neglected | ° James Corcoran sells the : new Elixir Vite is the king of can get raisins for 3c. per Ib. is at W alsh Bros,, the place for bargains, ted Colds Pain in the Chest, the Lu ung®, are cured by, using Allen's % Lung Balsam. season's r pound, and a them all for piles, rheumatism, kidney complaints, wia, general debility; nature's are PPY afilicted. Sold by | An Old Time Favorite. of green fruits and s revail. Ase For 30 years it remedy. hand. ost relizble Mxvica Proor logical wage nh of t the marenseens the cireulation of the bi The season summer drinks is the time when the worst forms of cholera morbus and erally prevai safegu . Extract of Wild Strawberry yh be kept at n the --The 'great hy sio- cent- The great snedioa! discovery of the vaategi aye f + was an ailterative ved the purity- the Grand Lodge of Quebec, Ng will take place in rs on the 25 is month. ong the business rs 'be considered is the following little stir i saloon keeper, spirituons or intoxicating liqucts, or tavern keeper, or bartender shall be eligible to be- come a member of the fraternity of Free- masons in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Quebec. That any member of the fraternity ét Freemasons in. the juris- diction of this Grand Lodge, beeoming 4 aloonkeeper, @ restuarant keeper selling spiritucus ofr intoxicating haeatn, or a tavernkeeper oF bartender, shall hereafter be deemed dn proof there of to be guilty of a Masonte bsg thr - sient which shalt be suspension or expeision from the fraternity, and erasufe, of his pame from the roll of his own lodge and thato! the Grandi iadge." Motion vill algo be made to the effect, " That in order to give every member on the register of the. _ Grand Lodge of Quebec an opportaity 7 eo operate with those wha have kindly of- fered their services with a view to effect fraternal relationship between this Grand Lod.e and the Grand Lodge of England, the edict of non-Masonic intercourse issued ~ by this Grand L« odge in July, 1885, am any other restrictions calet lated to prevent fee ond fr raterual intercourse between members of the Grand Lo ine and members the Grand eee = England, be u«pended pe efforts to he made for os nettles difficulties at present existing between thia Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Englan There is a good deal of differ- ence of « opinion existing on these motiony, t expectel to be one of st sata ortant held fo ree ve) ting i Walsh Bros. Zc. Valencia tui raisins are the best article ever r offe red for the money in the city of Stratford. A look in our show windows will convince the septical. If you want to be cured of Bright's disease, and all kidney compisiphe, dysvepsia, general debility, female com geet piles, ekin ried Exilir V ites, Sold by all cena oe Russian Pi Proverbs. Pray to God, but row row to shore Modesty is a maiden's necklace, A maiden's heart is a dark forest. To marry in May is to suffer alwa y a wedge may a wedge he driven out. A bad peace is better than a good quarre! It's a bore to go alone, even™ to os ge om meen drown To stir the fire with ancther's hand is no hardship. Calumny is like a coal; _ is will soil. A spother's ae; has power to save from the bottom of It is not so much the dew of heaven, as the sweat of man's brow, which renders t soil fruitful. if it does not Perry Davis' Pain Killer as a Diarrhea and Dysentery remedy seldom ever fails, Certain Cure. A Ccra ror Cuorera Moarnavs. -- A positive cure for this dangerous complaint and for all acute or tie Bi forms of -- complaint incident to su or fall, is Extract < Wild found in Dr. Fowler' Rigwherry; to be procured from any druggist A MAN WITH ONLY HALF A SKULL. ~Sau- "Ant 2nd,--Calvan ng_in th int Wed- to touched off a short foes : 'ite cartridge which exploded before res got out of the well." When brought to the surface was found that one of his troyed. able injuries, Pease has not lost conscious- ness'a single minute since the accident. » converses cheerfully f you have a chal lated in either ne aa pi ade ee metal put on- Fattord. later, ing of the blood. ese two discoveries, Harvey's circulation ikiery, and Ayers Sarsaparilla, are prominent land i the niatory" "and progress of Medivine. in, watch, or locket en account of it-bein, or ue alles y. M rooms No sufferer from any scrofulous disease, who will fairly try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, need despair of a cure. This remedy purges the blood of all impurities, destroys the germs of scrofula, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the physical organiz- Ijation, £ Gangerove and harmful tatirely diff Serie other' pean ire eren n r 5 eee , ur dragelae rent pre-pal: secein* of pric and #1.09- ei bay Aad wie. TEXAS MOLLY MAGUIRES, t Waco, Tex., Jan. 4 --Eleven armed men est Erath, colored, near West me eiebher - Monday night rode up to the house of Station, weal left orders for him to leave that portion rounding 100 acres bewnaine to Juke Oaks colored Erath, for cultiva They was cut =f had just finish, ,| d,and were fencipg" | are all industrious, beck nine negros. Hotroway's Prtts.--In the complaints uliar to comes these Pills are unrivat- Theiruse by the fair sex has become oval a eer a to "There is no case of disease amonk Garin aod Cattle where "Maud Amongst st ase from sores car dome o - the. * i res thelr ae ms ting van watlog vigora' a purifying properties r render ws e invaluable 8. theit Is one of. the most fatal scourges whicn afflict mankind. a edcccatea ett 34 may be the result of improper various other Ulcers; Abscesses and, in some cases, Emnciation, and Con- sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood, This disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapariila. chee pick cataed , Sacagement ot ~ + w a 6 whole After 'Jess than four bottles of of "Ayer's Sarsaparills I am 'Entirely Cured and, for-the-p to tue: any, iniine, whateter, bi oe in better health, ever before.--O. A. Tremont st., Boston, Mass, -- 'Waid fara, 8 E § i i if