Purr en : CLARK ta Foitarton, on the tnd inst. the wite of / "gp MARYS--Pan Wheat per tush, so ® sen, - SKINNER--At Mitchell, on the Stet uit,, tre wife of Mr. ot C | attend B nRetiot moe a toe tas lend on the Piane aud Organ, co WEDNESDAY, 11TH INST. " _ ge ed ~ Deanne ree avon Ward, woon wan THD. "T Obrox BROS , of the Yellow Front, want, - Cords of Hard and Soft Wood. Dissolution of of Partnership. - heretofore existing between the Frattence } NJ OTICE is. hereby given that be dnderigoel rd MACKETT--In surstod, , Sth Jan,, at the residence of ber sondalew, r, John Whit- jackett, aged 84 years and 3 low, Mrs. Emily M months. ELLIOTT In Logan, on the _ nit., Eliza wife of Miller Eltiott, aged 19 Maria, years, 10 menths and Joiners, style imolved by mutual consen' our hante .st at Stratford this Ninth inet R. I. COULTO! WILLIAMSON Gey. 'The business will kereafter be mee + uae R. I. Coulton. FARM FOR SALE. Be LOT 10, CON. 4 x, in the Pray meer ot nie, convenient to Witness, Jonxs Buown. adapted for G ed by the River Avon. eg cline ge . pe ag apa ond alt eterion, wh nicely and , aged 83 years. '= larre. family, with wood xeUMeae te Logan, on the 3rd inst, Susan -- well cand pomp, an a good bearing orchard ; Nel 90 years. bara, with -- and root MONTEITH --In thé Gore of Downle,-at his oc Mp oyd wood Barn for hay, aad pt ig deine residence, on morning, Dec. 80, 1887, | ning th the yard. Sc! cheese factory James cp esee F alr ; the corner of the ad. farm. loca YOUNG--Atthe oft femson, Downie, | tion. This farm wil! be at a bargain. Terms near this city, 4th Jan., Mra. Young relict of | easy. Tithe indisputable. For further culars the late Matthew Youn, wry, , | spply to JOHN A. KING, Lot 5, Con. 6, or by and aunt of Mrs. Andrew Monteith, aged A , Stratford P. O. 3m. years. --_ SPEARIN--In St. Marys, on Sunday, 25th Dec., of heart disease, James Spearin, aged 73 years. REDDICLIFFE--At on the 2nd inst. 42 YEARS. Ann, wife of Mr. George Reddiciiffe, Bigeye for forty-two years the Wxea.r Wir- 3S years, 2 months days. The re 1 ep BE whiah bave stood the vains were brow to Stratford on Wednesda ae time, ridicule, of oppesition. r and ast, and interred in Avondale Cemete unfair, and the Wirx to-day speaks Ly por who was a net o- - George | where in 1646 it spoke toone, Its growth has been Dickson, of the Sore of sist -- rapid teady. Its publishers, desirous of DISASTER ON THE C. P. RK. ne ln Atle COLLIDE ON A TLE. SEVEN MEN REPORTED KILLED AND EVERY- THING COMPLETELY WRECKED, hoTH TRAINS FALLING INTO A RAVINE EIGHTY VERT FROM THE THACK, Ottawa, Jan. 6.--Two freight trains collided on Wednesday on a trestle eighty feet high on the C, P. L., nitar Schrieber. The trains and the trestle were wrecked, and the lives of seven men teported iost. The accident *nccurred at what is known as Horseshoe Curve, near Ked Sucker Cove, and between tite stations of Penin- and Stewart. The two freight trains, one eastbound and the other west, collided on a trestle-work bridge. The trestle | gave away, and the trains tumbled car] after car, intoa ravine below, a distance of 80 feet from the track above, The engine drivers and brakemen, seven in all, were hurled down with the cars and thetantly killed: The conduc' who occupied vans at the rear end of the trains, are said to have escaped, as well as one of Aticieoan, of Brockville, is the only one of the seven men _ were killed is. as yet know "The Geese Superintendent Mr. C. W. Vi =. 'Hates whe at the time of the accident on their ra to Sault Ste. Marie, Visited the sce The mail by the Winnipeg ri yaar due here at 4.50 o'clock yesterday ing, way arrived at noon to-day. It was trans- across the chasm from the Winni- om express to a special sent up to meet it, Strange to say not # passenger arriv ed in the city by this train. The place where 'the 'accident occurred is one of the wildest and most dangerous parts of the new line between Sudbury and Winnipeg. The Horseshoe, as it is generally called, ia an eonmagaah ange of trestle work over a heavy ra some three-quarters of a mile "eg om about 120 foot high in the centre. Over = bridge all train masters have orders tora ata nt slow rate of speed. It i mid that should hay. some mistake the train going west was net held at Red Sucker Cove, and as a result both trains met on the trestle. on shock of the collision made the tim- aaegt See the ieee give way, and first the two crashed into the big below sal -- tear o ter car them. All the cars was =< with freight, and the scene of wreck was terrible to of bushels lying all over the ice. The latest despatch received here tha accident at He ot * still further inc y ishe ng ite citculation, have this eeti (who was se! y Queen Victo: paint the scene at Princess Beatrice's wedding), entitled Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me. -- memoral e with startling ing in 'alle "a "the richness of ORIENTAL COLORING, -- read id brine by greatest art firm in Ene Hd bri 31.60 if #0.d, but ia rved EXCLUSIV: ELY FOR SUBSCRIBERS WITNESS. e price of the Waxatr Wirxers and picture is $1.25 ; tho r alone, $1.00. 1860 the Darny Wirwess was launched, and, like the Warxiyr, gardiess of © e Children to Come Unto Me," and the Damy Wir- 2 still continues to be the favorite in the home eae a i ks are given to 2he., with reductions to cin! Sample enpies of the different publications mail- ed on application, Agents wanted In every town Joux noe @ ALL & Box, Publishers. Montreal. . D.M. FERRY &CO., Windsor,Ont. MRS. COOK AS REMOVED HER BOARDING HOUSE m Dv. Hamilton real , '# House, 0 street, yr House on Ontario cares. A FEW poors East or Kxox Curect. Stratiord, Dec. © 7th, 1887. Seat WORK: WOMAN "g NEW STORE. ROMEO ¥ WARD. a mary train * vy coming east and ing west at ted a Cowé, but roen peat East tk faked vat sing 4 a Haat of : "ees ne Church, High Prices Knocked Down! DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ETU., Cheaper than the Cheapest. JOHN MASON ESIRES to retutn his Cordial Thanks to his --, expectations. I have just received a Large Stock of Winter Dry Goods, Fancy Gooda, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Kootssnd Shoes, &c., of a Variety which ge nomy ality ; Glo oven, hive, eee we K i! best 'ea, ere! 4 Collate. Ties, and = mach ae be a of the train hands who were Cope bea Fiset Class tote ---- ing :~-J. Olson, pilot of the west train' Chas, inson, engine Eiver of the sect-bousd usin; Hi Hal Tailoring a Specialty wood, engine driver east-bound train; Jas. Hayes, brakeman on the west-bound train ; | _ OVERCOATS. Martin, mens ati rch. As to our Overcoats, nothing cony ee of ong peepee a Gontbaseh'y oults sende t0 order: 00 Bulse for 650. v Garment guaranteed te fit. Our Cutter is he best and most reliable man in town. In he Tailoring Wil be laund Booteh and er stock --end. will. be prety peo oom So wh Good prices. Lam Not to be Undersold, That f gcuarantee--as Business is conducted with the Minimum of Expense, and 1 will give may Tn this Customers, when they deal at store, are Dot paying for big rents, plate gla Couns Sats, ate Maryix comaisiat with on HOS » i Git. Eggs, 19 @ 18. Pot r : A 26 Sonn.) 89 6-50. "Pork, per owt., 6.50 @6.W. Wass reiant of 38 yeary standing, who ha con LISTOWKL.--Fall Whest,--Red. 80 @ 82. Fall am sakes Gar Sten poledoage of that niltanes te wide Wheat--White, 90 @ £2 Spring Wheat, 70 to 75 | the many "new Men" cannot pretend. Peas, 00 @00. Osts, 27 a 30. Barley, 50 @ 70 |" A call respectfully solicited from beth and . ee a ew non oe tich, Your patronage will be thankfully received. = per toms 800 on York, | eer JOHN MASON, : _ HASENrLvOS wal 2 Sears $225--Lots bras nol a" MONEY! ! | MONEY ! CENT: TO LEND AON vinst CLASS MORTGAGES-- GEORGE FORMAN, Gonveysncen, amt * Loan Ornica Ur-Sraias -- Concoman's STRATFORD, ONT. LIFE INSURANCE. AnmAST TEES, Ste tow oo LARGE : FARMS. ~ APPLY TO GEO. wma tte Geen ee wy Lat 10, Ist Con . Downie, (Draper's) 100 $7000 a ar ag "ile ti rg sft 100 wcres. = 12th con., Downie, tea a ns con., Gore of Downie, 109 acres. = 100 acres. % 'the City of Strat - Sateen ise hewn an ith farm ; 100 | §8000--Lots 4, BA all 12th con., Ellice, 400 cleared, Hardwood bush acres. Iay This farm is in a good state of cultivation--we Small Fares and Park Lots. APPLY TO GEO. FORMAN. $1600--W } lot'S, 8th con., Ellice, 50 acres, Partly nso TE i 8th cen., Ellice, 50 acres. Partly antes near Wiarton. Partly improved. $1850--20 acres and Buildings near Water Works, Biratiord. $1500--25 acres and buildings in 8. E. Hope, 2) miles from City. $1500--17} acres and buileings in Ellice, 1) miles from City -- e901 oe park lot on Forman avenue, Strat- queens acre at lot'on Dufferin street. Iso 1 and 2 acre Lots. BUILDING LOTS! Apply toGEO. FORMAN. 9000--For Mrs. = agen 's block of § lots in -- & Robi ee vey, on King, «College side Douro $250--Lot 1, corner Nile and Rebecca # Phipps on non re (4 ey 'on corner ohn, Dotigias a: 5 wis 72 Huron road, "betn cen Humphrey's and Mr> Norfolk' $76 each -- * choice lots in front of Gordon's survey. $150 to $250 each--! acre lots on Huron road. $50 each--} acre lots om Douglas st. Aven ward, sale oF od Bp --40 lots in Forman's sutvey of O"Don: » Alao 300 OTHER Lots in every WARD in CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY ! Apply. te GEO. FORMAN. ° HOTEL FOR SALE * Dominion House" and ene acre, Station, stator The Yeandle Plough Factory of Dufton woolen -- Suitabte fo tor , including the BUSINESS SITES. ee $508! a fons, 30 feet front on north side of Ontario $5 en the Odbert block aad John Gibson'! 46 | fet f trontane en Ontario Street., including eo Cartwrig se Stone Cottage, next to the Secon new ball' ing er $60 a foot. 42 feet on Onene st., between Jas. Kennedy's ety and ery "Street, CHOICE HOTEL SIT $25 3% a foot--9 lots : including Point. ie a Dr. at $25 a a foot, in paxneie, 217 feet of Lots ---- 4 on Cobourg St., in rear of sto! Ontario st., from Graber's eh 7 Forbes' tc ol OTHER BUSINESS PROPERTY. Apply eo, Form: Amey ' -* GRO. FORMAN. $7 50 ¥ Ages Boron -- tot Myo on ' Charles street &o., stable, &e. $7 700 big tone feu -- on ' nai ae of doses tas Road, and t rir le front, oppdsite Rodtord's < Taber yi $850 os or 31,000, half and a mouth sill paid, without interest, will buy John Down's 1} storey frame houve au ~ rooms and summer kitchen, on north side of Do in one © survey. and lot on Blake $500 nee ome at., next to Mr. McDowell's. Mrs. Nicholson's house and 2 Listowel R. B. t ae st., next to Mrs. Lake's. $700 Double *fraine house north side of ai LJ Albert tand Queen Sta. Rents $600 ------ ue, and Cobourg lote on East of McDonald's one storey yellow sent een on corner of Nile Ssonee es and cage ae jo Ay = frame heuse 'ot, 8 rooms, and lot = east side David Street, hakepeats ward. (Tasker's.) que dows, balance Stratford beg eg house from 8 6 per ' 300 o2c2 on golly -- 9 sg Michae'! § 4 G, T. R. Station, six rooms, occupied by 1 Gallarhe $1050 Mr. Eagar Macklin og bany rer not Brittannia st. Next with § acre lot on worth side of house cast of W, J. Ferguson's. WINTER _ SALE! DOWN. THEY GO. What? Why the Prices on all Classes of Winter Goods. We've gone right through the Steck, and we've marked the Reduced Price on every Article in Red Ink and Plain Figures. We have not minced Matters, but in order to leave no room fer argument, and make this the Greatest Sale ever known in Stratford, we have made the following Reductions. No doubt some of the Prices will surprise you, but we've had a Profitable Season's Business and can afford to make the Sacrifice. DRESS DEPARTMENT. SALE PRICE. FORMER PRICE, Black Cashmere 30c, Si ' " 60 76 u " . 75 90 80 $ 1.00 Black Fancy Suitiogs 90 1.25 ule 90 1.25 Colored Tada Cestmare 60 75 " " 50 60 42 50 -- Tieslen Conticenee $ 9.00 15.00 " a " 12.00 13.00 0 " " 12.00 20.00 Double Width Suitiags 80 1.10 Fancy Dress Goods 32 45 " " " 25 35 we " " 19 25 Check « 25 45 Black Gros Grain Silk $1.00 3 1,19 ' $1.28 2.00 " " " " 1.65 2.35 Black Satin Merv. 55 75 " " " 75 1.00 nee -- 1,00 a 0 " " " . * 1.23 150 Black Jersev Satin 1.25 1.75 Black Peau de Suede 1.35 1.75 " " " 1.68 2.00 "a 1.73 2.25 1.97 2.50 Colored Satin Stn. 75 94 MANTLE CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Sealette $ 800 $10.00 " 10.00 13 00 " 13.50 15.00 Fancy A 5.00 7.00 Cotores Ulaterings 75 1.00 1.00 1.25 a a 1:25 1.75 " " J.15 1.50 " " 125 2.00 " 2.25 2.50 STAPLE DEPARTMENT. Colored Skirtings (38 ins, wide) 45c, oO 75 = ; Tarkey Red Tablings-- 2 _ 35 45 ~ Unbleached " 20 25 " 35 45 a 42 50 " " 47 60 " " vis) 90 Bleached " 40 50 " " 50 65 ' 7 90 " ' 78 $1.00 . ' $1.00 1,35 4 ' .20 1.40 " 125 1.50 Cotton Towels 34 5 a a" 7h 10 Linen 10 125 " 20 23 29 B5 Linen 3 Table Cc toths 2 yds. ) 1.25 1.75 3 yds.) 1.50 2.00 (23 yda.) 1.75 2.95 " " 2 2.75 FANCY WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT. Large 'Single Shawis $1.15 $1. 50 ° 00 2.50 Vv elv et Reversible Shawls 5.00 6.50 " 7.00 8.50 Knitted Woot " 30 1.00 1.00 1.25 Mantle & Cloak a9) epartment. e177, iy naan." One rch wo eed * on $1700 north side of Brunswick st.. betw drill shed and Mr. Wilson's brick, Rente v8 0 a Double, frame, one-storey house --biieds} on Inverness _siroet, Murvhy's grecery. Renta, . pein dh survey, eee $3100 Until lst January next, will buy Mr. Riddell"s fine two-story white brick ee a by Mr. me ork) Frees enven Children's Coats $ 3.50 $ 25 $725 On north side of Cambria st., Holmes' " " 4.00 4.75 nia panic that neat red brick one-story " ue 4.20 500 waed by Mr. Tait. * 455 5.75 ' new white brick resi - a8 Os dence on Nile #4., ; sal ee | ee |) and D. B. sags « late residence, yp ve = Ladies' Ulsters _ 6.50 7 | ooo $1000 peepee gle gue =e " « with Gape 55 320 $350 R. H. Donaghy's neat house and stable " . 5.00 7.00 ind tot on sourh ite ot Ontario atreet, " " 7.50 0. "second house west from King street. ~ -- Dolmani ' 10.00 be ew houses . mans ~ 7A 10.00. $1200 Ar Any wi dine abe aateete weeds on Well Astrachan Jackets 25.00 37.50 One at $800. Millinery Department. Ladies' and Misses' Felt Hats Oc. $1.35 « Fancy Birds and Wings 13 30 " " " : 25 50 o 4 . 50 1.00 " " $1.00 8.00 Trimmed. Hata at half price! Carpets of all kinds at Cost ! '¢-have-not-time nor_spaca to give you the Reductions we've made 6 tide | but if you wast anything in hy Goods ill do aiaraal an ee ee fail to look through our Stock. r neighbor has cai goods at our Store. her how she is the treatment given gg -- "THE - ~- GREAT WINTER SALE| --BEGINS ON-- -- Monday, Jan. 2, And will continge until we give notice through the papefs that it will cease. _TERMB Case I a avery | WORDS. We are going to make a change in our Business, and want to convert the greater portion of the Stock into money, and to attain that end we will sell you all Classes of Winter Goods at Cost, and in some cases, under It will pay anyone to buy at this sale for another season's wear, even if you are supplied for your present necds. We will enum- erate a few lines. Ready-Made CLOTHING Overcoats, in Tweed, Irish Frieze, Beavers, Naps, and Worsteds, at $5, $6, $7, and your choice of any Overcoat in the House at $8.75. Men's Pants in Tweed and Fancy Worsted at $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2. and your choice for $8.25, 25, Men's Suits, at $5.25, $6.50, $7.25, $8, and your choice of any Suit in the house for $11.50. Menjs and Boy's Woollen Under- clothing at Net Mill Prices ; all makes and all sizes. Men's Imitation Caps, 75c., $1, and $1.25, goods that were sold at $1.25, $1.50, and $2. Boys' Knitted. Caps--colors,-seal brown and navy blue--10c. each less than the yarn cost. Boys" Collars, 4-ply Linen, sizes 12, 124, 13, and 134, stand-ap and turn-down, 10c,each. ' ~ | Men's Collars, 4-ply Linen, 15c~ each, or 2 for 25c. ALLTHOSE Who are Indebted to us are requested to pay their accounts before the 4th day of. February. and save costs, as all accounts remaining unpaid en. that date wiil be handed to D. B.- Burritt, Esq.. Division Court Clerk, for collection, and the costs added thereto. Be -on Hand Bright and Early Thursday Morning. First comers always =| Ee a le the Best Values. Terms sedis Strictly Cash. Cloth Sold by the Yard, and Cut ul. Free of Charee-- while you wait. TOLTON --- * . The- Sleepless Clothiers, and Pe ne ASS REE WR Re ia - =-- . Ae EE ee Tew he ham ar anne Seca : is INA FEW." ? ' t t we 1 a |