Stratford Times, 18 Jan 1888, p. 1

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churches on Sunday, the 29th inst. Filey 'Bros the brickwork will be done jus- --short_ visit to § rion Tuesday | His Worship Yuoks well after fi a recen __ their n and every day a to the num "way of Chicago, stopping re three days to visit ee eo be ; "Ta Petrsit- wit : as Co. Ow neha" trip Seabebligaicdsatcaabane: Hin remmasoyy pt VOL. Xt Citi Local Atoms, Don't fr 6 tle Pree caxatval in the Rink on Friday night. Specia! revival meetings are being held in the Ceatrat Methodtist-church daring this week. We have to thank Mr. Wm. Myers for bia exeellent shorthand report 'of the Mayor's inwogural addres# on Monday nizi it. At a meeting of the Ontario Poultry Association in London, tast-week WwW Sanderson, 1 of Stratford, was clecte! on of the waragerr The Salvation Army hal a gr quet.and jobilee in their barra kn 9 Er street on Mouday night, The devil, are told, got the worst of the battle. Get samples of the tcas that Ja: Coreoran sells at 25 and 124 cw pound, and compare vom with what you have been paying 50 and 25 cenia per pound for. For chapped hands we have the hewt em des, including Winter F iuid, Honey tnd Almond Cream, Saxoline Colt Cream, aavline Camphor Ice, at the Hall, 63 Ontario st. We are requested to state that the rumor prevailing that one of Chas Hornick's (Ontario fhtceet) chil ig en ia ill with diphtheria is incorrect, Ve do this on the mer of the medic nl man in attendanc We are Talend that Conduct will preach in the Stratford "_ ne we nea nia Medical or Snyder Me thodist - in the Central in the morning, "agp at the Waterioo-st. in the evening. No doubt a large number -of people will go to hear e salvationiat '* knight of the panch, Mr. T. J, rig has bought up the bank rupt stock of B. Climo, and intends atoves, FM ete., at cost and under, This will be the chance for bar- gains, as the goods are all new and were bought at a very low per centage; the whole stock has to go within thirty days. It is rumored on the streets that there is a poultry show in progress at the City hall. As the Association have not seen fit to advertise the event in the public press, we simply give the ramor for what it is worth. When will people learn that a doller spent in advertising is returned ten fold ? Filey Bros, have been awarded the contract for the new' residence to be built tive to. boys are a the inside track tm this class of work George Hew, Eaq., of Listewe 4, M.P.P. for North Perth, was in Stratford on Inat Friday... His constituents were pleasod ta meet him, and to observe that his shadow | does not grow less, new Mayor and George indulged in congratulations and a riendly stnli of battermilk, as that is the rage members of parliament and mayors of cities are allowed to smile over. The following changes of officers have gazetted recen in tly in connection with the "a Suh (Perth) Battalion :--No. 4 Com- --"fo-be-lieuterant;-pre-- i Joha Moore Lon gentleman, vice Crabbe, whoee resignation is accepted ; to be 2vd lieutenant, provisionally, Fred- erick William Learoyd Long, geutleman, vice William Williams, whose resignation accep William Robie, who with his family removed from Stratford to Detroit about thres weeks ago; wile attempting to kindle a fire in the stove with coal oil the other night was badly burned by the explosion Waich followed. is two-year-old son was stan ling near by and was burned 20 hadly that he died on Friday afternoon. Mr. toblin's injuries are serious, but he will recover, Another warniiy! The atore recently opened in ron old Albion block, 4 doors west of the post ollice, known as Dalton's Fair, made for itself the name of being one of the cheapest --if not the cheapest -- business Stratford, It is impossible to enumerate the splendid bargains to be ob- tained there, but our readers may gain some valuable ideis by « perusal of the -- Fair adv't in another part of Tux oar Baptist friends intend holding an extertainmeut in their church, to-morrow (Thursday) evening. A good programme hias been prepared, and some of Sir ratford's best musical talent is engaged for the Occasion. : short addresses, and the Rev, Jol Laurin, a missionary from India, will tell those present some interesting facts anc snecdotes about the Telngus This event is well worth attending. Mayor Buchanan, of Ingersoll, paid a week. et fight with "the at Epheaus!" He seems to have ex- -chief Wilson's capabilities . Of course he will have to pay it, as there is no donbt W. B. must live at somebody' '8 expense, Tux Trurs does not and wili not club with any other paper or periodical. Its motte is *'let every tub stand upon its own a * We employ no canvassers or nts, except postinasters, who are allow- 10 per cent and all expenses of postage, et., entailed in forwarding money or names to the office. _Two hundred aad wtix new an have enrolled ames oar list since Re daeate Major Stewart, of: Ottawa, sieihetilaie for the. erection of the G. T. R. shops in Miratford, isa jolly, genial, 'whole. enaled gentieman, The Major ant the Kditor of Tax Totes were, companions-in-arms durivg the troublons times of 1866---tha former ay artillerist and the latter a rifle- | Dad of June in that year. Neither were killed ; --mire's the pity, some people will say. | Mr © J, Smith, = Omaha, Neb, th i youngest son of Mr. P. ne em ri P. eo of Conroy, gave usa cat lab las home on a visit Mr Sith estate boviners in Orotha, -- has now a population T 100 0, Soa over" i i the' rea | His White, seeretary of the Michigan Maleable i ravens to; ' Seer "City Loral Hews. Baking Powder, w J. H. Nasmyth st Co.'s Baking Is wder prepared aod Tor sale at the Medical Hall, is always fresh ard wholesome those who try it onde ays wee iti you dons believe it try "s or yournelf. * +} Real Estate Ranges, Formas inserts new in bie Mr Mr. Geo propert 4 herein ¢ Hall's wales brick hoypse an lota, « corner of Dufferin and Bim ats , Sh akeepeare wari, at obly $1,500; also, under Bailding " heoffera 2 cl yacant lots on Oueenats, Nos. 341 and 342, at only S300 for the tWo; ai 5 15 other vacant lots, new, ingerted f e. See adv. for pariicalars Bacation Clas A class in clocution under the taition of Sir. YT. O'Hagan, "MLA. began in the Col ngiate Institute last Saturday and wili be contigde" eo very Sature tay at 4 o'clock. duate of & Canadian rominent school of 'the other side." Those who ater hin 1 here last October were charmed with his lecture and with his readings, as hia charges are reasonable be will no doubt be favored with a large c'ass, Inatrict LO. 1 The Eima distri he 0.1, held its annual meeting ia the Or > ball, Listowel, on the toh h inet., the re tai ing a fair reprenent- Ww. ~ Cozens, District . The following Officers f > the eosuing-year: Mobes 'Mh AS ster; FE. M, Alexander, Den ) ity A ate ; Hy. Witough- by, en re elect ni pec., Te clested; J. J. Stevenson, Financial Sec, 3.8 ya ss re-elected ; Jas Bah} ed. Wedding Hetla, Early on Tuesday morning week, quite a numbgmof spectators witnessed a happy scene in St Joseph's church, this city, being the marriage ceremony performed by the Rey. Dr, Kilroy, of Mr. Dougald J MePhee, head clerk in Mclihargey's grocery store, and Miss Mary E. McGrath, danghter of Mr. Wm. McGrath, G. T. R. The bride was assisted by her sister, Mias Annie, and Mr. Patrick Hurley supported the groom. After the silken knot had been tied. a wedding breakfast was par- taken of at the residence of the bride's renta, when the usual good wishes and congratulations were indulged in. The bride was -- the recipient of a large number of ents. <A short honeymoon trip was taken of o Detroit. No Froven Hl Hydrante this" Winter. An- inspection. of the city. waterworks hydrants was made on cig | last by Ald. Scrimgeour and Gibson and , Mess John Corrie, chairman of the Water Sapply Co,, and R. Pengelly, chief of the re briga:' 2. The hydrants were al! found in good working order, fone being frozen. This is owing to the new maaner intro- duced of shutting the be doe! aupply - at the main and then. p umping itd dr ry fro the 7 thes awa! unsightly manure cov erings forearly ised, nd, as it proved, being an effective way of preventing the water from freezing in the hydrant. . The examination was made because some doubt of the new system's proper working had been entertained, bat it is now thought there is no danger of a scarcity ot water in case o Barna' ieee, The bill of fare to be presented at the concert in commemoration of Aul Sigg favorite bard on Thursday eveni ing, t 26th of Jannary, will be found in our ad vertising columns. Excellent as the en- tertainments in Stratford have been in the past, this year's promises to surpass all vst atbempta. vocalists are a tole, Mr. Gayin Spenced and Mr. P. Trainor, tenor, alao Nz. >. Ramsay, the greatest of all humorists.. An es sial feature of past programmes Will aot be wanting on this occasion, namely, Highland dancing. The wonderful four juveniles fron London, the best dancers in Canada, will pat in an appearanee, and' our old friend, Prof. Moon, the champion piper ia Highland costume, will also be present. Reserved seats can be secured at C. FE. Nasmyth's. Bet and Supper. Notwithstanding the inclement weather on Thursday evening last, a very go yee tory attendance graced the union ball of G. . engineers and firemen, in the It is estimated that close upon nt, including a! city hall. 100- couples were visitors from other cities and towns. y that the event was enjoyed by altis |). but the natural conclusion of any one who witnessed the pleasant faces of the merry crow; rs, as they " tripped the light -- " to the ee strains ot Mr. try bherett's T hall was stasistully foaceabaa with banners, mottos, pictures, ete., and engine headlights assisted in making a brilliant scene Joseph Berry superintended the work of decorating. an result Of his efforts spoke well for his taste in the --: of s neat and harmonious design. sofas, easy chairs, etc., were kindly lent by Messrs Bradshaw & Co., for the accomo- dation of guests when not dancing. Ald. John Gibson, Stratford's popular caterer, supplied a _bountifel spread, in his usaal style, whietr speaks f for-se tte ercelience, The Canada tr tte contains . the following announcement : -- Royal School of infantry, London--Enlist- ments have been authorized of inen to be ss A in "D" Company The Royal Schoo! t of "infantry at London will open for the instruction of attached officers, DO-coRENenONEG - officers point good soot tnen of basivess tact and and men on the 2nd of April. ability, who will perform their, duties Cire a money by parchasing without fear, favor or affection. ow requisites. at -ieexorth's. A iatical change , rather cessary i the it " ales will be seen to to please |manages: vent of the publi works of the sk We want to get some acheme in whereby the mone it ere Bros. always lead the yan in low t 130 mi I ware ts my cane fe ve fritt ro f away. Last yeer the Board ~ itizeas all = to go ot ' t $19; : 'Ang "exam Thre than That is = large amount -- of a are se lag con! money for the wor ape. What wat jen. bolas 'AND. iad OUNTY | 'STRATFORD c aTY "COUNCIL. ORGANIZATION MEETING. 'The members act. 'ot the city council for 1888, met in the Hall of Wisdom at 1 o -cloek on Monday forenoon. the members present as "folta Mayor.-- Henry T. Butler. ALDERMEN Arm Ward William - wwat, Alfred Jo McPherson, John Van tone, Falvtat Ward "Wi illiam Cordon, J sha Gibeo mal War Willian Ds Jona? Sharman R ht The maa d. Dos vm a, Francis Pr: William H. Trethe. way, John D. Namiltow, Isaac Rigg. The minutes of last meeting of council were approved and sigard by the Mayor. Moved by Ald. Gibson, seconded by Ald. Dawe, that Aldermen Mowat, Davidson, Vanstone, Payne, Tretheway, Sharman, Gordon, and the mover and seconder be a committee to strike standing committees tor the year.--Carried. Moved in amendment by Akl. Mowat, secomled by Ald. Davidson, that seven members of this council be balloted far by naming members to strike the standiog committees fur the year.-- Lost, Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded bv Mr. Mowat, that Aldermen Douglass, Hamil ton, Larkworthy, Pratt, Rigg, ee Payne and Gordon, be a commity regulate the duties -- ae a the oftlivers of the city for 1S AUDITORS. Mr, Wm. H. Burnham was anashasoaly' chosen auditor by the coitnci!. The Mayor appointed Mr, George G. Ewart aa the other auditor. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE TRUSTEKS, A letter- was read from E. T. Duften, asking the council to re-appoint him Collegiate Inatitute trustee. - Messrs. C. Pac = t, J. Bennoch, C. J. Macgregor, and E. T. Dafton were nomin- atec I ies vacancies at the Collegiate Institute Board, Packert was elected on thafirst vote by 4 to 7 orer the others. ay _ Macgregor was chosen by a vote of 10t The ssanall 'sdjourned until 7.30 in the evening. EVENING SESSION, The Mayor and all the en took their seats at 8 o'clock shar THE MAYOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS, Mr, Aldermen and Fellow Citizens: It has been the custom for several years for the Mayor, on taking his seat at the first meeting of this Council, to deiiver an ad- dreas in writing. Some of these baye been almost as long and alm ost as import- ant to the citizens cf Stratford as the nnasl message of the President..of. the neighboring Republic oi08 the citizeus of the United States, I wil -- from this custom, and say what I oe ¢ to say verb- ally. ° This year's Council is looked upon, --and it may be with some truth,-- as a revolutionary Council. Be thia as it may, it looks like a 'reaurrected Council." Out of the sixteen members comprising it, I -find tha: bare. been in before except Alt Pema Pratt, the three mamibers for Romeo ward: mer ward "--the electors of which had evidently made up their minds to have a clean sweep I have not come here to be a grumbler * fault-finder in regard to previous coun- ils, but I would not be doing justice to the citizens who elected me 1 zi did not speak plainly of what I wal considered improper in the past, and did not give such advice which I feel will be for the best interests of our citizens in the future, and a guidance to the gentlemen with whom I have the honor to sit at this board. What I shall say must not be look- - upon as inteidéd to apply-personally. to of the members of the fate council wie hold seatea at this board, nor to those who have retired altogether, There is no doubt that the business -- ia to. come before us this year will as.importanut as that of any previous year in the history of Stratford. The ex- tensive works of the Grand Trunk h'y -- cause a large influx of people into the y to take advantage of any boom likely rns follow. This will canse the-Council a arge amount of important wo Now, in regard to the committees, [ think the committee appointed to strike standing a have done as well as could be done. On the finance committee there are seven good men as capable of managing the finances of the city as could be found in any place of Stratford's size in the Province. e finance committee do not have a large smeel of money to ex- pend themselves, but they require to look after those who hav ¢, and to see that they de, not run into debt more than they can elp. In regard to 1 do not propose to speak at any length. le are apt to cry down our city's rh which isa wrong principle to pursue. It is much the same with a co it iw with an individual: on the very best financiel footing, he may possibly woather throagh, if the condition of hia financia ailairs is not made pablic to everybody, The assesxment of city forms an important part id aes vay of the finance committees. not the assessors, but it is their daty i oe after the work of the asecssors. There is no doubt that with a great.many proper- ties it is very difficult to adjust the assess- ment. Last year. two men were appointed to do the work of aseresing the city Whether: it-wason-the- tat cue. should took after the other, 1-_do--not know. They did their work, f Gehern, ta ia the 4 mi&nner they possibly could, under the circumstances. They weranew men, and they y didnot. make. as an assessment as could have been made, if they had had more experience, but it was the t the city has had for the last five years, I ami not aware what the Couneil pice to do this year, but I would ask n to bé careful and to ap --t Where. are the impreve- Winter Ralny the old and reliable Prep ier chopped: "Tips, &c, opce pe waa a agin dob oar frost befose- the snow. was street the Council to the finances of the city | -in-ite até such that no one will resort to-it-asa- leasnre ground, -- NO. 628. Kennedy's was a fable and disvraceful plight. It he impossible to show visitors ae Se the improvements that would auch an : cts, L repeat, the council. this hould adopt a better scheme of nt in connection with the Board than has. prevailed in pre ears. -- Beran 1 tax which camel at the recent election was voted dewn, I think that, 'under the circam- stancts the ratepayers did right to vote it ddwn. The matter was 5 rong upen the people a few days before the electiqn, as indy thought, to suit the purposes of a fewdndividuals who had = the front- age tax really in view, That-was my own opinion of it and it was es the opinion of a gteat many others. I believe the frontage tax system is the correct system ; and it mast be adopted in a short time, or some other good scheme be brought forwatd iv its place. In regard to the Fire, Water and Gas Commiians the Council must be revolu 100 wedieent tani Bg ag" og Street Watering and flushing sewers, and partof the money was paid for the use of hy- dranuts, and for half-a-cozen small fires, For atreet lightin we pay heavily, but wheth- er theredea leak in the meters or what, it is evid we do not get much benefit _ the qoney paid for gas. We havea department--on paper. Since Mr, Pay ve has left the Royal and came into the Co oeacil he 'will be tao, aigaifes to break often the door of the fire hall and get. the hose cart in ssodinant when the alarm seandd, and thake a -- of him- self in adrawing the "'masheen." We have a system of paying five ial lare to the firet man that arrives at the fire hall with 4 team when there is a fire and two dollars nm have sometimes to puli and cart along the streets, making aphow that was too ridiculous to -_ at. *We have the material in this y in frame buildings, to feed a fire that wa bea' disastrous to our small com- munity ag the Chicago fire was to Chicago, If an alarm ef fire sounds at midnight, or 3 o'vlock a. m., some- ge - the apparatus to An fire. This is ee Hidlouloadl Wo have reason ank | d Providengs, not the past Cobsetia, ae our immunity from disastrous fires, I do hoz, eiitiemen, that in this maetter of 'fire jon gt council will, show themselves. ae Bag e occasion,"and to erchant any' hing on (that i is if he wants it ms & customer), has been til all the picked over aad the best culled out. I-hope the pales will earry out new by-law to the letter, and if it isa one, wick bed ba) and ig not, Ph our police force we a ve two geod --better I believe cannot ke found in the: Prov ing, When 'we know that two men are to cope with a city of ten thousand ighabitanta--as wicked al the people of Stratford have been r raphe ted to be in electing their present Ma oe x causes a feel security, after shows that wicked people are not bad ple, in tho sense of interfering with the iodeey With the increase of la- tion coming in every day I think it uy ad- viatiie that the police force should be in- creased, I think, gentlemen; that for ove manto be on duty i in eo city all night -- io in reat a tnx on his physical powers. It is most absurd to expect that one man can keep a watch over the whole city. I have heard a dissatisfied new comer --s that if there was any money in to steal a-gang of burglars could clean the city ont noshertorder When we tell the people of Guelph, or Brantford, or St, Catharines that we only have two policemen in Strat- ford - keep + a gape in oer they laugh atus, $6 500 i iture on the market and eK cpeanitenes: but the late couneil-tried to be economical. The resent couneil shovld he equally as economical, bat au increase in the lice force is necessary and would bring an inoresse in the receipts--at the least it would cause a better feeling of security. I think $2,750 is a very moderate sum to expend on our parks and cemetery We have only one * ert. and that park da not ditizen to take his family into u ay, or even a week -- coal La ae 2 ng the summer the refuge of a bard class on week nights and Sundays for yeara past, When it was bought we were going to have it put ia _-- order, but what has one to' rth One council did plant it with shade and the next council rented it as.a 'pallets field to fod- orses, Some o e thonghtless who held pic-nics there broke ne of the beantifal -- trees that nature left 'n the .grove, anes fires against the roots in order 5% sil their tea, and cook their pio-nic dallsosles, The other adjoncts of the park der cattle and Our cemetery we have reason to © be proud. of It would do oredit 'eany any city in Can- ada a is ra bemwatap neg in burial spece, as one after another departs and are laid there to ce: It is saddening to think that it will soon be reces*ary to take in the other side of the river. The money expended in that sacred pot of gronnd will redound to the honour of Stratford. vondale cemetery--our beautiful arg ot the dead-- is a spot that should to our citizens, a5 it is the Inet f wisely ex- ; 'aier be begradged by Tt ia the only we to. in. the way of an orna- nen eee had some ag where the living coold en- joy themsnltes; a# mirth in | ark and Cemetery -- Ald. (Chalesiea), "Vanstone, Gordon, Dougiass; nd id the grove adjoining-- ce: wish: we: for the children, was voted down by the late Council, on the plea of economy. This seems strange when we realize that a f-w years ago money could be spent -to- buy that useless water lot east of the market, now used to pile lumber and corporation rubbish and dirt upon, being the aed creek that permentes its course through th city, 'to the danger of thousands of eiitsais who reside within smelling distance of it. The purchase-of that property was the Destreetive Fine--Mr- Tv. BE. Hay's most useiess expenditure ever made by. any Fixe Kestpsgsce Destxirrn.--Ahbont préviogs councils Queen's Park . half-past seven o'clock on pretty «pot, but it peeds money to Sunday evening & fire broke out in the in a better shape. We have plane - ita | residence of Thomas &. Hay, at beantification, why not -- a. start if Listowel. itis aupposed to have origin- ™ Healt! and relief Cominitted ated from the wood furnace in the base- ia : odera Committee, | ment, but, the family being at church, the They spent abc at 'St, 300 ast year, They flames hat made great headway. before only spent that much money because the | discovered. Only,a very small portion of health expenditure must be kept down. the contents were saved. The bailding, Our citizens know the resulta of economy in this committee. There is not « mile of sewerage in the whole city--not even a4 spot wherein the refuse of the city can be discharged or emptied, except into the ®pen ever-bre eding, disense-apreading creek which runs through our midst and goes largely toward making our cemetery a prosperous institution, from its deadly poison and malaria. In the city vaults we have very elaborate plans of a thorough system of sewerage, drawn by probably the best man in the Dominion at that kind of business, but nothing has been done with them. If not there, they ought to he, unless the rata that we were lately told infested the building devoured them before leaving! Not a dollar has been expended in sewerage, except to allow dirty tox drains to carry filth past people's front and back doors, dealing out death and destrne tion wherever it goes. Whether it is going to cost' $10,000 or $20,000, or $00, to start s system ewer. age, something must be done, and that done quickly. Is . of 'oe im. will nefit to the It cosh he oomninalial some times, and-} ee now is the time, If we not ~ atte: important matter we aa be too late, and hundreds of us early find a resting place in that quiet spot (Avondale come tery) where the troubles of this world for- over cease. I know nothing abovt our. system of reliet. We cannot have mary poor people in our midst Either we sre too mean to provide on the poor or else the poor are too proud to live amongst us. The Court of Revist rision is not # very irh- portaut body. e people are goeeesly prone to grumble when they come to pay their taxes, that is if the assessors have done their daty. Now, gentlemen, Iam here to- 9 in' > the position of Mayor, the choice electors of this growing city, I shall en- deavor to carry out the duties of this office a gentlemanly, fafr and honest mannér, withou with adios toward any sect or class-- rd-none, err--to wit te, Van gentlemen, your cordial sup} and adsistance i the duties attached to the office of yor. Let us all work for the common weal.--our motto being the greatest 'ood to on greatest pombe num should fall from grace (as people uncharit- pros end eTachrietinaty- peor enchant nid disgrace; by aw pose the position I feel proud to bende then, geatlemen, I would be unworthy of a future existence as a public man in your city. "Bat Ihave no fear of that, and, gentlemen, neither you = _-- citizens of Stratford need have any fea that score. In the language of Stratford's oldest citizen and heaviest taxpayer, 'with these few remarks, gentlemen," we will proceetl to business. VOTE OF THANKS. Moved by Ald. Gordon, seconded by Ald. Gibson, that a vote of thanks be tendered the Mayor for his able eaangniet address and if-he will place writing that the same be minutes «for further reference, unanimously. STANDING aie teeth --Carried COMMETTERS, oe The following are the standing commit- tees for 1588 : Finance and Asseasment--Ald. Mowat (Chairman), McPherson, Gordon, David- son, wegen Payne and Tretheway. Board of Works--Ald, Payne (Chair- Gordon, man, Us Fire, Water and Gas--Ald. Gibson {Chairman}, Blowat, Dawe, Payne and Trethew Market and. Police -- Ald. Vanstone ing -tag Larkworthy, Davidson, Pratt, Ri "tent and Relief -- Ald. Hamilton (Chairman), Vanstone, Lark worthy, Dawe, Douglass, Pa Davidson a Conte Revision-- Aid. Mowat (Chair- man), -- Davidson, Pratt and Trethew: pein AP TATE INSTITUTE TRUSTEE. Mr. Packert informed the Council by letter that he could not perform the duties eh eosin nig eg -- elected the ing, Messra_J err das. Bennoch, G. G. McPherson and E. T. Dafton were moved and seconded for the position. The last named was nt and retired. The vo a resulted in the appointment of Mr. Bennoch, Moved by ben raeclucs seconded by "this, cual be o Sppatated for te of recommending such a to the | sseaament as they may eem necessary, euch i aunties te com- porn Ald. Revers Payne, Pratt.and the mover and seconder, R, B, Lang, clerk, $600; G. W. Law renee, treasurer. bet W. H. Bersham, auditor, $50; G, G. Ewart, auditor, $50 ; John Idington, ar a George S. Cook, janitor, ae 'Thomas Boyd, cem tery supt., $900; V went Meringion ; chied of police. $600; Wm, O*Donnell, potice- man, $500; Jon. A. MeCarthy, sen., po- Agron $300 ; A. Hepburn, engineer. C. J, Macgregor, 'Collegiate Institute Trustec. James Bennoch, ditto, Salary of Mayor, 200. consent 'i or ny publio_act of | ; funded; W. Linehsin, ese ae The solicitor is to be consulted regarding the collectorship. The peered recommended five lighters, one {6r each ward, re to FP. W.& G., and the same with chief and eng?heer of Fire Department, The appointment of street commissioner was referred to B. of w. " LIsTOW. EL. ' which f« completely destroyed, ix insured in the following companies :.--British American, for 81,400; Mercantile, $1,500, Tinatkaterloo Matual, $1,000, Total loss, abor at $5,400. THe 'residence wae a fine brick building, and was one of the most comfortable homesteads in Listowel, Tux Timzs sympathises with Mr. Hay in his lous. ROSTOCK, Mr. Ed. Wicke and Adolphus Picke are leaving this week with the intention of making their home in Nebraska, Our little village was thrown inte a state of excitement last Saturday evening when it was learned that a party had artived a neighboriog village, sce few miles eeath "ot this place, with the intention of giving a free entertainment. The mauager of the affair bel 1g a brilliant speaker, in her own estimation, took up the leadi question of the day, and very soon cre: tel an intense excitement among the andience, This same party would lead pec 'ple te believe that they were saints, bat judging from "the gereet speech that was duced by the manager we_take the same person to be aslowuright hypocrite, The same ew: have been known. in ucighborhood for some time, and have the reputation of working things up ve am' aoe: in order to get the lougest The attendance being very small, and of a faa opinion to the Scat the concert proved an entire failure f ELMA, The Municipal Council of the Township of Elma, for the year 1887, met a Newry, in reference ow according to --Carned, Sores by Mr. Prison saaed by alr. Rothwell, that W. Tarr be paid the sum of $150 for ditching lots 1 and 2, con. 16, ander engineer's (being rt payment), and that the same be charged against the lands eyes s Moved by Mr. Lochhead seconded by Mr, Palton, that BR. Scott be paid $63.60, con- >. tract, engineer's awacd, lot 20, con, 15, and the same be Sherge sonnet the jands Bors terested. --C ed_by- Mr. Loch head, SN cntea by un Wishesoad, that L- Bo!ton be paid the sum of $200 om acoount as_engiwmeer -- Carried. Moved by Mr. Riéhmond, seconded by Mr. Lachh sak: that orders be issued for payment of me failow- rland, dt', $14.15, ; mond, Line El ~ $19.74, ditching, ton. 8; R. Clark, $5.75, and repairing a con, 8 proaches, , ecn, 83 ri ailard, a B. boottary Elma and Wallace, an J. MeClennan, $2, work, con. 12; Fin os "915, ditching &. road. con. 15 ; .. Stevenson, $1 * line; R. food $15, gravelling con. 8. $11., gravel; S. Jackson, $5. culvert and ; accounts be paid: T. Keoe, $80, for 15 C. rer aise 'Oommmissioner a head, $54, ss 16 da Cc. days $60, for 15 'aaea © anaes aad as road commissioner ; 85 15 du Cc. meotings and 13 days rowd inte 8. 8S. Rothweil, days 6. ing wd., aivey, $110, slay Moyed by M ing to @ poor woman, Md. Meved "by Mr. Pelton, Mr. Richmond, Mr..Knox be orn) 14th con. ditetie Connell, : then adjotirord sive die, --T. FULiauton, * clerk. Se If you 'raisins : 'es. You can buy aa ¥ Wekeaptlie ext teas and

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