> # if t » Sl ie 7 > VED 0 OF * THE "DR 'By e AUTUMN LEAVES. | A MIND DISEASED. j- . SePregen.08 NS Wa DBA Ts ho gy rotohe ie tached eat foryre -------- | The Profodan Deprewsion of & Morphin FINE STYLES OF FURNITURE Ss. They said im colors what they * iy eens Terrible Strargle--Heailth. i an is ogy the gewsied lows, Light's. satan t, " MONOMANIA SAID TO BE THE ONLY| Watch a morphia habitne deprived of the AND i we, SAFE F_ MANKIND. i drug The first slight uneasiness and sense ' et aeliat . = _ or Aeneas seni annette EX.2 Bene ESSER RE Tick moiges proves pease Hite etter | ~ <> LOW PRICES. et Al eummer tong the Sowers Ths leavew---the | restlessness, accompanied by the most . pe ~ . . i 4 ieaven, | An & xpert's Opttifen of Lonacy and Lae) toy dey sion; the stomach become a | B 'They were the slaves; they h dl nu word te = ' ff Gin--c asi lr hing can be ietained. end By : ae They ware the runeet livery andj. te hea, > aay} ---- a ee " "Feri . nusea and distressing sensation of [22 WiLL PAY You To ae: Saal for grain, were not tioce mute tha | lun to Seed--Religious Fervor--Forcign ; sana anitied The 'whole nervot = tit x i Pauper Lanatics. which Eas been we rkine ars comes BUY FROM US. i mec winds at last the Rios ers cir 4; 7 "Ht is difficult to draw the line be stwixt! ur fer'a de " s weig " wath ofa awe B RADSHA i het witi i into rags npon t alka | son ity ahd innacy," said iue late erin = ig PSTOS; 6 Droakhs of ME Which W CO., teeta And then the loa ' : t udemninas, J. a -y suffer + a & 4 ti '4 chaedd me bcd oe br g0d thuir dean heart 0 of an insane asylum, who finally ended|* is pr x in th By: yar ID ' - : ie ; Yet bush! The dying forest polly | iis daye at Napa, sate was sent as an is 5h distros heats eye and eur are FURNITU RE DEAL ERS AND tia "Oh, we res have paw The dara leave butte, toa reporter. He wasan entertaining! incapable of tulerating the most ordinary . 1 fERS e 3 aves have passion, The daub leaves of imonologiet, and as instructive as -he-was en ater dato a a ---- UN DERTA K ERS. 4 i " kine not life lgnobly-- ~ne, nor death. |tertaining. 1, in common with mamy physt-| > these troubles are added s leeplessness; _ - i lage their colore:" Antumin's air and soil; Clans," said he, 'ce ntend that every one is + | the patient cannot get a moment's rest; or, if 120 DOZ. i 2 with inspiration of their br. monomaniac, and he who escapes polymania! Pe k " 3 ow } rro if 4 --"F." in New Yous re cass ing Post, _ [a fortunate man, = on eae fe fant bls ; Py Snyresina DIAMON D DY ES ees PSOE TERA Taser Terese hens --_ | ae - ae ; -. vamroftenr masked "what frm miter to 6% slog %p of him, end make him dread that con- JUST TO MAND AT if : ATMOSPHERE OF ALASKA. the ™m nost frequent cause of insanity, " he we nt! dition which others look to for comaglation © 1 amd], in my turn, have. put the same! and relief. neapacity to take ang De Th WM a al Hall ae Bese Growth of Veketaibeces An Almost' on stion to all men of our profession who ter nged slee slerendin con sistant 5 "he i = Sake é€ 4 € 10a . ihe Incredible Statemicat, [have mie diseaso of the tind at all a ing and vomiting, painful ree ofall his ---- ie 'Lieut. & Schwatka, in making the itland pas-'specialty. A young doctor from Dublin! senses and other troubles sink the sufferer ALSO, 1s eg Pa Sg a. nes went ashore answered the question tersely with one word, into acondition of prostration and de "pair, DYE ING MATE RI ALS! jee ds of the Alexander archi: |'Gin} be relieved by morphie. SiN Ni tS RIAL ! is pelago, and he describes the vegeiati 1 whict al only to be relieved by me es bel hich; "Yes, I suppose aleohol is responsible for a Who then can wonder if the wreic by yields OF EVERY DESCRIVTICS es. hs pucountered a3 being most rank aud lye! lett bh af ee . tam ' , ine deal of it, and yet the HCH bAVE! a vain to the drug which bas so Jong enslaved ae . ig Beers ar insene than any péople "ipdén earth, hin? Hovering betwee spa louging to bo free ' ie oe . th, feet 6f the evergreens clothing the tad with them the red wine is drunk by the and a feeling ot incapacity to endure bis ag- J H NASMYTH & CO ie land grew a dense mass of tang!ei bushes and tun, and it contains a large per cent. of alco-! tonies, hé-asks repro ochfally whather 1t i . : , . ") RES Vines, and at the roots of th se was a solid hol. Overwork, stimulated. by the prevalent! true thatacterice has discovered no means of Dis ensii Chemists of lie! of rivalry, breaks d b : . mosses, lichens aud ferns, which spirit valry, s down tLe brain! relief, no substitute for morphio, wh a often run up the trees toa hei; ght greater than | forces of the American; but his body gengj+'},, xiven him until the storm ne past. No, ONTARIO-ST. ij : @ man's reach, ily succumbs as well, eo that our msane are We have no means at our disposal thie wil 4a All this dense growth is.as moi basas re, violont and short lived, while In Great Brit- do moro than alleviate these sufferings, and NIGHT BELL. TEL. RPHONE. oe The thick carpeting of moss oxicnds from t®e ian it takes 'the form of dementia, and the if the morphia habitue will be freed he mus 4 shore to the edges of the glaciers ou the moun-' patient lives on and on and dies in a maudlin [plas e himself under such control as can he: s tain summits, and the conssant melting of ice condition of o vent his giving way under the trial, as be ~ OAS TALIAN, H por oe bs mine reer _-- ait saturated | Bala vg Nork, in England, is _ almost inevitably will if Jeft to himeel?. A C / t 1 Mi | ie air is burdened with mois-! vided in t But severe as the ordeal is, he bes this con- ail ornia vatura inera ¢ i . ture, and everything is, like Mir. Mantalini's' West Riding. In early times so many sates solation and this great inducement to submit if ' a proposed body, "moist and unpicasant." /wascalled a day's riding. Well, in the West ¢, jt--na: namely, that it is short, A few days e I is almost impossible to realize the damp-! Riding alone of Yorkshire there is a public will see him through the worst, and although ug gag nani without having experienced asylum containing -1,200 native Innatics. Be- jo may not bo comfortable for a week or og it. isang drips from overhead like an April' sides, there are those kept at home by friends two, his discomfort is endurable and becomes coms up beneath the foot as one or sent to private institutions, and the other Jess and le: ss, until it gradually --' into half of the psig is furnished with another ease and heal Ith. --Nineteenth Cent 4s en exampie' of the Inxuriance of the asylum of aot OT i i serge take the Indian's "totem poles,"! FREAKS OF MONOMANIACS. Georgeous Texans In Washington. in hich, al ae they are dead iLobers stand-| "Were not any abnormal condition of! 4 'Texan of some distinction came to Wash- ing on end near the native houses, bear huge! t : = paid Ms of dri S° mind sad to contentplate, some of the freaks ington the other day in what was considered ' 4 ripping moss and foliage at'o¢ monomaniacs wo ld raost amusing. for W. ashin ton a shabby outfit. 'from Many times what appears but a leading char-! f . 7. acteristic or modification of character in 1 "2 rill be be well to explain, in passing, that youth assumes at middle life, especially with Sent tek these totem poles are covered with ve ry CU- women, distinesive features of lunacy. ; and alth though bo one is at all "7 renmaber a eed Coming exas hoe fancied he was "got up re- But when he met his congres- tiend here the first thing tho latter ings, Ik he isaid was, 'What in hell's the matter, Tom? oir s new in her Youpg 'You certainly do look tough and shabby. road thelr Sateen eran that married as noted for her -- You must go ti omy tailor's aa get a new of the Indi Ried ' , housekeeping. Not a speck of/dirt was suit of clothes before you can make an ap- found, even in the remotes' corners of pearance in Wi ashing ston soc! = It often happens that the seed of a Sitka te The parler fairly shone spruce becomes lodged in the tangle of moss with liness. : resting upon a. totem pole, and thate germi- ¢ an¢ even ter kitchen was © 'Tom to the congressman. clumps --- Boh from ten to thirty fee r" said ap was up in your nates. Its roots craw! down the pole, aid, freedom from the sryadiest smirch, rier hee: ae reed fee gd having reached the earth, find additionalsus- Ten years later I visited her, and before oo ae are artes anid tenance there, which y ~the she allowed moto enter she asked me to rub "That's all right at home," said the con- 2 agg above, and which have my feet on # series of mats before the door, tavemniga, "but it * very different here. B 3 a nourished Juices fur- and bef offered me a chair she wiped | you Look is," and the con- by th a neatly hemmed cloth 'took " £ wardrobe in his a city boy tossing a walnut from ¢hat'she constantly held in ber hand or kept lodging a nice new evening dross suit. "Great Jupiter!" exc' the new de arri at the cut of |the thing; 'and whatido you intend to do | with tha a conareuen cxviainel ee peopally was as much opposed to foppery con- : ab ay happens in southeastern crept upon her; sc east gf te gag bre er vragen but the word Companion. v ; Pagesion Sobage hand, and an erin had lately come from Texas the ; 7 ; utter of her'| sentatives of the Eone Star must lick -- A in a St that) « is one of the most 2 Paton el which oneg the overcoat season is the worst in the senate Ears "Men are worse than when it comes umor, "it appears confined Serge sieges dress, uding pone cineca By which be meant claw or ae agg Boe ian een 'ae =~ ny 4 that mec are more that kind of jnnacy is ly confined to the stealing of that wi!l take the ahi 3 ping than women are in theirs, "A some class of articles, and sfises from aute- to be seen here be Ona "whee > he knows what natal desiro and is usually Washington Post, a eo a fy on every is house, It is vain to. AN AGGRAVATING CAUEE, ae tres "Governor, do you anticipate fiat the alka- "Religious fervor is probably the most fre-|jino desert between Ogden aaa the Sierre Ne- ,Vadas canever be made available for agri- "y- culture or anything else!" I asked of ex-Sen- ts. ator Stanford. lay business fifteen years, and a1 C is senha Giiatenser ballewe thea I tell the t lum where there were thirty-seven Twenty-eight of these hhd gone = over re-| "I thought it could not when we built the x will never take the coat you neni, | gion, five had been sunstruck, 0 had re' railroad F. Six men out of eight who come hed pull ceived falls and one wet been righteont daft # : and haul at every cout will go and and buy clee-| in a hotel fire. And th' is same large percent- I have heard it said that a man ot i ee otc 0 caght tobe oe aly judge of = ay pene "But now our uses are becoming so Shak will ager to wade can cai a I -- 'filled up with foreigners, it is difficult to de- bean: tal T knew any ot nian onos termine with much accuracy anything about it from a provincial standpoint, One of the surgeons of the Anchor line steamers told me anid he brought over no les than a score of lunatics, drugged into a submissive state, and kept so the first few days out from Great Britain, and that they sometimes became We never knew when we came here that we could grow wheat, and for a long time obtained bean commodity from Chili, yet at the san frase was growing up to the madlie of the horses as we rode along in Ca¥fornia. We finally began to grow wheat, but thought it could not be done without irrigation; experience showed us that in very many cases no ays pe: at all was required to make a was long time persuading Brigham Young eat without going to the ex- nse and labor of eer and irri lero they are _-- in pauper asylums and our He rel the experiment, and tects them ---- long ea a complete pie The alkali of one day come for several nt He oe came in, and was just as mac he-last time as the first. - Taaked him whys was, He he always felt mean when he came to buy an overcoat, for he knew that an ofercoat was a sepeaicola> delight, He pry pawned , , but he cou¥in's rid bis mind of 7 a the notion. Chieage Se A Choice of Terma. * Dr. M------ is a very enthusiastic and delights in cutting up the defunct in christened she had to stop the rite long transfer be of the = caine, ec aie Pooch cgs dissecting enough to y her natural UY noes to the bation of the earth. I think it ve work there. drinking from the baptismal font with the will take no longer to make the Walking into the ward with both hands in oe as was his way, he approached ,), Sy ° Ee omanes have halped ft, had it been to the st: d i : "iti the subject?" he asked briefly save her life."--Sant Francisco Post sucther Kind of @atacle.< "Gath" ia Cine Lan not near As yet; aa only an object," 'g a Romeirer, he smiled comical! "The doctor nodded grimly thé likes a-joke, Tait he | The Lawyer and the Cashier. A Bank Cashier who had Stolen #40,000 Lotta and the Dressmakers. aK Yo Cincinnati his OWE ' gave an ex "Just now Iam at the mercy ot "drem | tra touch to bia profesional care for the Went to a Lawyer and said: makers, and they are in the aggregate the witty patient.--Detroit Free Pros. Foi a? pak I Fix Matters sa to be safe -- of amind. Of cours there are some CE t m7 pare mistress of their were but as a ru ie they are-poor failures I can' How the Old Egyptians Worked. 1 E will Arrange to have the Bank Settle ry Amount,* PUTEPIY: stand it, either. Lf a worn has ria make a PHAudE Blinks Th -- for Half the 5 warthe Prom Re ar ee ee ae trie ECO, "Wiceal thie had. tanh, donb the. Toit tee a , * tifique an casay upon the question how the bg as a dreesmaker why docan't she put a paces yptians seamekes 0 tranipert and Pressed his Great Pleasure and Satisfaction, per pride in hicr work and conquer itt A a a ae lbeecshee foc ks found on top of tem- and inquired, Sleeve, it seems to me, is a: little thing to ee oes how they raised their obeliska He errs now what shall I Pay you for your make, but out of six-modistes five will pat It v i thinks took adv untae of the rise of the Nile. Clothing a block with ex much wood me aa Was UeceoRiry to raise it a little from the i ground they pushed it forward to where they Wanted ft'to lie and held it in position whilo rr in a dress wrong, Ah! well, poor women, The Other Half, sir!" was the Calm reply. the "y are the victims of the age in which they Moral.--It's a Wonder the Lawyer left #0 };, re. ..The time will co enfin women will much for the Bank.--Detrult Free Press. roll up their sleeves ahd go to work, heart, Ree a aS) hand and soul, not only to get a living out of 4 they removed the wood, which left it in the A Serious Drawback. it, but todignify it, We Americans. like to 3 exact it wasto occupy. An obelisk was A New York t tdraw- presch abo mit the freedom of our people and 3 ant er aeee and pushed to where they back to electric: 1 ays is that you country, that conte iv-serdistinctty ss. wae érect it, _ There hey took wood cannot ride ¢ even a a block or pne of those cars. een yr sles for_away completely mjag- is tio such thing as equality, top, which caused the foot to 'Mak and the ne etined oaks ruin ed so for as time keeping is may be just as gooll- asa petted dauz te, f top to rise.--Chicago Herald. | concernit. = the electric road# hare the but society prefers the pet every tim jsame difficulty, and the inventors, although Chicago Mail Thterview, \they have soe trying for years, hare. not, Se aeeenee - i Sleeping with Windows Open. street Here is what Profesor V irchow aah cnent™ Argomant. 'the with open windows: "The ri- Tobaceo Crop in England. A shep girl a, -- railway will be a success.--The you. Brave Girl--I wish it had never happened. | i tiated * "How can you! Just oe you attac 'ature inside differs from that outside: it re court, mains stationary when the air instde is ab himeelf the ready of equal temperature with that outside, \ admiring eyes of the British nation by suc- Ih that case serious complications vg f be Spring Water. FINE LINES OF PERFUMES, . TOILET SOAPS, &c., JUST RECEIVED AT EK. J. JOHNS' WEST SVD DRUG STORE! Ontario, St, West. NIGHT BELL ON FRONT DOOR Stratiord, Dec. 5, 1887. £2-20 RE MOVAL. A. STEWART, HARNESS MAKER, -- HAS REMOVED TO-- H. Baker's Block, South of the Market, Opposite the Man- sion House, Wellington Street, Where he intends Keeping a First-Class Meck of Kinds of Harness, Whips, Bells, Combs, Brushes, Blankets. Very Cheap. Notice to the Creditors F. W. PATTERSON, LATE OF WIARTON, BARRISTER, DECEASED. Perse ANT to Chapter 107 of ae Be Statutes of Onta: and nes Ontario, NOTICE 18 ME. DY ives, Vi that all Creditors and persons havi jaines awainst the estate and effects of FREDERICK "7 PATTER- SON, late of bes ee = WIARTON, in the Hoi of Bruce, who -Law . deceased, died " Lary said vag of i Warren, 3 on the 13th tay of Auguat last or before th: 26th 'lay af Jamnry, 'AD. 1888, to send by post, registered, w ALEXANDER MeNEILL. -- in the County of ta of among the parties entitled Seeeete, baving r only to those claims of -- they the persons of whose ball nok ha nave hese received at the bution Dee. 1s7. E. PATTERSON, 130 Days' Cheap | Sale! || REPAIRING PROM PT iY BON E- Se a ee THE SYN DICATE! New F! lannels, New Dress Goods, New Mantle Cloths. See Our Bank rupt Stoek of Dolls, Toys, and Fancy Goods, from. Sarnia, CLEARING SALE OF BALANCE OF Millinery - and - Mantles ! SEE OUR CARPETS And Satisfy Yourself as 1o how Cheap we are Seiling them! --_---- - 9 SOME REMNANTS, At Half Price! -----------9---_--_~ Men's and Boys' Ready-Made CLOTHING! | AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. ' Cheapside. * james x. votan. | SCHOOL BOOKS, t -- AND -- SCHOOL REQUISITES 4 At BOSWORTH'S, i 17 Market-St, STRATFORD. * SPECIAL VALUB I SCRIBBLING and EXERCISE BOOKS. WIRE BOUND AND BEST QUALITY OF SLATES. FURTHER PARTICULARS ----PROMISED BY----- R. R. GOULDING, the Hardware Man, + AT THE ANTWERP BLUE FRONT. ; PS SSSnEnEee , Canereaneenny I sin accused of selling Hardware, Paint, Oil, Glass, &c., cheaper than any one elee in this part of Her Majestyre -- I soot each msiestse = ie ' m accused of haring a beantiful new expressly for my turiness, and stocked with rompaieel meretties in house furnishing Wardware, ach ar Lampe Ona in Poles, Bevel Edge Mirror Plates, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Clothes W rs, Syphon Of To all the above I plead " guilty," and ped await the verdict of the pablie. Meantime I will give you a SECRET. * Mi igares sees of agg toys ey My Plated Spoons, Forks, &<), to get some be depended on. Just look f 8.," stan on each o1 "and You get the stamp Yo wil sgl He! te buy them free met 950 can cet them here, but these letters are a guarantee Skates and sleigh bells in endless variety. Just think of a good pair of Spring Seaton P05, 75. R.R.GOULDING, | Dec. 21, 1887. 'The Hardware Man ah en Stratford . Christmas and New Year' s HOLIDAYS. --_VAIM,-ROFFEY, ONTARIO STREET FAST, sg gp ay" To = the attention of. his 4 pater lie generally to his Very Larg and- Weil Roads Stor: New Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts, Biscuits, Cakes, Crackers, And «cverything to be found in a First-Claw Co mtectionery and Bakery He soho yt direct epecis nl attention to his large Amor tent {EE NE CANDIES, The best ever itported into the City. Ther nly to"be seen to satisfy the sh moe of their extra sueatty y and qual need Tart wh TIeRS £4F Hot Meat Hot Tea and Coffee. If jou want biy bargains for your money Go to ROFFEY"S, Nearly opposite Forbes' Livery. eesti Dec. 13, 1887. GREAT SALE THE 4 STRUTHERS' | STILL GOING ON NOW IS THE TIME FOR = Oman and New Year's } epineataed sre Pracyts phew sa 'discovery of the nineteen Amerie rene s hag 'aiterative for the purity-