wastes ae Weoxe € = New Advertisements This Week. "Puztle~-W, J. Ferguson. Auction Salo--James Doun Horta Wanted--C. Quintal. Carnival -- Strationd Bink Ce. 4 Panet._ is: Stoves and Tinware--- ps fd its leona Reeas ta Rent ~ J Pre Wanted City Hall---Scottish Entertainment. vassyth & Co. Tomething of Interest --Dalton's Fair. Morsingtoa Conservatives--J, Hunter. -- Stratford. 'Times. SOTLER, 'zrTen 4 asp uastaoEn ESDAY, JAN'Y. 48, 1888, t-- --The last Chinese. eleotion is a fla- Qraut example of- groce; sianderous, un- disguise corrnption. The proceedings before the election court show beyond the shadow of a doubt that Mr. Purcell depended upen his-money alone to carry him int» parliament. There is too mach reason 'to believe that he was chosen to contest the county by the Liberal Conven- tion because be had money and was willing to spend it freely. A man more unfit to represent » constituency of intelligent and independent voters in the Dominion House "ef Commons, it is hard toimagine. Ue.is without education, snd possesses no quali- Bcations for Parlinmesitary life. Had it not been that he was known to be both ich and ambitians, not a member of that tion would h i 1 of naming Mr. P. Purcell as a candidate. And why did the Liberal convention choose a candi- date whore only qualitcation was that he had « long purse? Simply that the county might be carried in the Liberal interest by a profuse expenditure of money, There is no use in attempting to d the fact- that the choice of Mr. Purcell was in itself morally a corrupt act, the first of a series of corrupt acts that have brought disgrace upon the county of Glengarry. And Mr. Purcell did what was expected of him, From the first day of his canvass to the last he spent money right and left, Ha could not address meetings, but he could lend money. He had no knowledge of the political affaira of the country but he _ earried a big cheque book in his pocket. He could not argue with an opponent, but "he could and did send agents all over the county with big rolls of bank bills in their pockets ready to lend money to any needy fterma...In_ fact, Mr, Parcell was during ly sure that Purcell . was buying his way into Parliament, and there is no indication, not ready and willing to condone his offences against the purity and the independence of elections. So that in condemning Purcell the judges condemned those who urged him to offer himself as a candidate, and who witnessed his corrupt practices without a single remonatrance, --The Mitchell Recorder has a happy avay of stirring up the Stratford Dungboys. Ter ita last issue it got 'off the following very crael sarcasm about the -- -- and the kids:--" Lagt week the Stratford Herald came to hand with the dash all knocked out of it, This week it comes looking nnusually sickly and has an article inthe third column of ita editorial Page headed ' What's Killing Us ?' Maryatt, in one of his stories, tells us of & family dining off roast venison and one after another began to feel strange sensa- tions in his mouth and throat, At last the mistress cries out: 'some one is trying to kill us." The servant-in-waiting protested that it was not him, but suggested that it might be the cock. The cook was sum- moned, who in tarn avowed her innocence and implored the holy saints to reveal the secrets of the butler and find if the guilt didn't lie with him. The saints declined, as they had never had any intercourse with __ that graceless individual, so the butler was. ee Sra are beginning to think they sie "hy fx the -Highlande * erofters will submissively leave their little appealed to direct, and he admitted having | added a little more seasoning than sual in the preparation of the roast and. that he might have made it a trifle too hot. We "Cannot answer~-the - /fera/d's question, * what's killing us?* but we might suggest tothe Herald family that they call up the Butler," - Scotland. is 3: Vaeseninie the "scene of agrarian outrage. A few weeks ago the landless peasantry of one district killed the deer that fed un the ground which they believe yd ought to sap and now the 'natural right to till, The time has gone of Scotiand when holdings to give place to deer and sheep, There is no doubt that many who were driven from the depopulated Highland _ counties have done far better in the colon- jes than they would ever have done at ee enn nl orion er oe who sees ivy lettend capaho | their own, t tot; ; gkow Want Shay were. not, all bf then, to seek « country where the soil is more generous, and where the conditions of life are not #6 hard as they areJjn the land of his > ~birth, Sat it is true, nevertheless, There is room enough in the Canadian newshire and elsewhere, who are vainly hegying their landlords ete to toil. Let them come to Canada, add till land of ; ----_-- --As the Herald persists in throwing dirt at the Mayor of this city, for no other reason than that of hiv being the editor of Tux Ties, it will perhaps interest many of our readers at a distance to know what kind of opinions the press entertain of "the kids" and their smut machine. Last week's Mitchell Advocate said :---* | Gurren BxiPés. -- Since thestrattort4 The ong at the start, aped a high moral tone, es the day wth of the enipe who tou -himnsalt = 'T soon began to nny itself in its ies First, jealousy = pped up; conceit and ignorance follow. pigs A finally blackguardism aod an utter disregard: for decency predominated, _Its wer to m, however, is very con- tracted, but those cnacquainted with the character of the trio 'who run the sheet may be led to f at on to the best interests of Stratford and its surroundings What couid be more oe dicious than its connection with the murficipal elections in the maiden pr When Mr, Butler, a man, who like others, has his faults, but nevertheless ig a leading and popu! izen,. was nominated for mayor, the Herald did not as much as mention his name, but instead insulted the intelligence of the gentleman who nomin- ated him by substituting & dash instead, Then when hy was triamphantly elected by ' cig og oa majority the boys completely ee and in « fit of frenz sayed has the city had disgraced herself, ane, like the mud-turtlestirred ap such filth as to completely bury themselves under- wate the weight of their own slop-buchet. . Batler is well-known to the people of Stratford, he is arnold resident of the place, he was there long before the emigrants from Strathroy were heard of, he will be there when they are forgotten, out the intelligent electors ought to be the beat judges of his fitness for the eueralie ps position to which they elected him. He has had wide muni- cipal eXperience, ia a vege man . the broadest serfée of the word, vith a large hgart, and liberal instincts, andfthe ----. feel assured, will never have reason choosi im as the sceadtinn head of their rising and pros ous city. He ea tfo: rd Stratford has been d ference to the choice o! the people, "TRE CALLED JADE WINCES." The Government barnacle Strath- roy, in other words the " Indian Agency »" bas got his dander up, judgirg from hia silly article in the last Herald. According to his ideas the Indians are hard _ People to manage, and that is the effort last week, he had better restrain his temper and draw his salary in peace, as long as he is enabled to cling to the posi- tion he holds ; for as soon as Parliament meets there will be one lazy specimen of Government dead beats struck off the lista. The idea of such an official as an '* Indian "Inspector of Agencies and Reservations" being allowed close upon two thousand dollars per annum to loaf around Strat- ford, feeding a family who are too lazy to work but not too proud to beg, is repugnant to people's feelings; whether they be Grit or Tory. Abuse won't save this living specimen of a Government leech, which haa fastened onto the Indian Department witha vampire-like grip. The Conserva- tive leader, now that his attention has been publicly called to this matter, will quietly invite " papa" to move along to & more congenial sphere, As there are no Indians in this section, it is not at all unlikely that he may be forwarded out to Peace River, and be allowed to teach the Indians there how to plow and sqw, reap and mow, which he is evidently much better fitted for than to remain in Strat- ford, endeavoring. to lead peorle in this city to believe that they have been in darkness and ignorance for the past 30 | years, and would have remained there for a sons decided to remove front'Strathroy for their special enlightenment |" ------___ All the winter clubs of the Capital | turned out Thursday a to celebrate the opening of the Oshkosh T tae Club, of cera Sir John ja honorary remie consented to open the nid, and aitaenaks the -- = bitterly cold some . hundreds of people assembled on the banks of the Hideswu tp etthass the acre Members of the different clubs carry Ga sembled at the drill hall aaa proceeded to Earnecliffe to exeort Sir John to the hill. Sonie hundreds of snow-shoers and tobog- had t him t a nice place-- (laughter)-- but some he was at all, as more friendly badipage S Then seating hi shaggy wood to the deer and the sheep and { LENS Waa for' sil the crofters-ot- Enver} times more by the Herald's dastardly re- | alien; Hyde,. HARMONY, Savor of Tre Srnatvony Towns : --I noticed a letter in your paper of the 11th inst., about the conduct of we Harmony set hool trustees, which, I 'think, is a great indecen although the fatter i is extremely ofamnon 'ta this section. Thia. Dio, Cassius oh t the achool Alex. Miller. ek 'tines: Ruthess, Messrs. F. Walter and F. Berdux.,. Hon- erary Directors -- Saag Wellesley Towpabip Council, Dr. Morton, Dr. B e, , F. Berdex and 5. B. Hagey. The above societies are on good financial as wel! aa other ents and have all prentte: oa future sue 0. BELLIXG eh, "Ree heeds the Want vi-wmst applied to it. Lo one tT. = ith Dan in respect to t! his, for scheol was in a deplorable oth ing it. Now, bo-makes the unlawfal manserage have of electing trustees, but were they™ever elected any y by him, or his ancestors before Again, Dio, any we ork I performed? for the section was hy order of the trus- tees, and I defy you to meet me on this« question and say it was unlawful. Now; with Fegard to my character or citizenship, I also de fy you, or any of your connection, to say anything about them. But Dio's own character is too well knowz in this +-seetionfor-bim.to be the teacher, Only a few years ago this " gentleman trustee" wanted to put the supposed Dio ont of the schoo or bad conduct. Dio Cassius credulity when you are to gain your point, and suspicion when you fear to lose ity make it a very hard point for you to con trol yourself: But, since the event of this human nature of passion, we mast endea- vor to manage them and retain their vigor and keep them under strict command until they become abject. One of the supposed Dio's relations went and demand-d the Corporate Seal ; but was refused it. Just think of this for a Now, Dio, if'you are a gentleman sizu your name toa urely to this letter, 'and I will afterwards do the same, as I am not afraid of signing name to anythiog I ever did. In con- clusion, I will say no more abort your low principles, but if you reply te letter I will let you know the residue.-- SURSCRIPER, YEW HAMBURG, (Prom the Tad: ependes st.) Mr. Simpson Merner's foundry remains closed so far as new work is concerned, and a number of hands are out of work. It is not certa¥Mfhether he will commence work before March. He is now entertain- ing an offer made him by the City of Stratford to locate there. We what Mr. owing to his being unable t here, he has decided that if a rome will a his position he will take advantage of it. Weare sure that the people of the town, as well as the aurrounding conntry, would regret to hear of- hit leavitg, some arrangement may yet be m: a keep him here is the w'sh of his many friends. stables tocegicg. to the Svseesiion church, were discovered to be on fire. The rm giv ~y the brigade turned = but the fl d gained such head sore a stream coal be applied. The two to the Revs. Staebler 0, © with two buggies, two cutters, harness, robes, hay, grain. etc., were consu The cause of thé fire re- mains « mystery. The stable was visited at 7 o'clock ou the ng previous in to f It is searcely 3 = ile i PEATE fat! rd ->tget i i i i gx =H Fe + sl found at a first-class hotel. then repaired to the spacions parlors where both Bh and instrumental, was samp were Phela: D. D. Otiver, 3. 'Daly, FE. Brod NORTH EASTHOPE. ge Away From Home---On the 18th y & ram an his son, Michael D. Cashin, was pi mage and dangerously ill in the city of Almost before they had time pa what could be the matter, came later news that death had claimed Sy a ee The young man was only 25 years weed rath was the fourth son. He was em rmour's great ckin copra iA in Chicago, wl had alway ill. with inflammation ot "the bowels, and death ensued in about 24 hours after he was stricken. Kind hands were in attend- ance upon him during his short illness, and all was done that co eo porlceh ne mains ot is "a home, and on the kr pln, his remains being followed to 's¢ ¥ conceurac of aavetiog friends, where High Macs | was celebrated, aftér which they were in- terred in Avondale cemetery. FR. I. P. Mach sree is po agg -- a berea and are mong "the * oldest settlers "= th res tion [7 ey. "The W Ney Fe North' Easthope fall show will be held in Well lesley, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25th and 26th. W.J. FERGUSON. "PUZZLE. A Herrin' an' a Halt for a Ha' Penny an' a Half--How Much Dozs a Herring Cost? Black Grape for a Half an' a Half a Half What's that r 1 needn't caplsin "-- herrin'-any boy will do tha: at question but girls, you figure on the Crape and tell nvother the ata the Crape mark t, yor stock of --a biz one too--t big--will be sold at the above terme until the evening of -~ 25th ig a of prices and qualities to select frem, as follow $1.90 147 1.89 27 #155 #155 Si.56 a1.4 $1.70 1 90---lesa 25 one fourth off - W, J. FERGUSON, MANITOBA NEWS, | A DOUBLE TRACK FOR THE ©. P. 8. Owing to the increased traffic on the Canadian Pacific Railway it is stated that a donble teack will be laid between Winni- peg and Port Arthur, Engineers are now ascertaining the cost. ow ie bees LABOR COMMISSION. waited upon Mn aoe M. P. m urging him te have the Royal Labor Commission visit Winnipeg. They also asked his influence to get the t to tinue granting aid to immigrants other than to laborers or ulturists, as the here are ready overstocked. A BIG BLAZE AT MORDEN. The town of Morden had a narrow Thureday morning. McKay's restaurant, M y 'ow nie's store, Helliwell's dwelling, Dafoe's store, Schell's and a vacant ing were there is very little insurance. The people are subscribing for the A PRAIRIE TRAGEDY. On Monday atternesn ons Mr. meg f ". pa * to os 5 north, sled by his wife, When --* a = le a their destination methin, isarranged about the shafts. Stra Mek cKep mare on foot to procure rope as | thought, dl where her husband was, could | not find him. She went back sagt» Tobe See Sere With these onee more set ont, and after some time spent > te in "ound her husband a seated in the cutter dead® Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger frora Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry "Peetoral, promptly adminis- tered, affords speedy relief and cure. "As a remedy for Wh with which many of our ¢ the it win- ter, with much satis! m, Ayer's Ch . "rnaeow For Fog Progeny - conside: parat. most effi- acon ae ai it dhe medicines which have come to our .-- Mary Park- hurst nig: rohees ome for Little WwW anderers, measter, Md. =e children ey been Laeigarst A sub- Crou failed to 0 P, find goth eaecite remed -- I com- men administering Cherry Yectoral. This pre ion relleves the difficulty of breathing and oe ly cures the complaint. -- David G ks, Chatham, Cobembia Co., N. ¥. I have used Ayer's Cherry in my ¥ for many. ye! dd have found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all ee prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub- dues any tendency to Lun ares -- J.B. Wellington, Plainy T find ee ae eae: © for Cron an coping Cou; as e try Pectoral: i tocn tek sete -0t- savin the life of my little boy, only six months old, ¢ ing him-safely t the w fain Boopin a Cough I ever saw. --- Jane SS ialon, ney Flats, Tenn. Ayer's- Cherry Pectoral, Bald tp ait Deeawiate. ~3.C. malik 3 entry arr ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL NEW. STOCK "i arr Decorations, . aes: etes ana are Magery thought of mee Wee 4d their friendship and sey tug it of the family. The annual <naating of the North we was Thareday, ripe rit sono Becker's hotel, Amutlree. barratry igs Mr. J. N. Zinkann, gf were J. E. Brown, President Mesare. 'Y. aad Directors, "ag AS Nech; G. Hohl, J. McTavish, 3, Cook, r., C, Hoffmeyer, A x. ei en- 52 WwW, Contts, t: 5 i . s %, Sen wispow BLINDS. PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING, SIGN WRITISG. Pls sd i, Hn ad-i B, : crrr WALL paren "AED ¥D FaneTixa HOUSE CASON, Stratford, May' - {ssp ae. There ts MO case of disease ma Horses - Cattle where + | Powders are uotcajlad for, and by hele. Rtion~wilt: ware the lives: ART ON SAFE OOORS. a A Glimpse at the Artists Who Pat Paintings on the Iron Doors. "There are tore than 400,009 safe inthe U nited St tes," « in use says tway man- ge ago, "and "JN LONDON HOTELS. NO GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN THE SYSTEM FOR YEARS. . A Pace Where You Cannot Murry Ary- joular we ml . " 1 His studio up tows was ome « he fine: rt aad eoetiy bi The floor was i t t valuable spocin his ak Ao | the vix't ails troy u burstim: th cy clos shan down from the ceil is TRaR got a food start from his fat oper ed, hi ity was recogni: d, but itavin's pus in cash. When ho (om { & custemer for a £100 | painting t lives over, aud «4 wen the art Mare Waa UFO, Ro? Dnt Pinter wets found it hard work to make both 'I'vo made ar ame,' said ke j artist, who lives on his s pane with ot: can do more tha the! theney one da ment and found tieir man s "werk. Canl was painting a wire 1 the Catskills on the cold black front - * "000 pound safe that was billed to be € veced within ten days" to a western manufor ure. "Don't imagine, said the artist after tho introduction, 'that | bave given up being an artist. Oh, vo! I am still turning out original studies, tx rk goes wit b the safe like the chrow w with the pound' of tea, We paint two six bynine > lanuise apes in a day. Ordinarily one Inan lays fn the ground work, another fills in the middle ground aud athird adds the. te we ground, Wo get up quite a number of designs to order, On the {nner doors of that safe over. there you will find a good painting of the lower falls in the Ge of an Rochester nian who orderat it. "Wo have severz! orders for the Volunteer in oil, It requires more time to paint water-! scapes and boats than anything else. Every line of a crack yacht must be perfeet or saul will be found with it, Ifa lands ape happens to be a little tou red or brown or ree n, wo ean account fer it by saying that the green painting shows the scene in carly spring and he brown in inidsummer and the red ia autumn. That, of course, is one of the tricks of the trade." "What do you consider the nature of your: work on safes?' "We turn out work here," replied the artist after a moment's reflection, "that would sell on canvas and with frames around them for $50. When you are moving around town be particular to observe the paintings on safe doors and see if you don't agree with mo."-- New York Star. in Parisian Habits. It is curious to remark how greatly to the theatre so much as formerly, pep bet they do not care any longer about first nights. For that matter tho mana- exercised know how to arrange their pro- grammes, for dinner hour is get- | ting later and later and the bed hour earlier ahd-earlier. 7 one 7:30; at dinner does not sit down parties one to table much before § o'clock; what time re- sain forth hate Either one must dine exceptionally early or clse arrive in the mid- dle of the ot act. At the Opera things sists are managed better. By tacit agreement ---- is performed for of the wand cou! The Boy and the Kléghent. Many years ago one of the most famous elephants that traveled in this country was Old Columbus. During one of his summer In the neighboring town H---- a boy, familiarly called Dave and notorious for leadership in nall kinds of mis- chievous tricks, dotermined to show off-before the othe: and invited several of his companions to go with him, Having come to the elephant's stable Dave gave him 4 candy, then cake, and then finally cri "Now boys!" and oes a re of tobs in his proboscis, intending to get out of =° and enjoy Old C clambus? disgust and anger. But before he could move ( 'olumbus seized him and whirled him age ---- ba opening eae ann agaiust the roof « stable. dropped on the hay mow, The other boys below, supposing this to be the trick prom: feed the m, cried out in admiration a: "Dave, Dave, do that again !* ? Dare, comfortah ly seated éut of harm's bo my do that trick once a nee f oaths rae Companion . A Million Postage hates Within the last year hundreds ef benevo- lent 'people were actually busy begring for canceled stamps in order to ae adm for an old lady ina Philadelphia "home." A prmantown physicla, took the matter in charge, and it was understood that when the necrasgry 1,000,000 had been collected they were to be 5 Tisinted over by hi« wife to a who was to five Tien tran k ume one whe Would arrange with rome- body che for the old lady's flaa? roception; The craze Spread wo ff "A week al ter that, continuel the safe g manufacturer, "he applicd to me for w ork. If you want to talk with him bine: The © reporter then went inte art. ', t | ' "at the isi © boys at Old Columbus' expense, the fable to cat he will obey like o calf, | these houses is; who conducts them: --- ae muder a. Feab e Ss "Ini en Tera K Spies 'tren who was to giva them to another York, cracking pains teward_ the Sn POE: Habite oe Care ai anew of the Scullion. At the Seaside, The botel system in this country is very You ¢annet hurry anybody. len: It is like tmore you will recover it. The ell operation, ! enjoin these solemfh personages the mora a thoy low either their presence .of mind or their tix but Piss theck litte. As to the method, they have In the first place, they do not + UN about or after 9 o'clock in. the morn- uch nature shines upon the ir island ue ut 4 welock. Active minded ithe morning shine, rise and expect the-eountry:- They flud that. y cannot buy a pillor sidlitz a ,an oyster. The Briton Tises as becomes him 'about 9 o'clock or 1o0'c ne ee is then [sommewes unrested if a call ismade upon his vitri lam neice here in a hotel which is sap- posed to be the er of recent avila tion. Itis built of white bricks on the in- atcla end stone exteriorly. There. is more sty'2 and+method about it than is te ago of a country house. Youcomein at the f door and Observe a man covered over with gilled uniform. You advance toward two or th ire' offices nqar the front door. Ef you strike the wrong office they march you to and fro. You are requested to register. About six of these minor offices are kept up toward the front. In the course. of time you learn the regimen, but if you are blunt or dull you may be for a week kept sailing be twepn office number one office number seven, When you come downfrom your room you drop your key through a fole-duta a sort of a vat. If they neglect, as they often do, to fish your key out of the vat you may That picture is to ie ang {Le fancy be ten or fiteen -- recovering your way into your rou. at a BREAKFAST TADLE When yeu go to breakfast you are required to give your number, which has been previ- ously conti led to you on a little round ticke® or check, You present yourself, and in about three minutes io required to sign a schedule asto your place of abode, They bring you a little plece of fish about two inches b three inches. When you have done with this they possibly bring you a-second picce, I calculate during the present week that overy ---- which cost me from four shillings to ven shillings cost. the house about one-half shilling at the very 2 ee The hotel sys tem here has changed, as y suppose, for the better, and yet we seals think in Amer fea that it had eo Let me give you an example of the contrast. Fifteen or twenty years ago the Langham ppm te. great ge ye ge 3 wees it was placed near the American minister' residence; i was built of brick, and was are fit to come into the holy of de holies. You pans Casecghs Sie penal et there to a room. Most of the Miatne re ee a 5 ~ drop your key atthe hotel it may be aa - = eh wr 1p sSO IIR | Ny knows about adeghe ---- nnd ---- what you have tomat, and if you. have a re-_ quest to make to your room or your friend he shrugs his shoulders and in- Soeur eer you. He is asa Sioux In- reat Britain, These Germans to dian in G the <a ee of Sp tetiarn are over- and running England, and though lish for it. He then to fish for it among about fifty keys in-a hole underneath the place had keys. Having hunted all these keys he said it was He overlooked it in the mul- tiplicity of keys. he attended to his of every One of those heys havo been hung on its place the moment it was Then their system will never stand ticism of modern civili- sation. You enter the huge dining room of M and decd a bavion of pee lars in the middle of the reom. These pillars "are all useless and unnecessary, and they sep- arate people who eat from other people who eat. You are told that for a certain Amount n i you submit this is all you will get of the first dish. If you are an independent person you will demand a second portion of tht dish, They remonstrance. Then when "you come for the sccond part of the cat year bret three inches that back and If you tell the manto take bring You. something reason- it you submit you will get no more for broakfast. At the La nghem hotel you ring a bell for _ senate * in the-way of refreshment; some- , tithes 2 man will come 'in anil sometimes he iwill not, You w where the center of who is As far as the chamber- maids ond labo elemont go they are very responsible for them, ~ rt well attended to, but if you. go te the main . pr 4 office you aro kept in a state of app-chension, wondering whether you have a right to ask for anything or not. On my way to London Ist ppl trichten for alincst a week, Every day Ltook my sea bath. Every night sept t et shect. tava J was eiilicted i eindat diarrhea. never felt an