i ie SHOULD AULD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT." "4 G R AND neler AGONIVERSA2™| Appa Clearing-Out Sale! PRE 'ANNUAL SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT |) AOR 30 DAYS ONLY. <a "ABOUT MESMERISM. THE CAPITAL EXCITED + aati » "SUBJECTS" AND "SENSITIVES si o Gecreapouiie nts "Accidental Discave -- Animal Magueticm as an Amusement. with a "Chaka? "Operator's" Con tusions: Experiments in Uypn ¢ ism--An NDPK THE AUS#ICES OF ---- This le tte will be in the nature ¢ fa confes ring, discoveri: secident N I tovk up ines sm ey yer A. MACNAIR & CO's. THE LOGIC OF FACTS. A Plain Unvarnished Tale, from which the Public in General can Extract mao Good if they will! and the Perth siation, Society Assoc CITY HALL, STRATFORD, THURSDAY EVEG, JAN'Y 26th, 1888. The Committce of Management aneounce their Grand Annual Entertainment on the above date. Tire best known talent in Canada has been secured. Andrew's Caledonian The St. Mu aeasae ts E bit Fong believed in it wiuliy . wat bchaecd vel it 4 a - 4 to study its phi ply and find ont, it I coukl, = catsas end the limits clous phenony I first fo und that I sould, by placing my hand on t relead of a. young acquain _ @bee aud 'econepar uying the dicks suenmre with a: intperative-t-mmmand, close his eyes and keep them firmily closed aguimt all ef- forts of hia will, I could compel him to dance orkeep bit from moving from his tracks; could prevent his rising from his chair; pre- vent tris-striking tis bends tegethor,-aud,at st him from eyvaking. In 'lately coutrolied his voluntary muscles in every respect, and could compel him to do asytht Mig tist hewus physically ppg es 2 doing | exter : experimenta, I obtained the sarne others, both uica and} wonren, till I had quite a class of seusitives | © respousive that ico uld coutrol them with | ease, Up to this tsue they were all nate conscious and without any ballucinatio ho they wer : y were doling, 0 dt th ay laughed | of {te my THERE FOLLOWING ARTISTS WilLu APPBAR:- MISS KATE C. STRONG, MR. GAVIN SPENCE, | The Eminent Scottish Vocalist, who will »poar in Mighis: land Costume, Lhe mild weather in November and December left an Elephant on our hands in the shape of an Immense Surplus of Dry Goods, which rather than carry over past Stcck-T'aking--February 10th--we have determined to Sacrifice Heuvy Lines trom each Department. Our Great Annual Sale will begin Monday morn- This is a Regular Institution with us, which has strength, until Sweet abd Accomplished Scottish Vocalist. . _-- MR. P. TRAINOR, MRS. SAGE, The Ever Popular Favorite Tenor. MR. W. E. RAMSAY, The Great Humorist and Comique. The Charming and Brilliant Vocalist. MISS ELLA COLE, ing, January 9th. grown with our growth, and strengthened with ovr now we are able to throw $30,000 WORTH of GOODS Into this Collossal Sale at Positively the Lowest Prices that have Ever been Quoted on NEW FRESH GOODS! The Greatest Opportunity to secure Genuine Bargains that will be given this Season,-- the result of Large Cash Purchases at nearly the Cost of Production, together with our desire to close cut the Winter Stock, while the season for wearing them is still largely to come ! PIPER PROF. MOON, F The Popular Young Canadian Vocalist. In Highland Costume. any spec iat or. no means Of ascertaining whether tho ap- parent results were genuine. I might bo the | dupe of cunnihs people who were conspiring | t fool me, for in these early 1 there re | ing t no way of scientifically prov- ny F t was some time before I was able tocarry j the experiments further and get « -- of | | The Celebrated Juvenile Dancers, FOUR IN NUMBER, | Will Appear in REBELS, SIRATHPEYS, etc., in Highland Costume RESERVED SEATS, 50c. BACK SEATS axp GALLERY, 25c. za Tickets to be had at C. E. Nasmyth's, where a tian of the Hall can be scen, and Seats secured in advance. Doors open at 7,0" 'clock. the conscioustiess and senses of my c last success carne. I made them see ae min musquitoes and fight the .tormentors with great energy. At this point they became | dazed, and it was easy to command their | senses in other respecta At a suggestion | . they hourd nmusic, 8 aoises of a riot, a thun- der storm, the roariug of lions, a speech b Col, Ingersoll, and they gradually came to seo vividly anything to which |. directed their , attention, this world of hallucination they lost consciousness--or, rather, they abandoned their real existence and assumed an abnormal existence, as one docs in a dream. Concert commences at 8 sharp. "BANKRUPT STOCK OF STOVES, TID NWARE, ETC. Having bought the Bankrupt Steck of J. B. CLIMO, I will sell it 'AT - AND - UNDER - NET - cost, As the whole Stock must be cleared off within Thirty Days. VARIOUS EXPERIMENTS. lf you buy a Dollar's Worth of Goods for the Next Thirty Days without seeing our Bargains, you will undoubtedly lose money. =. Now is Your Time for Bargains, THOS. J. BIRCH, AT THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE ALBION HOTEL, ONTARIO 8r, STRATFORD. CARD OF THANKS. To our numerous Customers in the City, surrounding Towns and Country. We wish to return our hearty thanks for your kind support during the past year, and would solicit a continuance of your esteemed patron- age during the future, also recom- to. friends horse, for instance, each one sees a different sort of a Borss and his head is in dierent a rections, By a few additional passes I can induce a cataleptic state in which the sensitive be- comes perfect! a ye, and hi The Popular and Progressive Store of A. MACNAIR & CO. and acquaintances will be greatly appreciated. We shall still pursue the past line of action to merit your support by a careful attentjon to your wants, by strict business 'atten- tion, buying judiciously in the best markets, at favourable times and selling at prices in keeping with the superior quality of the goods kept in stock. We shall this year, as in the past, distribute our New Year's gifts, this making our 16th Annual Delivery. Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous New Year. Yours Respectfully, E. K. BARNSDALE & CO. XMAS. IS VERY NEAR Have you decided as to what you will br bey for your dear ones? If not, come and see PEQUEGNAT BROS., the Jewellers. Their Stock meets the wants of almost every one. No matter what perplexities people are in regarding the selection of Suitable Presents, such perplexities must vanish when they see our display of Gold and Silver Jewellery of all kinds ; our stock of Silver- ware, Clocks, Novelties, &c. We have Presents for all the ages. A pair of Steel, Silver or Gold Spectacles for the old. A Gold or Silver Watch, or some piece of Silverware, for the middle-aged ; a nice Watch and Chain for the young ; a nice Cup or Brooch for the their chairs, or pronuuncing their own names; but here my. stops. I can- not make them think that the room is hot or cold, or that musquitoes are prevalent, or disturb the testimony of their senses in any way. The other six are lost to the realities of life them, when they seem unreasonable, BOME CONCLUSIONS, I ¥ of no other thing in which gg fa so much entertainment as mesmerism. the benefit of those who desire to vs ined I append rgrmcl conclusions from my own experiments he 1. About one -- in ten can be mes- merized. 2. The proportion of people who have the "power" to mesmerize, if It be a power, I do not know 3. Me exmerism is a trance and scems to me tals tttenticntwith semnanrbulicn: 4. It is as harmless assleep. My sensitiv es occasionally come to me ia the daytime to be put to sleep for the purpose of bape. rest, 5. Hallue: inations that t went waking state, but are pene rally re- ralled with vividness in a subsequent mes- meric state. oh Meoner cts ie not see the ob- jects or seca' in 1o0r benr any tioise whatever except the voice pe the operator, 7. My ee neitives could bave an arm ora ler-arnpitated, I have ae doubt, witheat sulfering any pain. neitives are able to tel] gaara Ioem at. present pursulig study aleng this line. Others "3 ro are now experimaiting, and ™ think mexmeriem is the coming fashionable --W. A. Croffut in New York Mail and ress, * A "Decoy" Cow. * A farmer living near Dickinson, Dak., has *®& cow that is used as a decoy in loading cattle incars. She will "make friends' steers in @ yard, and ata given signal Jead therm up the incline that projects from the station Feceive.--Chicago Times, - A Bundle ef Letters, The manager of a Louisville theatre has in his possession a bundle 'of manuscript that weld male a sexsation if given pri ten oa Me. It js i of over 80 letters writ- Stratford, Dec. 27, 1887. Prices in Favor of Buyers Every Time, eowees AT wrasse J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO'S. PRICES REDUCED Ordered Clothing, Fur Coats, And Men's Furnishings. Tweeds by the Yard at Mill Prices. J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO. The Tailors and Furnishers, 65 Ontario Street, Stratford.' 7 Fur Caps, You CAN BUY --~TuE-- est Canadian Refined iC. OAL SS I-L.,. --FOR-- 15 CENTS PBR GALLON --AT-- cE wees. ~ | New" nore Taw, little ones. ""But. we would fail in trying to enumerate all the Suitable Articles. PEQUEGNAT BROF. "\ HYSive SNOT S.NGTIV nopdumste) pene dnor9 T "ang 484 0O'1S pus 20g Eg | | ' \ Ssatoo 'sHDnCe - Perfect Hair Indicates 4 naturat-andt - tion of the scalp, and of the boner through which nourishment is obtained. When, in consequence of age and dis- | ease, the hair becomes. weak, thin, and gtay, Ayer's Hair Vigor. will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote its rapid and wigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness of youth. T have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a long time. am convinced of its at t t produced 'ie not caly restored the solo "4 -- so stimula its ss t sie Ss 7 Miss,-- Ayer's Hair Vigor, eet ty ah Dregabee ned r hace --_ IF YOU ARE SUFFERING fron debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach is out of order, or your mind confused; take Ayer's la. This medicine will restore physical force and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discovered. Fer six months '3 suffered and os roubl mu. very True h ------SS_----_---- CORCORAN'S Three Grape Concord Wine. This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by one of the Best Wine Makers in the Province. It is Absolutely Pare, First Run-Wine-of Fine Flavor, and I ____ can sell it for about the same Price that. Mixed Wines of Infcrior Quality are sold for by Parties from the Large Cities who Solicit Orders_here.-- JAMES CORCORAN. Stratford, Dec, 13th, 1885, Steel Wire. 'Door "Mats GENUINE. SNOW SHOVELS-- A FULL ASSORTMENT. CARPET SWEEPERS. Of American. make. Much Superior to the Imitation Article. 'Self-Lighting Lanterns = SOMETHING NEW~at